Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents CENTENARIES AND RAI HISTORY (A45)

Council on 25 May 1943 appointed a committee ‘to consider plans for the observance of the centenary’ of its forerunner the Ethnological Society which held its foundation meeting on 7 Feb. 1843. The centenary was held on 30 Oct. 1943 at the Royal Society where lunch was served after addresses by Prof. J.H. Hutton, President, Sir John L. Myres on ‘A centenary of our work’, and Lord Hailey on ‘The role of anthropology in colonial development’. The afternoon session was held at the RAI, 21 Bedford Square. Short addresses on ‘The future of anthropology’ were given by Dr G.M. Morant, Prof. V.G. Childe, R.U. Sayce, and (Prof. Sir) Raymond Firth; tea concluded the day. See Council minutes, 23 Mar., 25 May, 5 Oct., 11 Nov. 1943, and 25 Jan. 1944, CM/72/3,f.413,/72/4,f.430,/73/1, f.422,/73/2, f.425,/73/3, f.427; and Man, July/Aug. 1943, No. 63; Sep./Oct. 1943, Nos. 8,102; Jan./Feb. 1944, Nos. 1-9 records the loyal address, and addresses read during the morning and afternoon sessions with discussions during the latter; Mar./Apr. 1944, No. 51; and Report of Council, 1943/4, JRAI, Vol. 74, 1944, p. 98.

On the recommendation of the Standing Committee, Council decided on 14 Dec. 1967 to set up a Committee on the Future of the Institute to consider its future development and the role of younger members. Dr (Prof.) Jean La Fontaine was appointed Chairman. The report of the Committee was circulated to Council on 24 Oct. 1968 and on 7 Nov. representatives of the Committee were present for the first part of the Extraordinary Council meeting. The Committee reconvened in order to discuss points raised by Council. However, at the Council meeting of 12 June 1969, Dr La Fontaine reported ‘enthusiasm amongst the younger members of the Committee was evaporating’; Council recommended that a Standing Committee should be convened under the new President to consider all documents produced. The matter appeared to lapse and on 18 June 1970 Council ‘considered it advisable not to establish a Junior Council or anything comparable at this stage’; see Council minutes, CM/97/2,5, 14 Dec. 1967, 6 June 1968, ff. 79, 94; CM/98/1-5, 7, 24 Oct., 7 Nov., 21 Nov. 1968, 13 Feb., 13 Mar., 12 June 1969, ff. 101, 107, 111-14, 117, 123, 128, 136, 143-4; CM/99/3-6, 12 Feb., 12 Mar., 14 May, 18 June 1970, ff. 157, 160, 164, 173; and Council minutes, vol. 10:8/1,3,/4/4.1; see also Report of the Council, 1968

On 30 Sep. 1971, Council established the Development and Centenary Appeal Committee (CM/100/7,f.204). It was set up ‘to prosecute the [centenary] appeal and to propose plans for the future role of the Institute.’ It was agreed that it ‘should be concerned with the raising of money … and it should report regularly to Council.’ Dr A.S. Diamond was elected Chairman in Oct. 1971. Mr Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer, took over the Chairmanship in Apr. 1972 following Dr Diamond’s illness. The appeal was launched on 12 July 1972 in the presence of the Royal Patron, HRH Prince William of Gloucester, (d. 28 Aug. 1972). To raise funds and to alert the general public to the RAI’s plight, MPs were lobbied at the House of Commons on 28 Nov. of the same year. The Centenary Dinner was held on 7 Nov. 1973 at Grocers’ Hall, City of London which HRH The Prince of Wales attended as Royal Patron. As the result of the appointment of a Director, G.M. Darling on 8 Jan. 1973 (see DC/73/1), the Committee decided that it should continue to meet in a supportive and advisory capacity. It was reported to Council on 31 Jan. 1974 that the Committee was meeting regularly on Monday evenings at 6pm (CM/74/1). It continued to report to Council until 3 Oct. 1974 when elections were made to the Committee (CM/74/5). After a mention of the Committee in the Report of the Council, 1974, there were no further references. Minutes do not appear to have been kept after 19 Mar. 1973 (see /9/1-2 below for Minutes and papers of the Committee).

The Strategy Committee was appointed by Council on 1 Feb. 1984 (CM/84/1,5) to review the long-term aims of the RAI. It functioned between 1984-6 and performed a somewhat similar role to the Development and Centenary Appeal Committee of the early 1970s.

The 150th Anniversary of the Ethnological Society was held on 26 May 1993 by a press reception and seminar. The archive also includes personal recollections of RAI history and a file on the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, Royal Patron, 1989-96.


