RAI Biological Anthropology Small Grant Scheme Referee Form

Home Awards Awards Forms RAI Biological Anthropology Small Grant Scheme Referee Form


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RAI Biological Anthropology Small Grant Scheme


Thank you for agreeing to act as a referee for this application to the RAI Biological Anthropology Small Grnat Scheme. The aim of the fund is to help graduate students to undertake fieldwork on any aspect of biological anthropology especially those relating to human population biology, human genetics, human ethology and palaeoanthropology.

Far more applications are made to the fund than it can support. The Trustees are therefore dependent to a considerable extent upon the opinions of the referees in their difficult task in selecting the best candidates. They will be most grateful for a full and frank assessment of the applicant; in particular they require comments on the following:

  • the reliability of the applicant to see the project through to completion and his/her ability to write a full report on completion of the fieldwork
  • the originality of the proposed project and its relevance
  • the feasibility of the proposed project, specifically with regards to its methods and timescale.

Please send your reference as a PDF to admin@therai.org.uk. Please ensure that this will arrive by the deadline of 31st March.

Many thanks for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Amanda Vinson
Assistant Director (Administration)