Anthropology & Education

Home Conferences Anthropology & Education Marking Up

Please have a careful read through of the following information and bookmark this page for future refrence if you need to refer to it again. All papers must be marked up by 9 February.


If you need detailed instructions including screenshots, please see the duty of care page on our website for further detail. 

Login to Cocoa via the login link.

Once logged in, the system will automatically take you back to the conference home page. The ‘Logged in’ icon there will now be showing an arrow for a drop-down menu. Click on that, pick “Conferences”. Scroll past conference registrations until you get to your RAI2024 panel. Click the title of your panel.

You will be seeing all the proposed papers at the bottom of that page.

If you prefer reading the abstracts altogether/offline, click the button at the top of the page called “download the paper review sheet” for a PDF containing all proposals made to your panel. Discuss your preferences with your co-convenors.

To view the paper in detail, click on the eye icon on the right of the paper title to expand the view:


Please mark up all proposals by 9 February, and do not leave any as ‘pending’. 

To indicate your decisions: on the panel edit page, drag and drop papers into the box representing your decision: accepted, rejected or transfer (the withdrawn box is for when authors inform you of their withdrawal for any reason). Hover over the grey part of the paper you’ll see your cursor change to a cross shape, you can then drag and drop. You should also use this to set the order of presentations, albeit you may opt to update this closer to the conference.

‘Accepted’ – obviously – is for the papers you wish to accept into your panel. Use that only for the papers that you wish to retain in your panel.

‘Rejected’ is for papers you feel do not have a high enough scholarly quality to retain a place in the conference.

‘Transfer’ is for papers you don’t have space for, or don’t wish to accept perhaps because they aren’t on your theme, but which do have high academic value and you feel should be included somewhere within the conference.

‘Withdrawn’ is for when authors inform you or us that they are no longer able to proceed with that proposal or attend the conference. This will also be used for the papers of the authors who have multiple proposals in and are requested to keep only one. (They do not always email us with this news so if you receive such info later in the conference process, please remember to drag their papers to ‘Withdrawn’, so that we know, too – thanks!)

All accepted papers will immediately show on your public panel page on the conference website, beneath the panel abstract.

Please meet the requested deadline (9 February), as this affects all the proposers and all the panels. We are unable to start the transfer process if all papers have not been marked up.


You are not limited in the number of papers you can accept for your panel, roundtable or workshop.

Sessions will be 90 minutes. The number of sessions you will be allocated will depend on the number of papers your accept. For panels we normally allocate a session for every four papers (with some rounding). Roundtables and Workshops will be allocated sessions in agreement with the convenors.

If your panel received no proposals or only a couple, there’s hope of filling it out with transfers (see below), so there’s no need to withdraw any panels at this stage.


We will facilitate the transfer process. We hope that most panel convenors who still have space in their panels, will be open to the idea of offering ‘new homes’ to thematically relevant abstracts. We will contact you if any transfer authors express interest in joining your panel.

We aim to have all transferred papers allocated by 26 February 2024. Sessions will be allocated immediately after.


Please remember to email both accepted and rejected authors.

When you mark up a paper, the decision will show in the author’s account. However the database does NOT send an email to the author alerting them of the status change, so please do your colleagues the courtesy of sending them an email informing them of your decision. To make this easier, there is an ‘Email authors’ button in the database. Definitely email all subsets – the accepted, rejected, transfers.

If you have questions about any of the above, do not hesitate to contact us at