1943            Centenary of the Ethnological Society, 45/1-7

1968-9        Committee on the Future of the Institute, 45/8

1973            Centenary of the Anthropological Institute (i.e.1971), Development and Centenary Appeal Committee, 45/9-11

1984-6        Strategy Committee, 45/12-14

1993            150th Anniversary of the Ethnological Society, 45/15

Personal recollections of RAI history, 45/16

Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, 45/17


HJB    H.J. Braunholtz (1888-1963), RAI Hon. Editor, 1925-34, President, 1941-3

WBF    W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Hon. Editor of Man, 1939-65, Hon. Secretary, 1936-56

JHH    Prof. J.H. Hutton (1885-1968), President, 1943-5

JLM    Sir John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford, President 1928-31, founder and Editor of Man

FS        Miss Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary, 1942-52

1943 Centenary. /1-/7

1/    1943 Centenary. Preliminary plans

1    Draft note by the Hon. Secretary, WBF, Centenary Celebrations, 1943 (autogr.)

2    Centenary Celebrations, 1943, Note by the Hon. Secretary, sent to members of Council, c. 23 May 1943 (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 23 Mar. 1943, f.413, CM/72/3,Item 5

3    JLM to WBF, 12 July – on Prof. V. Gordon Childe’s paper and HJB’s announcement of centenary meeting for Man; encloses suggested draft (/4 below)(autogr.)

4    Draft announcement by JLM (autogr.)

5    Ibid. by HJB (autogr.)

6    Centenary of the RAI (as /5 above)(tpc.); see Man, Sep./Oct. 1943 Item 88

7    Centenary descriptive booklet or prospectus draft by WBF (autogr.)

.1        Revised circular (printed and tp.) with two notes by FS attached (autogr.)

.2        What anthropology is, draft by WBF (autogr.)

2/    Provisional programme and minutes

1    Draft for Programme. 5 leaves (autogr. by FS)

2    Provisional programme (tp., annotated by FS)

3    Centenary Committee minutes, 29 June (tpc., annotated by FS)

3/    Correspondence

1    HJB to WBF, 16 Apr. 1943 – comments on Prince Bhami Deo, … Codrington, and Jacques Soustelle; meeting to discuss proposals for a centenary, public advertisement; and speakers (autogr.)

2    Dr E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 1 May – suggests names of speakers (autogr. on envelope)

3    Draft letter to the Rt Hon. Lord Hailey (tp., annotated by HJB and WBF)

4    HJB (President) to Lord Hailey, 7 May – informs him of the forthcoming celebrations; hopes he will address the meeting (tpc.)

5    Ibid., 1 June – thanks him for his willingness to address the meeting; gives possible dates of meeting and likely events (tp. copy)

6    JLM to WBF, 22 June – thanks him for his congratulations on his knighthood; prepared to address meeting; comments on programme; mentions Prof. V.G. Childe’s paper (autogr.)

7    FS to WBF, [29 July] 1943 – confirms date of 30 Oct. for centenary; will confirm day with the Royal Society (tp. pc., annotated by FS)

8    FS to JLM, 22 July – sends Centenary announcement for Man; mentions publicity in The Times, provincial newspapers, and broadcasts (tpc.); see Man, July/Aug. 1943, Item 63 and Sep./Oct., Item 88

9    FS to JHH, 23 July – sends copy of programme; has written to Lord Hailey; comments on protocol at lunch; asks him to write to Lord Onslow inviting him to give vote of thanks (tpc.)

10    FS to Lord Hailey, 23 July – on date of meeting (tpc.)

11    FS to HJB, 23 July – sends provisional programme; JHH suggests Adrian Digby for talk on material culture; asks for alternative to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth if he refuses (tpc.)

12    FS to JLM, 23 July – has sent note and letter for Man; asks for his opinion on those to be invited including organizations invited to send delegates; also asks his views on press and BBC contacts; buffet lunch at Royal Society likely (tpc.)

13    JHH to FS, 23 July – comments on programme (see /9 above) (autogr.)

14    Ibid., 25 July – suggests R.U. Sayce for talk on material culture; comments on congratulatory letter to JLM (autogr.)

15    Lord Hailey’s secretary to FS, 25 July – programme date probably free but will confirm (autogr.); RAI acknowledgement, 26 July, not retained

16    FS to WBF, 26 July – JHH approves programme; prefers R.U. Sayce or Adrian Digby for the material culture paper; asks his opinion (tp.)

17    JLM to FS, 27 July – makes suggestions for arrangements at Royal Society, hospitality fund to pay for guests, and some one with business experience to work with the Treasurer; an address must be sent to the King via the Home Secretary, makes suggestions for printing it; hopes to discuss matters with JHH while in Cambridge, refers to publicity (autogr.)

18    FS to Miss G. Caton Thompson, FBA, 28 July – outlines arrangements at Royal Society; will be followed by a symposium on the Future of Anthropology at the RAI; asks if she will contribute a paper on archaeology (tpc.)

19    FS to WBF, [29 July] – confirms date of 30 Oct. i.e. 5 Oct.; gives title of Dr Margaret Mead lecture (ordinary series)(tp., pc.)

20    Dr Geoffrey M. Morant to FS, 2 Aug. 1943 – pleased to give a short paper on the future of physical anthropology; not anxious to write an obituary of Prof. E.P. Stibbe and gives his views; suggests Sir Arthur Keith (autogr.); see Man, Jan./Feb. 1944, Item 6

21    Miss G. Caton Thompson to FS, 3 Aug. – prefers not to give paper on archaeology; suggests Prof. V.G. Childe (autogr.)

