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A152/        LECTURES
Correspondence and papers 1935-69


AHC        Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70
FS            Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52
MWS        Dr Marian W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61
WBF        William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

  1/    1935-39

  1    List of lectures with dates, 8 Jan. 1935-27 June 1939. 3 leaves (tp.)

  2    WBF, nd – brief notes on lectures 1935-7, categorised according to region (autogr.)

  3    J. Merle Davis, Bantu Educational Kinema Experiment, to John Myres, 21 Nov. 1935 – on the possibility of showing films at the RAI (tp. with autogr. note from John Myres to Raymond Firth)

 .1    ‘African Films for the African’ (newspaper cutting)

  4    Mary Gillett to [Raymond Firth], RAI Hon. Secretary 1935-39, 11 July 1936 – on Verrier Elwin, who is coming to England; he would be glad to talk to the RAI on his work in India (autogr.)

  5    Gertrude Caton Thompson to ibid., 26 Oct. – suggest a lecture on ruined towns in Kenya; mentions Mrs Shaw (autogr.)

  6    Cicely Shaw to ibid., 1 Nov. – must refuse invitation as she is leaving the country (autogr.)

  7    Ejnar Mikkelsen to Raymond Firth, 23 Nov. – Lord Moyne has mentioned the possibility of his addressing the RAI on the subject of Eskimos; on travelling expenses; mentions dates (autogr.)

  8    O. Davis to […?], recd. 28 Nov. – would be glad to read a paper at the RAI on the Balkans (autogr. with autogr. notes by Raymond Firth & John L. Myres; letter incomplete)

  9    E.J. Lindgren to Raymond Firth, 31 Dec. – has been reading We the Tikopia; wishes to suggest two people to give lectures, Prof. Erixon and Dr Gösta Montell; on obtaining a reference for a young Swedish ethnographer. 8 pages (autogr.)

A152/1/10    Ibid., 7 Jan. 1937 – refers to his letter of 4 Jan. [not held]; on the lecturers; on the reference. 4 pages (autogr.)

 11    Ejnar Mikkelsen to ibid., 9 Jan. – refers to his previous letter; should be glad if a lecture could be arranged (autogr.)

 12    Raymond Firth to Ejnar Mikkelsen, 15 Jan. – apologises for delay in replying; is sure that his lecture would be of interest; however the RAI cannot pay expenses (tpc.)

 13    Ibid. to Dr Gösta Montell, ibid. – 4 May will be convenient date for him to lecture; would like a summary, to be circulated and to be printed in Man; on dinner before the lecture (tpc.)

 14    E.J. Lindgren to Raymond Firth, 19 Jan. – Coote Lake has invited Erixon to speak to the Folk Lore Society; on possible RAI lecture; thanks him for writing to Montell. 3 pages (autogr.)

 15    Gösta Montell to [Raymond Firth], 29 Jan. – refers to his letter of 15 Jan.; it will be a pleasure for him to address the RAI on 4 May; will send summary as soon as possible (autogr.)

 .1    Bibliography of Gösta Montell (tp.)

 16    Lord Moyne to Raymond Firth, 4 Feb. – Capt. Mikkelsen seems disappointed that he will not be able to address the RAI as he cannot afford his expenses; he [Lord Moyne] would be glad to defray expenses; has informed Capt. Mikkelsen that he is glad to help; suggests Raymond Firth write to him about dates; suggests he give him an idea of the line to take (tp.)

 17    Raymond Firth to Lord Moyne, 16 Feb. – refers to his letter about Capt. Mikkelsen; thinks the case hardly strong enough; thinks the lecture would be general rather than anthropological; however, would always be ready to arrange a special meeting for him (tpc.)

 18    Lord Moyne to Raymond Firth, 17 Feb. – refers to his letter; has no doubts about Capt. Mikkelsen’s capacity or knowledge; feels he could give a lecture of interest to anthropologists; suggests that he might ask Capt. Mikkelsen to send a summary of the subjects he intends to include (tp.)

A152/1/19    Raymond Firth to Lord Moyne, 22 Feb. 1937 – refers to his letter; is writing to ask Mikkelsen to come over; describes the kind of material RAI would like; on dates (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. to Capt. Mikkelsen, ibid. – refers to the kindness of Lord Moyne; outlines what he would like the lecture to include; on dates (tp.)

 21    Ejnar Mikkelsen to Raymond Firth, 27 Feb. – shall be honoured to address the RAI on the subject of East Greenland Eskimos; outlines what he will talk about; will gladly send a summary; asks for copy of Man; on dates (autogr.)

 22    E.J. Lindgren to ibid., ibid. – on Dr Montell lecturing on 4 May; he asks whether he can lecture in Oxford on 29 Apr.; sends information about Dr Graham (tp. card with Raymond Firth’s autogr. reply added)

 23    D. Powell-Cotton to ibid., 15 Mar. – on providing ethnographical films from Angola for an evening meeting of the RAI; her sister wishes to say that the films are being edited; asks if the films can stand over until the end of the year (autogr.)

 24    E.J. Lindgren to ibid., 11 May – Miss M. Noel Kennedy has suggested Maj. Glubb as a lecturer; his leave ends in June but perhaps he could get in touch with him regarding his next visit home (tp. card)

 25    Raymond Firth to Prof. Mauss, 21 Apr. – invites him to deliver the Huxley Lecture for 1938; offers congratulations (tpc.)

 26    Prof. M. Mauss to [H.S. Harrison, RAI President 1935-37], 27 Apr. – expresses his gratitude at being asked to deliver the Huxley Lecture; is confused about the mark of esteem added to the title of Honorary Fellow; thinks he wants to recompense other French sociologists too (tp., in French)

 27    [Bronislaw Malinowski] to Mrs Bolton, 19 May – has spoken to Dr Firth; dates suggested are 1 or 8 June; with short notice it would be difficult to get a large audience; with a few months’ notice an eager assembly could be prepared; if she would be prepared to come specially he and colleagues would be glad to hear her paper; asks her to let him know (tp.)

 28    Marguerite Milward to Raymond Firth, 28 June – is going back to India; asks if there is any tribe he would like her to track down (autogr.)

A152/1/29    List of lectures, 1937–38. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 30    Information sheet about the lecture series; the lectures will now be classified into General Series and Special Series; specimens can be exhibited (tp.)

 31    Invitation card for Huxley Memorial Lecture, 9 Nov. (printed)

 32    Invitation card for dinner preceding the Huxley Memorial Lecture (printed)

 33    Tom Harrisson to Raymond Firth, nd – on Derrick; would like to accept invitation to speak at the RAI; on his subject; on a conference on Class Distinctions (tp.)

 34    Ibid., 21 Dec. – is preparing abstract; gives his title; outlines the subject; would like to invite some people; on his work (tp. card)

 35    Ibid., nd – asks about slides (autogr. card)

 36    Ibid., nd – refers to his letter [not held]; asks about size of photographs (autogr. card)

 37    Ibid., nd – sends the abstract; asks about slides (autogr. card)

 38    C.G. Seligman to Raymond Firth, 2 Feb. 1938 – on a film taken of lamas in Tibet by a Yugoslav named Dr A. Stampar; encloses his card; he seemed ready to give the RAI a showing of the film (autogr.)

 .1    Card of Dr A. Stampar (printed and autogr.)

 39    Raymond Firth to Dr Marett, 3 Apr. – informs him that he has been elected Huxley Memorial Lecturer for 1939 (tpc.)

 40    R.R. Marett to Raymond Firth, 6 Apr. – appreciates the honour done to him in appointing him Huxley Lecturer; explains why he has done little to help the RAI; discusses the sort of subject suitable for his lecture (autogr.)

 41    [Raymond Firth] to R.R. Marett, 22 Apr. – on a possible topic for his lecture; does not feel that he neglected the RAI (tp.)

A152/1/42    Alexander Keiller, the Morven Institute of Archaeological Research, to Raymond Firth, 22 Apr. 1938 – refers to his letter [not held]]; on the impossibility of dealing with so wide a subject as the Avebury complex in 45 minutes; will do his best; doubts that there would be time to have a report in the Times; the Times already published a report of his lecture to the Institute of Archaeology; on travel arrangements. 2 leaves (tp.)

 43    Michael Rix to Raymond Firth, 1 May – refers to his letter [not held]; has already sent synopsis; on slides; on title (autogr.)

 44    Raymond Firth to Lord Harlech, 27 May – on 28 June the RAI is holding its Anniversary Meeting, at which the President’s Address will be delivered; asks if will attend the dinner and meeting; RAI wishes to mark the occasion of moving into a new building in a special way; also refers to Applied Anthropology Committee (tpc.)

 45    Lord Harlech to Raymond Firth, 28 May – regrets that he is unable to attend the dinner on 28 June (tp.)

 46    W. Lindsay Scott to ibid., 3 June – has been attempting to ask the ‘Anthrops’ to readmit him; encloses form; on giving a paper on Neolithic pottery kilns. 3 pages (autogr.)

 47    Raymond Firth to Lord Onslow, 7 June – on 28 June the RAI is holding its Anniversary Meeting, at which the President’s Address will be delivered; RAI wishes to mark the occasion of moving into a new building in a special way so asks if will attend the dinner and meeting; also refers to Applied Anthropology Committee (tpc.)

 48    D.R. Breton, Private Secretary, to Raymond Firth, 10 June – Lord Onslow will have the honour to accept the invitation (tp.)

 49    Max Gluckman to ibid., 20 June – thanks him for invitation to give a paper; on dates and title (autogr.)

 50    Donald F. Thomson to ibid., 7 July – shall be happy to show some of the film at the RAI; on the topics in the film which he wishes to show (tp.)

 .1    Notes relating to Donald Thomson’s film (autogr.)

 51    J.H. Furbay to K.M. Martindell, [RAI Assistant Secretary,] 20 July – on his motion picture lecture on Liberia; can offer if in Dec. or Jan.; would be glad to know of possible dates (tp.)

A152/1/51.1    Flyer about ‘What About Liberia?’, J.H. Furbay’s moving picture lecture (printed)

 52    Raymond Firth to J.H. Furbay, 7 Sept. 1938 – refers to his letter and offer to give a film lecture at the RAI; suggests 10 Jan.; on the title; asks for precis for Man (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to Capt. Mikkelsen, 6 Oct. – on his lecture on 25 Oct.; asks for title and abstract; on illustrations; on dinner beforehand (tpc.)

 54    K.M. Martindell to Raymond Firth, 21 Oct. – Capt. Mikkelsen has left a card for him; Mrs Mikkelsen declined invitation to dine (autogr.)

 .1    Card with address (printed and autogr.)

 55    Danish Legation, 22 Oct. – Count Reventlow will be glad to attend the meeting on 25 Oct. (tp.)

 56    List of lectures, 1938–39 (tp. with autogr. notes)

 57    E. Knuth, Secretary to the Danish Legation, to Raymond Firth, 7 Nov. – at request of the Danish Minister Count Reventlow, gives particulars relating to revenue and expenditure in Greenland (tp.)

 58    Donald F. Thomson to ibid., 20 Nov. – gives title for his film show; on practical arrangements (tp.)

 59    Invitation card for Huxley Memorial Lecture, 29 Nov. (printed)

 60    Marguerite Milward to Raymond Firth, 1 Dec. – on giving a talk on aboriginal tribes of the Deccan about two years ago; has just returned from another tour of India; offers another talk; lists some possible topics (tp.)

 61    W. Lindsay Scott to ibid., 5 Dec. – on the state of public business in the Air Ministry; accepts date of 24 Jan.; encloses abstract with title; on dining before the lecture (autogr.)

 62    Beatrice Blackwood to ibid., 6 Dec. – if he still wants a paper, could it be on 21 Mar. (autogr.)

 63    Marguerite Milward to ibid., 11 Dec. – is ‘crushed’ to have received no reply to her earlier letter; would like to tell someone about her time in India; has made heads of 65 types of Aboriginal Tribes; could bring some with her; on staying with Verrier Elwin (tp. with autogr. note by Raymond Firth[?])

A152/1/64    Beatrice Blackwood to ibid., 14 Dec. 1938 – shall not have time to prepare her paper; should prefer to postpone it until later in the year (tp.)

 65    J.H. Furbay to K.M. Martindell, 22 Dec. – asks for invitation cards and announcement cards; on his travel plans; on the projector for his film; as his mother is ill, gives his addreses in Berlin and Paris. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 66    Ibid., 23 Dec. – refers to telephone conversation; is returning to New York; hopes to see his mother still alive; plans to return to London in Feb. 1940; perhaps he can fix a lecture date then (autogr.)

