KEITH, Sir Arthur (A54)

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Correspondence on the publication of his paper, ‘A Pygmy child born in this century about 40 years ago’. July – Nov. 1949.

Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCS (AK) (1866-1955) was RAI President from 1913-16 and Master of Buckstone Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons.

1    Prof. (Sir) W.E. Le Gros Clark, FRS (1895-1971), RAI Vice-President, 1940-2 to (Prof.) M. Fortes (1906-83), Hon. Editor, 1947-52, President, 1965-7, 18 July – finds it difficult to give an opinion on Keith’s paper on the Pygmy child; work carried out 40 years ago; does not seem of sufficient importance; suggests a summary should be published in Man and the manuscript deposited in the RAI Library (autogr.)

2    AK to Prof. (Sir) E.E. Evans-Pritchard (1902-73), President, 1949-51, 5 Nov. – takes ‘strong exception’ to Council minute of 11 Oct. on his paper recording that the material ‘had been practically all published elsewhere’; it is not correct, no part had been published; requests that the minute be amended at the next Council meeting (tp.); see CM/79/1, Item 7iv, f. 578

3    Assistant Secretary, Felicia Stallman (FS) to AK, 11 Nov. – draft reply with autogr. amendment by M. Fortes and E. Thomson (tpc.)

4    Ibid, 14 Nov. – replies to AK’s letter of 5 Nov.; his letter laid before Council on 8 Nov.; minute amended; inaccuracy due to ‘misinterpretation of information’; Council’s suggestion of shortened form be published in Man erroneously omitted from minutes of 11 Oct. (tpc.); see CM/79/2, Item 1, f. 581

5    AK to FS, 15 Nov. – requests the return of his paper; considers it should be published in full (autogr.)

6    FS to AK, 17 Nov. – paper returned (tpc.); the paper does not appear to have been published elsewhere