22    FS to JHH, 6 Aug. – outlines progress to date including JLM’s views on loyal address (tpc., annotated); not sent

23    FS to WBF, 6 Aug. – gives plans for publicity, possible speakers, and loyal address; British Council has suggested exchanges with the USSR, has given assent to sending RAI publications (tpc.)

24    Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCS(1866-1955), President, 1913-16 to FS, 9 Aug. – suggest extract from BMJ or The Times obituary would be sufficient; did not know Prof. Stibbe well (autogr., annotated by FS)

25    (Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth to FS, 10 Aug. – pleased to give short paper on the future of social anthropology; suggests the BBC might give some notice to JLM’s and Lord Hailey’s addresses (tp.)

26    Sir Arthur Keith to FS, 19 Aug. – on publicity; will help in any way he can (autogr.)

27    FS to JLM, 9 Sep. – on publicity (tpc.)

28    G.D. Hornblower to WBF, 20 Sep. – wishes to attend celebrations and to offer a paper on anthropology and Egypt; stresses importance of anthropology in Egyptology and in many modern subjects; it should be in the public eye; comments on letter to The Times (tp.)

29    FS to WBF, 21 Sep. – on lunch and tea arrangements (tpc.)

30    WBF to G.D. Hornblower, 23 Sep. – thanks him for his interesting and inspiring letter; regrets it is too late for him to give a formal paper; suggests he should give his important views in the discussions; invites him to give a full length paper on 16 May; hopes session will mark a revival of RAI activity (draft autogr.)

31    JHH to WBF, 27 Sep. – unlikely to be in London before 5 Oct.; gives his views on dress, wishes to see the return of evening dress for the officers; mentions arrangement of Presidential portraits; asks about drinks at the buffet lunch (autogr.)

32    FS to Dr E.J. Lindgren, 6 Oct. 1943 – sends list of those to be sent invitations for France and Holland; outlines publicity plans and the importance of summaries of addresses for press distribution; will have set of RAI publications for display; comments on seating and dress (men)(tpc.)

33    FS to WBF, 7 Oct. – sends draft letter for Home Office; loyal address requires his signature; sends draft letter to editors; notes summaries of addresses and cost of duplication; mentions guest list (tpc.)

34    FS to JHH, 8 Oct. – gives suggestions for votes of thanks (tpc.)

35    FS to Sir Arthur Keith, 8 Oct. – hopes he will be present at the meeting; asks if he will second a vote of thanks to Lord Hailey (tpc.)

36    JHH to the Rt Hon. Lord Moyne, PC, DSO, 9 Oct. – outlines centenary celebrations and Lord Hailey’s addresses and asks if he will propose a vote of thanks (tpc.)

37    Sir Arthur Keith to FS, 12 Oct. – ready to be of any service he can; willing to second the vote of thanks (autogr.)

38    WBF to Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 13 Oct. – encloses loyal address; requests him to present it to the King (tpc.)

39    FS to Sir Arthur Keith, 14 Oct. – taking advantage of his offer (see /37 above) asks if he will propose the vote of thanks as Lord Moyne cannot do it; JHH is asking Lord Raglan to second it (tpc.)

40    Mrs Nora K. Chadwick to FS, 19 Oct. – suggests inviting the Iranian Ambassador, HE Mr Taqizadeb and his wife (autogr., annotated by FS)

41    FS to Lord Hailey, 2 Nov. – conveys thanks of President, Council and Fellows for his address (tpc.)

4/    Lunch and tea arrangements, 30 Oct.

1    FS to Royal Society, 28 July – confirms date and programme; refers to lunch arrangements (tpc.)

2    Royal Society to FS, 30 July – glad to place meeting room at RAI’s disposal; suggests RAI contacts Messrs Gunter’s direct for catering (tp.)

3    FS to WBF, 27 Aug. – hopes to visit Royal Society over catering; Mrs Davis (RAI housekeeper) thinks she can manage tea; mentions also Huxley Lecture by Prof. F.C. Bartlett, printing of session card and additional cards for members (tpc.)

4    FS to JHH, 9 Sep. – gives details of costing for lunch and tea; refers to individuals to be invited; mentions ordinary lectures (tpc.)

5    JHH to FS, 12 Sep. – agrees, regretfully with suggestion of snack lunch; asks about drinks and vintage bottle for main guests; inquires ‘what will Hailey wear?’; comments on those to be invited (autogr.)

6    FS to Dr W.L. Hildburgh, FBA (1876-1956), 14 Sep. – outlines Gunter’s two menus and relative costs for lunch and tea costs at RAI (tpc.)

7    FS to JHH, 20 Sep. – gives further information on lunch; has not forgotten point about tails/short jacket; mentions also Dr Margaret Mead’s lecture (tpc.)

8    FS to Messrs Kimber Bull & Co., RAI solicitors (Mr Howland), 20 Sep. – asks whether selling tickets in advance in order to pay caterer’s bill and the RAI charging for tea would contravene its articles and the Companies’ Act and if a licence is required from the Ministry of Food (tpc.)