 67    G.H.S. Bushnell to E.J. Lindgren, 12 Jan. 1939 – refers to her letter of 11 Jan. [not held]; clear that the Journal is full; would like to show her his material (autogr. with autogr. note by E.J. Lindgren)

 .1    12 Jan. – notice of lecture by G.H.S. Bushnell at the Antiquarian Society, on ‘Some Pre-Spanish Ruins near Cuzco, Peru’ (printed)

 68    T.T. Paterson to Raymond Firth, 18 Jan. – refers to his letter of Nov. [not held]; intends to give lecture in two parts; on slides; will demonstrate string figures; RAI needs some policy to stop ‘rot and decline’ (autogr.)

 69    Günter Wagner to ibid., ibid. – should like to read a paper at the RAI; asks about Mar. or Apr.; should like to read a paper on initiation rites among the Bantu Kavirondo (tp.)

 70    Beatrice Blackwood to ibid., ibid. – wishes to defer her paper until the autumn; on the reasons for this; on a paper she is giving shortly to the R.G.S. (tp.)

 71    Dr Werner Wolff to M.L. Tildesley, 21 Jan. – has read some papers in Paris on his investigations in Easter Island; encloses some published accounts of these; presumes the theme of his investigations might be of interest; asks for a ‘conference’; would like favourable response as soon as possible, to be able to prepare and English text (tp.)

 72    Günter Wagner to Raymond Firth, 3 Feb. – refers to his letter of 28 Jan. [not held]; is glad that dates have been reserved; on slides (tp.)

A152/1/73    Frank St. J. Steadman to ibid., 13 Feb. 1939 – refers to his letter on ‘The Australian Aborigines’ in the Sunday Times; is giving an address on the subject; would like to know where he might obtain further information (tp.)

 74    Ibid., 20 Feb. – refers to his letter of 16 Feb. [not held]; is examining skulls at the Royal College of Surgeons; encloses paper; on Tasmanians and high percentage of impacted third molars; thought it would be interesting to compare the skulls of the Australian Aborigines (tp.)

 .1    F. St. J. Steadman, ‘Malocclusion in the Tasmanian Aborigines’. 37 pages (printed booklet)

 75    Announcement card for Ordinary Meetings on 5 and 19 Mar. (printed)

 76    Harold J.E. Peake to Raymond Firth, 17 Mar. – expresses appreciation of honour conferred by being appointed Huxley Memorial Lecturer for 1940 (autogr.)

 77    M.F. Ashley-Montagu to K.M Martindell, 27 Apr. – sends subscriptions; arrives in London on 22 May; shall be glad to give the RAI a talk (tp.)

 78    Margaret Mead to Raymond Firth, 2 May – sorry that she will not be in England in time to give lecture; on his fieldwork (tp.)

 79    R. Ruggles Gates to K.M. Martindell, 3 May – Mr J.P. Mills in in this country; if there is a vacancy, he could give a paper (tp.)

 80    Marguerite Milward to Raymond Firth, nd – asks if he has postponed her lecture until the autumn; on a lecture she is giving in Cambridge; asks him to come and meet Elwin (autogr.)

 81    Notice of two lectures to be given on 31 May and 1 June, by Dr A. Hrdlička (tp.)

 82    E.J. Lindgren to Raymond Firth, 22 June – on Mr and Mrs Bekker, who have studied and filmed the Sadang tribe of south west central Celebes; has referred them to the secretaries of various societies; it is thought that their photographs are good; suggests giving them an evening at the RAI; suggests he might pass this letter to WBF (tp.)

 83    Marguerite Milward to WBF, 11 July – on Dr Firth trying to arrange for her to give a lecture; would like to hear about when it might be; she may go back to India next year; gives the title of her paper (tp.)

A152/1/84    WBF to Marguerite Milward, 18 July 1939 – refers to her letter; Dr Firth had mentioned her; feels sure that her material will be interesting; mentions some dates; will write again when the program is more certain (autogr. draft)

 85    Marguerite Milward to WBF, 19 July – refers to his letter; either of the dates he mentioned would suit her; thinks it would be of interest to show some of the heads mentioned in the lecture (tp.)

 86    WBF to Dr Kaj Birket-Smith, July – on his visiting England and being prepared to give lectures; hopes he will be here for the first meeting of the session on 24 Oct.; Eskimology is a popular branch of anthropology in England; will send all details as soon as he hears of his acceptance; Adrian Digby is particularly glad to hear of his visit. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 87    Kaj Birket-Smith to WBF, 9 Aug. – refers to kind and flattering proposal that he should open the session; however it is impossible for him to come on that date; will not be in England before Jan.; if a lecture could be arranged after New Year, he would do everything to come; mentions Mr Digby (tp.)

 88    WBF to Kaj Birket-Smith, 11 Aug. – sorry that he cannot open the session but pleased that he can give a lecture next year; asks him to let him know dates as soon as possible; the pleasure, though deferred, will be just as great (autogr. draft)

 89    Grahame Clark to WBF, 22 Aug. – writes on behalf of the Secretary of the Prehistoric Society to know whether the RAI would be interested in a joint meeting; refers to demonstration by M. Leon Coutier of his methods of fabricating flint implements; it was felt that the largest number of persons should be enabled to see the demonstration; mentions a date; on a venue; would be glad to know what he thinks (tp.)

 90    R.R. Marett to ibid., 9 Oct. – asks if his Huxley lecture is cancelled; has written to Miss Lindgren but she is away; he thought she meant it to appear in Journal Part I (autogr.)

A152/1/91    WBF to R.R. Marett, 11 Oct. 1939 – sorry that his circular letter on wartime activities should have caused alarm; no one had it mind to cancel the Huxley Lecture; on the question of an afternoon or an evening meeting; the text was never intended to go into Part I of the Journal; Miss Lindgren will be glad to have the manuscript as soon as possible; expects that Miss Martindell has a note of the title of the lecture. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 92    R.R. Marett to WBF, 13 Oct. – gathers that an afternoon meeting on 28 Nov. would suit him best; expects to hear from Miss Lindgren about printing the manuscript in due course (autogr.)

 93    Ibid., 15 Oct. – gives the title of his lecture (autogr.)

 94    Notice of meetings during the 1939-40 session (printed card)

 95    President and Council of the British Academy to WBF, 18 Oct. – invitation to lecture by Dr P. Bosch-Gimpera (printed card)

 96    WBF to A.C.A. Wright, 20 Oct. – it is only just a month until the date fixed tentatively for his lecture; on alternative dates; asks for the title of his paper; on the epidiascope (autogr. draft)

 97    Armine Wright to WBF, 24 Oct. – has not heard from Colonial Office so does not expect to leave by 21 Nov.; thinks 12 Dec. would be fine for his paper; not worth using the epidiascope; on maps (autogr.)

 98    WBF to E.J. Lindgren, 28 Oct. – has decided to take up her offer of a film on 14 Nov.; lays out his plan for the whole afternoon; asks for her title by Wed. noon; on compiling draft of questionnaire for co-operation with government [see A71]; asks if she will act as intermediary to try to get Bartlett to lecture; on the importance of sociology; if he cannot lecture, perhaps she could suggest an alternative; on Tom Paterson; on the Huxley Lecture; asks her to have lunch with him. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 99    Ibid. to Adrian Digby, 29 Oct. – asks if he will speaek on his researches on Peruvian pots on 14 Nov.; on his plan for a ‘bumper’ session; outlines the program; the timing is not hard and fast; on Plenderleith; on the latest news from Forsdyke; on activities in the British Museum. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

100    E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 1 Nov. – on Gregory Bateson, whom he ought to get for a lecture; on co-opting members onto Council ‘for the duration’ (autogr. pc)

A152/1/101    1 Nov. 1939 – extract from letter from F.C. Bartlett to E.J. Lindgren – he appreciates the suggestion that he should lecture to the RAI; however if the war continues he cannot take on any more additional work; as for substitutes, he suggests herself, and Carmichael (tp. copy with autogr. note by E.J. Lindgren to WBF)

102    M. Fortes to WBF, 1 Nov. – on having a weekend meeting at Oxford, as suggested by Prof. Le Gros Clark; on those who would give papers; on dates; sorry that he missed the last Council meeting due to illness (tp.)

103    A.C.A. Wright to ibid., 2 Nov. – on the date for reading his paper; suggests reading it on the day of the Oxford meeting (autogr. pc)

104    WBF to M. Fortes, 4 Nov. – the Oxford meeting has his approval; date is more difficult; on A.C.A. Wright’s offer to read his paper on the same or the next day; does not think it would be right to create the precedent of holding a Council meeting at Oxford (autogr. draft)

105    WBF to A.C.A. Wright, 6 Nov. – on the Oxford meeting; asks if he could cut his paper; or he could read it in full in London on 12 Dec.; he has suggested that Fortes negotiate with him (autogr. draft)

106    A.C.A. Wright to WBF, 13 Nov. – will try and read this paper; on lunch beforehand; sends the summary (autogr.)

107    Ibid., nd – on the epidiascope; asks if Digby has a photograph of the clay head (autogr. pc)

108    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 14 Nov. (printed)

109    WBF, notes in preparation of card [/1/108]. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

110    T.K. Penniman to WBF, 18 Nov. – on an exhibition for the RAI meeting on 2 Dec.; does not know if it is worth sending out notices (autogr.)

111    Ibid., 23 Nov. – on a talk he proposed; on a paper he gave to the Royal Institution of South Wales (autogr.)

112    Marguerite Milward to WBF, nd – imagined that he had given up the idea of lectures as she had not heard from him; Prof. Radcliffe-Brown told her the lectures were carrying on; she is still available (autogr.)

A152/1/113    WBF to Marguerite Milward, 24 Nov. 1939 – refers to her letter; Council decided to hold monthly, not fortnightly, meetings; would be glad of a paper from her in Feb. or Mar.; suggests she meet him in London to discuss title and subject; on the heads; sorry her lecture had to be postponed again (autogr. draft)

114    T.K. Penniman to WBF, ibid. – agreed with Fortes that he shall not give his talk on flint rings; the exhibition can be announced at the meeting (tp.)

115    M. Fortes to ibid., 27 Nov. – if he wishes to stay the night on 1 or 2 Dec., Dr Marett has offered to ‘bed’ someone; few applications for lunch so far (autogr. card)

116    Invitation card for Huxley Memorial Lecture, 28 Nov. (printed)

117    WBF to Dr R.R. Marett, nd – thanks him for ‘Phaeacian’ hospitality; does not know how he can repay kindness; never having studied under him is the widest of the many gaps in his anthropological equipment (autogr. draft)

118    Marguerite Milward to WBF, 30 Nov. – is glad that there is a possibility of her giving a talk; should like to meet him; suggests a date (autogr.)

119    Ibid., nd – on calling at the British Museum (autogr. pc)

120    WBF to T.K. Penniman, nd – thanks him for two letters; glad to reserve him for a paper at the RAI; describes what he would hope for (autogr. draft)

121    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 2 Dec., and Ordinary Meeting on 12 Dec. (printed)

122    Programme for the Special Meeting on 2 Dec. (tp.)

123    Details of the Special Meeting on 2 Dec. and Ordinary Meeting on 12 Dec. (tp.)

124    WBF to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 3 Dec. – sorry his paper was crowded out; would like to offer him a date for a full-length talk at RAI; on dates (autogr. draft)

125    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, 6 Dec. – on not giving his paper; will give it at Cambridge so will not take up WBF’s offer to speak at RAI (autogr.)

126    WBF to G.M. Morant, [6 Dec.] – asks if he can give paper on 23 Jan.; would like to talk over the details with him; supposes he is still at the Ministry (autogr. draft)

A152/1/127    Ibid. to Gregory Bateson, 12 Dec. 1939 – confirms date for his lecture as 9 Jan. 1940; on epidiascope and projector; on arrangements for lunch and for Council meeting; is looking forward to his lecture. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

 .1    WBF, nd – note about Gregory Bateson (autogr.)

128    Geoffrey M. Morant to WBF, recd. 15 Dec. – refers to his letter of 6 Dec.; shall be pleased to read a paper on 23 Jan.; encloses cheque as contribution to the Dining Club (autogr.)

