Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents CENSUS OF BRITISH ANTHROPOLOGISTS (A71)

Replies to a questionnaire circulated to Fellows asking for information on: (1) name; (2) address; (3) telephone number; (4) nationality; (5) date of birth; (6) occupation; (7) membership of other societies; (8) anthropological interests: (a) subjects, (b) areas; (9) theoretical training: (a) university or other institution, (b) details of degrees with dates, (c) other theoretical training; (10) subjects of specific investigations; on verso of envelope: (11) surname; (12) linguistic knowledge; (13) regions of which you have expert knowledge, especially from personal experience (give full particulars on separate sheet); (14) methods and techniques in which you are expert; (15) any other information. 1940.

Following the outbreak of the Second World War on 3 Sept. 1939, Council met on 24 Oct. and ‘agreed that the Institute would be prepared to act as an intermediary to make available to the government the expert knowledge of anthropologists and others, which might be of use to the national war effort’. On 14 Nov. a sub-committee was appointed to draw up the questionnaire, and on 20 Feb. 1940, the draft was accepted. It was issued in the form of an envelope with a separate sheet for insertion (see question 13). See Council minutes 24 Oct., 14 Nov. 1939, 20 Feb. 1940, ff. 357-8, 364.

The archive also contains correspondence and other papers relating to the questionnaire;

See also 71/100 for draft obituary by W.B. Fagg of J.H. Driberg published in The Times, 7 Feb. 1946 (autogr.)


WBF        William Buller Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

The following returned the questionnaire:

A: Leonhard Adam; Philip Francis Adams; Mrs Barbara W. Aitken; Ayinipalli Aiyappan; Miss E.M.A.A.J. Allard; Rev. Daniel John Amies; Henry Stewart Anderson; Miss Marion Gwendoline Anderson; Luis Araquistain; Anthony John Arkell; Raphael Ernest Grail Armattoe; Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu; Leo Austen.

B: David A. Baerreis; Charles Maurice Baker; Edward Conway Baker; Harold Ernest Ball; Jose-Miguel de Barandiaran; William George Barnard; John Arundel Barnes; Rev. John Kenneth Barnes; Mrs Hilda Amelia Barnett; Noel C.C. Barrel]; Cecil James J.T. Barton; Gregory Bateson; Mrs Elise J. Baumgartel; Arthur Charles Beaton; Amedee Edwin Charles Beausoleil; Rev. Leonard James Beecher; Miss Dora H. de Beer; Mrs Bertha Bekker; Johannes Hendrikus Bekker; Francis Lancelot Sutherland Bell; Prafulla Chandra Bhanj Deo; Miss Beatrice Mary Blackwood; Douglas Panton Blair; Joseph Blake-Thompson; Wilfrid Bonser; Ralf Bernhard Bonwit; Jyotsna Kanta Bose; Lady Violet Bourdillon; John Bradford; James Couper Brash; Hermann Justus Braunholtz; Vernon Brelsford; William Vernon Brelsford;
A71/B (cont.)

Frederick Acton Brooke; Mrs Catherine Brown; Theodore Nigel Leslie Brown; John Maxwell Bruce-Myers; Guy Brunton; Peter Henry Buck (Te Rangi Hiroa); Denzil Edward Budgett-Meakin; Mrs Adelaide Kendall Bullen; Cottie Arthur Burland; Alexander Henderson Burn; Geoffrey Hext Sutherland Bushnell.

C: Henry Justin Calvert; Peter Holmes Canham; Rev. Arthur Capell; Allan Wolsey Cardinall; Zwi Carmi; Rev. Thomas William Castle; Miss Gertrude Caton-Thompson; Vere Gordon Childe; Ernst William Pearson Chinnery; Ernest Bridgstock Choat; Paul Hans Christopherson; John Desmond Clark; Norman Frederick Clark; W.E. Le Gros Clark; Louis Colville Gray Clarke; Emilius Clayton; Mrs Elsie Margaret Clifford; Herbert Henry Coghlan; Dennis Cohen; Stanley Jackson Coleman; Robert Gilbert Trimingham Collins; Miss Vera C. Chute Collum; Norman Lace Corkill; Mrs Isabel Crook; John Winter Crowfoot; Arthur Theodore Culwick.

