FEATHERMAN, Americanus. Bequest (A42)

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Documents, papers, and letters. 1903-21.

Americanus Featherman, 1817-1910, born Abraham Federmann in Oettingen, Bavaria, emigrated to the USA in his late teens and later lived in London from time to time. In his will, Featherman left the RAI bonds in several US railway companies including $6000 bonds in the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railway Co., and bonds in the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. and the St Louis & San Francisco Railway Co. The Atlanta & Charlotte bonds were due for payment in 1906. However as Featherman had lost or mislaid these bonds in 1891, he entered into a joint bond of indemnity with Messrs J. & W. Seligman, New York to obtain payment. Featherman deposited his Chicago & Eastern Illinois bonds and those of the St Louis & San Francisco Railway Co. with Seligmans to cover the latter’s liability. By 1917 the former railway company was bankrupt and in the hands of the receiver; the latter was still paying interest. Featherman also bequeathed all his manuscripts to the RAI including those on the social history of mankind which they were requested to publish. The interest from the railway bonds and the income from the sale of the volumes were to go towards publishing these volumes. The RAI Trustees were also authorized to publish a small volume of his cosmic and scientific essays, to award a gold medal to the author of the best essay on ‘the criminality of offensive warfare [from] a social, moral, and political point of view’, and to spend the balance of the income on an annual lecture on sociology. The RAI sought Counsel’s opinion as to their liability to publish the 11 volumes on social history and the other stipulations in the will. Council drew Counsel’s ‘attention to the serious damage that would result to the Institute as a scientific body, if the MS volumes were published’ (see Council minutes, 31 Oct. 1910, f. 252). The case came before the Court of Chancery in 1912 and continued there until 1917. The Attorney-General did not insist on publication (see Council minutes, 16 Jan. 1912, f. 259); this and the other requests, apart from the annual lecture, were not considered charitable trusts. Featherman was not a Fellow of the RAI. See Council minutes, 8 Mar. 1910 – 16 Jan. 1912 passim and later for decisions on the bequest and Report of the Council, 1918, JRAI, Vol. 49, 1919, pp. 8, 10-11 for reference to the bonds. Decisions are also reported in Executive Committee minutes from 15 Feb. 1910, f. 214 but in less detail than Council minutes.
The archive also contains documents from 1933-1946 relating to the bonds in the St Louis-San Francisco Railway Company and the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway Company.

AF                Americanus Featherman
TAJ            T. Athol Joyce, OBE (1878-1942), Keeper of Ceramics & Ethnography, British Museum; Administrator of AF’s will, RAI Hon. Sec. 1903-13, Vice President, 1913-17, President, 1913-1

Kimber Bull    Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., RAI Hon. Solicitors

Seligmans        J. & W. Seligman & Co, New York, brokers

RWW            Robert Wood Williamson (1856-1932), author of The Mafulu peoples of New Guinea, 1912; The social and political systems of Central Polynesia, 1924, etc.; RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1912-20

All papers and letters are typescripts unless stated otherwise.

 1/    Legal Documents

  1    Will of Americanus Featherman, dated 16 Dec. 1903, and codicil dated 15 Oct. 1907 (copy)

  2    Opinion by G.W. Brabant, Welch & Co., RAI Hon. Solicitors, dated Jan. 1911 – considers the trust for publication of Featherman’s unpublished work is not a charitable one; considers trust for ‘delivery of lectures on sociology’ is valid as a charitable trust; advises RAI to take out a summons to which the Attorney General should be a party ‘asking whether they are bound to carry out the trust for the publication of the 11 volumes’

  3    Court of Chancery, filed 13 Nov. 1912, between Thomas Athol Joyce (TAJ) and the RAI, plaintiffs and HM Attorney General and the Official Solicitor, defendants – affidavit of Jacob Fellheimer on behalf of Mrs C. Baumann and others – on the Federmann family history

  4    Statement of facts and genealogical table of the family of Americanus Featherman, alias Abraham Federmann (incorporated in /3 above)

  5    Order by Court of Chancery, 18 Oct. 1917, TAJ v. HM Attorney General – RAI free to distribute personal estate amongst the 4 surviving kin of AF; may pay to the RAI interest received on the retained bonds since the death of AF and to consent to the sale of the St Louis & San Francisco Railway Co. bonds (annotated by RWW)
  A42/1/6    Opinion by Cecil W. Turner, Kimber Bull, dated 15 Apr. 1918 (annotated by RWW) with the solicitor’s covering letter to RWW, 15 Apr. 1918 – does not consider RAI restricted  to investment in trustee securities; considers RAI may sell bonds

