Emslie Horniman Application Format

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Application for the Emslie Horniman Fund


  • The information requested below is required for applications to the above Fund.
  • Read the relevant notes for applicants prior to completing this form, paying particular attention to the section headed “Eligibility”.
  • Applications can be made prior to obtaining visas and relevant research permits, but no monies will be paid out until all necessary permissions have been granted.
  • Please submit your application as a PDF to admin@therai.org.uk
  • Your three references should also be sent directly to admin@therai.org.uk by your referees.
  • Please indicate if you are re-applying for an award.
  • Applications that do not follow the format will not be considered.


The cover-sheet must contain only the following information:

  1. Name of fund to which you are applying
  2. Your name
  3. Title of your research project
  4. Name(s) of your Supervisor(s)
  5. Your age and date of birth
  6. Your nationality [please also give country of residence if different]
  7. Contact information.  Please supply both a permanent and a correspondence address, giving the full postal addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail address.  Please state the dates that you can be contacted at these addresses.


This must include the following sections in order:

  1. Summary. This should provide the reader with a clear understanding of the objectives of the research, how the objectives will be achieved and their relevance.  The summary should be written in language suitable for a lay reader and should be no more than 200 words in length.
  2. Aims and specific research questions.
  3. Background information. This section should include a brief review of the relevant literature and a short bibliography.
  4. Research methods. This section should outline explicitly your proposed methods and include a project timeline.
  5. Ethics and research permits. Please discuss ethical considerations relevant to your project and provide details regarding the status of any ethical approval and research permits for which you have applied.

Successful applications are those that establish and convey the fundamental intellectual importance of the scholarship to the research.

Parts 2-5 of Section B should be no longer than 1000 words in total (excluding bibliography).  Please note that the bibliography will/may be the subject of questions from the selection panel at the interview.


  1. Data description & collection, and/or re-use of existing data. Describe how new data will be collected/produced; and/or how existing data will be re-used. Indicate what data (kinds, formats & volumes) will be collected/produced.
  2. Documentation & Data Quality. Indicate the nature of the metadata and documentation (if any) that will accompany the data, how the data will be organised, and what data quality control measures will be used (if any)? Indicate if any of these are not applicable.
  3. Storage and Backup during the Research Process. How will data & metadata be stored and backed up during the research process? How will you ensure the security of the data and handle protection of any sensitive data during the research process?
  4. Legal requirements, Ethics and Codes of Conduct. If personal data will be processed, how will you ensure compliance with relevant legislation (for both your field site and your home institution countries) on personal data and data security? Are there particular ethical issues related to the type of data you will be collecting, and if so, how have these been addressed? Does your handling of research data raise other legal issues – such as Intellectual Property rights and ownership, and if so how will these be addressed?
  5. Data Sharing and Long-Term Preservation. Will the data be retained after the end of the main research project? If so how will this how and when will data be deposited/archived for long-term storage and how will access to these data be governed? What methods or software will be needed to access and use the data? Will there be any restrictions to data sharing or embargos on access? Will your data sets have a unique and persistent identifier (e.g. Digital Object Identifier – DOI), and if so how will these be allocated?
  6. Data Management Responsibilities & Resources. Who will be responsible for the long-term management of the data (can be a specific role or institutional repository, for example)? What resources (e.g. time, financial) will be dedicated to data management and ensuring the data will be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable)? For the FAIR principles, see: https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/

Section C should be no longer than 500 words in total.

D. SHORT CURRICULUM VITAE (2 pages maximum)

This should include university education, degrees awarded, present status, any awards, and names of three people who will act as a referee on your behalf.


1. Proposed dates of field work  
2. Specific purpose of grant requested  
3. Summary of costs  
4. Travel [both international and local] Sub-Total A _________
5. Subsistence Costs (fully itemised) Sub-Total B _________
6. Other costs (fully itemised)* Sub-Total C _________
    Total Costs _________

Other grants/support
[Give details of all other applications and awards that have been made, whether or not they have been successful, and when you expect to be informed of these outstanding applications. Please inform the Trustees immediately on the outcome of these outstanding applications].

Sub-Total D _________
Subtract awards granted in Sub-total D from Total Costs to reach this total

*We do not normally pay for toiletries and clothing unless specifically required for the field.
**Monies will not be forthcoming until you have the required permits.
***Gifts to informants can not be included (UK Bribery Act 2010).

Please tick the appropriate box to indicate where you heard about the Emslie Horniman Fund:

RAI Website


Ad in Anthropology Today

Word of Mouth