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A145/        EXPEDITIONS

  1    [L.W.G. Malcolm?] to J.L. Myres, 4 Nov. 1930 – thanks him for letter of 1 Nov. [not held]; has little knowledge of excavation of French cave; on previous project to perform such excavation (tp.; incomplete?]

  2    J.L. Myres to L.W.G. Malcolm, 27 Nov. – Council asks him to advise; the late Dr Klercher gave RAI £50 for excavation of cave; project brought to the attention of Dr Wellcome; work to be carried out under auspices of RAI (tp. with autogr. note ‘Similar letter to Mr Burkitt, Miss Garrod & Mr Clarke’)

  3    Ibid., draft of /2 (autogr.)

  4    J.C. Trevor & George Foster, 24 Nov. 1937 – ‘Memorandum on the Oxford and North-Western Universities’ Joint Anthropological Expedition to Tanganyika, 1937-39’ (tp.)

  5    Lieut. C. Fourie to the Secretary, RAI, 13 Feb. 1944 – forwards for information copy of proposed plans for African Geographical Expedition; expedition to be organised in close collaboration with all scientific institutions engaged in African research; would be glad to receive suggestions; on proposed area of research. 2 leaves (tp.)

  6    ‘Provisional Plans for the African Geographical Expedition’. 5 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with /5]

  7    W.B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56, to Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52, 1 May – asks that the papers [/6] be circulated to Dr Richards, Dr Reed and Mr Braunholtz; asks whether the undertaking deserves support; asks whether RAI might provide some funds (autogr. draft)

  8    Felicia Stallman, 10 May – cover note with ‘attached papers’ for consideration (tp.)

  9    Dr Margaret Reed to W.B. Fagg, 12 May – thinks Prof. Daryll Forde should be consulted too; is suspicious of the political overtones of the survey; does not think it necessary to send anyone (autogr.)

 10    Dr Audrey Richards to Prof. Hutton, 15 May – does not advise participation in the African Geographical scheme; it covers too large a field to be of scientific value; scheme has not been considered carefully; apologises for informal report (autogr.)

 11    Notes from Committee to consider British Archaeological Work in Persia, meeting held on 5 May 1950; would RAI lend financial support (autogr.)

 12    Ralph G. Shiller to W.B. Fagg, 16 Nov. 1951 – brings to his attention the objects of an expedition which will be touring Central Africa early in 1952; expedition is mainly cinematographic; outlines territories to be covered; would be obliged for any advice or information; enquires about anthropologist to accompany the expedition (tp.)

 13    J.P. Mills[?], RAI President 1951-53, to Felicia Stallman, 13 Dec. – Mr Shiller’s letter should be answered; RAI does not know of any anthropologist available to accompany the expedition (autogr.)

 14    Jens Yde to Robert Cecil, British Embassy, Copenhagen, 9 Mar. 1953 – asks about possibilities for ethnographical field work in British Guiana, on manioc agriculture; encloses sheets outlining preliminary programme; asks about negotiating with the British authorities (photocopy)

 15    9 Mar. – ‘A Preliminary Programme for an Ethnographical Expedition to British Guiana’. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 16    Robert Cecil to Geoffrey Jackson, Foreign Office,Mrs London, 9 Mar. – encloses letter from Jens Yde [/14]; he will welcome cooperation of a British ethnologist; asks that he take the matter up with the Colonial Office (photocopy)

 17    Mrs E.M. Chilver, Colonial Office, to Dr Braunholtz, 6 Aug. – encloses letters from British Embassy, Copenhagen, and from Jens Yde; Governor of British Guiana has indicated that the research would be welcome; on the sharing of the collection; asks if he can suggest an ethnographical authority who might be interested in joining the expedition (tpc.)

 18    G.T. Barnes to [W.B. Fagg], 28 Mar. 1955 – on Cambridge University expedition to Danakil Depression in Ethiopia; visas have been obtained; Royal Geographical Society has offered nominal support; asks whether RAI might support the expedition (tp. with autogr. notes)

 19    Secretary to the Officers to Mr Huntingford, 30 Mar. – on Mr Barnes’ letter, which will be brought before Council on 14 Apr. (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. to G.T. Barnes, ibid. – his letter will be put before Council (tpc.)