  7    Ibid., dated 3 May 1918 – on points raised by RWW on RAI’s financial liability

 2/    Prospectuses for bonds

  1    Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, Refunding and improvement, mortgage bonds, agreement dated 25 Mar. 1914

  2    St Louis & San Francisco Railroad 4% Refunding mortgage bonds of 1951, dated 29 June 1915

  3    Reorganisation of St Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company, plan and agreement dated 1 Nov. 1915

  4    Reorganisation of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, plan and agreement dated 31 Mar. 1921

 3/    Correspondence and other papers

  1    Payment to RAI for AF’s funeral expenses, 5 Feb. and advance, 13 May 1910 (autogr.)

  2    Contents list of AF’s box including manuscript of his social history with chapter headings, 7979 pp., his cosmic and scientific studies, 128 pp., proofs, and other items (autogr.)

 2a    Messrs Francis Voules & Welch, bill of costs relating to AF’s estate. 14 leaves (tp.)

  3    RWW to Welch & Co., 31 Oct. – on the payment of costs requested by the solicitors (tpc.)

  4    Welch & Co. to RWW, 2 Nov. – explains reference was made to funds in AF’s estate not RAI’s private funds

  5    Ibid., to Seligmans, 20 Oct. – on bonds held as indemnity by the latter; inquires whether they may be released for sale and their market value

  6    Seligmans to TAJ, 10 Nov. – on exchange of bonds

  7    Ibid., to Welch & Co., 10 Nov. – replies to /5 above; matter referred to their attorneys; quotes market rate (annotated by RWW)

  8    Ibid., 8 Dec. – unwilling to give up bonds held as indemnity; outlines circumstances in which the indemnity could be cancelled (annotated by RWW)

  9    Ibid., to TAJ, 11 Dec. – advise selling of some bonds

 10    Welch & Co. to RAI, 23 July – Court of Chancery order for the distribution of the estate subject to outstanding assets held by Seligmans; outlines point raised by RAI’s Counsel: by his will AF gave 6 bonds to the RAI; subsequent to the date of the will, AF deposited these bonds with Seligmans as security; RAI’s Counsel argued that the trusts of the will and codicil failed and that the RAI are entitled to the bonds subject to Seligman’s claim; the Judge directed that if the RAI wished to press their claim, any claim by the next of kin must be eliminated; asks for RAI’s decision

 11    Kimber Bull to RAI, 7 Jan. – Order by Court of Chancery, 18 Oct. 1917 (see /1/5 above) that the bonds are not part of AF’s estate but belong to the RAI subject to Seligman’s claim; interest since AF’s death to be paid to RAI; personal estate to be distributed to next of kin; costs and tax liabilities noted (annotated by RWW)

 12    Miss K.M. Martindell (KMM), Assistant Secretary to RWW, 8 Jan. – on TAJ’s behalf asks for his opinions on interest due from TAJ as administrator (RWW gives his opinion in annotation)

 13    Ibid., 10 Jan. – on lunch meeting between TAJ and RWW

 14    Notes by RWW for meeting with TAJ (autogr.)

 15    Kimber Bull to RWW, 10 Jan. – confirms date for meeting with RWW

 16    Notes by RWW for meeting with Kimber Bull (autogr.)

 17    KMM to RWW, 23 Jan. – on signing tax certificates

 18    Kimber Bull to TAJ, 24 Jan. – on costs and expenses for adjustment by the ‘taxing master’

 19    RWW to Kimber Bull, 7 Feb. – on interest on the bonds remitted by Seligmans and proposals to free the bonds and to sell them, sum to be remitted for investment in England (autogr. draft)

 20    Kimber Bull to RWW, 8 Feb. – will write to Seligmans as instructed; asks for the return of certificates for US income tax on the bonds

 21    KMM to RWW, 11 Feb. – encloses letter /20 above; tax certificates signed and returned to Seligmans

 22    Copy of account with Seligmans, 11 Mar. (annotated by RWW

 23    Southern Railway Co., New York to Seligmans, 14 Mar. – prepared to substitute an approved indemnity bond for that held by the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Railway Co. (copy); (see also /19 above and /24-8)

