Correspondence, minutes and papers. 1940.

This Committee appears to have been the colonial section of the Applied Anthropological Committee. Dr Margaret H. Read was the Secretary of the Committee and Dr Lucy P. Mair the Secretary of the Applied Anthropology Committee itself. There is no mention of the Committee for Collection of Data on Anthropological and Allied Training as such in the Council minutes, Man or the Report to Council but see Report, 1939-40, p. 96, and 1940-1, p. 102. There is no reference in the Executive Committee minutes. The Committee appears to have completed its work from Feb.-June 1940.


ARR-B        Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, FBA (1881-1955), Prof. of Social Anthropology, University of Oxford; RAI President 1939-40

EJL        Dr Ethel John Lindgren (d. 1988), Hon. Editor, 1938-47, RAI Vice-President, 1947-50

MHR        Dr Margaret H. Read, University of London lecturer, especially interested in nutrition and labour emigration

WBF        W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1939-56, Hon. Editor of Man, 1947-65

1/    Correspondence

Feb. 1940

1    WBF to MHR, 13 Feb. 1940 – unclear whether EJL has mentioned her (MHR’s) nomination as Secretary of the new colonial section of the Applied Anthropology Committee; if not he asks the question; hears manoevering is going on behind the scenes; proposed a new International Affairs Committee at last Council (autogr.); see Council minutes, 23 Jan. 1940, ff. 361-2

2    Ibid., 19 Feb. – took EJL’s advice and got the new Committee postponed for the present; possibility of Secretary does not arise but hopes it will soon (autogr.); see Council minutes, 20 Feb. 1940, Item 10, f. 364

3    EJL to MHR, 21 Feb. – matter of new Committee(s) came up at the end of the agenda [meeting of Council, 20 Feb.]; ARR-B informed Dr Lucy Mair that the last meeting decided there was to be two new Committees; she was to be Secretary of one Committee; Dr Lucy Mair said that the Applied Anthropology Committee ‘had sprung out of the work of the LSE school’; if the LSE returned to London, the Applied Anthropology Committee ‘might do something’; had been in touch with Dr Audrey I. Richards who had met Dr Lucy Mair, herself and Dr W.E. Mumford; Dr Lucy Mair friendly to Dr A.I. Richards; uncertainty over the Applied Anthropology Committee; cannot wait for LSE to return to London [evacuated owing to the war]; ready to help (tpc.); see Council minutes as above; see also 19 Mar. 1940, ff. 366-7, 23 Apr. 1940, f. 369

4    MHR to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 22 Feb. – an ad hoc group was called to meet Dr A.I. Richards on 16 Feb.; they discussed anthropological studies in the war; likely to be demand to give some training in anthropology; no steps taken to co-ordinate information about courses; asks him to supply information in answer to six questions (tpc.); similar letters sent to other heads of University departments

5    ARR-B, All Souls College, Oxford to MHR, 25 Feb. – Prof. H.J. Fleure provided information on courses for the British Association; answers questions on course; encloses information (autogr.)

6    Ibid., ibid., (typed copy of the above; tpc.)

7    Diploma and certificates in anthropology (mimeo.)

8    Ibid., revised regulations … to come into force on 1 Oct. 1940. 7 pp. (printed)

9    Dr G.M. Morant to MHR, 25 Feb. – provides information on cultural anthropology in the Dept. of Anatomy and the Dept. of Eugenics at University College, London; unlikely that any anthropology will be taught during the war (autogr.)

10    Prof. H.J. Rose, St Andrews, Fife to MHR, 26 Feb. – replies to questions on behalf of St Andrews University. 3 leaves (tp.)

11    Prof. H.J. Fleure, University of Manchester to MHR, 26 Feb. – interested in inquiry; has had several men selected for the Colonial Service; one working at present; answers questions (tp.)