 21    L.P. Kirwan, Royal Geographical Society, to Miss Caton-Thompson, 18 Apr. – he was responsible for trying to encourage interest in the Danakil exploration; the members seemed too young and inexperienced; most probable that the Society will turn it down for support, unless the expedition were reinforced with more experienced travellers (tp.)

 22    W.B. Fagg to G.T. Barnes, 19 Apr. – his letter was placed before Council; they would like to consider it further; suggests that he talk with Mr Huntigford; suggests also that he meet with Dr Mourant about blood group research; does not want to raise his hopes about funding, but a small sum might be found (tpc.)

 23    G.T. Barnes to [W.B. Fagg], 25 Apr. – unfortunately he has had to withdraw from the expedition; organisation has been handed to Mr O.G. Haydock-Wilson (autogr.)

 24    O.G. Haydock-Wilson to W.B. Fagg, 26 Apr. – on the postponement of the expedition; hopes to get more experienced team members; would be delighted to meet Mr Huntingford; speaks of ‘moral support’ of RAI. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 25    W.B. Fagg to O.G. Haydock-Wilson, 17 May – Council not prepared to offer support unless an experienced anthropologist or other fieldworkers join the expedition; asks whether university authorities have lent support; no harm in writing to Mr Huntingford (tp.)

 26    O.G. Haydock-Wilson to W.B. Fagg, 4 July – reiterates postponement of expedition; asks if they might meet (autogr.)

 27    T.G. Warne-Beresford, Salient Film Productions Ltd, to W.B. Fagg, 30 Mar. – encloses information regarding expedition to the river Amazon; suggests that members of the RAI might like to accompany the expedition (tp.)

 28    Information about a filming expedition to the upper reaches of the river Amazon [enclosed with /27] (tp.)

 29    Guy Arnold to W.B. Fagg, 7 May 1955 – on Oxford University Expedition to Borneo; on the area to be covered; on support from various bodies; asks if he might meet someone to discuss the trip; asks whether any funding might be available. 2 leaves (tp.)

 30    W.B. Fagg to Guy Arnold, 18 May – his letter will be presented to Council on 9 June; Council indisposed to consider applications for support unless the relevant university is in clear support; asks for evidence of this; suggests that he visit before 9 June; RAI might be able to pay something for specimens; does not wish to raise his hopes about a financial grant (tp.)

 31    Guy Arnold to W.B. Fagg, 27 May – the expedition has full support of the university; sorry that he cannot visit RAI before 9 June due to final exams (tp.)

 32    W.B. Fagg to Guy Arnold, 31 May – looks forward to seeing him after 9 June (tp.)

 33    Guy Arnold to W.B. Fagg, 9 June – will ring to fix an appointment (tp.)

 34    J.L. Forde-Johnston to W.B. Fagg, 18 June – is seeking financial support for an expedition to the Amazon; outlines subjects to be studied; asks for his general reaction (tp. with autogr. partial reply by W.B. Fagg)

 35    W.B. Fagg to Dr Luther E. Evans, UNESCO, 20 July – on the work of James Byron in Morocco; Mr Byron has applied to UNESCO for a grant towards publication of his results; RAI supports this application (tpc.)

 36    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

 37    J.C. Lubtchansky to Marian Smith, 21 Feb. 1956 – refers to interview; is planning expedition to Afghanistan; is going to make a film; hopes that RAI will grant some support (tp.)

 38    Marian Smith to J.C. Lubtchansky, 24 Feb. – if she is to bring the matter to the Council she needs more detail about the expedition (tpc.)

 39    J.C. Lubtchansky to Marian Smith, 27 Feb. – gives more details of his background, and the genesis of the expedition; the Afghan government is will to cooperate. 2 leaves (tp.)

 40    Marian Smith to J.C. Lubtchansky, 29 Feb. – President feels that it is premature to present his letter to Council; suggests he might get in touch again when plans are finalised (tpc.)

 41    Capt. A.A. Weston-Lewis to the Secretary, RAI, 2 Apr. – to alleviate boredom is planning a year’s leave of absence; wonders about any expedition which would welcome his services without salary (autogr.)

