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Correspondence and papers 1936-62


EJL        Dr Ethel John Lindgren
FS            Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52
MWS        Dr Marian W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61
WBF        William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

  1/    1939

  1    List of Hon. Fellows 1930-38 (tp.)

  2    WBF, nd – note on the nomination of Hon. Fellows (autogr.)

  3    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 15 Dec. 1939 – nominates Father van Wing for Hon. Fellowship; mentions his profound knowledge of the Southern Congo tribes; names some of his notable works; rates him higher than any living Belgian anthropologist (autogr.)

  4    WBF, 19 Dec. – circular on Hon. Fellowships; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes (tp.)

  5    Ibid., nd – notes towards the preparation of the circular[?]. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

  6    Ibid., nd – list of Hon. Fellows by country (autogr. draft)

  7    A.R. Radcliffe Brown to Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary, RAI, 20 Dec. – nominates for Hon. Fellowship Dr Li Chi; Prof. Edouard de Jonghe and Dr N.Y.M. de Cleeve (autogr.)

  8    WBF to J.H. Driberg, [21 Dec.] – is not inclined to think Farouk would stand much chance [of election as Hon. Fellow]; on the pros and cons; on the most likely candidates: Caso, de Jonghe, Li Chi or Schreiner (autogr. draft)

 .1    Ibid., ibid. – abstract of letter (autogr.)

  9    EJL to WBF, 27 Dec. – on his going into distribution of Hon. Fellowships; encloses nomination form; de Jonghe is the most suitable of the Belgians; on a bibliography; asks him to let her know if he receives nominations for other Belgians; Norway seems to be an ‘aching gap’ in the list (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., ibid. – nomination form for Hon. Fellowship for Prof. Ed. de Jonghe (autogr.)

A151/1/11    Draft bibliography for Prof. Ed. de Jonghe (tp. with autogr. notes by EJL)

 12    H.J. Braunholtz, nd – nomination for Dr Alfonso Caso; lists his offices and publications; his work at Oaxaca has made an outstanding contribution to knowledge of Mexican archaeology (autogr.)

 13    List of publications of Prof. K.E. Schreiner; endorsements by Dr Morant and Miss Tildesley (tp.)

 14    WBF, nd – lists of those nominated for Hon. Fellowships, arranged by country, with details of proposers and seconders. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 15    Ibid., another list of some of those nominated, with proposers and seconders (autogr. draft)

  2/    1940

  1    EJL to WBF, 1 Jan. [1940; wrongly dated 1939] – Prof. Seligman seconding Prof. Ed. de Jonghe; she is collecting a seconder for Prof. Schreiner; on the proposal of Li Chi; the Mexican leaves her stone cold (autogr.)

  2    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 4 Jan. – would like to have a talk with him; on arrangements; feels King Farouk’s membership would be very useful (autogr.)

  3    4 Jan. – extracts from a letter from Miss Tildesley to EJL on prospective Hon. Fellows; mentions Dr Woo; Prof. Buntaro Adachi; Prof. K. Koganei; and Schreiner (tp.)

  4    WBF to J.H. Driberg, 5 Jan. – cannot meet on Tuesday; on the possible nomination of King Farouk; names other strong candidates: Caso, de Jonghe, de Cleeve, Li Chi and possibly Schreiner; thinks he can make a case for electing three rather than two (autogr.)

  5    Ibid., 7 Jan. – refers to talk with Braunholtz; on the difficulties of electing Farouk as Hon. Fellow; whether he is nominated or not, will bring up the matter of principle and try to get an opinion from Council; thinks the only chance of getting him elected is by showing some anthropological achievement; on meeting (autogr.)

  6    C.G. Seligman to WBF, 20 Jan. – shall not be at Council meeting due to illness; is supporting the candidates of Braunholtz and EJL; if a Chinese becomes an Hon. Fellow, it should be Li Chi rather than Pei; on draft of circular (tp.)

A151/2/7        J.H. Hutton to J.C. Trevor[?], 22 Jan. – cannot attend Council meeting; both he and Driberg wish to support van Wing and Schreiner (autogr.)

  8    EJL, nd – note on making van Wing Hon. Fellow if he is outside occupied territory (autogr.)

  9    List of names showing number of votes (tp. and autogr.)

 10    Dr Alfonso Caso to WBF, 26 Mar. – acknowledges receipt of letter informing him of his election as Hon. Fellow; expresses his deep appreciation for the honour (tp.)

  3/    1941

  1    J.L. Myres to ibid., 20 Jan. 1941 – on Man; on Hon. Fellows: Dikaios would be suitable if he were not a British subject; the best Greek national is Spiridion Marinatos; on his work; the only other man in Greece is Koumaris; knows little of his work; would support Tello if he is proposed; mentions Chevket Aziz Khansu Bey in Turkey (autogr.)

  2    nd – list of publications of Commandant L. Hackin, proposed for Hon. Fellowship by EJL (autogr. with autogr. note by EJL on Commandant Hackin’s movements)

  3    H.J. Braunholtz, nd – nomination for Prof. Julio Tello; lists his offices and publications; he is one of the leading authorities on Peruvian archaeology (autogr.)

  4    Miles Burkitt to H.J. Braunholtz, 18 Feb. – on Abbé [Breuil’s] address (autogr. pc)

  5    WBF to Miss Mary Boyle, 27 Apr. – asks if she has any news of the Abbé; on the disappointment which followed the postponement of his Huxley lecture; asks if he might send the text of his lecture for publication in the JRAI; any news or advice which she can give would be appreciated; on being transferred to the Board of Trade and evacuated to Bournemouth; asks is she knew Commandant Hackin, recently killed; he was elected Hon. Fellow the day before he left England. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

  6    Mary E. Boyle to WBF, 2 June – thanks him for letter and brochure; she wrote to the Abbé about his address; on his movements; best not to draw the attention of Vichy to his whereabouts; sent him the message about coming to London; on the statues on the churches in Aquitaine; on WBF’s brother in Abyssinia; did not know Commandant Hackin (autogr.)

A151/3/7        28 June – extract from letter from P.M. Sykes to EJL, on honouring the 80th birthday of Sir Aurel Stein; extract from letter from Miss M.N.K. to ibid., 30 June – on asking her to push this with the R.G.S. Council (autogr. by WBF)

  8    Abbé Breuil to WBF, 12 July – Miss Boyle forwarded his letter of 27 Apr.; on his movements; on the painted cave at Lescaux; he cannot write the paper he wished to write as he is separated from his library; sends text of a notice of his work in Morocco, which could appear in Nature. 6 pages (autogr.)

  9    Envelope

 10    WBF, nd – transcription of the Abbé Breuil’s letter. 6 leaves (autogr.)

 11    Transcription of the Abbé Breuil’s letter. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 .1    EJL, nd – note on Breuil’s letter (autogr.)

 12    WBF to Abbé Breuil, nd – on the pleasure of receiving his letter; all his friends are delighted that he is continuing his work; on his own work at the Board of Trade. 2 leaves (autogr. draft; unfinished)

 13    Julio C. Tello to WBF, 4 Sept. – honoured by the decision to elect him as Hon. Fellow; asks that he convey gratitude (tp.)

 14    EJL to […?], 12 Sept. – on Dorothy Garrod vetting technical terms (autogr. note)

 15    12 Oct. – appeal by Soviet Scientists ‘To the Scientists of the World’ to unite their forces against Hitlerism (printed)

 16    Envelope

  4/    1942

  1    Sir Ellis Minns to WBF, 3 Feb. 1942 – thinks the right person would be P.P. Efimenko; on his credentials; nothing has been heard of Petri of Irkutsk; suggests he consult EJL or Childe (autogr.)

  2    WBF to V. Gordon Childe, 7 Feb. – on suggesting to Minns that they might put up a Russian for Hon. Fellowship; Minns suggests Efimenko; on Petri; asks his views; on Miss Martindell’s death (autogr. draft)

A151/4/3        V. Gordon Childe to WBF, 11 Feb. – is delighted that RAI is thinking of electing a Russian as Hon. Fellow; on Petri; would prefer someone of the revolutionary generation; some years ago he proposed Prof. S.N. Zamiatnin; Efemenko’s great work strikes him as pretty poor; on Miss Martindell; needs some books which were in the RAI (tp. with autogr. additions)

  4    3 Dec. – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1943; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes (tp.)

  5    Dec. – list of names of those considered for Hon. Fellowship; present state of Hon. Fellowships by country (tp.)

  5/    1943

  1    WBF, nd – announcement of election of Prof. S. Zamiatnine to Hon. Fellowship for 1943; refers to election of Prof. P.P. Efimenko the previous year; Prof. S.G. Morley and Prof. Ralph Linton also elected (autogr. draft)

  2    EJL to WBF, nd – on the death of Prof. Lundborg on 9 May; on asking Lindblom to do the obituary for Man (autogr. note)

  3    EJL to FS, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52, 19 Dec. – asked Mr Muhlenfeld which Dutch anthropologists would be best entitled to Hon. Fellowship; he asked Miss Allard; she has assembled a bibliography; on Schrieke; on various RAI meetings; on Miss Koutaissoff (tp. with autogr. additions)

  4    Dec. – Prof. Tadeusz Sulimirski, Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography. 3 leaves (tp.)

  6/    1944

  1    nd – list of candidates: Commander Claude F.A. Schaeffer, Dr Alf Sommerfelt and Prof. Tadeusz Sulimirski, with biographical and bibliographical information (tp.)

  2    Dr A. Sommerfelt to EJL, nd – sends particulars of his career and publications. (tp. copy)

  3    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Sevket Aziz Kansu, Melville J. Herskovits, Dr A.V. Kidder and Dr Margaret Mead, with biographical and bibliographical information (tp.)

  4    WBF to [EJL?], 23 Jan. – on electing Hackin as Hon. Fellow rather than Guest Member; three Hon. Fellows were elected that year, Hackin, Marinatos and Tello (autogr. note with autogr. reply by EJL)

A151/6/5        A.V. Kidder to WBF, 15 May – refers to his letter of 6 Apr. informing him of his election as Hon. Fellow; asks him to transmit his very sincere thanks; on his brother Homer, who is far from well; will pass on WBF’s regards (tp.)

