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JRAI Special Issue Launch: Dislocating Labour

September 25 @ 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

JRAI Special Issue Launch: Dislocating Labour


JRAI Special Issue Launch

with the special issue guest editors Prof Penelope Harvey (University of Manchester) and Dr Christian Krohn-Hansen (University of Oslo)

Tuesday 25 September at 5.30 pm

The contributors to this volume interrogate the labour/capital relation, exploring the ways in which industrial outsourcing and subcontracting transform the conditions, possibilities, and politics of work; the effects of economic deregulation on agricultural economies and on local markets; the manner in which migration changes understandings of productive power in places that once depended on the physical and social energies of people who now labour elsewhere; and how the appearance and/or disappearance of waged work alters the foundational notions not only of the relationship between productive and reproductive labour, but also of personhood, citizenship, and place. We deploy the concept of dislocation to extend the repertoire of labour analysis beyond that of dispossession and/or disorganization. By dislocation we refer to the unevenness of transnational capitalism’s unfolding. Dislocation conjures the spatial movements of migrant workers and refugees, but also suggests other senses of disruption, such as the sentiment of feeling out of place, or of losing your bearings as things change around you.  Overall the volume argues that a renewed focus on ‘labour’, as both a social category and a social practice, offers a window through which to grasp key contemporary material, affective, moral, social, and political processes. 

You can see the Special Issue online here https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/14679655/2018/24/S1

This event is free, but tickets must be booked. To book tickets please go to https://specialissuelabour.eventbrite.co.uk

Location : Royal Anthropological Institute
50 Fitzroy Street
United Kingdom

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