Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents COMMITTEE FOR MIDDLE AND SOUTH AMERICAN RESEARCH (A161)


 /1    Minutes, Agendas etc.

  1    Minute book of the Committee for Middle and South American Research (notebook)

  2    Agenda for Meeting on 18 Mar. [1958] in preparation for first Committee meeting of South American Research Committee (tp.)

  3    Agenda for Committee meeting on 25 Mar. [1958] (tp.)

  4    Minutes of the First Meeting of the Committee for Middle and South American Research, on 26 Mar. [sic]. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

  5    Agenda for Meeting [on 13 Nov. 1958] (tp.)

  6    Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Committee for Middle and South American Research, on 13 Nov. (tp. copy)

  7    Ibid., another version. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

  8    Agenda for Meeting on 10 Mar. 1959 (tp.)

  9    Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Committee for Middle and South American Research, on 10 Mar. (tp. copy)

 10    Agenda for Meeting on 31 May 1960 (tp.)

 11    Agenda for Meeting on 19 May [1960?] (tp.)

 12    Agenda for Meeting on 14 Nov. 1961 (tp.)

 13    Information about the Committee; on Corresponding Members; on Membership; on the Guiana Project (the first project for research to be sponsored by the Committee). 4 leaves (tp.)

 14    List of those to be invited as Members of the Committee (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 15    Lists of Members of the Committee. 5 pages (tp.)

 16    Report on the Committee, 1961[?] (tp.)

 17    Report on the Committee, 1962[?] (tp.)

 18    Report on the Committee, July 1961-June 1962 (tp.)

 19    Report on the Committee for the year ending 31 Dec. 1963 (tp.)

A161/1/20    Report on the Committee for the year ending 31 Dec. 1964 (tp.)

 21    Report on the Committee, 1966-67 (tp.)

 22    Report on the Committee, 1967-68 (tp.)

 /2    Corresponding Members

  1    Prof. C.D. Forde, Chairman, Committee for Middle and South American Research, to [various recipients], nd – the Committee has decided that there ought to be ‘Corresponding Members’; describes the arrangements to be made; describes the role of a Corresponding Member; asks for permission to put name forward (tp.)

  2    Prof. George W. Hill, Universidad Central de Venezuela, to Dr Audrey J. Butt, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, 14 Mar. 1957 – refers to her letter of 30 Jan. [not held]; showed the letter to Prof. Walter Dupouy, who should give the official permit to visit the Arekuna; wants his School to have a relationship with the museum; on her proposal of a South American research project; mentions Dr Joseph M. McDaniel of the Ford Foundation; on a similar proposal from Cornell University (tp.)

  3    Otto Zerries to ibid., 4 Apr. – refers to her letter of 1 Dec. 1956 [not held]; Herr Schuster informed him about her last letter with suggestions for team work on field research in Guiana; he himself would not be free before 1959; on periods of fieldwork; Herr Schuster plans to work on the Waica problem in Brazil (tp.)

  4    Dr Meinhard Schuster, Frobenius Institut, to ibid., 3 Aug. – on his reason for not replying to her letters; on her application to the Ford Foundation; on his present work; mentions Congress of Americanists in Costa Rica (tp.)

  5    Vincent Roth, Director, the British Guiana Museum and Zoological Park, to Dr A.J. Butt, 24 Feb. 1958 – refers to her note of 19 Feb. [not held] about the South American Anthropological Research Project; he will do what he can (tp.)

  6    Alfred Métraux, UNESCO, to ibid., 19 Mar. – refers to her letter [not held]; on the merits of the project she outlines; offers his help; cannot advise about a Ford Foundation grant but suggests she consult Prof. Charles Wagley (tp.)

A161/2/7        Herbert Baldus, Director, Museu Paulista, Brazil, to ibid., 21 May – Mr Maybury-Lewis has discussed the plans of an anthropological research programme to be carried out in South America; refers to her enclosed ‘Project’; on the cost of a year’s study in Brazil; offers his help (tp.)

  8    George W. Hill to ibid., 14 June – refers to her letters [not held]; on political events in Venezuela; on the uncertainty of his own future; on costs of expeditions in Venezuela (tp.)

  9    Ibid., 23 July – on her proposal; suggests she send a formal letter with the project outline; on the Wisconsin agreement; any agreement she should enter into should be specific; Prof. Cruxent talking to Dr Dark and Dr Bushnell (tp.)

 10    Claude Lévi-Strauss to ibid., 6 Aug. – refers to her letter of 31 July [not held]; on the outline of the South American project; linguistic research could have been put more in the foreground; linguistics is a weak point in South American studies; on the importance of classical ethnographical studies; however warmly approves the general idea behind the project (autogr.)

 11    Alfred Métraux to ibid., 8 Aug. – refers to her letter of 31 July [not held] with enclosure; the scheme appears extremely interesting; suggests she approach Mrs Suzy Vianes who is deeply interested in Guiana; offers to do what he can from the French side (tp.)

 12    Vincent Roth to ibid., 10 Aug. – refers to her letter of 28 July [not held] with details of the ‘Guiana Project’; on laying the matter before the local Minister of Education; on the funding of the British Guiana Museum; assumes that no cash outlay will be expected (tp.)

 13    Ibid. to Prof. C.D. Forde, ibid. – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held] on the subject of the Guiana Project; refers to his letter to Dr Butt (tp.)

 14    George W. Hill to ibid., 15 Aug. – refers to her letter of 31 July [not held]; will hold the proposal until business resumes in Sept. and then submit it formally; had Prof. Cruxent meet with her people in Costa Rica; the reaction so far has been excellent; is leaving next week for the States (tp. with autogr. note referring to Sir Douglas MacDougall)

A161/2/15    Ibid. to Prof. C.D. Forde, 16 Aug. – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held] with the research proposal; will submit it at the re-opening of the school year in Oct.; has submitted it informally; everyone expresses great interest; he will hear from him again in the fall (tp.)

 16    Dr Meinhard Schuster to Dr A.J. Butt, 18 Aug. – refers to her letter of 24 July [not held] with the circular enclosed; found it well done; on the Wisconsin Venezuela research project; on his own research work; has postponed a field trip but that does not diminish his interest in her project; on imminent events (autogr.)

 17    Ibid. to Prof. C.D. Forde, ibid. – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held] with enclosed outline of the Guiana Project; welcomes the project heartily; on his work among the Waika-shiriana and Maquiritare; feels necessity of doing more field work; shall not be able to cooperate in a field research project until 1961; identifies the types of studies he is most interested in; there cannot be made other than affirmative comments on the well-planned project; expresses gratitude at being asked to join in the project. 2 leaves (tp.)

 18    Bassett Maguire, Curator, the New York Botanical Garden, to Dr A.J. Butt, 20 Aug. – refers to her sending enclosures about her plan for anthropological field research in the Guianas; on an extension of his own field programme; on the area which has been defined; some sort of collaboration might be effected; would be happy to help; on money; on work being done on languages in Indian territories; suggests he consult Dr. H.A. Gleason about this; asks for the return of his Akawaio film. 2 leaves (tp.)

 19    Philip Dark to ibid., 21 Aug. – gave copies of the project outline to Rouse and Cruxent; encloses copy of a resolution in support; there is interest in the project; suggests the Committee write formally to Rouse at Yale asking for association with the Yale Caribbean programme; on Prof. Cruxent; suggests that next time she is in British Guiana she meet him (tp.)

 .1    Resolution proposed by Dark and Bushnell, that the 33rd Americanist Congress approves the project of the Middle and South American Research Committee (tp., in Spanish)

A161/2/20    Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61, 25 Aug. – on fixing a Committee meeting; replies to the Guiana Project have been rolling in; mentions letter from Dr Dark; encloses it; on Dr Maguire; on contacting her to discuss things (tp.)

 21    Dr Marian Smith to […?], 10 Sept. – on Dr Nieuwenhuijze; his Institute has started a large project on the Mediterranean so will not be free to participate in South American Research; he has agreed to take part in preliminary discussions; left names of those to whom the project could be sent (tp. with autogr. additions)

 .1    Business card of Dr C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze (printed)

 22    Prof. Herbert Baldus to Prof. C.D. Forde, 9 Oct. – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held] giving news of the formation of the Committee; would be happy to cooperate in any way possible; suggests he write to Dr Eduardo Galvão; Dr Hans Becher is interested in the Project; wishes him every success (tp.)

 23    Johanna Felhoen Kraal to ibid., 13 Oct. – Dr van Nieuwenhuijze forwarded his letter of 19 July [not held]; on the formation of the Committee; she is Hon. Secretary of a new Foundation for the Advancement of Research in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles (Wosuna); Prof. Van Lier is sponsoring several research projects for Surinam; is sending her three annual reports of Wosuna; outlines what these contain; on a survey of literature in Dutch concerning Surinam; Wosuna is open to any suggestions for international cooperation in research. 2 leaves (tp.)

 24    Prof. C.D. Forde to Johanna Felhoen Kraal, 20 Oct. – refers to her letter; glad to know that there will be possibilities for liaison with her organization; is sending her letter to Miss Butt (tp.)

 25    Dr Otto Zerries, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich, to Prof. C.D. Forde, 31 Oct. – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held]; can only now make some remarks on it; on the honour to have the possibility of taking part in the planned project; will not be able to do field research until 1961; on his work on the Waika and Shiriana Indians; hopes to contribute something useful to the planning of the Guiana project (tp.)

A161/2/26    [Dr Audrey Butt?] to Prof. Lévi-Strauss, post 13 Nov. – refers to meeting held on 13 Nov.; she brought up the points raised in his letter [of 6 Aug. cross ref.]; on the inclusion of linguistics as an associated study; on limiting research studies to classic Amerindian investigations; on the decision to have ‘Corresponding Members’; describes their role; asks permission to put his name forward as Corresponding Member for France; will also invite the Société des Américanistes to be represented on the Committee (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 27    Dr A.J. Butt to Prof. I. Rouse, Peabody Museum, 20 Dec. – on the resolution of approval for the Guiana Project passed at the meeting of the Congreso Internacional de Americanistas; asks if he will join as a Corresponding Member; on the Yale Caribbean Project; has circularized the Guiana Project and has received promises of support; should be grateful for any suggestions he might make; the problem is to get the project launched; the Committee is convinced of the need for such a project (tpc.)

 28    Bassett Maguire to Dr Robert L. Carneiro, American Museum of Natural History, 23 Dec. – notes from the annual report that the Museum is preparing a ‘handbook’ on Indians of lowland tropical South America; tells him about the programme of the Middle and South American Research Committee of the RAI (tpc.)

 29    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, ibid. – encloses carbon of note he sent to Dr Carneiro (tp.)

 30    Vincent Roth to Prof. C.D. Forde, 27 Dec. – refers to his letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; appreciates the honour conferred by request to be Corresponding Member for British Guiana (tp.)

 31    Jos. A. Leila, for Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, to ibid., 2 Jan. 1959 – refers to his letter of 20 Nov. [not held] addressed to the Minister of Education in connection with the Guiana Project; the Project appears sound (tp.)

