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A150/        GRANT APPLICATIONS 1925-65
Correspondence and papers


AHC            Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70
MWS            Dr Marian W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61
WBF            William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56


  1    Rockefeller Foundation, 1925-36

  2    Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1937-38

  3    Memorial to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1948

  4    Viking Fund, 1948-52

  5    Viking Medal, 1961-62

  6    Nuffield Foundation, 1951-61

  7    Wenner–Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research

  8    Memorandum to Lord Hailsham, 1959-60

  9    British Academy, 1962-65

  1/    Rockefeller Foundation, 1925-38

  1    […?] to C.G. Seligman, RAI President 1923-25, 19 May 1925 – asks if he can come to London to meet Mr Beardsley Ruml of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation; thinks it important that he or Malinowski talk to him (tp. with autogr. note by C.G. Seligman (tp.)

  2    C.G. Seligman to E.N. Fallaize, Hon. Secretary 1920-31, 21 May – on his conversation with Mr Beardsley Ruml; he advises application for a series of grants extending over five years; thinks RAI should apply for £200 or £400 this year; feels confident that they will get something from the Rockefeller. 3 leaves (tp.)

  3    Ibid., 2 June – on the Rockefeller Grant; thinks they ought to apply for £200 a year for the Sinking Fund plus £200 for the JRAI; on applying for money for a job for Gordon Childe; on making the application promptly; on not ‘pauperising’ the RAI; informal advice is to apply for five years. 2 leaves (tp.)

A150/1/4        Ibid., 17 June – on Roheim’s book ‘Australian Totemism’; Ruml has sent the Annual Report of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Fund; suggests he get Miss Martindell to type the letter they drafted; on other RAI matters. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    Tracy B. Kittredge, the Rockefeller Foundation, to [R.W. Firth, Hon. Secretary 1935-39], 28 Oct. 1937 – on gathering information about results achieved by institutions which have received support from the Foundation; refers to RAI having financial support 1931-37; is coming to London; hopes an officer of RAI could meet him (tp. with autogr. notes in an unknown hand)

  6    Ibid., 16 Nov. – on meeting him in London; refers to report which might be submitted of the results obtained with the aid of grants from the Foundation; encloses outline of the type of information which might be useful to receive (tp.)

  7    ‘Outline of information required by the Rockefeller Foundation’ (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  8    Tracy B. Kittredge to R.W. Firth, 26 Jan. 1938 – on seeing him in London; refers to report on recent activities of the RAI, to serve as basis of an article in the Confidential Bulletin for the Trustees (tp.)

  9    H. Coote Lake, Hon. Treasurer 1934-38, to ibid., 18 Feb. – has gone through accounts during the period of the grant; tabular method seems to be the clearest way of showing  where the money has gone (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., nd – attached is table of expenditures on JRAI, Man  and the Library, before, during and after the period of the Rockefeller grant; adds some explanatory notes; table of expenditure. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 11    R.W. Firth to Tracy B. Kittredge, 10 Mar. – sends report on the activities of RAI during the period in which grants were received from Rockefeller Foundation; it is a general review (tp.)

 12    ‘Report to the Rockefeller Foundation 1925-1937’. 18 leaves (tp.)

 13    Eleanor Hawkes, Rockefeller Foundation, to R.W. Firth, 14 Mar. 1938 – in absence of Mr Kittredge, thanks him for letter of 10 Mar. enclosing report; asks him to send an extra copy if he has one (tp.)

A150/2    Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1937-38

  1    R.W. Firth to Bronislaw Malinowski, 21 Nov. 1937 – on making application to the Carnegie Corporation for assistance to the Library; gives reasons why; RAI is making a special appeal to Fellows for aid in raising subscription and giving to a Capital fund; as he is in touch with Carnegie people it was thought that he was the best person to put the case (tpc.)

  2    [Bronislaw Malinowski] to Fred Keppel, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2 Jan. 1938 – refers to ‘enclosed’ letter by Raymond Firth [not held] which explains the needs and desires of the Library; on the present practical value of anthropology; the RAI is the stronghold of sane opinion; asks whether they should apply to New York or to English representatives (tpc.)

  3    nd – note referring to Malinowski’s appeal to Fred Keppel (autogr. in unknown hand)

  4    [Raymond Firth] to C.G. Seligman, 5 Jan. – encloses formal letter to implement his approach to the Carnegie people; it might be worth while getting a good opinion from New York first; asks him to return copies of letters (tpc.)

  5    Ibid., ibid. – refers to suggestion that Carnegie Corporation might be interested in giving assistance regarding the Library; encloses copy of his letter to Malinowski, and copy of Malinowski’s letter to Keppel; Council felt he might be willing to help (tpc.)

  6    C.G. Seligman to Raymond Firth, 10 Jan. – has made copies of the letters; will see if he can do anything in America (tp.)

  7    F.F.H., Carnegie Corporation, to F.P.K. [Keppel?], 21 Jan. – no doubt about the value of the RAI; asks if it is not in the field of Carnegie U.K.T.; he might suggest the submission of a definite project with budget (tp.)

  8    F. Keppel to Prof. B. Malinowski, 1 Feb. – encloses memorandum from adviser in library matters [previous item] by way of reply (tp.)

  9    Prof. B. Malinowski to Raymond Firth, 11 Feb. – encloses letter and memorandum [previous two items] which may be of use (autogr.)

 10    C.G. Seligman to ibid., 5 May – has an appointment with Keppel for 25 May; shall ask for a ‘good round sum’ (autogr.)

A150/2/11    H. Coote Lake to ibid., 30 May – encloses list of items needed for Library; it might be mentioned to the Carnegie Trust that the Library has made larger premises necessary; list of items needed in Library with prices. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 12    C.G. Seligman to ibid., 31 May – has seen Keppel who told him there was very little chance of any grant; on Leslie Spier being optimistic; on his health; encloses his letter to Keppel with outlined scheme (tp.)

 13    ‘A Plea on behalf of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland for assistance from the Carnegie Foundation’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 14    Raymond Firth to [J.M. Mitchell, Secretary, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust], 7 Oct. – is considering an approach to the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust with a proposition concerning the Library; would appreciate an informal talk with him to seek his advice (tpc.)

 15    J.M. Mitchell to Raymond Firth, 12 Oct. – the Trustees’ Special Library Grant was discontinued several years ago; fears no useful purpose would be served by an interview; if despite this he would like to see him, he could come on 28 Oct. (tp.)

 16    Ibid., 15 Oct. – refers to his letter [not held]; will call on 28 Oct. (tp.)

 17    F.P. Keppel to ibid., 10 Mar. 1939 – the Trustees have decided that they should not make the suggested grant; refers to the importance of the enterprise; it is a matter of charter limitations and falling income from securities (tp.)

 18    nd – note on Carnegie U.K. (autogr. in unknown hand)

  3/    Memorial to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1948 [see also A95/23]

  1    S.F.S. to the President [Daryll Forde], 28 May 1948 – on an address by Dr Ashley Montague; on the Memorial to the Chancellor of the Exchequer; the amount of money requested has not been mentioned (tp.)

A150/3/2    [Daryll Forde] to Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, nd – invites him to consider making a grant-in-aid towards the maintenance and extension of the RAI’s functions; on the RAI and on anthropology generally; on the foundation of the ICAES; on UNESCO; on the need to reorganize the Library; describes the developments which the RAI desires to consider; in putting forward the case for a grant the Council wish to emphasise the national prestige of the RAI. 5 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. additions)

  3    nd – portions of text to be inserted into the letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer [3/2]. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  4    WBF, nd – ‘Appendix II: Note on the Institute’s Library’. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

  5    nd – Appendix III, ‘Note on the Institute’s Financial Position’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  6    WBF, nd – ibid. (first paragraph) (autogr. draft)

  7    nd – ‘Memorial to Chancellor of Exchequer: Finance Appendix’. 4 leaves (tp.)

  8    Ibid. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections by WBF)

  9    Ibid. 7 pages (autogr. draft by Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52)

 10    Felicia Stallman to Mrs Lush, nd – note on the Finance Appendix (autogr.)

  4/    Viking Fund, 1948-52

  1    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Daryll Forde, 28 Oct. 1948 – encloses draft appeal letter for the Viking Fund; is working on the appendices; WBF has gone over the draft already (autogr. with autogr. notes by WBF)

  2    Ibid., 8 Nov. – encloses draft Minutes of Horniman Trustees’ Meeting; on the letter for the Viking Fund; WBF wished to make revisions in the part dealing with the Library; the draft should be ready for his inspection in a day or two; on the Huxley Lecture (tp. with autogr. note)

A150/4/3        Daryll Forde to the Chairman, the Board of Directors, the Viking Fund, 2 Dec. – understands that the Viking Fund might consider an application from the RAI for assistance in the task of rehabilitation of its Library; on the RAI; on the effects of the war; on premises; Council is trying to increase revenue; more detailed account of the needs of the Library and of the RAI’s financial position is appended; Appendix ‘Note on the Institute’s Library’; Appendix II, ‘Note on the Institute’s Financial Position’. 9 leaves (tp.)

  4    Paul Fejos, Director of Research, the Viking Fund, to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 16 Dec. – acknowledges his letter; will bring his request before his Board of Directors; the number of requests for aid from the Viking Fund is increasing steadily; however, shall keep the needs of the RAI very much in mind (tp.)

  5    Daryll Forde to Prof. Paul Fejos, 7 Jan. 1949 – is obliged for his letter; appreciates that the Viking Fund is being approached from many quarters (tpc.)