9    Dr W.L. Hildburgh to FS, 28 Sep. – comments on loss to RAI that proposed charges will entail; makes proposals for issuing tickets that would be less costly than those to be used; still time to change the method; asks if the solicitors have been contacted (autogr.)

10    FS to Royal Society, 4 Nov. – thanks him and his staff for his excellent arrangements (tpc.)

5/    Attendance at Centenary meeting

1    Dr E.J. Lindgren to FS, 6 Sep. – lists names of her personal invitations and comments on foreign representatives. 7 leaves (autogr.)

2    Ibid., 1 Oct. – comments on the card, notice, and her guests (autogr.)

3    Corrections and additions to list by E.J. Lindgren. 3 leaves (autogr.)

4    List of guests. 2 leaves (tpc., annotated by FS)

5    Ibid. (tpc. annotated by WBF and FS)

6    Revised list of guests (tpc.)

7    List ‘among those present’ (tpc.)

8    Invitations accepted: .1, Miss B.M. Blackwood; .2, Mrs Nora K. Chadwick, .3, Dr Alf Sommerfelt, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education; and not retained: Major and Mrs E. Ainger, Royal Central Asian Society; Dr H.I. Bell, President, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies; Sir Frank Brown, The Times; Dr Jaroslav Cisar, Czechoslovak Research Institute; L.G.C. Clarke, Fitzwilliam Museum, representing University of Cambridge; Miss K.D. Courtney; Mrs G.M. Culwick, Colonial Office; Sir Arthur Dawe, Colonial Office; Sir John Forsdyke, Director, British Museum; W.G. Rawlings; A.S. Harrison, Colonial Dep., University of London Institute of Education; H.E. Mr Nils Hjelmtveit, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education; Miss K.A. Kennedy, Board of Education; Miss M.N. Kennedy, Secretary Royal Central Asian Society; Miss K.M. Kenyon, Acting Director, Institute of Archaeology, University of London; Miss Violette Lafleur, Egypt Exploration Society; M. Lassalle-Séré, Inspecteur General des Colonies, French Committee for National Liberation; Mme M. Le Verrier; Sir Richard Maconachie, Director of Home Services, BBC; HE Dr H.J. van Mook, Netherlands Minister for the Colonies; Miss O’Reilly, University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge; Capt. B.H. Peter; Dr A.W. Pickard-Cambridge, President, Hellenic Society; Dr D.R. Pye, Provost, University College London; P. Rogers, Commonwealth Office; Sir Samuel Runganadhan, Indian High Commissioner; W.L. Sclater, Hon. Secretary, Royal Geographical Society; H.E. Dr Juraj Slavik, Czechoslovak Minister of the Interior; Mrs F.E. Stone, Secretary, National Institute of Economic of Social Research; Dr E. Taylor-Cummings, Colonial Office; Mr T.E. and Miss Utley, Royal Institute of International Affairs; Prof. Paul Vaucher, Comité National, République Française; Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson, President, Royal College of Surgeons; Leonard Wharton; Sir Frederick Whyte, Royal Institute of International Affairs; J.M. Wordie, St John’s College, Cambridge; Miss Ann Wright; Miss Margaret Wrong; Dr George Yeh, Chinese Ministry of Information; Prof. B. Zaborski, Polish Ministry of Information

9    Invitations refused: .1, Dr Joan Evans; .2, The Right Hon. Lord Moyne, PC, DSO; not retained: Prof. D.M. Blair, University of Glasgow; Sir Ralph Furse, Commonwealth Office; Prof. N.A. Fyffe, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Aberdeen; Lt. Colonel Sir Henry Galway; T.C. Warrington, President, Geographical Association

10    Loyal address, amended draft (tp., approved by JHH); published in Man, Jan./Feb. 1944, Item 1

6/    Publication of Addresses and Summaries

1    University Press, Oxford to FS, 28 Aug. 1943 – estimate for the printing of the loyal address (tp.); reply, 6 Sep., accepting estimate and returning proof not retained

2    R.U. Sayce, Keeper, Manchester Museum, to FS, 9 Sep. – agrees to give an address on the future of anthropology; notes deadline for publication (autogr.)

3    JLM to FS, 9 Sep. – gives title of address; will send summary in good time; hopes to have it ready for printer; Man, Jan./Feb. can be devoted to addresses if others meet deadline (autogr. pc.)

4    Mrs K. Rishbeth to FS, 23 Sep. – regrets cannot do publicity for Nature (autogr. pc.)

5    FS to (Prof. Sir) Raymond Firth, 6 Oct. – asks for summary of his address; wishes to distribute before the meeting to ensure accurate press reporting (tpc.); similar letters to Prof. V.G. Childe and R.U. Sayce not retained

6    FS to JLM, 6 Oct. – on necessity of summaries for the press and publicity in The Times and the BBC (tpc.)

7    FS to Kimber Bull, RAI solicitors, 20 Oct. – asks for vetting of some notes for the President’s address including the Horniman Bequest (tpc.); letter from Kimber Bull, 21 Oct., returning address with some alterations not retained

8    G.M. Morant to FS, 24 Oct. – hopes summaries will be ready before the meeting; otherwise will be difficult to prepare report for Nature (autogr.)