 32    Herbert Baldus to ibid., 5 Jan. – refers to his letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; it would be an honour to become Corresponding Member for Brazil; if he wants information about research possibilities in Brazil, suggests he contact David Maybury-Lewis (tp.)

 33    John P. Gillin, Institute for Research in Social Science, to ibid., 6 Jan. – refers to his letter of 20 Dec. [not held]; on his own field work in the Guiana region; offers to help promote the project (tp.)

A161/2/34    Claude Lévi-Strauss to ibid., 7 Jan. – appreciates the invitation to become a Corresponding Member; shall do what he can to promote close collaboration between French and British scholars (tp.)

 35    Johanna Felhoen Kraal to Dr Audrey J. Butt, 10 Jan. – refers to her letter of 20 Dec. [not held] with Prof. Forde’s letter included; sends a copy of her reply (tp.)

 36    Ibid. to Prof. C.D. Forde, ibid. – refers to his letter of 20 Dec.; her name can be put forwards as Corresponding Member; should like to be appointed both as Hon. Secretary of Wosuna and as representing the Royal Tropical Institute; on coming to London for Committee meetings (tp.)

 37    Prof. Irving Rouse, Yale University, to Dr Audrey J. Butt, ibid. – refers to her letter of 20 Dec. [not held]; accepts the invitation to become a Corresponding Member of the Committee; gives the reasons why Yale’s Caribbean Anthropological Program should not conflict with the activities of the Committee; since he is informal director of the Yale program, selection of him as Corresponding Member should ensure proper liaison; doubts he is competent to advise on the organization of the Guiana project; mentions the Ford Foundation and the Wenner-Gren Foundation; will be pleased to have his name proposed as Corresponding Member for the United States. 2 leaves (tp.)

 38    George W. Hill to Prof. C.D. Forde, 12 Jan. – refers to his letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; happy to serve as Corresponding Member for Venezuela; on the situation in Caracas; mentions Walter Dupouy (tp.)

 39    J. Cruxent, Director, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Caracas, to Dr Audrey Butt, 13 Jan. – refers to her letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; accepts the invitation to become a Corresponding Member (tp., in Spanish)

 40    R.D. Harcourt, Société des Américanistes, to ibid., ibid. – refers to her letter of 20 Dec. [not held]; the Society has already published on Guyana and will continue to do so; asked M. Henri Lehmann if he would act as Corresponding Member; his answer was favourable (tp., in French)

 41    H.D. Huggins, Director, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University College of the West Indies, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 Jan. – refers to his letter of 8 Dec. [not held]; is happy to cooperate in the programme; proposes to send more specific comments shortly (tp.)

A161/2/42    Dr Otto Zerries to ibid., 19 Jan. – refers to his letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; accepts the honour of becoming Corresponding Member for Germany (tp.)

 43    C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, to ibid., 28 Jan. – refers to his letter of 20 Dec. [not held]; there is no objection to his name being put forward as a Corresponding Member for Holland; his Institute is concentrating on the Mediterranean as its special area of research (tp.)

 44    Ibid. to Dr A.J. Butt, ibid. – refers to her letter of 20 Dec. [not held]; informs her that he could write to Prof. Forde in the affirmative (tp.)

 45    H.D. Huggins to Prof. Daryll Forde, 2 Feb. – refers to his letter of 8 Dec. [not held]; he and his colleagues welcome the demonstration of interest; is pleased that the Committee has invited comment and cooperation in the Guiana project; offers some comments on the Projected Plan for Anthropological Field Research enclosed with his letter; appends a bibliography of works dealing with British Guiana. 3 leaves (tp.)

 46    List of Articles and Books dealing with British Guiana published by the University College of the West Indies. 2 leaves (tp.)

 47    […?] to H.D. Huggins, nd – refers to his letter of 2 Feb.; the Committee is drawing up an application for funds to implement the Project; discusses the role of the Institute of Social and Economic Research; on Corresponding Members. 2 leaves (tp.)

 48    John P. Gillin, University of North Carolina, to Prof. C.D. Forde, 6 Feb. – should be happy to serve as Corresponding Member (tp.)

 49    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Herbert Baldus, 9 Feb. – refers to his letter of 5 Jan.; on Maybury-Lewis (tpc.)

 50    E. Ettrick for H.D. Huggins, 12 Feb. – refers to letter of 30 Jan. [not held] inviting him to become a Corresponding Member; is pleased to accept; asks if he may depute one of his sociologists to represent him at meetings; refers to his own letter of 2 Feb.; looks forward to comments on it (tp.)

 51    Henri Lehmann to Prof. Forde, 17 Feb. – is happy to become Corresponding Member as representative of the Société des Américanistes; asks for further details (tp.)

A161/2/52    Jens Yde, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, to ibid., 25 Feb. – refers to his letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; is happy to accept the suggestion that he become a Corresponding Member (tp.)

 53    Robert Carneiro to Dr Audrey Butt, 5 Mar. – refers to her letter enquiring about his projected Handbook on the Indians of Lowland Tropical South America; on the book; was delighted to hear of the formation of the Committee to coordinate anthropological research in South America; on the project for intensive ethnological investigation of the Guiana area. 2 leaves (tp.)

 54    Prof. Dr R.A.J. van Lier, Landbouwhogeschool, Wageningen, to Prof. Forde, 26 Mar. – refers to his letter of 2 Oct. [not held]; is working for a year in Iran; after his return shall devote attention to the Middle and South American fields; on his students in Surinam (tp.)

 55    Robert Carneiro to Dr Audrey Butt, 23 Apr. – refers to her letter of 16 Mar.; on her article on ritual blowing; on the Kuikuru; mentions Bassett Maguire (tp.)

 56    Vincent Roth to Dr Marian Smith, 12 Nov. – refers to her letter of 9 Oct. [not held]; has not been in receipt of his appointment to the Committee nor or his appointment as Corresponding Member; is happy to serve in both capacities (tp.)

 57    Johanna Felhoen Kraal to Dr Audrey Butt, 27 June 1960 – thanks her for minutes of meeting of 31 May; on the name of the foundation Wosuna; on her own correct title; suggests adding a bibliography to the text of the Guiana Project; this could be discussed at the Vienna Congress (tp.)

 58    Sol Tax, Editor, Current Anthropology, to [Prof.] Daryll Forde, 10 Aug. – is pleased to accept the invitation to join the Committee as a Corresponding Member; asks for further documentation (tp.)

 59    Prof. Daryll Forde to Sol Tax, 16 Sept. – explains delay in replying to his letter; is glad to know that he will serve; is asking Dr Butt to send further documentation (tpc.)

 60    K.E. Attwood to Dr Marian Smith, 16 Sept. – Prof. Forde asks that the enclosed letters from Dr Sol Tax and Dr Irving Rouse be sent to Dr Butt for attention (tp.)

A161/2/61    [Dr Audrey Butt] to Committee Members, 26 Jan. 1961 – Dr Alfred Métraux has expressed interest in the project of the Committee for Middle and South American Research; Prof. Forde has agreed that Dr Métraux’s appointment as a Corresponding Member would be welcome; is writing to Committee members to ask opinions; asks them to write if they have any objection (tpc.)

 62    W.B. Fagg, Acting Hon. Secretary, RAI, to Dr Audrey Butt, 2 Feb. – Council agreed that Dr A. Métraux be invited to become a Corresponding Member subject to the condition that no objection be received; Dr Métraux has recently been elected an Honorary Fellow of the RAI (tp.)

 63    Audrey Butt to W.B. Fagg, 7 Feb. – no objection has been received so far to the proposal that Dr Métraux be invited to become a Corresponding Member; asks him to send formal invitation; will forward various documents to Dr Métraux once he has replied (autogr.)

 64    W.B. Fagg to Dr Alfred Métraux, 8 Feb. – extends on behalf of Council an invitation to become a Corresponding Member; shall value his advice greatly; congratulates him on Honorary Fellowship (tpc.)

 65    Alfred Métraux to W.B. Fagg, 13 Feb. – refers to his letter of 8 Feb.; should be delighted to serve on the Committee; already knew of the Committee’s work through Dr Butt; thanks him for the invitation and the congratulations (tp.)

 66    [Dr Audrey Butt] to Prof. Sol Tax, 22 Mar. – is glad he has agreed to join the Committee; apologises for not having sent all the information concerning the Committee before now; refers to Dr Marian Smith’s illness; encloses list on names and addresses of Committee members; encloses copy of the Guiana Project; the chief aim of the Committee is to try and get funds for research; outlines other ways in which the Committee might be useful (tp. copy)

 67    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr W. Bray, University of Sheffield, 4 Apr. 1966 – asks if he will become a member of the Committee; membership does not involve any very hard work; describes the activity of the Committee; it has so far placed research workers in Surinam and British Guiana; hopes he will accept the invitation (tpc.)

A161/2/68    J. Eric Thompson, Chairman, Middle and South American Research Committee, to Prof. Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, 6 Apr. – refers to the studies he has been carrying out in Colombia; on establishing a link with research in North West South America; invites him to become a Corresponding Member of the Committee; encloses account of the constitution and aims; encloses a list of membership; hopes he will accept (tpc.)

 69    Ibid. to Prof. Johannes Wilbert, University of California, Los Angeles, ibid. – refers to the help and advice which he has accorded the Committee; invites him to become a Corresponding Member; encloses account of the constitution and aims; encloses a list of membership; hopes he will accept (tpc.)

 70    Warwick Bray to Dr Audrey Butt, 7 Apr. – shall be pleased to join the Committee; is in complete sympathy with her aims; would be glad to keep in touch with others interested in the field; on coming to Oxford (autogr.)

 71    G. Reichel-Dolmatoff to Dr J. Eric S. Thompson, 17 Apr. – refers to his letter of 6 Apr.; it would be an honour to accept the invitation; looks forward to receiving the new list of members etc. (tp.)

 /3    The Guiana Project

  1    nd – ‘The Guiana Region of South America – Project Plan for Anthropological Field Research’; gives background to the formation of the Middle and South American Research Committee; on its aims; the first project is that for anthropological field research in the Guiana region; gives reasons for putting this region first; outlines the aims of the Guiana Project; outlines the types of studies envisaged. 3 leaves (tp.)

  2    nd – Notes on ‘Financial Aid Sought’ (tp.)

  3    nd – Notes on ‘Points for Discussion’ concerning advertisement of studentships etc. (tp.)

  4    R.T. Smith, nd – ‘Proposals for Sociological and Economic Studies in British Honduras’. 3 leaves (tp.)

  5    nd – ‘Project for an Anthropological Study of the Mayan Indians of British Honduras’. 4 leaves (tp.)

  6    nd – ‘Project for a Study of the Social Structure of British Honduras’. 4 leaves (tp.)

A161/3/7        nd – ‘The Guiana Project’, information sheets; covering such matters as the grounds for the proposal; types of studies envisaged; publication; financial and administrative arrangements; members of the Committee; Constitution and aims of the Committee; and Corresponding Members. 4 leaves (tp.)