  6    Melville J. Herskovits to Daryll Forde, 18 May – refers to his ‘form letter’ telling of the needs of the RAI; distressing to know of the financial difficulties; encloses check; shall publish an announcement of the request in the American Anthropologist; suggests that instead of a mimeographed form the appeal should be typed up separately and sent to the Viking Fund; feels this would be more effective (tp.)

  7    Daryll Forde to Melville J. Herskovits, 2 June – refers to his letter of 18 May and copy of letter to Rivet; on Mrs Johnson and the RAI Exhibition of traditional British Colonial art; on Redfield (tpc.)

  8    Ibid., ibid. – refers to his letter of 18 May; thanks him for good advice with regard to the Viking Fund; had intended approaching the Viking Fund individually (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to WBF, 2 June – encloses Prof. Herskovits’ letters of 18 May and 2 June; asks for material which might be relevant in making an approach to the Viking Fund (tp.)

 10    The President [E.E. Evans-Pritchard, President 1949-51], to the Chairman, the Board of Directors, the Viking Fund, post-June – refers to appeal of Dec. 1948; letter was accompanied by a full statement of present and probable future expenditure; writes to ask that urgent consideration be given to the appeal; encloses Report for Session July 1948-June 1949; Prof. Forde referred to the question of rental of premises; applies for subvention of £1,000 a year for ten years. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

A150/4/11    Douglas H.F. Wilson to WBF, 24 Aug. – refers to his letter of 19 Sept.[sic]; on Miss Nicholson; on meeting; thinks they should try to keep Miss Kirkpatrick; on the financial side of the Exhibition; refers to visit to Mr Gibson of Bedford Estate (tp.) [Miss B.J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, 1948-76]

 12    Daryll Forde to ibid., 7 Oct. – refers to his letter of 4 Oct. [not held]; does not know what ‘last year’s application’ refers to; Fejos had heard nothing but informal enquiry by Prof. Herskovits; on the new rent; asks about the general appeal (tp.)

 13    Paul Fejos to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 Oct. – acknowledges receipt of petition for a Viking Fund grant (tp.)

 14    Private Secretary to Mr Creech Jones, Colonial Office, to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 18 Oct. – Mr Creech Jones would be pleased to receive a deputation (tp.)

 15    Felicia Stallman to Dr M. Fortes, 19 Oct. – encloses copy of the draft letter to the Viking Fund for his comments (tpc.)

 16    Ibid. to D.H.F. Wilson, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 17    Daryll Forde to WBF, 25 Oct. – reports on long conversation with Dr Paul Fejos; the next meeting of the Viking Trustees is in Dec.; outlined the position of the RAI and its need for assistance with library reorganisation; Dr Fejos suggested that Trustees might consider favourably an application for a grant of $5,000; has written a letter in general terms; what is now needed is a statement of the work already undertaken, indicating the order of expenditure (tp.)

 18    Ibid. to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – the enclosed explains itself (tp.)

 19    Prof. Evans-Pritchard to Dr Paul Fejos, 28 Oct. – makes application for a grant of £10,000 to assist in discharge of essential function of RAI; on the RAI’s position as the centre of anthropological activity in Great Britain and the Commonwealth; the RAI must increase its activities if it is to maintain its position; on rent; wishes to base the application on the grounds of the maintenance and expansion of the RAI’s essential work; refers to statement submitted in Dec. 1948. 3 pages (tpc.)

 20    Ibid., ibid. 3 leaves (tpc. draft)

 21    WBF, nd – ibid. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

A150/4/22    Ibid., nd – refers to the President’s letter enclosed; the form and the figure of £10,000 were based on suggestions made by Prof. Linton; refers to application of last year concerned with the Library; hopes the application can be considered on the broader basis now put forward; looks forward to electing him as a Fellow; encloses exhibition catalogue (autogr. draft)

 23    Ibid. to Prof. Linton, 30 Oct. – encloses copy of application to Dr Fejos; Forde has been talking to Fejos of the smaller figure of $5,000 for the Library; while acceptable, this would not meet the problem of survival after 1951; refers to his visit (autogr. draft)

 24    Ibid. to Dr Fejos, ibid. – intended to encloses this as a covering note with the President’s letter; would like to assure him that the RAI is in a ‘serious jam’; the situation is not exaggerated in the President’s letter; on deputation to Mr Creech Jones, Secretary of State for the Colonies; the funds at his disposal are confined to financing of specific research projects; without more money, within a year the RAI shall have to cut expenditure by about £1,500; Prof. Linton can give him a recent picture of RAI’s activities; encloses catalogue of exhibition of primitive art; on his becoming a Fellow (autogr. draft)

 25    Daryll Forde to Felicia Stallman, 31 Oct. – asks her to call the enclosed to the attention of WBF (tp.)

 26    Felicia Stallman to Dr W.L. Hildburgh, 3 Nov. – on his donation to the RAI last summer; he was not thanked for it; apologises and thanks him (tpc.)

 27    Daryll Forde to WBF, 4 Nov. – refers to his letter of 25 Oct.; asks that he acknowledge it (tp.)

 28    Paul Fejos to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 10 Nov. – acknowledges his letter of 28 Oct.; has some doubts that the Board of Directors would consider the whole of this sum; believes they would consider a smaller amount (tp.)

 29    Ralph Linton to Dr E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 15 Nov. – has received letter from WBF enclosing carbon of the application to the Viking Fund; Director of the Viking Fund tells him that in spite of earlier anticipations they would be unable to give £10,000; the Fund will probably make a grant of $5,000; is sorry he was given an over-optimistic account of what the Fund might be able to do (tp.)

A150/4/30    Daryll Forde to WBF, 21 Nov. – quotes from a personal letter from Dr Fejos, referring to petition from RAI dated Dec. 1948; revised application has been added to this one; will be happy to present the petition to the Board of Directors (tp.)

 31    Phyllis Puckle, Secretary, to Felicia Stallman, 24 Nov. – Prof. Evans-Pritchard asked her to send the enclosed letter from Prof. Linton [4/29] (tp.)

 32    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 29 Nov. – on calling an Officers’ meeting; on UNESCO meeting; encloses two draft appeals for his opinion; encloses copy of the original personal appeal sent out by Prof. Forde; will send drafts to other Officers (tpc.)

 33    Paul Fejos to Prof. Daryll Forde, 20 Dec. – Viking Fund approved grant of $5,000 to aid re-establishment of RAI’s library (tp.)

 34    Daryll Forde, RAI Acting President, to Dr Paul Fejos, 3 Jan. 1950 – writes to express profound gratitude; asks him to convey great appreciation and thanks to the Directors of the Viking Fund (tp. with autogr. note)

 35    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 3 May – encloses Viking Fund letter for signature and despatch; on report on Horniman Fund (tpc.)

 36    Prof. Evans-Pritchard to Dr Fejos, 4 May – refers to informal talk with him; is applying for renewal of generous grant made at the end of 1949; summarises the way the grant has been used to reconstruct library services; on the RAI’s general financial position; should be sorry if the work of recataloguing the Library had to be discontinued (tpc.)

 37    Ibid., nd – ibid. 3 leaves (tpc. draft with autogr. corrections)

 38    Paul Fejos to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 10 May – acknowledges receipt of progress report (tp.)

 39    Ibid., 11 May – Board of Directors is not accepting petitions for consideration until after 15 Sept., because of great demands on the Viking Fund and decrease in its income; encloses form letter (tp.)

 40    Ibid., nd – the Viking Fund is returning the petition for aid; no additional petitions may be accepted for consideration before 15 Sept. (tp.)

A150/4/41    Prof. Evans-Pritchard to Dr Paul Fejos, 17 May – understood that while new grants could not be considered until Sept. this did not apply to applications for renewal of grants already made; asks if he was under a misapprehension (tpc.)

 42    Paul Fejos to Dr Evans-Pritchard, 28 Nov. – Viking Fund has awarded a grant of $1,000 to aid the cost of maintaining and improving RAI’s library (tp. with autogr. note by E.E. Evans-Pritchard)

 43    Ibid., 15 Dec. – in connection with the Annual Report, asks for information regarding publications reporting results of research sponsored by the Viking Fund; asks for progress report on research (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 44    nd – breakdown of expenditure of grant of $5,000 from Viking Fund (tp.)

 45    nd – description of policy for spending the grant of $5,000 from the Viking Fund (tp.)

 46    nd – ‘Proposed plan for spending first grant of $5,000 (£1,784)’ (tp.)

 47    Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company, 5 Jan. 1951 – slip accompanying cheque (printed and tp.)

 48    Felicia Stallman to Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co., 29 Jan. – acknowledges receipt of cheque (tpc.)

 49    D.T. Cox, Secretary, to Felicia Stallman, 2 June – as Dr Mourant arranged, encloses three copies of correspondence relating to Dr Barnicot’s application to the Viking Fund (tp.)

 50    N.A. Barnicot to Dr Fejos, 5 May – makes application to the Viking Fund for financial support to carry out serological studies on the Touareg of the central Sahara; outlines his proposed work; gives breakdown of the costs. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 51    A.E. Mourant to Dr Paul Fejos, 11 May – understands that Dr Barnicot is applying for a grant; on the work done up to now on the Touareg and other Berber tribes; gladly supports Dr Barnicot’s application (tp. copy)

 52    Ibid. to Dr Mourant, 26 May – as Viking directors will not meet before Aug., this source of money must be counted out; on getting support in England; on the money needed; asks if RAI is in a position to do anything since the formation of the blood group committee (tp. copy)

A150/4/53    Paul Fejos to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 21 Nov. – asks for a statement of progress, as no report has been received since 28 Nov. 1950 (tp.)

 54    Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, 25 Nov. – sends the enclosed from the Director of the Viking Fund [4/53] as he is no longer officially concerned; asks if he or Mills will deal with it (tp.) [J.P. Mills, RAI President 1951-53]

 55    WBF to Dr Paul Fejos, 3 Dec. – was on the point of writing when he received his formal request for a report; failure to provide a report six months ago is his own shortcoming, not that of the RAI; explains why he did not write a report; hopes to have it finished with the next few days; hopes at the same time to address an application for a third grant; asks if he could warn him if he is in danger of ‘missing the bus’ through not knowing the deadline for applications. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 56    Paul Fejos to WBF, 11 Dec. – pleased to know that a progress report is forthcoming; Board of Directors has been reluctant to make continuations of grants which they deem to be ‘perpetuation’; refers to change of name from the Viking Fund to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; more emphasis on research than on support of institutions (tp.)

 57    WBF to […?], [1952?] – on behalf of Council wishes to apply for grant of £50 from funds available for the assistance of scientific libraries; refers to reorganization of the RAI Library; refers to the grants from the Viking Fund; Viking Fund does not make grants for more than two years; the reorganization is not yet complete; an award from the Grant-in-Aid would be of the greatest assistance to the RAI. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 58    Ibid., nd – notes for an application for a grant of £150, ‘to be applied in about equal proportions to the Journal and Man’; gives details of membership and circulation figures for the periodicals; refers to the Nuffield Blood Group Centre which will publish in the periodicals; on wartime arrears of publication; Man is published at a financial loss; on the general position of the RAI; refers to the Viking Fund grants which were exhausted by the end of 1951. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 59    Ibid., nd – notes on the Viking Fund grant. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 60    B.J. Kirkpatrick, nd – list of library reorganisation tasks, ‘completed’ and ‘to be completed’ (autogr. draft)

A150/4/61    nd – notes on the disbursement of the Viking grant over a six year period. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 62    Envelope addressed to the Viking Fund (printed)

  5/    Viking Medal, 1961-62

  1    Audrey I. Richards, RAI President 1959-61, to Dr Paul Fejos, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 14 Feb. 1961 – refers to invitation to celebration of 20th year of activities of the Wenner-Gren Foundation; regrets that distance prevents her attending; sends congratulations; congratulates the three Medalists (tpc.)

  2    Miss Joan Edwards, RAI Administrative Secretary, to ibid., ibid. – refers to invitation to celebration of 20th year of activities of the Wenner-Gren Foundation; regrets that distance prevents her attending; on MWS’s illness (tpc.)

  3    Paul Fejos to Joan Edwards, 17 Feb. – asks where MWS is hospitalised; would like to send flowers (tp.)

  4    Joan Edwards to Dr Paul Fejos, 20 Feb. – has not had definite news of MWS since she left for America on 30 Dec. 1960; not sure of the address of the hospital; sends her mother’s address (tpc.)

  5    Paul Fejos to Joan Edwards, 24 Feb. – was able to contact MWS’s mother; sent MWS a note; thanks her (tp.,)

  6    Invitation to the celebration of the 20th year of activities of the Wenner-Gren Foundation, including presentation of 1960 Viking Fund medals to Dr Leslie Spier, Dr Samuel K. Lothrop and Dr Sherwood L. Washburn (printed card)

  7    Paul Fejos to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 14 Nov. – Drs L.S.B. Leakey and E.E. Evans-Pritchard have been chosen as two of the Viking Fund Medalists for 1961; is unable to arrange for a single function at which all four medalists can be honoured; asks if the two British medalists could receive their awards in connection with some function of the RAI (tp.)

  8    Audrey Richards to AHC, 17 Nov. – encloses letter from Wenner-Gren Foundation [5/7]; thinks he should answer it direct; points out that the names of the medallists may still be secret (tp.)

  9    AHC to Dr Paul Fejos, 5 Dec. – refers to his letter to Dr Richards [5/7]; will be pleased to arrange for the presentation of the Viking Medals; mentions Dr Leakey’s fare; proposes a special meeting followed by a dinner (tpc.)

A150/5/10    Paul Fejos to AHC, 21 Dec. – refers to his letter of 5 Dec.; the Foundation will pay Dr Leakey’s fare; thanks him (tp. with autogr. notes by AHC)

 11    AHC to Paul Fejos, 22 Jan. 1962 – referred the question to Council before finalising arrangements; the scale of the dinner must be determined by the amount of funds available; the RAI cannot provide these; refers to an audience of from 75 to 100 and a cost of between £250 and £300; would welcome any suggestions regarding guest list (tpc.)

 12    Paul Fejos to AHC, 30 Jan. – refers to his letter of 22 Jan.; his offer to arrange a ceremonial affair is generous; the Foundation would underwrite the cost up to £300; he might not be able to be in London in May; suggests that two former Medalists, Dr Raymond Firth and Dr Wilfrid Le Gros Clark, might represent the Foundation (tp.)

 13    AHC to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 5 Feb. – the RAI has been asked to arrange a ceremony for presentation of Viking Medals; asks about convenience of dates in the second half of May (tpc.)

 14    L.S.B. Leakey to AHC, 8 Feb. – suggests a date in Apr. as he will be in London then; if not possible, then any day, if Wenner-Gren will pay his fare (autogr.)

 15    AHC to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 16 Feb. – his English dates fall in the university vacation; Wenner-Gren will pay travelling expenses; asks which is more convenient, 24 May or 31 May (tpc.)

 16    L.S.B. Leakey to AHC, 28 Feb. – 24 May suits him better (tp.)

 17    AHC to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 2 Mar. – will go ahead and make arrangements; asks about hotel bookings (tpc.)

 18    C. James, General Manager, the Connaught Rooms, to Miss R.M. Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, 5 Mar. – refers to her letter of 2 Mar. [not held]; confirms reservation for 24 May; encloses menus and wine list (tp.)

 19    AHC to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 29 Mar. – is making preparations for the dinner on 24 May; asks about hotel bookings; asks about personal guests (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. to Dr Paul Fejos, ibid. – plans for the dinner are beginning to take shape; asks if he has any further suggestions for the guest list (tpc.)

A150/5/21    Rachel M. Lloyd to the Manager, Hotel Russell, 30 Mar. – confirms reservation for two rooms, for Prof. Evans-Pritchard and his daughter (tpc.)

 22    Ibid. to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – confirms substance of conversation with AHC; on the dinner; asks if he has any personal guest he would like to invite; on hotel booking (tpc.)

 23    J.P. Handford, General Manager, Hotel Russell, to Miss R.M. Lloyd, 2 Apr. – on reservation for Prof. Evans-Pritchard (printed and tp.)

 24    […?] for Dr Leakey to AHC, ibid. – acknowledges his letter of 29 Mar.; Dr Leakey is away; gives his address in London (tp.)

 25    Margaret D. Edward, Secretary, to Miss Rachel Lloyd, 3 Apr. – refers to her letter of 30 Mar. to Prof. Evans-Pritchard; suggests that Dr Godfrey Lienhardt be invited (tp.)

 26    AHC to Dr Paul Fejos, 4 Apr. – invitation will go out soon; asks when and by what means the medals will be sent (tpc.)

 27    [Prof. I. Schapera, RAI President 1961-63,] to Prof. Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark, 5 Apr. – Leakey is one of the recipients of the Viking Medal; on the dinner; asks if he will make a speech about Leakey at the presentation (tpc.)

 28    Sumiye Konoshima, Office Manager, Wenner-Gren Foundation, to AHC, ibid. – refers to his letter of 29 Mar. to Dr Fejos, who is away; is preparing a list of suggested invitees; asks whether Dr Evans-Pritchard has been notified of the dinner (tp.)

 29    Prof. Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark to Dr I. Schapera, 9 Apr. – thanks him for invitation; cannot manage to get to London for the dinner (tp. with autogr. notes)

 30    Invitation to the Dinner in honour of Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard and Dr L.S.B. Leakey, to be held at the Connaught Rooms on Thurs. 24 May, when they will be presented with the Viking Medals (printed)

 31    13 Apr. – note referring to 200 invitation cards (autogr. carbon)

 32    Rachel M. Lloyd to Customs and Excise Office, 16 Apr. – on the Viking Medals; their value lies in their worth as awards rather than in intrinsic value (tpc.)

A150/5/33    Paul Fejos to AHC, 18 Apr. – refers to his letters of 29 Mar. and 4 Apr.; cannot attend the presentation dinner; $850 has been cabled to him to cover expenses; the auditors will require accounting; the medals were air mailed to him (tp.)

 34    Mrs Annetherese Hirth, Financial Secretary, Wenner-Gren Foundation, to AHC, 26 Apr. – asks for receipt for the $850 cabled for expenses (tp.)

 35    Paul Fejos to ibid., 30 Apr. – repeats how sorry he is that he cannot attend the presentation; asks if he would like photographs of the two British medalists for possible distribution to the press (tp.)

 36    Margaret D. Edward to AHC, ibid. – Prof. Evans-Pritchard will not now need to stay in London; asks that he cancel the rooms booked for him (tp.)

 37    Rachel M. Lloyd to the Manager, Hotel Russell, 1 May – asks him to cancel booking made for Prof. Evans-Pritchard (tpc.)

 38    Rev. J.S. Boys Smith to […?], 3 May – regrets that he is unable to accept invitation to the dinner (autogr. card)

 39    J.P. Handford to Rachel M. Lloyd, ibid. – has cancelled the booking for Prof. Evans-Pritchard (printed and tp.)

 40    Joe Weiner to Prof. I. Schapera, 8 May – as he voted for Leakey to have the Viking Medal, agrees to make a speech on the ‘happy occasion’ (tp.)