 24    Seligmans to Kimber Bull, 16 Mar. – on remittances made to TAJ and freeing securities held as indemnity; notes quotations on bonds (copy)

 25    Ibid., 18 Mar. – asks whether the RAI is prepared to give the Southern Railway Co. a new indemnity bond (copy)

 26    Ibid., 21 Mar. – National Surety Co. is prepared to act as surety on a bond with the RAI as principal (copy, annotated by RWW)

 27    Kimber Bull to KMM, 3 Apr. – on remittances by Seligmans; quotes from Seligmans’ letter of 16 Mar. (/24 above) (annotated by RWW)

 28    Ibid., 5 Apr. – encloses copies of Seligmans’ letters and of Southern Railway Co. (/23, 25-6 above); suggests the cost of the release of the bonds is too high at present

 29    Ibid., to RWW, 6 Apr. – encloses copy of Seligmans’ account (/22 above)

 30    RWW to Kimber Bull, 9 Apr. – proposes to suggest Council follows Seligmans’ advice to sell the St Louis & San Francisco Railroad bonds, and reinvest ‘in 4% prior lien bonds’ as they are not trustee securities (tpc.); see Council minutes, 16 Apr. 1918, f. 366

 31    Kimber Bull to RWW, 9 Apr. – on sale of Exchequer bonds to meet payment of costs

 32    RWW to Kimber Bull, 25 Apr. – outlines points discussed by Council on freeing the bonds from Seligmans’ lien; considers present course should be to take no action except possibly to sell the St Louis & San Francisco Railroad bonds; wishes to have advice of Counsel (tpc.)

 33    Kimber Bull to RWW, 27 Apr. – will place the papers before Counsel

 34    Ibid., 30 Apr. – will forward Counsel’s opinion when available

 35    Ibid., 3 May – Counsel’s opinion received (copy not present)

 36    Seligmans to RAI, 3 May – coupons for St Louis & San Francisco Railroad bonds collected; sum ($120) deducted from company’s 4% prior lien bonds; cheque enclosed

 37    RWW to Kimber Bull, 20 May – gives Council’s decision on bonds held by Seligmans as surety; had hoped to obtain release but cost far in excess of their value; asks for various points to be put to Seligmans (tpc.)

 38    Kimber Bull to RWW, 22 May – acknowledges letter of 20 May; copy sent to Seligmans as requested

 39    Seligmans to RAI, 17 June – St Louis & San Francisco Railroad bonds sold (enclosed in /41 below)

 40    Ibid., 17 June – St Louis & San Francisco Railroad 4% prior lien bonds purchased (enclosed in /41 below)

 41    Ibid., 20 June – on sale and purchase of bonds (/39-40 enclosed)

 42    Ibid., to RWW, 20 June – reply to letter of 20 May (/37 above)

 43    Ibid. – copy annotated by RWW

 44    Ibid., to RAI, 30 June – note on securities held

 45    ‘Notes made on text of Seligmans [letter] of 20 June 1918’, 13 July by RWW (autogr.)

 46    Notes on Seligmans’ financial figures by RWW (autogr.)

 47-54    Notes on Seligmans’ letter of 20 June (/42 above) by RWW (autogr.)

 55    RWW to Seligmans – draft reply to letter of 20 June (/42 above) by RWW (autogr.)

 56    Ibid., to Messrs Coutts & Co., bankers – draft letter asking for advice on financier familiar with US railway securities (autogr.)

 57    Seligmans to RAI, 27 Aug. – note on coupons due

 58    Ibid., to RWW, 18 Sep. – on interest due on bonds; suggests RAI should give them power of attorney to sign tax certificates (annotated by RWW)

 59    Ibid., to RAI, 7 Nov. – cheque enclosed for value of coupons (enclosed in /60 below)

 60    Ibid., 8 Nov. – on enclosed cheque

 61    Ibid., to RWW, 15 Nov. – on tax certificates and power of attorney

 62    Ibid., to RAI, 2 Jan. – cheque enclosed for value of coupons (enclosed with /64 below)

 63    Ibid., 3 Jan. – note on exchange rate (enclosed with /64 below)

 64    Ibid., 3 Jan. – on enclosed cheque and exchange rate

 65    RWW to Seligmans, 11 Feb. – letter giving power of attorney

 66    Seligmans to RAI, 30 June – note on securities held

 67    Ibid., to RWW, 9 Nov. – information supplied on reorganization of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Co.

