Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICANISTS (A64)

Correspondence and papers. 1912-58.

The International Congress of Americanists was held every two years, alternately in Europe and America. The first took place in Nancy, France in 1875; see Proceedings of the Congress for list of subsequent venues. The first Congress to be held in England took place in 1912; see also references in A18 General Correspondence to this. The next time it was held here was in 1952, and the bulk of this archive concerns this Congress.

ACB        Mrs Angela C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers RAI, 1952-5

AD            Dr Adrian Digby, Joint Hon. Secretary ICA, Council RAI 1934-61, Vice-President RAI 1961-9

FS            Miss Felicia Stallman, Asst Secretary RAI, 1942-52

GB            Dr Geoffrey H.S. Bushnell, Joint Hon. Secretary, acting Treasurer after WP’s death, ICA 1952; Council RAI 1943-58,

HB            Dr Herbert Baldus, Brazil, Secretary ICA

HJB        Hermann Justus Braunholtz (1888-1963), RAI Hon. Editor, 1925-34, President, 1941-3; Secretary General, Chairman of the Organizing Committee ICA,1952

JEST         J. Eric S. Thompson, President ICA, RAI Council 1958-64

MWS        Marian W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61

WBF        William Buller Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1939-56;; Hon. Editor of Man 1947-66; Hon.; Council, 1956-69 passim, 1973-5; Vice-President, 1969-72; Hon. Librarian, 1977-92

WP            Webster Plass, (d. 1952) Treasurer ICA, Council RAI 1949-52


  1    XXX International Congress of Americanists 4 May 1949-20 Sep. 1955

  2    Lists of names connected with the XXX International Congress of Americanists

  3    Related items

A64/    Contents cont.

  4    Abstracts of papers not published

  5    Material relating to other Americanist Congresses
1/    XXX International Congress of Americanists 4 May 1949-20 Sep. 1955

  1    GB to FS, 4 May, 1949 – apologises for missing the meeting; refers to Council minutes; see CM/78/7/13c, 5 Apr. 1949; believed that the Congress would not be invited to Cambridge in 1951; concerned that financial arrangements not in place; encloses review; the Colombian wanted books in exchange not a review. 2 pp. (autogr.)

  2    FS to GB, 13 May – his letter was read to Council; delegates are left to their own discretion about inviting the next Congress (tpc.) see Council minutes 10 May 1949, CM/78/8/13

  3    Alfred L. Kroeber and A.V. Kidder to GB, 3 Nov. – encloses copies of resolutions adopted by XXIX International Congress of Americanists; glad he was able to be present (tp.)

  4    Resolution recommended by Daniel F. Rubin de la Borbolla, Claude Levi-Strauss, AD, Kaj Birket-Smith, Luis Valcarcel – the invitation to hold the next Congress in Great Britain is accepted; it will take place in 1952 to coincide with the Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Vienna; two members of this Congress are to be appointed to establish permanent liaison with the Anthropological Congress; Claude Levi-Strauss and AD appointed (tp.); see 1/73, 160 below  

  5    Resolution to create a permanent International Committee of Americanists.  Prof. Paul Rivet, Alfonso Caso, Wilhelm Koppers, JEST and Kaj Birket-Smith appointed (tp.)

  6    GB to S.C. Roberts, Vice-Chancellor Cambridge University, 2 Nov. – encloses report of the XXIX International Congress of Americanists; J.M. Wordie is prepared to speak if matters are discussed in the Council of the Senate (tpc.)

  7    Report by GB to S.C. Roberts, Vice-Chancellor Cambridge University – Congress has been invited to Great Britain in 1952; hopes most of the meetings will be held in Cambridge; reports on papers read; it will be an opportunity to make personal contacts; has contributed an article to the Cambridge Review (tpc.)

  8    S.C. Roberts to GB, 3 Nov. – thanks him for his report (tp.)

A64/1/9        J.M. Wordie to GB, 16 Nov. – the question of the International Congress of Americanists was discussed; no decision taken but there was a favourable attitude; suggests letter of application from the RAI (tp.); see /12 below
 10    W.W. Grave, Registry University of Cambridge to GB, 16 Nov. – requires letter giving precise dates and likely number of delegates so he can arrange accommodation for the Congress (tp.)

 11    FS to Dr A.V. Kidder, Secretary XXIX International Congress of Americanists, 12 Dec. – asks for files of Congress to be transferred to the RAI so records will be available to the Organizing Committee for the XXX Congress (tpc.); see /13, 16 below

 12    Ibid., to GB, 16 Dec. – the letter for the Registry is done and awaiting the President’s (Prof. E. Evans-Prichard) signature; see Council minutes 6 Dec. 1949, CM/79/3/10 all members of the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching are to be asked to support an application for funds for the 1952 meeting; see /15 below; asks if he wishes to draft a letter; asks if he would prefer to make the application to the British Association; on the appointment of a British Organizing Committee (tpc.)

 13    Dr A.V. Kidder to FS, 16 Dec. – the files are being straightened out; will be sent when ready (tp.); see Council minutes 6 Dec. 1949, CM/79/3/10

 14    GB to FS, 17 Dec. – recommends that B.A.L. Cranstone and HJB draught the letters she mentions (autogr.); see /12 above

 15    Description of the objects of Congress and its importance to scholarship; contrasts the lack of financial support in England with the subsidies recently granted to Congress in Paris and New York; states the necessity of asking for funds. 2 pp. (tp.)

 16    FS to Dr A.V. Kidder, 22 Dec. – welcomes the files whenever they are ready (tpc.)

 17    Dr Meyer Fortes, Hon. Editor to WBF, 14 Jan., 1950 – supports the proposal to hold Congress at Cambridge; doubts any assistance will come from Oxford (tp.); see /22 below; see also Council minutes 7 Feb. 1950, CM/79/5/12

 18    FS to Dr Meyer Fortes, 16 Jan. – he represents the RAI on the Joint Committee so need take no further action (tpc.)

A64/1/19        B.A.L. Cranstone, acting Hon. Secretary, to D.N. Lowe, Secretary British Association, 16 Jan. – a formal invitation to hold the XXX International Congress of Americanists in Cambridge has been offered and accepted; invites the British Association to nominate a member of the Organizing Committee; asks whether financial support can be offered; describes the work of the Congress (tpc.); see Council minutes 10 Jan. 1950, CM/79/4/11

 20    Draft for /19 above (autogr.)

 21    FS to HJB, 9 Feb. – passes letters concerning Congress to him (tpc.)

 22    R.E. Enthoven, Oxford to HJB, 11 Apr. – re XVIII [i.e. XXX ?] Congress, doubts the Royal Asiatic Society can offer financial assistance but will ask for any other kind of help he needs; thanks him for copy of Man for Aug. 1912 (autogr.)

 23    FS to Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman, 12 Apr. – he has been appointed a member of the Organizing Committee for the XXX International Congress of Americanists (tpc.)

 24    Ibid., to J.P. Mills, Council, 12 Apr. – ibid. (tpc.)

 25    HJB to FS, 8 May – asks her to notify members of the Organizing Committee that there will be a meeting on 25 May; GB and AD have agreed to this date (autogr.)

 26     Minutes 25 May.  Officers elected to Organizing Committee; Circulars should be sent in Dec. and at the end of Feb.; announcements to be made in Man and Nature; Sir C. Fox, President of Section H of the British Association to be asked to make an announcement at meeting; a Secretary to be employed; subscription fees decided; the RAI loan will be the first to be discharged; appeal to be made for guarantors; list considered (tp.)

 27    GB to FS, 10 July – asks for copies of the RAI’s letters to the Registry of Cambridge University on the Congress (tp.)

 28    [?] to GB, 11 July – FS has asked for the enclosed correspondence to be forwarded to him as requested (tpc.)

A64/1/29        Minutes. 11 Oct. 2nd Meeting. Further publications listed to give notice of Congress; on Guarantee fund; money allocated for stationery matters; accommodation arranged with Cambridge University; GB says Mr Grubb of the Hispanic Council is interested in Congress; on hospitality and entertainment; C.A. Burland proposed as Hon. Asst. Secretary; Mrs Laurie suggested as a paid secretary for later [but possibly was Clare T. Fell who signed receipts, not retained]; first circular considered; programme discussed. 2 pp. (tp.)