 41    L.S.B. Leakey to AHC, 10 May – if it is not too late, would like to invite the Master of his college, St John’s College, Cambridge, to the dinner (autogr.)

 42    Rachel M. Lloyd to Mr Boys Smith, Master, St John’s College, Cambridge, 15 May – sorry that he is unable to accept the invitation; Dr Leakey would like his college to be represented if possible; asks if there is anyone at St John’s who would take up the invitation (tpc.)

 43    nd – guest list for Viking Medal Dinner. 5 pages (autogr.)

 44    Secretary, the Royal African Society, to AHC, 25 May – thanks him for most enjoyable evening (tp.)

 45    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for all the trouble he went to (autogr.)

 46    Cicely Shaw to ibid., ibid. – thanks President and Council for a delightful evening; was with Dr Leakey on his second expedition to the Rift Valley in 1928 (autogr.)

A150/5/47    AHC to Dr Paul Fejos, 30 May – has wined and dined the medalists; will let him have the accounts in due course; sends annotated table plan (tpc.)

 48    A.K. Tibandebage, Tanganyika High Commission, to AHC, ibid. – Mr Mwambenja had been unable to attend the dinner in his place, due to indisposition; apologises; regrets that no representative from Tanganyika was present (tp.)

 49    Paul Fejos to AHC, 6 June – refers to his letter of 30 May; is indebted to his; thanks him for the table plan (tp.)

 50    Sumiye Konoshima to ibid., 12 June – acknowledges receipt of the table plan, in Dr Fejos’ absence (tp.)

  6/    Nuffield Foundation, 1951-61

  1    J.P. Mills to WBF, 7 Dec. 1951 – refers to first draft of a memo to the Nuffield Foundation; wondered about sending it to Sieff only first; the alternative is to circulate it to all members, including Sieff; asks him to get Wilson’s views (autogr.)

  2    nd – ‘Draft of a Memorandum to the Nuffield Foundation’. 4 leaves (tp.)

  3    Ibid. 4 leaves (tp.)

  4    J.P. Mills to WBF, 14 Mar. 1952 – the enclosed papers best kept by him; Sieff’s decision a disappointment in some ways; supposes Wilson knows about the earlier approach to the Nuffield Foundation (autogr.)

  5    Douglas H.F. Wilson to WBF, 19 Mar. – refers to his letter of 15 Mar. [not held]; was unable to take it to his meeting with Sieff; is sending all these papers to him, with WBF’s memo on the RAI’s activities (tp.)

  6    WBF, 22 Aug. 1950 – RAI, ‘Its functions and present financial position – Sent to Nuffield Foundation 22.8.50’. 6 leaves (tp. copy)

  7    Ibid. 5 leaves (autogr. draft)

  8    W.A. Sanders[?] to Mrs A.C. Bowe, RAI, 11 Feb. 1953 – refers to her letter of 10 Jan. [not held] and for Annual General Report; has received a report on the Nuffield Blood Group Centre from Dr Darlington (tp.)

  9    WBF to L. Farrer-Brown, the Nuffield Foundation, 21 Apr. 1956 – refers to writing earlier about grants in support of learned journals; they had agreed to meet; wonders whether this can be arranged in the next week or so; he will be accompanied by MWS and G.W.B. Huntingford, the new Editor of JRAI (tpc. with autogr. notes)

A150/6/10    L. Farrer-Brown to WBF, 24 Apr. – refers to his letter of 21 Apr.; confirms that the will meet on 2 May; notes who will be present (tp.)

 11    ‘Nuffield Foundation Report for 1955-56’; extract from Nature, 22 Dec. 4 pages (printed)

 12    MWS to C.M. Hutt, 21 May 1957 – sends some details of what the RAI envisages for its immediate needs in regard to appeals; RAI could become self-sufficient with increased endowment and more members; describes the plans in terms of appeals to members, and circularizing for new members and subscriptions; gives details of successes so far; refers to £500 recommended by the Royal Society; outlines the expenditure of this sum (tpc.)

 13    C.M. Hutt to Dr John Beavan, the Nuffield Foundation, 23 May – RAI could become self-sufficient with increased endowment and more members; describes the plans in terms of appeals to members, and circularizing for new members and subscriptions; gives details of successes so far; describes how £500 grant from the Nuffield Foundation would be spent; thinks the grant can be made with every confidence of good results (tp.)

 14    John Beavan to MWS, 31 May – the Scientific Advisory Committee on Learned Journals decided to make a grant of £225, for circularizing for new members and subscriptions; on the Committee giving sympathetic consideration to the possibility of a further grant; asks for a report on the achievements the grant has made possible (tp.)

 15    MWS to J.C. Beavan, 6 June – Council wish to express their deep appreciation of the assistance offered for circularising for new members and subscriptions; they will be glad to keep a careful check of the expenditure of effort (tpc.)

 16    Ibid., ibid. – refers to her note expressing the Council’s gratitude; this is a more informal note in respect of a conversation Mr Hutt has had with him; the 50% cut in the figure recommended by the Royal Society and by Mr Hutt came as a shock; now she sees the name of the committee she understands the action they felt called upon to take; on possible reapplication; describes the present ‘snare’ (tpc.)

 17    Victoria Bridgeman, Secretary to Mr Beavan, to MWS, 11 June – thanks her for her letters in Mr Beavan’s absence (tp.)

A150/6/18    MWS to Mr Beavan, 1 Oct. – thought he would be interested in progress so far with the RAI’s promotion scheme; it is more a report on effort expended than on results obtained; the need for a further grant is outlined below; on the circularising of libraries and members of the American Anthropological Association for new members and subscriptions; on expenses incurred; on the proposed continuation of the scheme; it would be possible to carry this out with the assistance of the Nuffield Foundation; therefore the RAI asks the Scientific Advisory Committee on Learned Journals to consider a renewal of its grant of £225. 3 leaves (tp.)

 19    [Janet Anderson], Secretary to the Officers, to Dr D.C. Martin, the Royal Society, 2 Oct. – MWS asked that she send him a copy of her letter to Mr Beavan (tpc.)

 20    D.C. Martin to Miss J.A.D. Anderson, 4 Oct. – is glad to have a copy of the letter to Mr Beavan; notes with interest the progress being made (tp.)

 21    F.V. Morley, Nuffield Foundation, to MWS, 10 Oct. – Mr Beavan has asked him to say that her letter will be brought before committee meeting on 28 Oct. (autogr.)

 22    John Beavan to MWS, 6 Nov. – the Scientific Advisory Committee on Learned Journals has considered her request for a renewal of the grant; the Committee felt that it must await a report on the results of the experiment before considering an additional grant (tp.)

 23    MWS to John Beavan, 19 Nov. – now possible for her to give figures up to 15 Nov. as indication of the success of the promotion drive; on the number of new Fellows since the posting of the promotion forms; on new subscriptions to the periodicals; summarises the increases in monetary terms; the peak in return of forms has not yet been reached; in order to get the full benefit from the effort already expended on attempt to increase library subscriptions it is imperative that there be an immediate follow-up; asks for renewal of the grant . 2 leaves (tpc.)

 24    D.C. Martin to MWS, 20 Nov. – thanks her for copy of her letter to Mr Beavan; encloses copy of letter he has written to him (tp.)

 25    Ibid. to John Beavan, ibid. – on MWS’s letter to him of [19] Nov.; seems to him that they are making good progress; thinks further help might serve a useful purpose (tpc.)

 26    John Beavan to MWS, ibid. – will bring her letter before the Committee at their meeting next month (tp.)

A150/6/27    Ibid., 9 Dec. – the Committee have seen her letter; they considered this preliminary assessment most satisfactory; agreed to make a further grant of £225 for a follow-up scheme; Committee would like information on the financial situation of the journals before and after the experiment (tp.)

 28    MWS to John Beavan, 10 Dec. – on the pleasure of receiving his letter; asks him to convey sincere thanks to the committee; will let him have the information he requests as soon as possible (tpc.)

 29    Ibid., to Dr F.V. Morley, 23 Jan. 1958 – sale of publications in 1957 exceeded the sum for any other year by £511; acknowledges assistance of help gained from Nuffield Foundation (tpc.)

 30    F.V. Morley to MWS, 28 Jan. – refers to her letter of 23 Jan.; offers congratulations (autogr.)

 31    MWS to Dr F.V. Morley, 2 May – wishes to ask advice in connection with RAI’s public appeal for Endowment Fund; on the donation [by Mrs B.Z. Seligman] of the proceeds of a Benin Ivory Mask to a Trustee Fund; explains how funds are transferred from Trustee Fund to Endowment Fund; on launch of a public appeal; on a committee of influential persons from outside the RAI to assist (tpc.)

 32    Ibid., 7 May – on the history of the RAI; there is only one short account of its history, that by Sir Arthur Keith, JRAI, vol. 47; RAI would like to make its records available to a scholar who could write a history; has in mind an author; sketches out some of the areas the book would cover; on the position of learned societies in regard to the dissemination of knowledge through media of their journals; on private funding for this; this project could be completed by a grant of on £650. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 33    F.V. Morley to MWS, 14 May – passed her letters to the ‘powers that be’; sorry to say he could not obtain encouragement for the specific suggestions; hopes she can propose a specific problem of reprinting publications (autogr.)

 34    MWS to Dr F.V. Morley, 27 June – on his Committee helping the sale of the RAI’s publications; two means of assistance seem possible: the re-issue of out of stock numbers, and help with the cost of publication of photographs in JRAI and Man; encloses copy of an appeal which was circulated to Council; on enquiries for runs of Man and JRAI which cannot be supplied due to issues being out of print; on lack of funds impacting on illustrations in the periodicals; mentions a sum of £250; could meet in the summer if he thought favourably of the reissue scheme. 2 leaves (tpc.)

