Continuing Education

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Many universities and colleges in Britain offer part-time adult courses in anthropology or related subjects. Part-time courses are usually found within Anthropology Departments, Departments for Continuing Education, or Lifelong Learning Centres. Since courses can vary from year to year, prospective students are advised to check up-to date prospectuses on-line or speak to administrators at local centres. Below are details of centres offering anthropology or related subjects in the social sciences.

    University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education

    The Institute provides a range of different courses in anthropology and archaeology.

    City Lit (The City Literary Institute)

    City Lit offers a series of part time courses and one-day events about anthropology. Check for the update list here.

    University of Edinburgh Office of Lifelong Learning

    The university’s Office of Lifelong Learning has part-time courses in related subjects such as archaeology and society & politics.

    The University of Liverpool Continuing Education Department

    Liverpool’s Centre for Lifelong Learning provides short courses in related subjects such as archaeology and local history.

    Oxford University Department of Continuing Education

    Oxford’s Department of Continuing Education offers courses in related subjects such as archaeology and local and social history.

    University of Sheffield Institute of Lifelong Learning

    Sheffield’s Institute of Lifelong Learning provides courses in related subjects such as archaeology, social and political studies, and gender studies.