D: Francis de Forest Daniel; Glyn Edmund Daniel; John Edward Daniel; Nabendu Datta-Majumder; Elwin Davies; Llewelyn Wynne Davies; Oliver Davies; Richard Macgillivry Dawkins; Mrs Christine Noel Deedes; Reginald Burton Dennis; Harry William Denyer; Arthur Sigismund Diamond; Adrian Digby; David Diringer; Ernest Stanley Dodge; Rev. A. Victor Downs; Miss Agnes B.V. Drew; J. Herbert Driberg; Henry James Hamilton Drummond; Eric Thomas Drummond Lambert; Mrs Idelette Dugast; Albert William Reginald Duly; Miss Mary Edith Durham.

E: Walter Eisen; Adolphus Peter Elkin; Edgar Severn Ellis; Anthony John Essex-Cater; Mrs Ellen Ettlinger; Rev H. St John T. Evans; Humphrey Silvester Evans.

F: William Buller Fagg; William Ronald D. Fairbairn; Reginald Douglas Farrant; G.G. Feasy; Herbert Frederick Fermor; Margaret Joyce Field; Douglas Edward Finlay; Raymond William Firth; Henry Theodore Fischer; Victor Frank Fisher; Charles Patrick Fitzgerald; Richmond Thomas D. FitzGerald; Herbert John Fleure; Walter Fogg; Lady (Anna Amadea L.) Forsdyke; Meyer Fortes; H.A. Fosbrooke; Thomas S. Foster; John Foster Forbes; Louis Franklin Freed; Maurice Freedman; David Freeman, John Derek Freeman; Otto Friedmann; Harold Fullard; Alfred Walter F. Fuller.

G: Joseph Galea; Miss Laura Garrard; Miss Claire Beatrice E. Gaudet; William Robert Geddes; Rev. Cecil Wilson Gibbons; Leslie Howard Gilbert; Max Gluckman; Astley John H. Goodwin; Douglas Hamilton Gordon; Rev. John Charles Grant; Carlyle Greenwell; Rev. William Henry S. Gregory; Wilfrid Vernon Grigson; William Charles Groves; John Michael Gullick; Rev. Dudley William Gundry; William Boris Gussman.

H: James Arthur Hadfield; Rev. Percival Hadfield; Kyriacos Hadjioannou; Eric F. Hall; Francis John Hambly; Justo Arturo Harpman; Henry Arthur Harris; Louis Conrad Harris;
A71/H (cont.)

Percy Graham Harris; Herbert Spencer Harrison; Edward Francis W. Hastings; George William M. Hatchell; Henry Alfred Haviland; Charles F. Christopher Hawkes; Thomas Theodore S. Hayley; Charles Montague Heanley; H.J. Heathcote; Arthur George Hemming; Arthur Victor Hendrickson; Louis Fernando Henriques; Cecil Bowdler Henry; Frank Geoffrey Hermges; Thomas Foley Higgins; Walter L. Hildburgh; William Charles Osman Hill; Charles William Hobley; A.G.O. Hodgson; H. Ian Hogbin; Samuel Henry Hooke; George Davis Hornblower; James Hornell; Laurence Ivan Horniman; Dick Crofton Horton; Leslie George Housden; John Whybrey Howard; Paul Philip Howell; William Harrison Hudspeth; George Wynn B. Huntingford; Bertram Alfred Hutchinson; John Henry Hutton; Mrs Elspeth Huxley.

I-J: Michael Ibeziako; Rev. Walter George Ivens; Mrs Marie Jahoda; Edwin Oliver James; Clayton Edward Joel; John C. de Graft Johnson; Cadwaladr Bryner Jones; Gwilym Iwan Jones; Mrs Jeune Marie Jones; Neville Jones; Stanley James Jones; Albert Leonard Jupp.

K: Phyllis Mary Kaberry; N. Kasturi; (Sir) Arthur Keith; Donald Gilbert Kennedy; Madeline Kerr; Robert Kerr; George Edward Kidd; Percival Robson Kirby; Mrs Margaret Evelyn Kirk; Sir Francis Howe S. Knowles.

L: Alfred Travers Lacey; Miss Evelyn F. Coote Lake; Rev. Alfred Cowley Lamb; Miss Winifred Lamb; Everard Lane; Miss Clara Margery Lawrence; Edward Lawrence; Eric Gordon Lawrence; Oscar Martin Lee; Bazett A. Lewis; George Lighton; Miss Joan Wilson Lillico; Miss Ethel John Lindgren; Thomas Lindsay; Kenneth Lindsay Little; Rev. Herbert Livesey; John Llewellyn; Richard Charles E. Long; John Lovell W. Loughborough; Alexander Low; Clarence van Riet Lowe; Alfred Lucas; Gordon Hannington Luce.