12    W.A. Fleming, University of Edinburgh to MHR, 27 Feb. – replies on behalf of Prof. A.G. Ogilivie; lists courses (tp.)

13    MHR to WBF, 27 Feb. – telephone out of order; would like to have lunch; gives instructions for calling for her (autogr. pc)

14    Dr Ralph Piddington, University of Aberdeen to MHR, 27 Feb. – replies to questions on courses; encloses extract for the University Calendar, 1939/40 (/15 below)(tp.)

15    Extract for the Aberdeen University Calendar 1939/40 (mimeo.)

16    WBF’s notes on EJL’s letter, another letter to follow (/18 below)(autogr.)

17    Dr R. Piddington to MHR, 28 Feb. – encloses formal reply to her letter (/14 above); personal project supported by Sir John Orr and Prof. Lancelot Hogben; outlines project (tp.)

Mar. 1940

18    EJL to WBF, 1 Mar. – suggests he reply to Prof. Fortes that he ‘would bring the proposal before [the] next Council’; Prof. Fortes and Dr Lucy Mair ‘have … been working a scheme of research’; Lord Onslow should be approached; MHR would produce a summary when all the data is collected; should be brought to the attention of the Colonial Office; mentions role of Lord Onslow; also mentions the President, ARR-B and reservations he may have (tpc., EJL annotations)

19    Dr Ida C. Ward to MHR, 1 Mar. – the Director [Institute of Education] has been away with flu; cannot let the Institute in ‘for possible courses without just submitting the plans to him’; will write at one when the Director is seen (autogr.)

20    Prof. E.O. James to MHR, 4 Mar. – will send under separate cover prospectus of what Leeds University is attempting; handicapped by lack of ‘an adequate museum of ethnological and archaeological material’; do not have a full-time archaeologist; cites other aspects (tp.)

21    EJL to MHR, 6 Mar. – thanks her for the visit by herself [EJL]; encloses copy of letter from the British Association [not held]; heard from Prof. Hutton who read out copy of Prof. Fortes’ letter to WBF; he thought it ‘a good idea’ for Cambridge Anthropology Dept. to inform the Colonial Office of their training facilities; suggested Prof. Hutton should be asked to join the Committee; hopes to hear of developments in the Applied Anthropology Committee (tpc.)

22    MHR to ARR-B, 6 Mar. – thanks him for his reply to the query about courses and training; sorry she did not know about Prof. Fleure’s collecting information for the British Association; conditions have changed in some universities since the outbreak of war (tpc., annotation by MHR on other universities)

23    Ibid., to Dr Piddington, 6 Mar. – apologises for delay in replying to his letter (/14 and /17 above); very interested in his project; asks various questions; valuable aspects of his scheme are the association of anthropological instruction etc.; will raise the question of an economist at LSE for his scheme. 3 pp. (autogr.)

24    Dr Ida C. Ward to MHR, 7 Mar. – encloses memorandum on courses held at the Institute of Education [not held] and on the Africa Dept. and the Dept. of Phonetics and Linguistics [not held]; may be possible for courses to be held in London and Cambridge (autogr.)

25    S.J.K. Baker, University of Liverpool to MHR, 7 Mar. – cites courses held particularly in the Dept. of Geography (see /26 below)(tp.)

26    School of Geography: Studies in the geography of human societies – list of courses held (tp.)

27    ARR-B, All Souls, Oxford to MHR, 8 Mar. – encloses list of lectures for Oxford University [not held]; none held at present (autogr.)

28    Cambridge University Reporter, 30 July 1938 and 7 Oct. 1939; list of lectures covering 1938-9 and 1939-40 (printed)

29    Applied Anthropology Committee, 9 Mar. (tpc.)

30    Dr Piddington to MHR, 12 Mar. – thanks her for her letter (/23 above); unaware that plans for research ‘were under way in the south’; better for Aberdeen to undertake some special field say nutrition or missions; will probably be drafting a revised version of the proposal; will send a copy when it is ready; encloses copies of two papers (/31 below)(tp.)