A150/6/35    F.V. Morley to MWS, 1 July – thinks it worth while to get estimates for the re-issue scheme; will also raise the illustrations question; asks for figures for re-issues by the end of Aug. (autogr.)

 36    MWS to Dr F.V. Morley, 25 Sept. – has not previously contacted him about the reprinting of volumes as it would take roughly £37,000, which is an ‘impossible’ figure; JRAI was started in 1871 and Man in 1901; in Jan. sent an appeal to members of Council listing those numbers in short supply; plans another appeal for Oct.; cannot conscientiously recommend any large scale reproduction; encloses table [not held] setting forth the position in regard to the JRAI; mentions possibility of a small grant to help with publication of more illustrations in the periodicals; on increasing the size of both periodicals; proposes a budget for this. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 37    Ibid. to J.C. Beavan, 25 Oct. – on giving him information on the financial situation of the publications before and after the promotional drive; has received financial statement for the first nine months of the year; is in a position to draw some comparisons; makes some points about the figures; gives comparison of costs of 1957 and 1958, in tabular form; makes some comments on the figures. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections) [page[s] missing]

 38    John Beavan to MWS, 3 Nov. – refers to her letter of 27 Oct.; the Committee will see the figures in Jan. [1959]; encloses cheque (tp.)

 39    MWS to John Beavan, 5 Nov. – thanks him for cheque; will keep the Committee informed about the drive (tpc.)

 40    Ibid. to the Accountants, ibid. – on the cheque from the Nuffield Foundation (tpc.)

 .1    Ibid., nd – note concerning the cheque (autogr.)

 41    MWS to Dr F.V. Morley, 20 Apr. 1959 – RAI is considering increasing the size of JRAI to a quarterly; the circumstances of the proposed increase best discussed on the telephone; she will ring him; should appreciate advice concerning possible financial assistance (tpc.)

 42    Ibid., 11 June – the JRAI is published in two parts annually; on a new Society for the Study of Human Biolgoy which has been formed; this Society is contemplating a journal; the RAI would like to propose that the Society publish its material as part of the JRAI; it is planned to issue the Human Biology number as a separate part; submits application for grant of £2,100 to assist in expanding the JRAI by one third; RAI’s deficit has been reduced. 2 leaves (tpc.)

A150/6/43    John Beavan to MWS, 28 July – on an application from C.R.H. Taylor, to update his book ‘A Pacific Bibliography’; on reviews of the book; asks whether the Librarian can give him copies of one or two of these reviews; asks about the value of the book (tp.)

 44    [MWS] to John Beavan, 29 July – the ‘Pacific Bibliography’ is quite indispensable; has forwarded copies of two of the reviews (tpc.)

 45    Victoria Bridgeman to MWS, 7 Aug. – Mr Beavan has asked her to acknowledge receipt of two books (tp.)

 46    F.V. Morley to MWS, 20 Aug. – Mr Beavan has asked him to report the decision of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Learned Journals on her suggestion of a grant to enable the Society for the Study of Human biology to publish its proceedings as a separate part of the JRAI; as this would virtually mean launching a new journal the suggestion would be outside the Committee’s terms of reference; congratulates her on reducing the deficit to practically nil; would be happy to consult with her (tp.)

 47    MWS to Dr F.V. Morley, 28 Aug. – refers to his letter of 20 Aug. with disappointing news; on the Society for the Study of Human Biology; the plan would expand but not alter the coverage of the JRAI; thanks him for his efforts (tpc.)

 48    Victoria Bridgeman to MWS, 1 Sept. – acknowledges her letter (tp.)

 49    MWS to [the Trustees of the Nuffield Foundation], 16 Nov. – on behalf of the Ethnographic Film Committee, applies for grant of £1,000 to complete its catalogue of Ethnographic films; on the committee; on the catalogue project. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 50    Ibid. to John Beavan, 23 Nov. – as he was doubtful of the success of RAI’s application concerning catalogue of films, she sent application to the Wenner-Gren Foundation; she has been notified that this grant has been approved; encloses application for smaller amount to enable the Ethnographic Film Committee to produce a short film; if the project is outside the terms of reference of his Trustees, perhaps he would prefer not to bring it before them (tpc.)

 51    Ibid., 24 Nov. – makes application for grant of £345 to produce a film on the Ainu Bear Ceremony; on the Ainu people; on the film which the RAI owns; a comprehensive film could be made from it; similar films are in great demand; on the Ethnographic Film Committee; on the estimated budget for this project. 2 leaves (tpc.)

A150/6/52    Ibid. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)

 53    Ibid., 25 Nov. – all Mr Monroe’s other photographs and films were destroyed by fire during the war; all that remains of his research are his manuscript on Ainu religion, and the film of the Bear Ceremony (tpc.)

 54    ‘Nuffield Work on Films and Books’ (newspaper cutting)

 55    MWS to John Beavan, 15 Dec. – refers to grant made in Dec. 1957 for the RAI’s promotion drive; RAI has spent some money on a drive to libraries etc. who take one of the periodicals but not the other; asks that some of the residue of the present grant can be used in a drive to ask members to covenant their subscriptions (tpc.)

 56    John Beavan to MWS, 16 Dec. – is passing her letter to Dr Morley; her request will be brought before the Scientific Advisory Committee (tp.)(

 57    MWS to Dr F.V. Morley, 17 Dec. – explains why she sent her letter to John Beavan (tpc.)

 58    John Beavan to MWS, 1 Feb. 1960 – on application for grant to make a film of the Ainu Bear Ceremony; the trustees were not unsympathetic, but would like to be assured that there is no other likely source of money (tp.)

 59    MWS to John Beavan, 3 Feb. – encouraging that the Nuffield Trustees are considering the application for a grant to make the film of the Ainu Bear Ceremony; the Ethnographic Film Committee received a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for the film catalogue; she cannot approach them in view of this support; outlines other sources of money she has tried; on an application to allow publication of a book on Ainu religion (tpc.)

 60    Victoria Bridgeman to MWS, 10 Feb. – her letter will be brought before the trustees next week (tp.)

 61    L. Farrer-Brown to MWS, 23 Feb. – the trustees decided to offer the RAI a grant to make the film on the Ainu Bear Ceremony (tp.)

 62    MWS to Dr L. Farrer-Brown, 26 Feb. – extends appreciation of Council for the grant of £345 to enable the production of the film of the Ainu Bear Ceremony (tpc.)

 63    John Beavan to MWS, 8 Mar. – the Scientific Advisory Committee on Learned Journals agreed to request to use part of the residue of the grant made in 1957 for a new subscription drive (tp.)

A150/6/64    MWS to John Beavan, 14 Mar. – thanks him for renewed generosity of the Nuffield Foundation; the format of the JRAI is to be changed beginning with Vol. 90; this is a favourable opportunity for sending out publicity; will keep him informed (tpc.)

 65    Ibid. to J.H.Y. Owen, Nuffield Foundation, 4 Apr. – asks that the grant for the film could be sent; asks also for money expended in 1959 on a promotion drive; gives the background to this grant (tpc.)

 66    John H.Y. Owen to MWS, 5 Apr. – encloses two cheques for the grants (tp.)

 67    MWS to J.H.Y. Owen, 12 Apr. – thanks him for the cheques (tpc.)

 68    Ibid. to Accountant, nd – attaches cheques (tpc.)

 69    John Beavan to MWS, 6 May – encloses extract from draft of the Foundation’s forthcoming annual report; asks that she check it and return it by 16 May (tp.)

 70    MWS to John Beavan, 11 May – returns extract from the Annual Report; no changes are necessary; includes extract from report of Council for RAI’s Annual Report, bearing on the subscription and membership drive (tpc.)

 71    Administrative Secretary to Accountant, 8 Jan. 1961 – account to be paid from the grant of £345 for the Ethnographic Film Committee (tpc.)

 .1    Notes on the account (autogr. in unknown hand)

 72    nd – notes on two films, ‘In Rural Maharastha’ and ‘The African Apostolic Church’. 2 leaves (autogr. cards)

 73    Robert Goldwater & Hugh Pitt, nd – circular on Ethnographic Film; are co-operating in the formation of an index of film; enclose form to be filled in with details of any films (tp.)

 .1    Form to be filled in with details of film (printed)

  7/    Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1952-62

  1    1 May 1951 – on the change of name of the Viking Fund, to Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. (printed card)

A150/7/2        Paul Fejos, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Jan. 1952 – circular on ‘A Handbook of World Resources for Research and Education in Anthropology’; the Handbook will consist of descriptions of the organization and operations of all institutions with interests in anthropology; the statements will be organized into 26 groups; the Foundation has invited 26 anthropologists to compile the necessary data; encloses form to be filled in (tp.)

  3    Daryll Forde to WBF, 11 Mar. – on the ‘Handbook of World Resources for Teachings and Education in Anthropology’; encloses copy of statement by Paul Fejos; encloses copies of the Information Sheet, which he hopes WBF will fill in and return to him (tp.)

  4    Information sheet about the RAI, including details of officers, date of founding, purpose of organization, etc. (tp. with autogr. entries by WBF)

  5    Agenda for Executive Committee meeting, 18 Mar. (tp.)

  6    Notes for Agenda item 3: Library business; includes Appeal to Wenner-Gren Foundation, consideration of drafts (mimeo)

  7    Draft applications for grants, for purchase of anthropological publications published in USA, and for cost of preparation and publication of an Index to the JRAI for the period 1892-1950. 2 leaves (mimeo)

  8    Daryll Forde to WBF, 2 May – it is time to collate the material for the Wenner-Gren Handbook; asks him to send the statement on the RAI without delay (tp.)