M: R.A.S. Macalister; Desmond Francis H. MacBride; Michael Aloysius MacConaill; Thomas Forsyth McIlwraith; Kenneth William S. Mackenzie; Farquhar Baliol Macrae; Miss Lucy Philip Mair; Robert Milne Major; D.N. Majumdar; Bronislaw Malinowski; Stuart Edward Mann; Robert Ranulph Marett; Charles Kingsley Meek; Mrs Eva L.R. Meyerowitz; Frederick William H. Migeod; Rev. Hugh (John) Miller; James Philip Mills; John Mills; Mrs Rosa Marguerite Milward; William Frederick Mindham; Christopher Minns; James Reid Moir; Geoffrey Miles Morant; Ethel Remfry Morris; Stephen Morris; Miss Rosalind Louisa B. Moss; Lord Moyne; Antonio Rubbo Muller; Rev. John Murphy; Kenneth Crosthwaite Murray; Miss Margaret Alice Murray; Charles Samuel Myers; Henry Myers; Mrs Iris Helena Myers; Mrs Mary Irene C. Myers; (Sir) John Linton Myres.

N: Robert Stirling Newall; Douglas Newbold; William Hare Newell; William Ewart Nicholson; Herbert Vander Vord Noone; Walter Henry Norman; Cornelius William North.

O-Q: Rev. Fr. John Edward 0’Flaherty; Clifford Ogden; Arthur Hebden Ogilvie; Frans M. Olbrechts; William 0. Oldman; Earl of Onslow; Granville St John Orde Brown; Sir Richard Arthur S. Paget;
A71/O-Q (cont.)

Frederick Gymer Parsons; Raphael Patai; Thomas Thomson Paterson; Harold John E. Peake; Mrs Dulcibel H. Pearson; Iorwerth Cyfeiliog Peate; Emrys L. Peters; John Peterson; Tracy Philipps; James Villiers L. Phillips; Wendell Phillips; Ralph O’Reilly Piddington; Stuart Piggott; John Boys Ponder; John Michael Popkin; Percy Horace G. Powell-Cotton; Andrew Pride; Mrs Alison Hingston Quiggin.

R: Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown; Lord Raglan; Oscar Charles Raphael; Margaret Helen Read; William James Rees; Luiz Felippe do Rego Range]; Rynier Cornelis Renes; Audrey Isabel Richards; Geoffrey Clement T. Richards; Thomas Arthur Rickard; John Rickman; Denzil Lydgate Risdon; Mrs Kathleen Rishbeth; Owen William Roberts; Douglas William Robertson; Carl Robinson; Lord Rennel of Rodd (Francis Rodd); Herbert Jennings Rose; Harold Robert Ross; George Kingsley Roth; William Page Rowe; Sarat Chandra Roy; Reginald Ruggles Gates.

S: Rev. James Salter; Otto W. Samson; Roderick Urwick Sayce; Isaac Schapera; Donald Scott; W. Lindsay Scott; Hugh fforde Searight; Mrs Eleanor Janetta Searle; Mrs Brenda Z Seligman; Miss Mary Sharp; Rev. Eric Arthur Shattock; Charles Thurston Shaw;    Edward Oswald Shebbeare; Miss Elizabeth Shoenberg; Paul Shuffrey; Joseph Maxwell Signy; Leo Silberman; Rev. Ervin Peter Y. Simpson; Charles Singer; Henry Devenish Skinner; Ernest Harold M. Skrimshire; Rev. Gordon Hedderly Smith; Thomas Farley Smith; Miss Shirley Cora Solomon; A. Edward Southern; Lyonel Dixon Spencer; Richard Lionel Spittel; Graham Spry; Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas; Leopold Stein; Henry Noel C. Stevenson; Miss Edith Stiassny; Hugh Frederic Stoneham; Charles Stonor; Herbert Sterndale Stovold; Walter Mersh Strong; Canning Suffern; Dorian Swede; Sir Percy Molesworth Sykes.

