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Correspondence, papers and minutes. 1949, 1951.

Following the successful exhibition, ‘Traditional art of the British Colonies’ in 1949, Council recommended that the exhibition should be followed by others, perhaps annually and submitted suggestions for 1950-2 (see Council minutes, 11 Oct. 1949, Item 11, f. 579; see also Report of the Council, 1948-9 for an exhibition in connection with the Festival of Britain in 1951). The report of the Exhibition Committee of 28 Nov. 1949 was reported to Council and accepted including a recommendation to the British Ethnography Committee to consider an exhibition in 1951 illustrating British ethnography and folk culture (see Council minutes, 6 Dec. 1949, Item 6c, f. 587). No exhibition appears to have been held by the British Ethnography Committee. The Exhibition Committee appears to have been concerned with the Festival of Britain in 1951 solely and only one meeting of the Committee was held on 29 Nov. 1949.


FS        Miss Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary, 1942-52

1/    1949

1    Arts Council of Great Britain to FS, 21 Nov. 1949 – forwarding a cheque to cover the shortfall on the catalogue [of the Traditional Art of the British Colonies exhibition]; Arts Council does not normally sell its catalogues at a loss (tp.); see Council minutes, 11 Oct. 1949, Item 11, f. 579 for the exhibition to be followed by others

2    FS to T.W. Bagshawe, 25 Nov. – gives probable date of Exhibition Committee meeting; reports views of H.J. Braunholtz that the RAI should get ‘in on the Festival of Britain’ on a Folk Life exhibition (tpc.); see Council minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, Item 8, f. 384 for the setting up of the Committee and the possibility of holding an exhibition in 1951

3    FS to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 25 Nov. – heard from Mrs Chilver of the Hon. Officers’ visit to the Colonial Secretary who did approach the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps; no chance of a direct Exchequer grant; mentions grant from the Royal Society; advised to get in touch with the British Academy; mentions Exhibition Committee meeting (tpc.)

4    FS to Arts Council of Great Britain, 25 Nov. – grateful for the cheque; remarks will be brought before the Exhibition Committee which plans future exhibitions (tpc.)

5    T.W. Bagshawe to FS, 26 Nov. – regrets cannot manage Committee on 29 Nov.; correct procedure for the Committee to decide on an exhibition and to ask the views of the British Ethnography Committee if they coincide; sees large sum being spent on a 1951 exhibition (tp., annotation by TWB)

2/    1951

1    Prof. J.C. Flugel, British Psychological Society to RAI, 9 Jan. 1951 – on the Festival of Britain; asks various questions for a pamphlet (mimeo., annotations by W.B. Fagg)

2    Some sketches at the Anthropological Exhibition of an impossible fellow, by George R.G. Worcester, nd. 2 leaves (sketches coloured)

3/    Minutes of the Exhibition Committee held:

1    29 Nov. 1949        Agenda

2    29 Nov. 1949    Minutes (see Council minutes, 6 Dec. 1949, Item 6c, f. 587)