Anthropology & Education

Home Conferences Anthropology & Education Call for panels 2024

The Call for Panels is now open. It will close on 13 October 2023.

All proposals must be made via the online form. Proposals should consist of a panel title, a (very) short abstract of less than 300 characters, and a long abstract of 250 words. The proposal may also include the names of any chairs or discussants, although these can be added subsequently using the login environment. If these roles are to be taken by convenors, then please do not enter your own names there – as it’s implicit that this will be the case where other names are not listed.

We should reiterate that panels can be traditional in format, with speakers and papers. However, alternatives are equally welcome, and might include discussion workshops or roundtables.

On submission of the proposal, the proposing convenor (but not the co-convenors) will receive an automated email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please first check the login environment to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email is in your spam folder or is lost; and if it is not, it means you need to re-submit, as the process went wrong somewhere.

Proposals will be marked as pending until the Conference Committee decisions are publicised in November 2023. They will then be marked as accepted or rejected; and the conference organiser will inform you of the decisions.

Propose a panel