  8    nd – ibid., another version; covering such matters as the grounds for the proposal; status and composition of the Committee; Corresponding Members; list of members; description of the Project; administration of the project; and financial aid sought. 7 leaves (tp.)

  9    nd – ‘The Guiana Region of South America’; request made by the Committee for Middle and South American Research of the RAI for funds to carry out their Research Project for the Guiana region; on its purpost; on the Committee; list of Committee members; on the Guiana Project; on its aims; on the administration of the Project; on Corresponding Members; on financial aid sought. 10 leaves (tp.)

 10    nd – ibid., another version. 9 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 11    nd – ‘Project for Anthropological Research among the Indians of South America: Presented to the Ford Foundation’, consisting of Foreword and Aims of the Project. 4 leaves (tp.)

 12    nd – ‘Project for Anthropological Field Research in the Guiana Region of South America: Presented to the Ford Foundation’, another version. 5 leaves (tp.)

 13    nd – list of People & Institutions to which the Project should be sent (tp.)

 /4    General Correspondence etc.

  1    Audrey J. Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 2 Mar. 1957 – on the application she wishes to submit to the Ford Foundation; on the President and Council of RAI acting as administrators of any funds available; on her plans for the administration of any grant made; plans to append to the application to Ford a list of South Americanists who wish to join in presenting the project; on Mr Maybury-Lewis submitting his application for funds; asks for her comments and advice; apologises for delay in presenting this. 3 pages (tp.)

  2    Jens Yde, 12 Mar. – ‘A proposed anthropological survey in British Guiana and Brazil’; outline of a proposed expedition. 3 leaves (tp.)

A161/4/3        Dr Marian Smith to Dr Audrey Butt, 12 Mar. – refers to her letter of 2 Mar.; she presented her project in principle to Council; they authorized the administration of any grant to be handled through the RAI; will comment on the project in a few days (tpc.)

  4    Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 17 Mar. – thanks her for her letter; shall post the application to the Ford Foundation from British Guiana as she sails on 19 Mar.; asks if she would airmail comments; it was a bigger job than she expected (autogr.)

  5    Dr Marian Smith to Audrey Butt, 2 Apr. – encloses the project script which she sent her; has made a number of comments on it; suggests that someone act as Secretary; makes some further suggestions; mentions a recently-instituted Foundation for Anthropological Research in Latin America (tp.)

  6    Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 18 June – apologises for not replying sooner to her letter of 2 Apr.; thinks her suggestions are all sound; mentions people who might be interested; shall come to London and show her a final draft of the project; she is quite happy to act as Secretary to the Project (autogr.)

  7    Ibid., 3 Jan. 1958 – gives names of Committee members so far; on other potential members; on the possibilities for Chairman; on inviting Miss Freire-Marreco to join the Committee (autogr.)

  8    Dr Marian Smith to Audrey Butt, 13 Jan. – refers to her letters; thinks that the Committee should be made an official Committee of the RAI; suggests a title for the Committee; on meeting her (tpc.)

  9    Extracts from Council Minutes of 7 Mar. 1957 and 6 Feb. 1958, concerning the Middle and South American Research Committee (tp. with autogr. additions)

 10    Claude Lévi-Strauss, International Social Science Council, to ibid., 25 Feb. – refers to her letter of 18 Feb. [not held] regarding project for South American Research to be presented to the Ford Foundation; welcomes the idea and will do what he can (tp.)

A161/4/11    Robert Redfield to ibid., 5 Mar. – suggests that she write to Mr Joseph McDaniel at the Ford Foundation; makes some criticisms of the statement; the project seems to imperfectly combine a request for funds with a proposal to establish an international agency for guiding work in Latin America; suggests it might be better only to ask for money for the first purpose (tp.)

 12    Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 11 Mar. – thanks her for extract from the Minutes; on meeting Prof. Forde to suggest a Committee meeting date; will draw up a preliminary agenda; on Prof. Redfield and Dr McDaniel (autogr.)

 13    RAI Administrative Secretary to Dr Audrey Butt, 12 Mar. – Dr Smith has asked her to thank her for her letter; on meeting Dr Smith and Prof. Forde on 18 Mar.; on draft copies of the agenda (tpc.)

 14    Joseph M. McDaniel, Ford Foundation, to Dr A.J. Butt, 14 Mar. – refers to her letter of 25 Feb. [not held]; suggests she submit her project for anthropological research to his office and he will refer it; the situation has not changed since Mr Sheldon wrote in Dec. 1956 (tp.)

 15    Ralph L. Beals, University of California, to ibid., 27 Mar. – refers to her letter of 20 Mar. [not held]; on the cost of research in South America; on Venezuela; on Peru; on the cost of travel within South America; suggests that Alan Holmberg of Cornell University could give a more realistic estimate of costs in Peru. 2 leaves (tp.)

 16    Eric Thompson to ibid., 1 Apr. – sends the address of the Instituto Indigenista Interamericano; mentions Dr Gamio and Dr Comas; on their bulletin, América Indígena; the chief purpose of the outfit is to incorporate the Indian groups into the national life of the country in which he lives (tp.)

 17    Clifford Evans & Betty J. Meggers, Smithsonian Institution, to ibid., 17 Apr. – refer to her letters [not held]; mention the burial vessel from the Kamarang River; on the Ford Foundation; mention that the Creole Foundation has given some grants in anthropology (tp.)

A161/4/18    Dr A.J. Butt to Prof. Lévi-Strauss, Apr. – refers to letter received in Feb.; glad that he welcomes the idea of an approach to the Ford Foundation; since she last wrote, the situation has changed; the research project is now limited to the Guianas; a copy of the fresh project will be forwarded to him as soon as it is ready; on seeking support from the Congrès International des Americanistes and the Société des Americanistes (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 19    N.Y. Sandwith, Royal Botanic Gardens, to Prof. C.D. Forde, 28 July – thanks him for letter [not held] and outline of Guiana Project which Dr Butt enclosed; it would be excellent that biologists should cooperate; one of his men is in British Guiana (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Dr A.J. Butt, ibid. – refers to her letter [not held] and enclosure; should be glad to help; on identifying plant specimens; on Dr Warburg bringing a plant here[?] (autogr.)

 21    Robert Redfield to Dr A.J. Butt, 12 Aug. – refers to her letter [not held] and revised description of the Project; on factors which increase its prospect of success; on persons from the other nations who will cooperate (tp.)

 22    Clifford Evans & Betty J. Meggers to Prof. C.D. Forde, 25 Sept. – refer to the proposal for anthropological field research in Guiana; hope that his efforts produce funds and students to undertake research in the area; their Institution feels that they should concentrate on other regions; hopes the project will prove successful (tp.)

 23    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, ibid. – refer to her letter of 28 July [not held]; thank her for information about burial urn from the Upper Mazaruni; have written to the Chairman about the Guiana Project; their Institution feels that they should concentrate on other regions (tp.)

 24    Prof. C.D. Forde to Prof. R.J.A. van Lier, 2 Oct. – informs him of the formation of the Middle and South American Research Committee; the Committee is planning its first project, which will cover the Guiana region of South America; encloses circular; on a cooperative approach by Brazil, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Venezuela; invites comments on the enclosed outline of the Guiana project (tp.) [similar letter to Prof. R. Redfield, dated 19 July, not retained]

A161/4/25    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 3 Oct. – encloses Minutes and Agenda; on date of next meeting; encloses copies of letters to Miss Kraal and to the Minister of Education, British Guiana; asks her to give them the ‘once over’; on French Guinea and French Guiana; will write to Drs Evans and Meggers; thinks Forde should write to the Director of Kew; has written to Suzy Vianes; encloses Eric Thompson’s letter (autogr.)

 26    [Dr Audrey Butt?] to Johanna [Felhoen] Kraal, nd – informs her of the formation of the Middle and South American [Research] Committee; the Committee is planning its first project, which will cover the Guiana region; encloses circular; on a cooperative approach by the five nations having interests in the region; asks whether Wosuna would be interested in this project; names some other scholars to whom the project has been sent (tp.)

 27    Ibid. to Drs Meggers & Evans, 13 Oct. – thanks them for letters; thinks that the official letter did not make it clear what was intended as regards cooperation; on the backing of various persons and institutions; on the role of the Smithsonian Institution; asks if this clarifies the Committee’s intentions; asks if they could give their support in the proposed manner; mentions the burial urn article (tp.)

 28    Clifford Evans & Betty J. Meggers to Dr Audrey Butt, 20 Oct. – refer to her letter of 13 Oct.; refer to the ‘official letter’; on the policy of the Smithsonian Institution; personally they can offer cooperation, but the Institution cannot write a formal letter supporting the programme (tp.)

 29    Adrian Digby to Dr Marian Smith, 24 Oct. – on a man named Gregory who is organizing an expedition to Brazil; on meeting him with Dr Butt; asks her to come (tp.)

 30    [Prof. C.D. Forde] to Dr George Taylor, Director, Kew Gardens, [1 Nov.] – on the Guiana project; on support from scholars and institutions; when the Committee has obtained maximum support it intends to place the Project before various Foundations to seek the necessary funds; on work done in related disciplines, including botany; on the nature of possible cooperation; on the support of Dr Maguire of the New York Botanical Garden; hopes for the support of British botanists. 2 leaves (tp.)

A161/4/31    Dr G. Taylor, Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, to Prof. C.D. Forde, 7 Nov. – refers to his letter of 1 Nov. outlining plan for Anthropological Field Research in the Guiana region; it is not clear how far Kew could be involved; on ethno-botany; hopes he will find limited expression of cooperation of help (tp.)

 32    10 Nov. – British Expedition to Brazil – Outline of Intention. 7 leaves (tp.)

 33    Prof. C.D. Forde to Dr G. Taylor, 26 Nov. – refers to his letter of 7 Nov.; the Committee is grateful for his expression of interest; refers to his misgivings on the limitations of some of the ethno-botanical material collected in the past (tpc.)

 34    [Dr Audrey Butt] to the Hon. Mr Benn, Minister of Education, Georgetown, Nov. – Mr Vincent Roth advised her to get in touch; encloses circular about the Guiana project; gives more details about the project; Committee has asked for approval and interest of institutions in the countries concerned; having clarified the aims and intentions of the Committee, invites comments on the enclosed outline of the project (tp. with autogr. additions)

 35    12 Dec. – note on the Committee (tpc.)

 36    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 18 Dec. – on Corresponding Members; encloses two copies of the project; mentions Sol Tax; discusses Mr Gregory and his planned expedition to Brazil (autogr.)

 37    Dr L. Harrison Matthews, Director, the Zoological Society of London, to Dr Marian Smith, 4 Feb. 1959 – has been approached by Mr A.E. Gregory of the British Expedition to Amazonia and Central South America; he is asking for support; as he has also approached the RAI, asks what the reactions of the organization were to his request (tp.)

