Flachs, Andrew

Home About Committees Anthropologists and the Environment Flachs, Andrew

Name: Andrew Flachs

Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow, Heidelberg University (2016-2017)
Assistant Professor, Purdue University (2017- )

Contact details: andrew.flachs@asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de

Statement of interest: My research spans sustainable agriculture, biotechnology, development, the anthropology of knowledge, and political ecology. Through mixed methods research, I seek to better understand how humans create sustainable environmental relationships within the context of markets, ecology, state interventions, and social networks.  I am especially interested in the ways that humans build and use ecological knowledge to inform agricultural decision-making.

Geographical/topical area of interest: I have conducted research in the United States, India, Germany, and Bosnia.  I am interested in biotechnology, alternative agriculture, commodity chains, ethnobotany, and ecological knowledge.