 42    [Miss Anderson, RAI] to Prof. von Fürer-Haimandorf, 18 Apr. – encloses letter from Capt. Weston-Lewis (tpc.)

 43    Ibid. to Capt. Weston-Lewis, ibid. – has sent copies of his letter to various people (tpc.)

 44    Prof. Daryll Forde to Miss Anderson, RAI, 20 Apr. – suggests that a copy of Capt. Weston-Lewis’ letter be sent to Mr Kirwan at the Royal Geographical Society (tp.)

 45    Miss Anderson to L.P. Kirwan, 24 Apr. – encloses copy of Capt. Weston-Lewis’ letter (tpc.)

 46    Raymond Firth to Miss Anderson, 25 Apr. – doubts if he can help Capt. Weston-Lewis; University College of Obadan is assembling research people for work on Benin project; also suggests putting him touch with Mr Kirwan (tp.)

 47    Director’s Assistant, Royal Geographic Society, to Miss Anderson, 26 Apr. – has received communication from Capt. Weston-Lewis; has advised him to apply to the Falkland Island Dependencies Survey (tp.)

 48    A.J. Arkell to W.B. Fagg, 13 Feb. 1957 – on Natural History expedition to Tibesti; asks whether RAI has any funds to enable him to join it (autogr.)

 49    nd – notes on A.J. Arkell’s application (autogr. by Marian Smith, Hon. Secretary 1956-61)

 50    Secretary to the Officers to A.J. Arkell, 17 Feb. 1957 – his letter will be brought before Council on 7 Mar.; there is a very small fund available; asks him for up-to-date information about other funding (tpc.)

 51    A.J. Arkell to Marian Smith, 28 Feb. – on his previous research; on the expedition planned by Capt. B.D. McD. Booth; Miss Caton-Thompson prepared to offer support; on applications for funds. 3 leaves (tp.)

 52    Marian Smith to A.J. Arkell, 14 Mar. – Council has granted him £100. 18s. 6d.; this money was received as a grant from the late Dr Klercher; asks that any publications which ensue be presented to RAI; would also like to have for consideration for the Journal any articles (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to accountant, 15 Mar. – asks for cheque in favour of Mr Arkell (tpc.)

 54    A.J. Arkell to Marian Smith, 15 Mar. – asks that she express his gratitude to Council; accepts the conditions (tp.)

 55    Marian Smith to Miss Caton-Thompson, 20 Mar. – on grant awarded to A.J. Arkell; Council was greatly influenced by her [Miss Caton-Thompson’s] backing of the venture (tpc. with autogr. note)

 56    A.J. Arkell to Marian Smith, 2 Apr. – acknowledges cheque with thanks (tp.)

 57    James[?] Tayler, Anglo-Colombian Recording Expedition 1960-61, to Marian Smith, 2 Apr. 1961 – is on the point of leaving for Sierra Nevada and Santa Marta; encloses reports on journeys to the Choco and to the Piraparana; on the arduousness of the trip; part of the collection lost when a canoe capsized (autogr.)

 58    ‘Progress Report No. 1. The Choco’. 6 leaves, incl. map (tp.)

 59    ‘Progress Report No. 2. The Piraparana’. 6 leaves, incl. 2 maps (tp.)

 60    Mark Birdwood to Marian Smith, 5 June – encloses itinerary of trip [to Nepal]; wonders if the RAI can help at all; if not would be glad to carry out any specific task under auspices of RAI (autogr.)

 61    Itinerary of ‘The Cambridge Expedition to Nepal 1961’. 5 leaves (tp.)

 62    Anthony Christie, Hon. Secretary 1961-70, to Hon. Mark Birdwood, 7 June – sorry to tell him that Dr Smith died a few weeks ago; is interested to hear of the trip although the RAI has no funds with which to sponsor it; encloses letter of commendation; possible that the editor of Man would be interested in any articles; suggests he might get in touch with Dr Mourant regarding blood specimens (tpc.)

 63    Letter of commendation for Hon. Mark Birdwood (tpc.)

 64    Malcolm Cook to [Anthony Christie], 12 Dec. – on an expedition to Morocco in summer of 1963; asks if RAI can suggest a region or society as yet not fully studied (tp.)

 .1    Malcolm Cook, nd – note regarding his address [attached to /64]

 65    Anthony Christie to Malcolm Cook, 16 Jan. 1962 – suggests some names of people he might contact (tpc.)

 66    Malcolm Cook to [Anthony Christie], 5 Dec. – applies for grant to help in financing the expedition; encloses prospectus (tp.)

 67    U.C.W. Aberystwyth Expedition to Morocco – Application for Support. 2 leaves (tp.)

 68    Anthony Christie to Malcolm Cook, 18 Dec. – RAI has no funds; all he can do is provide a letter [presumably copy of /80] (tpc.)

 69    Graham Tullet to Anthony Christie, 23 Jan. 1962 – is taking an expedition to Turkey; would be grateful for assistance (autogr.)

 70    Anthony Christie to Graham Tullet, 26 Jan. – support can only be moral; asks for further details so that the matter can be put before Council (tpc.)

 71    N.C. Sebag-Montefiore to [Anthony Christie], 21 Feb. – encloses copy of prospectus of expedition to Peru; has applied to Royal Geographical Society and to Royal Society for support; asks whether RAI could help in any way, financial or otherwise (tp.)

 72    Prospectus for the Cambridge North Peru Expedition 1962. 5 leaves incl. map (tp.)

 73    Additional sheets with prospectus, on change of personnel and on finance. 2 leaves (tp.)

 74    Anthony Christie to N.C. Sebag-Montefiore, 6 Apr. – encloses letter which may be of use [presumably copy of /80]; would be happy to see report, which might be published in Man (tpc.)

 75    Charles A. Morris to Anthony Christie, 2 Mar. – is organising expedition to south-east Asia; asks whether RAI can support it in any way; encloses brochure which sets out the aims of the expedition (tp.)

 76    nd – brochure describing the Cambridge Expedition to South-East Asia. 8 leaves, incl. 2 maps (tp.)

 77    Anthony Christie to Charles A. Morris, 6 Apr. – encloses letter of commendation; would possibly be interested in publishing any results in Man (tpc.)

 78    Charles A. Morris to Anthony Christie, 16 Apr. – thanks him for letter confirming telephone conversation; encloses latest prospectus; over £2000 raised; on contacts in Malaya; hopes to be able to contribute something useful for Man on return; thanks him for support (tp.)

 79    nd – brochure describing the Cambridge Expedition to South-East Asia. 7 leaves, incl. map (tp.)

 80    6 Apr. – pro forma letter of commendation (tp.)

 81    C.J.G. Sutton to [Anthony Christie], 27 Mar. – draws attention to the Cambridge Greenland Kayak Expedition; encloses prospectus; asks whether RAI operates any trusts or funds for ventures of this kind. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 82    Brochure, Cambridge Greenland Kayak Expedition. 7 pages (tp.)

 83    Another brochure, Cambridge Greenland Kayak Expedition. 7 pages (tp.)

 84    Flyer for Cambridge Greenland Kayak Expedition (printed)

 85    Anthony Christie to C.J.G. Sutton, 6 Apr. – the ‘enclosed’ [presumably copy of /75] is all the RAI can do by way of support; would be interested in results of research with possible view to publication in Man (tpc.)

 86    C.J.G. Sutton to Anthony Christie, 13 Apr. – honoured to have the support of the RAI; will send full report on return (tp.)

 87    R.A.P. Scott, [Cambridge University Expedition to Northern Africa], to RAI, nd – on the expedition to Morocco, Eritrea and Ethiopia; object of research is blood group distribution and blood disorders (autogr.)

 88    Cambridge University Expedition to Northern Africa, nd – object of the trip and areas to be covered (tp. with autogr. notes; incomplete)

 89    Anthony Christie to R.A.P. Scott, 6 Apr. – encloses letter of commendation; would possibly be interested in publishing any results or reports in Man (tpc.)

 90    R.A.P. Scott to Anthony Christie, 19 Apr. – will be pleased to send copy of results; on further tests they will be doing; asks if he can suggest any interested society or body which might be able to assist financially (tp.)

 91    Stephen Biggs to RAI, 3 May – is part of a group making a trip to Southern Italy; will be concerned with the effects of irrigation; asks for way of making the survey most valuable; asks advice about books on the subject (autogr.)