  7/    1945

  1    B.M. Blackwood to WBF, 7 Feb. 1945 – wishes to nominate Commander Claude F.A. Schaeffer as Hon. Fellow; encloses list of his principal publications; his work is recognised as an important contribution to knowledge of Near Eastern archaeology (tp.)

  2    nd – list of chief publications of Commander Claude F.A. Schaeffer (tp.) [enclosed with 7/1]

  3    H.J. Braunholtz, 13 Feb. – nomination for Dr Sigfrid Rafael Karsten; lists his publications (autogr., marked ‘withdrawn’)

  8/    1946

  1    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1946; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    WBF to [EJL?], 18 Jan. 1946 – Breuil’s secretary Miss Boyle is going to join him in Paris on 30 Jan.; they did a lot of cultural relations work for France in South Africa; she is keen to find some official person interested in encouraging the flow of culture in the direction of England to France; asks is she knows anyone (autogr. with autogr. reply by EJL – Miss Boyle should see Mr Howard, who has a contact at the French Embassy)

  3    Hubert Howard, Royal Institute of International Affairs, to WBF, 31 Jan. – thanks him for letter [not held] and for sending Miss Boyle to him; will see what he can do to submit her name for cultural activities in France or South Africa; thinks she could be useful (tp.)

  4    The Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to WBF, 24 Apr. – acknowledges his letter of 18 Apr. [not held] (printed and tp.)

  5    Prof. T. Sulimirski to [WBF], 15 May – thanks him for cuttings from the Times and Manchester Guardian; hended them to Prof. Stolyhwo before he left; the matters mentions are in reality more grave; gives him telephone numbers (tp.)

  6    FS to the Under-Secretary of State, 17 May – thanks him for assistance accorded to Prof. and Mrs A.L. Kroeber during their visit (tpc.)

A151/8/7        Prof. Dr Gerhard Lindblom to WBF, 6 Aug. – apologises for not replying sooner to letters of 8 July; conveys his gratitude for hospitality during his visit to the RAI; asks him to give Prof. Fleure his thanks and regards; is glad to hear that he is going to Sweden; on other correspondents; sends one or two small papers of his; on missing numbers of Man (autogr.)

  8    WBF to Prof. Dr Gerhard Lindblom, 22 Aug. – thanks him for letter and papers; on the missing numbers of Man; ssends offprint from Nature with summary of papers read at Oxford meeting (tpc.)

  9    Prof. Dr Gerhard Lindblom to WBF, 2 Sept. – thanks him for letter and numbers of Man; on EJL; is glad to have the copy of Nature (tp.)

 10    R. Biasutti to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 22 Sept. – has sent some separata to Dr Peake for him; congratulates him on election as President of RAI (autogr. pc)

 11    [Prof. H.J. Fleure] to Dr R. Biasutti, 1 Oct. – delightful to know that he is well; encloses something which may interest him; on death of Peake a fortnight ago (tpc.)

 12    R. Biasutti to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 12 Oct. – was sorry to hear of the death of Peake; on his separata from a work published in 1941; on a second edition (autogr.)

 13    Prof. H.J. Fleure to Signore R. Biasutti, 28 Nov. – thanks him for the Separata; good to know that he has been able to carry on with scientific work; on the second edition (tpc.)

  9/    1947

  1    Jan. 1947 – list of Hon. Fellows, according to countries (tp.)

  2    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Banner, Renato Biasutti, Le Pere Antonin Jaussen, Prof. Shevket Aziz Kansu, Ernst Manker and Luis Pericot y Garcia, with biographical and bibliographical information. 2 leaves (tp.)

  3    nd – biography and bibliography of Ernst Manker. 4 leaves (tp.)

  4    WBF, nd – text of telegram to be sent to Dr Ernst Manker, Prof. Renato Biasutti and Prof. Pericot y Garcia (autogr.)

A151/9/5        Prof. Giuseppe Genna, President, Societa Italiana di Antropologia e Etnologia, to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 20 Mar. – the Society has conferred on him the tile of Honorary Member, on the proposal of Renato Biasutti and Claudia Massari (tp., in Italian)

  6    Societa Italiana di Antropologia e Etnologia, nd – statutes (printed)

  7    [Prof. H.J. Fleure] to Prof. Giuseppe Genna, 31 Mar. – sends his sincere thanks to the Society for electing him as an Honorary Member; sends his respects to Prof. Biasutti (tpc.)

10/    1948

  1    [Nov.] – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1948; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Marcel Henri Griaule, Dr Toive Immanuel Itkonen, Pere Antonin Jaussen, Prof. Jan Petrus Benjamin de Josselin de Jong, Prof. Ignacio Marquina, Prof. Eusebio Tamagnini, Prof. Henri V. Vallois and Prof. Josef Weninger, with biographical and bibliographical information. 3 leaves (tp.)

  3    nd – biographical note on Prof. J.P.B. Josselin de Jong (tp.)

  4    Concejo Distrital de Huarochiri, Lima, to the Director, RAI, 6 May – forwards formal invitation to the unveiling of a plate at the house where Dr Tello was born, on 20 Aug. (tp.)

  5    FS to Dr G.H.S. Bushnell, 28 May – encloses ‘beautiful document from Lima’; asks about an RAI representative (tpc.)

  6    G.H.S. Bushnell to [FS], nd – the man he hoped could represent the RAI is unable to get away from Lima; suggests writing a very polite letter expressing regret (autogr.)