9    R.U. Sayce, 12 Nov. – has sent his address to JLM; agrees the advantages of an issue of Man devoted to the Centenary addresses; public interest seems to have been aroused; unsure if he can attend the Huxley Lecture (autogr.)

7/    Circulars, Nature, and report of meeting

1    Invitation – draft (tp., annotations by FS)

2    Centenary meeting programme (printed)

3    Lunch and tea arrangements (printed)

4    ‘The future of anthropology’, Nature, 20 Nov. 1943 (printed); unsigned summary of the proceedings; G.M. Morant was the author

5    Letter to Nature, ‘Future of anthropology’ by Prof. (Sir) W.E. Le Gros Clark (proof); criticises view expressed on scope of physical anthropology

6    ‘Future of anthropology’ by The Writer of the Article [G.M. Morant], Nature, 1 Jan. 1944 (printed); reply to the criticisms

7    Report of the meeting (tp.); on verso duplicated letter by FS to news editors (mimeo.)

8/    Committee on the Future of the Institute. 1968-9

See introductory note for further information.

Members of the Committee: Dr Jean La Fontaine (Chairman), Dr R. Abrahams, Paul E. Adams, Dr Lionel Caplan, Miss E. Carmichael, Alexander A. Dick, J.B. Donne, Robert Layton, David Pilbeam, J.D. Pool, Miss E. Reinach, Dr P.J. Ucko, Mrs P. Wilkins


1    [Anthony H. Christie, Hon. Secretary, AHC] to departmental heads of Oxford, Sussex and Manchester universities, 9 Feb. 1968 – invites suggested names of younger members to serve on the Committee (tpc.)

2-3    Replies from Dr John Beattie, Institute of Social Anthropology, Oxford, 12 Feb. and Prof. F.G. Bailey, University of Oxford, 14 Feb. – suggest names (tp.)

4    Prof. Maurice Freedman, President and AHC, [early May] – invitation to serve on the Committee (mimeo.)

5    Acceptances received from: .1, Ray Abrahams; .2, Paul E. Adams; .3, Lionel Caplan; .4, Alexander A. Dick; .5, J.B. Donne; .6, David Pilbeam; .7, Jean Sackur (La Fontaine); .8, Pauline Wilkins (Burton), 15 May-10 June (autogr., tp.)

6    Dr Jean Sackur (La Fontaine), Chairman to Committee members, [early June] – reports on meeting of 29 May; further information needed from AHC especially on finance; next meeting 12 June (mimeo.)

7    Report of the Committee, July 1968, meeting of 12 June. 2 leaves (mimeo.)

8    Report and recommendations of the Committee, July 1968. 4 leaves (mimeo.)


9    Recommendations of the Committee held on 12 Feb. 1969 (mimeo.)

10    Report and recommendations of the Committee, July 1968, as presented to Council, Appendix B. 4 pp. (mimeo.)

11    Dr Jean La Fontaine to Committee members, 31 Mar. – encloses minutes of last meeting, [12 Feb.](/12 below) with clarifications required by Council (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 13 Mar., CM/98/5, minutes 51, f. 128

12    Recommendations of the Committee to Council, meeting of 12 Feb. (amended)(mimeo.)

1973 Centenary and Appeal. /9-10

9/    Development and Centenary Appeal Committee

See the introductory notes for further information.

Members of the Committee: Dr A.S. Diamond (Chairman), T. Franklin, Norman Franklin, Philip Goldman, Robin Hanbury-Tenison, (Prof. Sir) Edmund Leach, Prof. I.M. Lewis, A.V.S. de Reuck, M. Statham-Fletcher, James Urry, Dr John Waechter; later members include, Dr Mary Douglas, Prof. M. Fortes, Prof. Adrian Mayer; Roger Moss (Hon. Treasurer) succeeded Dr Diamond as Chairman

1    Minutes. 12 Oct. 1971 – 19 Mar. 1973

These are the original minutes, copied on acid-free paper, covering DC/71/1-DC/73/10, ff. 1-163. None is signed by the Chairman

2    Prosecution of the centenary appeal: letters, reports, and memoranda presented to the Committee (.1-.53 bound in with /9/1 above)

.1    Report from Mrs Bentley (BB), Administrative Secretary, 30 Nov. 1971; see 16 Dec. 1971, DC/71/3, f. 7

.2    Ibid. on structure of the RAI, 23 Feb. 1972 see 23 Feb. 1972, DC/72/2, f. 12

.3    Ibid. – report on a visit to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 25 Jan. 1972; see DC/72/2, f. 13

.4    Circular letter from Dr A.S. Diamond, Feb. 1972, asking for assistance on the future role of the RAI circulated to ‘one in ten of membership and past Presidents and Vice-Presidents’; see DC/72/2, f. 15

.5    Report from Dr Diamond – report on a visit to the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 16 Feb. 1972; see DC/72/2, f. 16