 30    AD to Douglas H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer RAI, 2 Nov. – asks for £100 out of the fund of £500 lent to Congress to be paid into their account (tp.)

 31    Ibid., to FS, 12 Nov. – on a meeting concerning Congress; expects it will be very short and that few members will come; there is no need for Miss Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian to vacate her room (tp.)

 32    H.C. Warner, Dep. of Resources and Development Canada to GB and AD, 16 Nov. – wishes the National Museum of Canada to become a member of the International Congress of Americanists (tp.)
 33    FS to GB, 22 Nov. – encloses cheque for £100 (tpc.)

 34    Kaj Birket-Smith to WBF, 20 Dec. – is honoured to deliver the Huxley Memorial Lecture at Congress; has just returned from Rennell Island; regrets the death of Sir Peter Buck (tp.); see Council minutes 8 Jan. 1952, CM/81/4/1

 35    FS to AD, 18 Jan., 1952 – Miss Beatrice Mary Blackwood sends a message that she cannot attend the Americanist Congress meeting on 24 Jan. but supports JEST as President (tpc.)

 36    Minutes 24 Jan.  Financial matters; on publicity; JEST nominated as President; programme considered; general areas listed; decided to exhibit ancient Mexican Codices; entertainment programme considered; possibility of Government reception raised (tp.)

 37    GB to -Corder, Asst. Secretary Society of Antiquaries of London, 2 Feb. – agrees to accept Council’s invitation to represent the Society at the International Congress of Americanists (tpc.)

 38    HB to AD, 12 Feb. – it has been proposed that the XXXI International Congress of Americanists should be held in São Paulo in 1954; he has been delegated to make the invitation at the XXX Congress; however he has no details of this Congress; asks for an invitation and any information (tp.)

A64/1/39        Dr J.P.B. De Josselin de Jong to GB, 20 Feb. – asks whether the Organizing Committee invites foreign governments to send delegates; the Netherlands government never sends delegates without official invitation; would appreciate him also asking who is to be delegated so he will have sufficient notice (autogr., annotated by GB)

 40    AD to HB, 23 Feb. – thanks him for the news about Brazil hosting the next Congress; will treat it as confidential; surprised he has not already received an invitation; encloses invitation to Museu Paulista to appoint a delegate (tpc.); see /38 above  

 41    H. Kidd, University of Cambridge to GB, 27 Feb. – asks if he would be willing to be the University’s delegate at the International Congress of Americanists; L.C.G. Clarke has also been asked (tp.)

 42    GB to H. Kidd, 29 Feb. – glad to represent the University (tpc.)

 43    H. Kidd to GB, 10 Mar. – confirms that he and Louis C.G. Clarke have been appointed delegates of the University at Congress (tp.)

 44    FS to AD, 11 Mar. – on details of the Huxley Memorial Lecture to be read by Dr Kaj Birket-Smith at Cambridge during Congress week (tpc.)

 45    Prof. A. Lipschutz, Chile to Dr J.C. Trevor, Cambridge University, 18 Mar. – apologises for the delay in answering his letter of 30 July 1951; sorry that GB could not visit Santiago; describes a recent trip to Mexico; mentions his latest paper; would be glad to come to the International Congress of Americanists if his air fare was paid; asks him to approach Dr Alfred Métraux of UNESCO (tp., with note to GB asking him to approach Dr Métraux as he would prefer not to); see /57 below  

 46    Frederick Keith Jr to WP, 20 Mar. – noticed when in Pennsylvania Museum that a person of his name was Treasurer for the International Congress of Americanists; asked Jack Serrell if it was indeed him but he did not know; if it is would appreciate information on the Congress as wishes to write a paper (tp.); see /51 below  

 47    George Allen & Unwin to FS, 20 Mar. – Thor Heyerdahl accepts the invitation to the International Congress of Americanists and will deliver a paper; he also intends to go to the International Congress of Anthropologists in Vienna in Sep.

 48    FS to Dr Elizabeth Colson, 25 Mar. – Council has appointed her as a representative to the International Congress of Americanists; asks if she accepts (tpc.)

A64/1/48 cont.

Similar letters sent to GB and Dr L.H. Henriques; see /54-5, 59 below; see also Council minutes 1 Apr. 1952, CM/81/7/1

 49    FS to GB, 25 Mar. – Philip Unwin says that Thor Heyerdahl will attend the Congress and read a paper; has sent him a copy of the First Circular (tpc.)

 50    Circular No. 1 (printed, in English and French); see Man Jan. 1952, no. 4

 51    WP to Frederick Keith Jr, 26 Mar. – he is indeed Treasurer of the International Congress of Americanists; encloses information; suggests he sends his paper as soon as possible; also encloses an application form to become a Fellow of the RAI (tpc.)

 52    Stewart P. Smith, Florida State University to GB, 26 Mar. – would like to subscribe to the Proceedings of the International Congress of Americanists (tp.)

 53    AD to WP, 26 Mar. – can come to this evening’s meeting; encloses Congress cheque book, rubber stamps and receipts; details financial matters; describes the social programme; no papers have been received yet; invites him to lunch (autogr.)

 54    Dr F. Henriques to FS, 28 Mar. – will act as a delegate for the RAI; is also acting as representative for the University of Leeds (tp.)

 55    GB to FS, 31 Mar. – will act as representative; thanks her for the information about Thor Heyerdahl; asks her to tell AD so he can send him a copy of the Second Circular (tp.)

 56    Second Circular, with membership form (printed, in English and French); see Man. Apr. 1952, no. 80

 57    GB to Dr A. Métraux, UNESCO, 1 Apr. – did not reply to his earlier letter as he assumed AD would do it; HB has been invited to Congress; asks if there is any possibility that UNESCO could help Prof. A. Lipschutz with his air fare; glad he is coming to Congress and hopes he will read a paper (tpc.)

 58    Report of Treasurer, 1 Apr. 2 pp. (tp.); see Council minutes 1 Apr. 1952, CM/81/7/12a

 59    Dr Elizabeth Colson to FS, 2 Apr. – will serve as a representative (tp.)

A64/1/60        Prof. Dr Euripides Simões de Paula to JEST, 2 Apr. – presents Prof. Dr Egon Schaden as the representative of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the Universidade de Sâo Paulo (tp., in Portuguese)

 61    AD to WP, 10 Apr. – encloses bill for the Second Circular; GB says there are between five and ten new members a week (tp.)

 62    Ibid., 15 Apr. – encloses account; lists numbers of people likely to become members and the amount of revenue they will bring in; considers the budget sufficient for organising expenses as long as GB can manage with casual secretarial assistance; suggests a Committee meeting in June. 2 pp. (autogr.)

 63    Dr Pedro Bosch-Gimpera to GB, 29 Apr. – has received a copy of his letter from Dr Alfred Métraux; UNESCO has approved a grant for the Congress; it will be given to the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences; advises him to contact Prof. Paul Rivet, the Union’s President with a list of scholars needing help (tp., with note by GB ‘list of names sent to Paul Rivet’); see Council minutes 6 May 1952, CM/81/8/12a

 64    Prof. Dr Almeida Magalhâes, Brazil to HJB, 30 Apr. – HB has been appointed as a delegate (tp.)

 65    Report of Treasurer, 1 May (tp.); see Council minutes 6 May 1952, CM/81/8/12a

 66    HJB to GB, 7 May – encloses completed application forms from Dr Josef Roeder and Karl Viktor Prinz zu Wied; on the exhibition of pictures Dr Josef Roeder is showing; on insurance of exhibits; A.H. Anderson says that Dr Linton Satterthwaite would like to attend; hopes to get him a travel grant from UNESCO; he will have some very interesting material; describes A.H. Anderson’s photographs of stelae; hopes his new baby and Mrs Bushnell are well (autogr.)

 67    HJB to Prof. Paul Rivet, 10 May – has heard from Dr P. Bosch-Gimpera that UNESCO is willing to make a grant to the International Congress of Americanists; encloses list of scholars who need help with travel expenses (tp.)

