Anthropological Index Online Committee

Home About the RAI Committees Anthropological Index Online Committee

The Anthropological Index Online (AIO) committee meets twice a year to discuss items regarding the present and future nature of AIO’s products and services. Members of the committee comprise RAI and BM Library employees who are directly involved in the various processes of acquiring new journals, indexing material housed in the Anthropology Library, and updating both the RAI and the British Museum about any changes and ongoing work.

The AIO committee has the function of reviewing and addressing any issues regarding AIO; from technical problems regarding computer softwares, IT support, data storage, website’s maintenance etc., to content issues such as number and quality of journals indexed, special projects (production of charts, percentages, article publication, and funding applications), planned revisions (e.g. journal lists; journal closures, editorial policies), relationships with partner institutions (e.g. EBSCO), and development of new services (e.g. customised bibliographies, national profiles, analyses of data sets).

Secretary Ted Goodliffe

The current Committee members are:

Max Carocci (Chair), Antony Loveland, Iside Carbone, Florentina Badalanova Geller, Richard Jalowik, Lisa Taylor