  7    [Daryll Forde, RAI President 1947-49,] & WBF to Senor S.E. Ludena, Lima, 3 July – received with interest the information that he is planning to commemorate the life and work of Dr Julio Tello; made strenuous attempts to ensure that the RAI is represented but this will not be possible; express warmest appreciation (tpc.)

  8    [FS] to Prof. C.D. Forde, 8 July – on the invitation to the unveiling of a memorial plaque to Dr Tello; on failure of finding a representative; asks if he would sign the ‘pretty note’; encloses list of dates for meetings (tpc.)

A151/10/9    Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 9 July – has posted the letter concerning Dr Tello’s Memorial Meeting; returns the magnificent document for the archive (tp.)

 10    Mary E. Boyle to WBF, 2 Dec. – on her movements; on the Abbé’s work in Johannesburg; on the work they did together; on General Smuts; on her slides of the White Lady of Brandberg (autogr.)

 11    Esther Simpson, Assistant Secretary, Society for Visiting Scientists, to WBF, 4 Dec. – invites him and his mother to an informal tea in honour of Prof. and Mrs Olbrechts (tp.)

 12    Prof. Dr Frans M. Olbrechts to WBF, nd – has learnt of his election to Hon. Fellowship; it is a great honour; sends thanks (tp.)

11/    1950

  1    EJL to FS, 9 Nov. 1949 – nominates Dr Gösta Montell for Hon. Fellowship [1950]; will send bibliography soon (tp.)

  2    Ibid., G.H.S. Bushnell & J.H. Hutton to ibid., 14 Nov. – wish to nominate Dr Gösta Montell for Hon. Fellowship 1950; bibliography is appended (tp.)

  3    G.H.S. Bushnell to B.A.L. Cranstone, 13 Dec. – nominates Prof. Wendell C. Bennett as Hon. Fellow 1950; he is a foremost authority on South American archaeology; attaches a select bibliography; if further signatures are needed, asks that he ‘sound’ Digby (tp. with autogr. PS)

  4    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1950; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Wendell Clark Bennett, Karl Gösta Montell, Prof. S. Umehara and Prof. Hsiao-Tung Fei, with biographical and bibliographical information. 4 leaves (tp.)

  6    nd – bibliography for Dr Gösta Montell. 2 leaves (tp.)

  7    nd – bibliography and biography of Prof. Hsiao-Tung Fei (tp.)

  8    B.A.L. Cranstone, Acting Hon. Secretary, RAI, to Prof. Wendell C. Bennett, 14 Jan. 1950 – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; congratulates him (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to Dr Gösta Montell, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to Prof. S. Umehara, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

A151/11/11    Prof. Wendell C. Bennett to C.D. Forde, 16 Jan. – appreciates the honour (telegram)

 12    Ibid. to Prof. B.A.L. Cranstone, 20 Jan. – is deeply honoured by his election; has long admired the work of the RAI; expresses deep appreciation (tp.)

 13    Prof. S. Umehara to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, RAI President 1949-51, & WBF, 29 Jan. – it is an honour to be elected; he was delighted; expresses his thanks (autogr.)

 14    Gösta Montell to Prof. Daryll Forde, 31 Jan. – conveys sincere thanks for the honour of Hon. Fellowship; feels that he does not deserve it; in recent years little opportunity has remained for scientific research; hopes to remedy this (tp.)

 15    B.A.L. Cranstone to FS, ibid. – on the Agenda; on Miss Nicholson; he is not well; on fixing officers’ meeting (autogr.)

 16    FS to Miss M.L. Tildesley, 29 Dec. 1950 – asks for the bibliography for Prof. Henri Vallois, whom she proposed for Hon. Fellowship (tpc.)

12/    1951

  1    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1951; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Gutorm Gjessing, Earnest Albert Hooton, Henri Vallois and Diedrich H. Westerman, with biographical and bibliographical information. 2 leaves (tp.)

  3    WBF to Dr E.A. Hooton, nd – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; congratulates him (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to Prof. H. V. Vallois, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

  5    Ibid. to Prof. D. Westermann, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

  6    FS, nd – notes relating to 12/3, 12/4 & 12/5. 3 leaves (autogr.)

  7    Dr H.V. Vallois to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 15 Jan. 1951 – acknowledges announcement that he has been elected Hon. Fellow; attaches much importance to the honour; expresses his thanks (tp., in French)

  8    Prof. D. Westermann to ibid., 27 Jan. – it is an honour to be elected Hon. Fellow; accepts with thanks; on the diploma (tp.)

A151/12/9    Earnest A. Hooton to WBF, 9 Feb. – asks him to convey thanks for his election as Hon. Fellow (tp.)

 10    Ibid. to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – on his election as Hon. Fellow (tp. with autogr note by E.E. Evans-Pritchard)

 11    Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to FS, [?] Nov. – nominates Arnold Van Gennep for Hon. Fellowship; encloses list of his main publications (autogr.)

 12    EJL to ibid., 2 Dec. – proposes Gjessing again for Hon. Fellowship (autogr.)

 13    M. Fortes to ibid., ibid. – proposes Dr Paul Fejos for Hon. Fellowship; believes he will be a staunch friend to the RAI (autogr.)

