Sushrut Jadhav

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Sushrut Jadhav (, MBBS, MD, MRSPsych., PhD, is a clinical academic psychiatrist and medical anthropologist working with the homeless population in London; Senior Lecturer in Cross-cultural Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry, University College London; & Founding Editor, Anthropology & Medicine journal. His approach to clinical and academic practice is trans-disciplinary, examining cultural dimensions of mental health across nations, with a focus on Britain and South Asia. Dr Jadhav’s research is translational and bridges social science with the ‘Clinic’. For over 20 years, he has been addressing issues that shape mental well-being of marginalised peoples, including homeless communities in UK and India, Black and ethnic minority patients in UK; cultural identities of Dalit (formerly ‘untouchables’) groups in India, among others. He has pioneered the Bloomsbury Cultural Formulation Interview: This is an innovative approach to engage with acutely unwell patients in mental health and other cultural contexts. This interview involves a cultural dialogue between professionals, patients, institutions and communities. He has also directed and co-directed research in UK and India, involving ethnographic examinations around mental health and marginality, with a special interest on political, economic and cultural factors that shape mental health suffering and care.  
Professional activities:
Clinically Applied Anthropology:
C&I Clinical Cultural Consultation Service:
UCL Academic Cultural Consultation Service:
Anthropology & Medicine Journal:
Bloomsbury Cultural Formulation Interview: