Papers. 1934-54.

The Permanent Council governs the Congress and consists of not more than four members from each country assisted by one or two National Secretaries. On retirement from the Permanent Council, members are elevated to the Committee of Honour in order to maintain the tradition of the Congress and to give advice to succeeding congresses. The Permanent Research Committees are: Standardisation of anthropological technique; International research on Arctic peoples and culture; Organisation and employment of films in anthropology and ethnography; Compilation of a comparative vocabulary of anthropological and ethnological terms, later called The study and definition of anthropological and ethnological terms. Later Committees included The conditions of anthropological and ethnological teaching in the countries represented at the Congress, and the obstacles to the admission of these studies in public education and Conservation of Aboriginal peoples whose modes of life are of scientific interest. The Bureau has charge of business between sessions. See also A62, Congrès international, 1912-34 including 1934 Congrès, A92 Congrès international, 1938 and later.


93/1/1-4            Invitation to host the 1938 Congress

93/2/1-75        Elections to Permanent Council, 1934-6

93/3/1-132        Permanent Council meeting, Oxford and London reception, 1946

93/4/1-13        Official documents, Oxford and London, 1946

93/5/1            Proceedings, Oxford, 1946

93/6/1-3            Offprint and newspaper clippings, Oxford, 1946

93/7/1-10        Comité de Standardisation de la Technique anthropologique. Reports to the Permanent Council, 1934-54

93/8/1-11        Permanent Council meeting, Paris, 1947; Appointments to British National Committee, 1947-54


AHB    Alan H. Brodrick, Joint Secretary General

WBF    W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1939-56; Hon. Editor of Man, 1947-65

HJF    H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969), Prof. Of Geography, Univ. of Manchester; President RAI, 1945-7

JLM    Prof. Sir John L. Myres, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. Of Ancient History, Univ. of Oxford; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1900-3, RAI President, 1928-31; founder and Editor of Man

FS        Miss Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary, 1941-52

1/    Invitation to host the 1938 Congress

At the close of the first Congress organised by the RAI and held from 30 July – 4 Aug. 1934 in London and Oxford, two invitations were received to host the 1938 Congress, from the Danish National Council and from the Austrian Government. Proposals for the second session in 1938 were referred by the Permanent Council to the Bureau. See also A62/193/1-2.

1    Danish invitation

 .1    Covering notes by JLM (autogr.)

 .2    Prof. Thomas Thomsen, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen to JLM, 24 June 1934 – inquires about the best way to present the invitation; possible difficulties concerning government involvement at so early a stage; considers the finance is secured; refers to his paper and lantern slides for the forthcoming Congress (autogr.)

 .3    JLM to Prof. Thomsen, 26 June – understands the difficulties of an official Government invitation; refers to his Congress paper and slides and to Dr Haddon, and museum visits (tpc.)

 .4    Prof. Thomsen to JLM, 4 July – thanks him for clarifying matters; now authorised to issue an invitation from the National Museum and others to host the 1938 Congress; refers to his lantern slides (autogr.)

 .5    JLM to Prof. Thomsen, 7 July – expresses pleasure at the invitation; refers to the lantern slides (tpc.)

 .6    Formal invitation from the Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, 27 July (tp.)

 .7    Ibid. from Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab, Copenhagen, 28 July (tp.; in French)

  2    Austrian invitation

 .1    Covering note by JLM (autogr.)

 .2    Chancellor Schuschnigg to Prof. W. Koppers, Institut für Völkerkunde, Wien, 23 June 1934 – invitation to hold the next Congress in Vienna (autogr. copy by W. Koppers; in German)

 .3    Prof. W. Koppers to JLM, 17 July – encloses formal invitation; will bring original to London; refers to Danish invitation and suggests the Americanist Congress could meet in Copenhagen and the other in Vienna; mentions the value of a meeting outside northern European states (autogr.)

 .4    JLM to Prof. Koppers, 21 July – proposals will be considered by the Permanent Council (tpc.)
  3    Italian invitation

 .1    Note by JLM, 31 July – ‘rests entirely’ on verbal statement by Prof. Sergio Sergi (autogr.)

  4    Voting

 .1    Note by JLM, 3 Aug. – Copenhagen, 28 votes; Vienna, 15 votes (autogr.)

 .2    Ibid., 4 Dec. 1934 – Correspondence forwarded to Birket-Smith (autogr.)

 2/    Elections to the Permanent Council (A-Z), 1934-6

Letters are addressed to JLM, AHB, or JLM and AHB jointly.

  1    Prof. Santiago Alcobé, Universidad de Barcelona, 22 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; wishes to submit a paper to JRAI (tp.; annotated by JLM)

  2    Prof. M. Amer, Faculty of Letters, Egyptian University, Giza (Cairo), 20 Nov. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to Congress resolutions (autogr.)

  3    Prof. José Miguel de Barandarián, Laboratorio de Etnología, Vitoria, 19 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (autogr.; in Spanish)

  4    Prof. Francisco de la Barras y de Aragón, Museo de Antropología, Madrid, 10 Nov., 1934 – ibid. (autogr.; in Spanish)

  5    Prof. L. Bartucz, Budapest, 28 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (autogr.; in German)

  6    Prof. R. Biasutti, Ministero dell Educazione Nazionale, Florence, 18 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to Congress resolutions (autogr.)

  7    Dr H.J.T. Bijlmer, Bloemendaal, Netherlands, 21 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (autogr.)

  8    K.P. Chattopadhyaya, Education Officer, Corporation of Calcutta, 8 Nov. 1934 – accepts resolution; refers to Congress resolutions (tp.)

  9    Prof. Raffaele Corso, Naples, 20 Nov. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to notices in Italian journals (autogr.; in Italian)

 10    Prof. Victor Delfino, Buenos Aires, 23 Jan. 1935 – accepts re-election; will send copies of two journals (tp.; in French)

 11    Prof. J.C. van Eerde, Amsterdam, 10 Oct. – accepts re-election (tp.)
 12    Prof. Freiherr E. von Eickstedt, Anthropologisches Institut der Universität, Breslau, 4 Nov. – accepts re-election; refers to Congress resolutions (tp.)

 13    Prof. A.P. Elkin, University of Sydney, 30 Apr. 1935 – accepts re-election; refers to Congress resolutions (tp.)

 14    Prof. (Sir) E.E. Evans-Pritchard, London, 30 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; [with autogr. note] offers resignation if his severance of academic relations with Egypt disqualifies him (tp., autogr.)

 15    His Honour the Deemster Farrant, Rolls Office, Isle of Man, 13 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (tp.)

 16    Prof. Eugen Fischer, Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, Berlin-Dahlem, 18 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (tp.; in German)

 17    Prof. Victor Fontes, Lisbon, 19 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (tp.; in French)

 18    Prof. Milovan Gavazzi, Zagreb, 24 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to Congress resolutions; mentions the situation in schools (tp.)

 19    Prof. G. Genna, Instituto di Antropologia, Università di Roma, 15 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (autogr.; in Italian)

 20    Prof. T.R. Georgevic, Belgrade, 24 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to Congress resolutions; mentions the situation in schools (autogr.)

 21    Dr Eberhard Geyer, Anthropologisches Institut, Universität Wien, 18 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (tp.)

 22    Prof. G.S. Ghurye, University of Bombay, 29 Nov. 1934 – ibid. (autogr.)

 23    Prof. J.C.B. Grant, University of Toronto, 5 Nov. 1934 – ibid. (tp.)

 24    Prof. B.S. Guha, Zoological Survey of India, 29 Apr. 1936 – reports death of Dr P.C. Basu, a Secretary of the Permanent Council of India; (Prof.) J.H. Hutton, K.P. Chattopadhaya and himself have nominated Dr A.N. Chatterji to succeed Dr Basu (tp.)

 25    Ibid., from JLM, 22 May – acknowledges the nomination of Dr Chatterji in place of Dr Basu; will be submitted to next meeting of the Permanent Council (autogr. carbon)

 26    Dr H.S. Harrison, 12 Oct. – accepts re-election (autogr.)

 27    Prof. Melville J. Herskovits, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 22 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; very interested in resolution; suggests a memorandum of adoption of the 5th resolution to various US government officials (tp.)

 28    Prof. Kaarlo Hildén, Helsinki, 15 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (autogr.)

 29    Dr Alés Hrdlicka, United States National Museum, Washington DC, 19 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to resolution 1 and the term ethnology; suggests definition of the term (tp.)

 30    Ibid., from JLM, 2 Nov. – glad the Congress has his continued support; had some discussion during the Congress on the definition of terms; small committee set up and will report to the 1938 Congress; premature to define ‘ethnology’ now; would be grateful for his own definition; refers to the early skeleton from Palestine (autogr. carbon)

 31    (Prof.) J.H. Hutton, Kohima, Assam, 12 Nov. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to the resolutions as they affect India (autogr.)

 32    Dr J. Imbelloni, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, 8 Oct. 1935 – accepts re-election (tp.; in Spanish)

 33    E. de Jonge, Brussels, [Oct. 1934] – accepts re-election (autogr.; in French)

 34    Prof. J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan, Amsterdam, 10 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (autogr.)

 35    Senator Dr Hellmuth Kluck, Danzig, 18 Mar. 1935 – ibid. (tp.; in German)

 36    Pater Wilhelm Koppers, St Gabriel-Mödling, 27 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; refers to resolutions 1 and 4 (autogr.; in German)

 37    Dr W.M. Krogman, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 29 Mar. 1935 – accepts re-election; regrets omission of his name and of the Institution; asks the cost of membership; wishes to purchase the Proceedings (tp.)

 38    Ibid., from JLM, 4 July – cost of 1938 Congress not yet fixed; suggests likely figure; gives cost of the Compte rendu (autogr. carbon)

 39    Prof. Gunnar Landtman, Helsingfors, 18 Mar. 1935 – accepts election (tp.)

 40    Dr Helge Larsen, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, 19 Mar. 1935 – accepts re-election (tp.)
 41    [Prof. Väinö Lassila, Helsinki], 16 Oct. 1934 – accepts election (tp.)

 42    Dr Viktor Lebzelter, Vienna, 19 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (tp.; in German)

 43    Prof. G.P. Lestrade, University of Cape Town, 17 Apr. 1935 – accepts re-election (tp.)

 44    Prof. K. Gerhard Lindblom, Stockholm, 13 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; thanks JLM for all he did for the Congress (tp.)

 45    Prof. Edward Loth, Warsaw, 27 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; regrets inability to attend Congress (tp.)

 46    Prof. R.A.S. Macalister, Dublin, 17 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; no special views on resolutions but supports them (autogr.)

 47    Prof. T.F. McIlwraith, University of Toronto, 26 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (tp.)

 48    Prof. J. Playfair McMurrich, Toronto, 26 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; general resolutions satisfactory as far as Canada is concerned (tp.)

 49    Dr A. Mahr, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, 9 Dec. 1934 – accepts re-election (autogr.)

 50    Dr C.P. Martin, Trinity College, Dublin, 14 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (autogr.)

 51    Note by JLM: Dr K.E. Fischer Møller, Denmark to replace F.C.C. Hansen deceased (autogr.)

 52    Séamus O’Duilearga, Dublin, 14 Mar. 1935 – accepts election (autogr.)

 53    Dr Frans M. Olbrechts, Brussels, 11 Oct. 1934 – sends congratulations for the success of the Congress; accepts re-election; comments on resolutions especially teaching at Universities and ethnological training for missionaries and colonial servants (tp.)

 54    Ibid., from JLM, 17 Oct. – pleased he enjoyed the Congress and glad he will continue to serve; suggests he consults with his colleagues on resolutions and best way to approach his Government; will send a formal letter if required (autogr.)

 55    Prof. O. Pertold, Charles University, Prague, 18 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; suggests resolutions should be put to individual governments through British diplomatic channels; has informed the Ministry of Education about teaching in secondary schools (tp.)
 56    Prof. Paul Rivet, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 16 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; comments on resolutions of interest to France (autogr.; in French)

 57    Dr Georges Henri Rivière, ibid., 13 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (tp.; in French)

 58    Dr Sarat Chandra Roy, Ranchi, India, 1 Nov. 1934 – accepts re-election; comments on resolutions and the need to go through the Secretary of State for India and the headquarters of the missionary bodies (tp.)

 59    Dr S. Sangvichien, Bangkok, 18 June 1935 – owing to pressure of work, regrets he cannot accept re-election. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 60    Ibid., from JLM, 25 July – hopes he will agree to continue; essential thing is that the Congress is assured of his support (autogr. carbon); Dr Sangvichien did not represent Siam (Thailand) on the Permanent Council of the 1938 Congress

 61    Dr Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior, Universidade do Pôrto, Portugal, 9 Apr. 1935 – accepts re-election; hopes to be present at the 1938 Congress (autogr.)

 62    Prof. I. Schapera, University of Cape Town, 6 June 1935 – accepts re-election; two of the resolutions are largely being carried out in South Africa; asks to have further information on No. 2 (tp.)

 63    Prof. Otto Schlaginhaufin, Zurich, 13 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (tp.; in German)

 64    Fr Wilhelm Schmidt, Museí e Galerie Pontificie, Rome, 13 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (autogr.)

 65    Prof. C.G. Seligman, 15 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (autogr.)

 66    Prof. Joseph L. Shellshear, University of Hong Kong, 9 Oct. 1934 – supports choice of Chinese representation; makes suggestions for replacing Prof. D. Black; sends congratulations on success of Congress (tp.)

 67    Ibid., 4 Dec. 1934 – accepts re-election; hopes to be present at 1938 Congress (tp.)

 68    Prof. K. Stolyhwo, Cracow, 26 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; will present resolutions to the Polish Government (autogr.)

 69    Prof. V. Sük, Masaryk University, Brno, 28 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election (tp.)

 70    Prof. Thomas Thomsen, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, 27 Sep. 1934 – sends gratitude and congratulations; suggests Dr K.E. Fischer Møller should succeed the late Prof. F.C.C. Hansen (tp.)
         71    Prof. C.C. Vlenbeck, Amersfoort, Holland, 10 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; supports resolutions (autogr.)

 72    Dr J.A. Valsik, Prague, 25 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; will see the resolutions are correctly placed (tp.)

 73    Dr Romulus Vuia, Musée Ethnographique et Parc National, Cluj, Romania, c. 20 Oct. 1934 – accepts re-election; asks for copies of the summary of his paper; French translation of his resolution does not express his meaning; encloses wording of the original. 3 leaves (tp.)

 74    Dr T.L. Woo, Academia Sinica, Nanking, 23 Oct. – accepts re-election (tp.)

 75    Sir Temistocle Zammit, The Museum, Valletta, 6 Oct. 1934 – ibid. (tp.)

 3/    Permanent Council meeting, Oxford, 1946

  1    Dr E.J. Lindgren (EJL) to David Shillan, British Council, 14 Apr. 1944 – encloses copy of a confidential report by JLM on the international congresses of prehistory and anthropology (/2 below); asks for comments (tpc.)

  2    JLM to EJL (extracts), 6 Apr. – concern at reconstructing the international congresses; thinks a meeting in 1946 possible; first step to convene the Permanent Council; offers in 1938 for next Congress received from Portugal and Czechoslovakia; wishes to have her impression of how American colleagues now view international co-operation; hopes ‘to get scientific problems and organisations free from political considerations’ (tpc.)

  3    EJL to JLM, 10 Apr. – will sound out possibilities in USA; asks for addresses; refers to possible collaborator tendencies in occupied Europe (tpc.)

  4    JLM to EJL, 15 Apr. – suggests she should ascertain informally from the Portuguese whether they regard their 1938 invitation valid under post-war conditions; wishes to ensure the best solution (tpc.)

  5    David Shillan, British Council to EJL, 21 Apr. – at present British Council not able to assist with any scientific congress held in the UK; government grant given to the Royal Society for that purpose; suggests she discusses possibility of a congress in Portugal with their representative in Lisbon (tpc.)

  6    JLM to EJL, 29 Dec. 1941 (extract) – on lack of personal contact between Russian and foreign anthropologists and orientalists since 1917 (tpc.)

  7    Notes on invitations for 1938 Congress and Portuguese representatives. 2 leaves (tp.)

  8    JLM to FS, 29 June 1945 – should send what information is available to Prof. M.J. Herskovits on European colleagues; suggests RAI Officers should send a questionnaire or personal letters to all Hon. Fellows    asking about the situation in their countries; no questions about individual war service should be asked; proposes a similar inquiry to Permanent Council members; writing fully to Prof. Herskovits about prospects of a Congress; refers to the French and the activities of the old Insitut International de Co-operation Intellectuelle, a department of the ‘deceased’ League of Nations (autogr.)

  9    FS to JLM, 3 July – news coming in slowly about Hon. Fellows in Europe; care must be taken over ‘political’ aspects; refers to A.H. Brodrick (tpc.)

 10    Ibid., 7 Sep. – understands that Prof. B. Schrieke, in England for a period, has written to him about the next Congress; discusses possibility of a preliminary meeting in London this year, procedures for a 1946 Congress, and organisational difficulties so soon after the war (tpc.)

 11    JLM to FS, 8 Sep. – sets out position at the Copenhagen Congress in 1938 and of the Bureau now; in touch with Profs. Birket-Smith and Schrieke and the Americans; Bureau matters can be discussed by letter; thinks it would be justified in convening the Permanent Council; if the latter met this winter a modest Congress would be possible in the autumn, 1946; choice of meeting between London and Paris; hopes A.H. Brodrick will advise on French situation; refers to Louis Marin (autogr.)

 12    FS to JLM, 10 Sep. – great help to have situation on record; notes he thinks a meeting of the Permanent Council desirable; Prof. A.L. Kroeber likely to be in London next March for his delayed Huxley Lecture (tpc.)

 13    FS to Officers, c. 10 Sep. – encloses copy of JLM’s letter (/11 above and /14 below); had asked for such a statement on hearing a meeting of the Bureau or Permanent Council might be held in London in Dec. 1945 (tpc.)

 14    JLM to FS, 8 Sep. – copy enclosed with /13 above (tpc.)

 15    FS to JLM, 12 Sep. – reports Prof. Schrieke’s sudden death; asks how it will affect Permanent Council (tpc.)

 16    JLM to FS, 14 Sep. – Prof. Schrieke’s death a great blow; one of the ablest of the Dutch colleagues; will make inquiries about an Oxford Permanent Council meeting (autogr.)

 17    Dr J. Felhoen Kraal, Amsterdam to JLM, 19 Sep. – outlines Prof. Schrieke’s plans for preliminary meeting before his death; suggests he should write to Prof. J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan (tp.)
 18    JLM to Dr Felhoen Kraal, 24 Sep. – Prof. Schrieke’s death deplored by all his friends who depended on his judgement; will write to Prof. Kleiweg de Zwaan; much preliminary matter to arrange; hopes Permanent Council can meet before Mar. or Apr. 1946; an American meeting suggested but expense and difficulty of transport will be prohibitive (autogr. carbon)

 19    Prof. A.L. Kroeber, University of California, Berkeley to FS, 31 Oct. – accepts date of 30 Apr. 1946 for his Huxley Memorial Lecture (tp.)

 20    JLM to H.J. Braunholtz, RAI President, 1941-3, 12 Nov. – Prof. G. Lindblom, Stockholm supports meeting in England; thinks this gives enough support to proceed; has written to Prof. Birket-Smith to ask for his agreement; outlines procedures; need to decide between London and Oxford and steps to be taken if the latter (autogr.); see Council minutes, CM/75/3, 20 Nov. 1945, Item 9

 21    JLM to FS, 15 Nov. – refers to Miss Amice M. Calverley’s film for her ‘Some records of peasant life in Roumania’ at the meeting on 19 Feb. 1946; suggests a joint meeting with the Folklore Society; has sent full Congress report to H.J. Braunholtz (autogr.)

 22    FS to Prof. Alf Sommerfelt, 16 Nov. – as an Hon. Fellow, informs of Congress developments; possible meeting of Permanent Council and views of colleagues in Norway on representatives; Norway represented in 1938 by Prof. K.E. Schreiner and Dr K. Wagner (tp.)

 23    Prof. Sommerfelt to FS, 18 Nov. – thinks Norwegian and other Scandinavians would welcome a meeting in England; gives reasons why Dr Wagner cannot now represent Norway (tp.)

 24    JLM to WBF, 19 Nov. – refers to communication from the Soviet Embassy; has asked Prof. Birket-Smith for authorisation to accept any invitation which the RAI may offer to the Permanent Council; if Oxford is accepted quick action is required; has informal local support (autogr.)

 25    FS to JLM, 22 Nov. – reports Council has approved invitation to Permanent Council to meet in Oxford; refers to Norwegian representatives and Dr K. Wagner; mentions date of Prof. Kroeber’s Huxley Memorial Lecture (tpc.); see Council minutes, CM/75/3, 20 Nov. 1945, Item 9

 26    Ibid., 23 Nov. – informs him formally of Council’s decision; asks him to convey the RAI invitation to the International Congress (tpc.)
 27    WBF to Secretary, Board of Faculties, Oxford, 23 Nov. – informed of Council’s decision; information also sent to JLM, Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown and T.K. Penniman; requests that the information be placed before the next meeting of the Board (tpc.); letters, 23 Nov., to Prof. H.J. Fleure, T.K. Penniman, and Prof. Radcliffe-Brown not retained

 28    RAI President to Sir Richard Livingstone, Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford, 25 Nov. – informs him of Council’s decision to issue the invitation and to hold the meeting in Oxford (tpc.)

 29    T.K. Penniman, Curator, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford to FS, 26 Nov. – asks length of the proposed meeting; accommodation and food a problem (tp., autogr. note by TKP)

 30    JLM to WBF, 1 Dec. – discusses date of Prof. Kroeber’s Huxley Memorial Lecture and limiting dates at Oxford; availability of accommodation affected; makes suggestions and for lectures and visits to collections; suggests invitation and programme should be combined in one circular; asks for envelopes; hopes Foreign Office will issue official invitations to the more inaccessible countries through legations; encloses draft letter (autogr.)

 31    WBF to T.K. Penniman, 3 Dec. – replies to his letter of 26 Nov. (/29 above); outlines reasons for an extended meeting, for suggesting Oxford, and problem of accommodation (autogr. draft)

 32    FS to JLM, 3 Dec. – refers Prof. Kroeber’s Huxley Memorial Lecture and to the improved appearance of the RAI building; evacuated books returning; problem of the British Museum salvage collection (tpc.)

 33    JLM to FS, 4 Dec. – problems of Huxley Memorial Lecture date and Oxford University term, and the Faculty meeting; makes suggestion for ‘a little diversion’ for the Permanent Council, and a speaker on UNESCO; refers to Man and its printers (autogr.)

 34    FS to JLM, 6 Dec. – able to communicate telegram’s contents to Council; discusses problem of Huxley Memorial Lecture date; suggestion of an RAI meeting to coincide with Permanent Council; refers to Joint Committee (tpc.); see Council minutes, CM/75/6, Item 6

 35    JLM to FS, 8 Dec. – refers to Huxley Memorial Lecture date; date of Permanent Council meeting now with the Vice-Chancellor; hopes RAI would not try to meet in Oxford concurrently with the Permanent Council; would welcome a reception or meeting at the RAI itself; mentions Joint Council meeting; discusses place of next Congress meeting and the pre-war invitations; refers to circular (autogr.)
 36    FS to JLM, 10 Dec. – refers to Huxley Memorial Lecture date; notes Prof. Kroeber is a USA Permanent Council member; glad he thinks RAI should welcome the Permanent Council at the RAI; mentions Joint Committee (tpc.)

 37    Ibid., 11 Dec. – Prof. J.H. Hutton unwilling to review RAI Report for Nature; asks JLM to review it; has drafted a memorial on RAI policy and future for the President; Prof. Hutton has approved (tpc.)

 38    JLM to FS, 12 Dec. – is very busy with Congress matters; suggests Prof. Fleure to review; has drafted joint circular on behalf of RAI, the Oxford Faculty and the Congress; mentions date of meeting in London; hopes Prof. Kroeber can advance his date; suggests provisional booking at London hotels; would like to see memorial for the President; refers to Man reviews (autogr.)

 39    JLM to WBF, 15 Dec. – asks for confirmation of Permanent Council dates and RAI meeting; wishes to circulate invitation circular before end of the year; asks about Foreign Office assistance; suggests discussion of subjects of research committees established in 1938, also on UNESCO and relations with the Congress; may be able to get the Director, Sir Alfred Zimmern to speak (autogr.)

 40    FS to Prof. Kroeber, 17 Dec. – gives dates of the Permanent Council meeting; asks if it is possible to advance the Huxley Memorial Lecture date (tpc.); FS to JLM, 18 Dec. , letter dealing with recent points, not retained

 41    JLM to WBF, 18 Dec. – encloses invitation circular proofs; Huxley Memorial Lecture details to be announced later (autogr.)

 42    JLM to FS, 18 Dec. – encloses invitation circular proofs (/43-4 below); proofs also sent to Prof. Fleure and WBF; has had no official confirmation of the dates; circular must be sent out in Dec.; asks if anyone has written to the Foreign Office (autogr.)

 43    Circular on proposed meeting of the Permanent Council, 12-15 Apr. 1946 in Oxford, 16 Apr. in London (proof; annotated by WBF)

 44    Circular to be returned by those proposing to attend (proof)

 45    Draft letter to the Foreign Office by JLM (autogr.)

 46    RAI President to Cultural Relations Dep., Foreign Office, 20 Dec. – records RAI invitation; of great assistance if governments of members attending the Permanent Council could be officially informed; requests forwarding of invitations to respective governments; hopes permissions and facilities may be granted to these distinguished anthropologists (tpc.)
 47    FS to JLM, 21 Dec. – returns proofs; dates confirmed; letters to Prof. Kroeber and Foreign Office sent (tpc.)

 48    Draft invitation to RAI meeting, 16 Apr. 1946

 49    JLM to WBF, 9 Jan. 1946 – encloses invitation circular (/50 below); most copies have been posted some by air; lists countries with which he has no contact yet; no intimation of help from the Foreign Office; little expectation of communications from Convenors of Research Committees; looking for informal communications from individual members; has had discussions with Dr J.S. Weiner, new Reader in Physical Anthropology; no reply from Miss M.L. Tildesley (autogr.)

 50    Circular on proposed meeting of the Permanent Council, signed by JLM (printed)

 51    JLM to Prof. Fleure, RAI President, 17 Jan. – taken up question of travel facilities with the Foreign Office for delegates; hope it will recommend meeting to foreign governments; regrets Prof. Kroeber cannot alter his Huxley Memorial Lecture date; conveys detailed information on arrangements for the RAI reception and the Oxford programme. 4 pp. (autogr.)

 52    Prof. Fleure to WBF, 23 Jan. – outlines information in JLM’s letter (/51 above) (autogr.)

 53    Miss Mary E. Boyle to WBF, 28 Jan. – Abbé Henri Breuil willing to represent France and to receive his medal then [Huxley Memorial Medal]; official request and visa essential; he needs details of subjects to be covered and other information (autogr.; annotated by WBF); the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture, postponed from 1941, was delivered on 16 Apr.

 54    JLM to WBF, 2 Feb. – mentions Man articles; Congress going well; invitations from Belgium for full Congress; asks him to look over the agenda; accommodation in London very difficult (autogr.)

 55    Ibid., 9 Feb. – asks whether Prof. Pablo Martinez del Rio could be appointed a delegate by the Mexican Embassy in London; several such substitutes may be necessary (autogr.)

 56    JLM to FS, 11 Feb. – Dr Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior, a Portuguese delegate hopes to come in Apr. and to spend some days in the British Museum; would like to give a lecture on his visit to Mozambique (autogr.)
 57    WBF to HJF (note), 13 Feb. – number of delegates willing to address British anthropologists; thinks they should be invited to speak on anthropological work in their countries during the war; on place of meeting for 16 Apr.; autogr. note by HJF suggesting University College (autogr.); see Council minutes, CM/75/7, 19 Mar. 1946, Item 5 and Man, July/Aug. 1946, Item 85 for the short talks at the RAI, 11-18 Apr.

 58    Miss Boyle, Dinard, to WBF, 14 Feb. – the Abbé’s and her fares will be paid; asks about accommodation in Oxford; others from France may come over; gives their details and addresses; gives details of food available, the Abbé’s cooking and food parcels sent to him (autogr.)

 59    Prof. Pablo Martinez del Rio, London, to WBF, 15 Feb. – has not had time to speak to the Mexican Ambassador (see /55 above); on arrangements around his lecture, ‘Recent developments in Mexican research’, on 19 Feb. (autogr.)

 60    Prof. Fleure to Field Marshall Smuts, 20 Feb. – understands he will be in the UK for the conference of Prime Ministers; invites him to RAI reception on 16 Apr. or to address the RAI at a special meeting (tpc.)

 61    JLM to WBF, 20 Feb. – refers to Man proofs; the activities of the Congress; arranging obituaries, the Abbé Breuil who is not on the Permanent Council, Prof. Martinez del Rio, and his ‘Devastation’ paper (autogr.)

 62    Ibid., 24 Feb. – thinks the Abbé Breuil has confused the two congresses; will be welcomed if sent officially or as a Prehistoric Congress representative; refers to discussion with Profs. Martinez del Rio and HJF (autogr.)

 63    FS to JLM, 26 Feb. – outlines programme for reception on 16 Apr.; asks for his opinion (tpc.)

 64    Prof. D.R. Pye, Provost, University College London, to HJF, 26 Feb. – glad to make arrangements for the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture; gives details (tp.); acknowledgement of 28 Feb. not retained

 65    Miss Boyle, Dinard, to WBF, 27 Feb. – on the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture; is sent officially to renew international contacts; gives further details of food available in France (autogr.)

 66    Ibid., Paris to HJF, 28 Feb. – gives the Abbé Breuil’s movements while in the UK; refers to France under enemy occupation; difficulties will be overcome by goodwill (autogr.)

 67    FS to Dr Julian Huxley, FRS, 28 Feb. – sends revised programme for 16 Apr.; hopes he can attend (tpc.)

 68    WBF to Dr Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior, Pôrto, 3 Mar. – glad to hear he will be in London for the Permanent Council; RAI wishes to invite delegates to contribute short papers on work in their countries during the war years; hopes he will do so; pleased to show him the first post-war exhibitions at the British Museum; the latter still badly damaged by bombing (autogr.)

 69    JLM to WBF, 5 Mar. – on hotel reservations, the Abbé Breuil’s paper at Oxford, physical anthropology and Dr J.S. Weiner and Prof. Le Gros Clark, the Colonial Office and the ‘Conservation of Aboriginal cultures’ (autogr.)

 70    Ibid., 5 Mar. – Foreign Office willing to recommend the Oxford meeting though not previously mentioned; RAI must have Home Office permission; has written to Home Secretary but asks him to get in touch by telephone urgently (autogr.)

 71    Prof. E.F. de Jonge, Institut Royal Colonial Belge, Brussels to RAI, 5 Mar. – on hotel arrangements (autogr.; in French)

 72    HJF to WBF, 8 Mar. – refers to Mr I.M. Sieff and discussion [Friends of the RAI], Miss Boyle, the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture, Prof. E.G. Bowen, and delays of Holborn Borough Council [war-time repairs] (autogr.)

 73    JLM to WBF, 9 Mar. – thanks him for his prompt action with the Home Office; has sent list and description of delegates; only ex-enemy delegates are the Italians; gives details of Miss Dorothy Garrod’s exhibition at the Royal College of Surgeons; suggests an evening session there on 16 Apr. (autogr.)