129    Ibid., 15 Dec. – on the epidiascope (autogr. pc)

130    Gregory Bateson to WBF, 16 Dec. – is going to America; cannot lecture (telegram)

131    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (telegram)

132    WBF to Daryll Forde, 18 Dec. – on Gregory Bateson cancelling his talk; asks if he has any material he could ‘shake’ into a talk; an informal ‘chat’ would do; asks him to let him know as soon as possible; on possibility of Bateson changing his plans; this is a definite invitation to lecture early this session (autogr. draft)

133    Daryll Forde to WBF, 28 Dec. – shall be happy to lecture but could not undertake 9 Jan.; describes the difficulties; refers to report he submitted for consideration for the Wellcome Award; the report was published in Africa; wonders about submitting the published version for the Wellcome Award for 1940; asks if he can find out if this is in order (autogr.)

134    WBF to E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 29 Dec. – asks if he can speak on 9 Jan.; explains that Bateson cannot lecture; has written to Daryll Forde but has not yet heard from him; asks him to let him know soon (autogr. draft)

  2/    1940

  1    Dates of meetings for session 1939-40 (tp.)

  2    WBF, nd – list of dates with names of lecturers (autogr. draft)

  3    Ibid., ibid. – list of dates with names of lecturers (autogr. draft)

  4    Announcement card for Ordinary Meetings on 9 and 23 Jan. 1940 (printed)

A152/2/5        WBF to Marguerite Milward, [early Jan. 1940?] – confirms that her lecture will be on 6 Feb.; asks for title and summary; on arrangements for lunch; on the epidiascope (autogr. draft)

 .1    WBF, nd – note on Mrs M. Milward (autogr.)

  6    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, 1 Jan. – cannot manage 9 Jan. (autogr. pc)

  7    WBF to T.K. Penniman, 6 Jan. – is expecting a lecture on 20 Feb.; would like the title by 20 Jan. (autogr. draft)

  8    Marguerite Milward to WBF, 10 Jan. – on a title for her paper; has notes on a number of tribes; has 45 slides; also has photographs of heads she has made; will do her best to write a summary. 4 pages (autogr.)

  9    T.K. Penniman to ibid., ibid. – asks him not to put him down for a lecture; the proposed defence of Technology is not a subject to be taken off-hand; he will not be forced (tp.)

 10    WBF to T.K. Penniman, 11 Jan. – is sorry to have given the impression that he wished to hurry him against his will; agrees that a defence of technology put together in a hurry would do more harm than good; however, believes that a carefully worked out defence is necessary this session; gives his reason; suggests date of 11 June for his lecture (autogr. draft)

 11    Ibid. to Miss A. Powell-Cotton, 12 Jan. – asks if she could show her films on 20 Feb.; on a projector; on arrangements for lunch and for Council meeting; asks for title of the film and summary (autogr. draft)

 12    Ibid. to Daryll Forde, 15 Jan. – sorry not to have replied sooner to his letter; the film shown on 9 Jan. was very successful; hopes he will give a talk later in the session; gives some dates; on the Wellcome essay; encloses copy of the rules (autogr. draft)

 13    Marguerite Milward to WBF, 16 Jan. – sends the summary; on her slides and photographs; asks for some invitations (autogr.)

 14    A. Powell-Cotton to ibid., 17 Jan. – will be pleased to show some films on 20 Feb.; on the two films she will show; she will bring her own projector; cannot come to lunch (autogr.)

A152/2/15    WBF to J.H. Driberg, ibid. – gives form of announcement of special meeting at Cambridge, to go into Man; hopes he will read a paper at an ordinary meeting; gives some available dates; on Honorary Fellows (autogr. draft)

 16    Ibid. to Marguerite Milward, 18 Jan. – on a title for her lecture; on the slides and photographs; on the summary (autogr. draft)

 17    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 21 Jan. – refers to his letter of 17 Jan.; on the Cambridge meeting on 24 Feb.; gives suggested programme of speakers; on timing; on giving a paper at the RAI on 28 May; on van Wing (autogr.)

 18    Daryll Forde to ibid., ibid. – gives dates he prefers for a lecture; encloses further offprints from Africa (autogr.)

 19    WBF to A. Powell-Cotton, ibid. – glad that she can show her films on 20 Feb.; suggests revised title; asks about specimens of the tools and artefacts used in the processes filmed; sorry that she cannot come to lunch (autogr. draft)

 20    A. Powell-Cotton to WBF, 27 Jan. – on the title for the films; she will operate the projector herself; will bring a few tools with her; on the epidiascope (autogr.)

 21    J.H. Driberg to ibid., 4 Feb. – on the papers he has arranged for the Cambridge meeting; on arrangements for lunch and tea; on venues (autogr.)

 22    WBF to H.N.C. Stevenson, ibid. – on dates for his lecture; on slides and photographs; asks if he will draw up general and particular suggestions for improvement of the RAI’s services (autogr. draft)

 23    Announcement card for Ordinary Meetings on 6 and 20 Feb., and Special Meeting on 24 Feb. (printed)

 24    WBF to Prof. Ginsberg, 7 Feb. – refers to Driberg and the Cambridge meeting; would like to have a lecture from him this session; suggests 5 Mar.; asks for quick reply (autogr. draft)

 25    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 9 Feb. – on failing to meet him; presumably he has drawn up the announcement [of the Cambridge meeting?]; asks for some copies to circulate; on Miss Lindgren giving a coffee or sherry party; will lecture on 7 May (autogr.)

 26    Alfred Cox to ibid., 10 Feb. – on a title for his lecture; will bring slides and some objects; on his application form for membership (autogr.)

A152/2/26.1    WBF, nd – note about Alfred Cox (autogr.)

 27    Daryll Forde to WBF, 13 Feb. 1940 – will speak on 19 Mar. (tp. pc)

 28    WBF to M. Fortes, 14 Feb. – refers to Cambridge meeting on 24 Feb.; if a strong contingent is going from Oxford, suggest the hiring of a coach (autogr. draft)

 29    Ibid. to Alfred Cox, 16 Feb. – refers to his letter of 10 Feb.; encloses notice-card for Mar. meetings; he will receive invitation cards for his lecture; on his election to Fellowhip; on arrangements for lunch and Council or Executive meetings; gives timetable for 5 Mar.; asks for summary of his paper (autogr. draft)

 30    H.N.C. Stevenson to WBF, nd – refers to the ‘pestilential’ paper he has saddled him with; asks for the Apr. date; on the weather; on the questionnaire; on Leach; looks forward to seeing WBF again (autogr.)

 31    Ibid., nd – has noted 23 Apr. as his date; on possibly meeting in London to discuss the paper; on his health (autogr. pc)

 32    M. Fortes to WBF, 19 Feb. – refers to circulars for the Cambridge meeting; the prospective meeting has met with ‘astounding apathy’; cannot attend Council meeting as he has been ill; on a telephone call from Miss Blackwood (autogr. card)

 33    A.C. Haddon to ibid., 21 Feb. – cannot attend the meeting due to illness; would like him to call on him; sorry he cannot offer hospitality (autogr.)

 34    WBF to A.C. Haddon, 22 Feb. – is sorry that he cannot attend the meeting on Saturday; had been going to call on him but heard that he was confined to bed; shall be delighted to call on Sunday (autogr.)

 35    Alfred Cox to WBF, 24 Feb. – apologises for delay in answering letter; is grateful for help with election to RAI; asks him to lunch; on the summary of his lecture; sorry he could not attend lecture last Tuesday (autogr.)

 36    Circular about Special Meeting at Cambridge, 24 Feb. (tp.)

 37    WBF, nd – ibid. 3 leaves (autogr. draft)

 .1    Note of title of paper by M. Datta Majumder (autogr.)

A152/2/38    WBF to J.H. Driberg, 6 Mar. 1940 – on summaries of the papers read at the Cambridge meeting; shall be glad to have suggestions from him for improvements in the RAI; refers to his lecture (autogr. draft)

 39    Ibid. to H.N.C. Stevenson, 10 Mar. – asks when he is coming to London; asks for title of his lecture (autogr. draft)

 40    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 13 Mar. – sorry for delay in answering his letter; did not have time to see to the abstracts so he asked Trevor to do this; refers to next Tuesday’s Council meeting (autogr.)

 41    Helen Rosenau-Carmi to E.J. Lindgren, ibid. – asks if she can attend lecture at RAI; hopes she will have time for a cup of tea (tp.)

 42    H.N.C. Stevenson to WBF, 15 Mar. – has had to give up trying to write his paper due to eye and hand trouble; apologises; will be in London at Easter (autogr.)

 43    Geoffrey M. Morant to ibid., 17 Mar. – the enclosed paper is not good enough for a lecture or for publication; however Fleure might have a higher opinion of it; on his book; on meeting for lunch (autogr.)

 44    WBF to Miles Burkitt, ibid. – glad he is going to describe his Turkish dig; on Stevenson having to give up his lecture; asks if he can lecture on that date, 23 Apr.; if he cannot do this, asks that he send a telegram (autogr.)

 45    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

 46    E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 30 Mar. – on advertising the RAI; suggests meetings appear in the Times, ‘Today’s Arrangements’ column (autogr. pc)

 47    WBF to T.K. Penniman, 2 Apr. – asks if he has thought anything up for his lecture on Technology; asks if he can accept the date of 11 June; on the trend of feeling among sociologists over the colonial memorandum [see A43/13]; asks that he and Miss Blackwood do not fail to attend next Council meeting on 23 Apr. (autogr. draft)

 48    T.K. Penniman to WBF, 4 Apr. – will certainly come on 23 Apr.; cannot say anything about Technology yet (autogr.)

 49    WBF to J.H. Driberg, 7 Apr. – asks for confirmation that he will lecture on 7 May; asks for his title by 20 Apr. (autogr. draft)

A152/2/50    Miles Burkitt to WBF, 9 Apr. – could come on 30 Apr. (autogr. pc)

 51    Ibid., ibid. – 30 Apr. would suit him better if there is a change of date (autogr. pc.)

 52    J.H. Driberg to ibid., 11 Apr. – cannot manage 23 Apr.; cannot manage the May meeting either; hopes he can be postponed to the next session; on difficulties in obtaining apparatus (autogr.)

 53    M.C. Burkitt to ibid., 13 Apr. – 7 May would suit him best; 28 May slightly more difficult (autogr. pc)

 54    Ibid., 17 Apr. – confirms 7 May (autogr. pc)

 55    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 23 Apr.; this meeting has been postponed (printed)

 56    WBF to Alec Rodger, 26 Apr. – has been trying to find a social psychologist to give a lecture on 28 May; Dr Lindgren has suggested him; invites him; asks if he could reply by return (autogr. draft)

 57    Alec Rodger, National Institute of Industrial Psychology, to WBF, 27 Apr. – he can do something; asks for a day or two to think about subjects (autogr. pc)

 58    Abbé Breuil to ibid., 29 Apr. – refers to his letter [possibly A115/1/3a]; on news of WBF; refers to award of the Huxley Medal and the call to deliver the Huxley Lecture in 1941; refers to international affairs; has given Miss Boyle some brochures for him; asks what subject he should treat; suggests a couple of titles. 2 leaves (tp.)

 59    3 May – notice of three lectures to be given by Dr Ida Ward (tp.)

 60    Miles Burkitt to WBF, 4 May – on having dinner after the lecture; on trains (autogr. pc)

 61    WBF to Mr Wayland, 13 May – invites him to read a paper on 11 June; would greatly like a paper on East African prehistory; asks him to reply by return if possible (autogr. draft)

 62    E.J. Wayland to WBF, 15 May – lists all the things he is trying to do; has no time to prepare a paper; but will give an unprepared talk (autogr.)

 63    WBF to E.J. Wayland, 17 May – accepts his offer of an unprepared talk; refers to his paper at the R.G.S.; suggests differentiating the titles as much as possible (autogr. draft)

A152/2/64    E.J. Wayland to WBF, nd – refers to his letter; on lantern slides and a blackboard; attended a lecture by Dr Zeuner; O’B.’s wrong ideas being accepted; encloses notes on T.P. O’Brien’s book (autogr.)

 65    Ibid., Mar. – ‘Notes on Mr. T.P. O’Brien’s Book: “The Prehistory of Uganda Protectorate”’. 8 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with /2/64]

 66    WBF to Alec Rodger, 23 May – invites him to dine after the paper; it may be a small gathering; the audience might be small too; on the epidiascope; on meeting him; on the summary (autogr. draft)

 67    Mary E. Boyle to WBF, ibid. – on sending brochures from Abbé Breuil; as the Abbé has heard nothing, he wondered if she had forgotten her commission; asks him to repeat his letter (autogr. pc)

 68    M.N. Kennedy, Royal Central Asian Society, to ibid., 25 May – thinks many members would have been interested in the paper; they are too busy to send out notices; shall be glad to know of RAI programme as far as possible in advance (tp.)