 68    List of 12 names proposed for UNESCO travel grants. Signed GB (tp., autogr.)

A64/1/69        HJB to GB, 12 May – describes some films he saw recently; wonders if it would be worth borrowing some for evening entertainment at the Congress; encloses copy of his letter to Dr Paul Rivet; discusses the names listed; wonders if they ought to invite a delegate from UNESCO; suggests the American Museum of Natural History’s refusal may have been due to lack of funds; encloses his wife’s application form; she hopes to come as an associate (autogr.)

 70    Ibid., [12 May?] – suggests conducted tours of local sights round Cambridge for visiting delegates; wonders about the possibility of folk dancing or a film show (autogr.)

 71    W.A. Lessa to Dr Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, 13 May – he has been appointed as the delegate of the American Anthropological Association at the Congress (tp.)

 72    W.A. Lessa, American Anthropological Association to International Congress of Americanists, 13 May – Dr S.K. Lothrop is their representative (tp.)

 73    AD to Dr Claud Levi-Strauss, 23 May – regrets they have not had the opportunity to discuss the establishment of a permanent liaison between the International Congress of Americanists and the Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences; see /4 above; feels that an arrangement through UNESCO would not be acceptable until the Congress has decided whether to join the Union; considers that it would be good to appoint a member of the Permanent Council of the Vienna Congress and an officer of the International Congress of Americanists to liaise with him; asks for his views (tpc.)

 74    AD and Dr Claud Levi-Strauss, nd – statement of their views regarding appointment of Council members for liaison purposes; suggest HJB or Dr Paul Rivet (autogr. by AD)

 75    Dr Werner Wolff to University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, 26 May – wishes to register for the Congress; wishes to summarise his findings on the Maya alphabet (tp., annotated by GB)

 76    Prof. Dr L.L. Hammerich, Copenhagen to GB and AD, 29 May – on the paper he wishes to read (tp.)

 77    HJB to GB, 29 May – has had no reply from Dr Paul Rivet about the grants; has written again in French telling him it is urgent; Dr Alfred Métraux has said that he easily takes offence and may not answer at all if any on the list of names displeases him; suggests writing again to Dr P. Bosch-Gimpera in America; has had no further news on the Prinz zu Wied’s pictures; on insurance; has asked for the loan of Miss Adela C. Breton’s drawings (autogr.)

A64/1/78        A.S. Jenkins to GB, 31 May – has been advised by C.A. Burland, asst Hon. Secretary to send in his paper to be considered for the Congress; also encloses his subscription (autogr.)

 79    Extract from letter by Dr Gordon R. Crisp on A.S. Jenkins’s paper. Finds Jungian analysis of the Mayas unconvincing; will leave it to HJB to decide whether it would be suitable for Congress; it would go down well at the British Psychological Society (tp.)

 80    Francisco Antonio Velez Arango, Bogota to JEST, 3 June – the Institut Ethnologique de Bogota will be represented by himself, Revd J.R. Arboleda and J. Caudmont; will send abstracts of their papers; asks him to reserve accommodation for them (tp., in French)

 81    GB on behalf of JEST to Francisco Antonio Velez Arango, draft reply, nd – glad to receive notice of delegates; was in Columbia last Sep. (autogr., in Spanish)

 82    GB to Prof. Dr L.L. Hammerich, 3 June – hopes it will be possible to include his paper on Russian loanwords in Alaska as mentioned in his letter of 29 May (/68 above) (tpc.)

 83    Ibid., to A.S. Jenkins, 3 June – on his paper; on accommodation (tpc.)

 84    Homero de Barros, Universidade do Paraná to International Congress of Americanists, 6 June – the University’s delegate will be Dr José Loureiro Fernandes; sends money for accommodation for his wife and son (tp.; on verso draft autogr. reply acknowledging his letter and explaining the position regarding accommodation by GB)

 85    Prof. J.B. Trend, Dep. of Spanish, Cambridge University to GB, 6 June – has only just received notice of the Congress; would have liked to have come; he and HJB were at the Congress in Mexico in 1939; Dr Street would also have been interested; distressed that they received notification too late (tp.; on verso draft reply by GB explaining delay; had mentioned it to him last autumn; – Bullock reminded him and suggested he send a circular to Dr Street to whom he spoke some time ago, autogr., cancelled)

 86    GB to Prof. J.B. Trend, 9 June – explains delay; Dr Street has joined the Congress; is sorry there is not more contact with his Dep.; Christopher Hawkes and – Corner are very interested in Latin America (tpc.)

A64/1/87        Minutes 13 June – Dinner discussed; HJB said Rt Hon. K.W.M. Pickthorn MP would receive delegates at Audley End; on membership figures; accommodation; papers received; film to be borrowed; opening session discussed; lists of Hon. appointments to be drawn up; sub-Committee of Mr Grubb and Chairman formed to discuss lectures by ambassadors; items to be borrowed and insurance considered; design of badge approved; HJB or AD to visit Paris to confirm amount of UNESCO travelling grant with Prof. Paul Rivet. 3 pp. (mimeo.)

 88    Report of Treasurer, 13 June (tp.); see Council minutes 10 June 1952, CM/81/9/6a

 89    W. Thalbitzer to GB and AD, 15 June – will attend Congress; looks forward to meeting again (autogr.)

 90    Dr Clemente Inclán Costa, Universidad de la Habana, 19 June – Dr Julio Morales Coello will be their delegate (tp. in Spanish; on verso draft acknowledgement by GB, autogr. in Spanish)

 91    GB to A.S. Jenkins, 24 June – returns his paper; it was not considered suitable for the Congress of Americanists; suggests offering it to a Psychological Society (tpc.); see /79 above  

 92    Presentation of Dr Rafael Girard by Joaquín Noval, Instituto Indigenista Nacional de Guatemala, 1 July (tp., in Spanish)

 93    Statement from the Minister of Public Education, Guatemala announcing Dr Rafael Girard as the delegate to Congress, nd (tp., in Spanish)

 94    List of Institutions represented by Dr Rafael Girard at Congress, nd (tp., in Spanish)

 95    Homero Batista de Barros, Curitiba to JEST, 5 July – introduces Dr José Loureiro Fernandes as the representative of the University of Paraná (tp.)

 96    Antônio de Oliveira Costa, Sâo Paulo to HJB, 5 July – presents Manuel Pereira de Godoy as a representative to Congress (tp., in Portuguese)

 97    Provisional programme for Congress, 7 July (mimeo.)

 98    Roberto G. de Mendoza to GB, 11 July – Dr Fernando Ortiz Fernández has been appointed as Cuban delegate (tp., on verso draft acknowledgement by GB, autogr.)

A64/1/99        HJB to GB, 14 July – has passed on figures for the Audley End Party to Mr Vincent at the Foreign Office; Mr Gellatly’s letter does not help; comments on papers by Prof. Dr Felix de Pogrányi-Nagy and Dr Cicchiti; says Cuyo University seems to attract cranks; wonders if it is an ‘anthropologists’ asylum’; hopes Dr J.C. Trevor will deal with the paper; on officers and Council lists; wonders if they should employ an interpreter; he and AD are delegates of the British Museum; the Cuban Government is sending Dr Fernando Ortiz Fernández as an official delegate; on the installation of the exhibition of Dr Josef Roeder’s pictures; wishes they had had more Second Circulars printed (autogr.)

100    Dr F.S. Wallis, City Museum Bristol to GB, 14 July – is sending by train some Maya paintings by Miss Adela C. Breton at the request of HJB; encloses form for insurance (tp.)

101    Ibid., 14 July – List of paintings by Miss Adela C. Breton (tp.)

102    GB to Cuban Ambassador, 15 July – acknowledges the appointment of Fernando Ortiz Fernández (tpc.)

103    Ibid., to University of Habana, Cuba 15 July – acknowledges notification of Dr Julio Morales Coello as their delegate (tpc.)