 38    Dr Marian Smith to Dr L. Harrison Matthews, 6 Feb. – the RAI has been perplexed about what to do about Mr Gregory’s proposal; the Committee for Middle and South American Research was formed to encourage the sort of thing which Mr Gregory proposes; if the money was raised, the Committee would act as consultant (tpc.)

 39    Barbara E. Wood, the Zoological Society of London, to Dr Marian Smith, 12 Feb. – acknowledges her letter; the information she gives will be useful to Council (tp.)

 40    A. de Broe-Ferguson, Secretary, ‘Research Brazil’, – Extracts from the Minutes of a meeting held at the RAI on 2 June. 2 leaves (tp.)

A161/4/41    Dr Marian Smith to members of the Middle and South American Research Committee, nd – reports on meeting held by Mr Gregory at the RAI on 2 June (tp.)

 42    Notes on arrangements regarding Committee for the expedition (tp.)

 43    Data sheet regarding Research Brazil (tp.)

 44    [Miss Joan Edwards], Administrative Secretary, RAI, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 16 June – Dr Smith has asked her to type the Guiana Project, and to ask him to write a covering letter to the Ford Foundation; Dr Butt has raised a couple of points about which she would like advice; Dr Smith thinks it unnecessary to send the Project to Corresponding Members; Dr Butt was concerned about this; on the person at the Ford Foundation to whom the application should be addressed; wonders if the letter should go by airmail (tpc.)

 45    Prof. Daryll Forde to Miss Joan Edwards, 22 June – sends copy of the Project and his covering letter; agrees that it is not necessary to send it to Corresponding Members; Mr McDaniel is the best person to decide which division of Ford should consider the application (tp.)

 46    Ibid. to Mr J.M. McDaniel, ibid. – transmits with the letter a statement of proposals and needs in connection with a research project on the Guiana region; the RAI hopes that the Ford Foundation might assist with a grant; would be happy to provide further information or discuss the implementation of the project (tpc.)

 47    Miss Joan Edwards to Dr Audrey Butt, 24 June – encloses carbon of Prof. Forde’s covering letter; he did not wish to circulate the Project again to the Corresponding Members (tpc.)

 48    Dr Audrey Butt to Miss Joan Edwards, 25 June – thanks her for carbon of Prof. Forde’s letter; received a letter from Mr Gregory inviting her to a meeting on 10 July; cannot attend; asked Maybury-Lewis if he would like to go but he is disinclined; presumes that Dr Smith will probably attend; someone ought to go from the Committee (autogr.)

 49    nd – summary of letter from Dr Audrey Butt to Miss Joan Edwards (tp.)

A161/4/50    [Miss Joan Edwards] to Dr Audrey Butt, 26 June – has spoken to Prof. Forde about the suggestion that the Committee be represented at the meeting on 10 July; he is unable to be there; suggested that she [Miss Edwards] attend; wishes she knew what Dr Smith’s feelings would be (tpc.)

 51    Geoffrey Bushnell, University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, to Dr Marian Smith, ibid. – has heard from the outfit which is proposing to send an expedition to Brazil, inviting him to attend their meeting; refers to her letter which gives the impression of disapproval; on de Broe Ferguson; is going to write and say he is bewildered; he is not disposed to get involved (tp.)

 52    Dr Audrey Butt to [Miss Joan Edwards], 27 June – thinks Prof. Forde’s idea a good one; on Mr Gregory; thinks Dr Smith would be glad if she went (autogr. card)

 53    Miss Joan Edwards to Dr G.H.S. Bushnell, 29 June – Dr Smith is away; on the project for an expedition to Brazil; Prof. Forde has suggested that she be invited to attend; so far no papers have come; on Lord Davidson and Broe Ferguson (tpc.)

 54    A.E. Gregory to Miss Joan Edwards, 1 July – Prof. Forde and Dr Butt have both suggested that she be invited to the meeting on 10 July; on the purpose of the meeting; Dr Butt would normally attend but she is away; gives reasons for Miss Edwards’ deputizing; encloses relevant information (tp.)

 55    Geoffrey Bushnell to Dr Marian Smith, 2 July – asks her to accelerate information about the Brazil business; on correspondence with Ferguson; wants to know what she thinks; on archaeology; on Ferguson (autogr.)

 56    Miss Joan Edwards to Geoffrey Bushnell, 7 July – his letter of 2 July to Dr Smith suggests that he has not received her own previous letter; repeats substance of what she said; has received the papers only this morning (tpc.)

 57    G.H.S. Bushnell to Miss Joan Edwards, 10 July – their letters crossed; shall sit on the fence until he hears the results of the meeting; on Lord Davidson; on Ferguson (tp.)

A161/4/58    William H. Nims, Assistant Secretary, Ford Foundation, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 July – refers to his letter [not held] explaining the research project on the Guiana region; the Foundation has only recently initiated a Latin American Program; it is also doubtful whether the Foundation will include anthropological research within its program limits; regrets that he cannot be more encouraging (tp.)

 59    Prof. Daryll Forde to William H. Nims, 27 July – refers to his letter; understands that the Foundation is not in a position to give consideration to the question of supporting the programme; takes encouragement from the initiation of a Latin American programme (tpc)

 60    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Marian Smith, ibid. – sends his proposed reply to Mr Nims, for her and Dr Audrey Butt’s approval (tp.)

 61    Dr Marian Smith to Prof. Daryll Forde, 29 July – Dr Butt is away and will not be back for some time; thinks his letter should to the Ford Foundation without waiting for her to see it; the letter cannot hurt (tpc.)

 62    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, 30 July – they got the cold shoulder from Ford; Forde has written to ask if this is final; on the meeting with Gregory; Miss Edwards went; only one other person turned up; the scheme seems to be dying the death (tp.)

 63    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 4 Aug. – on the Ford Foundation; suggests trying the Wenner-Gren Foundation; on Paul Fejos; on Committee members and Corresponding Members; on Gregory; thanks her and Prof. Forde for all their good work on the Committee; hopes it will not be wasted (autogr.)

 64    The Times Supplements on Latin America, No. VI ‘The Crisis of Expansion’, 10 Aug. (newspaper)

 65    H.D. Huggins to Dr Audrey Butt, 19 Nov. – refers to recruiting people for the projected study of Honduras; on obtaining money from foundations (tp.)

 66    Robert Heine-Geldern, 34 Internationaler Amerikanistenkongress, to ibid., 3 Apr. 1960 – refers to her letter of 9 Mar. addressed to Dr Haekel [not held]; on showing her film at the Congress; refers to symposium at the Congress on urgent tasks of research in Central and South America; on her similar project at the RAI; suggests combining the projects; suggests she get in touch with Dr Herbert Baldus (tp. with autogr. note by Dr Butt)

A161/4/67    Herbert Baldus to Dr Audrey Butt, 7 May – refers to her letter [not held]; thinks the best would be the participation of a representative of her Committee in the symposium to be held at the Congress in Vienna (tp.)

 68    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Marian Smith, 27 May – refers to Committee meeting next Tuesday; on some items which are at the RAI; asks if Miss Edwards could find them out (autogr.)

 69    J.M. Cruxent, Caracas, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 30 Aug. – has received documents relating to the Committee and to the Guiana project; is pleased to see Venezuelan area included; on the necessity of study in Venezuela; mentions Sol Tax. 2 leaves (tp., in Spanish)

 70    Dr Audrey Butt to Miss Joan Edwards, 27 Jan. 1961 – thanks her for papers relating to the Committee; sends back some papers for the file, including Prof. Cruxent’s letter; refers to letters relating to Dr Métraux’s nomination as a Corresponding Member; asks for his nomination to be put on the agenda of the next meeting; hopes there is good news of Dr Smith (autogr.)

 71    M.G. Smith to Dr Audrey Butt, 8 Apr. – refers to her letter of 28 Mar. [not held]; on seeking funds from Dr Rubin’s Institute [Research Institute for the Study of Man]; Dr Rubin’s major interests lie in the Creole societies (tp.)

 72    nd – ‘Ford Foundation Grant – American Assembly is Aided in Latin American Study’ (newspaper cutting)

 73    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Audrey Butt, 26 Apr. – mentioned the Guiana Project to Mr Swazey of the Ford Foundation; Latin America does not fall within his purview; the Ford Foundation has been reorganized; the RAI might stand a better chance of receiving funds under the aegis of the British and European Section of the International Division; on trying other smaller Foundations; on Dr Smith’s illness (tp.)

 74    Ibid., 10 May – refers to her letter of 1 May [not held]; on Dr Rubin; on altering the application to the Ford Foundation (tp.)

 75    Sol Tax to ibid., 17 May – thanks her for notice to be published in Current Anthropology; suggests she might look into the Creole Foundation (tp.)

A161/4/76    Alfred Métraux to ibid., 31 May – refers to her letter of 23 May [not held] which made him despondent; has fought with all his energy on behalf of the campaign to save dying cultures from oblivion; is only going to get $10,000, which is already earmarked; in UNESCO programme there is not a penny for studies of the type she mentions; he shall try to do something at the Wenner-Gren Foundation on Mr Walsh’s behalf; it is distressing to him not to be able to do more on behalf of anthropology (tp.)

 77    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Vera Rubin, Research Institute for the Study of Man, 8 June – writes on behalf of the Committee for Middle and South American Research to ask whether her Foundation would be interested in helping to forward anthropological work in the Guiana region; encloses a copy of the Committee’s ‘Guiana Project’; on the objects of the Project; funds for research in this part of the world are difficult to come by; the Committee has been formed to try and remedy the situation; suggests she might finance one or two approved field studies; on liaison between the Committee and the RISM; Prof. Daryll Forde may be visiting the States later in the year and would be happy to consult with her. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 78    Dr Vera Rubin to Dr Audrey Butt, 16 June – is delighted to learn of the projected research in the Guianas; field work in the Circum-Caribbean area is of recent origin; mentions a few scholars who have worked in the area; believes it will be possible to make funds available for one studentship and one fellowship; welcomes the liaison with her Committee; many points could be handled by correspondence but it would be a good idea to discuss the program with Prof. Forde when he visits the States; also possible that she may be in London. 2 leaves (tp.)

 79    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Vera Rubin, 27 June – refers to her letter of 16 June; is delighted that she has received the project so sympathetically; if she can make the funds available it will be a splendid start for the programme of research; will ask Prof. Forde to write to her; suggests starting the field programme by the middle of next year (tpc.)

 80    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Audrey Butt, 29 June – on his US visit; suggests she frame proposals for one studentship and one senior scholar; thinks she should send this to Dr Rubin before she comes to England (tp.)

A161/4/81    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70, 14 July – encloses various documents, including information[?] relevant to application to Dr Rubin; has not included all correspondence relating to Corresponding Members; encloses letter to Dr Vera Rubin; asks him to post it immediately if it is OK; on writing to Francis Huxley; on Guiana urgent projects; on her addresses in Morocco; suggests having a committee meeting in the autumn (autogr.)