T: Percy Amaury Talbot; Sir Theodore James Tasker; William Norman Taylor; Trevor Thomas; John Eric S. Thompson; Frederick Stanbury Thornton; Tien Ju-kang; Miss Miriam Tildesley; Richard Todd; Jack Carrick Trevor; Mrs Kathleen Margaret Trowell; Archibald Norman Tucker; Arthur Cuthbert Tunstall; Geoffrey Eric S. Turner.

V-Y: J.A. Valšik; William James Varley; Miss Nora Lilian W. Veal; Rev. James Waddell; John Waechter; Mrs Jane Waley; George David Walker; Thomas Walmsley; Ida Caroline Ward; Rev. George Thomas Warren; Edward James Wayland; Robert Dettinger Welt; Mrs Doris Mary Wheatley; Geoffrey Thomas Whitehouse; Archibald John Wightman; Nandadeva Wijesekera; Robert Powley Wild; Edward Scott Williams; Francis Edgar Williams; Herbert John Williams; Rev. James Williams; Godfrey Baldwin Wilson; Mrs Monica Wilson; Rev. Douglas Witty; Leonard William S. Wright; George Udny Yule.

A71/1    Preparation of questionnaire

  1    The Royal Society, Mar. 1939 – leaflet about Central Register of qualified personnel (printed)

  2    Ibid., ibid. – ‘Classification Table for persons normally engaged in or qualified to undertake Scientific Research’ (printed leaflet)

  3    ‘Central Register of Specialists’, Nature, 3 Feb. 1940, pp. 176-78 (printed)

  4    WBF, nd – rough draft of questionnaire in connection with cooperation with the Government; gives details of the type of card to be used (tp., filled in by Mary Edith Durham, with autogr. notes by WBF)

  5    [WBF?], nd – on the draft questionnaire; the form should be printed on both sides of an envelope, similar to that used in the questionnaire of the Royal Society for the Central Register (tp.); on verso: draft form, filled in by H.J. Fleure (tp. and autogr.)

  6    Ibid. (tp.); on verso: draft form, filled in by J.C. Trevor (tp. and autogr.)

  7    Ibid. (tp.); on verso: draft form with editorial notes (tp. and autogr.)

  8    WBF, nd – notes regarding the wording of the questionnaire. 4 leaves (autogr.)

  9    Ibid., ibid. – draft questionnaire. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., ibid. – draft questionnaire. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 11    Ibid., ibid. – draft questionnaire (autogr.)

 12    Ibid., ibid. (autogr. card)

 13    Ibid., ibid. – notes on the questionnaire; on the envelope; on the printing (autogr.)

 14    Wodderspoon & Co., Ltd. to RAI, 29 Feb. 1940 – Estimate (tp. with autogr. additions)

 15    Harrison & Sons Ltd to RAI, ibid. – Estimate (tp.)

 16    Headley Brothers to RAI, 1 Mar. – Estimate (tp.)

 17    Wodderspoon & Co., Ltd. to RAI, 13 Mar. – slip accompanying proof (printed and autogr.)

 18    Sample envelope (printed)

 19    RAI meeting card (printed with autogr. note ‘style of type’)

A71/1/20        Envelope as used for the questionnaire (printed)

 21    Circular letter accompanying the questionnaire (printed)

 22    ‘Directions’ for completing the questionnaire. 2 copies (printed)

 23    WBF, nd – text of circular accompanying the questionnaire. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 24    Ibid., ibid. – another version (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 25    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 2 leaves (tp.)

 26    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

 27    [WBF?], nd – text of ‘Directions’ for completing the questionnaire. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 28    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 3 leaves (tp.)

 29    Ibid., ibid. – another version. 3 leaves (tp.)

 30    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by E.J. Lindgren)

 31    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 32    Envelope [for return of questionnaire?] (printed)

 /2    Correspondence etc.

