1    J.M. de Barandiaran to J.L. Myres, 28 May 1947 – asks about the dates of the forthcoming Congress in Prague (tp., in French)

  2    Jan. 1952 – Second Circular regarding the Fourth Session of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vienna, 1-8 Sept. 1952 (printed)

  3    Membership form for the Vienna Congress (printed)

  4    July – Third Circular regarding the Vienna Congress; includes provisional programme (printed)

  5    Mrs A.C. Bowe, Clerk to the Officers, RAI, to various recipients, 2 July – on being an official delegate to the Vienna Congress; on special allotment of foreign currency (tp.)

  6    Ibid., 28 July – on visas and Grey Passes (tp.)

  7    W.A. Johnson, British European Airways, to W.B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56, 27 Aug. – encloses his ticket for travel to Vienna (tp.)

  8    W.B. Fagg, nd – circular letter on exchange control (tp.)

  9    Ibid. to members of the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching, nd – on the membership of the British National Committee of the Permanent Council [of IUAES?] (tp.)

 10    Notice concerning excursions during and after the Vienna Congress (tp.)

 11    Slip concerning accommodation at the Vienna Congress (tp. and autogr.)

 12    Dr Paul Rivet & Dr P. Bosch-Gimpera, to the President, RAI [Raymond Firth, President 1953-55], 16 Jan. 1954 – on the creation of the IUAES; on its goals; on some of its activities; invites the RAI to join. 2 leaves (tp., in French)

 13    Application form (tp. and autogr.)

 14    Statutes of the IUAES. 5 leaves (tp., in French)

 15    W.B. Fagg to Dr Paul Rivet, 1 June – Council has decided to apply for membership in the Union; on a meeting to be held at which the RAI would wish to be represented (tp.)

A159/16        Statutes of the IUAES. 7 leaves (tp.)

 17    Unknown document, on the IUAES; on its organization; includes Statutes. 23 leaves (photocopy of printed text, in English and French)

 18    IUAES, General Assembly, list of Organisational Members. 71 pages (tp.)

 19    Ibid., ibid. (another version). 23 leaves (tp.)

 20    Ibid., list of members of Permanent Council. 23 leaves (tp.)

 21    Card stating that Claude Levi Strauss will not attend the Permanent Council meeting (printed and autogr.) [similar cards from B.J. Jørgensen, Monica Wilson and Eva Lips not retained]

 22    Lawrence Krader, Ohio State University, to Anthony Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70, 4 May 1964 – encloses English language version of the proposed Constitution; on a French translation (tp.)

 23    Anthony Christie to Lawrence Krader, 12 May – thanks him for letter and draft statutes; mentions the Comité International de la Documentation des Sciences Sociales (tpc.)

 24    Lawrence Krader, Syracuse University, to Anthony Christie, 14 Sept. – asks to arrange a meeting with J.S. Weiner [RAI President 1963-65] to discuss the London session of the Permanent Council and developments in Central Asian Studies (tp. with autogr. notes added)

 25    Ibid., 1 Oct. – on the meeting with Weiner; affairs of the Union are proceeding well (tp. with autogr. PS)

 26    [Anthony Christie] to Prof. M. Fortes, 6 Oct. – on the meeting with Lawrence Krader; asks if he can come on 14 Oct. (tpc.)

 27    Lawrence Krader, 4 Nov. – Report on Activities of General Secretariat. 2 leaves (mimeo.)

A159/28        Meyer Fortes to Tam Dalyell, MP, 27 Nov. – wishes to ask his advice; on the International Congress of Anthropological Sciences; the last was held in Moscow in Aug.; the next Congress is to take place in Tokyo; on holding the intermediate meeting of the Permanent Council in England; the arrangements for the meeting will be in the hands of the RAI; on combining the business side of the meeting with a scientific congress; opportunity should be taken to take stock of the position of the anthropological sciences in different parts of the world; asks which government agency he should get in touch with about this; support from a government source would be of immense value; asks if he may call on him. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. note to Anthony Christie)

 29    Lawrence Krader to Dr J.S. Weiner, 31 Mar. 1965 – is planning the future course of relations of Anthropology to UNESCO and ICSU; proposes a meeting (tp.)

 30    Anthony Christie to Prof. Lawrence Krader, 5 Apr. – Prof. Weiner’s movements are uncertain; he has asked him to deputise (tpc.)

 31    Lawrence Krader to Anthony Christie, 8 Apr. – will be in London 15-16 Apr. (tp.)

 32    Anthony Christie to Lawrence Krader, 12 Apr. – on meeting on 15 Apr. (tpc.)

 33    4 Aug. [1965?] – Memorandum of a meeting between Prof. Forde and Prof. Krader; on the composition of the IUAES; on the running of the Congress and the Union; on the statutes; mentions CIPSH. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 .1    Compliments slip from the International African Institute (printed)

 34    Prof. Milovan Gavazzi to Prof. Daryll Forde, 27 Oct. – he and his fellow-members of the Permanent Council have not received invitations to the proposed meeting; they need to present invitations as soon as possible to the authorities to secure funding (photocopy)

 35    Prof. Daryll Forde to Anthony Christie, 4 Nov. – has had a number of enquiries concerning the programme and dates for the meeting of the Permanent Council; encloses copy of the latest; asks if he would reply to Prof. Gavazzi direct and let him have a copy of any announcement as soon as possible (tp.)

A159/36        [Anthony Christie] to Prof. Daryll Forde, 11 Nov. – Krader gave him to understand that his International Secretariat would issue the necessary notices; all he has received is a hectographed circular which he encloses [not held]; will issue a notice from London (tpc.)

 37    Ibid. to Prof. Milovan Gavazzi, ibid. – refers to his letter to Prof. Forde; invitations to the Permanent Council are to be issued from the Secretariat of the IUAES; will get in touch when he has definite information (tpc.)

 38    Dr Olga Skalníková, Prague, to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 23 Dec. – the Czech National Committee received his letter about the meeting of the Permanent Council; the members of the Committee will take part (tp.)

 39    Prof. Dr Jorge Dias, Lisbon, to Anthony Christie, 27 Dec. – intends to attend the meeting of the Permanent Council in London next Apr. (tp.)

 40    Lawrence Krader to ibid., 10 Jan. 1966 – asks him to return the enclosed card to the Union des Associations Internationales (tp.)

 41    Anthony Christie to A.J. Fryer, Senate House, University of London, 18 Jan. – on booking the Chancellor’s Hall; on catering (tpc.)

 42    A.J. Fryer, Deputy Maintenance Officer, Senate House, to Anthony Christie, 19 Jan. – on the room booking; on charges; on arrangements for lunch. 2 leaves (tp.)

 43    Prof. V. Novak, Ljubljana, to ibid., ibid. – asks that personal invitations be sent to the members of the Yugoslavian members of the Permanent Council; they need official invitations to get passports (tp.)

 44    Dr Peter Boev, Sofia, to ibid., 20 Jan. – asks for details about the Permanent Council meeting (tp.)

 45    Lawrence Krader to Meyer Fortes, 24 Jan. – on a meeting to be held in Washington on 10-12 Apr.; suggests that the Executive Committee of the IUAES meet on 12 Apr. and the first session of the Permanent Council meet on 13 Apr.; on the Executive Committee (tp.)

 46    Kenneth Little to Anthony Christie, 26 Jan. – thanks him for particulars of the meeting of the Permanent Council; refers to the Symposium for Social Anthropology at the Tokyo Congress (tp.)

 47    Mrs Dr Božena Filová, Bratislava, to ibid., ibid. – applies for the session of the Permanent Council (tp.)

A159/48        Joseph Raftery, National Museum of Ireland, to ibid., 27 Jan. – refers to circular about the meeting of the Permanent Council; as far as he is aware he is not a member (tp.)

 49    Meyer Fortes to ibid., 28 Jan. – on travel plans; encloses something (autogr.)

 50    Anthony Christie to Lawrence Krader, 1 Feb. – refers to first circular regarding the meeting in Apr.; has altered the date of the opening session; on the representation of African countries; has sent the card to the Union of International Associations (tpc.)

 51    Ibid. to J. Raftery, ibid. – refers to his letter of 27 Jan.; lists the Irish delegates, including him (tpc.)

 52    Roger Summers, National Museums of Southern Rhodesia, to Anthony Christie, ibid. – refers to circular dated Jan.; unfortunate that he cannot attend the Permanent Council meeting at Easter in London; asks if he could submit a paper to be read by W.B. Fagg or some other delegate (tp.)

 53    Lawrence Krader to ibid., 7 Feb. – progress of the Permanent Council meeting is impressive; refers to accompanying letter to Fortes (tp.)

 54    Ibid. to Prof. Meyer Fortes, ibid. – congratulates him and Anthony Christie of progress of the London meeting; on the representation of Nigeria by W.B. Fagg; proposes a solution; mentions Chad Republic and Zambia (Rhodesia) (tpc.)

 55    Moriharu Eto, Secretary of Organising Committee, VIII ICAES [International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences], to Miss Bland, CIBA Foundation, 9 Feb. – on the six Japanese representatives who will stay at the Foundation to attend the Permanent Council meeting 12-19 Apr. (tp.)

 56    Anthony Christie to Roger Summers, 10 Feb. – sorry he cannot attend the meeting; thinks it would be worth sending a paper (tp.)

 57    Lita Osmundsen, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 11 Feb. – refers to his letter of 17 Jan. [not held]; the Foundation will be glad to support the Institute in the undertaking he describes; asks to whom the grant should be paid; refers to his letter to Bill Fenton [not held]; on defraying the expenses of Mlle Oddon in the hope that something constructive might result for the Tokyo conference; refers to grant of $850 (tp.)

A159/58        Prof. Meyer Fortes to Dr Lita Osmundsen, 16 Feb. – the Council of the RAI will be happy to learn of the gesture of generosity; asks her to send formal correspondence to Anthony Christie; on her kind offer to enable Mlle Oddon to assist in the negotiations with the Japanese (tpc.)

 59    Ibid. to Anthony Christie, 17 Feb. – encloses letter which brings welcome news; on a Publications Committee meeting (autogr.)

 60    Seiichi Izumi, Secretary General of the Organising Committee, VIII ICAES, to Anthony Christie, ibid. – six Japanese representatives will attend the meeting of the Permanent Council; their names are on the attached paper (tp.)

 61    Ibid., nd – names and addresses of the six Japanese representatives (tp.)

 62    Jean d’Ormesson, Deputy Secretary General, Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines, to Anthony Christie, 22 Feb. – refers to the circular; hopes to be able to attend the meeting (tp.)

 63    O.A.S. Gorissen, Nederlands Genootschap voor Anthropologie, to ibid., 25 Feb. – lists those people who will represent the Netherlands National Committee at the meeting of the Permanent Council (tp.)

 64    Prof. T. Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Warsaw, to Prof. Weiner, RAI, 28 Feb. – has not received invitations for London meeting (telegram)

 65    Lawrence Krader to Anthony Christie, ibid. – will attend the Permanent Council meeting (tp.)

 66    Dr Gonzalo Rubio Orbe, Quito, to ibid., 1 Mar. – refers to the circular note inviting him to the Permanent Council meeting; unfortunately for economic reasons he cannot attend; appreciates the invitation (tp., in Spanish)

 67    Prof. Gutorm Gjessing, Oslo, to ibid., 2 Mar. – a meeting of the Norwegian Section of the Permanent Council has agreed Norwegian representation at the London meeting; lists the names. 2 leaves (tp.)

 68    Lawrence Krader, 3 Mar. – circular letter enclosing documents for the Permanent Council meeting (mimeo.)

A159/69        [Anthony Christie] to Lawrence Krader, 4 Mar. – refers to note and copy of letter to Fortes; on provision of copies in French and English of the provisional Statutes; asks him to confirm the composition of the Executive; on preparing a new list of national delegates (tpc.)

 70    Seiichi Izumi to Anthony Christie, 5 Mar. – the organizing committee has composed a draft for the organization of VIII ICAES; on circulating the draft in the Permanent Council; asks if the Secretariat in London could print copies or if the Japanese Committee must prepare the copies (tp.) [identical letter to Lawrence Krader not retained]

 71    Lawrence Krader to Anthony Christie, 7 Mar. – is sending under separate cover 110 sets of various documents; on the Executive Committee; on RAI dues; mentions Barbara; looks forward to the meeting next month (tp.)

 72    Prof. P.C. Biswas, Delhi, to [ibid.], 8 Mar. – intends to attend the Permanent Council meeting; asks for the programme and other documents (tp.)

 73    Georges Henri Rivière to ibid., 9 Mar. – on reasons for his late reply; is able to attend the meeting; will arrive on 12 Apr. (tp., in French)

 74    Lawrence Krader to ibid., 14 Mar. – encloses copy of Izumi’s letter; on the program for the Tokyo Congress; lists documents to be copied[?]; refers to ‘shocking attack’ (tp.)

 75    Anthony Christie to Seiichi Izumi, 15 Mar. – on programme proposed for Tokyo meeting; suggests he bring copies (tpc.)

 76    18 Mar. – list of names organized by country. 6 leaves (tp.)

 77    Eva Lips, Leipzig, to Anthony Christie, 18 Mar. – is unable to attend the Permanent Council meeting; would be happy to help if questions arise concerning Norht American Indians or the problems of ethnobotany (tp.)

 78    Dr Nermin Erdentuğ, Ankara, to [ibid.], 19 Mar. – will attend the Permanent Council meeting; would like to exhibit photographs on Turkish village culture, which afterwards he will grant to the RAI (tp.)

 79    Lawrence Krader to ibid., 21 Mar. – on reproducing the program for Tokyo (tp.)

A159/80        Anthony Christie to Lawrence Krader, 22 Mar. – on the Japanese bringing copies of their draft programme; the duplicated material has already extended facilities to the limit (tpc.)

 81    Prof. Dr Wolfgang Steinitz, Berlin, to Prof. M. Fortes, Prof. L. Krader & Anthony Christie, 24 Mar. – had intended to take part in the meeting in London in Apr.; on difficulties with the visa which have made it impossible to realise his intention (tp., in German)

 82    Ibid., translation (tp.)

 83    O.A.S. Gorissen to Anthony Christie, 25 Mar. – refers to his letter of 25 Feb.; Prof. de Josselin de Jong is prevented from attending the meeting; Dr C. Nooteboom will replace him; on accommodation for Dr Nooteboom (tp.)

 84    Wayfarers Travel Agency to ibid., 31 Mar. – encloses list of delegates for whom they have reserved accommodation (tp.)

 85    List of delegates with names of hotels (tp. and autogr.)

 86    Lita Osmundsen to Anthony Christie, 1[?] Apr. – grant of $850 awarded to the RAI (telegram)

 87    Anthony Christie to Permanent Under Secretary for State, Foreign Office, 2 Apr. – encloses copy of letter from Prof. Dr Wolfgang Steinitz; he is a Vice President of the IUAES; it would be unfortunate if he were unable to attend the meeting; asks that his case be considered by the Foreign Office (tpc.)

 88    Ibid. to Prof. K.G. Izikowitz, 5 Apr. – the person who was to introduce the discussion of Museology/Technology can no longer attend; asks if he will make some preliminary observations to get a discussion going; is sending a copy of the letter to Grottanelli with the same request (tpc.) [similar letter to Prof. V.L. Grottanelli not retained]

 89    Prof. S. Yervin[?], Jerusalem, to Anthony Christie, 6 Apr. – has found the invitation to the meeting of the Permanent Council; thinks the timing of the meeting inconvenient; he shall not be able to attend; shall be interested to receive proceedings and material pertaining to the Congress at Tokyo (autogr.)

 90    Wayfarers Travel Agency to ibid., ibid. – on arrangements for coaches; on hotel reservations (tp.)

 91    Kenneth Little to ibid., ibid. – cannot attend the meeting as he will be in hospital (autogr.)

A159/92        Anthony Christie to Wolfgang Steinitz, ibid. – recommends he apply to British Visa Office; on efforts being made to facilitate travel documents (text of telegram, autogr.)

 93    Ibid. to […?], ibid. – on the Foreign Office advising that there is no question that a visa was refused (autogr. memo)

 94    K.G. Izikowitz to Anthony Christie, ibid. – refers to his letter; is willing to help (tp.)

 95    B.M. Blackwood to ibid., 7 Apr. – thanks him for details of the Permanent Council meeting; thinks it unlikely that she can attend owing to a family emergency (autogr.)

 96    V.L. Grottanelli to ibid., 8 Apr. – unfortunately he suffered an accident and will not be able to attend the meeting; on his hotel reservation (autogr.)

 97    Debetz, Yakimov & Bromley to ibid., 9 Apr. – arriving on 12 Apr. (telegram)

 98    Prof. Steinitz to ibid., 11 Apr. – unfortunately cannot come (telegram, in German)

 99    Seiichi Izumi & Hisashi Suzuki, General Secretaries, VIII ICAES, to Executive Committee of IUAES, Permanent Council of IUAES & Secretariat of Permanent Council, 12 Apr. – enclose Organization and Provisional Plan of VIII ICAES, Notes to Symposia of VIII ICAES and Supplemental Information (tp.)

100    VIII ICAES, nd – Organization and Provisional Plan of VIII ICAES. 7 leaves (tp.)

101    Ibid., ibid. – Notes to Symposium. 4 leaves (tp.)

102    Ibid., ibid. – Supplemental Information. 10 leaves (tp.)

103    Anthony Christie, nd – circular letter concerning the meeting of the Permanent Council, 12-19 Apr.; gives details of the times of the sessions; mentions receptions; encloses a map of the University Precinct (tp.)

104    Map of the University Precinct, London (printed)

105    Caroline Wright, Clerk to the Officers, RAI, to the Secretary, Government Hospitality, 12 Apr. – on names to be deleted or included from the list of delegates invited to a reception on 14 Apr. (tpc.)

A159/106        J.C.C. Bennett, Foreign Office, to Anthony Christie, 13 Apr. – on about travel arrangements for Prof. Steinitz; he did not put in an appearance at the Visa Office in response to Christie’s telegram; he was not prevented from attending by any refusal to issue the necessary documents (tp.)

107    nd – note referring to G.J. Shephard (tp.)

108    Anthony Christie to J.C.C. Bennett, 14 Apr. – concerning Prof. Steinitz, he has made it clear to the people concerned that there is no question of lack of cooperation on the part of the British Foreign Office (tpc.)

109    Dr Božena Filová to Anthony Christie, 23 Apr. – thanks him for the agreeable and amicable atmosphere at the Permanent Council meeting (tp.)

110    George & Mrs Horak, Prague, to [ibid.?], 24 Apr. – thanks him for his kind attention; on the success of the conference (autogr.)

111    Anthony Christie to Goronwy Roberts MP, 27 Apr. – thanks him and the Government for the reception on 14 Apr.; the occasion was appreciated by overseas members (tpc.)

112    Goronwy Roberts to Anthony Christie, 3 May – was pleased to attend the reception; is glad the evening was a success (tp.)

113    Peter Boev to ibid., 4 May – sorry that he could not participate in the meeting; asks that material be sent to him (tp.)

114    Prof. Mihai Pop, Bucharest, to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for the welcome he had in England; is grateful for all that he did (tp.)

115    Prof. Masao Oka, President, IUAES, to ibid., 2 June – thanks him for hospitality; the Japanese delegation was contented that the conference was so successful; on preparations for the Tokyo Congress (tp.)

116    [Anthony Christie] to Lawrence Krader, 23 June – refers to his post-Permanent Council letter [not held]; is glad he was pleased; on serving on the Executive Committee (tpc.)

117    Maria Júlia Pourchet, Rio de Janeiro, to Anthony Christie, 30 Sept. – refers to his circular letter of Jan.; is sorry that she did not answer; would be interested in any results of the meeting in London (tp.)

A159/118        Seiichi Izumi & Hisashi Suzuki, Oct. – circular; preliminary announcement of the next Congress, to be held 3-10 Sept. 1968, in Tokyo and Kyoto (printed, in English and French)

119    Card for name and address (printed)

120    J.M. Galjaard & P.E. van Kats, The Hague, to RAI, Oct. – brings to their attention the city of The Hague as a conference venue; outlines the advantages of the town; describes the Municipal Congress Bureau; should be happy to send further information (tp.)

121    J.H. Mason, Congress Officer, Thos. Cook & Son Ltd., to Anthony Christie, 4 Oct. – their representatives in Japan, the Japan Travel Bureau, have been appointed travel agents for the 8th ICAES; on ways of reducing fares to Tokyo by using chartered aircraft; asks if he thinks this would be of interest. 2 leaves (tp.)

122    Hisashi Suzuki to ibid., 11 Oct. – is ready to distribute the Circular; on distributing them to members of the RAI; is sending him 3000 copies with reply cards, to be mailed (tp.)

123    Anthony Christie to Hisashi Suzuki, 24 Oct. – will dispatch the circulars as soon as they arrive (tpc.)

124    R.C. Layzelle, Scandinavian Airlines System, to [Anthony Christie], 14 Nov. – attaches the programme for the 8th ICAES; on the flights SAS operates; on excursions arranged for participants (tp.)

125    E. Sunderland to ibid., 26 Nov. – regarding the Tokyo International Congress, asks if financial assistance from the RAI would be available to Fellows or only to Council (tp.)

126    Anthony Christie to Dr E. Sunderland, 29 Nov. – travel grants cannot be restricted in any way; the National Committee would have to sort out priorities if demand exceeds supply (tpc.)

127    Seiichi Izumi to Anthony Christie, 12 Dec. – sent the announcements of the ICAES in Oct.; the second circular will be sent according to the list made on the basis of the replies to the first circular; would be happy to hear from him of completion of forwarding the circular to RAI members (tp.)

128    Anthony Christie to Seiichi Izumi, 19 Dec. – confirms that the preliminary announcement has been despatched to all on the mailing list (tpc.)

A159/129        Seiichi Izumi to Anthony Christie, 28 Dec. – apologises for delay in delivery of circulars; thanks him for efficiency in dispatching them (tp.)

130    Bulletin of IUAES for 1967; lists activities of IUAES in 1966; lists meetings taking place in 1967. 3 leaves (tp.)

131    Lawrence Krader, nd – notice on annual dues 1967 (tp.)

132    R. Stieber, American Express, to Anthony Christie, 13 Feb. 1976 – in 1964 his company made travel and accommodation arrangements for most of the British participants in the Moscow Congress; should be pleased to assist members hoping to attend the meeting in Japan; lists the ways of reducing the cost of travel to Japan (tp.)

133    nd – note relating to Dr A. Lopasic (autogr.)

134    Michael K. Wallington to [Anthony Christie?], 14 Feb. – would like to attend the VIII ICAES; his financial resources are limited; would need some assistance; would be grateful for advice (autogr.)

135    Anthony Christie to R. Stieber, 16 Feb. – is engaged in preliminary studies of how to get ‘impoverished’ delegates to Tokyo; will take his advice when data is more extensive (tpc.)

136    Ibid. to Michael K. Wallington, ibid. – he should receive an application form from the Japanese; has no information about grants; when things are sufficiently advanced he shall issue a circular (tpc.)

137    G.B. Stigant to Anthony Christie, 23 Feb. – there is only a slight chance that he shall attend the Congress; shall pay the membership fee and obtain the Proceedings (autogr.)

138    Dr J.C. Woodburn to ibid., 27 Mar. – has been invited to give a paper at the ICAES; asks if the RAI will make any application for money for fares; if so, asks that his name be included (tp.)

139    Grahame Clark to ibid., 1 Apr. – on attending the Tokyo Congress in 1968 (autogr.)

140    [Anthony Christie] to Dr J.C. Woodburn, 3 Apr. – the RAI is applying for a grant to help delegates attend the Tokyo meeting; he cannot undertake to earmark sums for individuals at this stage (tpc.)

A159/141        Clerk to the Officers to J.G.D. Clark, 4 Apr. – refers to his letter to Anthony Christie, who is in Nairobi; will place the letter before him on his return (tpc.)

