Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents GRAIG-LWYD EXCAVATION COMMITTEE, PENMAENMAWHR (A67)

Expenditure. 1920.

This prehistoric site in North Wales was discovered by S. Hazzledine Warren in 1919. On 9 Dec. 1919 at a meeting of Council of which he was a member, Council decided to form the Graig-Lwyd Excavation Committee (Council minutes, 9 Dec. 1919, f. 394). In the Report of the Council, 1919, p. 5 Council decided on a policy of initiating research committees; two such committees were appointed, one being this committee. The Report of the Council, 1920, p. 4 under Research Committees, there is a report of investigations carried out and in Man, Mar. 1920, Item 21 there is a report on the Committee and that representative collections of the specimens would be presented to the British Museum and other museums. In 1921, the Report of the Council, p. 4 reports that exhibitions of the finds were held at the RAI, 20-3 Apr. and at the Society of Antiquaries, 23-5 May (see Council minutes, 22 Mar. 1921, f. 415). Apart from the two above references, there are no other references to the Committee in the Council minutes and no references in the Executive Committee minutes. No minutes of the Committee are held. See also ‘A stone-axe factory at Graig-Lwyd, Penmaenmawhr’, JRAI, Vol. 49, 1919, pp. 345-65 and ‘Excavations at the stone-axe factory of Graig-Lwyd, Penmaenmawhr’, JRAI, Vol. 51, 1921, pp. 165-99, plates vi-vii, both by S. Hazzledine Warren and also A18/7/16, 79b, 82a, 132a, 336a, 633b, 747a, 938b.

[All papers are in Miscellanea box]


SHW    S. Hazzledine Warren, FGS, member of the Swanscombe Committee; author of Prehistory in Essex, 1918

RWW    Robert Wood Williamson (1856-1932), RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1912-22; author of The Mafulu Mountain peoples of New Guinea, 1912, The social and political systems of central Polynesia, 1924, etc.

  1    Covering letter from SHW to RWW, 19 May 1920 – encloses authority by the Committee, signed by the President, Sir Everard im Thurn authorising the Hon. Treasurer to sign cheques (/2 below) mentions future donations (autogr. by SHW and RWW)

  2    Authority, signed by the President, to the Hon. Treasurer to sign cheques, 18 May (autogr. by SHW and the President)
  3    Account for insurance and wages, 5 June (autogr. by SHW and RWW)

  4    Receipt for £5 for compensation for a grazed hand, signed Richard Jones, 6 June (autogr. by SHW and RJ); dated 5 June by SHW

  5    SHW to RWW, 7 June – encloses account for the week (3-4 above); mentions £50 donation from the National Museum of Wales (SHW autogr.)

  6    Account for week ending 12 June (autogr.)

  7    Covering letter from SHW to RWW, 14 June – sends cheque for fund; encloses account (/6 above); Prof. C.G. Seligman promised donation; results good (autogr.)

  8    Account for week ending 19 June (autogr.)

  9    Covering letter from SHW to RWW, 21 June – acknowledges cheques; no hurry for refund of enclosed account (/8 above); cites other promised donations (autogr.)

 10    Account with Westminster Stores (T.T. Roberts), Penmaenmawhr, grocer, 26 June (printed)

 11    Wages for week ending 26 June (autogr.)

 12    Receipt for £4, 28 June, signed Ivor S. Davies (autogr.)

 13    SHW to RWW, 13 Nov. – notes donations, one from Prof. H.J. Fleure, and requests cheque for expenses (autogr.)

 14    Note of receipts and payments by RWW, 15 Nov. (autogr.)

 15    SHW to RWW, 30 Sep. 1921 – informs him of a meeting of the Committee [4 Oct. 1921]; encloses statement of expenses (/16 below); discusses finance (autogr.)

 16    Receipts and payments for [1920] (autogr., annotated by RWW)

 17    RWW a/c, Graig Lwyd (autogr. by RWW)