  9    Mrs A.C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 May – WBF has asked her to forward Wenner-Gren Foundation Handbook material (tpc.)

 10    J.P. Mills to Dr Paul Fejos, 25 June – encloses full report on the use of grants; on the gratitude of the RAI; hopes to meet him when he comes to England in Aug.; is sorry the report is so long delayed; explains why; encloses two separate applications; expands on these two applications (tpc.)

 11    nd – Report to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. 6 leaves (tp.)

 12    Ibid. 6 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. additions)

 13    Ibid. 6 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. additions)

 .1    B.J. Kirkpatrick to WBF, 23 June – notes on the draft (autogr)

A150/7/14    nd – Report to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. 5 leaves (autogr. draft by WBF)

 15    Application for a grant of $3,000 for preparation and publication of an index to the JRAI for the period 1892-1950 (tp.) [enclosed with 7/10]

 16    Application for a grant of approximately U.S. $500 for purchase and shipment of sundry anthropological publications published in the U.S.A. and unobtainable in the United Kingdom (tp.) [enclosed with 7/10]

 17    List of American books. 4 leaves (tp.)

 18    Drafts of the applications [7/15 & 7/16]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 19    Paul Fejos to J.P. Mills, 19 Sept. – has just returned from Europe; acknowledges his final report on the Wenneer-Gren Grant to aid re-establishment of RAI’s Library; dismayed to hear that retrenchment will have to be considered; notes that two applications have been submitted with the report; the Foundation’s income is to be scarcely half that of preceding years; it is to be hoped that this period of reduced income will be temporary; at the present time he cannot present to the Board any applications on behalf of institutional support or petitions for publication subsidy; hopes he can explain to the RAI Council. 2 leaves (tp.)

 20    J.P. Mills to Mrs Bowe, 29 Sept. – WBF and Mr Wilson ought to see the ‘disappointing’ letter from the Wenner-Gren Foundation (autogr.)

 21    Ibid. to Dr Paul Fejos, 20 Oct. – although disappointed by the contents of his letter, appreciates the reason given for inability to consider the RAI’s applications; he withdraws them until a more propitious time (tpc.)

 22    WBF to ibid., 16 July 1953 – refers to the two applications of the previous year; asks whether these would now have a better chance of being entertained; asks for unofficial advice (tpc.)

 23    Card regarding summer closure of the Foundation (tp.)

 24    Reuben L. Kahn to Mrs Angela C. Bowe, 20 Nov. – on his report for the Foundation which sponsored his trip abroad; he mentioned her name; therefore he is sending a copy of the report; on meeting her (tp.)

 25    Ibid., ‘A Serologist Abroad’; account of his trip 24 Aug. – 7 Oct. 1953, sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. 13 leaves (tp.)

A150/7/26    WBF[?] to Paul Fejos, 30 Oct. 1954 – on alternative arrangement of British Yearbook contribution (text of telegram)

 27    P. D’Amico to RAI, 16 Nov. – asks if there is available a directory of Anthropological Societies (tp. with autogr. notes)

 28    Acting Secretary to the Officers to Mr P. D’Amico, 22 Nov. – gives details of the ‘International Directory of Anthropological Institutions’, published by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (tpc.)

 29    W.C. Brice to [Acting Secretary to the Officers?], 10 Dec. – asks if she can type a manuscript for him; WBF said she might be able to help; he must send it in Jan.; encloses editorial instructions about typing (autogr.)

 30    William L. Thomas, Jr., Assistant Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation, to WBF, 22 Dec. – refers to discussion they had; sends copies of each of the compilations made with regard to the Huxley Memorial Medal and Lecture, the Rivers Memorial Medal, and the Henry Myers Lectures; would appreciate his verifying what is stated within; need a full statement concerning the Huxley Memorial Lectures with roster of recipients during first two decades (tp. with autogr. list of names on the back, of Huxley recipients from 1900-1912)

 .1    List of points about each of the awards (title, name of institution, etc.) (tp.)

 31    W.C. Brice to [WBF?], 5 Jan. 1955 – refers to his article on Anthropology in Great Britain 1952-4 for the Wenner-Gren Foundation; asks when he might expect the typescript; it should be posted to America in the next day or two (autogr.)

 32    Acting Secretary to the Officers to W.C. Brice, 6 Jan. [wrongly dated 1954] – has not been able to get very far with his typescript; as he is paying, it is best to send it to an agency; they cannot finish it here, especially as it is difficult to read (tpc.)

 33    Ibid. to Norma Skemp, Social and Secretarial Services, 6 Jan. [wrongly dated 1954] – encloses manuscript (tpc.)

 34    W.C. Brice to Acting Secretary to the Officers, 7 Jan. – hopes he can have his typescript as early as possible next week; asks her to return manuscript with typed draft; would be grateful to know when he might expect the typescript (autogr. pc)

A150/7/35    Ibid., 8 Jan. – has returned the first draft, corrected, to Miss Melham of Norma Skemp; asks her to send the footnote slips to her; hopes to send the final draft to New York next week (autogr. pc)

 36    Acting Secretary to the Officers to William L. Thomas, Jr., 14 Feb. – WBF has asked her to return the compilation on the Huxley Memorial Medal and Lecture, the Rivers Memorial Medal and the Henry Myers Lectures; asks where he got the information that the Rivers Medal is with honorarium (tpc.)

 37    5 Mar. – press release on the Viking Fund Medalists for 1954, Dr Wm. Duncan Strong, Dr W.W. Howells and Dr Robert Redfield. 3 leaves (tp.)

 38    Paul Fejos to WBF, 28 Apr. – announces the death of their Research Associate Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; sends some biographical data in case he is planning a review article (tp.)

 39    WBF to Paul Fejos, 4 May – refers to his letter of 28 Apr.; offers condolences; will send the biographical information to Prof. Dorothy Garrod who is undertaking an obituary for Man (tpc.)

 40    Ibid., 19 Nov. – refers to his letter of 20 Oct. [not held]; alludes to application related to Dr Elwin’s films; wishes to consult him informally about another project concerned with Library Catalogue; refers to previous grant towards reclassifying and re-cataloguing the whole Library; on the author and subject indexes; raises the possibility of microfilming the indexes; as the Foundation has been a pioneer in the use of microfilm in the anthropological field, thought it might be worth while to apply for a grant to cover the cost; asks for his informal advice; on visiting New York (tpc.)

 41    Paul Fejos to WBF, 29 Nov. – refers to his letter of 19 Nov.; shall be pleased to present a formal application to aid the project of microfilming the catalogue to the Board of Directors; encloses information requested form; with limited finances it is not possible to predict what action will be taken; on WBF’s visit to America (tp.)

A150/7/42    WBF to Dr Paul Fejos, 14 Dec. – applies for grant of £150 to make a microfilm record of the Library catalogue; on the reorganization of the Library owing to the benefaction made by the Foundation in 1949; on the catalogue; on fears about the destruction of the catalogue by fire or bombardment; hence the need for a second copy; wishes to have a microfilm negative made of the Author Catalogue; copies could be made for other libraries; the negative could be deposited in some place of safety, perhaps the Foundation; believes that the making of this record is a matter of importance to anthropological scholarship (tpc.)

 43    B.J. Kirkpatrick to WBF, ibid. – refers to the figure mentioned in his letter to Dr Fejos (tp. memo)

 44    Paul Fejos to ibid., 20 Dec. – acknowledges application for grant (tp.)

 45    Ibid., 13 Jan. 1956 – the Board of Directors approved the grant to aid microfilming of RAI’s Library Catalogue; semi-annual reports and a final report are requested (tp.)

 .1    13 Jan. – memo asking to whom the grant should be paid (tp.)

 46    WBF to Dr Paul Fejos, 24 Jan. – is most grateful for his letter of 13 Jan.; Council will be extremely pleased; on his visit to New York (tpc.)

 47    Coutts & Co., 20 Feb. – have received sum of £151.3.10 from the Wenner-Gren Foundation, for credit of RAI (tp.)

 48    D.H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer, to the Manager, Coutts & Co., 21 Feb. – thanks him for his notice; asks that the sum be deposited in a special account to be known as the ‘RAI Microfilm Account’ (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to Accountants, ibid. – on the sum received from Wenner-Gren Foundation (tpc.)

 50    [MWS] to Dr Paul Fejos, 6 June – she and WBF are now Joint Hon. Secretaries; WBF spoke to him about the financial position of the RAI; explains why the last few years have been difficult; hopes to raise income by means of a membership drive; on increasing publication; on increasing the size of the JRAI; on Occasional Papers; maintenance of the library is a major expense; on meetings; does not intend any direct appeal by this letter but would be grateful for unofficial suggestions (tpc.)

A150/7/51    Mary C. Dell’Oro, Office Manager, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 13 June – refers to her letter of 6 June; Dr Fejos is in Europe; her letter will be brought to his attention as soon as possible (tp. with autogr. note in unknown hand)

 52    Ibid., 29 June – Dr Fejos will not return until the fall when the Foundation reopens after the summer (tp.)

 53    MWS to M.C. Dell’Oro, 3 July – asks for necessary forms to submit a more formal application for grant-in-aid (tpc.)

 54    Mary Dell’Oro to MWS, 20 July – encloses forms (tp. with autogr. note in unknown hand)

 55    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 31 Aug. – encloses a petition for grant-in-aid for RAI (tpc.)

 56    31 Aug. – petition for grant-in-aid; describes the RAI; RAI petitions for assistance in maintaining the level of its present activities; RAI has functioned at a considerable deficit over the last few years; petitions the Foundation for $2,800 for all or part of its estimated deficit (tpc.)