 82    Ibid. to Dr Vera Rubin, ibid. – Prof. Forde has no definite dates for his visit to the States; however, he hopes to see her in London; Mr Christie took over after Dr Smith and is the RAI representative on the Committee; he and Francis Huxley both welcome her consideration of the Guiana Project and hope to meet her; she herself will be away in Morocco but there will be no difficulty in her making arrangements with Mr Christie and Mr Huxley; encloses a number of points regarding organization of studentship and fellowship; asks her to get in touch with Mr Christie telling him how he and Mr Huxley can meet her (tpc.)

 83    Anthony Christie to Dr Vera Rubin, 17 July – delighted to learn of her Institute’s interest in the American project; asks her to let him know when she is likely to be in London (tpc.)

 84    [Anthony Leeds] to Dr Audrey Butt, 1 Aug. – on his position with Pan American Union; on his work; had a long talk with Vera Rubin; she showed him their correspondence; his interest is in getting Europeans in connection with PAU research interests; there might be funds for such people through PAU; suggests she get in touch with Dr Angel Palerm; would appreciate it if she could send a list of anthropologists who have an interest in Latin America; mentions photos (tp.)

 85    Prof. Daryll Forde to ibid., 20 Sept. – on his talk with Dr Rubin; with regard to the Guiana project, clear that her organization was not in a position to make a grant direct to the RAI in advance of definite proposals; her organisation might favourably consider specific applications (tpc.)

 86    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 3 Oct. – has just returned from Morocco and is wondering what happened about Dr Rubin; refers to letter from Prof. Forde; asks what his impression was; asks if he thinks she is genuinely interested; on having a Committee meeting; refers to letter from Anthony Leeds (tp.)

A161/4/87    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Audrey Butt, 5 Dec. – refers to her letter of 29 Nov.; has made some suggestions on the draft of her letter to Dr Rubin; has been asked to take over Chairmanship of RAI Publications Committee so is handing over the Chairmanship of the South American Studies Committee; Mr Christie thinks Dr Eric Thompson would undertake it (tp.)

 88    Joan Rayfield, San Fernando Valley State College, to ibid., 28 May 1962 – was advised to write by Dr Wilbert; is going to study Patamona Indians of British Guiana; asks for reprint of her article ‘Birth of a New Religion’ (tp.)

 89    Glenn F. Henriksen, Mision Venezolana Oriental, to ibid., nd – he and his wife are associated with Seventh-day Adventist missions of Venezuela; he met Dr Johannes Wilbert; Dr Wilbert thought he might like to secure her paper ‘Birth of a New Religion’; is anxious to secure several copies, if possible; on his work; asks her to make any observations which might help him in his work (tp.)

 90    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 23 Oct. – encloses copy of proposed agenda; refers to correspondence with Anthony Leeds; is sending a copy of the agenda to Prof. Forde; on the time of the meeting (autogr.)

 91    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Audrey Butt, 24 Oct. – on the meeting (tp.)

 92    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Vera Rubin, 6 Dec. – was glad that she had met Prof. Forde; the members of the Committee appreciate the fact that she found time to meet him; on her agreement in principle to consider specific applications; the Committee will be making specific proposals in the spring; the RAI hopes to obtain funds for its own programme of research (tp.)

 93    Ibid. to Anthony Christie, 12 Dec. – on documents she encloses; refers to note on the Guayaki Indians; on resignation of Prof. Forde; Dr Thompson will take hius place; on arrangements for carrying out the transfer; on the Wye College Expedition to the Andes; shall write to Angel Palerm; refers to letter to Dr Rubin (tp. with autogr. PS)

 94    Note regarding the seeking of an anthropologist to carry out a field study of the Guayaki Indians of Paraguay (printed)

A161/4/95    Johannes [Wilbert] to Dr Audrey Butt, 19 July – refers to her letter of 13 June [not held]; on Miss Joan Rayfield; on Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark who is planning to study polyandry in South America; he himself has not found a single case; shall not be able to attend the Congress; on the situation in Venezuela (tp.)

 96    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 13 Mar. 1963 – will let him have an account of the Committee by 1 Apr.; on application to Dr Rubin; she will be away from Apr. to Oct.; mentions Dr Weiner and Prof. Baldus (tp.)

 97    Johannes Wilbert to Dr Audrey Butt, 5 Dec. – refers to his letter and Mr Sampath’s letter [not held]; on Mr Sampath’s project for doing fieldwork among a tribe in Venezuela; could help him with contacts; recommends a book (tpc.)

 98    Harold W. Scheffler, Yale University, to ibid., 17 Apr. 1964 – writes in connection with his plans to do ethnological field work in South America; is interested in the regions bordering near the Akawaio area; any information would be helpful; asks about the Arekuna people; asks for reprints of some of her articles (tp.)

 99    Johannes Wilbert to ibid., 1 May – refers to her letter of 23 Apr. [not held]; shall proceed with the Akawaio dictionary; on his Warao Oral Literature; on kinship studies; on field workers; refers to Dr Scheffler writing to him about the Arekuna (tp.)

100    Robert Heine-Geldern to ibid., 7 July – refers to letter of 22 June [not held]; on the Guayaki; suggests she write to Prof; Baldus or to Dr Leon Cadogan; on the reprints she sent him; was impressed by the care with which she explored the meaning of Akawaio symbolism; cannot participate in the Americanist Congress in Spain (tp.)

101    […?] to ibid., 21 Oct. – refers to her letter [not held]; on Jean Hurault’s book ‘Les Indiens de Guyane Française’; on learning the Waiyana language; is still not sure whether [he] is going or not (autogr.)

102    George W. Hill to ibid., 30 Nov. – under separate cover is sending ‘Un Area en Desarrollo: sus Problemas Económicos y Sociales, Costa Rica’, a study made under his direction; on his current study in Guatemala; on the political intrigues at the Venezuelan University (tp.)

103    Philip Hugh-Jones to ibid., 2 Feb. 1965 – on the Aucas of Ecuador; on their handicrafts (tp. with autogr. PS)

A161/4/104    Simon Mitchell to ibid., 7 Feb. – refers to her letter [not held]; discusses various funding options including Wenner-Gren and the Brazilian Government scholarships; on Prof. Wagley’s project; on Raymond Carr and Prof. Leeds; asks about the Portuguese man who wrote about fishing communities in Brazil; apologises for having put her to trouble. 2 leaves (tp.)

105    Michael Sutton to ibid., 18 Feb. – writes to ask for help in enabling him to return to a tribe with whom he was until recently working; on his work in Brazil; on his interest in the Tapirape language of which he has made a preliminary study; if he can return to Brazil he intends to complete this study; on the Tapirape; on his reasons for wanting to undertake his research; on the Tapirape language. 2 leaves (tp.)

106    […?] to […?], nd – on Ragnar Stige of Stockholm; on his paper on the Wapishana; on his trip to Guiana (autogr.)

107    J.B. French to [Dr Audrey Butt], 14 Mar. – is organizing an expedition to the Rio Napo and Putumayo of South America; the purpose is to study the ethnological background of some of the Indian tribes situated along these rivers; on getting official recognition for the expedition; any help she could give would be appreciated; asks for advice about permits from the Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Brazilian authorities. 2 leaves (autogr.)

108    Michael Sutton to ibid., 16 Mar. – has had a reply form St Louis University about his projected research on the Tapirape; they have asked him to write a brief statement on his research and on its scientific importance; it is not difficult to outline the work he has done; asks how to present its scientific importance; on Ch. Wagley; on making a film with the Tapirape (tp.)

109    Ibid., 1 Apr. – thanks her for help with the note to Saint Louis; also sent a copy to the Gulbenkian Foundation; on also applying to the Kellogg Foundation; asks if she will give a reference for the project; gives a summary of the scheduled research as detailed to Gulbenkian and St Louis; on the question of publication. 2 leaves (tp.)

110    Ann Osborn to ibid., 13 May – Mr Christie of the RAI suggested she write for advice about obtaining grants; has been in Colombia for five years; on writing up her fieldwork; on the Indians she worked amongst, the Kwaiker; on other sources of funding to which she has applied. 3 leaves (tp.)

A161/4/111    Ibid., 26 May – refers to her letter [not held]; on her plans to go to LSE; on her plans if she does not find a grant; thanks her for Donald Tayler’s address (tp.)

112    Ibid., 5 Aug. – she has an award from the Nuffield Foundation; thanks her for encouragement; hopes to meet her sometime (autogr.)

113    Peter Kloos, Haarlem, to ibid., 13 Oct. – his work in Eastern Flevoland came to an end a month and a half ago; on his forthcoming trip to Surinam; outlines some of his research interests; asks about the goal of her research in British Guyana (tp.)

114    Don Brothwell to ibid., 15 Nov. – is hoping to get to British Guiana next summer to undertake field work on the physical anthropology of the Amerindians; should like to discuss the question with anyone who has had any contact with the Amerindian population; asks if he could meet her (tp.)

115    [Dr Audrey Butt] to Dr John Beattie, 24 Nov. – on Raymond Pancham, who would like to do a B.Litt.; has told him to get in touch with him about the application; on her supervising of his thesis (tpc.)

116    Ibid. to Raymond Pancham, ibid. – welcomes him back to Britain; suggests he write to John Beattie about the B.Litt. application; she would be delighted to supervise a British Guyana or South American thesis; she has a subject she thinks he would like to work on; asks him to have lunch with her (tpc.)

117    John Beattie to Dr Audrey Butt, 26 Nov. – on Raymond Pancham; suggests that he should be taken on in her department (tp.)

118    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr John Beattie, 27 Nov. – on Raymond Pancham; he specifically wants to continue at the Institute of Social Anthropology; on her role as his Supervisor; departmental considerations need not enter into the question (tpc.)

119    Ray Pancham to Dr Audrey Butt, 30 Nov. – refers to her letter; he has written to John Beattie; on a subject for his thesis; is excited about the whole idea. 2 leaves (autogr.)

120    Notice of the publication of a book[?] by S. Henry Wassén (printed)

121    Dr John Beattie to Dr Audrey Butt, 1 Dec. – on Raymond Pancham; is not clear why she does not want him in her department; on his application; on his supervision (tp.)

A161/4/122    [Dr Audrey Butt] to Raymond [Pancham], 2 Dec. – John Beattie wonders why she has not suggested that he work in her department; she understood he wanted to continue at the Institute; there is no difference in the end as he gets a B.Litt. in either; on Ray Smith (tpc.)

123    Russell Ryman, the Macdonald-Ryman Expedition, to Dr Audrey Butt, 17 Dec. – refers to his visit to her on 24 Nov.; on Donald Taylor; encloses 2 copies of the prospectus for his expedition; mentions possibly getting financial help from the RAI film committee (tp.)

124    ‘An Expedition to Ecuador’, prospectus; the aim is to record the way of life of the Achuare Indians (printed leaflet)

125    Theo L. Hills, McGill University, to Dr Audrey Butt, 22 Dec. – refers to an Oxford University anthropological expedition to the Rupununi; on a conversation he had with the vice-chancellor of the University of Guiana, Mr David Earp, on research in British Guiana; on researchers establishing close relations with the University; on the McGill University Savanna Research Project; on employing a palynologist; on Peter Rivière’s thesis; if she has plans to return to Brazil, asks her to let him know what her plans are. 3 leaves (tp.)

126    J. Linné to ibid., 30 Dec. – refers to her letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; gives details about Dr Ragnar Stige; Dr Stig Rydén passed away in Apr. (tp.)

127    Theo L. Hills to ibid., 12 Jan. 1966 – refers to her letter [not held]; the Field Director of the McGill University Savanna Research Project is Mr Richard Kesel; they have the use of a house; on Mr Stige planning to work on the Wapisiana throughout the Rupununi; mentions the McCanns [see /7]; is interested in collecting data from savanna regions; encloses a paper; mentions Robert Goodland and Mike Eden; on cooperation. 2 leaves (tp.)

128    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. M. Gluckman, 18 Jan. – had a meeting of the Committee; since there have been changes due to death and retirement it was decided that she should write round to find out the situation; asks about his own feelings regarding continuing as a Committee member; refers to his book ‘Politics, Law and Ritual’ (tpc.)

A161/4/129    Max Gluckman to Dr Audrey Butt, 31 Jan. – refers to her letter of 18 Jan.; if she can usefully replace him on the Committee asks her not to hesitate to do so; suggests appointing Peter Worsley in his place; one of his lecturers has just gone out to Mexico; on his time in Africa; on the aftermath of witchcraft accusations in 1957 and 1958; on his wife; on his health; on the Law Seminar in Addis Ababa. 2 leaves (tp.)

130    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 1 Feb. – encloses Minutes of the meeting of the Committee; Prof. Fortes was not there so they did not get down to the problem of whether to continue in existence or change; feels that Latin American studies need encouragement; mentions Reichel-Dolmatoff (autogr. card)

131    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. Max Gluckman, 10 Feb. – refers to his letter of 31 Jan.; thinks it a good suggestion to put Peter Worsley on the Committee to represent Manchester; will forward his letter to Eric Thompson on his return from holiday; on his lecturer in Mexico; this is the type of research that the Americanists at Oxford like (tpc.)

132    Ibid. to Prof. Theo Hills, 12 Feb. – refers to his letter of last month; does not think Mr & Mrs McCann will be duplicating Mr Stige’s work among the Wapishana; encloses their project; they will be cooperating with the personnel of his Savanna Project; on the McCanns’ plans; has always regretted not having a good geographical background to her own work among the Akawaio; the McCanns should be able to produce some valuable conclusions; thanks him for article; on visiting the District Officer and his wife from Kamarang; thanks him for offering the use of his base to the McCanns; on an account of Waiwai material culture by Jens Yde; asks about Foundations likely to be interested in the Wapishana Project (tpc.)

133    Raymond [Pancham] to Dr Audrey Butt, 20 Feb. – thanks her for her kindnesses; his wife too thanks her (autogr.)

134    Raymond Firth to ibid., 23 Feb. – had a note from Raymond Pancham asking for an interview; replied as per copy; the matter has to be handled by the Council with their Department (tp.)

135    Ibid. to Raymond Pancham, ibid. – sees that he is applying to the SSRC for an award; applications must go through the student’s department; it is not possible for him to talk to all the students applying for grants (tpc.)

A161/4/136    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 11 Mar. – on issuing invitations to Prof. Wilhart and Prof. Reichel-Dolmatoff; if she does not hear from the RAI, proposes to go ahead (autogr. card)

137    Anthony Christie to Dr Audrey Butt, 15 Mar. – she can do what she likes about inviting new Corresponding Members (tpc.)

138    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. C.D. Forde, 22 Mar. – on whether or not he has retired from the Committee; hopes he will not leave the Committee but will understand if he feels he must; on Andrew Sanders; has sent him forms for a Nuffield Scholarship; the other possibility is Dr Vera Rubin; will send him Minutes of the last meeting (tpc.)

139    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Audrey Butt, 25 Mar. – would be happy to continue to serve on the Committee; on the new Latin American Studies Institute directed by Prof. Humphries; on Sanders (tp.)

140    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. Max Gluckman, 4 Apr. – sent his letter to Eric Thompson on his return from Spain; he would like to keep him on the Committee; mentions Barrie Reynolds; refers to the ‘uneasy co-existence’ between her department and the Institute (tpc.)

141    Patrick Montgomery, the Anti-Slavery Society, to Dr Audrey Butt, 6 Apr. – refers to her letter [not held]; on Dr Gill; asks her to a meal (tp.)

142    Ralph L. Beals to Dr Audrey Butt, 18 Apr. – sorry that she cannot get to the meetings; has raised the problem of transportation with the organising committee; on his project to study a traditional market system in Mexico (tp.)

143    Dr Audrey Butt, nd – Committee circular about anthropological research in Brazil; the joint Royal Society-Royal Geographical Society Expedition to the Upper Xingu, Brazil, will probably be able to finance a 12 month period of research; on the qualifications required; on the peoples of the Upper Xingu; asks for suitable candidates (tp.)

144    Ibid. to Anthony Christie, 22 June – covering note; she will be away for 3 weeks but Geoffrey Harrison will represent [the Committee?]; asks if he can bring the enclosure to the attention of Professors etc. (autogr. card)

A161/4/145    Theo L. Hills to Dr Audrey Butt, 1 Aug. – refers to her letter of 23 July [not held]; is pleased to know that plans for the McCanns’ fieldwork are going well; on Conrad Gorinsky; sends a population distribution map of the Rupununi; on the difficulties posed by the composition of such a map; on a census. 2 leaves (tp.)

 /5    Peter Rivière

  1    Application by Peter Rivière; includes biography; proposed fieldwork – an intensive study of the Trio Indians of Surinam; method; funds required and reference. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    Ibid., nd – another version; includes biography; proposed research – an intensive study of the Trio Indians of Surinam; reasons for research; method; funds required; reference. 3 leaves (tpc.)

  3    Dr D.C. Geijskes, Stichting Surinaams Museum, to Dr Audrey Butt, 15 Aug. 1962 – refers to her letter of 25 June [not held]; on the Trio Indians (tp.)

  4    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 18 Dec. – the two items of importance for the Committee are the election of a new Chairman, and a decision about Mr Peter Rivière’s application for the Committee’s support of his project for research in Surinam; is circularizing members on these two matters; asks for opinions (tp.)

  5    [Audrey Butt] to members of the Committee, [18 Dec.] – on the election of a new chairman; Prof. Forde has retired; Dr Eric Thompson has been put forward as the new Chairman; asks members to write if they have other proposals (tp.)

  6    Ibid., [18 Dec.] – on an application by Peter Rivière; it is the Committee’s intention to sponsor suitable projects for research in Middle or South America by recommending them for financial support to fund-giving institutions; Dr Thompson and Prof. Forde consider that Peter Rivière’s application merits support; a copy is enclosed [see /5/1] (tp.)

  7    H.J. Braunholtz to Dr Audrey Butt, 28 Dec. – refers to her letter of 18 Dec.; supports Mr Peter Rivière’s research project (autogr.)

  8    Geoffrey Bushnell to ibid., 29 Dec. – refers to her letter of [18] Dec.; is glad that Eric Thompson has been ‘press-ganged’ into becoming Chairman; on Peter Rivière; on skating from Oxford to Reading; on Penniman (autogr.)

A161/5/9        M. Fortes to ibid., 1 Jan. 1963 – has no observations on the proposal that Dr Eric Thompson be Chairman of the Committee; has no objection to Peter Rivière’s proposal; on Tom Penniman (tp. with autogr. PS)

 10    K.E. Attwood, Departmental Assistant, to ibid., 3 Jan. – Prof. Forde was abroad when her letter arrived; asks her to say that he hopes all members will concur with the proposals (tp.)

 11    Prof. Max Gluckman to ibid., 7 Jan. – approves of Rivière’s proposal (tp.)

 12    Eric Thompson to Dr Audrey Butt, 25 Jan. – encloses letter for Dr Rubin; if she has suggestions, he will incorporate them; on a recommendation from the head of the Institute of Social Anthropology; on the publication of his book of reminiscences; mentions Sue Miles; on using his name in discussing matters with the Parry committee (tp.)

 13    Ibid. to Dr Vera Rubin, 27 Jan. – introduces himself as the new Chairman of the Committee; hoped to see her at the Congress of Americanists in Mexico, but it was too busy; on the Research Institute for the Study of Man being prepared to consider specific applications; now has a project and an individual; submits it with the highest recommendation; the Committee unanimously backed Mr Rivière’s application; the Surinam government may well cooperate; Mr Rivière gave up a good job in business to continue his studies in anthropology (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, 5 Feb. – a promising letter arrived from Dr Rubin; quotes from it; she plans to submit the proposal, with recommendation for approval, to her review board; she appreciates his restraint in submitting a proposal which had his complete confidence (tp.)

 15    Ibid., 17 Mar. – on Coy; on her approaching visit to Surinam; he is going to USA from Aug. to Feb.; wonders if there should be an acting Chairman in his absence; on Miss Miles, who said to send Rivière’s application to Bollingen right away; on his book ‘Maya archaeologist’ (tp.)

A161/5/16    Dr Audrey Butt to Anthony Christie, 10 Apr. – the Research Institute for the Study of Man has offered to fund Mr Rivière’s field research with a sum equivalent to £1,500; is writing to thank Dr Rubin; this first success of the Committee encourages them to proceed on the same lines; reminds him that the Committee is glad to consider projects by trained anthropologists of the Americas, with view to giving them support in their application for financial aid; on addresses for correspondence (tp.)

 17    [Dr Audrey Butt?] to Dr Vera Rubin, 1 Nov. – has just returned from a long trip to the Waiyana Indians of Surinam and Cayenne; hastens to write concerning Mr Rivière’s successful application; is delighted that she could fund his project; on aspects of Mr Rivière’s work; she and Mr Rivière will both be writing reports for the Surinam government; there are signs that Latin American studies are improving in Britain; if she should come to Europe, invites her to Oxford (tpc.)

 18    Dr Vera Rubin to Dr Audrey Butt, 11 Nov. – refers to her letter; is interested in her report of Rivière’s field work; should be glad to see her own report to the government if possible; is going to ethnological congress in Moscow; on invitation to Oxford (tp.)

 /6    Andrew Sanders

  1    Daryll Forde to Dr Audrey Butt, 6 July 1964 – refers to her letter about Mr Sanders [not held]; on his thesis; outlines some aspects of his personality; is prepared to back him for field research (tp.)

  2    Johannes Wilbert to ibid., 16 July – refers to her letter of 11 July [not held]; would be pleased to see Mr Sanders study the Panare of Venezuela; she could suggest to Mr Sanders that he read his [Wilbert’s] chapter on the Panare in the Orinoco-Ventauri book; would be delighted to attach him to the Regional Center in Caracas; on coming to Europe; if he visits England he could meet Mr Sanders (tp.)