104    GB to Dr F.S. Wallis, 16 July – the paintings have arrived safely; on insurance (tpc.)

105    José L. Cossio and Rodolfo Flores Talavera to Prof. César Lizardi Ramos, 18 July – he is to be the delegate of the Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica at the Congress (tp., in Spanish)

106    Thomas A. Fuyet, University of Edinburgh to GB and AD, 19 July – on 14 Feb. Dr Kenneth L. Little was named as the University’s delegate; he will be unable to attend as he is leaving for West Africa; asks for his name to be retained on lists as it is now too late to appoint another delegate (tp.)

107    J. Philip Mills, President RAI to WBF, 21 July – is suffering from food poisoning and will not be able to attend the Congress; will go instead to Harrogate for treatment (autogr.); see /114 below  
A64/1/108    ACB to GB, 22 July – J. Philip Mills has asked for a full set of circulars for the International Congress of Americanists; has only the First Circular and AD has none left at the British Museum; asks for spare Second Circulars; asks if he can think of anything else the President should have (tpc.)

109    William H. Farrington Jr., University of Texas to AD and GB, 24 July – would like to join the Congress; asks to receive publications for the Library (tp.)

110    Dr Ignacio Bernal presents Prof. Eduardo Noguera as representative of the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico, 29 July (tp., in Spanish)

111    Ella Dunbar Temple to GB, Aug. – sends her greetings with Jorge Muelle; would have loved to speak with him personally; is sorry that financial restraints prevent her from attending Congress; Muelle and Luis Valcarcel are going; asks him to send back any information on Peruvian archaeology with Muelle (tp., in Spanish); see Council minutes 10 June 1952, CM/81/9/6a

112    Prof. Paul Rivet, UNESCO to HJB, 1 Aug. – sends cheque for 1500 dollars (autogr., in French)

113    HJB and AD to WP, 2 Aug. – HJB telegraphed Prof. Paul Rivet on 15 July and AD visited him on the 17th in Paris; at this meeting Prof. Rivet promised $10 000 for travelling expenses and said he had written to HJB; AD did not ask him to put this in writing again; the letter to HJB did not mention a sum but cables were dispatched to delegates offering them grants on the strength of AD’s information; a letter then arrived from Prof. Rivet offering only $1 500 (/96 above); all except two of the invitations were immediately cancelled; however Dr Leechman had already paid for his journey and has asked for reimbursement; an emergency meeting has been called (tp.)

114    J. Philip Mills to WBF, 3 Aug. – agrees HJB should take his place at Congress and has written to him (autogr.)

115    Mrs Lilian Joyce to HJB, 4 Aug. – on financial difficulties over travel grants; presumes JEST’s has not been cancelled; encloses a cheque; will come to any meetings (autogr.)

116    Presentation of Henri Lehmann as representative of the Musée de l’Homme, Paris by Dr H.V. Vallois, 4 Aug. (tp., in French)

117    Jayme Sloan Chermont, Brazilian Embassy to JEST, 6 Aug. – HB will be the Brazilian representative; announces that the XXXI Congress will be held in São Paulo in 1954 as part of the Fourth Centenary celebrations of the founding of the city (tp., in Portuguese)

A64/1/118    Ibid., in English

119    E.J. Passant, Foreign Office to AD, 6 Aug. – has heard that the Mexican representative will be César Lizardi Ramos; the representative from Austria will be Dr Violetta Becker-Donner (tp.)

120    Ibid., 6 Aug. – the Netherlands Government will be represented by Dr J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong (tp.)

121    GB to WP, 6 Aug. – encloses statement and receipts; suggests a meeting; on registration (autogr.)

122    GB to Revd J.S. Boys Smith, 6 Aug. – invites him and his wife to the Congress Dinner in conjunction with the Huxley Memorial Dinner (tpc.)

123    GB to President, St John’s College, 6 Aug. – ibid.; he and Mrs Biggs will be seated between the President of Congress, JEST and the acting President of the RAI, HJB (tpc.); see table plan, /163 below, -Bartlett occupies this space

124    Dr Alfred Métraux to GB, 7 Aug. – will not be attending Congress as UNESCO has appointed Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera as its representative (tp.)

125    E.J. Passant to AD, 8 Aug. – Sweden has appointed Sigvald Linné as its delegate (tp.)

126    Jorge C. Muelle, Lima to HJB and AD, 9 Aug. – sympathises with their difficulties with travel grants; grateful to have been considered; has obtained a grant and will be able to be present (tp., in Spanish)

127    WP to GB, 10 Aug. – financial report; gives suggestions regarding registration of paid-up and unpaid members, including handing out of badges.  3 pp. (tp.)

128    J. Gabriel, Rektorat der Universität Wien to Prof. Dr Wilhelm Koppers, 12 Aug. – sends copy of letter stating that Prof. Dr Josef Haekel will be the representative at the Congress; hopes the Ministry of Education will help with travel expenses (tp., in German)

129    Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho to HB, International Congress of Americanists, 12 Aug. – on arrangements for the XXXI Congress to be held in São Paulo (tp., in Portuguese)

130    Prof. Dr Félix de Pogrányi-Nagy, Argentina to GB and AD, 12 Aug. – Prof. Cicchiti who was to have read his paper at the Congress has to have an operation and he cannot arrange to travel to Europe; asks them to read the paper in his place; encloses a fee in pesetos (tp.)

A64/1/131    N. Weedon, Chase National Bank, NY to WP, 12 Aug. – asks for payment in connection with transfer of funds from UNESCO (tp.)

132    Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho to HB, 13 Aug. – the information in his previous communication (/111 above) has been approved; names amount of money needed (telegram, in Portuguese)

133    Pedro Dulanto, Lima to JEST, 13 Aug. – the representative of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos will be Dra. Rebeca Carrión Cachot (tp., in Spanish)

134    Heloisa Alberto Tôrres to JEST, 13 Aug. – presents Luiz de Castro Faria as the representative of the Universidade do Brasil (tp., in Portuguese)

135    Presentation of Prof. Dr Josef Haekel as representative of the Institut für Völkerkunde der Universität Wien by Prof. Dr Wilhelm Koppers, 13 Aug. (tp., in German)

136    Prof. Piero Barocelli to Dr Tullio Tentori, 13 Aug. – he is to represent the Museo Etnografico at the Americanist Congress (tp., in Italian)

137    ACB to GB, 13 Aug. – has forwarded to him a parcel of papers; WBF wants him to include one with the other papers given to each Congress member (tp.); see introductory envelope 3/3 below

138    Ibid., 14 Aug. – thanks him for confirmation of the room for Mrs [Elizabeth M.] Chilver; on the Huxley dinner (tp.)

139    Statement by M. Bouisset that Prof. Paul Rivet will officially represent the Minister of National Education at the Congress, 14 Aug. (tp., in French)

140    Minister of National Education to JEST, nd – has appointed Prof. Paul Rivet to represent him at the Congress (tp., in French)

141    GB to WP, 14 Aug. – encloses a list of American Library subscriptions to Congress (tp.)

142    List of Subscribers to XXX International Congress of Americanists (Libraries)

143    WP to N. Weedon, 14 Aug. – thanks him for help with the transfer of funds from UNESCO; encloses fee (tpc.)

144    GB to Lorenzo Montúfar Navas, 15 Aug. – encloses programme for Congress (tpc.)

145    Programme.  6 pp. (printed, heavily amended by GB; see Proceedings p. xxi for amended copy, the introductory envelope (3/3 below) has an unamended copy, see also /97 above)
A64/1/146    Carmen Cook de Leonard to GB, 15 Aug. – her husband is ill so regrets she cannot attend Congress; she has not been able to finish her papers but hopes at least one may be published; had promised to read Dr Werner Wolff’s paper; encloses copy so someone else may read it; also encloses copies of Tlatoani, the Bulletin of the School of Anthropology in Mexico; would like more contact with English Anthropologists; hopes for summary of Congress for Tlatoani (tp.)

147    Financial Report, 15 Aug. (tp.)

148    GB to ACB, 15 Aug. – advises her to send cheque for dinner tickets to WP (tpc.)

149    Ibid., 16 Aug. – asks her to add cost of tickets for Douglas H.F. Wilson and WBF to amount sent to WP; tickets have also been sent to Mrs Ettlinger, G.W.B. Huntingford, R.W. Hutchinson, S.W. Lister, Prof. John Mavrogordato and K.P. Oakley (tpc.)

