EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Temporary only: minutes incomplete (A85)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Temporary only: minutes incomplete (A85)

Minutes, committee papers and some agendas, 1974-85, held as follows:

  16 Dec. 1974
EC/75/1 2 June 1975
EC/75/2 28 Oct. 1975
EC/75/2 – Item 4: RAI Teaching Resources Project report
EC/75/2 – Item 4: Draft of request for SSRC grant : Measurements of pupils’ reaction to different styles of media presentation
EC/75/3 4 Dec. 1975
[EC/75//3] – Item 9: Educational development, dated 25 Nov. 1975
75/1 [sic] 9 Dec. 1975 Joint RAI/ILEA Working Party on Anthropological Teaching Materials; and Joint project to develop learning materials for 11-13 age range: matters agreed listed
EC/76/1 6 Apr. 1976
EC/76/2 27 May 1976
EC/76/3 28 Oct. 1976
  – Item 17: Appendix 1: University anthropology applications, 1969-75
EC/76/3 Item 22: Promoting anthropology as an undergraduate subject: report on questionnaire to anthropology departments
EC/77/1 30 Mar. 1977
EC/77/2 8 July 1977
  25 Nov. 1977 – agenda
[EC/77/3] 25 Nov. 1977
[EC/78/1] 3 Feb. 1978
[EC/78/2] 11 July 1978
[EC/78/3] 13 Nov. 1978
  27 Mar. 1979
  13 June 1979 – agenda with autograph minutes of meeting on 18 Sept. 1979
[EC/78/3] 13 June 1979
no further refs. 18 Sept. 1979, see 13 June
  26 June 1980
  19 Nov. 1980 – agenda
  19 Nov. 1980
  28 Jan. 1981
  29 Apr. 1981 – agenda
  5 Aug. 1982: memo on publication of Land and people by ILEA etc.
  11 Nov. 1983 – agenda
  11 Nov. 1983 Joint meeting of RAI and Anthropology Panel, ATSS
  5 Jan. 1984 ibid
  16 Apr. 1984 – ibid, agenda
  [16 Apr. 1984] ibid
  6 June 1984 ibid
  [14 Sept. 1984 – nothing held]
  2 Nov. 1984 Joint meeting
  4 Feb. 1985 Joint meeting RAI Education Panel and ATSS Anthropology Panel
  4 Feb. 1985, Item 7: Revising the Teachers’ Resource Guide
  25 Apr. 1985 – agenda dated 28 Mar.
  ibid – note on agenda dated 2 April
  Ibid – proposed amendments to minutes of 4 Feb. 1985 (autogr.)
  ibid, Item 2 : Religious education in schools; booklist from the Oxford Polytechnic
  ibid, Item 3 : Core curriculum in the social sciences
  3 July 1985
  [Oct. 1985 – nothing held]

Correspondence and papers

  1/    1946-48

  1    H.J. Fleure, ‘Men and Societies as a topic in adult education’. 10 leaves (autogr.)

  2    Peter B.G. Binnell to H.J. Fleure, 22 Feb. 1946 – refers to his steps to plant anthropology in the field of adult education; on pooling ideas regarding lines on which syllabuses can be drawn up; suggests meeting rather than doing it all by correspondence; on a book list; on similar course in Folk-Lore; was disappointed in the discussion last week (autogr.)

  3    C.E. Joel to the Editor of Man, 26 Feb. – on Rev. Binnell’s paper on Anthropology and Adult Education; has formulated some reflections on the subject; submits them for Man (tp.)

  4    Ibid., ‘Anthropology and Adult Education – Reflections on the Rev. Mr. Binnell’s paper’. 8 leaves (tp.)

  5    G.A. Cheshire to H.J. Fleure, 8 Apr. – on a letter from Waller; on Fleure’s interest in getting the RAI to issue a pamphlet on schemes for adult education on ‘Man and the Evolution of Society’; has spent most of his lecturing time on functional studies of contemporary societies; encloses some of his syllabuses; on ‘functionalist’ field work and ‘patterns of culture’ literature; on adult students; refers to paper marked ‘propaganda note’; courses would have to begin with some topical interest; on the length of the course (tp.)

  6    Syllabus for course on ‘Racial Background in World Affairs’, tutor Mr G.A. Cheshire (tp. with autogr. note)

  7    Syllabus for course on Social Anthropology, tutor G.A. Cheshire (tp.)

  8    Introduction to University Sessional Course on ‘Man and Society’, tutor Mr G.A. Cheshire; marked ‘A Propaganda Note’ (tp.)