 14    G.H.S. Bushnell to [FS?], 3 Dec. – proposes Rafael Larco Hoyle for Hon. Fellowship; includes list of some of his publications (autogr.)

13/    1952

  1    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1952; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries (tp.)

  2    nd – list of candidates: Paul Fejos, Arnold van Gennep, Prof. Gutorm Gjessing, Rafael Larco Hoyle and Wilhelm Koppers, with biographical and bibliographical information (tp.)

  3    FS, nd – notes on those elected (autogr.)

  4    Ibid. to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 14 Jan. 1952 – van Gennep was elected; asks about his title and address (tpc. with autogr. note of address in unknown hand)

  5    Rafael Larco Hoyle to J.P. Mills, RAI President 1951-53, 18 Jan. – thanks him for honour of election to Hon. Fellowship (telegram)

  6    Gutorm Gjessing to RAI, 31 Jan. – expresses gratitude for the honour of election to Hon. Fellowship; hopes his work may contribute something to the progress of anthropological science (tp.)

  7    A. van Gennep to J.P. Mills & WBF, 8 Mar. – apologises for delay; sends his thanks for election to Hon. Fellowship; considers the distinction a crowning of his scientific activity (tp., in French)

A151/13/8    WBF to […?], 1 Dec. – asks about putting forward Termer for Hon. Fellowship again; asks about Schebesta (autogr.); on verso: H.J. Braunholtz, nd – list of names and countries (autogr.)

  9    J.C. Trevor to Mrs Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, 3 Dec. – nominates Prof. Božo Škerlj for Hon. Fellowship; appends select list of his publications (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., ibid. – select list of publications of Prof. Božo Škerlj (autogr.)

14/    1953

  1    nd – list of candidates: Dr Paul Schebesta, Prof. Božo Škerlj, Prof. F. Termer, and Prof. Wilhelm Thalbitzer, with biographical and bibliographical information. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    nd – extended bibliographies for Prof. Božo Škerlj and Prof. F. Termer (tp.)

  3    Dr J.C. Trevor to Mrs Bowe, 4 Jan. 1953 – encloses various documents, including amended bibliography of Prof. Božo Škerlj; should be grateful if WBF could circulate it; Prof. and Mrs Škerlj will be making a short visit to England; on coming to London (tp.)

  4    J.C. Trevor, nd – select list of publications of Prof. Škerlj (tp. with autogr. corrections) [enclosed with 14/3]

  5    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mrs K. Rishbeth, 5 Jan. 1953 – thanks her for sending bibliographical details of Prof. Thalbitzer (tpc.)

  6    H.J. Braunholtz, 6 Jan. – list of publications of Prof. Dr F. Termer (autogr.)

  7    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Miss J.[?], ibid. – on Mr Köbben (autogr. note)

  8    9 Jan. – note on telegrams announcing election to Hon. Fellowship sent to Prof. Thalbitzer, Prof. Škerlj and Prof. Schebesta (tp. with autogr. notes)

  9    William Thalbitzer to J.P. Mills, nd – is proud to be an Hon. Fellow (autogr. pc)

 10    Dr Paul Schebesta to ibid., 26 Jan. – his election as Hon. Fellow was a pleasant surprise; on publication of his material; expresses gratitude (tp.)

A151/14/11    Prof. Božo Škerlj to [ibid.?], 30 Jan. – was honoured to be elected Hon. Fellow; regrets that they could not meet in person (tp.)

 12    Ibid. to Mrs Bowe, [wrongly dated 21 Jan.] – asks about the official certificate of election to Hon. Fellowship; his wife and he often remember the pleasant evening of 29 Jan. in London (tp.)

 13    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Škerlj, 9 July – refers to his ‘recent’ letter; his Diploma will be forwarded shortly; on the evening he spent at the RAI; asks him for summary of his lecture (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to Mr Gowers, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, ibid. – asks him to inscribe the Hon Fellows’ Diplomas (tpc.)

 15    Prof. Božo Škerlj to Mrs Bowe, 5 Aug. – on the Diploma; sends summary of the paper presented to RAI; on holidays (tp.)

15/    1954

  1    J.C. Trevor to WBF, 4 Jan. 1954 – glad to propose Erixon for Hon. Fellowship; has suggested to Bushnell that it would be good to have a Brazilian; mentioned Schaden; Bushnell thought Baldus more appropriate; on Genna; on death of Frassetto; should like to put up for Hon. Fellowship Genna or Steffensen (autogr.)

  2    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1954; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries (tp.)

  3    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Herbert Baldus, Prof. Sigurd Erixon, Prof. Robert Redfield, Prof. Eusebio Tamagnini and Prof. F. Termer, with biographical and bibliographical information. 2 leaves (tp.)

  4    Nov. 1953 – Curriculum vitae of Sigurd Erixon. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    nd – list of principal works of Sigurd Erixon. 7 leaves (tp.)

 .1    D. Cherry to WBF, nd – cover note for 15/4 & 15/5 (autogr.)

  6    H.J. Braunholtz, nd – biography and bibliography of Prof. Herbert Baldus (autogr. with autogr. corrections by WBF)

  7    nd – biographical and bibliographical notes on Prof. Herbert Baldus and Prof. Sigurd Erixon (tp. with autogr. corrections)

A151/15/8    nd – ibid. on Prof. Sigurd Erixon (tp.)