142    Frank F. Lee, Northeastern University, to RAI, 12 Apr. – is interested in presenting a paper in Tokyo in 1968; asks about procedure for applying (tp.)

143    Chie Nakane to Anthony Christie, 18 Apr. – thanks him for collaboration in distributing preliminary announcements; asks him to place an announcement in Man; on a symposium concerning metal[ur]gy (tp.)

144    Clerk to the Officers to F.F. Lee, 19 Apr. – suggests he send his enquiries to Seiichi Izumi (tpc.)

145    D.F. Roberts to Anthony Christie, 25 Apr. – on putting his name forward for a charter flight for the Tokyo Congress; on a charter flight for a genetics Congress in Tokyo; suggests some of the geneticists might come back on a later flight after the anthropological congress (tp.)

146    Anthony Christie to Derek Roberts, 27 Apr. – has put his name on the provisional list for Tokyo; does not think it possible for people to go outward on one charter and inward on another (tpc.)

147    Anthony Christie to Chie Nakane, 28 Apr. – refers to her letter of 18 Apr.; is putting the notice in the issue of Man which will appear in June; on the lack of a metallurgy symposium (tpc.)

148    A.P. Bovis & J.F. Ulmer, Wagons-Lits, to Prof. Georges Olivier, 24 May – on travel to Japan for the Congress; the Japan Travel Bureau have been named official agents for the Congress; on charter flights; attaches a list of Congresses for which such arrangements have been made. 2 leaves (photocopy, in French)

149    List of events and details of charter flights. 2 leaves (photocopy, in French)

150    R. Woodward, Thos. Cook & Son Ltd., to Anthony Christie, 6 July – his Paris office has been in touch with Prof. Olivier; on arranging a special flight to Tokyo; gives a brief outline of the envisaged arrangements; Prof. Olivier is anxious to know whether English colleagues are agreeable; asks for his reaction. 2 leaves (tp.)

151    [Anthony Christie] to Prof. Georges Olivier, 25 July – on the charter flight for the Congress; his impression is that there will be about a dozen British delegates who would like to participate (tpc.)

A159/152        Prof. Georges Olivier, 28 July – circular letter about travel arrangements; the simplest way is to let Wagons-Lits/Cook make the arrangements; asks for lists of members who are in agreement (tp.)

153    [Anthony Christie] to Prof. Georges Olivier, 14 Sept. – asks if he has got any further in his negotiations about transport to the Tokyo Congress; there will be about a dozen British participants; would be grateful to know of any developments (tpc.)

154    Michael K. Wallington to [Anthony Christie], 25 Sept. – has filled in the forms for attendance at the Congress in 1968; asks about any available grants; hopes to do some research at the Japanese Monkey Centre while he is in Japan (autogr.)

155    [Anthony Christie] to Dr R. Martin, the Royal Society, 23 Oct. – enquires about support for delegates attending the 8th ICAES; most European countries are sending substantial delegations at Government expense; the cost per delegate will be around £400; should be grateful for any help or advice (tpc.)

156    Ibid. to M.K. Wallington, 29 Oct. – the problem of getting delegates to Tokyo is a difficult one; on the charter flight which is tentatively arranged; is making an approach to Government (tpc.)

157    Mrs Marion Horn, London-Cornell Project, to Anthony Christie, 10 Apr. 1968 – he has been given a grant of £500 towards his expenses in attending the conference in Tokyo (tp.)

158    Merrick Posnansky, University of Ghana, to ibid., 12 Apr. – he is being urged to attend the Congress; on a paper he is proposing to give; asks whether RAI has funds to help British anthropologists to attend the conference; asks about Madagascar (tp.)

159    Anthony Christie to Mrs Marion Horn, 23 Apr. – thanks her (tpc.)

160    Ibid. to Merrick Posnansky, ibid. – refers to his letter of 12 Apr.; RAI does not have money to send people to Tokyo; on the Royal Society; on Madagascar (tpc.)

161    Lawrence Krader to Anthony Christie, 12 Apr. 1971 – on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Permanent Council of the IUAES; on arrangements (tp.)

162    Hisashi Suzuki, 15 Apr. – circular letter regarding the Proceedings of the VIIIth ICAES