31    Bureau of Missions and Colonial Planning, University of Aberdeen, Anthropological Museum (mimeo., autogr. note by Ralph Piddington)

32    Prof. C. Daryll Forde, Dept. of Geography and Anthropology, Aberystwyth, 12 Mar. – answers questions; states sociological field studies of Welsh rural communities was commenced before the war; not sure if it can be continued due to funding (tp.)

33    Secretary, International Institute of African Languages & Cultures, i.e. International African Institute to MHR, 19 Mar. – sends copies of circular; much interested in information; thanks her for all her trouble (tp.)

34    Extract from Congrès international des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, Compte-rendu, 1939, pp. 19-20 on permanent research committees, 20 Mar. (tpc.)

Apr. 1940

35    Prof. J.H. Hutton to MHR, 4 Apr. – ‘flattered’ at being asked to join her committee; cannot commit himself to going to London; gives reasons; nevertheless glad to cooperate (autogr.); verso see /36 below

36    MHR to Prof. Hutton, [6 Apr.] – thanks him for his letter; grateful for his help; will try to arrange meetings of the Committee when he is in London anyway; mentions EJL and consultation (autogr.); verso of /35 above

37    MHR to Prof. J.H. Fleure, 4 Apr. – now received replies from most of the universities; so sorry she ‘did not know before writing to you, that you had already collected information for the Permanent Research Committee of the Congrès international’; suggests consulting ‘each other’s material?’ (autogr.)

38    Prof. C.G. Seligman to MHR, 4 Apr. – Dr Audrey Richards told him you had been discussing matters; ‘honoured’ to be asked to join committee; suggests talking it over; suggests dates (tp.)

39    Prof. C. Daryll Forde to MHR, 5 Apr. – did not know she was at the club lunch; had asked Dr Lucy Mair ‘about the plans of your group’; to my surprise she did not know; asks her what the membership is and the institutions she is obtaining information from (autogr.); list of original members overleaf (autogr.)

40    H.S. Scott to MHR, 6 Apr. – delighted to join group (autogr.)

41    J.S. Furnivall to EJL, 8 Apr. – pleased to join her Committee (autogr.)

42    Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to MHR, 8 Apr. – thanks her for the invitation to join the Committee; but leaving the country next month; suggests ARR-B (autogr.)

43    J.L. Keith to MHR, 8 Apr. – pleased to join her Committee; delay due to being on sick leave (tp., autogr. paragraph)

44    Extract from EJL to MHR, 15 Apr. – asked several times about the success of the nutrition survey [of Nyasaland] of which she was a member; her reply has been to refer to Dr Audrey Richards who visited the country; she mentioned her (MHR) popularity and did not think MHR was responsible [for the muddle]; she would be glad to confirm or detract the story. Extract from MHR to EJL, 17 Apr. – the nutrition survey was a muddle; glad to talk to her anytime about it; her version is on file at the International African Institute; gives her account of the confusion briefly (tp., autogr. note by EJL)

45    WBF to MHR, 15 Apr. – EJL has asked me to send a copy of a passage of Prof. Fortes’ first draft; gives draft passage; will need drastic amendments; EJL suggests the draft being sent to Profs. Seligman and Hutton; would help to allay Prof. Seligman’s suspicions; suggests she should write to him (autogr.)

46    MHR to WBF, 17 Apr. – EJL will send copies of the draft to Profs. Seligman and Hutton; she [MHR] will write to Profs. Seligman and Hutton; hope he enjoyed the ‘breeze’ with ARR-B; surprised at ‘the seriousness’ and ‘evil interests’ which are attributed to us (autogr.)

