Mobilising Methods in Medical Anthropology 2022

Home Conferences Mobilising Methods in Medical Anthropology 2022 Info for delegates RAIMed2022


RAIMed2022 conference recording policy

The conference will record all panels/presentations by default, so delegates can play catch-up on panels/presentations missed live. While we thus encourage participants to consent to being recorded, those NOT wishing to be recorded can opt-out. Please note: while the conference organisers will record the proceedings, others may NOT record content (using external software/hardware).

Opting out

* A panel convenor may request NOT to record their panel sessions.
* An individual paper presenter may request not to have their paper included in the recording.
We have emailed all authors and convenors with a link to an opting-out form.
*All delegates can ask not to be recorded while they are asking questions/commenting/participating. When a delegate asks for the recording to be stopped, the volunteer looking after the panel will pause the recording for as long as needed.


Each session/panel convenor/organiser is responsible for informing audience members (verbally and in the text chat) at the beginning of the session and periodically):

• That the panel is being recorded.
• That the recording will be embedded on the RAI website.
• That the conference organiser is the accountable person and should be contacted via
• That delegates can opt-out on the spot by asking the recording to be paused OR by contacting the accountable person and asking their questions/comments to be will be edited-out of the final version for dissemination.
• The accountable person is responsible for post-production editing to ensure that any audience member or panelist/presenter who wished not to be included in the film be edited out before dissemination (e.g. posting online).

After the conference

Post-conference the recordings may be made available to a wider audience. IF so, the conference organisers will write seeking consent at that point, before removing the delegate-only privilege.

Useful tips for delegates

Editing your paper

Paper authors can use the login link in the upper right corner to edit their proposals in Cocoa, our conference interface.

Pre-circulation of papers

RAI has no rule about pre-circulating fully completed drafts of papers, nor does the conference plan to publish the papers; however, many convenors are keen to pre-circulate papers in order to put together a special issue for a journal etc. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site.

Timing of presentations

Each panel/workshop session slot will be 90 minutes long, accommodating a maximum of 4 presenters. Convenors should allot each presenter a maximum of 15 mins for panels of 4 papers but 20+5 mins for panels of 3 papers.

Communication between authors/convenors

Convenor/author email addresses are not shown on the panel pages for anti-spam reasons. However there is an in-built secure email messaging system. If you cannot work that, please email to obtain relevant email addresses.

Any queries with the above please email