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Ethnographic Film Series

Organised by the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Film Committee and SOAS Department of Anthropology and Sociology

11 December Wednesday 1 PM, Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS    

Tracks Across Sand – Overture & Aftermath

Hugh Brody, 30/52 mins, 2013, South Africa

For the San living within South Africa, the apartheid regime meant a final eviction from their last remaining lands. Denied the right even to speak their own languages, the ‡Khomani became a diaspora of people, fighting for their heritage, without rights to land, work or even a place to live; refugees in what was supposed to be their own country. In 1999, a small group of ‡Khomani San succeeded in winning a land claim, as a result of which many were deemed to have rights to land and places to live in new security.

From 1996 to 2008, Hugh Brody worked with the ‡Khomani San of the southern Kalahari on their land claim. This work generated over 130 hours of footage.

Followed by Q&A session with director.

For further information on the film please contact: RAI Film Officer, Susanne Hammacher, film@therai.org.uk, or Kimberly Chong, SOAS Anthropology Department, kc27@soas.ac.uk

These are public events – all are welcome.