 68    Ibid., to RAI, 6 Apr. – sends copy of plan for the reorganization of the Railroad Co.

 69    E.N. Fallaize (ENF)(RAI Hon. Secretary, 1920-31) to RWW, 27 Apr. – is dissatisfied with Council decision on Railroad Co.; suggests independent inquiry is necessary (autogr. pc. with autogr. notes by RWW; 1 penny stamp present); see Council minutes, 26 Apr. 1921, f. 416

 70    RWW to ENF, 30 Apr. – replies to pc. Of 27 Apr. (/69 above); Seligmans have a high reputation; RAI advised of this and have trusted their service; sets out reasons for continuing to do so (tpc.)

 71    ENF to RWW, 2 May – agrees Seligmans advice should be sought (autogr. pc.)

 72    ‘Notes for Shrubsall – Featherman’s Bonds’ by RWW (autogr.); F.C. Shrubsall, MD was RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1921-7

 73    ‘Return of Income Tax’ by RWW (autogr.)

 4/    Documents 1933-1946

  1    Jackson, Pixley & Co., Chartered Accountants, to G.D. Hornblower, Hon. Treasurer 1928-34, 1938-40, 2 June 1933 – have some observations on accounts for 1932; on the Railway Securities held by Seligmans; other matters relating to accounts. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  2    G.D. Hornblower to Coutts & Co., 20 July – on supplying a draft for Seligmans (tpc.)

  3    Coutts & Co. to G.D. Hornblower, 22 July – enclose draft for Seligmans (printed and autogr.)

  4    Ibid. to the Secretary, 18 Oct. – acknowledge letter of 17 Oct. [not held] enclosing draft on New York; have credited account (tp.)

  5    G.D. Hornblower to Coutts & Co., 12 July 1934 – on supplying a draft for Seligmans (tpc.)

  6    Coutts & Co. to G.D. Hornblower, 13 July – enclose draft for Seligmans (tp.)

  7    St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, 10 Aug. – Prior Lien Bondholders’ Committee, Report of Committee’s Activities. 3 pages (printed)

  8    Seligmans to RAI, 15 Aug. – on Certificates of Deposit for bonds in St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co.; enclose copy of report [/4/7] (tp.)

  9    Assistant Secretary to Coutts & Co., 6 Nov. – encloses cheque for $1,500 (tpc.)

 10    Coutts & Co. to the Secretary, 7 Nov. – acknowledges receipt of cheque (tp.)

 11    Ibid., 8 Nov. – on ibid.; on slight change in rate of exchange (tp.)

 12    Kimber Bull to KMM, 4 Oct. 1935 – refers to letter of 3 Oct. enclosing Agreement from Seligmans [probably /4/14]; advises Mr Coote Lake, Hon. Treasurer 1934-38, not to sign it (tp.)

 13    Ibid., 7 Oct. – returns the agreement (tp.)

 14    Seligmans, nd – agreement. 2 leaves (printed)

 15    Annual Report of St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company … for Year Ended December 31, 1935. 37 pages (printed booklet)

 16    Fourteenth Annual Report of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway Company … Year Ended December 31, 1935. 12 pages (printed booklet)

 17    Assistant Secretary to Seligmans, 17 Feb. 1936 – encloses draft for custody charge for securities; asks that they send verification certificate relating to railway stock to auditors (tp.)

 18    Seligmans to RAI, 29 May – enclose copy of annual report of Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway Company [/4/16] (tp.)

 19    Ibid. to Foreign Clients, 26 June – on new provisions with regard to tax (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Customers, 25 Oct. 1937 – on compliance with Federal Banking Act of 1933; restate policies and general practice (printed)

 21    Ibid. to RAI, 28 Jan. 1938 – draw attention to new rule regarding ‘short sales’; on the requirements regarding short sales. 2 leaves (tp.)

 22    Ibid., 14 Apr. – on further details regarding short sales; on methods of procedure when selling securities. 2 leaves (tp.)

 23    Ibid. to Customers, 5 Aug. – on introduction of semi-weekly settlement of transactions in stocks (tp.)

 24    […?] to Coutts & Co., 13 Oct. – refers to letter from Seligmans [not held]; Seligmans hold the certificates for railway shares; there is no intention of selling these shares (tpc.)