 69    WBF to Abbé Breuil, 30 May – sorry that he has failed to reply to his letter; is grateful for the reprints; members of Council were pleased that he had accepted the award of the Huxley Medal; as for the subject of the lecture, he would not presume to advise; sends a list of previous Huxley Lecture subjects; a purely geological study might be too technical; the end of the war does not seem to have come nearer (autogr. draft)

 70    Ibid. to E.J. Wayland, 5 June – gives final details about arrangements for his lecture; on invitation cards; thanks him for sending his remarks on O’Brien’s book; on the summary of the talk (autogr. draft)

 71    M.N. Kennedy to WBF, 29 July – on Mrs Drower’s lecture; on other speakers at her Society (tp. with autogr note)

 72    WBF to Sir Percy Sykes, nd – invites him to give a lecture on 22 Oct.; on the agreement between the two societies [RAI and Royal Central Asian Society], that when lectures are of interest to the other society, its members may attend; hopes he will speak about the Afghans; asks that he let him know soon (autogr. draft)

 73    Sir Percy Sykes to WBF, 12 Sept. – cannot accept his flattering invitation; has not studied the Afghans from the anthropological point of view (autogr.)

A152/2/74    M.N. Kennedy to ibid., 18 Sept. – sends a card; on the lecturer; asks him to say whether or not RAI will join in the lecture (tp. with autogr. notes by WBF)

 75    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 20 Sept. – regrets the material is unobtainable (telegram)

 76    Ibid., 22 Sept. – refers to WBF’s wire; assumed that he wanted his demonstration; he refused, as he cannot get the material; however he is prepared to help with a paper; offers some subjects (autogr.)

 77    WBF to J.H. Driberg, 25 Sept. – refers to his letter; he did have the demonstration in mind, but any lecture will be good; on the title he has chosen (autogr. draft)

 78    WBF to A.B. Radcliffe-Brown, 7 Oct. – thanks him for note [not held]; on bombs near his house; regarding lecture meetings he put a notice in Man; any arrangement could only be provisional; many societies are carrying on; believes the RAI will gain by carrying on even in the eyes of those who do not come to lectures; on bombs in Bloomsbury; hopes to have another special meeting at Oxford. 4 pages (autogr. draft)

 79    Ticket for lecture at the Royal Central Asian Society on 10 Oct., ‘in conjunction with the Royal Anthropological Institute’ (printed)

 80    Proof of ibid. (printed with autogr. additions)

 81    WBF to Harold J.E. Peake, 13 Oct. – hopes he can give his Huxley Lecture as arranged, on 26 Nov.; it will probably be held in the afternoon; unless daytime bombing increases there should not be difficulty or danger; on damage to the RAI from a landmine; on the epidiascope; on a lunch instead of a dinner; the audience will be less than in peace-time; asks for exact title of the lecture (autogr. draft)

 82    Harold J.E. Peake to WBF, 16 Oct. – on his Huxley Lecture; gives the title; there are no illustrations (autogr.); on verso: WBF, nd – text of notice about meetings on 12 and 26 Nov. (autogr.)

 83    Note about lecture [by Edith Stiassny] on ‘The History of Women’s Costume in Crete and Mycenae’ (autogr.)

 84    nd – note on Miss Edith Stiassny (autogr. pc)

 85    WBF, nd – list of those to be invited to Miss Stiassny’s lecture (autogr.)

A152/2/86    WBF to J.H. Driberg, 16 Oct. 1940 – sorry to hear that he had had a fall; on bombs near the RAI; the lecture room is in permanent blackout; other societies are carrying on with lectures; on lunch (autogr. draft)

 87    WBF, nd – text of an announcement about meetings in the session 1940-41; Council resolved to continue a full programme of lectures as far as possible; Fellows may visit the RAI with a high degree of safety; on the agreement with the Royal Central Asian Society. 4 pages (autogr. draft)

 88    Alan Pitt Robbins to WBF, 22 Oct. – refers to his letter of 21 Oct. [not held]; will do his best to see that announcements of meetings will appear in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ as regularly as possible (tp.)

 89    WBF to M. Muhlenfeld, nd – refers to tentative consent to lecture; he now writes to make the invitation official; hopes the consent will also be official; the date is 22 Oct., the opening date of the session; describes the format of the meetings; Miss Lindgren mentioned that he is interested in the Badui tribe; the RAI and its library is at his service; invites him to the British Museum (autogr. draft)

 .1    Note of A. Muhlenfeld’s address (autogr.)

 90    J.H. Driberg to WBF, 23 Oct. – on a telegram which he only just received; on a proof for Miss Martindell (autogr.)

 91    WBF to M.N. Kennedy, 25 Oct. – sends title of August Muhlenfeld’s paper for 10 Dec.; refers to her Iran meeting; gives reasons why there were so few RAI members there (autogr. draft)

 92    M.N. Kennedy to WBF, 29 Oct. – is putting the lecture on the ‘Baduj’ before Council; is sure they will be glad for members to have to opportunity of attending; on lectures she is putting on, one on Arabs and one on Malaya (tp.)

 93    G.M. Morant to ibid., 1 Nov. – on a bomb near his house; knows of no one able and willing to lecture on a physical topic in the new year; he himself is not inclined for writing while the war lasts; on trying to sell stamps for the RAI (autogr.)

 94    M.N. Kennedy to ibid., ibid. – on cards (autogr. pc.)

 95    J.H. Driberg to ibid., 3 Nov. – refers to his letter [not held]; was surprised at the size of the audience; writing a summary is impossible; he might try it on John L. Myres (autogr.)

A152/2/96    M.L. Tildesley to ibid., 8 Nov. 1940 – on invitation cards for Tuesday’s lecture; has sent one to Mr Kastrat; on Mr Kastrat and the subject on which he might speak to RAI; sorry that WBF will not be there next Tuesday (tp.)

 97    M.N. Kennedy to ibid., 14 Nov. – on cards; Prof. Emanuel was killed by a bomb; on Prof. Berger giving a lecture; asks him to fix it for Jan. (autogr.)

 98    Ibid., 21 Nov. – on cards[?] (autogr.)

 99    M. Davis, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to ibid. 22 Nov. – refers to his letters about lecture on 10 Dec. [not held]; shall be pleased to join in with RAI; on invitation cards; will let him know the fixtures of the Royal Asiatic Society . 4 pages (autogr.)

100    Harold J.E. Peake to ibid., ibid. – sorry he will not be present on Tuesday; has asked Miss Martindell to let him know if there if any change in the programme (autogr.)

101    Announcement card for Huxley Memorial Lecture on 26 Nov. (printed)

102    Flyer for lectures at the Warburg Institute, 3, 10 and 17 Dec. (printed)

103    Announcement card for lecture by August Muhlenfeld on 10 Dec. (printed)

104    Announcement card for lecture by August Muhlenfeld on 10 Dec. (printed)

105    August Muhlenfeld, ‘The Badui’, lecture to the RAI, 10 Dec. 4 pages (printed)

106    Ibid. to Mr Kastrat, 15 Dec. – M.L. Tildesley has suggested that he invite him to give a lecture on a subject connected with Albanian life; describes what he could talk on; on slides and photographs; if he is willing to accept the invitation, WBF would like to fix an early date; suggests 28 Jan. (autogr. draft)

107    M.L. Tildesley to WBF, 26 Dec. – has just sent on his letter to Mr Kastrati; on fixing the Jan. programme; has asked Mr Kastrati to let him know at once (autogr. pc)

A152/2/108    WBF to Raymond Firth, 30 Dec. 1940 – welcomes him back from his travels; on his presenting the first fruits of his fieldwork to the RAI; on carrying on lecture programme; on pooling arrangements with other societies; offers him some dates to lecture; on his evacuation; on continuing with the Secretaryship; thanks him for his form for the Register; thinks Myres would like a paper from him for Man; asks if he could pay a visit. 4 pages (autogr. draft)

109    WBF – notes on lecturers (autogr.)

110    Ibid. – notes on Sidney Smith and Hawkes (autogr.)

  3/    1941

  1    Q.E. Kastratj to WBF, 2 Jan. 1941 – feels it an honour to address the RAI; the date he suggests suits him; on the title; has informed Miss Martindell that he accepts the invitation (tp.)

  2    WBF to Mr Kastratj, 12 Jan. – thanks him for acceptance of invitation to speak to the RAI; on the epidiascope; on invitation cards; is not sure if he can attend but will do what he can to avoid disappointment (autogr. draft)

  3    Raymond Firth to WBF, 22 Jan. – on his two letters; shall be glad to speak on 18 Feb. (tp.)

  4    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, ibid. – on the lecture on 28 Jan.; hopes it can be announced in ‘Today’s Arrangements’; asks for confirmation that they received notice of the meeting on 10 Dec.; was surprised not to see it announced in ‘Today’s Arrangements’; would like to verify that arrangements for notifying them are working smoothly (autogr. draft)

  5    Ibid. to Miss M.N. Kennedy, 30 Jan. – on invitation to her luncheon meeting on 12 Feb.; Miss Lindgren explained the difference between the luncheon meetings and ordinary ones; if she sends notices he will circulate them; on the Albanian lecture; on Miss Martindell; mentions her antipathy to a number of people, especially Miss Lindgren; on Raymond Firth’s lecture in Feb.; on other joint lectures. 3 pages (autogr. draft)

  6    Ibid. to Mrs M. Davis, Royal Asiatic Society, 1 Feb. – asks if her Society would like to join in the lecture on 18 Feb.; on forthcoming lectures in which RAI might join (autogr. draft)

A152/3/7        Raymond Firth to WBF, 4 Feb. 1941 – on the title of his lecture (autogr. pc)

  8    M.N. Kennedy to ibid., 5 Feb. – Commandant Hackin’s lecture will have to be postponed; sends some cards for Sir Bernard Reilly’s talk; on his talk; on Royal Asiatic cards; on Miss Martindell (tp. with autogr. addition)

  9    WBF to Mr Kastrati, 9 Feb. – sorry not to thank him sooner for his lecture; on the smallness of the audience; should like to include a summary of the talk in Man (autogr. draft)

 10    Ibid. to Dr M.H. Read, 9 Feb. – asks if she will read a paper on 18 Mar.; on the subject; on previous speakers; asks if she knows of a free Frenchman who might speak; on finding a native African speaker; on a motion to allow allies temporary membership of RAI (autogr. draft)

 11    Margaret Read to WBF, 11 Feb. – refers to his letter of 9 Feb.; cannot get anything ready by 18 Mar.; will see what Margaret Green thinks about an African speaker; will get in touch with E.J. Lindgren about the question of temporary membership; cannot attend Council on 18 Feb. (tp.)

 12    M.N. Kennedy to ibid., 15 Feb. – is disappointed to miss the lecture on 18 Feb. (autogr. pc)

 13    Ibid., 25 Feb. – wonders if the lecture on Malayans is to be circulated; suggests another topic for a lecture; asks him to let her know in good time if RAI wishes to join in any of her lectures (tp. with autogr. note)

 14    Beatrice Blackwood to ibid., 3 Mar. – refers to his card [not held]; thinks she can manage day in late Mar. to give a film show to RAI; outlines two alternatives; asks him to let her know which he prefers (autogr.)

 15    Ibid., 4 Mar. – could show film Mar. or later (telegram)

 16    Invitation card for Royal Central Asian Society lecture on 5 Mar. (printed)

A152/3/17    Beatrice Blackwood to WBF, 9 Mar. 1941 – the taking over of land for army and air force purposes has led to archaeological work of great urgency; on a date for her film show; on the films she will show; suggests a title; asks about a lantern for slides; asks if she should bring specimens (autogr.); on verso: WBF to Beatrice Blackwood, 16 Mar. – sorry not to reply sooner; on being busy; asks about a projector; asks her to bring any specimens she can; on lunch; on nomination of Jenness for the Rivers [Medal] (autogr. draft)

 18    K.M. Martindell to WBF, 18 Mar. – Mr Ajitcoomar Mookerjee wishes to give a paper on the folk art of Bengal; has suggested that Miss Blackwood borrow a projector from the Pitt Rivers Museum (autogr.)

 19    Beatrice Blackwood to ibid., ibid. – on business; on the projector; on the nomination of Jenness for the Rivers Medal; on her films (tp.)

 20    Audrey I. Richards to ibid., 10 Apr. – wonders if he has room for a paper from her; outlines the subject; asks him to let her know if it is not suitable (autogr.)