  9    nd – ibid. on Prof. Robert Redfield (tp.)

 10    nd – ibid. on Prof. Eusebio Tamagnini (tp.)

 11    Herbert Baldus to RAI Council, 11 Feb. 1954 – refers to Hon. Fellowship as the greatest distinction an anthropologist can receive; expresses his gratitude (tp.)

 12    EJL to […?], 22 Feb. – Erixon is ‘enchanted’ about his election to Hon. Fellowship; he will write formally (autogr. card)

 13    Sigurd Erixon to R.W. Firth, RAI President 1953-55, 23 Feb. – thanks him sincerely for the honour of election to Hon. Fellowship; considers the courtesy to him also as an attention to the branch of study he represents (tp.)

 .1    Compliments slip from Prof. Raymond Firth (tp.)

 14    Prof. Božo Škerl to Mrs Angela C. Bowe, 4 July – refers to her letter of 9 July 1953 regarding the Diploma of his election as Hon. Fellow; he has not received this Diploma yet; also asks about the Journal he is supposed to receive; refers to pleasant days in London (tp.)

 15    WBF to J.P. Mills, 13 Aug. – the Diplomas for the Hon. Fellows elected early in 1953 were ‘suppressed’ by Mrs Bowe; they are crumpled and cannot be reconstituted; he has had new ones made out; asks that he sign them; on the Sieff business (tpc.)

 16    Ibid. to Prof. Božo Škerl, 9 Sept. – due to illness of a former member of RAI staff, his diploma of election as Hon. Fellow was put away in a drawer instead of being posted; apologises for the delay; forwards the diploma (tp.)

 17    Ibid. to Prof. W. Thalbitzer, ibid. – ibid. (tp.)

 18    Ibid. to Prof. Dr P. Schebesta, ibid. – ibid.; asks if he might write obituary of Pater Wilhelm Schmidt (tp.)

 19    Ibid. to Prof. R. Redfield, ibid. – forwards his diploma of election as Hon. Fellow; regrets the delay (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Prof. H. Baldus, ibid. – ibid. (tp.)

 21    Ibid. to Prof. Sigurd Erixon, ibid. – ibid. (tp.)

 22    Prof. W. Thalbitzer to WBF, 21 Sept. – it was a pleasure to receive the diploma; refers to joy and honour; again thanks him (autogr.)

A151/15/23    Robert Redfield to ibid., 28 Sept. – accepts the diploma with appreciation; expresses thanks (tp.)

 24    Sigurd Erixon to ibid., 4 Oct. – has received his letter with the diploma; deeply appreciates the honour (tp.)

 25    Prof. Božo Škerl to ibid., 21 Oct. – on receiving the diploma; he is proud of it; thanks him very much (tp.)

 26    Herbert Baldus to ibid. 26 Oct. – has received his letter with the diploma; it is the greatest honour he has received as an anthropologist; can hardly express his appreciation (tp.)

 27    Dr J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong to ibid., 31 Oct. – on missing parts of the JRAI (autogr. with autogr. notes in other hands)

16/    1955

  1    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1955; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries (tp.)

  2    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Ad. E. Jensen, Prof. F. Termer and Johan Eduard Sigwald Linné, with biographical and bibliographical information (tp.)

  3    nd – biographical and bibliographical notes on Prof. Ad. E. Jensen (tp.)

  4    H.J. Braunholtz, nd – ibid. on Franz Termer and Dr Johan Eduard Sigwald Linné (autogr.)

  5    WBF to the Cultural Attaché, the Soviet Embassy, 4 Jan. 1955 – on addresses for Prof. P.P. Efimenko and Prof. S. Zamiatnin; their Journals have been sent via the Embassy (tpc.)

  6    C. von Fürer-Haimendorf to WBF, 6 Jan. – as Germany is only represented by one Hon. Fellow, Prof. Westermann, would like to nominate Prof A.E. Jensen; he is a leading German anthropologist (tp.)

  7    Ibid. to Miss N.C. Gee, Acting Secretary to the Officers, 23 Jan. – encloses details required for the recommendation of Prof. Jensen for Hon. Fellowship (tp.)

  8    Ibid., ibid. – bibliography of Prof. A.E. Jensen (autogr.) [enclosed with 16/7]

A151/16/9    Secretary, Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to WBF, [25] Jan. – does not have addresses of Prof. P.P. Efimenko and Prof. S. Zamiatnin; has forwarded his request to the USSR Academy of Sciences; the journal has been forwarded there (tp.)

 10    WBF to Prof. A.E. Jensen, 21 Feb. – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; is sending the diploma separately; congratulates him (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to Prof. J.E.S. Linné, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to Prof. C. Levi-Strauss, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 13    Ibid., nd – draft of 16/10, 16/11 & 16/12 (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 14    nd – biographical and bibliographical information on Claude Lévi-Strauss (tp.)