46.1    Ibid., to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 17 Apr. – regrets delay in replying to his letter (/39 above); original members those you met Dr A.I. Richards; gives names: EJL, WBF, Dr Mumford, Dr Ida Ward, Miss M. Green, Miss Brackett and MHR; since then Prof. Hutton, H.S. Scott, J.L. Keith and J.S. Furnivall have joined; information about training possibilities has been obtained from universities (autogr. carbon)

47    Ibid., to (Prof.) E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 17 Apr. – regrets he will not be joining the group; will bring his suggestion about inviting ARR-B before the Committee (autogr. carbon)

48    Ibid., to Prof. J.L. Myres, 17 Apr. – thinks he knows about the Committee; hopes to talk to him; EJL making a summary of the information obtained; will send a copy if he would like it (unfinished autogr. draft)

48.1    Ibid., to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 17 Apr. – wrote 4 Apr. (/37 above) about possible interchange of information; EJL has offered to summarise his information; asks for it to be sent direct to EJL (autogr.)

49    Prof. J.L. Myres to MHR, 18 Apr. – glad to have summary and to meet her; ‘trying to ensure that the value of material culture, in education and various winds of ‘development’, is not overlooked’; cites position in Colonial Office (autogr.)

50    MHR to WBF, [22 Apr.] – asks if 20 May for next Committee meeting will suit him (autogr. pc)

51    WBF to MHR, 22 Apr. – 20 May suits him (autogr. pc)

52    J.L. Keith to MHR, 23 Apr. – sorry unable to attend meeting, 20 May (tp.)

53    W.B. Mumford, Colonial Research Section, Institute of Education to EJL, 23 Apr. – encloses notes (/54 below) on teaching of tribal history and traditions in Africa; encloses also courses held at the Institute of Education in the Colonial Dep. (/55 below)(tp.)

54    Notes by W.B. Mumford. 2 leaves (autogr.)

55    Special courses in Colonial Studies at the Institute of Education. 3 leaves (mimeo.)

56    C.P. Groves to MHR, 23 Apr. – much interested in her invitation; not sure he can be of help; willing to accept; cannot pledge to regular attendance at meetings (autogr., autogr. annotations by MHR)

57    H.D. Hooper to MHR, 23 Apr. – honoured to accept invitation; seem to be reviving Highleigh conference some years ago; some missionaries and sociologists selected by Malinowski and Sir Julian Huxley met; it was a great success; hopes to supply some missionary data (autogr.)

58    Miss Dorothy G. Brackett, Secretary, International Institute of African Languages & Culture to MHR, 24 Apr. – hopes to be present on 20 May; glad she has had so many acceptances (tp.)

59    Prof. C.G. Seligman to MHR, 26 Apr. – cannot manage 20 May; would have liked to sample Committee ‘before taking the plunge’; asks for agenda (autogr. pc)

60    Dr Ralph Piddington, University of Aberdeen to MHR, 26 Apr. – little hope of being in London on 20 May; not yet seen Merle Davis’s book; gather she intends to publish her paper on anthropology and nurses (tp.)

61    J.S. Furnivall to MHR, 28 Apr. – 20 May suits him (autogr. pc)

62    School of Oriental and African Studies, Dept. of Africa – courses of anthropology and allied subjects being given in the School. 3 leaves (mimeo.)

63    Prof. Hutton’s data for Cambridge (tpc. with autogr. annotations by EJL and another)


64    Miss Beatrice Blackwood to EJL, 3 May – glad to join new group (autogr.)

65    Ibid., 8 May – sends lists for Colonial Administrative Service and Indian Civil Service (/66-7 below); gives details of own courses; will do her best to attend meeting on 20 May (tp.)

66    Oxford University, Colonial Administrative Senior Course, 1939-40. 2 leaves (printed)

67    Indian Civil Service, 1939-40. 3 leaves (printed)

68    Miss Dorothy G. Brackett, Secretary, Institute of African Languages & Culture to MHR, 9 May – asks if she can have details of CCDAT for Africa (/69 below)(tp.)