 21    WBF to [E.J. Lindgren?], 17 Apr. – asks if there are any political objections; on trying to arrange three lectures on African subjects; would be difficult to refuse Dr Richards (autogr. with autogr. reply by E.J. Lindgren added)

 22    Margaret Read to WBF, 23 Apr. – apologises for not answering his card sooner; will read a paper on 27 May; suggests a speaker for 10 June; refers to Audrey Richards (tp.)

 23    WBF to H.W. Dickinson, Newcomen Society, nd – draws his attention to a lecture on 29 Apr. by H.H. Coghlan; on inviting other societies to attend meetings; Mr Coghlan has suggested that his members might be interested; encloses notice cards; on further war damage to the RAI (autogr. draft)

 24    H.W. Dickinson to WBF, 24 Apr. – thanks him for notices of Mr Coghlan’s lecture; hopes to get some of his members to attend although the notice is short (tp.)

 25    WBF to Dr A.I. Richards, 27 Apr. – on reason why he has not replied sooner; accepts her offer of a paper; had been hoping to end the session with three lectures on African subjects; offers her 13 May or 10 June; if she can do the earlier date, asks that she let him know by wire so he can begin organising publicity; asks if she would mind if the Royal African Society members were invited (autogr. draft)

A152/3/26    Dr I.A. Richards to WBF, 29 Apr. 1941 – prefers 10 June (telegram)

 .1    Envelope of telegram with note ‘name unknown … Bombed out’ (autogr.)

 27    Dr I.A. Richards to WBF, [29 Apr.] – her wire was returned; would prefer 10 June; gives title; thinks the Royal African Society might put up a notice; on others to whom she would like notices sent; will speak at the first meeting if he cannot find anyone else but would prefer the later date (autogr.)

 28    WBF to the Hon. Secretary, Royal African Society, 13 May – writes to inform him of two lectures; on co-operation between societies; glad to throw these two lectures open to his society; will send notice cards when they are ready; gives details of the two lectures, on 27 May and 10 June (autogr. draft)

 29    E.N. Corbyn, Secretary, the Royal African Society, to WBF, 15 May – thanks him for information about the two lectures; on the desire to be mutually helpful in difficult times (tp.)

 30    WBF to Mlle Germaine Merlange, Free French Forces, 22 May – on the two lectures on African subjects which may be of interest to French students of colonial Africa; encloses notice cards; shall be delighted to welcome any Frenchman who cares to attend; on Commandant Hackin’s death; proud to have had his name on the roll of Hon. Fellows (autogr. draft)

 31    M.N. Kennedy to WBF, 23 May – on a lecture; encloses Mr Reitlinger’s review of Mr FitzGerald’s book (tp.)

 32    WBF to M.N. Kennedy, 25 May – refers to note of 23 May with notice of Rietlinger’s lecture; on an unanswered letter from 25 Feb. on Firth’s lecture; it would be worth while asking Firth to repeat it, or to give them a lecture on a similar topic; asks if she has any other papers coming up which RAI would like (autogr. draft)

 33    Mlle Germaine Merlange to WBF, 28 May – refers to his letter of 22 May; it is kind of him to have thought of inviting members of the FFL to the two lectures; on Commandant Hackin (tp.)

 34    RAI Proceedings 9 Jan. 1940-10 June 1941. 4 pages (tp.)

A152/3/35    WBF to M. Schaeffer, 11 July 1941 – announces his election as a Guest Member of the RAI for the duration of the war; outlines the privileges of Guest Membership; Council desires to show admiration for the part he is playing in the common cause of freedom; also to make a contribution to international understanding and cooperation. 2 leaves (tp.)

 36    Ibid. to Sir John Marshall, 16 July – conveys Council’s invitation to him to deliver the Huxley Memorial Lecture for 1942; it is still hoped that Abbé Breuil can send the text of his lecture for 1941; congratulates him (tp.)

 37    C.F.A. Schaeffer to WBF, 18 July – refers to his letter of 11 July concerning Guest Membership; he considers the decision of Council as a great honour; appreciates the reasons which guided Council to institute the new honour; regrets that circumstances prevent him for making use of the RAI’s facilities; he has suspended archaeological work to join the French Navy; quotes Hackin as saying that France and England must always remain friends (tp.)

 .1    Ibid., business card with addresses (printed and tp.)

 38    Sir John Marshall to [WBF], 11 Aug. – sorry for delay in replying to letter of 16 July; on the great honour the Council has done him in inviting him to deliver the Huxley Lecture; on his health; he might have to cry off at the last minute; therefore he must decline the distinction; asks him to convey to Council his appreciation of the honour and his regret that health prevents him from accepting (autogr.)

 39    WBF to Dr Ward, 21 Sept. – refers to conversation about her giving a paper; asks if she will speak on 21 Oct.; on his plans for the session’s programme; is aware of the short notice; will notify the headquarters of the Free Frenchmen (autogr. draft)

 40    Ida C. Ward to WBF, 24 Sept. – hates to say no, but could not find one hour to prepare a paper by 21 Oct.; gives reasons why; perhaps she will try to oblige later in the session; approves his suggestions as to the type of lecture to be given (autogr. with autogr. note of reply by WBF – asks if he can book her for a date in the first quarter of 1942)

 41    K.M. Martindell to ibid., 25 Sept. – on meeting of Executive Committee; asks if he wishes to keep to the arrangement for 7 Oct. (autogr.)

 42    List of meetings, session 1941-42 (tp.)

A152/3/43    WBF, nd – list of lecturers for 1941-42 (autogr.)

 44    WBF to Sir Leonard Woolley, 9 Oct. 1941 – invites him to deliver the Huxley Lecture for 1942; Council hopes he will feel able to accept, in spite of his wartime duties; congratulates him (autogr. draft)

 45    Sir Leonard Woolley to WBF, 17 Oct. – feels honoured by invitation to deliver the Huxley Memorial Lecture; accepts the invitation; asks if he might get in touch to discuss the character of the lecture (autogr.)

 46    Announcement card for lecture on 28 Oct. (printed)

 47    WBF to Mrs Rosemary Firth, 2 Nov. – invites her to give a lecture at RAI on Malay housekeeping; suggests 16 Dec.; on arrangements; presumes the paper would be illustrated; if she agrees to speak and to write a summary it would be a godsend for Myres (autogr. draft)

 48    K.M. Martindell to WBF, 4 Nov. – on printing notice of a lecture on a postcard; Wodderspoon’s man said it was impossible; suggested a leaflet in an envelope (autogr.)

 .1    Notice of lecture by Prof. J.L. Myres on 25 Nov. (printed)

 49    Rosemary Firth to WBF, 11 Nov. – is prepared to give a talk on Malay housekeeping; 16 Dec. will suit; there should be some slides (autogr. pc)

 50    Ibid., 8 Dec. – on mistakes in the announcement card for her lecture; it seems a pity that a scientific body like the RAI cannot give its members accurate information; is surprised that no mention is made of the slides (tp. with autogr. note by WBF added, referring to ‘cantankerous fretting about nothing’)

 51    WBF to Prof. E.H. Minns, 14 Dec. – on working in Bournemouth; one of his fellow-principals in this work is Miss Bradbrook of Girton, who was associated Prof. Minns; Miss Bradbrook showed him an article by Prof. Minns on Archaeology in the USSR; asks if he would give a paper to the RAI on the subject; suggests 20 or 27 Jan.; should think it an honour if he could accept (autogr. draft)

 52    Announcement card for lecture on 16 Dec. (printed)

 53    Ellis H. Minns to WBF, 18 Dec. – can do what he asks on 20 Jan.; encloses copy of the Cambridge Review with his article; suggests reading the article and providing slides; on arrangements (autogr.)

A152/3/54    The Cambridge Review, Vol. LXIII No. 1532, 18 Oct. 1941. Article by Prof. Ellis H. Minns on p. 22. (printed)

  4/    1942

  1    WBF to Raymond Firth, 10 Jan. 1942 – thanks him for introducing Little; hopes to get him to lecture on 24 Mar.; does not know his initials or title; on proposing him for fellowship; on Miss Martindell’s illness; on her temporary replacement, Wendy Grant; on his wife’s lecture (autogr. draft)

  2    Ellis H. Minns to WBF, 11 Jan. [wrongly dated 1941] – his plans have changed as his wife has to go into hospital; if things are going well he will give his talk; if she is in danger, he will not turn up (autogr. pc)

  3    WBF to Prof. V.G. Childe, 12 Jan. – not sure whether he receives meeting cards; informs him about Prof. Minns’ lecture on 20 Jan.; asks if he will read a paper before long (autogr.); on verso: V. Gordon Childe to WBF, 19 Jan. – thanks him for his note about Minns’ lecture; there is no chance this week; hoped to visit London once or twice this year; however transport conditions have dispelled hopes; if conditions of transport were relaxed he might consider the possibility of coming in the autumn (autogr.)

  4    WBF to Prof. V.G. Childe, 12 Jan. – autogr. draft [of /4/3]

  5    Ibid. to Miss Margaret Wrong, 18 Jan. – asks if she will speak at the RAI on 24 Feb.; if she agrees, asks for her title as soon as possible; on having lunch beforehand (autogr. draft)

  6    Ibid. to K. Little, ibid. – glad he has agreed to speak on 24 Mar.; on lunch beforehand; on his formal election as a Fellow; on the epidiascope; asks for summary of his paper (autogr. draft)

  7    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 20 Jan. (printed)

  8    Lord Raglan to WBF, 23 Jan. – refers to his letter [not held]; sorry to hear that Miss Martindell ‘is lost to us’; encloses cheque as a contribution to her maintenance; had not heard of Miss Fleming’s death; has a paper in draft; on travelling (tp.)

A152/4/9        Kenneth L. Little to ibid., 24 Jan. 1942 – looks forward to delivering his paper, and to lunch; should prefer it if no publicity about the paper be given to newspapers; gives reasons; on summary of his paper for Man; on the epidiascope; asks that cards be sent to certain people (autogr.)

 10    Margaret Wrong to ibid., 26 Jan. – is nervous about speaking to the RAI but Ethel John Lindgren is not to be disobeyed; suggests a title; is free on 24 Feb. (autogr.)

 11    WBF to Lord Raglan, 29 Jan. – refers to his letter of 23 Jan.; thanks him for the cheque for Miss Martindell; she is still gravely ill; Miss Fleming is still alive; not possible to make further payments to her; is glad to offer him the first date in the next session for his paper (autogr. draft)

 12    K.L. Little to WBF, 8 Feb. – sends a ‘blurb’ for his lecture; on the change of title; on including graphs and a map in the summary for Man (tp.)

 13    Ajit Mookerjee to ibid., 10 Feb. – offers to read a paper to the RAI; is from Bengal and has always been interested in folk art of that province; on his various studies; would be grateful if he could read a paper. 3  pages (autogr.); on verso: WBF to Ajit Mookerjee, nd – refers to his letter; has booked a full programme of lectures for the present session; thinks he can give him a date sometime in the next session; perhaps he could write again in the summer; if a lecturer cancels, he may call on him at short notice (autogr. draft)

 14    Ajit Mookerjee to WBF, 20 Feb. – refers to his letter; if one of this session’s speakers should cancel it would suit him best; is not sure how long he is staying in the country (autogr.)

 15    Margaret Wrong to ibid., ibid. – sorry not to have sent a synopsis; will bring it on Tuesday; thanks him for invitation to lunch (autogr.)

 16    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 24 Feb. (printed)

 17    K.L. Little to WBF, 14 Mar. – asks for some printed cards, unless they have already been sent out; on the script for Man (tp. pc)

A152/4/18    WBF to Capitaine Schaeffer, 16 Mar. 1942 – invites him to lecture on 21 Apr.; if he cannot manage that date, he would like him to come in autumn or early winter; if he cannot manage the earlier date, asks him to let him know as soon as possible (autogr. draft)

 19    C.F.A. Schaeffer to WBF, 23 Mar. – refers to his letter; accepts the suggestion that he lecture on 21 Apr.; hopes to find time to prepare a special subject; if not will give a general exposé; shall write with the title; asks if someone could translate his French into English; on slides (autogr.); on verso: WBF to Commander Schaeffer, 29 Mar. – on his lecture; asks for title; asks for explanatory note about the subject; on the epidiascope; on slides; on translation (autogr.)

