Rivers Memorial Medal Prior Recipients

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2024Professor Marta Mirazón Lahr  
2023Professor Tracy Kivell  
2022Professor Gavin Murray Lucas  
2021Professor Fiona M. Jordan  
2020Professor Judith Okely  

2019Dr María Martínon-Torres  
2018Dr Madeleine Reeves  
2017Dr Dan Hicks  
2016Professor Ruth Finnegan  
2015Professor Chris Hann  
2014Professor Trevor Marchand  
2013Professor Phyllis Lee  
2012Professor Nigel Rapport  
2011Professor Robert Foley  
2010Professor Stephen Shennan  

2009Professor Wendy James  
2008Professor Daniel Miller  
 Professor Brian Morris  
2007Professor Andrew Whiten  
2006Professor Paul Sillitoe  
2005Professor Clive Gamble  
2004Professor Chris Stringer  
2003Dr Robert Layton  
2002Dr Maurice Bloch  
2001 No Award 
2000Professor Adam Kuper  

1999Professor Caroline Humphrey  
1998Dr Nicholas Thomas  
1997Dr James Carrier  
1996Dr. Ray Abrahams  
1995Dr Simon Harrison  
1994Professor Michael Herzfeld  
1993Professor R.W. Wrangham  
1992Professor Ladislav Holy  
1991Dr Dan Sperber  
1990Dr C.G.N. Mascie-Taylor  

1989Dr Tim Ingold  
1988Dr Alfred Gell  
1987 No Award 
1986Professor John Blacking  
1985Professor David Parkin  
1984Dr Alan Macfarlane  
1983Dr Maurice Bloch  
1982Professor Elizabeth Colson  
1981 No Award 
1980Professor Abner Cohen  

1979Professor Colin Renfrew  
1978Professor Phillip Tobias  
1977Dr Peter Ucko  
1976Professor A. Strathern  
 Dr. M. Strathern  
1975Professor J.R. Goody  
1974Dr D.F. Pocock  
1973Dr S.J. Tambiah  
1972Dr J. Waechter  
1971 No Award 
1970Dr Rodney Needham  

1969Professor J.S. Weiner  
1968Professor Mary Douglass  
 Professor Eric Higgs  
1967Dr Philip Mayer  
 Professor N.A. Barnicot  
1966Professor Gulliver  
1965Professor V. Turner  
1964Professor Adrian Mayer  
1963Derek Stenning  
1962Professor H. Lehman  
1961Hilda Kuper  
1960Professor J.C. Mitchell.The Rhodesias and Ngasa Land 

1959Professor J.A. BarnesNorway and Rhodesia 
1958Dr E.R. LeachKurdistan & North Burma 
1957Dr Phyllis M. Kaberry  
1956Professor Daryll Forde  
1955Professor M.N. Srinivas  
1954Professor Max Gluckman  
1953Dr Donald F. Thomsonfor fieldwork in Arnhem Land 
1952Dr L.S.B. Leakeyfor archaeological and anthropological fieldwork in East Africa 
 Professor Monica Wilsonfor socio-anthropological fieldwork in Southern Africa 
1951Dr R.F. Fortunefor fieldwork in Melanesia and North America 
1950Dr S.F. Nadelfor fieldwork in Northern Nigeria and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 

1949Dr C. von Fürer Haimendorffor fieldwork in Hyderabad-Deccan and Assam 
1948Dr Verrier Elwinfor fieldwork in India 
1947Dr Meyer Fortesfor fieldwork in the Northern territories of the Gold Coast, in Ashanti and in Nigeria 
1946Ian H. Hogbinfor fieldwork in Ontong Java, Solomon Islands and New Guinea 
1945J. Eric Thompsonfor fieldwork in Central America 
 Dr. Audrey I. Richardsfor fieldwork among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia 
1944James Hornellfor fieldwork in the coastal areas of India, Africa and Indonesia, and in the Pacific Islands 
1943Beatrice Mary Blackwoodfor fieldwork in North America and Melanesia 
1942James Philip Millsfor fieldwork among the Nagas of Assam 
1941Dr Diamon Jennessfor fieldwork in Arctic America. 
1940Dr Raymond Firthfor fieldwork in Tokopia 

1939Professor Isaac Schaperafor fieldwork in the Bechuanaland Protectorate 
1938Dorothy Ann Elizabeth Garrodfor fieldwork in Gibraltar, South Kurdistan and Palestine 
1937Dr Edward Evan Evans-Pritchardfor anthropological fieldwork in the Sudan and Kenya 
1936Professor Peter H. Buck(Te Rangi Hioa), for anthropological fieldwork in New Zealand and in Central and Eastern Polynesia 
1935Professor A.M. Hocartfor fieldwork in Melanesia, Polynesia and Ceylon 
1934Miss Gertrude Caton-Thompsonfor fieldwork in Egypt, the Libyan Desert and Rhodesia 
1933Mrs Brenda Zara Seligmanfor anthropological fieldwork in Ceylon and the Sudan 
1932Melville Williams Hiltonfor fieldwork in Algeria, Sahara and Belgian Congo 
1931Rev. E.W. Smithfor fieldwork in Northern Rhodesia 
1930Professor Bronislaw Malinowskifor fieldwork in Melanesia 

1929John Henry Huttonfor fieldwork in the Naga Hills (Assam) . 
1928Sidney H. Rayfor research on linguistics in the Torres Straits; 
 Emil Tordayfor research in the ethnology and ethnography of the Congo Basin 
1927Sir W. Baldwin Spencerfor fieldwork in Central and Northern Australia 
1926Professor Edward Westermarckfor fieldwork in Morocco 
1925Professor C.G. Seligmanfor fieldwork in New Guinea, Ceylon and the Sudan 
1924Dr A.C. Haddonfor fieldwork in the Torres Straits, New Guinea and Sarawak