Penelope Dransart

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Penelope Dransart
Affiliation: School of Archaeology, History and Anthropology, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter SA48 7ED, UK

Penelope Dransart’s research is grounded in the cross-cutting disciplines of anthropology, archaeology and world art. Her interests focus on the study of human relationships with other animals, particularly in regard to pastoralism, animal management and stock-keeping, and how protein fibres such as wool, camelid fibre, silk and fur have been used for thousands of years up to the present. She has worked with museums (including Blairs Museum, the British Museum, Perth Museum & Art Gallery and Pitt Rivers Museum) on the study and display of artefacts, especially textiles and glass. Extensive periods of fieldwork in the Andes of northern Chile are enabling her to develop research into how herders and their llamas, alpacas and sheep access water and how that access figures in people’s ways of knowing. A further interest involves metaphysical concepts concerning colours as related to weather phenomena. She has also conducted fieldwork in Scotland.