150    John L. Myres to JEST, 18 Aug. – pleased with telegram of good wishes from Congress; reminds him of the 1912 Congress where he made a lot of friends and helped found the International Congress of Anthropology and Ethnology; wishes Congress well and wishes it were possible for him to go (autogr.)

151    ACB to GB, 18 Aug. – has noted the extra dinner tickets he mentioned; is waiting to hear what to do after the news of WP’s sudden death (tp.)

152    List of cheques for the Huxley Memorial Dinner (tp., names of WBF and Douglas H.F. Wilson added by hand)

153    Minutes of Opening Session, 18 Aug. – HJB paid tribute to WP; reports speeches of Vice-Chancellor [of Cambridge University, Sir Lionel Whitby], HJB, JEST, Prof. Paul Rivet, Dr Fenton and HB. 4 pp. (mimeo.)

154    Draft copy of above.  4 pp. (tp., autogr., heavily amended, includes 2 pp of shorthand notes)

155    Opening address of HB (tp., in Portuguese); see also Welcome to XXX International Congress of Americanists by J. Philip Mills, Man, Aug. 1952, no. 158

156    GB to Mrs W. Plass, 18 Aug. – the Organizing Committee sends its condolences; all the accounts are in perfect order; HJB told the opening meeting of Congress and a minute’s silence was observed (tpc.); see Council minutes 9 Oct. 1952, CM/82/1

157    HJB to Lloyds Bank Cambridge, 19 Aug. – WP has died suddenly; GB is now acting Treasurer (tpc.); see Council minutes 9 Oct. 1952, CM/82/1/11a
A64/1/158    GB to Lloyds Bank Cambridge, 19 Aug. – authorises payment to Dr Linton Satterthwaite from UNESCO subvention (tpc.)

159    Jayme Sloan Chermont, Brazilian Embassy to JEST, 20 Aug. – the Brazilian delegate will be Prof. Luiz de Castro Faria (tp.)

160    Minutes 20 Aug. AD and Dr Levi-Strauss’s reports on liaison with the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences; a Committee formed to promote exchange of information among Americanist scholars; offer by Brazil to host next meeting accepted; appreciation of Cuba’s withdrawal to support Brazil; Prof. Paul Rivet has informed Committee that UNESCO grants would not be given to a particular Congress more than once in five years; he advised that difficulties caused by late notification of sums granted be mentioned in a letter of thanks to UNESCO; agreement to liaise with the next Congress; Organizing Committee to become Publications Committee of Proceedings; application to be made to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for sum to aid with publication. 2 pp. (mimeo.)

161    Programme of Organ Recital for 20 Aug. (mimeo.)

162    Menu for Dinner on 22 Aug. (tp., autogr.)

163    Table plan for Huxley Memorial Dinner (autogr.)

164    List of RAI publications sent to Congress (mimeo.)

165    JEST to Jayme Sloan Chermont, Brazilian Ambassador, 23 Aug. – the XXX International Congress of Americanists accepts the invitation to hold the XXXI Congress in São Paulo (tpc.)

166    [GB?] to Provost, King’s College Cambridge, 25 Aug. – on behalf of the Organizing Committee thanks him for all his help (tpc.)

167    GB to Mr Craighill, Govt. Hospitality Fund, 25 Aug. – thanks him for the party at Audley End (tpc.)

168    Ibid., to Rt Hon. K.W.M. Pickthorn MP, 25 Aug. – thanks him for receiving delegates at Audley End (tpc.)

169    A.H. Anderson to GB, 26 Aug. – asks for an amendment to be made to his paper; he enjoyed the Congress; on the photo of delegates; see 3/2 (tp.)

170    GB to Viscount Caldecote, King’s College, 26 Aug. – the Organizing Committee thanks him and his staff for all they did for those who stayed at King’s College (tpc.)

171    HJB to GB, 27 Aug. – on payment of insurance and return of documents; lists his own expenses incurred on behalf of the Congress (autogr.)
A64/1/172    GB to Lorenzo Montúfar Navas, 27 Aug. – encloses invoice for accommodation at Congress (tpc.)

173    Ibid., 27 Aug. – invoice (tpc.); see /182 below  

174    Jayme Sloan Chermont to JEST, 28 Aug. – has received his letter (/139 above); will convey his acceptance to his Government in Brazil (tp.)

175    GB to ACB, 28 Aug. – asks her to send him the cheque for the Congress dinners (tpc.)

176    GB to F.S. Wallis, City Museum Bristol, 29 Aug. – is returning Miss Adela C. Breton’s paintings (tpc.)

177    Ibid., to Dr Felix de Pogranyi-Nagi, 29 Aug. – is sorry Prof. Cicchiti is ill; only received 36 of the 136 pesos he sent; returns them; advises him not to pay a subscription until his paper is considered; it may not be thought suitable (tpc.); see /99, 130 above  

178    F.S. Wallis to GB, 2 Sep. – acknowledges return of paintings (tp.)

179    GB to Mrs Carmen Cook de Leonard, 3 Sep. – sorry to hear of her husband’s illness; she may submit her paper to the Publications Committee; received the copy of Dr Werner Wolff’s paper but too late for it to be read at the Congress; the 50 copies of it she spoke of and the copies of Tlatoani were never received (tpc.); see /146 above  

180    Report by HJB, 4 Oct. – reports on XXX International Congress of Americanists and 4th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Vienna of 31 Aug.-9 Sep.; see A62 (tp., annotated by HJB)

181    Draft report of XXX International Congress of Americanists (autogr., by HJB)

182    Lorenzo Montúfar Navas to GB, 7 Oct. – the Minister of Public Education of Guatemala will send the money for his expenses at the Congress; he will forward it as soon as he receives it (tp., in Spanish)

183    Instituto de Estudios Norteamericanos, Barcelona to JEST, 11 Oct. – asks for publications of the International Congress of Americanists; encloses information on the Instituto (tp.)

184    GB to Instituto de Estudios Norteamericanos, 17 Oct. – gives information on the coverage of the Americanist Congresses; sends a copy of the programme (tpc., in Spanish)

185    Jacques Rousseau, Montreal to AD, 24 Oct. – was unable to attend Congress; has written a paper for it; asks if it would still be possible to publish it in the Proceedings (tp.)
A64/1/186    GB to Lorenzo Montúfar Navas, 26 Oct. – reminds him that he still needs to pay for his costs at the Congress (tpc.); see /203 below

187    GB to Jacques Rousseau, 30 Oct. – in answer to his letter to AD, there is still time to send his paper for consideration by the Publications Committee (tpc.)

188    GB to Mr Creswick, Librarian University of Cambridge, 8 Nov. – offers book presented to Congress by Prof. Paul Rivet (tpc.)

189    R. Pilgrim for Librarian, Cambridge University, 13 Nov. – acknowledges book (tp., autogr.)

190    Jorge C. Muelle, Lima to GB, 15 Nov. – has received his letter of 9 Nov.; was sorry to hear he was ill and is glad he is getting better; was surprised and pleased to receive travelling expenses; names the account into which it can be paid; his Government has named him Director of Archaeology and History (tp., in Spanish)

191    Jorge Porro, President Instituto de Economia Americana, Barcelona to GB, 24 Nov. – has the Proceedings of the XVII Congress and his Library wishes for others (tp., in Spanish)

192    GB to Jorge Porro, [Nov.?] – explains that the Congress takes place in different locations every two years; it has no permanent Library; Proceedings are published in different places each year; he would have to apply directly; sorry not to be of more help (tpc., in Spanish)

193    GB to Douglas H.F. Wilson, Treasurer RAI, 25 Nov. – encloses cheque; sends thanks for loan; the credit of the Congress will be used towards publication of the Proceedings; a full report of finances will be sent to Council (tpc.)

194    HJB, 26 Nov., Minutes of 6 Nov.  Financial matters; on Wenner-Gren grant; on UNESCO travelling grant; Dr Luis Valcarcel had renounced his claim in favour of a payment to Dr Jorge C. Muelle; Editorial Committee appointed; disposal of gifts discussed (tp.)