.6    Circular letter from BB informing Committee members of the availability of RAI documents; see DC/72/2, f. 17

.7    Structure of the RAI – diagrams covering production and responsibility; see 28 Mar. 1972, DC/72/3, ff. 22-3

.8    Circular letter to Committee members from James Urry; see DC/72/3, f. 24

.9    Copy of letter from Norman Franklin to BB, 22 Feb. 1972 on Sion College; see DC/72/3, f. 25

.10    Circular letter to Chairman of Committees accompanying the questionnaire on the work of their committee; see DC/72/3, f. 26

.11    Copy of questionnaire; see DC/72/3, ff. 27-9

.12    Report from BB and B.J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, on a visit to Mr Gillam, Librarian, the London Library, 24 Mar. 1972; see DC/72/3, f. 30

.13    Memorandum on a future constitution and possible activities from Prof. Mary Douglas, Apr. 1972; see 24 Apr. 1972, DC/72/4, f. 34

.14    Circular on decision ‘to meet on the next five Mondays at 6 p.m. … in order to analyse the results of the questionnaire …’, 26 Apr. 1972; see DC/72/4, f. 35

.15    Draft advertisement for the position of Director; see 14 Aug. 1972, DC/72/5, f. 39

.16    Report of the Development Committee of the Council, June 1972; see DC/72/5, ff. 40-51

.17    Memorandum from Prof. E.R. Leach, 6 Sep. 1972 on possible alternative arrangements for the RAI; see 11 Sep. 1972, DC/72/7, ff. 57-9

.18    Raising money from trusts by Norman Franklin, 11 Sep. 1972; see DC/72/7, ff. 60-1

.19    Memorandum from Philip Goldman, 11 Sep. 1972 on an art auction and the appeal; see DC/72/7, f. 62

.20    Report on a discussion between W.B. Fagg and BB re. the proposed BM soirée, 8 Sep. 1972; see DC/72/7, f. 63

.21    Copy of letter from Brian MacDermot to BB on the memorial service for HRH Prince William, RAI Royal Patron, 8 Sep. 1972; see 18 Sep. 1972, DC/72/8, Item 21, f. 67

.22    Building Committee report on accommodation required by Brian MacDermot; see DC/72/8, Item 24, ff. 68-9

.23    Centenary Appeal – list of trusts with names of trustees and specialist interests; see DC/72/8, Item 25, ff. 70-3

.24    Draft of letter from the President to the Broadfield Trust appealing for funds, 25 Sep. 1972; see 25 Sep. 1972, DC/72/9, Item 35, f. 77

.25    Circular letter from the President to sponsors of the Appeal on trusts and their trustees, 1 Oct. 1972; see DC/72/9, Item 35, f. 78

.26    Circular letter on the meeting in the House of Commons for government support for the Library, Oct. 1972; see DC/72/9, Item 35, ff. 79-80

.27    Report on a ‘Residential Conference Centre as a profitable activity’ by A.V.S. de Reuck, 6 Oct. 1972; see 9 Oct. 1972, DC/72/11, ff. 87-8

.28    Circular letter from the President to members, [19 Sep. 1972]; see DC/72/11, f. 89

.29    ‘Proposal to form a company: RAI Enterprises Ltd.’ by A.V.S. de Reuck, 1 Oct. 1972; see DC/72/11, ff. 90-91

.30    Report from BB to Committee urging further activities, 9 Oct. 1972; see DC/72/11, f. 92

.31    ‘Suggested names of people to be involved in RAI work’; see DC/72/11, Item 52, f. 93

.32    Report from BB to Committee on possible associates in future joint premises, 9 Oct. 1972; see DC/72/11, Item 53, f. 94

.33    Copy of letter from Brian MacDermot to BB on approaching possible helpers in the banking world, 18 Oct. 1972; see 23 Oct. 1972, DC/72/13, Item 65, f. 99

.34    Draft letter on meeting in the House of Commons on 28 Nov. 1972; see DC/72/13, Item 65, f. 100

.35    Analysis of sponsors replies re. trusts; see DC/72/13, Item 66, f. 101

.36    Memorandum from Philip Goldman on membership, 20 Oct. 1972; see 6 Nov. 1972, DC/72/15, ff. 106-7

.37    Report of a meeting on … 3 Nov. 1972 between BB and the Rt Hon. Sir Kenneth Younger on the RAI approach to the government; see DC/72/15, f. 108

.38    Copy of invitation to the House of Commons meeting; see DC/72/15, ff. 109-10

.39    Letter from the President to sponsors and others on the consent of HRH The Prince of Wales to become Royal Patron; see 27 Nov. 1972, DC/72/17, f. 114

.40    Activities programme being arranged by BB, 11 Dec. 1972; see 8 Jan. 1973, DC/73/1, f. 119

.41    Preliminary redrafting of ‘Object and nature of the Institute’; see DC/73/1, f. 120

.42    Memorandum from the Library Committee for presentation to Council and its Committees, 5 Jan. 1973; see 15 Jan. 1973, DC/73/2, ff. 123-8