 74    Home Office (Aliens Dep.) to JLM, c. 12 Mar. – no objection raised to foreign delegates of allied or neutral status visiting the country; gives visa advice; additional details required for ex-enemy delegates (tp.)

 75    FS to JLM, 12 Mar. – HJF suggests inviting delegates to dinner near the RAI on 16 Apr. (tpc.)

 76    WBF to delegate[s], 15 Mar. – expresses pleasure that he will be attending Permanent Council; invitation to reception on 16 Apr. to follow; hopes for a series of short talks from delegates on work in his country during the war years; asks if he would be willing to give such a talk (autogr. draft)

 77    Ibid., (tpc.)

 78    JLM to WBF, 16 Mar. – thanks him for his help; will include RAI programme in the Oxford sheet (autogr.)

 79    Miss Boyle to WBF, 16 Mar. – on the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture and invitations to it (autogr.)

 80    FS to Prof. E.M. Wilson, 18 Mar. – gives details of the Permanent Council meeting, 12-15 Apr. and the RAI reception, 16 Apr. with a buffet lunch, visit to the British Museum, tea, and the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture; asks if the Folklore Society would like to host the tea (tpc.)

 81    HJF to Rt Hon. Ernest Bevin, Foreign Office, 19 Mar. – gives details of Oxford and London meetings; asks if he would welcome the delegates ‘on behalf of the British people’ (tpc.)

 82    Ibid., to the Director, British Museum, 19 Mar. – inquires whether the delegates could see the special exhibition (tpc.)

 83    Prof. E.F. de Jonge, Brussels to RAI, 20 Mar. – glad to accept invitation to reception (see /76 above); inquires if short talk could be in French; gives time of arrival; mentions hotel arrangements (autogr.; in French)

 84    Georges Henri Rivière, Paris to RAI, 21 Mar. – glad to attend Congress; will give a short talk (tp.; in French)

 85    Prof. Frans M. Olbrechts, Ghent to WBF, 21 Mar. – glad to accept invitation to reception; will give a short talk; comments on Britain’s role in World War II (tp.)

 86    Prof. H.V. Vallois, Institut de Paléontolgie humaine, Paris to RAI, 22 Mar. – glad to accept invitation and to give a short talk; refers to accommodation in London; gives times of arrival; remained in France throughout the war and German occupation; comments on Britain’s role in World War II (tp.; in French)

 87    Prof. Kaj Birket-Smith, Copenhagen to WBF, 22 Mar. – regrets unable to give a talk due to accommodation difficulties; little work done in Denmark during the war except Helge Larsen’s work in Alaska; glad to accept invitation to reception (tp.)

 88    Prof. E. van Campenhout, Institut d’Anatomie, Louvain to RAI, 24 Mar. – glad to accept invitation; unable to carry out any anthropological work during the war (autogr.)

 89    Dr Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior, Pôrto to WBF, 26 Mar. – much regrets it is unlikely he can now attend the Council (see /68 above); will probably have to go to Mozambique in May; Portuguese representative probably Prof. Mendes Correia (tp.)

 90    Prof. Eusebio Tamagnini, Coimbra to WBF, 27 Mar. – hopes to attend Council meeting; willing to give a short talk (tp.)
 91    Prof. Gerhard Lindblom, Stockholm to WBF, 27 Mar. – glad to accept invitation; willing to give a short talk; glad of opportunity to meet old colleagues though many have died (tp.)

 92    JLM to HJF, 30 Mar. – reports Finland will send a delegate; proposes that Dr E.J. Lindgren should now be RAI representative; asks him to endorse this as President (autogr.)

 93    Prof. Sergio Sergi, Rome to WBF, 30 Mar. – gives title of his lecture (tp.; in Italian)

 94    Dr J.A. Valsik, Brno to WBF, 30 Apr., i.e. 30 Mar. – uncertain about travelling; has not received his passport or English currency; willing to give a talk if he can travel; no scientific progress made during the war as Germany closed Czech universities and forbade scientific work; managed to do some forensic anthropology to prevent deportation to concentration camps (tp.)

 95    Prof. José Miguel de Barandiaràn, [St Sébastien] to WBF, [Mar.] – willing to give talk; gives title of his address (tp.)

 96    Prof. J.M. de Barandiaràn’s talk, ‘Investigaciones antropologicas en el Paîs Vasco, 1936-1946’. 2 leaves (tp.; in Spanish); sent by Basque Delegation, London

 97    English translation. 4 pp. (WBF autogr.)

 98    WBF to Prof. Jean Gabus, Neufchatel, Switzerland, 1 Apr. – expresses pleasure at his forthcoming visit; an invitation to the RAI reception will be sent soon; inquires if he would give a short talk on work carried out over last 7 years; shortage of accommodation in London (tpc.)

 99    FS to Dr J.A. Valsik, 4 Apr. – hopes he will be able to attend (see /94 above); shortage of accommodation; can now only reserve a room for the later dates, 16-18 Apr.; mentions his talk (tpc.)

100    FS to Norwegian Embassy, London, 9 Apr. – invites the Ambassador to the reception and the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture (tpc.)

101    Editor, Nature to RAI, 10 Apr. – invites RAI to provide an article summarising the various papers presented (autogr.)

102    Prof. Santiago Alcobé, Barcelona to WBF, 10 Apr. – permit to travel has not yet arrived; anxious to meet British and foreign anthropologists after years of isolation; interested to give a talk on his expedition to Spanish Sahara (tp.)
103    Dr J.R. dos Santos Júnior, Pôrto to WBF, 11 Apr. – regrets cannot attend Council; organises the mission to Mozambique; sending some of the results of his work there (tp.)

104    FS to Private Secretary, Victor McNeil, MP, Foreign Office, 12 Apr. – pleased to welcome Mr McNeil at the reception; hopes he can attend the Abbé Breuil’s Huxley Memorial Lecture; mentions names of some of the distinguished members of the Council (tpc.)

105    Notes by WBF on the Abbé Breuil, 16 Apr. (autogr.)

106    Report of the meeting of the Permanent Council in Oxford, 13-15 Apr. and London, 16-18 Apr. by Prof. A.L. Kroeber (tpc.); see Man July/Aug. 1946, Items 71,85

107    JLM to WBF, 23 Apr. – thanks him for his congratulations on the success of the meeting; refers to WBF’s notes and to publication in Man (autogr.)