 25    Seligmans to Customers, 23 Nov. – with reference to letter of 5 Aug. [/4/23], will revert to daily settlement (tp.)

 26    Assistant Secretary to Seligmans, 1 Feb. 1939 – encloses draft (tpc.)

 27    Seligmans to RAI, 15 Feb. – enclose copy of letter sent to Jackson Pixley & Co., Auditors (tp.)

 28    Ibid. to Jackson Pixley & Co., ibid. – confirms the securities held for RAI in railway companies (tpc.)

 29    Ibid. to RAI, 6 June – on custodian agreement; on possibilities for waiving transfer tax; written custodian agreement must be entered into; enclose forms of custodian agreement to be signed. 4 leaves (tp.)

 30    17 June – Custodian Agreement form [enclosed with /4/29] (printed, tp. and autogr.)

 31    nd – ‘Suggested clause for “Special Instructions”’ (tp.)

 32    G.D. Hornblower to Seligmans, 17 June – returns form A; forms B and C will be retained (tp.)

 33    July – Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway Company, Plan of Reorganization. 79 pages (printed booklet)

 34    Seligmans to RAI, 26 Sept. – enclose copy of Plan of Reorganization [/4/33], with ballot form; ask for instruction regarding ballot (tp.)

 35    Kimber Bull to KMM, 16 Oct. – enclose form of return of securities for dispatch to Bank of England; regarding ballot, suggests that documents be forwarded to the Treasury (tp.)

 36    Assistant Secretary to Seligmans, 7 Dec. – acknowledges letter of 22 Nov. [not held]; registration certificate will be sent to Bank of England (tpc.)

 37    Eighteenth Annual Report of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway Company … Year Ended December 31, 1939. 40 pages (printed booklet)

 38    Assistant Secretary to Seligmans, 30 Apr. 1940 – asks for certificate of verification (tpc.)

 39    Seligmans to RAI, 14 May – enclose statement of account listing securities (tp.)

 40    RAI to Seligmans, 31 Dec. – receipt (printed)

 41    Seligmans to RAI, 4 Mar. 1941 – as plan of reorganization is confirmed, new securities are available; enclose letter of transmittal to effect exchange of securities (tp. with autogr. notes by W.L. Hildburgh)

 42    Letter of transmittal [enclosed with /4/41] (printed)

 43    St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, Prior Lien Bondholders’ Committee to Holders of Certificates and Holders of Bonds, 23 Oct. – on interest payments; on new capitalization; on allocations of new securities. 4 pages (printed)

 44    Seligmans to RAI, 30 Oct. – encloses copy of notice dated 23 Oct. [/4/43]; on payment of interest; enclose letter of transmittal and ownership certificate (tp.)

 45    Ownership certificate [enclosed with /4/44] and two others. 3 items (printed)

 46    Assistant Secretary to Coutts & Co., 19 Nov. – encloses ownership certificate; encloses cheque (tpc.)

 47    Coutts & Co. to Assistant Secretary, 21 Nov. – regret that they are unable to complete the forms; the security is not held by them; suggest RAI send the forms to Seligmans (tp.)

 48    Seligmans to [RAI], nd – enclose copies of a notice and a form of proxy for a meeting of Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company (tp.)

 49    Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, 7 Apr. 1942 – Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders (printed)

 50    Ibid., nd – proxy form (printed)

 51    Seligmans to RAI, 1 May – on payment of interest on St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company bond; enclose letter of transmittal. 2 leaves (tp.)

 52    St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, Prior Lien Bondholders’ Committee to Holders of Certificates and Holders of Bonds, 1 May – on payment of interest; on earnings; on other points. 3 pages (printed)

 53    Seligmans to Customers, 20 May – auditors are sending statement of account; therefore there will not be a semi-annual statement on 30 June (tp.)

 54    RAI to Seligmans, 24 June – enclose letter of transmittal and ownership certificate (tp.)

 55    St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, Prior Lien Bondholders’ Committee to Holders of Certificates and Holders of Bonds, 28 Oct. – on interest payments; on earnings; on other matters. 4 pages (printed)

 56    Seligmans to RAI, 6 Nov. – trustees of St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. will make payment of interest on 1 July; enclose letter of transmittal and ownership certificate for return (tp.)

 57    Letter of transmittal with ownership certificate attached [enclosed with /4/56] (printed)

 58    A different letter of transmittal (printed)

 59    [Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary 1942-52,] to Seligmans, 10 Dec. – forwards letter of transmittal and ownership certificate (tpc.)