 92    Rachel Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, to Stephen Biggs, 4 May – suggests that he write to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, who may be able to help (tpc.)

 93    E.P. Wraight to RAI, 15 June – encloses details of the Cambridge South India Expedition 1962; Dr Mourant and Dr Lehmann are supporting the expedition; asks whether RAI has any funds available for such projects (tp.)

 94    Outline of the Cambridge South India Expedition (tp.) [enclosed with /93]

 95    Rachel Lloyd to E.P. Wright, 18 June – encloses letter which may be of some use [presumably copy of /80]; would be interested to have report after the expedition which might be published in Man (tpc.)

 96    [?], University of Liverpool, to Anthony Christie, 20 Nov. – application for a grant in aid of Anthropological Expedition to Tanganyika; personnel; supporters; referees. 4 leaves (tp.)

 97    Geoffrey Ainsworth Harrison to Anthony Christie, 8 Dec. – encloses memoranda giving details of the expedition, which he thinks worthwhile; wonders whether RAI might offer financial support (tp.)

 .1    Memoranda giving further details of the Liverpool Medical Undergraduate Anthropological Expedition to Tanganyika. 3 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with /97]

 98    Anthony Christie to Dr Harrison, 14 Dec. – RAI has no funds; all he can do is write a letter stating that the trip is worthwhile (tpc.)

 99    D. Adamson to [Anthony Christie], 30 Jan. 1963 – writes on behalf of the University of Leeds Hydrological Survey Expedition, Jamaica, 1963; encloses pamphlet giving details of the expedition; hopes that RAI might provide some support (tp.)

100    Details of the University of Leeds Hydrological Survey Expedition, Jamaica, 1963. 4 leaves (printed)

101    Anthony Christie to David Adamson, 8 Feb. 1963 – RAI will be glad to give general letter of support but cannot provide financial support (tpc.)

102    David Adamson to Anthony Christie, 9 Feb. – would be grateful for a general letter of support; asks if he might mention sponsorship by RAI in correspondence (tp.)

103    Anthony Christie to David Adamson, 13 Feb. – encloses letter of support; thinks the term ‘supported’ better than ‘sponsored’ (tpc.)

104    Ibid., ibid. – letter of commendation for the expedition (tpc.)

105    June 1963 – progress report of the University of Leeds Hydrological Survey Expedition, Jamaica, 1963. 3 leaves (tp.)

106    C.T. Sandars, Cambridge Expedition to East India 1963, to [Anthony Christie], 7 Feb. – enquires whether Emslie-Horniman Anthropological Trust makes grants to undergraduate expeditions (tp.)

107    Anthony Christie to C.T. Sandars, 11 Feb. – Horniman scholarships normally awarded only to individuals; would be happy to give formal letter of commendation (tpc.)

108    C.T. Sandars to Anthony Christie, nd – would be grateful for formal letter of support; sends a prospectus and references (autogr.)

109    Prospectus and references. 3 leaves [enclosed with /108]

110    Anthony Christie, 14 Feb. – letter of support for Cambridge Expedition to East India 1963 (tpc.)

111    C.T. Sandars to Anthony Christie, 15 Feb. – thanks him for letter (autogr.)

112    P.B. Empedocles, Oxford University Expedition to Afghanistan, to [Anthony Christie], 31 Mar. – asks whether RAI might support the expedition; expedition has full support of Oxford University; encloses brief summary of plans (tp.)

113    Description of the expedition. 2 leaves (tp.)

114    Anthony Christie to P.B. Empedocles, 2 Apr. – RAI has no funds available; all he can do is furnish the enclosed letter which may be of some use (tpc.)

115    Ibid., ibid. – letter of commendation for Oxford University Expedition to Afghanistan (tpc.)

116    John Weatherby to W.B. Fagg, 2 May – asks whether RAI might provide financial assistance for expedition to the west of Lake Rudolph; on personnel; on papers he is writing and possible publication in Man. 2 leaves (tp.)

117    J.H. Sissons, St Helens Technical College, to Anthony Christie, 9 May – on an expedition to south-western Australia to study the Tahtaci; asks that he might confirm that such an undertaking is worthwhile; asks about information published on the subject; would like to publish results on return; asks if any funds are available. 2 leaves (autogr.)