108    HJF to Czechoslovakian Ambassador, London, 25 Apr. – expresses thanks for invitation to meet in Prague in 1947; sends sympathy for Czechoslovak colleagues who suffered severely during the war (tpc.); letters to the Mexican and Portuguese Ambassadors, 25 Apr., expressing gratitude for their invitations and noting voting went slightly in favour of Prague, not retained

109    Prof. Kaj Birket-Smith, Copenhagen to HJF, 27 Apr. – expresses gratitude for the warm reception of delegates and the success of the meeting; glad next session is in Prague as a token of sympathy for the Czechs’ years of suppression (tp.)

110    Prof. Remzi O. Arik, Ankara to HJF, 27 Apr. – expresses gratitude for the meeting; leaving Turkey suddenly has not had time to prepare papers; difficulties in Turkey over past 8 years; has valued contacts with colleagues (autogr.; in French)

111    WBF to Nature, 28 Apr. – will prepare report on special meetings in London (see /101 above); papers ‘a notable contribution towards a picture of the impact of war on anthropological activities in Europe’; believes JLM will be reporting on the Oxford meetings; likely to omit his own essential contribution to the Council and its success; encloses letter on JLM’s role for use in any way they think fit (/112 below) (autogr. draft)

112    Ibid. – on JLM’s role in the establishment of the Congrès International (autogr. draft)
113    Prof. H.V. Vallois, Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Paris to WBF, 28 Apr. – encloses resume for Nature of his address to the RAI on anthropology in France during the war (/114 below); expresses gratitude for all the care and trouble taken over the delegates and the arrangements (tp.; in French)

114    Prof. Vallois’s summary for Nature (tp.; in French)

115    Prof. E.F. de Jonge, Brussels to RAI President, 28 Apr. – expresses gratitude as above (autogr.)

116    JLM to WBF, 29 Apr. – Manchester Guardian announcement inaccurate; will send note; outlines reports to appear in Man (autogr.)

117    Nature to WBF, 29 Apr. – glad to know he will send an article on the meetings; nothing received yet from JLM (tp.)

118    Dr Johanna Felhoen Kraal, Amsterdam to HJF, 30 Apr. – expresses great gratitude for all that was done (autogr.)

119    Ibid., to WBF, 2 May – expresses great gratitude for the meetings and for his personal hospitality (tp.)

120    Dr Georges Henri Rivière to HJF, 3 May – expresses gratitude (tp.; in French)

121    Miss Boyle to WBF, 10 May – expresses great gratitude on behalf of the Abbé Breuil for all the arrangements and for personal hospitality; mentions arrival of Père Teilhard de Chardin (autogr., signed: H. Breuil)

122    Ambassador, Mexican Embassy, London to HJF, 14 May – understands the difficulty of accepting the Mexican invitation for the next Congress; will send information to Mexico (tp.)

123    Prof. V. Suk, Brno to HJF, 16 May – expresses gratitude; pleased Czech invitation for the next meeting of the Congress to be held in Prague; proud of the fact he was a ship’s surgeon on one of the last British Windjammers (autogr.)

124    WBF to delegates, 27 May – expresses thanks for attendance despite difficulties of travel; gratified at the large number of delegates; hopes their stay was pleasant and comfortable as could be expected; full account of Oxford and London meetings will appear in Man (autogr.)

125    WBF to Pater Wilhelm Schmidt, c. 27 May – ibid. followed by additional paragraph on his talk and its publication in Man; sends good wishes for continued success of Anthropos (autogr. draft); autogr. paragraph for addition to Prof. E. de Jonge’s letter (/126 below)
126    WBF to Prof. E. de Jonge, 27 May – ibid. with variant final paragraph (tpc.); similar letters were sent to other delegates with variant final paragraphs

127    List of delegates and others to whom the letter was probably sent (tpc.)

128    Nature to WBF, 5 June – acknowledges receipt of article; refers to offprints and honorarium (tp.); see /6/1 below

129    FS to Prof. F.M. Olbrechts, 7 Aug. – reminds him that his summary of his lecture on Congo sculpture has not arrived; hopes he will provide it; nearly all summaries or texts have been received (tpc.); reminder (not retained) also sent to Prof. Sergio Sergi, Rome, 7 Aug.

130    JLM to WBF, 31 Aug. – hopes RAI will appoint a representative to the proposed co-operating body with UNESCO; refers to Joint Committee and appointment of successors to Prof. Radcliffe Brown and himself as British members of the Permanent Council and requirements for new delegates; makes suggestions for successors; mentions Phyllis Kemp’s application for readmission and waver of Neville Jones’s Fellowship subscription (autogr.)

131    Dr J.C. Trevor to WBF, 10 Nov. – expresses concern at the choice of Prague for the next Congrès International and report of ethnic discrimination in Czechoslovakia; refers to letter in Manchester Guardian weekly (tp.); see also newspaper clippings /6/2 below

132    Prof. Ed. De Jonge and Prof. Frans M. Olbrechts to Permanent Council, 14 Apr. 1947 – reports official patronage received for the 1948 Brussels meeting of the Congress; outlines progress already made; first circular to be sent as soon as possible notifying the next Congress will not be in Prague in 1947 but in Brussels in 1948 (tp.) see Man May/Apr. 1946, Item 32, July/Aug. 1946, Items 71,85

 4/    Official documents, Oxford 1946

  1    Invitation to a meeting of the Permanent Council, 12-15 Apr. 1946; signed for the Congrès International, John L. Myres, for the RAI, H.J. Fleure (President), for the Sub-Faculty of Anthropology, University of Oxford, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, dated 15 Jan. 1946 (mimeo., autogr. signatures; in French)

  2    Information on the meeting and reception at the RAI, 16 Apr. and request of offers of accommodation for nights of 15-16 Apr., and possibly 17 Apr. (mimeo.)

  3    Notice to all members of the Permanent Council on the proposed meeting to be held in Oxford in Apr. 1946 and the meeting and reception at the RAI, 16 Apr., principal business listed on verso (printed)
  4    Notice indicating intention to be present, need of accommodation etc. (printed)

  5    Programme (printed)

  6    Ibid. (annotated)

  7    To welcome the Permanent Council, 15 Apr. 1946 (printed; in English and French)

  8    List of meetings at the RAI, short talks by delegates on recent anthropological work, 11-18 Apr. (printed)

  9    Ibid. (annotated by WBF)

 10    List of British delegates at Oxford Faculty of Anthropology and others (mimeo.; annotated by WBF on verso)

 11    Programme for Special Meeting, 16 Apr. at RAI, visit to the British Museum and the Huxley Memorial Lecture by the Abbé Henri Breuil (printed)

 12    Draft memorandum by JLM on the next Congress to be held in Belgium in 1948 rather than Prague with the agreement of the Czechoslovak Government (autogr.)