 15    Miss Gee to Mr Gowers, 21 Feb. – asks him to inscribe the Hon Fellows’ Diplomas (tpc.)

 16    Claude Levi-Strauss to WBF, 28 Feb. – thanks him for letter; deeply appreciates the honour bestowed on him (tp.)

 17    Dr H. Nuggemeyer, Frobenius-Institut, to ibid., 7 Mar. – Prof. Jensen is presently in Ethiopia; he has been informed of the honour; asks that the diploma be sent to the above address (tp., in German)

 18    Prof. J.E.S. Linné to WBF, 29 Mar. – thanks him for letter; on his last visit to London; explains tardiness of his reply; expresses profound appreciation of the distinction conferred upon him (tp.)

 19    Secretary, Soviet Embassy, to WBF, 20 May – sends addresses for Prof. P.P. Efimenko and Prof. S. Zamiatin (tp.)

 20    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to WBF, 8 June – on receiving his letter in Africa; he is very glad if experts certify that he did not work in vain; on an invitation to come to England; hopes that he can do so sometime (tp.)

 21    Ibid. to Prof. Raymond Firth, ibid. – on receiving the diploma of his election as Hon. Fellow; the international importance of the RAI gives the distinction a special weight; he has always felt admiration for Great Britain and Ireland; is reminded of 1936 when he attended Malinowski’s seminar and made Prof. Firth’s acquaintance; hopes to renew the acquaintance sometime; expresses his gratitude (tp., in German)

 22    Raymond Firth to WBF, 5 July – cover note [with 16/20 & 16/21]

A151/17    1956

  1    nd – list of candidates: Prof. Sergio Sergi, Dr Nicholas Platon, Prof. F. Termer, Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, and Antonio Augusto Mendes Correa, with biographical and bibliographical information. 3 leaves (tp.)

  2    [6 Feb.] – list of those elected; telegrams sent 6 Feb. (autogr. and tp.)

  3    Lord Raglan, RAI President 1955-57, to Prof. A.A. Mendes Correa, Feb. 1956 – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; the diploma will be sent shortly; congratulates him (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to Prof. Sergio Sergi, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

  5    Ibid. to Dr S.K. Lothrop, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

  6    Prof. Sergio Sergi to Lord Raglan, 8 Feb. – grateful for his letter; expresses thanks (telegram, in Italian)

  7    Dr S.K. Lothrop to ibid., ibid. – appreciates the honour (telegram)

  8    MWS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 24 Feb. – has not heard from Prof. Mendes Correa; Miss Tildesley thought he might be dead; as he nominated him, wonders if he could answer the question (tpc.)

  9    Meyer Fortes to MWS, 27 Feb. – is pretty certain that Prof. Mendes-Correa is ‘alive and kicking’; he does not answer letters immediately; Prof. Daryll Forde is in touch with him and could tell her where he is (tp.)

 10    Prof. Sergio Sergi to Lord Raglan, 28 Feb. – on his joy and pride at his election as Hon. Fellow; on the RAI; refers to his time at London and Oxford; expresses thanks (tp., in Italian)

 11    MWS to Prof. A.A. Mendes Correa, 2 Mar. – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; the diploma will be sent shortly; congratulates him (tpc.)

 12    8 Mar. – newspaper cutting on Prof. Mendes Correa’s election to Hon. Fellowship (in Portuguese)

 13    Prof. Dr António Augusto Esteves Mendes Corrêa to [Lord Raglan], 28 Mar. – refers to telegram and letter of Feb.; hopes he will excuse delay in replying; is grateful for the honour; expresses thanks; speaks of his efforts in the future in the service of anthropological science (tp., in French)

A151/17/14    Ibid. to MWS, ibid. – refers to her letter of 2 Mar.; appreciates the honour done to him; is grateful; refers to the diploma (autogr., in French)

 .1    Envelope with Prof. Mendes Correa’s address (tp.)

 15    Secretary to the Officers [Joan Edwards] to Mr Gowers, 10 Apr. – asks him to inscribe the Hon Fellows’ Diplomas (tpc. with autogr. additions)

 16    S.K. Lothrop to Lord Raglan, 12 Apr. – thanks him for cable and note informing him of election; on his deep appreciation; his first contact with British anthropology was in 1920; feels particularly honoured (tp.)

 17    Prof. Sergio Sergi to Lord Raglan, 5 June – has received the diploma; renews his expression of gratitude (tp., in Italian)

 18    V. Gordon Childe to MWS, 8 Dec. – on absence from Council meetings; gives particulars of Muzaffer Senyürek (tp.)

 19    Beatrice Blackwood to ibid., 11 Dec. – encloses information about Dr Jaap Kunst in support of his nomination as Hon. Fellow; has tried to select from a very long list of published works; on Music in Java (tp.)

 20    Ibid., ibid. – biographical and bibliographical notes on Jaap Kunst (tp.) [enclosed with 17/19]

 21    H.J. Braunholtz to MWS, 12 Dec. – encloses curriculum vitae for Dr Emil Haury; Miss Blackwood is dealing with Dr Kunst (autogr.)

 22    Ibid., ibid. – biographical and bibliographical notes on Prof. Emil Walter Haury (autogr.) [enclosed with 17/21]

18/    1957

  1    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1957; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries (tp.)

  2    nd – list of candidates: Paul Fejos, Prof. Emil W. Haury, Dr Carl Kjersmeier, Prof. G.H.R. von Loenigswald, Jaap Kunst, Muzaffer Senyürek, Prof. F. Termer, with biographical and bibliographical information. 3 pages (tp.)