  1    M. Zvegintzov to the Editor, the Daily Telegraph, 5 Oct. 1939 – ‘Long-term Plan for Propaganda – Importance of Knowing Regional Needs’ (newspaper cutting)

  2    WBF to ibid., ibid. – in response to Mr Zvegintzov’s letter; on leaf 2, ibid. to ibid., 6 Oct. – asks that he refrain from publishing the previous letter (autogr. drafts)

  3    WBF, nd – notes on the Census. 2 leaves (autogr.)

  4    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 12 Oct. – the enclosed questionnaire may be of service; something on the same lines appears to be indicated (autogr.); on verso: WBF to Royal African Society, nd – on proposal that RAI should act as a channel of communication between Government departments requiring expert information and those with expert knowledge; has learned that the Society has put a similar scheme in place; asks if he could have a copy of their questionnaire (autogr. draft) [see 2/7.1.1]

A71/2/5    WBF to A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, 13 Oct. – on lectures; is thinking of bringing up again the question of the advisability or otherwise of offering certain facilities to the appropriate Government offices; the RAI should act as a channel of communication; Driberg argues that the RAI should keep its reputation above suspicion; he thinks the BBC could be useful; on the Ministry of Information; the RAI should not be directly associated with the production of propaganda; asks his opinion; will have the question put on the agenda for Council; on the Huxley Lecture. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)
  6    A.R. Radcliffe-Brown to WBF, 14 Oct. – on Evans-Pritchard; thinks Council should discuss the possibility of tendering its services to the Government; on the Huxley Lecture (autogr.)

  7    E.N. Corbyn, Secretary, Royal African Society, to ibid., 16 Oct. – encloses a copy of their questionnaire to members; has not included the anthropological side (tp.)

 .1    The Royal African Society to its Members, nd – on mobilising stores of knowledge of Africa as part of its War effort; asks that they fill in the attached card (card)

  8    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 22 Oct. – as he cannot attend Council meeting, asks that his views on the agendum concerning the RAI and the Government be placed before Council; RAI cannot advise the Government, but can put the latter in touch with individual expert Fellows; suggests a questionnaire similar to that of the Royal African Society be sent out, requesting information about qualifications and aptitude (autogr.)

  9    The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 26 Oct. – ‘Reforms at Ministry of Information – Lord Macmillan and Lord Camrose reply to its Critics’ (newspaper cutting)

 10    E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 31 Oct. – thanks him for letter of 28 Oct. [not held]; on her film; mentions Carmichael; should be glad to study his questionnaire; it would be an advantage if Prof. Bartlett’s opinion could be obtained; mentions Tom Paterson; on a lunch date; on copies of the Huxley Lecture; encloses proofs of Council report for 1938-39; makes some point about corrections to the proofs. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by WBF)

 11    WBF to E.J. Lindgren, 5 Nov. – notes in preparation of a reply to her letter of 31 Oct. (autogr. draft)

A71/2/12    Ibid. to Frank Singleton, BBC, 10 Nov. – on the proposal to allow the RAI to act as an intermediary between the Government and individual anthropologists; the branch of the war effort in which anthropology could play the most useful part was felt to be that of propaganda; on contact between different cultures; anthropology will be called upon to make an important contribution to the setting up of a new basis for international relations after the war; on propaganda; explains the functions of anthropology in propaganda; on varying senses of humour in different nations; considers propaganda addressed to Moslems; physical anthropology can destroy the racial basis of Nazism; summarises the way in which a scheme of cooperation between the RAI and the Government would work; has prepared a draft questionnaire; hopes to have a comprehensive file of nearly all the expert anthropological knowledge in the country; a subject index would be compiled; the BBC is one of the most important branches of national publicity; hopes he will give some idea of the possible attitude of the BBC. 8 leaves (autogr. draft)

 13    Assistant Secretary, the Royal Society, to WBF, 11 Nov. – encloses two sample questionnaire cards (tp.)

 14    Frank Singleton to ibid., 12 Nov. – refers to his letter; has not yet had time to give it the attention it deserves but he will do so (tp.)

 15    E.J. Lindgren to ibid., 13 Nov. – on lunching with him; on the questionnaire; thinks they should ensure there is plenty of space for answers (autogr.)

 16    H.J. Fleure to ibid., ibid. – makes a suggestion about the questionnaire (tp.)

 17    C.G. Seligman to ibid., ibid. – he and his wife cannot come to Council; they think the questionnaire is too elaborate; cites those questions which they think are not useful; asks that he read out the letter at Council meeting (tp.)

