Irawan, Anggi Septia

Home About Committees Anthropologists and the Environment Irawan, Anggi Septia

Name: Anggi Septia Irawan

Affiliation: Researcher at National in Health Research and Development (NIHRD), Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia

Contact Detail:
Hp: +6281227132368
office telp: +62298327096
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Statemen of interest: The emergence of global warming has been influenced by human behaviors, and unfortunately humans themselves are the ones who suffer most with this impact. One case of an outbreak of malaria in Africa occured due to shifting cultivation, forest openings, a proliferation of warm water, with direct impact on local climate, and indirect impact on health. The emergence of new breeding sites for Anopheles has become an early indication of malaria outbreaks. These risk behaviors have a systemic impact, and one of the goals I want to generate through my thesis is how to break the chain of risky human behavior patterns by establishing an early warning system of human behavior on how to treat nature. I will consider one method to practice local customs that once existed in the community regarding the environment, and to reestablish these local customs into formal norms. Hopefully, these norms would be better understood and applied by local communities as a form of controlling human behavior towards the nature around them.

Geographical/topical area of interest: Climate Ethnography : Vector Borne Diseases and Health Sector