 20    E.J. Lindgren, nd – note on Commandant Schaeffer (autogr.)

 21    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 24 Mar. (printed)

 22    Wendy Grant to WBF, 25 Mar. – on how and where to address Capitaine Schaeffer (tp. pc)

 23    Kenneth Little to ibid., 26 Mar. – thanks him for his trouble in arranging the lecture; thanks him for dealing with application of Mr Coleman[?]; on Cummings (autogr.)

 24    C.F.A. Schaeffer to ibid., 2 Apr. – refers to his letter of 29 Mar.; shall adapt the paper he prepared for Oxford; shall not need new slides; outlines what he will talk about; gives explanatory note; does not think there is any need to bother Dr Lindgren about translation (tp.)

 25    WBF to Dr A. Sommerfelt, 8 Apr. – Council have elected him Guest Member of the RAI for the duration of the war; outlines the privileges of Guest Membership; Council desires to show admiration for the part he is playing in the common cause of freedom; also to make a contribution to international understanding and cooperation; invites him to give a lecture (tp.)

 26    Dr Alf Sommerfelt to WBF, 10 Apr. – thanks him for election to Guest Membership; it is an honour; accepts invitation to lecture on 16 June (tp. copy)

 27    Announcement card of Ordinary Meeting on 21 Apr. (printed)

A152/4/28    WBF to Dr Marie Jahoda, 25 Apr. 1942 – on lecture which she promised for 19 May; on the title; asks for short note on the subject matter; on practical arrangements; on publishing the lecture in Man (autogr. draft)

 29    Marie Jahoda to WBF, 3 May – shall be pleased to lecture on 19 May; on publishing the lecture in Man; encloses short note on the subject matter (autogr.)

 .1    Note on ‘Socio-Psychological Methods of Field Work’ (tp.)

 30    Dr Alf Sommerfelt to WBF, 8 May – learned that his answer to WBF’s letter of 8 Apr. had not been delivered; encloses copy of his reply [see /4/27]; shall be honoured to lecture (tp.)

 31    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 19 May (printed)

 32    WBF to Dr Alf Sommerfelt, 28 May – delighted that he will lecture on 16 June; on the title; asks for short note summarising the thesis; on lunch arrangements (autogr. draft)

 33    Dr Alf Sommerfelt to WBF, 1 June – refers to his letter of 28 May; outlines what he is going to say in the lecture (tp.)

 34    Ajit Mookerjee to ibid., 7 Aug. – reminder about his talk on ‘Bengal Folk Art’ (autogr. pc)

 35    WBF to Lord Raglan, 20 Sept. – on a lecture he promised; suggests 27 Oct.; asks for short note for the ‘blurb’ on the card; on lunch arrangements; his department is probably moving back to London in Nov. (autogr. draft)

 36    Ibid. to Sir Leonard Woolley, 20 Sept. – refers to previous correspondence about the Huxley Lecture; proposes date of 24 Nov.; as to the character and title of the lecture, he would not presume to make any suggestions; leaves the choice entirely to him; asks for title as soon as possible (autogr. draft)

 37    […?] to H.J. Braunholtz, 21 Sept. – on Homet; has written to WBF to ‘jolt him up’ about meetings (tp.)

 38    Lord Raglan to WBF, 22 Sept. – 27 Oct. suits him; gives outline of his lecture (tp.)

 39    Leonard Woolley to ibid., 23 Sept. – 24 Nov. suits him; gives outline of his lecture; suggests title (autogr.)

A152/4/40    FS[?] to H.J. Braunholtz, 24 Sept. 1942 – on lectures which WBF has arranged; on Council and Executive meetings; on Consultative Committee (tp.)

 41    26 Oct. – notice of lecture at Antiquarian Society (printed with autogr. note by E.J. Lindgren)

 42    Announcement card of Ordinary Meeting on 27 Oct. (printed)

 43    FS[?] to H.J. Braunholtz, 20 Nov. – on the Consultative Conference; on lunch; on the medal (tp.)

 44    Announcement card for Huxley Memorial Lecture on 24 Nov. (printed)

 45    Notice of a lunch preceding the Huxley Memorial Lecture (tp.)

 46    Card cancelling Ordinary Meeting of 15 Dec. (printed)

 .1    FS, nd – note on Codrington/Mookerjee lecture (autogr.)

 47    WBF to Sir Leonard Woolley, 22 Dec. – thanks him for his lecture; apologises for circumstances which led to its starting late; on reprinting his lecture (autogr. draft)

 48    FS to WBF, 30 Dec. – Dr Field will lecture on 26 Jan. (tp.)

  5/    1943

  1    Lord Raglan, ‘The Future of Social Anthropology’. 8 leaves (tp.) [lecture given on 27 Oct. 1942]

 .1    J.L. Myres to WBF, 12 Jan. 1943 – cover note with Lord Raglan’s revised summary (autogr. note)

 .2    WBF, nd – note relating to Lord Raglan’s second paragraph (autogr)

 .3    Ibid., ibid. – note on Science (autogr.)

  2    Ibid. to Maj. C.J. Morris, 14 Jan. – E.J. Lindgren suggested that he might give a lecture on Japan; on the difficulties of keeping the RAI going in wartime; is trying to keep the RAI and anthropology at the centre of things; suggests a possible topic for the talk; suggests some dates. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

  3    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 26 Jan. (printed)

A152/5/4        Ibid. for Ordinary Meeting on 23 Feb. 1943 (printed)

  5    WBF to J. Soustelle, 26 Feb. – invites him to lecture on 25 May; on the subject on which he will speak; is grateful that he is willing to prepare a paper for the RAI (autogr. draft)

  6    J. Soustelle to WBF, 1 Mar. – refers to his letter of 26 Feb.; is glad to accept invitation to lecture on 25 May; suggests a subject; asks if the Journal des Américanistes is available in RAI library (tp.)

  7    WBF to J. Soustelle, 4 Mar. – refers to his letter of 1 Mar.; the title he suggests will be of the greatest interest; asks for a short summary of his talk; the Journal des Américanistes has been evacuated so is inaccessible; suggests he consult it in the British Museum (autogr. draft)

  8    H. Meyerowitz to WBF, 18 Mar. – would have liked to give lecture but doubts whether he will be in the country (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

  9    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 23 Mar. (printed)

 10    K. Rishbeth to WBF, 27 Mar. – is sorry but she cannot get away that day; hopes he can find someone; feels honoured (autogr. pc)

 11    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 20 Apr. (printed)

 12    Margaret Read to WBF, 21 Apr. – Mr E.G. Hawkesworth is home on leave; thinks it would be excellent to get him to lecture at the RAI; suggests topics (tp. with autogr. notes by WBF)

 13    WBF, nd – note regarding Capt. Jacques Lecomte de Nouy (autogr.)

 14    WBF to E.G. Hawkesworth, 6 May – having heard that he is on leave, asks if he would lecture on a subject connected with native administration in Ashanti; suggests 4 June (autogr. draft)

A152/5/15    Ibid. to R.U. Sayce, 7 May 1943 – asks if he will give a lecture on the place of material culture in anthropological studies; on the social anthropologists; thinks it important that someone give an exposition of the way the different branches of anthropology fit into the science as a whole (autogr. draft)

 16    Ibid., ibid. – note on possible lecturer R.U. Sayce (autogr.)

 17    E.G. Hawkesworth to WBF, 9 May – appreciates the invitation; is on sick leave so will not be able to be in London on 4 June (autogr.)

 18    R.U. Sayce to ibid., 18 May – apologises for delay in replying; when he first read his letter his mind went blank; asks for some time to think about the subject; will let him know on 25 May (autogr.)

 19    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 25 May (printed)

 20    Olive Lodge, nd – ‘Annual Report of Lectures on Yugoslavia March 1942-March 1943’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Compliments slip from Miss Olive Lodge (tp.)

 .2    E.J. Lindgren, nd – note suggesting that Miss Lodge be invited to lecture (autogr.)

 21    ‘8 Men “Went Native” for 4 Months to Spy on Jap Invaders’, Daily Mail, 3 July (newspaper cutting)

 22    Dr Muhlenfeld to H.J. Braunholtz, 24 July – Dr Sitsen has arrived for a stay of some weeks; suggests he write to him if he would like him to lecture; thinks he will be prepared to lecture; on a Government grant for issue of a book about Celebes (autogr.)

 23    H.J. Braunholtz to WBF, 26 July – encloses letter from Muhlenfeld [/5/22]; has told Muhlenfeld he is referring the matter to WBF; probably impossible to arrange a meeting during the recess; it might be worth sounding Dr Sitsen out about a lecture in Oct.; on other matters (autogr.)

 24    WBF to Dr Sitsen, 1 Aug. – is anxious to persuade him to give a lecture on the native peoples of the Netherlands East Indies; a date early in Nov. would suit if he is still in England then; should be glad to arrange a special meeting in Sept. if that suits him better (autogr. draft)

A152/5/25    FS to WBF, 10 Aug. 1943 – encloses draft of dates and names for lectures; Prof. Hutton has approved some dates and made some suggestions for speakers; on centenary; on publicity (autogr.)

 26    Ibid., ibid. – draft of lecture list (autogr.) [enclosed with /5/25]

 27    Dr Sitsen to WBF, 14 Aug. – as he is leaving London within a few days it is impossible for him to lecture; appreciates the invitation (autogr.)

 28    Invitation card for lecture on 4 Oct. at SOAS (printed and autogr.)

 29    Draft minutes of a special meeting on 5 Oct. (tp. with autogr. notes by WBF)

 30    J.H. Hutton to WBF, 28 Oct. – refers to his letter of 27 Oct. [not held]; hopes to be back by 9 (autogr. pc)

 31    Notice about lunch and tea on the day of the Centenary Meeting, 30 Oct. (printed)

 32    Notice about Huxley Memorial Lecture on 23 Nov. (tp.)

 33    FS to News Editors, nd – encloses card of admission to the Huxley Memorial Lecture, and a summary of the lecture (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 34    G.D. Hornblower to WBF, 2 Dec. – glad that 6 June has been fixed for his talk; encloses cutting from the Times on Sir Henry Dale’s remarks on a central home for important branches of science; has discusses such a centre in the Egypt Exploration Society and especially with Sidney Smith of the British Museum; asks if he could get Fellows to put in a useful word to Dale; on Bartlett, the Huxley Lecturer (autogr.)

 35    Minutes of Ordinary Meeting on 7 Dec. 2 leaves (tp.)

  6/    1944

  1    Note about lunch before lecture meeting on 4 Jan. 1944 (tp.)

  2    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 25 Jan. (tp. with autogr. additions by WBF)

  3    FS to WBF, 1 Feb. – sends papers for him to deal with and return; on Kissling meeting; on venue for lunch (tp. with autogr. notes)

  4    Notice about a Special Meeting on 4 Feb. (tp.)

A152/6/5        Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 8 Feb. 1944 (tp.)

  6    Announcement card for Ordinary Meetings on 8 and 22 Feb. (printed)

  7    G.D. Hornblower to WBF, 11 Feb. – his title for the paper in June is ‘Anthropology and Egypt’; the talk will be on the real living connexion of the two; would like to sit on Council in the next session (tp.)

 .1    FS, nd – note relating to /6/7 (autogr.)

  8    WBF to Sir Bernard Bourdillon, 15 Feb. – was hoping to invite him for some time to address the RAI but believed he was in America; has just heard that he is in this country; on a special series of lectures on African subjects; invites him to give the last of these on 31 Mar.; on the RAI’s interest in the applications of anthropological knowledge to problems arising in the course of colonial administration; Lord Hailey delivered the main address in the centenary celebrations last Nov.; the choice of subject for the talk would be left up to him; on his brother Bernard (autogr. draft)

 .1    WBF, nd – note of Sir Bernard Bourdillon’s address (autogr.)

  9    B.H. Bourdillon to WBF, 18 Feb. – an invitation to address the RAI is an honour; but when trying to think of a subject, he was stumped; therefore he must decline; on Bernard Fagg (autogr.)

 10    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 22 Feb. (tp.)

 11    FS to WBF, 28 Feb. – Mrs Culwick will do a paper but asks for a later date (tp. pc)

 12    Violet Alford to FS, 5 Mar. – if asked, Mr Frank Howes would lecture on the anthropological contents of Folk Song; on various other possible speakers on music; when the programme is arranged, she would like to propose the same for Oxford; on her ‘wild’ living arrangements (autogr.)

 .1    Ibid., nd – list of musical subjects with possible speakers (autogr.)