 57    Wenner-Gren Foundation to MWS, 4 Sept. – Foundation is officially closed until 15 Sept.; her letter will be given attention following reopening (tp. pc)

 58    Paul Fejos to ibid., 17 Sept. – acknowledges her petition for $2,800 (tp.)

 59    Ibid., 15 Oct. – meeting of Board of Directors was held on 12 Oct.; due to the Foundation’s limited income the Board was not able to award grants to all the worthwhile petitions; decision on a number of applications was postponed until the next meeting, in the hope that the financial condition will have improved by then; her request was one on which action was deferred (tp.)

 60    [Janet Anderson] to Dr Paul Fejos, 18 Oct. – acknowledges his letter to MWS, who is in the States until 29 Oct. (tpc.)

 61    Dr Paul Fejos to MWS, 5 Nov. – reiterates conversation they had in New York; will await an auspicious moment when they have funds before submitting her petition to the Board (tp.)

 62    Ibid. to WBF, 25 Jan. 1957 – is preparing Annual Report for the year ending 31 Jan. 1957 – has had no report of what has been accomplished with the funds awarded to aid microfilming of the Library Catalogue (tp. with autogr. note from WBF to B.J. Kirkpatrick)

A150/7/63    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 7 Feb. – encloses copy of report concerning the funds awarded for microfilming the library catalogue (tpc.)

 64    Progress Report on the Grant for Microfilming Library Catalogue (tp.)

 65    Ibid. (tp. draft with autogr. additions)

 66    Title of report (autogr. draft)

 67    Janet Anderson to Dr Paul Fejos, 15 Feb. – the progress report was sent on 7 Feb.; unfortunately it was sent by surface mail, not by airmail; apologises (tpc.)

 68    Paul Fejos to Miss Janet Anderson, 21 Feb. – acknowledges her letter of [13] Feb.; the delay will not cause any inconvenience (tp.)

 69    Ibid. to MWS, 26 Feb. – acknowledges her letter reporting on the grant awarded for microfilming the library catalogue (tp.)

 70    Ibid., 2 Mar. – happy to send grant notification letter; because of limited income, it was not possible to award the full amount requested (tp.)

 71    Ibid., ibid. – the Board of Directors approved the grant to aid reestablishment of the RAI’s Library; semi-annual reports and a final report are requested (tp.)

 72    Hanover Bank, 8 Mar. – slip relating to the sum of $1,000 received from Wenner-Gren Foundation (printed and tp.)

 73    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 9 Mar. – sends grateful thanks for the grant of $1,000; Council was gratified to learn of the grant of $700 to the Nuffield Blood Group Centre (tpc.)

 74    Ibid., 11 Apr. – on the grant for microfilming the Library Catalogue; the work is now completed; there is a small sum in hand; has arranged to have the list of new acquisitions microfilmed every two or three years; hopes he will be pleased to hear the money has been put to such good advantage (tpc.)

 75    Dr Paul Fejos to MWS, 22 Apr. – refers to her letter of 11 Apr.; has just received notification from B.J. Kirkpatrick that the five reels comprising the catalogue have been sent; thanks her for reporting the completion of the project (tp.)

A150/7/76    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 6 June – refers to the Foundation’s summer closure; wonders if he would take a moment to consider the RAI; mentions Occasional Papers; is considering the possibilities of enlivening this publication outlet; asks if the Foundation might help with an initial sum to be used as a revolving fund for the publication of Occasional Papers (tpc.)

 77    Paul Fejos to MWS, nd – acknowledges her letter of 6 June; will be pleased to submit formal request for funds to aid the series of Occasional Papers; however asks first for additional information; encloses list of the information requested; cannot accept requests which exceed $3,000 (tp.)

 .1    ‘Information requested from Petitioners for Grants-in-Aid’ (printed) [enclosed with 7/77]

 .2    ‘Information concerning activities of the Foundation’ (printed) [enclosed with 7/77]

 78    Memorandum about Wenner-Gren Foundation summer closure (tp.)

 79    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 12 Sept. – refers to application for assistance with the publication of a ‘Manual for Collectors of Folk and Primitive Music’; expresses her gratitude; on the drive for new subscribers; forwards two copies of Occasional Paper No. 12 (tpc.) [on the ‘Manual’ see also A79/12]

 80    Ibid., ibid. – applies for grant of £90 as two thirds of the estimated cost of publication of a ‘Manual for Collectors of Primitive and Folk Music’; on the original Manual published in 1951; assumes there will be demand for enlarged and improved version; preliminary draft of revised Manual was distributed to the members of the Ethnomusicology Committee for suggestions and comment; encloses copy of this; final draft will come up for review at the next meeting; on the cost (tpc.)

 81    Draft of revised version of ‘Manual for Collectors of Ethnomusicology’. 23 pages (tp.)

 82    List of members of Ethnomusicology Committee (tp.)

 83    Paul Fejos to MWS, 17 Sept. – acknowledges her petition for a grant; will not be able to present the petition to the Board until Jan. 1958 (tp.)

A150/7/84    Ibid., 13 Jan. 1958 – meeting of Board of Directors was held on 10 Jan.; due to the Foundation’s limited income the Board was able to award only a few grants; decision on a number of applications was postponed until the next meeting, in the hope that the financial condition will have improved by then; her request was one on which action was deferred (tp.)

 85    Mary A. Wilson, the Library, Wenner-Gren Foundation, to MWS, 16 Jan. – is interested in obtaining a copy of the ‘Survey of Anthropological Journals and Monographs Series in Libraries in the United Kingdom’ which appeared in JRAI Vol. 85 (tp.)

 86    [MWS] to Dr Paul Fejos, 21 Jan. – refers to his letter of 14 Jan.; the Manual is now ready for publication; gives the full title; would be grateful if he could tell Miss Wilson that a copy of ‘Survey of Anthropological Journals and Monographs Series in Libraries in the United Kingdom’ will be forwarded to her (tpc.)

 87    Paul Fejos to MWS, 8 Mar. – the Board of Directors approved the grant to aid publication of revised edition of ‘Manual for Collectors of Primitive and Folk Music’; semi-annual reports and a final report are requested (tp.)

 .1    Wenner-Gren Foundation, nd – request that an abstract of the final report also be sent (tp.)

 88    MWS to Paul Fejos, 18 Mar. – acknowledges check received for aid in publication of revised edition of the ‘Manual for Collectors of Primitive and Folk Music’; asks him to extend to the Board the RAI’s appreciation of this renewed assistance; the Council will wish to add their thanks to those of the Officers; the manuscript is ready for the press (tpc.)

 89    Ibid., 11 Apr. – makes application for a grant of $550 to publish additional pages of book reviews in Man; on the book reviews in Man; on the American Anthropologist; there are presently 178 reviews awaiting publication; the delay in publishing reviews is regrettable; the sum applied for would allow for four extra pages to be published in six issues of Man over a period of twelve months. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 90    Paul Fejos to MWS, 15 Apr. – acknowledges her petition for a grant to aid publication of book reviews in Man (tp.)

 91    Ibid. to Hanover Bank, 20 May – encloses check for $100.90; asks that they send that amount to RAI (tp. copy)

A150/7/92    Ibid. to MWS, 27 May – has received her circular letter concerning the endowment; contributes $20 personally; the Foundation sends $100 (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

 93    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 29 May – on his kindness in contributing to the endowment fund; on the Foundation’s gift of $100; on the Seligman Trustees (tpc.)

 94    Lloyds Bank Ltd, 2 June – slip relating to the sum of $1,000 received from Wenner-Gren Foundation (printed and tp.)

 95    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 2 July – is forwarding two copies of ‘The Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological Material’; on RAI’s gratitude for the Foundation’s assistance (tpc.)

 96    M.A. Wilson to MWS, 10 July – acknowledges her letter of 2 July to Dr Fejos, who is in Europe while the Foundation is closed for the summer; will keep her letter and the copies of ‘The Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological Material’ until his return (tp.)

 97    Paul Fejos to ibid., 15 Sept. – refers to her letter of 2 July and ‘The Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological Material’; pleased to have the publication in the Research Library (tp.)

 98    Ibid., 3 Oct. – the Board of Directors approved grant of $500 to aid publication of book reviews in Man; semi-annual reports and a final report are requested (tp.)

 99    Hanover Bank, 9 Oct. – slip relating to the sum of $500 received from Wenner-Gren Foundation (printed and tp.)

100    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 10 Oct. – asks him to convey to the Board of Directors the deep appreciation of the RAI for the grant of $500; the first issue to carry the additional pages will be that of Dec. 1958 (tpc.)

101    Ibid. to Accountants, ibid. – on the cheque from the Wenner-Gren Foundation (tpc. with autogr. note)

102    Ibid. to the Accountant, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 19 Jan. 1959 – regrets that the return receipt was not acknowledged to him; refers to her letter to Dr Fejos of 10 Oct. (tpc.)

103    Paul Fejos to MWS, 22 Dec. – is in the process of reviewing all grants in preparation of Annual Report; wonders if the funds allocated for aiding publication of book reviews in Man have been expended and the grant can be considered closed (tp.)

104    Christmas card. 2 copies (printed)

A150/7/105    MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, 14 Jan. 1960 – on copies of the ‘Manual’ sold up to 31 Dec. 1959; the grant to publish additional reviews in Man has now been expended; the number of unpublished reviews is now 89; the number of books coming up for review has increased; on Miss Sehnert (tpc.)

106    9 Jan. 1960 – list of reviews awaiting publication etc. (tp.)