59a    Bank of England [to RAI], nd – holdings should have been registered; ask reason for delay; ask whether securities have been in same ownership since Aug. 1939; other questions (tp.)

 60    Hon. Treasurer to the Chief Cashier, Exchange Control, Bank of England, 10 Dec. – sends details concerning securities held by American bankers; believes that these are not registered with Bank of England; explains reasons why this has happened; securities have been held by RAI since Aug. 1939; there is also a small bank balance held by American bankers (tpc.)

 61    Bank of England to Hon. Treasurer, 24 Dec. – registration of bonds has been effected; RAI’s currency balance should be offered for sale to the Treasury (tp.)

 62    Felicia Stallman[?] to W.L. Hildburgh, Hon. Treasurer 1942-44, 29 Dec. – on various financial matters, including interest payment held by Seligmans (tpc.)

 63    30 Dec. – note of an addition to be made to a letter from RAI to Seligmans (autogr. by W.L. Hildburgh)

 64    W.L. Hildburgh to Seligmans, 2 Jan. 1943 – on the payment of some sums of interest to Coutts & Co. (tpc.)

 65    […?] to Coutts & Co., 12 Jan. – on the offering to Treasury of credit balance in American bank (tpc.)

 .1    Note about Coutts, Bank of England and Seligmans (autogr.)

 66    Felicia Stallman to Chief Cashier, Exchange Control, Bank of England, ibid. – acknowledges letter of 24 Dec. [/4/61]; steps are being taken to carry out instructions (tpc.)

 67    Coutts & Co. to the Secretary, 15 Jan. – on receiving interest in currency; will dispose of the funds to the Exchange Control (tp.)

 68    W.L. Hildburgh to Seligmans, 9 Feb. – acknowledges receipt of credit memo for interest due; on method of remitting payment (tpc.

 69    Felicia Stallman to Coutts & Co., 10 Feb. – on payment of interest; forwards list of the securities (tpc.)

 70    Coutts & Co. to Felicia Stallman, 12 Feb. – thank [her] for letter and statement (tp.)

 71    Felicia Stallman to Coutts & Co., 17 Feb. – encloses credit note received from Seligmans; on arrangements for future payments (tpc.)

 72    Coutts & Co. to [Felicia Stallman, 18 Feb. – on cheque received from Seligmans (tp.)

 73    Felicia Stallman to Coutts & Co., 27 May – thanks them for letter of 25 May [not held]; encloses memo from Seligmans [not held] (tpc.)

 74    Ibid., 2 Sept. – has received ‘the enclosed’ from Seligmans [not held] for checking (tpc.)

 75    3 Sept. – note on memo to be sent to Jones & Peel (autogr. by Felicia Stallman) [see /4/79]

 76    Coutts & Co. to [Felicia Stallman], 6 Sept. – thanks [her] for list of securities held by Seligmans; on selling currency to the Control; return papers to [her] (tp.)

 77    [Felicia Stallman} to W.L. Hildburgh, 7 Sept. – encloses annual list of securities from Seligmans (tpc.)

 78    Ibid. to Seligmans, 10 Sept. – returns to them the list of securities, signed (tpc.)

 79    Ibid. to Coutts & Co., ibid. – asks for certificate of tax deducted from dividends from American securities; asks that it be sent to Jones & Peel, RAI’s accountants (tpc.)

 80    14 Oct. – notice of interest payable by St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company (printed)

 81    Seligmans to RAI, 30 Oct. – enclose notice about payment of interest [/4/80] (tp.)

 82    W.L. Hildburgh to Seligmans, 16 Dec. – refers to letter of 30 Oct. [/4/81]; on procedure for collection of interest payment (tp.)

 83    Seligmans, 31 May 1944 – Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (printed pamphlet)

 84    Ibid. to Customers, 6 June – as auditors are sending a statement, statements for June will only be sent if specifically requested (tp.)

 85    St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, Prior Lien Bondholders’ Committee to Holders of Certificates and Holders of Bonds, 6 Nov. – on interest payments; on reorganization; on new capitalization. 4 pages (printed)

 86    nd – letter of transmittal (printed)

 87    Seligmans to RAI, 29 Nov. – auditors have not received confirmation of statement of account; could they sign and return the form enclosed with the statement promptly (tp.)