 13    Memorandum on the next Congress to be held in Belgium, etc. (mimeo.)

 5/    Proceedings, Oxford, 1946

  1    Notes on the proceedings of the Permanent Council, Sat. 13 Apr. – Mon. 14 Apr. covering: Sat.: Standardisation of anthropological technique – Study and definition of anthropological terms; Sun.: Conservation of Aboriginal peoples – UNESCO – Anthropology in education; Mon.: Discussion of next congress etc.; Mon.: Stabilisation of racial factors. 9 pp (autogr. by WBF)

 6/    Offprint and newspaper clippings, Oxford, 1946

  1    ‘Anthropology on the continent of Europe in war-time’ by WBF, Nature, Lond., vol. 158, 6 July 1946
  2    Manchester Guardian, 1946: – 16 Apr., Oxford conference – 17 Apr. Honoured after five years: French anthropologist [Prof. Abbé Henri Breuil] – 3 May, An Oxford conference, letter to the Editor by JLM – 21 June, Science in Czechoslovakia: renewed activity after the occupation – 29 Oct., More trade with Czechoslovakia – 1 Nov., Czech reconstruction; Soviet rejects Danube conference plan; Jews flee from Poland – 4 Nov., “Worse than Belsen” – 5 Nov., Czech minister in London; Assets in Central Europe – 6 Nov., Heavy toll on Czechoslovakia’s exports – 8 Nov., “Worse than Belsen”; British credit for the Czechs; Camps in Czechoslovakia (Manchester Guardian weekly) – 9 Nov., Soviet flag hauled down in Prague – 11 Nov., Revolution day in world capitals – 20 Nov., Czech prison camps – 23 Nov., Czech prison camps (photocopies)

  3    Prague News Letter, vol. 2, no. 22, 18 Nov. 1946 (photocopy)

 7/    Comité de Standardisation de la Technique anthropologique. Reports to the Permanent Council. 1934-54

  1    Report to the Permanent Council, 4 Aug., 1934 by M.L. Tildesley, Chairman (tp.)

  2    Report by the Chairman, M.L. Tildesley, 7 May 1937. 4 leaves (tpc.)

  3    Report to the Permanent Council, 5 Aug. 1938 by M.L. Tildesley, Chairman (tp.)

  4    Chairman’s report to the Permanent Council, 13 Apr. 1946 by M.L. Tildesley. 4 leaves (tpc.)

  5    M.L. Tildesley, Chairman to Committee members, 17 Feb. 1947 – renews pre-war contacts and encloses copy of the 1946 report (tpc., tp. annotated by WBF)

  6    List of Committee members noting ‘those thought or known to be no longer available’, 1947 (tp.)

  7    G.M. Morant’s ‘list of those whose assent to any proposals would matter, and be enough … during the war or shortly after’ (tp.)

  8    Chairman’s report, 1952. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  9    Sub-committee on Dental Technique and Nomenclature. Report by Prof. P.O. Pedersen, 1952 (mimeo.)

 10    Meeting of the Permanent Council, Paris, 13-14 Sep. 1954. Reports of Committees. International Committee on the Standardisation of Anthropometric Technique (mimeo.); see Council minutes, CM/84/2, 4 Nov. 1954, Item 1
8/    Permanent Council meeting, Paris, 1947; Appointments to British National Committee. 1947-54

  1    JLM to WBF, 16 Mar. 1947 – answers questions submitted by the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching on the regulations governing retirement and national lists (autogr.)

  2    Extract (confidential) of above letter (tp.)

  3    Notes on affiliation to ICSU and UNESCO by JLM, 16 Mar. (autogr.)

  4    JLM to WBF, 25 Apr. 1947 – AHB reports from Paris that Dr Paul Rivet will put aside a room for the Permanent Council meeting, Aug. 1947 (autogr.)

  5    Dr Kaj Birket-Smith to WBF, 28 Apr. 1947 – expresses concern about lack of response from Dr Rivet over Permanent Council meeting; reports on other responses from Paris (tp.)

  6    Meeting called to consider British membership of the Permanent Council, 16 July 1948 (tpc.)

  7    FS to HJF, Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown & Miss Tildesley, 27 July – encloses copy of Minutes of Sub-Committee appointed to consider membership of the Permanent Council (tpc.) [for Minutes, see A58/3/25, ff. 39-40]

  8    Miss B.M. Blackwood to FS, 28 July – on her name going forward for membership and eventual secretaryship of Permanent Council; she is honoured, but feels that it would involve more work than she could undertake alongside her other commitments (autogr. with autogr. notes by FS)

  9    FS to Miss B.M. Blackwood, 5 Aug. – hopes that she will not persist in refusal; in her experience the duties of National Secretary have not been heavy; HJF will retain his seat on the Council until after the Brussels meeting (tpc.)

 10    Miss B.M. Blackwood to FS, 6 Aug. – those nominated for office should perform the duties as faithfully as they can; will allow herself to be nominated as National Secretary on the understanding that, should the duties be too time-consuming, she will resign (tp.)

 11    FS to Miss B.M. Blackwood, 31 Aug. – is pleased that she has accepted (tpc.)

 12    Prof. J.H. Hutton to JLM, 11 Feb. 1949 – suggests that Dr J.G. Peristiany would be a suitable successor when he retires (tp., annotated by JLM)
 A93/8/13    JLM to WBF, 13 Feb. 1949 – forwards above letter; agrees with Prof. Hutton’s suggestion (autogr.)

 14    Prof. J.H. Hutton to WBF, 14 Aug. 1952 – in general supports suggestion that Prof. (Sir) E.E. Evans-Pritchard should fill the National Committee vacancy (autogr.); see Council minutes, CM/82/1, 9 Oct. 1952, Item 11b for this and other recommendations for the Permanent Council

 15    J.P. Mills, President to WBF, 14 Aug. 1952 – agrees with proposals for the National Committee (autogr.)

 16    Miss B.M. Blackwood to WBF, 20 Sep. 1954 – reports on Paris meetings; no arrangements made for a meeting of the Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences; gives detailed report of Permanent Council meetings; raised the question of consultation with National Committees on the date of the Permanent Council between Congresses; refers to the Committees on the Standardisation of Anthropological Technique (see /7 above), Ethnographic Film and the next Americanist Congress. 2 leaves (tp.);.(see Council minutes, CM/84/2, 4 Nov. 1954, Item 8

W.B. Fagg Papers.