Mayer, Carol E.

Home About Committees Anthropologists and the Environment Mayer, Carol E.

Name: Dr Carol E. Mayer

Affiliation: University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology

Contact details: Dr. Carol E. Mayer FCMA
Head, Curatorial/Interpretation Dept.
UBC Museum of Anthropology
Associate – Dept. Anthropology
6393 NW Marine Drive
Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z2

Statement of Interest:  Broadly stated  — I am interested in how museums express their relationship (if any) to global issues, especially resource extraction and environmental change.  I wonder whether  exhibitions, programming and publications etc. that do address these issues can create some transparency or even effect change.

Geographical area:  I have been working in the Middle Sepik River region of Papua  New Guinea for the past 10 years where forestry and mining are ongoing challenges.  See my publication “In the Footprint of the Crocodile Man: Contemporary Art of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea.  You have a copy in your library.