.43    Notes from the Director … on square footage required for a new building; see DC/73/2, ff. 129-30

.44    Draft letter to Timothy Raison, MP following the meeting in the House of Commons; see 22 Jan. 1973, DC/73/3, Item 15, ff. 133-4

.45    List of trusts to be approached; see 30 Jan. 1973, DC/73/4, ff. 137-41

.46    The Leonardo cartoon and the Royal Academy, 1962; see DC/73/4, Item 25, ff. 142-4

.47    Copy of letter from the Director to Brian MacDermot, 5 Feb. 1973; see 6 Feb. 1973, DC/73/5, f. 147

.48    Draft letter from the Director to sponsors; see DC/73/5, f. 148

.49    Copy of letter from the Director to the Pilgrim Trust, 5 Feb. 1973; see 13 Feb. 1973, DC/73/6, ff. 150-1 (annotated by the Director)

.50    Draft centenary appeal letter to trusts; see DC/73/6, f. 152 (annotated by the Director)

.51    Approach to government – report of the Director of a meeting with Mary Douglas and Timothy Raison, MP, 9 Feb. [1973]; see 19 Feb. 1973, DC/73/7, f. 155

.52    Copy of letter from the Director for sponsors, Mar. 1973; see 5 Mar. 1973, DC/73/9, Item 50, f. 160

.53    Copies of letters from the Wates Foundation to the Director, 1 Mar. 1973 and the Director’s reply, 19 Mar.; see 19 Mar. 1973, DC/73/10, f. 163

.54    Circular from the President announcing HRH Prince William of Gloucester as Royal Patron, [25 Jan. 1972](mimeo.)

.55    Ibid., launching the centenary appeal for funds, [25 Jan. 1972](mimeo.)

.56    Major facts revealed by the … Committee’s enquiries, [? Apr. 1972](tp.)

Questionnaires returned, Apr. 1972 (see 28 Mar. 1972, DC/72/3, ff. 26, 27-9) from:

.57        Administrative Office. 4 leaves

.58        Art Panel. 5 leaves

.59        Ethnomusicology Panel. 3 leaves

.60        Film Committee. 3 leaves

.61        Library Committee. 8 leaves

.62        Publications Committee. 6 leaves

.63    Ibid., Man costing from Dec. 1969 to Sep. 1971; Report on Library Exchanges from the Librarian, 23 Nov. 1971; William Clowes, printers, account for Man, Mar. 1972. 4 leaves

.64    Circular announcing the date of the launch of the appeal on 12 July 1972 at the Martini Terrace, New Zealand House, SW1 (mimeo.)

.65    Points relating to the management and reorganisation of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 6 leaves (photocopy; annotated)

.66    Circular on Statement of Policy (see /67 below), list of sponsors, guests, members, and staff who will attend the launching of the appeal on 12 July (mimeo.)

.67    Centenary Appeal – a policy statement. [10] leaves (wp.)

.68    Building Committee – table of objective and activities (wp.); see 18 Sep. 1972, DC/72/8, Item 24

.69    List of people invited to House of Commons meeting, 28 Nov. 1972 (mimeo.)

.70    Covering letter for supply of revised letter for distribution, 10 Nov.

.71    Revised letter on the House of Commons meeting, 28 Nov., to lobby for Government support (mimeo.); see also /1/34,38 above

.72    Circular from the President with a personal message from the Royal Patron, HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, on assuming the role of Royal Patron on the death of HRH Prince William of Gloucester; information on the appeal; and the appointment of a Director, Geoffrey M. Darling [Dec. 1972]

.73    Outline development plan, 14 Mar. 1973. 10 leaves

.74    Circular letter of invitation to the centenary dinner on 7 Nov. 1973 from the President to Fellows, 23 Aug.

.75    City Committee – list of those already approached to join and of those not yet approached

10/    Correspondence. 1971-3

1    J.B. Donne, Secretary, Art Panel to BB, 13 May 1971 – gives and account of the activities of the Art Panel (tp.); see also /9/2.58


2    D.P. Moody, Director, Occam, to BB, 5 Feb. 1972 – on Council decisions and the duty of members (tp.)

3    BHDMacD to RM, 27 Apr. – comments on the Art Panel report (see /1 above)(tp.)

4    Norman Franklin, Chairman, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. to RM, 16 May – comments on a two-tier membership of Fellows and members, and the economics of Man (tpc.)

5    Library Association salary recommendations for ‘special’ libraries, 18 May (tp.)

6    Prof. Mary Douglas to RM, 18 May – on the need for ‘strong-minded entrepreneurial types’ for Director; gives her views on 2 or 3 tier membership (autogr.)

7    Prof. Ioan M. Lewis, Editor, Man, 1970-3 to BB, 24 May – report on Man (tp.); see also /8/2/.62 above

8    B.J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian to RM, 25 May – on accommodation, salaries, etc. (tp.); see also /8/2/.61 above

9    BHDMacD to RM, 31 May – on importance of submitting specific recommendations to Council (tp.)

10    RM to Norman Franklin, 10 July – on redrafting final report of the Committee into a policy and action document; uncertain of future role of the Committee (tpc.)