107    Paul Fejos to MWS, 20 Jan. – acknowledges her letter of 14 Jan.; thanks her for reports on progress of grants; glad that the ‘Manual’ has been so successful; on Miss Sehnert (tp.)

108    Ibid., 24 Oct. – refers to her letter of 19 Oct. [not held] concerning copies of papers read at the symposium on Race and Race Relations (tp.)

109    Ibid., 8 Nov. – thanks her for ‘Man, Race and Darwin’ (tp.)

110    Ibid., 3 Nov. – receipt for ‘Man, Race and Darwin’ (tp.) [enclosed with 7/109]

111    Ibid. to AHC, 15 Oct. 1962 – is preparing the Annual Report which will include discussion of projects reported completed during the past year; on submitting final report, if his grant is in this category; asks also for an abstract; would also like information about publications, for a bibliography; concerning grant to aid publication of report on Swanscobe researches, 1955-58 (tp.)

112    Ibid. to Dr J.F.M. Middleton, ibid. – ibid., concerning grant to aid completion of catalogue of ethnographic films (tp.)

  8/    Memorandum to Lord Hailsham, 1959-60

  1    nd – note of address of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Hailsham Q.C., Lord Privy Seal and Minister for Science (autogr.)

  2    M.C. Douglass, Assistant Private Secretary, to Miss A.I. Richards, 26 Nov. 1959 – refers to her letter of 20 Nov. [not held]; Lord Hailsham will be replying as soon as possible (tp.)

  3    Lord Hailsham to ibid., 30 Nov. – refers to her letter of 20 Nov. [not held]; would be prepared to receive a memorandum from the Council of RAI; the scope of his responsibilities as Minister for Science is limited (tp.)

  4    22 Jan. – ‘informal agenda’ for a discussion of a Memorandum to Lord Hailsham arranged for 27 Jan.; outlines most fruitful lines of approach (tp.)

A150/8/5        Raymond Firth to Dr A.I. Richards, 4 Feb. – refers to her letter of 2 Feb. [not held]; returns letter from Edmund [Leach]; as social anthropologists they must stress the need for fundamental research; on the RAI’s integrative attitude towards the various branches of anthropology; is not against the RAI putting in a claim for funds for fundamental research; thinks the RAI should not propose to run an information service; on a Social Science Research Council (tp.)

  6    Audrey Richards to MWS, 9 Feb. – refers to her letter of 8 Feb. [not held]; on Charles Gifford; on the Queen’s Garden Party; refers to ‘this rough summary’ [probably 8/7] (tp. with autogr. additions)

  7    nd – Draft Summary of a Discussion held on 27th January 1960, on the possible Memorandum to Lord Hailsham. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  8    Summary of a Discussion held on 27th January 1960, on the possible Memorandum to Lord Hailsham (tp.)

  9    Raymond Firth to Audrey Richards, 12 Feb. – on ‘New Deal in Central Africa’; Watson is writing a contribution; agrees with her about general support by RAI for fundamental research; on Bowra (autogr.)

 10    Audrey Richards to MWS, 15 Feb. – encloses letter from E-P; does not know what he said to Hailsham; has written to Mourant and Grimes; on a triple preface to go at the head of an application for funds for the RAI; is also writing to Roger Quirk (tp. with autogr. additions)

 11    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to Audrey Richards, [13 Feb.] – on his daughter Shineen; the main point to get across to Hailsham is that anthropology is important and that the RAI is very hard up; thinks the sooner the memorandum gets to him the better (autogr.) [enclosed with 8/10]

 12    Audrey Richards to MWS, 5 Mar. – hopes she thinks the account is accurate; the question of how to proceed is far from clear; timing is difficult (tp. with autogr. additions)

 13    nd – ‘Notes on a talk with Mr. D.A. Smith , Assistant Secretary of the Overseas Research Council, held at the Ministry of Science, 3rd March, 1960’; two memos by Dr Mourant and Dr Smith are attached (tp.)

 14    nd – ibid. (tp. and autogr. draft)

 15    Memos by Dr Mourant and Dr Smith. 2 leaves (tp.)

 16    Dr A.E. Mourant, memo (tp. draft)

A150/8/17    MWS, memo. 3 leaves (tp. and autogr. draft)

 18    Audrey Richards to MWS, 18 Apr. – on UNESCO day; on Mrs Hoernle’s death; on an obituary (autogr. with autogr. note from MWS to Joan Edwards)

 19    Ibid., 24 Apr. – refers to her letter [not held]; asks her to ‘liven up’ her ‘poor effort’; on a paragraph saying RAI should be consulted by Government; on Mrs Hoernle; asks her to send draft with a letter to E.E.P. (autogr.)

 20    Joan Edwards to Audrey Richards, 25 Apr. – on the UNESCO meeting on 3 May (tpc.)

 21    ‘Draft of a Memorandum to be addressed to Lord Hailsham’. 3 leaves (tp.)

 22    [Audrey Richards?] to Lord Hailsham, 15 July – refers to his letter of 30 Nov. [1959] in which he promised to receive a memorandum from the RAI Council as to the needs of anthropological research; the RAI is hampered in it s work by lack of funds; Council is also concerned about lack of facilities for training post-graduate students for research. 3 pages (tpc.)

 23    ‘Draft of a Memorandum to be addressed to Lord Hailsham’. 9 leaves (tp.)

 24    ‘Research Needs’ – another version of 8/23. 11 leaves (tp.)

 25    Ibid. 11 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 26    Prof. Sir Solly Zuckerman to Dr A.I. Richards, 25 July – understands that anthropology and the RAI are in need of support; must try to find out what Lord Hailsham has done with the Memorandum (tp.)

 27    Audrey Richards to MWS, 29 July – on Sir Solly Zuckerman’s letter (autogr.)

 28    Prof. Sir Solly Zuckerman to Dr A.I. Richards, 11 Feb. 1961 – refers to her letter about the position of the RAI; sorry she has heard no more from the Office of the Minister for Science; on the position of scientific publications (tp.)

A150/9    British Academy, 1962-65

  1    Prof. Isaac Schapera, RAI President 1961-63, to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, Secretary, British Academy, 16 Jan. 1962 – asks if the British Academy would make an annual grant of £200 for the next few years; refers to Royal Society grants between 1956 and 1961; wishes to inaugurate a series of reference publications; the library of the RAI receives 419 current periodicals; it is proposed to issue quarterly bulletins listing the title etc. of every article published in each of the periodicals; this year a trial issue is being prepared; believes that subscriptions will enable the series to pay its own way within a few years; RAI cannot subsidize the series until then; hence the application for a grant-in-aid. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  2    Anne M. Myers, Secretary to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, to Prof. Schapera, 19 Jan. – acknowledges his letter as Sir Mortimer is abroad; his application will be considered in Mar.; it may be decided to refer the appeal to the Academy’s Central Periodicals Fund Committee (tp.)

  3    Sir Mortimer Wheeler to Prof. I. Schapera, 13 Feb. – refers to his letter of 16 Jan.; suggests he apply for a grant towards the cost of JRAI; asks him to send a short appeal as soon as possible (tp.)

  4    Prof. I. Schapera to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, 21 Feb. – asks if British Academy would make an annual grant of £200 for the next few years; on the Royal Society grants between 1956 and 1961; on issuing a quarterly index of all the periodicals the Library receives; the only way to find the money for this would be by reducing the size of JRAI; to avoid taking this action, hopes that the Academy will make a contribution towards the cost of maintaining JRAI (tpc.)

  5    Sir Mortimer Wheeler to Prof. I. Schapera, 22 Feb. – the new appeal shall go forward probably in June (tp.)

  6    Ibid., 12 July – £200 have been allocated to the uses of the JRAI for 1962-63 (tp. with autogr. note by I. Schapera)

  7    Ibid. to Fellows of the Academy, 23 Apr. 1963 – notice relating to grants to ‘central’ periodicals, 1963-64 (tp.)

  8    Ibid. to the Editor, JRAI, ibid. – if a grant is required for JRAI from the grants to central periodicals, application should be made by 1 June (tp.)

A150/9/9        AHC to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, 28 May – concerning Grants to Central Periodicals; RAI is continuing in its endeavour to extend its publications; first issue of the ‘Index to Current Periodicals’ has now appeared; a number of Occasional Papers will be issued during the course of the year; this policy reduces the amount of money available for JRAI and Man; hopes that the British Academy may make some contribution to the cost of publication of JRAI (tpc.)

 10    Sir Mortimer Wheeler to AHC, 29 May – his appeal shall come before Committee in July (tp.)

 11    Ibid., 11 July – maximum grants this year restricted to £150; this amount has been awarded to JRAI (tp.)

 12    AHC to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, 17 July – thanks him for the grant (tpc.)

 13    Mary V. Swainson, Research Assistant, British Academy, to AHC, 1 June 1964 – a committee will shortly consider applications for grants to ‘central’ learned periodicals; requests should be received by 19 June (tp.)

 14    AHC to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, 19 June – requests that the needs of the RAI be considered when the committee meets to discuss grants to ‘central’ learned periodicals; on the primary functions of the RAI; on expenditure and income relating to periodicals last year; without subventions from outside, RAI shall be unable to carry on an essential function and service to the learned world (tpc.)

 15    Mary V. Swainson to AHC, 23 June – thanks him for his application, which shall go before Committee next month (tp.)

 16    Sir Mortimer Wheeler to AHC, 10 July – the Academy has allocated £200 towards the costs of JRAI for 1964-65 (tp.)

 17    AHC to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, 17 July – thanks him for grant (tpc.)

 18    British Academy to AHC, 19 Mar. 1965 – encloses cheque for £200 as grant to publications for 1964-65 (printed and tp.)