 13    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 7 Mar. (printed)

 14    FS to [WBF?], nd – note about Layard’s meeting; asks about date for Mrs Culwick (autogr.)

A152/6/15    WBF, nd – notice about Special Invitation Meetings; the first one will be on 24 Oct. 1944 (tp.)

 16    M. Fortes to FS, 25 Oct. – suggests that B.A. Lewis be invited to read a paper; he has some interesting data on one of the least known tribes of Southern Sudan; hears that postcards  announcing meetings does not reach the Colonial Office quickly enough; suggests remedies (autogr.)

 17    [FS] to Dr M. Fortes, 26 Oct. – on his suggestion of a paper from B.A. Lewis; asks for further information; on the cards for the Colonial Office; refers to her lack of clerical help in the office (tp.)

 18    Isaiah Bowman to FS, 2 Nov. – refers to her letter of 2 Oct. [not held]; has no plans to return to England; should he do so, shall keep in mind her invitation to address the RAI; sends copy of his address as President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; refers to her undecipherable signature (tp.)

 19    Extract from ‘International Directory of Anthropologists’ concerning Bernard Mishkin; FS writing to him for a paper (tp. and autogr. by E.J. Lindgren)

 20    WBF, nd [1944?] – list of lecturers[?] (autogr.)

  7/    1945

  1    FS to the Hon. G. Heaton Nicholls, High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa, 24 May 1945 – Maj. Evans-Pritchard told her that he might be ready to address the RAI on some aspect of native affairs policy in South Africa; on dates (tp.)

 .1    Note about the Hon. G. Heaton Nicholls (autogr. in various hands)

  2    G. Heaton Nicholls to FS, 29 May – thanks her for invitation; shall be glad to accept, but cannot undertake to do so during July (tp.)

  3    FS to the Hon. G. Heaton Nicholls, 30 May – refers to his letter; asks him to let her know when he can arrange a date; Aug. is not a good month as the Fellows are rather scattered (tp.)

  4    P.M. Sykes to [WBF?], 1 June – his Society recently heard an admirable lecture on the Nomad tribes of Persia by Capt. Oliver Garrod; he wrote to him that he would recommend him for a lecture at the RAI; encloses his letter (autogr.)

A152/7/5        FS to Sir Percy Sykes, 7 June 1945 – shall be glad to arrange for Capt. Garrod to lecture; is writing to him (tp.)

  6    Ibid. to Capt. Oliver Garrod, ibid. – invites him to address the RAI; on his letter to Sir Percy Sykes; on dates (tp.)

  7    Capt. Oliver Garrod to FS, 11 June – thinks he will be available in the autumn; asks about having slides made (autogr.)

  8    FS to Prof. V. Gordon Childe, 28 June – asks if he will have something to say to the RAI about his visit to Russia; if what he has to say is off the record, it could be a private meeting; asks if he will propose or second Capt. Oscar Martin Lee to join the RAI (tp.)

  9    V. Gordon Childe to FS, 2 July – will sign the form; thinks he could say something to the RAI; but does not want to struggle with trains ‘just for that’; will combine it with a trip to see the Premier of NSW (autogr.)

 10    F. Victor Fisher, Society for the Study of Religions, to [WBF], 4 July – is taking steps to arrange a lecture with a title such as ‘The World’s Religious Heritage – a Bird’s Eye View’, in conjunction with other addresses; asks if he could introduce him to someone to take the first subject; the lecture would be published in their quarterly review (autogr.)

 11    FS to Prof. E.O. James, 5 July – as he is a Vice-President of the Society for the Study of Religions, encloses the letter [/7/10]; would be glad of advice; if he thinks it a useful idea, she would arrange a joint meeting (tp.)

 12    Prof. E.O. James to FS, 9 July – on the Society for the Study of Religions; on its Secretary; he should hardly regard it as a learned society; but sees no reason why a joint meeting should not be held; mentions a number of possible RAI speakers for such a meeting; he could do it himself but has just taken a Chair in London (tp.)

 13    FS to F. Victor Fisher, 12 July – refers to his letter of 4 July; fears he may find it difficult to find anyone to speak on such a comprehensive subject; nevertheless sends him some names (tp.)

 14    [FS] to Prof. E.O. James, ibid. – thanks him for his note; thinks she will drop the idea of a joint meeting; on moving to London; on the difficulties of finding accommodation (tp.)

A152/7/15    E.J. Lindgren to FS, 12 July 1945 – on a parcel of Polish maps and pamphlets, from a recent lecturer; recommends that some of them be kept; on a proposed lecture by Prof. Schrieke, to be held jointly by the RAI and the Royal Asiatic Society; asks about dates in Nov. (tp.)

 16    Ibid. to WBF, 23 July – hopes he received copy of her letter to FS about Schrieke (autogr. note)

 17    E.J. Lindgren to Sir Richard Winstedt, 11 Aug. – copy of telegram sent; Schrieke coming to England next week (tp.)

 18    Ibid. to WBF, ibid. – Schrieke recently offered four subjects for separate or joint meetings; names the one she prefers; he would like to fix a date soon; asks WBF to confirm the date, approach the Royal Society for their hall, inform Winstedt and tell Schrieke what the RAI can contribute towards expenses. 4 pages (autogr.)

 19    FS to B.G. Fourie, 2 Oct. – refers to previous correspondence with the Hon. G. Heaton Nicholls; he could not give an address in July; would now like to settle the date; during the war the meetings have been held at 1.30 but the time has perhaps now come to revert to evening meetings; asks for summary of the address. 2 leaves (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Prof. V. Gordon Childe, ibid. – asks about his talk on Russia; explains why the lecture programme is a bit behind; on dates; asks that he let her know soon (tp.)

 21    Ibid. to Capt. Oliver Garrod, ibid. – asks if she can fix a date for his lecture; offers him a date in Oct.; on the expense of making slides; mentions the epidiascope; on a summary of his lecture; asks what time of day he prefers; asks for the title of the paper, and some biographical information. 2 leaves (tp.)

 22    Ibid., 8 Oct. – fears that her earlier letter went astray; she has now arranged another lecture for 23 Oct.; asks if he could come on 6 Nov.; if he is not available, asks that he let her know possibilities for later (tp.)

 23    Capt. Oliver Garrod to FS, 10 Oct. – refers to her two letters; his military duties prevent him from getting away for a month or two; will be released from the Army on 3 Dec.; suggests a date in the latter half of Dec. or early in the New Year (tp.)

A152/7/24    B.G. Fourie to FS, 12 Oct. 1945 – the High Commissioner is still keen to address the RAI; unfortunately he is very busy; he would be grateful if his address could be put off until early next year (tp.)

 25    FS to Miss Loveday F. Prior, ibid. – has received the opinion of Indian experts on her paper; the paper is not regarded as suitable for a lecture at the RAI (tp.)

 .1    Ibid., nd – note [on Miss Prior’s paper?] (autogr.)

 26    Ibid. to Capt. Oliver Garrod, 24 Oct. – shall be glad to postpone his lecture; will book him in for 29 Jan. 1946; the meeting will probably be at 5.30 (tp.)

 27    Ibid. to B.G. Fourie, 31 Oct. – sorry she has not replied sooner; will gladly postpone Mr Heaton Nicholls’ lecture (tp.)

 28    Capt. Oliver Garrod to FS, ibid. – 29 Jan. will suit him; gives some biographical details; would be grateful if he could have some slides made; gives the title of the talk (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

 29    FS to Capt. Oliver Garrod, 8 Nov. – asks for the summary a week in advance; on the slides; on the epidiascope (tp.)

 30    Ibid. to Mrs M. Trowell, 23 Nov. – has heard that she is willing to give a paper of 18 Dec.; asks her to let her know the title; on the time of the meeting; would like a summary in advance (tp.)

 31    Ibid. to Dr Leopold Stein, 10 Dec. – invites him to read a paper; suggests 15 Jan.; meetings are now at 5.30; sorry for the short notice (tp.)

 32    Dr Leopold Stein to FS, 12 Dec. – on his long absence from the RAI; on her asking him to lecture; shall be glad to speak on the history of speech on 15 Jan. [1946] (tp.)

 33    FS to Dr Leopold Stein, 17 Dec. – has booked him for 15 Jan.; encloses draft for the card to be amended or approved (tp.)

 34    Dr Leopold Stein to FS, 19 Dec. – returns the draft of the card with addition; asks for some invitations for his colleagues (tp.)

 .1    Draft text for announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 15 Jan. (tp. with autogr. addition)

A152/8/    1946

  1    FS to Capt. Oliver Garrod, 7 Jan. 1946 – encloses draft of card for his lecture (tp.)

  2    K.L. Little to WBF, 19 Jan. – has arrived back from Sierra Leone Protectorate; is wondering if there are any dates on which he could give a paper; gives a possible subject (tp.)

  3    FS to T.D. Kendrick, British Museum, 23 Jan. – on Miss A.M. Calverley; she and WBF have seen most of Miss Calverley’s films; they think her material ought to be shown; the Folk-Lore Society is joining with the RAI to hold a joint meeting; wonders if the Antiquaries might wish to be associated; the Royal Institution is a suitable place; asks him to let her know as soon as possible (tpc.)

  4    T.D. Kendrick, Keeper, Department of British and Medieval Antiquities, British Museum, to FS, 24 Jan. – should think the Society of Antiquaries would join in the enterprise of showing Miss Calverley’s films and would contribute to the expense (tp.)

  5    [FS?] to the Secretary, the Royal Institution, 5 Feb. – refers to her telephone enquiry; now makes formal application to hold a meeting there; describes the proposed meeting; on dates (tpc.)

  6    FS, nd – notes concerning the Royal Institution (autogr.)

  7    Amice Mary Calverley to FS, nd – sends title for her lecture; on her collections from Romania; lists those who have helped her; includes some biographical details (autogr.)

  8    FS to T.D. Kendrick, 5 Feb. – heard from WBF that the Society of Antiquaries is ready to join in the enterprise of showing Miss Calverley’s films; it is possible that a fourth Society may also wish to join; asks if she should have one card prepared in the names of all the societies, or otherwise (tpc.)

  9    Ralph Cory, Deputy General Secretary, the Royal Institution, to FS, 6 Feb. – has obtained provisional sanction for the loan of the Lecture Theatre; suggests 11 or 13 Mar. (tp.)

 10    FS to Ralph Cory, 11 Feb. – 13 Mar. would be an excellent date; asks if the meeting can be held at 5.30 (tpc.)

A152/8/11    Geoffrey M. Morant to WBF, 18 Feb. 1946 – on some Cretan records which the RAI might care to safeguard; gives the background to the records; he would be glad to hand them to the RAI for safe keeping. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 12    Ibid., 10 Mar. – refers to his letter [not held]; is glad to know that the Cretan records will be preserved at the RAI; on previously declining an invitation to lecture; now things are more settled, he could give a lecture in the summer term (autogr.)

 13    Invitation card for joint meeting on 13 Mar. (printed and autogr.)

 14    FS to Dr Geoffrey M. Morant, 14 Mar. – suggests some dates for his lecture; asks if he has decided on the title (tpc.)

 15    Geoffrey M. Morant to FS, 17 Mar. [wrongly dated 1945] – should prefer 4 June of his lecture; gives title; provides blurb (autogr.)

 16    M. Schmidt[?] to [WBF?], 28 Mar. – can only just now reply to his question about ethnological activity in the last seven years; on the only information he could give; can only give such a talk after the meeting at Oxford, that is, 17 or 18 Apr. (autogr.)

 17    T.D. Connochie to WBF, 29 Mar. – on some films of dances which he made; it was suggested that these films might be of interest to the RAI; possible to have a special showing with a flight he filmed over Mount Everest (tp.)

 18    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 9 Apr. (printed)

 19    FS to Dr E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 1 May – encloses draft of card for his lecture (tpc.)

 20    L.S.B. Leakey to WBF, 15 May – is coming to England in July and Aug.; is bringing some cinema film of the prehistoric site of Olorgesailie with him; offers to give a lecture at the RAI; looks forward to renewing contact with the RAI and the scientific bodies (autogr.)

 21    FS to L.S.B. Leakey, nd – refers to his letter of 15 May; shall be glad to arrange for him to address the RAI on the prehistoric site of Olorgesailie; it will probably be a joint meeting between RAI, Society of Antiquaries and the Institute of Archaeology; suggests 23 July; regrets to say that his subscriptions are much in arrears (tpc.)

A152/8/22    Ibid. to Senor Don Domingo de Las Barcenas, 25 May 1946 – invites him to attend meeting at which Prof. Santiago Alcobe is addressing the RAI (tpc.)