A71/2/18    WBF to Prof. Ifor Evans, Ministry of Information, 16 Nov. – wishes to ascertain the attitude of the Ministry of Information to an offer by the RAI of assistance in national propaganda addressed to foreign countries; a motion has been passed that the RAI should make any contribution in its power to the war effort; propaganda the aspect in mind; on compiling anthropological knowledge; on his draft questionnaire; a sub-committee has been appointed to decide on its final form; names the members; present proposal not connected with the Central Register of the Royal Society; describes the procedure which would be adopted; on the impact of one culture upon another; describes the uses of anthropology in propaganda; encloses rough draft of the proposed questionnaire; on the Council’s desire to make a contribution to the war effort. 5 leaves (autogr. draft)

 19    Ibid. to Prof. Carr, Ministry of Information, 21 Nov. – has been referred to him by Prof. Ifor Evans; on offering assistance to the Government by acting as intermediary between the propaganda services of the Government and individual expert anthropologists; again mentions Muslims; again mentions differing senses of humour; anthropology increasingly concerned with the problems of ‘culture contact’; on the compiling of a card index of all Fellows of the RAI, detailing experience, qualifications and aptitude; encloses copy of the draft questionnaire; names the members of the sub-committee; gives some practical details about the cards; looks forward to learning his views on the scheme. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 20    Prof. B. Ifor Evans to WBF, 22 Nov. – refers him to Prof. Carr, the Director of Foreign Publicity in the Ministry of Information (tp.)

 21    Prof. E.H. Carr to WBF, 18 Dec. – refers to his letter of 21 Nov.; appreciates the generous offer; advice could be of great value in two ways, the giving guidance on the psychology of backward peoples, and giving information on certain regions; suggest that as a preliminary measure he send a short list of members whose work has been concerned with the Near, Middle and Far East, and the Balkans; might consider the more extensive scheme at some later date. 2 leaves (tp.)

A71/2/22    WBF to Prof. E.H. Carr, 27 Dec. – refers to his letter of 18 Dec.; the sub-committee will meet probably in the first week of Jan.; its first task will be the compilation of regional experts; Council decided that the questionnaire and card index system would be of practical value in the RAI even if not required for cooperation in propaganda; he will inform him if it is proceeded with in case any changes are desirable; suggests a third possible function of anthropology in propaganda; the anthropologist is in a position to furnish the data to destroy the ‘spiritual basis’ for Hitler’s propaganda; offers the use of RAI library to officials of the ministry. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 23    A.E. Barber, Overseas News Editor, BBC, to WBF, 28 Dec. – refers to his memorandum to Mr Singleton of 10 Nov.; would be interested to see any specimen scripts; mentions weapon of ridicule; mentions anthropological disproval of Nazi ‘superman’ theory; lists the languages in which they broadcast; on regional differentiation (tp.)

 24    WBF to A.E. Barber, [4 Jan. 1940] – glad to find the possibilities of anthropology appreciated; refers to his correspondence with Prof. E.H. Carr; refers to the short list of regional experts; on the questionnaire; on the sub-committee; shall lay his letter and that of Prof. Carr before the sub-committee; RAI cannot directly furnish data for use in propaganda but can provide a list of individual experts; RAI is anxious to be of as much assistance as possible. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 25    Prof. E.H. Carr to WBF, ibid. – refers to his letter of 27 Dec.; notes that short list of regional experts will be forwarded shortly; is interested in the suggestion that members of RAI could furnish data to expose the Nazi race theory; refers to RAI library (tp.)

 26    A.E. Barber to WBF, 5 Jan. – refers to his letter of 4 Jan.; on his approach to Mr Carr at the Ministry; would welcome advice from the RAI on particular questions; shall wait to hear from him after meeting of the sub-committee; on specimen scripts (tp. copy)

 .1    Secretary, BBC, to [WBF], nd – copy of letter is sent as the original was dropped; stamp included in case surcharge payable (tp.)

 27    WBF to A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, 10 Jan. – fills him in on correspondence with the Ministry of Information and the BBC; both have replied favourably to RAI’s offer of assistance; it is desirable that the sub-committee meet soon to draw up the list of regional experts, and to give final form to the questionnaire; suggests dates for meeting; will ask members to make their own list ahead of the meeting; on other RAI business. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

A71/2/28    A.R. Radcliffe-Brown to WBF, 11 Jan. – on dates for meeting (autogr.)

 29    WBF to Lord Raglan, W.G. Wilsher and E.J. Lindgren, ibid. – on his communication with the Ministry of Information and the BBC; on compiling a list of regional experts in the Balkans, and the Near, Middle and Far East; on calling a meeting of the sub-committee; on members drawing up a list of experts ahead of the meeting (autogr. draft)

 30    Lord Raglan to WBF, 12 Jan. – does not expect to be in London before Feb. Council meeting; on the list of experts (tp.)