  9    Syllabus for class on ‘Man and Civilisation’ (tp.)

A85/1/10        Syllabus for class on ‘Man and Society’ (tp.)

 .1    Note on the two previous items (tp.)

 11    Syllabus for a course on ‘Man and Society’, tutor Mr G.A. Cheshire (tp.)

 12    Syllabus for a course on ‘Mankind and War’, tutor G.A. Cheshire (tp.)

 13    Introductory Note for class in Social Anthropology (tp. with autogr. note by H.J. Fleure)

 14    Syllabus for class on ‘Mankind Now’ (tp.)

 15    Booklist for class on Social Anthropology (tp. with autogr. additions by H.J. Fleure)

 16    Syllabus for class on ‘Man and Civilisation’ (tp.)

 17    Syllabus for course on ‘British Society and its Problems’, tutor G.A. Cheshire (tp.)

 18    Syllabus for class on Social Anthropology, tutor G.A. Cheshire (tp.)

 19    List of text books on ‘Property’ (tp.)

 20    […?] to H.J. Fleure, 14 Aug. – on his manuscript in contrast to ‘dry as dust’ syllabuses which emphasise facts; directing the student’s mind is more important than facts; on Cheshire’s syllabuses; on ‘savage’ societies; on the spiritual side of societies; exhorts him to publish his manuscript; on what his own syllabus would be. 4 pages (autogr.)

 21    H.J. Fleure to W.B. Fagg, 20 Aug. – on preparing the basis for a pamphlet to encourage adult education; has chosen some of G.A. Cheshire’s material; if the matter goes further it needs to be considered by WBF; the RAI’s help would be in suggesting books to tutors; has used some illustrations from an address he gave in June (autogr.)

 22    Noel Stevenson to ibid., 18 Feb. 1948 – returns the papers he sent; is leaving for Pembrokeshire to train as a farm labourer; avenues into a career in anthropology appear to be closed off; wishes he could help but does not think he will have time; anthropology must be taught by linking problems of the students’ world with wider social problems; on strikes; on a draft he wrote for a circular regarding the Corporate Membership scheme. 4 pages (autogr.)

A85/1/23        H.J. Fleure, nd – on aesthetics and social evolution; on cave drawings; on the decoration of pots; on the phases of an art; on church architecture; on British dramatists of Irish extraction. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 24    Ibid., nd – on physical characteristics; on temperature; on the effect of the weather on human skin. 4 leaves (autogr.)

  2/    1973-90

  1    Diane Warburton for Anne Render to W.B. Fagg, nd – RAI have established a learning resources unit; hopes to build a library of tapes, slides and photographs; proposes to provide resources for sale or hire by teachers; asks if he has material which could be copied for use in this way; he would retain the copyright but no royalties would be paid (tp.)

  2    Form to be filled in detailing any material available for the audio-visual library (tp.)

  3    Report of a meeting on 18 Nov. 1973 on the RAI Teaching Resources Project. 3 pages (tp.)

  4    A. Hurman, 2 Dec. – on proposal arising from the meeting on 18 Nov.; RAI should apply for funding for the appointment of an Education Officer to work on the Teaching Resources Project (tp.)

  5    Richard Thorn, Bristol Polytechnic, 25 Jan. 1974 – on a theatrical entertainment for children, ‘Why on Earth…’, part of the Teaching Resources Project (tp.)

  6    18 Jan. 1975 – report on the activities of the first four months of the Teaching Resources Project. 2 leaves (tp.)

  7    Jonathan Benthall to Educational Committee, [27 Mar.] – the interviewing panel recommends the appointment of Mr Michael Sallnow as Educational Development Officer; on his terms of appointments; on Mr Sallnow’s qualifications and experience (tp.)

  8    Ibid. to Standing Committee, 8 Apr. – gives further information about Mike Sallnow; he wishes to have confirmation of the offer by 17 Apr.; Council does not meet until 23 Apr.; therefore seeks authorisation to offer him the job; the salary is covered by the grant from Leverhulme (tp.)

A85/2/9    Richard Thorn, 8 Apr. 1975 – request to Council of RAI; on the creation of teaching resources by the Teaching Resources Project; on design students who have helped in this work; on the RAI retaining three students after they graduate; proposes that they take M.Phil degrees taking as the subjects of their theses aspects of the Teaching Resources Project; on the advantage to the Project; Mr Rex Beddis, Senior Humanities Adviser for Avon, has asked the Project to collaborate in a curriculum development project; on the formation of a Steering Committee; Council’s support is requested. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    Jonathan Benthall to Anne Hurman & Richard Thorn, 22 Apr. – summarises a discussion with Judy Little, publisher of educational aids for Longman under the business name ‘Common Ground’; on the relative merits of video, tape, slides and filmstrips; on the market; on action to be taken. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    Richard Thorn, 6 June – report to Council on the Teaching Resources Project; the research project on anthropology in education is still in preparation; Anne Render is leaving her post as research assistant (tp.)