195    Dr Antonio Santiana, Universidad Central Ecuador to GB, 30 Nov. – is sorry he did not reply to his letter of 16 July earlier; he was doing research for his paper for the next Congress; the University will be paying his bill but not before 1 Jan. 1953; asks what happened to his paper; says how much he is looking forward to meeting him (tp., in Spanish)
A64/1/196    HJB to GB, 15 Dec. – acknowledges Thor Heyerdahl’s papers; believes the Geographical Magazine has only printed extracts; will therefore have to publish his papers in Proceedings; does not wish to seem to suppress his views as happened in Vienna; his papers aroused much interest in Cambridge; has passed his message about Dr Rafael Girard’s paper to AD (autogr.)

197    HB to GB, 16 Dec. – is starting to organise the XXXI Congress; asks for the addresses of all who should be invited; asks him to add the Escola de Sociologia e Politica de São Paulo and the Sociedade Brasileira de Sociologia to the list of Institutions represented by him at the Congress; they contributed to his trip; sends regards to Mrs Bushnell (tp.)

198    Jacques Rousseau to GB, 19 Dec. – is sending his paper (tp.)

199    HJB to GB, 22 Dec. – on Thor Heyerdahl’s papers; has received from Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera some forms concerning the UNESCO travelling grant; explains what is needed; asks if the last Organizing Committee Meeting minutes have been typed up yet; has not heard from JEST for a long time (autogr.)

200    Form from UNESCO for details of travel grant, signed GB and HJB, 22 Dec.  3 pp. (printed)

201    HJB, Chairman of British Organizing Committee to Prof. Paul Rivet, 2 Jan. – as requested by Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera encloses two copies of the financial report for the use of the subvention made by UNESCO (tpc.)

202    Ibid., to GB, 2 Jan. – is posting the financial reports to Prof. Paul Rivet; encloses another copy of the form in case Prof. Rivet requires a third copy; a travelling grant was offered to Marquis Miranda at Prof. Rivet’s suggestion; he did not accept it but it may entitle him to consideration of his paper (autogr.)

203    GB to Francisco Linares Aranda, Legation of Guatemala, 5 Jan. – explains the situation concerning payment of Lorenzo Montufar Navas’s bill; asks for payment to be arranged (tpc.)

204    Francisco Linares Aranda     to GB, 6 Jan. – has referred the matter to his Government (tp.)

205    GB to Francisco Linares Aranda, 8 Jan. – a cheque has arrived to cover Lorenzo Montufar Navas’s bill; it was wrongly addressed at first; the amount is in excess of what is required; asks for instructions for repayment (tpc.)
A64/1/206     Ibid., to Bank of London and South America, 8 Jan. – acknowledges cheque in settlement of Lorenzo Montufar Navas’s account; has communicated with the Guatemalan minister about refunding the balance (tpc.)

207    Bank of London and South America to GB, 9 Jan. – apologises for the delay with the cheque; will give further instructions about repayment if received (tp.)

208    Francisco Linares Aranda to GB, 12 Jan. – suggests he asks the bank for details of the cheque; does not know whether it was sent by Lorenzo Montufar Navas or the Guatemalan Government (tp.)

209    HB to GB, 17 Jan. – thanks him for addresses sent in connection with the Congress; see /197 above; suggests that only the title or a very short abstract of Pereira de Godoy’s paper be published; no one takes him seriously (tp.)

210    Bank of London and South America to GB, 19 Jan. – the cheque for Lorenzo Montufar Navas was for $26 and not £26 as originally stated; calculates the amount to be returned (tp.)

211    GB to Bank of London and South America, 22 Jan. – corrects figures in his letter of 19 Jan. (/183 above); asks whether the draft was sent by Lorenzo Montufar Navas or by the Guatemalan Government (tpc.)

212    Bank of London and South America to GB, 23 Jan. – the cheque was ordered by Lorenzo Montufar Navas; notes that the excess will be refunded (tp.)

213    GB to Bank of London and South America, 24 Jan. – encloses cheque (tpc.)

214    Ibid., to Francisco Linares Aranda, 24 June – explains the situation with the cheque from Lorenzo Montufar Navas; he actually paid £1 less than he owed but since he got no help from his Government the Institute will not press for this (tpc.)

215    Bank of London and South America to GB, 27 Jan. – acknowledges cheque (tp.)

216    Frederick S. Hulse to GB, 31 Jan. – encloses his paper; hopes it is not too late for publication; he enjoyed the Congress (autogr.)

217    GB to Prof. Dr P.E. Villar Cordova, 12 Feb. – asks for a resumé of his paper; explains constraints on illustrations (tpc., in Spanish)

218    GB to HB, 16 Feb. – hopes he will have received the addresses from AD; is grateful for information on the pseudo-ethnologist he asked for (tpc.); see /209 above  
A64/1/219    Ibid., to Prof. Dr Antonio Santiana, 16 Feb. – thanks him for his letter and paper; financial constraints mean that it cannot be published in its entirety; asks if he would give a resumé (tpc., in Spanish); see /195 above  

220    J. Watson, Cunard Steam Ship Co. to Prof. E. Evans-Pritchard, 14 Feb. – enquires about next International Congress of Americanists; wishes to be able to book spaces in advance (tp.)

221    Prof. Dr Felix de Pogrányi-Nagy to GB, 18 Feb. – has found someone in England who will pay his bill; wishes to receive the publications of Congress; asks after his paper; encloses another copy (tp.)

222    P.H. Pueble, University of Oxford to ACB, 18 Feb. – asks her to deal with the enclosed letter to Prof. E. Evans-Pritchard (/193 above) (tp.)

223    ACB to J. Watson, 24 Mar. – gives brief description of Americanist Congresses; believes the next will be held in America (tpc.)

224    HJB, Secretary General to Dr Paul Fejos, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 18 Apr. – asks him to submit the petition for aid towards publication of Proceedings at the next meeting of the Board of Directors; asks for details of the grant; notes what he said about the Maximilian Expedition drawings (tpc.)

225    Information requested from petitioners for Grants in Aid from the Wenner-Gren Foundation, 18 Apr. (tpc.)

226    HJB, Secretary General to Board of Directors, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 18 Apr. – asks for Grant in Aid towards publication of the Proceedings and papers of the XXX International Congress of Americanists; on advice from Dr Paul Fejos has reduced the amount originally asked for; encloses itemised information (tpc.)

227    Edward E. Harmer, Auditor to GB, 18 Sep. – encloses Income and Expenditure account for Congress (tp.)

228    Income and Expenditure account, 18 Sep.  2 leaves (tp.)

229    Lloyds Bank to GB, 23 Sep. – has received an order from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for payment of $1 000 to aid with the publication of Proceedings and papers of the Congress (tp.)

230    Edward E. Harmer to GB, 29 Sep. – acknowledges payment for audit (tp.)

231    Prof. Dr L.L. Hammerich to GB, 20 Oct. – asks for copies of page proofs of his papers; the Arctic Institute of North America has given him a grant and wishes to see them (tp.)
A64/1/232    Juan Comas, Instituto Indigenista Interamericano to GB, 26 Oct. – Santiago Genovés has given him the list of authors and their works from the XXX International Congress of Americanists; regrets Proceedings will not be ready before the publication of the Indice General de los Congresos 1875-1952 which has been aided financially by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Instituto Indigenista Interamericano; there will be a note that the Proceedings have not yet been published; references will simply be to the XXX Congress (tp., in Spanish)

233    GB to Prof. Dr L.L. Hammerich, 27 Oct. – lets him know when Proceedings will be ready; his request for page proofs is unusual but he will try to get them (tpc.)

234    GB to Dr Rafael Girard, 5 Dec. – the Publications Committee has looked at his resumé and found that much material was from his book; previously published matter has no place in the Proceedings; also a resumé would not do justice to his work when it can be read in full elsewhere; returns the manuscript (tpc., in Spanish)

235    Note by GB on Dr Rafael Girard’s summary – outlines course of action to be taken (/206 above); says ‘I think it is tripe anyway’; marked ‘agreed’ by AD (autogr.)