11    BB to WBF, 8 Sep. – on the death of Prince William, Royal Patron and programme for the Appeal; Committee asks if he could take responsibility for a British Museum soirée (tp.); it is probable that the soirée refers to the conversazione held on 4 Oct. 1973 at the Museum of Mankind at which HRH The Duchess of Gloucester presented Prince William’s African Collection to the RAI (see A73)


12    ERL to RM, 20 Mar. 1973 – outlines the current position of the RAI, its assets and its immense financial and other problems; refers to the appeal; asks for help with his ‘financial good sense’. 4 leaves (tp., autogr. notes

11/    Brochures, etc., press reports

1    Invitation to reception ‘in the presence of HRH Prince William of Gloucester’, Patron, 12 July 1972 at the Martini Terrace, New Zealand House, SW1 (printed)

2    Brochure listing Council members, sponsors of the Centenary Appeal, centenary message from the Royal Patron, and including the purposes of the appeal. 12 pp. (printed). 2 copies; issued for the reception on 12 July

3    Revised brochure following the death of Prince William with a message from the new Royal Patron, HRH the Prince of Wales. 12 pp. (printed). 2 copies; issued Jan. 1973; see 51/6/8 for earlier brochure

4    ‘The Royal Anthropological Institute Library’ by Lucy Mair, Times Literary Supplement, 6 July 1973 (mimeo. copy)

5    Brochure for Centenary Dinner, 7 Nov. 1973 at Grocers’ Hall including seating plan; list of guests inserted (printed)

6    ‘Why the study of man is so important’ by the Prince of Wales, Evening Standard, 8 Nov.; speech at the Centenary Dinner (photocopy)

RAI Archives combined with W.B. Fagg Papers (July 1992); see also 51/6 for additional material.

12/    Strategy Committee. 1984-6 (these papers are on acid-free paper)

Members of the Committee: Officers and Director; David Boston; Prof. Jean La Fontaine (later as President); Carol MacCormack; David Turton; Prof. Bernard Wood; and additionally in 1986: Prof. Michael Day; Philip Goldman; Prof. Tim Ingold; Prof. Eric Sunderland; Richard Tapper


1    Memorandum from the Director, Jonathan Benthall (JB) to Committee Chairmen, 1 Mar. requesting ‘position papers from anyone interested in setting out an individual point of view’

2    Submission to the Committee by JB setting out his personal views, 1 Mar. 5 leaves

3    Enclosed with /2: report of the Development Committee, June 1972 (Enclosure A)

4    Enclosed with /2: Centenary Appeal: A Policy Statement, 1972 (Enclosure B)

5    Summary of the discussion of the Education Committee, 16 Apr. from John Corlett, Chairman; and covering letter

6    Note from JB on two submissions received from the Education Committee (see /5 above) and the North American Committee (not present), 18 Apr.

7    Mrs Gillian Webster to the President (Prof. Adrian Mayer), 9 May – makes suggestions for meetings and seminars in response to note in Rain, Apr. 1984 inviting views

8    President to Mrs Webster, 15 May – thanks her for her suggestions and offer to help

13/    1985

1    Memorandum from the President to JB on reasons for the Committee’s inactivity and the changing financial situation; see Council minutes, 10 Oct. 1984 (CM/84/4, Item 3, iii) and 16 Jan. (CM/85/1, Item 3, ii)

14/    1986

1    Memorandum from JB to the Committee, 27 Mar. commenting on his submission of 1 Mar. 1984 (11/2 above)

2    Submission by Olivia Harris, Goldsmiths’ College, 1 Apr.; and covering letter (autogr.)

3    President (Prof. Jean La Fontaine) to Olivia Harris, 17 Apr. – thanks her for her helpful suggestions

4    Minutes of the meeting, 4 Apr.

5    Memorandum from JB to the Committee, 17 Apr. with note and copy of letter sent to ‘our various contacts with the property world’

6    Ibid., 27 May on the financial position and the need to convene the Finance Committee

15/    1993 Centenary

1    Invitation from the President, Prof. Ernest Gellner to a press reception and seminar on 26 May 1993 (printed with insert map)

2    Guest list for 150th anniversary press reception and seminar (wp.)

3    Biographical notes on speakers (wp.)

4    Highlights of the 150th anniversary, 1993 (wp.)

5    RAI brochure and subscription rates (slip)(printed)

6    Social anthropology – joint brochure issued by the RAI and Association of Social Anthropologists (printed)

16/    Personal recollections of RAI history

1    Memo from the RAI Director to the Hon. Archivist on historical file, 15 July 1992 (wp.)

2    C.E. Joel to the Director, 10 Feb. 1983 – notes some personal memories before and after his election as a Fellow in 1936 (tp.)

3    Ibid., 1 Apr. 1983 – ibid., in more detail. [4] leaves (tp.)

4    Aide-mémoire for ‘History of the RAI’ file – conversation with Prof. Sir Raymond Firth, 8 July 1992 (wp.)

17/    Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales (to be archived)

The Princess of Wales was the Royal Patron, 1989-96