 31    W.G. Wilsher to ibid., 14 Jan. – should like to attend the meeting; does not think he can offer any useful recommendations (autogr.)

 32    E.J. Lindgren to ibid., 15 Jan. – sends him copy of her entry in the Royal Society’s Register, to send to Prof. Carr (tp.)

 33    Ibid., ibid. – on meeting on Friday; on Dr Werner Kissling’s address (autogr. card)

 34    WBF to Prof. Carr, 24 Jan. – informs him of the results of the meeting of the sub-committee; has asked Dr Morant to deliver the list of experts in person; makes some points about the list; the sub-committee decided to proceed with the census of anthropologists in the interests of the efficiency of the administration of the RAI; when the census is complete, RAI will be in a better position to advise on appropriate experts; encloses the form filled in for the Central Register of the Ministry of Labour by E.J. Lindgren; hopes that the assistance of anthropologists will be of increasing value in the organisation of propaganda. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 35    D.A. Routh, Ministry of Information, to WBF, 28 Jan. – refers to letter to Prof. Carr of 24 Jan.; Prof. Carr appreciates the willingness of the RAI to co-operate with the Ministry; Dr Morant handed him the list which is being circulated to Regional Experts (tp.)

 36     nd – list of ‘Fellows and Local Correspondents of the Royal Anthropological Institute with Knowledge of the Near, Middle, or Far East’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 37    Note on the list [2/36]

 38    WBF, nd – list of places and people (autogr. draft)

 39    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. 6 leaves (autogr. notes)

A71/2/40    ‘List of Fellows who have personal experience of countries in the Balkans, and the Near, Middle and Far East’. 7 leaves (tp.)

 41    WBF, nd – ibid. (autogr. draft; pages missing)

 42    Ibid., ibid. – lists of places and people. 6 leaves (autogr. notes)

 43    G.M. Morant to WBF, 29 Jan. – on taking the list to the Ministry of Information; saw Mr Routh; the list was handed to him (autogr.)

 44    6 Feb. – ‘By Word of Mouth’, on Mr Routh and his colleague Mr Stevens (newspaper cutting)

 45    H.J. Fleure to Miss K. Martindell, RAI Assistant Secretary, 16 Feb. – on filling in the form; cannot attend on 20 Feb. (tp.)

 46    Jack Trevor to WBF, 18 Feb. – returns the questionnaire; remarks that there is repetition in it; cannot attend Council meeting on 20 Feb. (autogr.)

 47    W. Page Rowe to ibid., 18 May – returns the form, filled in; thinks last sentence of first paragraph of the circular would have been better omitted (tp.)

 48    R.R. Marett to ibid., ibid. – encloses his ‘dossier’; thinks the idea excellent; thinks he should have included a bibliography (autogr. card)

 49    H.F. Stoneham to ibid., 26 June – returns the completed questionnaire; encloses further information on a separate sheet; on the situation in British East Africa; hopes that financial assistance will not be longer delayed (tp.)

 50    S.C. Roy to ibid., 16 July – returns his form, filled in (tp.)

 51    Robert Hyde to ibid., 13 Aug. – cannot claim to be an anthropologist so does not feel it is of value to fill in the Census form (tp.)

 52    Arnold Silcock, Air Ministry, to ibid., 8 Sept. – understands from Mr H.N. Stevenson that the RAI has in hand the preparation of a glossary of Far Eastern place names; asks if this work is in process of publication; if it is still in manuscript, asks if he might see it (tp. with autogr. notes by WBF?)

 53    Alexander[?] Keiller to ibid., 9 Sept. – thinks the idea of a Directory of British Anthropologists is excellent, the moment is inopportune (tp.)

A71/2/54    WBF to Arnold Silcock, 10 Sept. – the RAI does not have in preparation a glossary of Far Eastern place names; Mr Stevenson must have been referring to the register of Fellows; on sending the list of regional experts to the Ministry of Information; on the questionnaire; he is now engaged in indexing the results; suggests procedure to be followed once the task is complete; speculates as to how the misunderstanding arose; mentions various sources which may be of use to his particular enquiry about place names; mentions a number of people who might be able to help. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)

 55    WBF to Alexander[?] Keiller, 11 Sept. – thinks he has misunderstood the purpose of the questionnaire; explains the purpose for which it was issued; has already used the cards to answer an enquiry from the Air Ministry; more than half of those circularised have returned forms; it would be useful to have a note of his qualifications (autogr. draft)

 56    Arnold Silcock to WBF, 20 Sept. – apologises for delay in replying; he is grateful; will get in touch with the societies and persons mentioned; should be glad of a list of names of those who have special knowledge of the Far East; names the countries with which he is particularly concerned (tp.)