236    GB to Stewart P. Smith, 23 Apr. – on publication of the Proceedings; advises him to contact HB about the next Congress (tpc.)

237    Frederick S. Hulse to GB, 5 Oct. – wonders when Proceedings will be published and whether his paper will be in it; needs to know as Human Biology has requested a similar paper (autogr.)

238    Ibid., 22 Oct. – encloses cheque for offprints of his paper; wishes to receive a volume of Proceedings in due course (autogr.)

239    Mary Newman [Tremearne?] to GB, 29 Nov. – gives what help she can with reference to objects mentioned in her late husband’s paper (autogr.)

240    Manuel Pereira de Godoy to GB, 18 Jan. – requests information on the publications of the XXX International Congress of Americanists at which he presented a paper (autogr.)

241    GB to Manuel Pereira de Godoy, 3 Feb. – the Proceedings are now being distributed; AD dealt with his paper; he was told that only a summary would be published (tpc.); see /209 above  

242    Ibid., to WBF, 20 Sep. – has put the Congress archives into two box files to be handed to the RAI (autogr.)
A64/2/    Lists of names connected with XXX International Congress of Americanists

  1    Officers (mimeo.)

  2    Official Delegates (mimeo.)

  3    Members (mimeo.)

  4    Associates i.e. guests (tp.)

  5    recipients of Proceedings. 9 pp. (tpc.)

  6    Set of 13 cards listing British Organizing Committee members, titles and addresses

 3/    Related items

  1    Badge. Jade pendant representing the Maize god in the British Museum see Proceedings of the XXX International Congress of Americanists, No. 8, p. 41 The maize god and the crossed band glyph by AD [a total of 7 examples have been kept]

  2    Photo:
First row, seated on ground: 3rd from right – AD, 4th from right – GB, 2nd from left – Dr J.C. Trevor
Second row, seated on chairs: 10th from left – HJB, 11th from left J.E.S. Thompson
Third row, standing: 2nd from right – G.E.S. Turner?
Fifth row, standing: 5th from left – Prof. Meyer Fortes

  3    Sample introductory envelope. Contents addressed to Senõr Don F.A. Velez Arango. Contains:

 .1    Letter of welcome and an invitation to join the RAI from J. Philip Mills, President, WBF, Douglas H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer, and Meyer Fortes, Hon. Editor (printed)

 .2    badge; see 3/1 above

 .3    programme [9 p.] (printed)

 .4    List of Officers (mimeo.)

 .5    List of Members (mimeo.)

 .6    Map of Cambridge University (printed)

 .7    Invitation to a Garden Party by the Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge University and Lady Whitby (printed)

 .8    Invitation to tea at Audley End (printed, in envelope)

 .9    Invitation from Louis C.G. Clarke to sherry party on Monday evening (printed, in envelope)
 A64/3/3.10    Sheet of Congress headed writing paper

 4/    Abstracts of papers not published

  1    Ignacio Bernal (tp., in Spanish)

  2    André G. Haudricourt (tpc., in French)

  3    Frederick S. Hulse (tp., with autogr. note)

  4    Henri Lehmann – ‘L’archéologie d’Orizaba Mexique’ extract from J. Soc. Am., 1952, pp. 1-20, plates

  5    S.K. Lothrop (autogr.)

  6    Louis M. Stumer. 3 pp. (tp.)

  7    Tullio Tentori. 3 pp. (tp.)

  8    W. Thalbitzer (autogr.)

  9    Luis E. Valcarcel. 4 pp. (tp., in Spanish)

 10    M.M. Valle – ‘Racial classification and political divisions during the Inca Empire’, 1945. 19 pp., map (printed)

 11    M.M. Valle – ‘Tres grupos indígenas en el Perú’, 1945. 12 pp., map (printed, in Spanish)

 12    M.M. Valle – ‘Metodos de division empleados para comprender al Perú, 1951. 16 pp. (printed, in Spanish)

 13    Werner Wolff. 8 pp. (tp.); see 1/146, 179 above  

 14    H.M. Wormington (tp.)

 5/    Material relating to other Americanist Congresses

  1    XVIII Congress. London, 1912

 .1    Notice of XVIII Session of International Congress of Americanists to be held in London, 1912; lists Committee Members; includes form for enrolment, and for donation towards expenses (printed); see also 1/22 above

  2    XXV Congress. La Plata, 1932

 .1    XXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, La Plata 1932; lists areas to be covered (printed, in Spanish)

 .2    Enrolment form for XXV Congress (printed, in Spanish)
  A64/5/3    XXVIII Congress. Paris, 1947

 .1    Stephen Gaselee, Foreign Office to WBF, Hon. Secretary, 12 Dec. – Mr Secretary Eden informs him of the XXVIII International Congress of Americanists to be held in Santiago in Apr. 1942; lists areas to be covered; asks what reply the RAI gives to the invitation from Chile (tp., ‘Radcliffe Brown?’ added in pencil)

 .2    HJB, President to Under Secretary of State Foreign Office, 22 Jan. – his letter was submitted to Council; owing to present circumstances the RAI cannot send a delegate abroad; have asked a representative currently in America to attend; Prof. Radcliffe Brown and JEST have been approached; will send further information when replies have been received (tpc.)

 .3    HJB to JEST, 24 Jan. – Council has nominated him a delegate at the Americanist Congress; asks him to suggest an alternative Fellow if he is unable to attend (Night Letter telegram)

 .4    Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to HJB, 29 Jan. – his letter is receiving attention (tp.)

 .5    Stephen Gaselee to WBF, 10 Feb. – the Chilean Ambassador has decided to postpone the Congress indefinitely (tp.)

 .6    XXVIII Congress.  Note on how payments are made from England (tpc., with pencil autogr. note by WBF, 5 Mar. – the note should be kept for information; further details can be had from C.A. Burland)

 .7    Miss A.M. Vidal-Hall, French Embassy to H.J. Fleure, 14 Mar. – has been informed about the XXVIII Congress; Prof. Paul Rivet, President of the Musée de l’Homme asks for suggestions about representatives (tp.)

. 8    Dr Henri Lehmann to WBF, 17 Mar. – confirms dates of 24-30 Aug. for the XXVIII Congress in Paris; asks him to announce the fact in Man (tp.)

  A64/5/3.9    WBF to Dr Henri Lehmann, 27 Mar. – glad to know that arrangements for the Congress confirmed; regrets that the Czechs have let them down; feels that some people will choose between his Congress and their Anthropological Congress in Belgium next year; is having a notice printed in Man; see back of front cover, Man Apr. 1947; thanks him for his and H.J. Fleure’s invitations; doubts he will be able to attend; HJB and AD have better claims; may attend meeting of Permanent Committee of the Anthropological Congress in Paris; offers to distribute notices; enquires about accommodation and possible excursions; asks for names of visiting Americans; would like to arrange a meeting at the Institute for them before they return (tpc.)

.10    ‘Important Notice’ – draft notice to appear in Man (autogr.)

.11    Notice on the XXVIII International Congress of Americanists by Prof. Paul Rivet (printed, in French)

.12    Fiche d’adhesion, included with above (printed, in French)

.13    FS to HJB, 21 Apr. – it was decided at the last Council meeting to asks him to represent the in at the XXVIII Congress. Copies to GB and AD (tpc.)

.14    AD to FS, 24 Apr. – will be pleased to be a representative unless his leave is withdrawn by the trustees of the British Museum (autogr.)

.15    GB to FS, 30 Apr. – the question of funding will determine his ability to act as delegate; is hoping Cambridge University will contribute; agrees to his nomination for Council (autogr.)

.16    HJB to FS, 1 May – accepts position of representative but will only be able to attend for 4 or 5 days (autogr.)

.17    Dr Leopold Stein to FS, 20 June – asks what arrangements have been made for Fellows of the RAI to attend the Congress (tp.)

.18    AD to WBF, 3 July – wonders whether as the Institute’s representative he should convey some formal greetings to Congress; H.J. Fleure will know what etiquette demands (tp.)