69    ‘Notes on Anthropological Training Facilities in Gt Britain’ for Africa. 2 leaves (autogr. by MHR)

70    Miss Beatrice Blackwood to EJL, 11 May – cannot meet requested deadline; explains reasons; tentative list sent by ARR-B; explains inadequacies of Colonial Summer School list; encloses list by answering questions sent to Oxford (/71 below)(tp., with annotations by BB)

71    Oxford University summary of courses held; note on the Oxford University Summer School of Colonial Administration. 2 leaves (tp.)

72    C.P. Groves to EJL, 13 May – lists courses at Selly Oak (autogr.)

73    Prof. C. Daryll Forde to MHR, 14 May [i.e. c. 18 Apr.] – will be in London during second week in May; will let her know more in due course (autogr. pc)

74    J.S. Furnivall to MHR, 17 May – unable now to attend meeting on 20 May (tp.)

75    Prof. C. Daryll Forde to MHR, 17 May – cannot attend meeting; interested to read prepared papers (tp. pc)

76    Prof. C.G. Seligman to MHR, 18 May – cannot attend meeting on 20 May; has been ill again; decided not to join her group; gives reasons; comments on her paper to be given on 20 May (tp.)

77    Prof. H.J. Fleure to MHR, 23 May – cannot answer queries as papers sent to Holland (tp., annotation by WBF, 9/8/45)


78    MHR to ARR-B, 24 June – at its last meeting, the group ‘unanimously decided to invite him to become a member of the group’ (autogr. draft)

79    ARR-B to MHR, 29 June – cannot attend any meetings for the next three months; hopes to resume work of Applied Anthropology Committee; should concern CCDAT; should attend former as an Officer of the RAI (autogr.)


80    MHR to WBF, 19 Dec. 1943 – apologises for delay in replying to his letter [not held]; agrees CCDAT papers should be at the RAI; proposes to tidy them; hopes someone else can cope while she is away; also apologises for not returning K.L. Little’s letter; does not know the latter’s committee (autogr.)


81    Ibid., 24 Aug. 1945 – CCDAT papers out of date but use them if he wishes; Scarborough Committee has latest on universities; ready to help if needed (autogr.)

2/    Courses (Summaries)

1    Courses of Study in Anthropology and Allied Subjects in English and Scottish [& Welsh] Institutions of Higher Learning, 1939-40. 32 ie 33 leaves (tp.)

2    Courses of Study in Anthropology in English and Scottish Institutions of Higher Learning, 1939-40. 6 leaves (tp.); gives names of those who provided information and other data

3    Courses in Anthropology and Allied Subjects. 12 leaves (tpc.)

4    Extract from the Rep.of 91st meeting of the British Association …. Sep. 12-19 1923, pp. 416-21, ‘Progress of anthropological teaching’; referred to in /2/2 above

3/    Committee agendas, minutes, papers

1    18 Feb. 1940, 1st meeting – those present, minutes (autogr. by MHR)

2    18 Mar., [2nd meeting] – agenda (tpc., annotated by MHR); minutes include those present (autogr. by MHR). 2 leaves

3    4 Apr. – letter of invitation to join CCDAT …, sent 4 Apr. 3 leaves (autogr. by MHR); list of names sent the letter, those who refused, accepted, and doubtful. 1 leaf (autogr. by MHR)

4    16 May – list of persons sent the agenda etc. (tp., annotated)

5    20 May – .1, agenda. 1 leaf; .2, A preliminary note on the recording and teaching of history in tribal areas by MHR; The linguistic point of view by Ida C. Ward. 2 leaves (mimeo.); .3, Memorandum on research project. 5 leaves (tpc.); .4, Accounts, 18 May. 1 leaf (autogr. by MHR)

6    20 May – minutes including a list of those present and apologies. 2 pp. (autogr. by MHR)

7    List of members and affiliation, courses existing at present. 3 pp. (autogr. by MHR)