 12    19 June – advertisement for post of Research Assistant – Anthropology in Education (tp.)

 13    1 Aug. 1977 – Memorandum of Agreement between ILEA and Basil Blackwell and Mott Ltd., concerning 11-13 Social Studies Project. 8 leaves (tp.)

 14    31 Aug. – account of expenditure from Leverhulme Grant (tp.)

 15    Jonathan Benthall to Joe Loudon, 28 Sept. – on handover arrangements with Mike Sallnow; on the ILEA project; on the Resource book; on the food filmstrip; on further project for Blackwells. 2 leaves (tp.)

 16    3 Oct. – list of Educational Development Expenses (autogr.)

 17    nd – notes on expenses 1977 (autogr.)

 18    nd – draft agreement between RAI and Basil Blackwell, regarding the post of Education Officer 1977-78; on verso: draft advertisement for post of RAI Education Officer (tp.)

 19    Prof. Robert Moore, University of Aberdeen, to W.J. Fearnley, Scottish Education Dept., 6 Feb. 1978 – on ‘The Structure of the Curriculum and Assessment in the Third and Fourth Years of Secondary Education’; writes in response to the reports of the Munn and Dunning Committees. 2 leaves (tp.)

A85/2/20        Document entitled ‘The Structure of the Curriculum and Assessment in the Third and Fourth Years of Secondary Education’. 3 leaves (tp.)

 21    Document on honours graduates in sociology from the Scottish universities. 3 pages (tp.)

 22    Mar. 1978 – RAI Report to the Trustees of the Leverhulme Trust Fund (tp. booklet)

 23    Nancy S. De Vore to Jonathan Benthall, 13 June – she wrote to Miss Watts but the letter must not have arrived; she explained that she can do the photographs for free so long as she is paid for her time in doing them; asks him to let her know what pictures he needs (photocopy of autogr.)

 24    […?] to Mrs DeVore, 1 July – refers to her letter of 13 June; is going ahead with a unit of teaching materials on the !Kung; is grateful for her offer of help; would like a selection of slides from which the photographs will be chosen; on two postgraduate students who will be in Cambridge and who can chooses slides for duplicating (photocopy of tp.)

 25    Robert Moore to Jonathan Benthall, 27 July – refers to his letter of 19 July [not held]; writes ‘off the record’; on sociology in Scotland; on Modern Studies; refers to the Munn Report; encloses copy of his paper to the General Teaching Council [2/21?]. 2 leaves (tp.)

 26    Jonathan Benthall to Prof. Robert Moore, 31 July – thanks him for thorough reply to his letter (tpc.)

 27    Ibid. to members of Education Committee, 16 Aug. – postpones meeting planned for 6 Oct. (tp. memo)

 28    Ibid., 25 Oct. – announces meeting on 13 Nov.; subject for discussion will be problems arising over the choice of the !Kung as subject of unit 3 of the ‘Land and People’ series; refers to letter from Prof. Robert Moore (tp. memo)

 29    Cyril S. Belshaw, President, IUAES, to J.B. Loudon, 5 Feb. 1979 – refers to 10th Congress in Delhi; refers to the proposed Commission on Anthropology in Education; it was decided to suspend this Commission; would like to see the idea revived; attaches copy of guidelines covering Commissions (tp.)

 30    Prof. James Littlejohn, University of Edinburgh, to Jonathan Benthall, 16 Mar. – on graduates in social anthropology and teaching opportunities (tp.)

A85/2/31        13 June 1979 [dated by B.J. Kirkpatrick] – list of rough costs of Kung Core Book (photocopy of tp.)

 32    Jonathan Benthall to RAI/ASA Joint Committee, 18 Apr. 1984 – on a proposal for statement on anti-racist and multi-cultural education (tp.)

 33    Brian V. Street to Jonathan Benthall, 7 May – encloses draft statement [on Education and Race]; refers to Brain M.; suggests sending the draft to the committee for feedback (tp.)

 34    Draft of Policy Statement for RAI/ASA on Education and Race, prepared by Dr Brian V. Street and Dr Brian Morris. 3 leaves (tp.)

 35    Jonathan Benthall to members of the Education Committee, Adrian Mayer, Edwin Ardener, Eric Sunderland, Roy Ellen, Lorraine Baric & Michael Banton, 11 May – on meeting of the Committee on 6 June; the draft policy statement by Brian Street and Brian Morris will be discussed; encloses their draft (tp.)