 88    Felicia Stallman to Seligmans, 8 Jan. 1945 – does not think the statement reached RAI; asks for second copy (tpc.)

 89    Ibid. to Coutts & Co., 15 Feb. – asks whether Form S2 relating to the shares is in the bank’s custody (tpc.)

 90    Coutts & Co. to Felicia Stallman, 16 Feb. – the form is in the bank’s custody (tp.)

 91    Felicia Stallman to Coutts & Co., 26 Feb. – has received enclosed letter from the Postal & Telegraph Censorship Dept. [not held]; asks advice (tpc.)

 92    Coutts & Co. to [Felicia Stallman], 1 Mar. – refer to her letter; the securities have been properly registered at the Bank of England; it seems that Seligmans have not followed instructions; Coutts will reply to the letter from the Censorship Dept. (tp.)

 93    Felicia Stallman to Seligmans, 7 Mar. – statement of account at 30 Dec. 1944 showed a credit balance; had previously requested that all interest be paid into bank; as this has not been done, asks that the matter be looked into (tpc.)

 94    Ibid. to Coutts & Co., ibid. – encloses for information the statement from Seligmans, showing a credit balance; this is the statement about which the Censorship Dept. made enquiry; confirms that previous letters asked that Seligmans pay all interest due into bank; would be grateful if Coutts could reply to Censorship Dept. (tpc.)

 95    Coutts & Co. to the Secretary, 10 Mar. – have received the statement of account; note that steps are being taken to have the funds transferred; they will write to Censorship Dept. (tp.)

 96    Seligmans to RAI, 23 Mar. – have received letter of 7 Mar. [/4/93]; they never received previous letters; the credit balance has been transferred (tp.)

 97    Felicia Stallman to Mr Doughty [at Coutts & Co.], 28 Mar. – encloses Seligmans’ statement (tpc.)

 98    Coutts & Co. to [Felicia Stallman], 29 Mar. – thank [her] for statement relative to securities held at Seligmans; have written to Auditors; enclose copy of this letter (tp.

 99    Ibid. to Jones & Peel, ibid. – set out interest payments received from American securities (tpc.)

100    Coutts & Co. to [Felicia Stallman], 19 Apr. – Seligmans have paid over the interest; this has been passed to RAI account; return various statements (tp.)

101    June – ‘St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Reorganization’. 111 pages (printed booklet)

102    Douglas H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer 1944-56, to Coutts & Co., 21 June – refers to letter of 10 Mar. [/4/95]; wonders if the securities could be held by Coutts, to save expense; assumes that no US tax is deducted on earnings of the holding (tpc.)

103    Felicia Stallman to Seligmans, 22 June – thanks them for letter of 23 Mar. [/4/96]; glad that the matter is now put in order (tpc.)

104    Coutts & Co. to D.H.F. Wilson, 25 June – suggest he instruct Seligmans to remit the bonds direct to Coutts; unable to answer enquiry about tax (tp.)

105    D.H.F. Wilson to Seligmans, 10 July – asks that they remit the securities to Coutts & Co.; asks whether the dividends have been subject to tax (tpc.)

106    12 July – notice of reorganization of St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, and ballot paper. 2 leaves (printed)

107    Seligmans to RAI, 30 July – suggests they write to Collector of Internal Revenue regarding the tax paid (tp.)

108    Coutts & Co. to the Secretary, RAI, 20 Aug. – have received securities from Seligmans (tp.)

109    D.H.F. Wilson[?] to Felicia Stallman, ibid. – on Coutts paying Seligmans, and dealing with tax refund (autogr.)

110    Felicia Stallman to Coutts & Co., 24 Sept. – asks that they pay Seligmans’ debit memo (tpc.)

111    Coutts & Co., 28 Sept. – receipt for payment to Seligmans (printed and tp.)

112    Felicia Stallman to Mr Doughty [at Coutts & Co.], 11 Oct. – on the question of income tax; encloses letter from Seligmans [not held] (tpc.)

113    Coutts & Co. to the Secretary, RAI, 12 Oct. – unable to confirm right to claim for exemption; suggests he write to Collector of Inland Revenue (tp.)

114    Felicia Stallman to Jones & Peel, 15 Feb. 1946 – encloses extract from Hon. Treasurer’s report for 1918 dealing with Featherman Bequest; on estate being in court of chancery; perhaps solicitors may have some papers (tpc.)