  3    Daryll Forde to ibid., 2 Nov. – refers to her letter [not held] concerning Mr A.D. Sanders; will give reference to the Comision Indigenista in Caracas; on approaching the Committee; asks about Prof. Wilbert and the Latin American Centre at Los Angeles; hopes Sanders can do his work under the wing of one organization (tp.)

A161/6/4        Johannes Wilbert to ibid., ibid. – refers to her letter of 5 Oct. [not held]; shall discuss with the Director of the Caribbean Institute of Anthropology and Sociology the possibilities for helping her students; thanks her for helping his students with bibliographic information (tp.)

  5    Andrew D. Sanders to the Comision Indigenista Nacional, Caracas, 3 Nov. – makes formal application for permission to carry out research among the Panare Indians; encloses brief account of himself; hopes his findings will be of value to Venezuela; on financial aid for the research; any cooperation between himself and visiting scientists would be welcomed (tpc.)

  6    A.J. B[utt][?] to [Comision Indigenista Nacional?], nd – cover letter for A.D. Sanders’ letter[?]; on Mr Sanders; both she and Prof. Forde hope that they will receive Mr Sanders’ request favourably (tp., in Spanish)

  7    Andrew D. Sanders to Dr Audrey Butt, 16 Nov. – refers to her letter [not held]; is being interviewed for a job in the Department of Sociology, University of the West Indies, Jamaica; in the meantime, would like to press ahead with the Panare study and see if he can obtain money from the RAI; encloses the letter to Caracas; on some alterations to be made to the letter; mentions Mike Eden (autogr.)

  7    Johannes Wilbert to ibid., 3 Dec. – on the results of his visit to Caracas; things are in a state of flux; shall try to make money available for some of Sanders’ field expenses; has received a letter from Dr Needham (tp.)

  8    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. Max Gluckman, 10 Dec. – on Mr Andrew Sanders asking for the support of the Committee in his applications for money to carry out research among the Panare Indians of Venezuela; details of his qualifications and of his project are enclosed with the letter; he has the support of Prof. Forde and Prof. Johannes Wilbert; Dr Thompson and she hope he will give his application sympathetic consideration; asks him to forward his opinion (tp. with autogr. note by Prof. Gluckman)

  9    Andrew Dale Sanders, biographical notes and outline of proposed work in Venezuela (tp.)

A161/6/10    B.M. Blackwood to Dr Audrey Butt, 12 Dec. – refers to her letter about Andrew Sanders; thinks he should be supported by the Committee in his endeavor to obtain funds; on his qualifications and background work; expresses appreciation of the work she did on behalf of the Committee during the 36th Americanist Congress (tp.)

 11    Adrian Digby to ibid., ibid. – refers to her letter about Andrew Sanders; thinks the committee would do well to support him; suggests he get in touch with Donald Tayler (tp.)

 12    G.H.S. Bushnell to ibid., 15 Dec. – is sure that Mr Sanders’ research is worthy of support (tp.)

 13    M. Fortes to ibid., 16 Dec. – hopes that Mr Sanders’ application for funds will receive the support of the Committee (tp.)

 14    Anthony Christie to ibid., 17 Dec. – refers to her circular about Sanders; is sure he is a suitable candidate for the Committee to support; also seems to be a suitable candidate for a Horniman Scholarship (tp.)

 15    Francis Huxley to ibid., ibid. – proposes that the Committee support his application (tp.)

 16    Eric Thompson to ibid., 30 Dec. – Sanders sounds OK; suggests she circularize the Committee; wonders if Sanders’ case might be strengthened if he had a letter from Cruxent or someone in Venezuela; on his education pre-University; on possible sources of funding (tp.)

 17    Johannes Wilbert to ibid., 6 Jan. 1965 – refers to her letter of 15 Dec. [not held]; is forwarding a recommendation for Mr Sanders’ project; Prof. Blondell of the University of Essex tells him that they are building a strong Latin American programme in that university (tp.)

 18    Ibid. to whom it may concern, ibid. – recommends Mr Sanders’ planned research project to conduct an ethnological study among the Panare Indians; on his own work with the Venezuelan Indians; on the importance of the Panare Indians; Mr Sanders’ collaboration would be appreciated by the Caribbean Institute of Anthropology and Sociology; the Institute will further Mr Sanders’ programme by all possible means (tp.)

A161/6/19    Andrew Sanders to Dr Audrey Butt, 17 Jan. – has seen Prof. Hogben; has accepted a post at B.G.; shall try to see her in Oxford later in the week; on injections (autogr.)

 20    D.H. Weir, Deputy Academic Registrar, University of London, to ibid., 26 Jan. – attaches request for a report on the work of Mr A.D. Sanders, in connection with his application for a grant from the Central Reserve Fund; asks for an early reply (tp.)

 21    Ibid., ibid. – gives details of the application for a grant from the Central Research Fund; asks for statement of the value of the proposed research and the applicant’s ability to carry it out; encloses copy of the regulations of the Fund; details of Andrew Sanders’ research on attached sheet (tp.)

 22    University of London, regulations of the Central Research Fund (printed)

 23    A.D. Sanders, statement of proposed research (tp.)

 24    Johannes Wilbert to Dr Audrey Butt, 27 Jan. – refers to her letter of 20 Jan. [not held]; thinks it excellent that Mr Sanders has accepted an appointment in British Guiana; is sure that the Panare will be studied in the future; on the Parry report; on Baldus’ symposium (tp.)

 25    Dr Audrey Butt to Mr D.H. Weir, 30 Jan. – refers to his letter concerning Mr Andrew Sanders; on his academic career; on his personal character; on the necessity of a camera and a tape recorder for his field work; his research is well worth while (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to [members of the Committee?], 21 Apr. – refers to Mr Sanders’ application for backing to help get funds for his research in Venezuela; the members of the Committee were unanimous in according him support; however before any steps were taken towards implementing the decision, Mr Sanders accepted a post at the University of Guyana; Prof. Sanders is able to start on his field research; he has fairly started on his career as an Americanist and no longer requires aid; on the Report of the Parry Committee which proposed that funds should be made available for research; if funds are available then a meeting might be held to consider whether the Middle and South American Research Committee should be dissolved (tpc.)

A161/6/27    Andrew Sanders to Dr Audrey Butt, 28 Sept. – on spending three months at Orealla Amerindian district; conducted some field work; on his health; on his plans for further field work; asks her opinion about applying for grants for next year; on couple named Forbes; on the faculty; on Mike Eden; the British Guiana Museum is putting out a quarterly journal; will send her some copies; on Prof. Kingsley Noble (autogr.)

 28    Andrew D. Sanders to […?], 7 Dec. – is seeking funds for a research project among the Amerindian communities of the Corentyne river; outlines his ‘thesis’; on the Amerindian communities and their interaction; it is social relations and not individual tribes which must be studied; no systematic studies have been carried out on the Amerindian in modern Guiana; lists interesting points to be studied; aside from academic importance, this type of study is of practical importance; gives names of referees. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 29    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, 23 Dec. – refers to her letter [not held]; mentions Mr McCann; mentions John Middleton; on the new Dean and the new Vice Chancellor; on his chances of having next year off with pay to pursue field work; encloses copy of letter he has sent to various Foundations seeking assistance; on various Foundations which cannot help (tp.)

 30    Ibid. to Miss Twersky, 5 Mar. 1966 – refers to her letter of 24 Jan. [not held] about further information concerning his application for a grant; encloses an article published in the Journal of the British Guiana Museum and Zoo which gives information on aims and objectives; outlines the field work he has planned; his wife will accompany him; on the cost of living; on items which he needs to buy; estimates that about £1,500 will be necessary for the year; gives names of referees; on an article on Orealla village which he has just published in an English scientific periodical; on other papers he is writing. 2 leaves (tp.)

 31    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, 10 Mar. – has had favourable replies from RISM and RAI; is applying for grants; encloses copy of letter sent to RISM [possibly /6/30]; on the Nuffield [Foundation]; on some nasty political recriminations concerning Amerindians; refers to McCann; on articles; refers to Humphrey Beckett (autogr.)

A161/6/32    Ibid., 24 Apr. – on Forde being his mentor for a Commonwealth Scholarship; asks her to send information; on an article published in a journal called New Image; on McCann’s sister-in-law; on visiting Orealla; his brother was killed in a plane crash (tp. with autogr. notes by Dr Butt)

 33    Dr P. Wagenaar Hummelinck, Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, to ibid., 27 Sept. – acknowledges receipt of Dr Sanders’ article on Orealla; cannot yet say anything about publication; will contact her again (tp.)

 34    Andrew Sanders to Dr Audrey Butt, 17 Jan. 1968 – on Terry McCann; on his work at the University; on his field work; on the three particular aspects he can deal with for a PhD.; asks if his article was published in West Indische Gids; asks after Prof. Forde; has applied for the post of lecturer in anthropology at the New University of Ulster; the position at the University of Guyana is far from stable; on the University (autogr.)

 35    Dr Vernon Sheddick to ibid., 9 Feb. – on the recommendation of Phyllis Kaberry seeks her help in respect of Andrew Sanders, who has applied for a post; asks about illness; Phyllis thinks she has seen him recently and may be able to comment (tp.)

 /7    Terence McCann

  1    Dr Audrey Butt to Rodney [Needham], 10 Nov. 1965 – encloses list of members of the Committee; at the next meeting Mr McCann’s application can be considered; asks him to send his letter of support to her and not direct to Dr Thompson; Dr Thompson will receive all the papers together and give his view before placing it all before the Committee; on Mr McCann seeing Francis Huxley before the meeting; the Committee has no money of its own but is prepared to back a good man with a good project; its support should prove of great assistance, as in Peter Rivière’s case; she and Dr Thompson would be prepared to write to various foundations (tp.)

  2    Rodney Needham to Dr Audrey Butt, 11 Nov. – writes in connexion with the possibility that the Committee may be interested in his case; gives a report on his qualifications and work; he is to have an interview with Dr P.G. Rivière; shall advise him to see Francis Huxley; he is a sound an interesting man whom the Committee might well consider supporting (tp.)

A161/7/3        Biographical details of Terence and Ferial McCann; details of proposed field research – an anthropological study of the Wapishana Indians of the Southern Rupununi savannas; on the anthropological significance of such a study; on the significance of the study for Government development programmes; on method; on funds required; names of referees. 4 leaves (tp.)

  4    Another version of biographical details and details of the proposed field research (tp.)

  5    Ferial McCann, details of the project where she works as research sociologist at Rivermead Hospital, Oxford (tp.)

  6    Ibid. (autogr.)

  7    Dr Audrey Butt to Dr Eric Thompson, 9 Feb. 1966 – Mr & Mrs McCann have got information about Ragnar Stige’s research; they feel they can go ahead on the Wapishana project; on Stige’s research; on the importance of work among the Wapishana; asks if they may go ahead and help the McCanns get financial aid; mentions Wilbert and Vera Rubin; McCann is writing to Theo Hills; thinks he will be able to strike up a close relationship between his work and the Savanna Project; on foundations which can be discounted (tpc.)

