Teaching Resources

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The following resources may be useful for teachers of pre-university anthropology (A-Level Anthropology, IB Social and Cultural Anthropology, Anthropology in Community Colleges, and extra-curricular activities).

  • Are you teaching Anthropology at pre-university level? Please email Sophie Cowling, the RAI’s Education Officer to be added to the teachers’ network. Join our online community: https://discord.gg/AMUxvcdB
  • Resource suggestions? If have any suggestions for teaching and learning material that could be added to this section, please email Sophie Cowling, the RAI’s Education Officer.


Free films

Understanding Japanese Culture – 45 years researching a village in rural Japan watch now on YouTube!

Filmed by Nadine Kreter & James Hendry, Leaf of Life Films

About this film: Anthropologist, Professor Joy Hendry is a leading specialist in Japanese studies who has been researching a village in rural Kyushu for 45 years since she was a graduate student. Now she is retiring she has decided to return the research data she has gathered during that time back to the village. This film documents an Anthropologist’s career-long relationship with a rural village, providing rare, relatable insights into long-term research methods as we meet the families of the village and learn about their stories over the last 45 years in a changing Japan.

RAI Ethnographic Film Catalogue

The RAI has one of the most extensive ethnographic film libraries in Europe. Films are available for sale or for hire from the RAI’s Film Officer, Caterina Sartori at film@therai.org.uk. For more information visit: https://raifilm.org.uk/

Discover Anthropology has a quick reference guide to some of the films which are included in the RAI’s ethnographic film library. Take a look at the following PDFs for films on:

Anthropology of Art

Anthropology of Childhood

Ecological Anthropology

Anthropology of Development

Anthropology of Gender

Medical Anthropology

Anthropology of Performing Arts

Political Anthropology

Anthropology of Religion

Visual Anthropology

Teaching resources

Alexander Street Press’ Ethnographic Video Online, Royal Anthropological Institute Teaching Edition is a curriculum-aligned collection of videos and segments curated to support the teaching of introductory anthropology courses. Each video and segment within this collection is accompanied by a teaching guide providing background information, lesson plans, and classroom exercises and activities. There are a variety of teaching themes, including family and kinship, gender, identity, belief, archaeology, and primate behavior. All teaching materials within this collection have been produced in partnership with the Education Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

A free trial of the teaching edition can be requested here.

Educational events and teacher support sessions:

Sophie Cowling (RAI’s Education Officer) organises RAI anthropology teacher support events and anthropology events for students. To find out more please email Sophie Cowling, the RAI’s Education Officer to be added to the teachers’ network.

Free online course and resources:

Anthropology of Social Media

Why we post: the anthropology of social media: Click here to join the live course online for free

Check out the “Why we post” website which is full of resources

Classroom Resources:

TES: other anthropology teaching resources uploaded by teachers to the Times Educational Supplement website

Other lesson plans and classroom activities:

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s Anthropology Department: Digital Repository: Between 1979 and 2012, the Smithsonian’s Anthropology Department developed a number of teaching resources aimed at pre-university students. The resources, called ‘Anthronotes’ were designed in a similar style to classroom textbooks. Anthronotes stopped publication in 2012, however the articles are very relevant to those interested in teaching or pursuing anthropology in the classroom. The resources provide a detailed but easily accessible introduction to anthropological themes and ethnographies, often accompanied by suggested activities and essays for each article. The Smithsonian also have a range of Anthropology Outreach Materials on their website.

In addition to the Digital Repository, a selection of 36 AnthroNotes articles was published in Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian AnthroNotes, Revised and Expanded (Second Edition, 2004), edited by Ruth Osterweis Selig, Marilyn R. London, and P. Ann Kaupp. This book is available for purchase along with a free Instructor’s Guide at http://anthropology.si.edu/outreach/anthropology_explored.htm

Resources to help stimulate student interest in anthropology:

Recommended textbooks:

Textbooks & readers developed by members of the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Education Committee.

Introducing Anthropology by Laura Pountney and Tomislav Maric – a textbook specifically designed for pre-university classroom teaching and based around the Anthropology A Level syllabus

Also, take a look at the resources on the London Anthropology Day website for more introductory texts.

Recommended ethnographies:

Throughout this website there are suggested ethnographies and other publications which have been listed under their appropriate topic. For a list of recommended ethnographies that are accessible to students beginning their exploration of anthropology visit this list of ethnographies.

AIO Anthropological index online

Search the AIO Anthropological index online for anthropology journal articles. The Anthropological Index Online (AIO) is published by the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) in cooperation with Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the British Museum. It is an index to articles in journals taken by the Library and to films held at the Royal Anthropological Institute. The Library, which incorporates the former RAI library, holds some 4,000 periodical titles (1,500 current) covering all branches and areas of anthropology. Nearly 800 journals, published in more than 40 languages, are indexed on a continuing basis. Records cover 1957 to the present. See the “50 years of anthropology” report to learn more about the AIO.

Visiting Museums and Libraries:

  • Discover Anthropology has an extensive list of museums and libraries throughout the UK which contain anthropological material. Visit our museums and libraries page to find a center near you.
  • The Center for Anthropology at the British Museum hosts one of the most extensive collections of books, journals, and other printed material related to anthropology

Become a fellow of the RAI to receive printed copies of JRAI and Anthropology Today and online access to many other journals:

If you become a fellow of the RAI, amongst other benefits you will receive the RAI’s academic publications JRAI and also Anthropology Today which offer articles on anthropology in the news, anthropological research and current debates in the discipline.

Other Useful links:

Alan McFarlane website: an extensive collection of material including video interviews with famous anthropologists, lectures and articles by Alan McFarlane on many different anthropological topics.

Other Resources:

Anthropology in the News

Anthropology on the Radio

Information & Photographs on Fieldwork

Key Terms in Anthropology

Anthropological Events and Activities

Survival International leaflets about indigenous groups: Siberia to Sarawak , Disinhertied , Serious Damage , Parks need Peoples

Disclaimer: The RAI accepts no responsibility for material created by external parties or the content of external websites. The above resources are listed for information only; inclusion implies no endorsement or otherwise on the RAI’s part.