  3    WBF, nd – biographical note on Dr Carl Kjersmeier (autogr. draft)

A151/18/4    K.P. Oakley, nd – biographical note on Prof. G.H.R. von Koenigswald (tp.)

  5    Paul Fejos to Lord Raglan, 10 Jan. 1957 – deeply appreciates the honour (telegram)

  6    Carl Kjersmeier to RAI, 21 Jan. – thanks them for great honour (tp.)

  7    E.K. Burnett, Director, Museum of the American Indian, to RAI, 1 Feb. – on the death of George G. Heye (tp. with autogr. note)

  8    Joan Edwards to Mr Gowers, 25 Mar. – asks him to inscribe the Hon Fellows’ Diplomas (tpc.)

  9    Lord Raglan to Dr Paul Fejos, Apr. – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; the Diploma is enclosed; congratulates him (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to Dr Carl Kjersmeier, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 11    Carl Kjersmeier to Lord Raglan, 5 Apr. – received letter and diploma; is grateful for the honour bestowed (tp.)

 12    Raymond Firth to MWS, 3 Dec. – may not be able to attend Council meeting; wishes to nominate Clyde Kluckhohn for Hon. Fellowship (tp.)

 13    Joan Edwards to Prof. Raymond Firth, 11 Dec. – his nomination of Dr Clyde Kluckhohn for Hon. Fellowship was accepted; asks for supporting circular before 16 Dec. (tpc.)

 14    H.J. Braunholtz to Joan Edwards, 17 Dec. – is withdrawing three of his four nominations for Hon. Fellowship; this leaves only Prof. W.D. Strong; encloses note on his work and principal publications; asks her to fill in a detail; wishes to suggest also the name of Ralph Roys; encloses a note about his work and status, supplied by Mr Eric Thompson (autogr.)

 15    Ibid., 16 Dec. – biographical and bibliographical information about William Duncan Strong (autogr.) [enclosed with 18/14]

 .1    nd – note on a book by W.D. Strong (autogr.)

 16    H.J. Braunholtz, nd – additionally nominates Ralph Roys; quotes from letter from Eric Thompson of 9 Dec.; lists some of his publications (autogr.) [enclosed with 18/14]

A151/19    1958

  1    nd – circular on Hon. Fellowships 1958; rules and regulations on the nomination and election processes; present representation of countries (tp.)

  2    nd – list of Hon. Fellows, present representation of countries (tp. with autogr. additions)

  3    nd – list of candidates: Clyde K.M. Kluckhohn, Dr Wen Chung Pei, William Duncan Strong and Prof. F. Termer, with biographical and bibliographical information (tp.)

  4    [Raymond Firth], nd – biographical note on Clyde K.M. Kluckhohn (tp.) [see 18/13]

  5    K.P. Oakley, 12 Dec. 1957 – nomination of Dr Wen Chung Pei (tp.)

  6    J.A. Fraser Roberts, RAI President 1957-59, to Prof. F. Termer, 14 Jan. 1958 – informs him of his election to Hon. Fellowship; the diploma will be sent shortly; congratulates him (tpc.)

20/    1960

  1    Audrey I. Richards, RAI President to Prof. C. Lévi-Strauss, 20 Jan. 1960 – congratulates him on his election to the College de France (tpc.)

  2    Claude Lévi-Strauss to Prof. Audrey I. Richards, 24 Jan. – thanks her for her letter; the congratulations have touched him (tp.)

  3    nd – note concerning Prof. Zeuner and Prof. Lévi-Strauss (autogr. card)

21/    Miscellaneous or undated

  1    Leaflet about the ‘Jubilé du Professeur Marcellin Boule – 1936’ (printed, in French)

  2    R. Vaufrey to H.S. Harrison, RAI President 1935-37, nd – asks if RAI will send a delegate to the celebration on 27 May; if no representative can attend, they will be pleased to read an address (tp., in French)

  3    Lucy Mair, nd – note nominating Th. Monod for Hon. Fellowship; with note ‘withdrawn by telephone’ (autogr.)

A151/21/4    nd – bibliographies of A.C. Kruyt, J. Mallinckrodt, J.C. van Erde and Th. Fischer, headed ‘Hon. Fellows: Holland’ (autogr.)

  5    H.J. Braunholtz, nd – select list of the publications of J. Eric Thompson (autogr.)

  6    nd – biographical and bibliographical note on Alfred Buhler (tp.)

  7    Anthony Forge to WBF, nd – cover note (autogr.) [enclosed with 21/6]

  8    The Sunday Express, 30 Dec. 1962 – ‘The professor who became a fanatic’; article about Jacques Soustelle (newspaper cutting)

  9    WBF, nd – list of Hon. Fellows, arranged by country (autogr.)

22/    Diplomas

[Stored in map cabinet]

  1    12 June 1953 – Diploma inscribed with the name of Bozo Skerlj, signed by WBF and J.P. Mills (printed and autogr.)

  2    Ibid. – Diploma inscribed with the name of Paul Schebesta, signed by WBF and J.P. Mills (printed and autogr.)

  3    Blank Diplomas, 4 copies (printed)