 36    Michael Banton to Jonathan Benthall, 18 May – on Education and Race; on the report of the Swann Committee; offers to draft a fuller paragraph about the four UNESCO statements; makes further comments on the draft. 2 leaves (tp.)

 37    Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences, leaflet about a conference on Cultural Diversity and Conflict: the Challenge for Social Science Teachers, 21-23 Sept. (printed)

 38    Information sheet about the conference (tp.)

 39    2 Nov. [dated by B.J. Kirkpatrick] – RAI/ASA Policy Statement on Race and Education, Second draft. 3 pages (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 40    John Corlett to Jonathan Benthall, 5 Nov. – on attendance at meetings; on membership of the Education Committee of the RAI (tp.)

 41    Ibid. to Adrian Mayer, ibid. – Dr Bhachu was able to attend the meeting; she supported the production of a policy statement on education and race; the draft statement appeared to be making little progress; asks if he could urge the drafting committee to act with all possible speed (tp.)

 42    nd – draft report from Jonathan Benthall as coordinator of Grillo Report working group on Education; for meeting on 17 Nov. (tp.)

A85/2/43        5 Nov. 1984 – report from Jonathan Benthall as coordinator of Grillo Report working group on Education; for meeting on 17 Nov. (tp.)

 44    Jonathan Benthall to Education Committee, Prof. Adrian Mayer & Prof. Jean La Fontaine, 30 Jan. 1985 – refers to report prepared by John Corlett and John Young on revision of the Teachers’ Resource Guide; gives his comments (tp.)

 45    5 Mar. – draft report by Jonathan Benthall to the ASA ABM [annual business meeting] (tp. with autogr. additions)

 46    John Corlett to Jonathan Benthall, 10 Mar. – thanks him for draft report for ASA ABM; on the next meeting of the Education Committee; encloses the report with minor amendments (tp.)

 47    Times Educational Supplement, 15 Mar. – reports on the findings of the Swann Committee inquiry into ethnic minority education. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 48    Jonathan Benthall to Dr Roy Ellen, 22 Mar. – on Anthropology and Education; sends report in his capacity as coordinator of the Grillo Report working group on education (tp.)

 49    The Guardian, 26 Mar. – on the national criteria for the new GCSE (photocopy)

 50    […?] to Lady Rosemary Firth, 2 May – clarifies a sentence in the notes of the Education Committee meeting of 25 Mar. (tp.)

 51    John Corlett to Jonathan Benthall, 27 June – wishes to stand down from chair of the Education Committee; has a new job and will not have time; also the position of chair is becoming increasingly frustrating; debate on a number of crucial issues has foundered through awaiting ‘Council’s view’; mentions the working group on anthropology in education. 2 leaves (tp.)

 52    Ibid. to Jean La Fontaine, 27 July – refers to her letter [not held] about chairing the Education Committee; appreciates being asked to take part in the Working Group on Policy; agrees it is important to get the Education Committee going on various issues she mentioned; names people with the necessary educational expertise; trusts that the Working Party is intended as a preliminary to a more formal meeting with the ASA and the ATSS; on the Working Party going through the minutes of the Education Committee. 2 leaves (tp.)

A85/2/53        Jean La Fontaine to Jonathan Benthall, 7 Aug. [1985] – thanks him for ‘Anthropology and the Teacher’; encloses letter to Gareth [Parry]; encloses letter from and to John Corlett; thinks the Committee needs to be provided with ‘Anthropology and the Teacher’ and the Minority Rights Pamphlet before the meeting (autogr.)

 54    Ibid. to Gareth Parry, 8 Aug. – Council has empowered her to get together a group to advise them on Educational Policy, in respect of anti-racist teaching; John Corlett does not have time to take part; asks if he will join them; his article in ‘Anthropology and the Teacher’ will make an excellent basis for discussion; she organised discussion of this in 1968; spent three years trying to get accepted an anthropology A level (tpc.)

 55    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

 56    [1987?] – notes on the International Baccalaureate courses in Social Anthropology. 5 leaves (tp.)

 57    Jonathan Benthall to […?], 6 Feb. 1990 – on the Teachers’ Resource Guide, fourth edition; the section in the bibliography on Biological Anthropology and Archaeology appears not to have been updated from the 3rd edition; asks for suggestions of updates, additions or omissions; includes bibliography. 3 leaves (tp.)

 58    Order form for ‘Land & People’ learning materials (printed)

 59    Advertising brochure for ibid. (printed)

 60    ‘Guide to Resource Materials’ (folder)