.19    FS to Dr Leopold Stein, 4 July – formal representatives have been elected but there is no special arrangement for other members (tpc.)

.20    Draft letter to Dr Henri Lehmann, President of International Congress of Americanists from AD.  Sends RAI’s congratulations to XXVIII Congress; notes French contributions to American studies (autogr.)
  A64/5/3.21    Ibid., (tpc.)

  4    XXIX Congress. New York, 1949

 .1    Froelich Rainey, Chairman of the Organizing Committee XXIX International Congress of Americanists to RAI, 1 Aug. – announces that the Congress will be held in New York in the second week of Sep. 1949; this has been accepted by Prof. Paul Rivet; the programme is being discussed (printed; on verso, FS to Froelich Rainey, 14 Dec. – asks for all available information to be sent to the RAI (tpc.))

 .2    Charles, Wagley, Organizing Committee to FS, 21 Dec. – the announcements concerning Congress are at the printers; will send them as soon as they are ready; has put her name on the mailing list for future announcements (tp., with autogr. notes)

 .3    Circular announcing XXIX International Congress of Americanists (printed, in English and French)

 .4    Draft notice concerning the desirability of the RAI becoming an institutional member of the International Congress of Americanists (autogr., by AD?)

 .5    Ibid., (tp.)

 .6    D.W. Leslie, Cunard White Star to FS, 6 Jan. – confirms telephone conversation advising early booking of delegates for Congress; encloses list of sailings and fares (tp.)

 .7    Cunard White Star. Atlantic sailings and fares.  No. 13, Sep. 1948 (printed)

 .8    Alfred L. Kroeber, President XXIX International Congress of Americanists to FS, 3 Feb. – on proofs for his Huxley Memorial Lecture; asks who is going to the International Congress of Americanists; wonders if she herself will come as she once hinted she would like to (tp.)

 .9    FS to Alfred L. Kroeber, 22 Feb. – cannot yet say who is going to New York; would like to come but has an old mother at home (tpc.)

.10    Ibid., to GB, 14 Mar. – the Cunard White Star representative is D.W. Leslie; he urges early booking of passages (tpc.)

.11    [?] to AD and GB, 25 Mar. – R. Taylor of Cunard White Star has telephoned to say passages to America must be booked as soon as possible; FS asked for this information to be passed on (tpc.)
 A64/5/4.12    FS to Alfred l. Kroeber, 19 Apr. – the Institute’s delegates are GB and AD (tpc.)

.13    Ibid., to Dr A.V. Kidder, Secretary XXIX International Congress of Americanists, 19 Apr. – ibid.; the RAI wishes to enrol as an institutional member of the Congress (tpc.)

.14    Gertrude Finch, Secretary, Organizing Committee to RAI, 28 Apr. – glad to hear GB and AD are representing the Institute; on payment of institutional membership (tp.)

.15    R. Taylor, Cunard White Star to FS, 5 July – asks how many delegates will be travelling to America; can not guarantee passage now but anxious to help (tp.)

.16    FS to R. Taylor, 9 July – names the two representatives the Institute is sending (tpc.)

.17    Ibid., to GB, 9 July – asks whether he is going by sea or air; if by sea asks him to take a packet of literature about the Institute (tpc.)

.18    R. Taylor to FS, 12 July – thanks her for the names of the representatives (tp.)

.19    FS to Coutts & Co., 23 July – asks for dollars to pay the Institute’s membership of the International Congress of Americanists (tpc.)

.20    Ibid., to Gertrude Finch, 23 July – confirms the wish to become and institutional member; currency for the subscription has been arranged (tpc.)

.21    Membership card for AD and GB to XXIX International Congress of Americanists, 18 Aug.  Signed Froelich Rainey

  5    XXXI Congress

 .1    E.J. Passant, Foreign Office to WBF, 11 Nov. – Mr Secretary Eden says that the Brazilian Ambassador has requested a representative from the United Kingdom at the XXXI International Congress of Americanists; he would particularly like GB (tp.)

 .2    GB to WBF, 19 Nov. – Cambridge University have nominated him as their representative; they have offered a grant towards expenses but it is not enough; wonders if E.J. Passant could get more help through the British Council (autogr.)

 .3    E.J. Passant to GB, 6 Jan. – regrets the Foreign Office cannot help with expenses but is in touch with the British Council (tpc.)
  A64/5/5.4    Pan American World Airways System to Library RAI, 29 Jan. – has heard that members of the RAI have been invited to the Congress in Brazil; gives information on flights and offers help (tp.)

  6    XXXII Congress

 .1    Draft letter of greetings to the XXXII International Congress of Americanists at Copenhagen by [GB?] – the RAI welcomes contributions to Man and the Journal; delegates will give information on the Institute and act as sponsors to anyone wishing for Fellowship (autogr.)

  7    XXXII Congress. Costa Rica, 1958

 .1    MWS to Dr Sol Tax, 29 Nov. – on his organisation of the AAA meetings; asks about organising publicity for the RAI at the meetings; on including literature from the RAI among papers distributed to members of congress; asks if he would like copies of Man and the Journal for display (tpc.)

 .2    Dr Sol Tax to MWS, 5 Dec. – is forwarding her note to Bill Godfrey, the executive secretary of the AAA (tp.)

 .3    William S. Godfrey, Jr. to MWS, 10 Dec. – refers to her letter of 29 Nov.; doubts he will be able to distribute RAI literature; if she wishes to display Man and the Journal he would have to make a charge; the normal fee is $25 but he would charge her $10; asks her to send the books to Roland W. Force (tp.)
 .4    MWS to Dr William S. Godfrey, 8 Jan. – refers to his letter of 10 Dec.; no copies of Man or the Journal were sent to Force; appreciates that he cut the fee although she could not take advantage of it; on distributing literature for the international meetings at Costa Rica (tpc.)

 .5    William S. Godfrey, Jr. to MWS, 15 Jan. – does not believe that the AAA will be doing anything about distribution of literature for the International Congress of Americanists; suggests she write to Doris Stone direct (tp.)

 .6    MWS to Dr Doris Stone, 31 Jan. – asks if she is preparing a folder of documents for members of the International Congress of Americanists; asks if RAI literature could be included; asks about a display of anthropological literature which could include RAI publications (tpc.)

  A64/5/7.7    Doris Stone, President, Organizing Committee, 33o Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, 17 Feb. – thinks her idea regarding the RAI an excellent one; would be no trouble to include RAI literature in the folders; can arrange for the display of anthropological literature (tp.)

 .8    [MWS] to Dr Philip Dark, 2 Apr. – refers to him representing the RAI at the Costa Rica Congress; includes text of a card to be inserted in members’ folders; members may seek further information about the RAI from the representatives GB and Dr Dark (tpc.)

 .9    MWS to Dr Doris Stone, ibid. – with her help both GB and Dr Dark are being enabled to get to Costa Rica; is thinking of sending for inclusion in the folders a card referring members to them for further information; will also send copies of Man and the Journal for the display of publications; asks how many are expected to attend (tpc.)

.10    Philip Dark to MWS, 7 Apr. – refers to her letter; will be delighted to do what he can (autogr.)

.11    Dr Doris Stone to ibid., 8 Apr. – is pleased to note that GB and Dr Dark will take care of the information regarding the RAI (tp.)

.12    [Joan Edwards], Administrative Secretary, to Dr Doris Stone, 14 May – posted forms to her for insertion in the folders for members; has also sent specimen publications (tpc.)

.13    Doris Stone to Joan Edwards, 26 May – will be glad to handle the forms and publications when they arrive (tp.)

.14    MWS to GB, 6 June – Council appointed him and Dr Dark official representatives to the 33rd Congress of Americanists in Costa Rica (tpc.) [similar letter to Dr Philip Dark not retained]

.15    Philip Dark to MWS, 7 June – appreciates the appointment; will do what he can to further the interests of the RAI (autogr.)

.16    GB to ibid., 8 June – she can assume that he is willing to act as representative (autogr.)

.17    MWS to Dr Doris Stone, 10 June – Council has appointed Dr Philip Dark and GB as representatives of the RAI at the 33rd Congress of Americanists (tpc.)