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Memoranda on the establishment of a bureau of anthropology within the RAI. [1908-11].

The Executive Committee at its meeting of 14 Apr. 1908 was requested by Council to draft a memorial requesting an annual subsidy from the government and an office at the Imperial Institute to assist it to set up a bureau of anthropology within the RAI. At its meeting on 28 Apr., the Executive Committee considered and amended the draft which was then considered and further amended by Council on 5 May (see Council’s amended version in Council minutes, 5 May 1908, A10:3, f. 178, and Executive Committee minutes, 14 Apr. 1908, f. 175, 28 Apr., ff. 177-9). The text was published in the JRAI. Vol. 38, 1908, pp. 489-92. The Report of the Council, 1910 notes that the memorial was sympathetically received but no material assistance was granted. Council was trying to raise funds from other sources. The Report of the Council, 1911 records that a memorial was sent to the Colonial Premiers at the Imperial Conference in London urging the establishment of a ‘Bureau of Ethnology’ in London. A similar memorial was sent to the government. See also British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research (A58) for later attempts to establish a central bureau.

1    Memorial presented to the Right Hon. H.H. Asquith, KC, MP, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury and other members of the government requesting an annual subsidy of 1500 for, carrying out the scheme and for a set of rooms in the Imperial Institute signed by the President, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, Past-Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and members of Council, [1908]. 2 copies.

2    Memorial presented to the Imperial Conference signed by the President, Hon. Treasurer, and Hon. Secretary. [1911]. 4 copies.

3    Memorandum presented to the government; revised version of /2 above unsigned. [1911]. 3 copies.