AIO Report

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50 Years of Anthropology

The results of a British Academy funded project.  You can see the full report here.

The nature of the Index means that many of the articles we incorporate would be difficult to find via other means such as through Google Scholar or similar search engines, so in many ways the AIO gives a clear and the most complete picture we can hope for of what anthropologists have been discovering for the last 50 years.

The project is the first of its kind to begin delving into what we know and don’t know so much about in anthropology, and what it means to be an anthropologist today. We have only scraped the surface of what has been happening in anthropology for the last 50 years, yet we have already demonstrated some of the intriguing avenues worthy of more inquiry. The AIO is a great way to help you plan lessons, research essays and answer questions about just about anything from what the Romans did in Britain, to why we use money to buy things, and how people survive in extreme climates. The beauty of anthropology is that it touches on everything you could wonder about humanity and the Index is a safe, easy to use portal into learning more about ourselves and the world around us.