118    Anthony Christie to J.H. Sissons, 10 May – thinks chances of getting financial support at such short notice ‘practically nil’; corrects transliteration of ‘Takhtadji’; gives a reference; suggests he contact Mr C.S. Mundy; is sure that editor of Man or the Journal would be interested to see any articles (tpc.)

119    J.H. Sissons to Anthony Christie, 14 May – on difficulties of raising funds; asks that RAI might lend official support without financial involvement (autogr.)

120    Anthony Christie to J.[H.] Sissons, 15 May – encloses formal note which may be of use (tpc.)

121    Ibid., ibid. – letter of commendation for St Helens Technical College Expedition to South Western Australia (tpc.)

122    J.H. Sissons to Anthony Christie, 21 May – thanks him for letter (autogr.)

123    F.A. Evans to [Anthony Christie], 7 Aug. 1964 – encloses prospectus of an expedition to The Gambia; asks whether RAI might consider sponsoring the expedition (tp.)

124    ‘The Gambian Stone Circles: An Anglo-Gambian Expedition Preliminary Prospectus’ (tp.) [enclosed with /123]

125    Anthony Christie to F.A. Evans, 19 Aug. – sure that RAI would be glad to sponsor the project, although no funds are available; would be happy to meet to see whether there are other ways to help (tpc.)

126    F.A. Evans to Anthony Christie, 4 Sept. – plans for the expedition proceeding well; asks if he might visit to consult a map in RAI library; thanks him for giving names (tp.)

127    Ibid., 15 Sept. – things moving fast on the expedition planning; on some French works on the stone circles; strange that nothing later than 1918 seems to have been published (autogr.)

128    Ibid., 23 Sept. – encloses rough mock-up of his notepaper; asks him to confirm that RAI will have no objection to appearing as shown; on an article by Raymond Mauny (tp. with autogr. PS)

129    Ibid. to all Operating Authorities of the Boys Scheme, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, 28 Sept. – encloses notice about the expedition (tp.)

130    Notice about the expedition; requirements for applicants; application form. 2 leaves (tp.)

131    F.A. Evans to Anthony Christie, 6 Oct. – thanks him for the loan of books; asks for Prof. Mauny’s address; invites him to see some films taken in the Gambia; on fundraising; encloses circular and application form [/130]; encloses latest version of the prospectus. 2 leaves (tp.)

132    Prospectus for expedition. 3 leaves (tp.)

133    F.A. Evans to Anthony Christie, 4 Dec. – would like to meet as he is having difficulty finding an archaeologist from Nigeria or Ghana (tp. with autogr. PS)

134    Ibid., 8 Dec. – he may wish to see present state of planning; continuing difficulty in finding an archaeologist (tp.)

135    ‘Expedition to the Gambia and Senegal – Basis for Planning’. 4 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with 134]

136    ‘Anglo Gambia Project – Revised Budget’ (tp.)

137    Anthony Christie to F.A. Evans, 10 Dec. – sorry that he is having trouble finding an archaeologist; asks if he has consulted Bernard Fagg; suggest Institute of Archaeology might be able to help (tpc.)

138    F.A. Evans to Anthony Christie, 11 Oct. 1965 – invites him to see a film; encloses notice; asks if RAI might sponsor the film; asks if RAI would have any objection if he enters the project for the International Co-operation Year Awards; encloses notice about this (tp.)

139    Notice about film ‘African Stonehenge’ (tp.)

140    Notice about International Co-operation Year Awards (photocopy)

141    F.A. Evans to Anthony Christie, 28 Oct. – has entered the Anglo-Gambian Expedition as project for consideration by International Co-operation Year Committee; has said that the expedition was under auspices of RAI; asks him to let him know if RAI objects to this wording; film show was a success (tp.)

142    ‘Project Entry for: International Co-operation Year Award. The Anglo-Gambian Expedition 1965’ (tp.)

143    Anthony Christie to F.A. Evans, 1 Nov. – RAI has no objection (tpc.)

144    Nicholas Williams to [Anthony Christie], 8 Nov. 1964 – is planning an expedition to Nepal in summer 1965; on the work they hope to carry out; Dr Mourant suggested he ask the RAI if there is any specific work they would like carried out; asks whether RAI could give advice or backing. 2 leaves (autogr.)