 57    WBF to Arnold Silcock, nd – refers to his letter of 20 Sept.; will let him have the list within a few days; work at the Museum has been disorganised by bombs (autogr. draft)

 58    Ibid., 5 Oct. – encloses the promised list; apologises for delay; on arrangement of the names; the particulars given are mostly taken from the questionnaire; describes the arrangement of particulars on the questionnaire; encloses copy of the questionnaire; on Tibet; Dr Samson suggests others who might have knowledge; on the Netherlands East Indies (autogr. draft)

 59    ‘List of Fellows of the Royal Anthropological Institute who have special knowledge of the Far East’. 10 leaves (tp. with autogr. note by WBF ‘Checked and correct to 5. x. 40’)

 60    WBF, nd – ibid. 20 leaves (autogr. draft)

 61    Arnold Silcock to WBF, 8 Oct. – is grateful for the list; has taken note of the additional details in his letter (tp.)

A71/2/62    F.M. Wonnacott, Contact Register (British & Foreign), to Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-43, 3 Apr. 1943 – refers to her letter of 3 June 1942 [not held]; on registering particulars of Fellows who may be able to add to the Register by special knowledge of localities abroad; encloses some forms to be filled in; then Fellows can be registered under the areas referred to (tp.)

 63    Felicia Stallman to F.M. Wonnacott, 7 Apr. – refers to his letter of 3 Apr.; will complete and return the forms as soon as possible; it will take some time (tpc.)

 64    F.M. Wonnacott to Felicia Stallman, 15 Apr. – thanks her for her co-operation (tp.)

 65    Dr R.E.G. Armattoe to Felicia Stallman, 11 Feb. 1944 – lists articles for addition to his Census form (not present) (tp. with autogr. note)

 66    Ibid, 3 June – sends further information for his Census form (tp. with autogr. note)

 67    Felicia Stallman to F.M. Wonnacott, 9 June – apologises for delay; returns a few forms; asks if this is the sort of information he wants; asks if he would like to send someone to look through the records (tpc.)

 68    ‘Contact Register (British & Foreign) – Information Form’ for Vera C. Chute Collum (tp.)

 69    Ibid. for Walter Leo Hildburgh (tp. with autogr. note)

 70    Ibid. for William Charles Osman Hill (tp.)

 71    Ibid. for H. Ian Hogbin (tp.)

 72    Ibid. for James Hornell (tp.)

 73    Ibid. for John Henry Hutton (tp.)

 74    Ibid. for Ethel John Lindgren (tp.)

 75    Ibid. for James Philip Mills (tp.)

 76    Ibid. for Sir John Linton Myres (tp.)

 77    Ibid. for Maj. Granville St John Orde Browne (tp.)

 78    Ibid. for Thomas Thomson Paterson (tp.)

 79    Ibid. for Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown (tp.)

 80    Ibid. for Otto W. Samson (tp.)

 81    Felicia Stallman, nd – lists of names. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

A71/2/82    nd – ‘Admiralty Contact Register – Photographs borrowed’ (tp.)

 83    F.M. Wonnacott to Felicia Stallman, 20 June – thanks her for letter and forms; if the potential Contacts could be confined to those with knowledge of China and Japanese occupied territory it would reduce the work entailed (tp.)

 /3    Miscellaneous

  1    29 Nov. 1939 – ‘An Enquiry Into Nationalism’ (newspaper cutting)

  2    7 Dec. 1939 – ‘Scientists are Mobilised, Too’ (newspaper cutting)

  3    WBF, nd – draft of motion by Council that it should communicate to the Minister of Information the readiness of the RAI to render assistance as can be provided by expert members (autogr.)

  4    Ibid., ibid. – ibid., including examples. 3 leaves (autogr. notes)

  5    Ibid., ibid. – another draft motion, concerning RAI’s contribution to the war in the field of propaganda; gives examples (autogr.)