Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Finance (A7)

Receipted accounts, Jan. 1863-Dec. 1866; and inserted letter, 30 Apr. 1866 from D. Sydenham to C.C. Blake (f. 174)

174 folios; original leather boards laid-in.

Including bills for:

1    Engraving, lithography, plates, 30 Jan. 1863 (f. 8); 2 Jan. 1866 (f. 120); 1864-5 (f. 122)

2    Library and office furniture, 7 July 1864 (ff. 1-7); 16 Nov. 1865 (f. 116); 15 June 1866 (f. 144)

3    Printing of Anthropological Journal, May 1863 (f. 10); 1865 (ff. 110, 118); 1866 (141)

4    Printing of prospectuses, admission forms, cards, tickets, 5 Jan. 1864 (ff. 11a-b)

5    Casts of heads, 25 Aug. 1864 (f. 12); 28 Apr. 1866 (f. 138)

6    Verbatim reports of meetings, 23 Mar. 1864 (f. 13); 13 June 1865 (f. 98); 1 May 1866 (f. 145)

7    Forwarding agents, Custom’s duty, 16 May 1864 (f. 26); 1 July 1865 (f. 109)

8    Binding, 1863-5 (ff. 27-8, 121-2, 137, 140)

9    Secretarial duties, i.e. writing the office letters by Rev. H.F. Rivers, Charles de la Motte, and George Stretton, May 1864-Nov. 1865 (ff. 33-8, 75, 113)

10    Wine Merchant, 2 Feb. and 14 June 1866 (ff. 125, 152)

11    Advertisements, Mar. 1865-Dec. 1866 (ff. 62-5, 68, 76, 124, 161, 163)

12    Preserving, modelling, and repairing skin of gorilla and provision of case, Mar. 1864 (f. 69)

13    Printing of J.F. Blumenbach’s Lives and anthropological treatises by University Press, Cambridge, 12 Dec. 1865 (f. 109)

14    Printing of Bedford Pim’s The Negro of Jamaica, 24 Feb. 1866 (f. 125)

15    Copies of The Reader, 30 Apr. 1866 (f. 146)

16    London Library subscription, 17 May 1866 (f. 146)

17    and book purchases, housekeeping, postage, rent and attendance, salaries, stationery, travelling and lodging expenses.