145    Anthony Christie to Nicholas Williams, 19 [November?] – is asking Expeditions Committee to consider his application (tpc.)

146    Robert A. Kennedy, Oxford University Sahara Expedition 1965, to Anthony Christie, 26 Jan. 1965 – asks if he may apply for financial support; on the planned trip (tp.)

147    Anthony Christie to L.H.P. Williams, 11 Nov. – thanks him for letter of 7 Nov. [not held]; RAI concerned to support the view that work should be done in association with established organisations; has passed his letter to an adviser on expeditions (tpc.)

148    Ibid., 16 Dec. – thanks him for letter [not held]; will put it to adviser to see whether he will advise on reopening application (tpc.)

149    Raymond Coleman to [Anthony Christie], 10 Mar. 1966 – writes on behalf of Leeds University expedition to Algeria; details given in enclosed information sheet; is seeking both material and financial assistance (tp.)

150    Information sheet about Leeds University expedition to Algeria. 3 leaves (tp.)

151    Anthony Christie to Raymond Coleman, nd – has some comments from Expeditions Committee; one proposal seems ‘unrealistic’; no indications of methods to be used, or whether observers have experience or training; not possible for RAI to lend sponsorship (tp. draft)

152    Michael Mann & Sharon Wells to RAI, 15 Mar. – write in regard to expedition to northern Kenya; purpose is to make ethnographic film and recordings; details of their proposal; ask whether RAI would be interested in sponsoring or supporting the venture. 2 leaves (tp.)

153    Anthony Christie to Michael Mann, 23 Mar. – RAI resources not available for such an expedition (tpc.)

154    Sebastian Payne to Anthony Christie, nd – intends, with his wife, to survey, archaeologically, a small area of Asia Minor; on surveys in the past; on the area chosen; asks whether RAI might support such work. 4 leaves (autogr. with autogr. comment by Anthony Christie added)

155    Anthony Christie to Sebastian Payne, 29 Mar. – RAI has no funds available; besides, the notice is too short (tpc.)

156    Helen Eyles to RAI, 9 Apr. – sends details of proposed trip to El Salvador; the expedition has backing of Oxford University and Royal Geographical Society; on fundraising so far; wonders whether RAI could help financially (autogr.)

157    Information sheets about Oxford Expedition to El Salvador 1966. 4 leaves (tp.)

158    Anthony Christie to Helen Eyles, 8 June – is not able to offer any financial support; names a contact in El Salvador (tpc.)

159    Adrian Varwell, Durham University Expedition to the Middle East 1967, to [Anthony Christie], 18 May – on the series of related studies which the expedition hopes to carry out; part of the time will be spent studying the anthropology of the local population; hence wonders whether any funds are available for support; encloses information sheets (tp. with autogr. note)

160    Information sheets about Durham University Expedition to the Middle East 1967. 5 pages (tp.)

161    Anthony Christie to Adrian Varwell, 21 May – RAI has no funds available; suggests he approach the Royal Geographical Society (tpc.)

162    Sandra Winterhalder & Doreen Lightfoot to RAI, 24 May – a group of undergraduates at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, interested in an expedition in Spain; asks for information (autogr.)

163    Anthony Christie to Sandra Winterhalder, 18 June – RAI only concerned with research based on carefully prepared programmes; the Expeditions Committee would expect evidence of genuine scientific interest (tpc.)

164    Richard A. Collacott to RAI, 12 Dec. 1967 – on Oxford Expedition to Iran, 1967; on aim of the expedition; expedition needs graduates in geography, geology or anthropology; asks for help with this. 2 leaves (tp.)

165    Anthony Christie to Richard Collacott, 14 Dec. – suggests he visits to discuss proposal (tpc.)

166    Richard Collacott to Anthony Christie, 15 Dec. – will visit on 19 Dec. (tp.)

167    Ibid., 17 Feb. 1967 – sends more information about the expedition; aims; personnel; background. 5 leaves (tp.)

168    Anthony Christie to Richard Collacott, 21 Mar. – RAI prepared to give formal support; encloses letter (tpc.)

169    Ibid., ibid. – letter of commendation for Oxford University Expedition to Iran (tpc.)