  8    Ibid. to Johannes [Wilbert], 11 Feb. – refers to his letter of 11 Jan. [not held]; has not been able to get a direct reply from Mr Stige himself; the final comments from Prof. Wassen arrived only a couple of days ago; has decided to go ahead with the Wapishana project as planned; on Stige’s work; he is unlikely to produce to complete study which they would wish; the Wapishana are a key tribe; the McCanns are ideal for the study; encloses a fuller statement of the McCanns project; on Prof. Hills and close cooperation with his Savanna project; on foundations she and Dr Thompson are writing to; on Mr McCann spending time in Los Angeles; replies to some points in his last letter, concerning RAI publications, reviews, articles etc.; he should soon be getting his invitation to join the Committee. 4 pages (tpc.)

  9    Eric Thompson to Dr Audrey Butt, 1 Mar. – on a trip to Seville; the Wapishana project looks fine; on people to send it to; he will write to Sol Tax and the widow of Fejos; asks her name; asks her to send a copy of what she writes to Vera Rubin; on dropping in to see her in Oxford; on writing to Christie about the Latin American library business; on timing of his letters to Sol Tax and ‘ex Mrs Fejos’; mentions Coy; on glyphs (autogr.)

A161/7/10    […?] to Mrs Lita Osmundsen, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 26 Mar. – forwards an application by Mr Terence McCann for a valuable research project; he will be working with his Guyanese wife; the McCanns intend to work in close cooperation with the McGill University project; this means their study will have initial advantages (tpc.)

 11    Eric Thompson to ibid., 29 Mar. – the Middle and South American Research Committee of the RAI is sponsoring the project of Mr & Mrs McCann for research among the Wapishana Arawak of British Guiana; submits it to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for consideration; on the Committee; since 1958 it has only once sponsored one candidate; believes this is an excellent project; on the implications of Guyanan independence; hopes she will give the project favourable consideration (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to Sol [Tax], ibid. – has just forwarded to the Wenner-Gren Foundation an application from Mr & Mrs McCann to do research among the Wapishana Arawak of British Guiana; if he is consulted, trusts he will give the project friendly consideration; reminisces about the news of Hitler’s entry into Vienna (tpc.)

 13    Lita Osmundsen to Bernard Fagg, Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, 21 Apr. – acknowledges receipt of petition for a grant; it will be presented for consideration at a meeting of the Board of Directors (tp.)

 14    [Dr Audrey Butt?] to Mrs Lita Osmundsen, 16 June – expresses thanks for the award of a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship to Mr Terence McCann; refers to research project which she and Johannes Wilbert have for several years considered exceptionally important; on r McCann’s plans; shall ask him to write from time to time; expresses the gratitude of the Committee (tpc.)

 15    Bernard Fagg to Terence McCann, 17 June – the Wenner-Gren Foundation has approved a grant of $1,500 to aid his research into the Wapishana Indians (tp.)

 16    Dr Audrey Butt to Miss D.M. Sladden, Ministry of Overseas Development, ibid. – refers to her applications on behalf of Mr & Mrs McCann, made on 26 Mar.; reports that Mr McCann has been awarded $1,500; they now need to raise the remainder of the sum required; should be grateful if the Ministry would consider making an award (tpc.)

A161/7/17    J.J. Adie, Ministry of Overseas Development, to Dr Audrey Butt, 20 June – Miss Sladden is on leave; is glad to hear that the McCanns have been awarded $1,500; is now looking into the possibility of making a research grant; is awaiting information from the British High Commission in Guyana; it seems that she is endeavouring to raise £1,763; asks how much would be needed for the writing-up (tpc.)

 18    Dr Audrey Butt to J.J. Adie, 27 June – refers to his letter of 20 June; the Registry at Oxford suggested £400 maintenance grant plus approved fees for the 6 month writing-up period; 6 months is not normally enough time; hopes that funds can be raised for Mr McCann to spend a term with Prof. Johannes Wilbert in Los Angeles which would make up the extra time; confirms that she is trying to raise £1,763; will be away for about three weeks from 29 June but will answer letters on her return (tpc.)

 19    Miss D.M. Sladden to Dr Audrey Butt, 29 June – writes to follow up Mr Adie’s letter; has heard that the Guyana Government agree to the research; asks for confirmation that the McCanns would make their own arrangements for transport and other matters (tp. with autogr. PS)

 20    Dr Audrey Butt to Miss D.M. Sladden, 25 July – refers to her letter of 29 June; delighted to know that the Guyana Government agrees to the research; the McCanns anticipate making their own arrangements for travel; there is no question of them seeking the loan of a government vehicle (tpc.)

 21    J.J. Adie to Dr Audrey Butt, 27 July – refers to her letter of 25 July to Miss Sladden; the Ministry of Home Affairs in Guyana wish to do everything possible to make the project a success; could pay the £400 maintenance fee for the writing-up period but not the Ph.D. fees (tp.)

 22    Dr Audrey Butt to J.J. Adie, 1 Aug. – although the Ministry is unable to pay the approved D.Phil. fees, feels sure they can make up the amount when the time comes; is grateful to the Ministry for Home Affairs in Guyana for their wish to do everything possible to make the project a success. Mr & Mrs McCann will be delighted to know this (tpc.)

 23    J.J. Adie to Dr Audrey Butt, 3 Aug. – refers to her letter of 1 Aug.; encloses copy of the formal Scheme and Financial Summary (tp.)

A161/7/24    Dr Audrey Butt to J.J. Adie, 10 Aug. – refers to his letter of 3 Aug. and the Scheme and Financial Summary relating to the grant of £2,163; Mr & Mrs McCann are willing to undertake all the conditions mentioned; owing to vaccinations etc. for their young son, they cannot leave England before the first week of Nov.; they will begin research in Nov. rather than Sept.; they will still spend 12 to 14 months with the Wapishana; the award of Mr McCann’s B.Litt. thesis cannot take place before the end of Oct. (tpc.)

 25    Lita Osmundsen to Dr Audrey Butt, 10 Nov. – refers to her letter of 11 Aug. [not held]; thanks her for the reprint ‘The Guianas’; pleased to hear that the McCanns are going into the field this month (tp.)

 26    Ministry of Overseas Development, Mar. 1967 – Scheme and Financial Summary relating to ‘Social Anthropological Study of the Wapishana Indians of Guyana by Mr and Mrs McCann’. 3 leaves (tp.)

 27    Terry McCann to Dr Audrey Butt, 6 Mar. – relates details of a conversation with Dr Needham; on the question of his supervisor; on delays in arranging flights; on purchasing his equipment; on his Ph.D. fees; on tape recorders. 5 pages (autogr.)

 28    Bernard Fagg to Terence McCann, 8 Mar. – glad to hear that his B.Litt. submission had gone well and that he would be leaving to begin field work at the end of the month; will pay his grant into his bank (tpc. with autogr. note to Dr Audrey Butt)

 29    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. K. Kirkwood, 10 Mar. – refers to his letter [not held]; on Mr McCann; on the matter of which department McCann was connected with; McCann explained the circumstances to Dr Needham whose reaction is explained in McCann’s letter received on 7 Mar.; on the question of McCann’s supervisor; believes the Institute has behaved irresponsibly; explains how; asks if she can leave the case in his hands. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 30    Miss D.M. Sladden to Dr Audrey Butt, ibid. – Mr McCann came to see her; encloses copy of the formal Memorandum and Financial Summary; the administration of the grant shall be done with the help of the British High Commission in Georgetown; on the McCanns’ air passage; refers to her letter of 8 Mar. [not held] (tp. with autogr. PS)

A161/7/31    P.G. Ottewill, Ministry of Overseas Development, to Terence McCann, 21 Mar. – on air tickets; Mr Reid and Miss Le Fresne at the British High Commission will give what help they can; asks for a progress report after six months; shall require two copies of his final report (tp.)

 .1    Compliments slip (printed and autogr.)

 32    Lita Osmundsen to Dr Audrey Butt, 11 Apr. – refers to her letter of 31 Mar. [not held]; is pleased to hear that Mr McCann received the money for his research in Guyana (tp.)

 33    Dr Audrey Butt to Prof. Kirkwood, 28 June – writes in response to his request for information on Mr Terence McCann who is making an application to the Faculty Board to become an Advanced Student; gives account of how McCann has arrived at his present position; mentions Dr Needham’s reference for McCann; on McCann’s funding from the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Ministry of Overseas Development; on his B.Litt. thesis; on McCann transferring to the department of Ethnology & Prehistory; on her protest at Needham’s conduct; can see no reason for the line Needham has taken; sees no reason why McCann should not have her as a supervisor (tpc.)

 34    [Ibid.?] to ibid., 1 Aug. – writes in response to his request for information on Mr Terence McCann who is making an application to the Faculty Board to become an Advanced Student; on McCann’s qualifications; on his funding; on his field work; encloses a copy of an account of his work; supports his application (tp.)

 35    Prof. Kenneth Kirkwood to Dr Audrey Butt, 2 Aug. – refers to her letter of 1 Aug. with report from Mr McCann; will place these on record; believes that they will satisfy the Applications Committee and the Board (autogr.)

 36    Ibid., ibid. – thanks her for her note; hopes it will not be necessary to trouble her further (autogr. card)

 37    A.R.W. Harrison, Merton College, to ibid., 14 Aug. – refers to her letter about Mr McCann; shall raise no objection to his going on with a D.Phil. (tp.)

 38    Rodney Needham to Dr Audrey Butt, 15 Sept. – McCann’s application for admission as an Advanced Student came up at yesterday’s Board meeting; on her being named as his supervisor; there has been a lack of communication about the case; on Mary Douglas’ opinion about McCann (tp.)

A161/7/39    Ibid. to Bernard Fagg, ibid. – on McCann’s application to become an Advanced Student in his department; on adverse reports from himself and Mary Douglas; on McCann (photocopy)

 40    Bernard Fagg to Rodney Needham, 18 Sept. – refers to his letter of 15 Sept.; on Dr Mary Douglas; will everything he can to ensure that the Board’s confidence will not have been misplaced (tp.)

 41    Dr Audrey Butt to Rodney Needham, 20 Sept. – on McCann’s Wenner-Gren Fellowship, which had to be held in the Department of Ethnology and Prehistory; she placed all details in the hands of Prof. Kirkwood; on Mary Douglas’ report; adopted McCann’s project largely on the basis of his [Needham’s] good report of him; if he had changed his mind, cannot understand why he did not say so; McCann is going ahead energetically (tpc.)

 42    Rodney Needham to Dr Audrey Butt, 21 Sept. – refers to her letter; did not know that McCann had been awarded a Wenner-Gren grant or that it had to be in her department; on his report; glad to hear that McCann is doing well (tp.)

 43    Miss D.M. Sladden to Dr Audrey Butt, 4 Oct. – asks for copy of the report by Terence McCann mentioned in the Report of the Middle and South American Research Committee (tp.)