 23    Ibid. to Ralph Cory, 30 May – asks whether RAI in conjunction with two other Societies could hold a meeting at the Royal Institution; the purpose of the meeting would be to hear a lecture by Dr Leakey; suggests the middle of July (tpc.)

 24    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to FS, 2 June – asks for more cards announcing his lecture (autogr. pc)

 25    L.S.B. Leakey to [FS], 3 June – refers to her undated letter; 23 July is a satisfactory date; expects to arrive in London in the first week of July; on his address; on his subscription (tp.)

 26    Notice of Ordinary Meeting on 4 June (tp.)

 27    FS, nd – ibid. (autogr. draft)

 28    Ralph Cory to FS, 4 June – regrets that the Managers are unable to accede to her request on this occasion (tp.)

 29    Notice of Ordinary Meeting on 18 June (tp.)

 30    Dr J.A. Valšik to FS, 18 June – refers to her letter [not held] announcing his election as a member of the RAI; returns the Census; adds letters for Mr Alan Brodrick and WBF; sends copy of paper he read on 18 Apr. which will be published in Man; asks about offprints (tp.)

 31    Ibid. to WBF, ibid. – refers to his letter of 27 May [not held]; on his trip to Oxford and London; sends a copy of the paper read before the RAI; asks about offprints (tp.)

 32    FS to T.D. Connochie, 24 June – on Dr Leakey’s lecture illustrated by a film; the lecture will be at University College, who have neither projector nor operator; asks about borrowing both (tpc.)

 33    Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman to E.J. Lindgren, 26 June – has been approached to assist in the publication of a book by a man called J. Rozencwajg; on the book; has sought some opinions on it; opinions have been varied; he has met Mr Rozencwajg; asks if RAI would offer him a lecture; on his own health (tp.)

A152/8/34    FS to Mrs Kathleen M. Kenyon, Institute of Archaeology, 28 June 1946 – Dr Leakey has agreed to the date of 23 July; the Royal Institution could not provide a room; the lecture will be at University College; asks if she approves these arrangements; on the announcement cards; when she last had a joint meeting she had extra cards printed; encloses a specimen (tpc.)

 35    Ibid. to Phillip Corder, Society of Antiquaries, ibid. – Dr Leakey has agreed to the date of 23 July; the Royal Institution could not provide a room; the lecture will be at University College; asks if he approves these arrangements; on the announcement cards (tpc.)

 36    Ibid. to Mr Crawford, Gaumont-British Picture Corporation, 1 July – refers to Mr Connochie; understands that he has offered to help the RAI; on Dr Leakey’s lecture and the accompanying film; there is neither projector nor operator available at University College; Mr Connochie tells her that he has agreed to help (tpc.)

 37    Phillip Corder to FS, 1 July – on Dr Leakey’s lecture; 23 July would suit excellently; on the time of the lecture; would appreciate it if she had extra cards printed for him (tp.)

 38    E.J. Lindgren to Redcliffe Salaman, ibid. – refers to his letter of 26 June; has passed the suggestion of a lecture by Mr Rozencwajg to WBF; will file the rest of the information (tpc.)

 39    FS to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 2 July – asks what the title of his lecture will be (tpc.)

 40    R.B. Crawford, G.B. Equipments Ltd., to FS, ibid. – shall be pleased for an operator with projector to be available on 23 July; if Dr Leakey wishes to run through the films beforehand the operator can be there earlier (tp.)

 41    FS to Dr Valšik, ibid. – refers to his letter of 18 June; is forwarding the letters he enclosed; thanks him for copy of the paper he read; on separates; on sending him information about the 1934 Congress in London (tpc.)

 42    Kathleen M. Kenyon to FS, 3 July – on the arrangements for Dr Leakey’s lecture; on the announcement cards (tp.)

 43    FS to Mr Warren, Messrs. Wodderspoon & Co. Ltd., 4 July – sends title for the announcement card; gives numbers required for each Society (tpc.)

A152/8/44    Ibid. to the Establishment Officer, University College, 5 July 1946 – confirms the arrangements made for Dr Leakey’s lecture (tpc.)

 45    Jack Trevor to FS, 6 July – refers to her letter of 4 July [not held]; on the whereabouts of Dr Leakey; thinks the title she has suggested is all right but Dr Leakey may have his own ideas about it (autogr.)

 46    FS to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 9 July – pleased that he has arrived; on the title of his lecture; has had to have the cards printed; hopes the title meets with his approval; on practical arrangements (tpc.)

 47    John Wilson to FS, 13 July – asks if he might attend Dr Leakey’s lecture; mentions the societies he belongs to; has been to Dr Leakey’s site in the Great Rift Valley (autogr.)

 48    FS to Sir Gerard Clauson, Colonial Office, 16 July – encloses card for Dr Leakey’s lecture; encloses additional cards for other members of the Colonial Office (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to Philip Corder, ibid. – thanks him for copy of the Statutes of the Society of Antiquaries; Prof. Fleure is willing to be Chairman at Dr Leakey’s lecture; asks if he would wish someone to be with him in the platform party on behalf of the Society of Antiquaries (tpc.)

 50    Ibid. to Miss K.M. Kenyon, ibid. – on the cards for the lecture; Prof. Fleure is willing to be Chairman; asks if she would wish someone to be with him in the platform party on behalf of the Institute of Archaeology (tpc.)

 51    Ibid. to the Establishment Officer, University College, ibid. – Dr Leakey and the operator would like to be at the Theatre by 5 for a preliminary run through of the film (tpc.)

 52    Ibid. to Mrs Wyatt, African Institute, ibid. – sends some extra cards [for the lecture?] (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to Mr R.B. Crawford, ibid. – is grateful to him for helping with Dr Leakey’s lecture; Dr Leakey would like a little time with the operator before the showing; asks if he could be there by 5 pm (tpc.)

 54    Establishment Officer, University College, to FS, 17 July – refers to her two letters; has completed all the arrangements for the lecture; Dr Leakey and the Operator can commence at 5 pm; on terms (tp.)

A152/8/55    Nancie A. Fisher, Secretary to Miss Kenyon, to FS, 17 July 1946 – refers to her letter; thanks her for the cards; Miss Kenyon is away; will get in touch when she knows Miss Kenyon’s views concerning representation of the Institute of Archaeology at the lecture (tp.)

 56    R.B. Crawford to FS, 18 July – the operator will arrive at the college at about 4.30 (tp.)

 57    FS to Philip Corder, 20 July – has received account from the Royal Institute for the joint meeting held by RAI, Society of Antiquaries, and the Folk-Lore Society, when Miss Calverley’s films were shown; tells him his share; tells him the cost of his share of the cards (tpc.)

 58    Ibid. to R.B. Crawford, ibid. – refers to his letter of 18 July; will pass the information to Dr Leakey (tpc.)

 59    Ibid. to the Establishment Officer, University College, 22 July – refers to his letter of 17 July; the information about terms is most gratifying; on the epidiascope; the operator would like to arrive at about 4.30 (tpc.)

 60    Ibid. to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, ibid. – on arrangements (tpc.)

 61    Announcement card for Special Joint Meeting on 23 July (printed)

 62    FS to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 26 July – on the question of Miss Caton Thompson going to the Pan-African Congress; various arrangements in Cambridge make this impossible; the procuring of financial help would make no difference; asks if he would like her to sound Mr Leslie Armstrong (tpc.)

 63    Ibid. to Mr R.B. Crawford, 29 July – thanks him for the help he gave on the occasion of Dr Leakey’s address; everything went smoothly (tpc.)

 64    Ibid. to the Establishment Officer, University College, ibid. – thanks him and his staff for the excellence of the arrangements on the occasion of the meeting on 23 July (tpc.)

 65    Ibid. to J. Rozencwajg, 9 Aug. – it has been suggested that he might have some material suitable for a paper; understands that the subject is the belief of the identification of God with a star in the Lesser Bear constellation; asks to see a text or a summary before proceeding (tpc.)

A152/8/66    Ibid. to Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman, 9 Aug. 1946 – glad that he is sufficiently recovered from illness to consider giving a lecture; suggests 29 Oct. (tpc.)

 67    Ibid. to the Hon. G. Heaton Nicholls, ibid. – writes to renew invitation that he address the Fellows of the RAI on some aspect of Native Affairs Policy in South Africa; suggests 1 or 15 Oct. (tpc.)

 68    G. Heaton Nicholls to FS, 12 Aug. – apologises for failure to fix a date; fears he shall not be able to fix a date in Oct. (tp.)

 69    John L. Myres to Miss Spencer Lush, 14 Aug. – sends summary of his ‘Devastation’ lecture, for the notice cards (autogr. pc)

 70    Ibid., 16 Aug. – refers to her note [not held]; would prefer 24 Sept. for his lecture (autogr. pc)

 71    [Miss Spencer Lush?] to […?], nd – Sir John Myres wants to change the date of his lecture to 24 Sept.; on availability of room at Royal Society (autogr. note)

 72    [Miss Spencer Lush?] to Prof. Fleure, nd – on Sir John Myres’ changing date of his lecture (tp. pc)

 73    FS – notice of Special Meeting on 24 Sept.; lecture by Sir John Myres (autogr. draft)

 74    [Miss Spencer Lush?] to Dr Radcliffe N. Salaman, 23 Aug. – writes in FS’s absence; is awaiting reply to her letter of 9 Aug. about him lecturing on 29 Oct. (tpc.)

 75    Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman to FS, 24 Aug. – apologises for not answering her letter; was uncertain whether he could accept the invitations; thinks he can safely do so; gives title (tp.)

 76    A. Leslie Armstrong to FS, 25 Aug. – has been doing excavations in Staffordshire; encloses cheque to cover account; 7 June will be a suitable date for his lecture (autogr.)

 77    FS to Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman, 28 Aug. – is happy to fix 29 Oct. for his lecture; asks if it will be illustrated; asks for information to put on the card; asks for summary for publication in Man (tpc.)

 78    Ibid. to [A.] Leslie Armstrong, 28 Aug. – encloses receipt for cheque; glad that 17 June is a suitable date for his lecture; asks about the title; asks if it will be illustrated; asks for summary (tpc.)

A152/8/79    Ibid. to Sir John Myres, 28 Aug. 1946 – glad that his ‘Devastation’ lecture is arranged; on offprints; on the list of the Permanent Council; refers to Mrs Aitken’s enquiries for Hoyos Sainz; on a review (tpc.)

 80    Ibid. to Dr Redcliffe B. Salaman, 18 Sept. – has had no reply to her letter of 28 Aug.; fears it has gone astray; should be grateful for a few sentences which are necessary for the announcement card (tpc.)

 81    Ibid. to Miss G. Caton-Thompson, ibid. – refers to letter of 12 Sept. [not held]; asks if the date of the Huxley Lecture could be changed; gives the reason why (tpc.)

 82    Ibid. to Mrs K. Rishbeth, ibid. – Prof. Fleure has asked her to ask whether Prof. Garrod is in Cambridge; two letters have had no reply (tpc.)

 83    Ibid. to Mr Crane, ibid. – encloses copy for lecture card (tpc.)

 84    [H.J. Fleure, RAI President 1945-47], to Dr A.E. Mourant, 19 Sept. – Sir Cyril Burt is going to speak on 15 Oct.; hopes he will come and take part in any discussion (tpc.)

 85    Ibid. to Dr G.M Morant, ibid. – ibid.; on his ‘efforts’ about the proceedings of the Royal Society (tpc.)

 86    [Ibid.?] to Sir Cyril Burt, ibid. – on changing the date of his lecture; has written to one or two people in the hope that they will attend; would like to get more names from him; mentions G.M. Morant and J.H. Shaxsby; on a future symposium of point of contact between anthropology and psychology (tpc.)

 87    Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman to FS, 20 Sept. – sends the wording for the announcement cards; on the ‘screed’ for Man (tp.)

 88    J.C. Graddon, for Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, to FS, 24 Sept. – on booking a room for 6 May 1947; he will keep the room for her for that date; the Society requests that meetings be over by 8 pm if possible (tp.)

 89    FS to J.D. Griffith-Davies, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, 25 Sept. – on reserving a meeting room for the Huxley Memorial Lecture on 6 May 1947; understands that the lateness of the lecture may not be convenient; perhaps they could come to some arrangement (tpc.)

 90    Ibid. to Dr Redcliffe N. Salaman, ibid. – on announcement cards for his lecture (tpc.)

A152/8/91    L. Rawlinson, the British Council, to [FS], 26 Sept. 1946 – on a Swedish Institute established in London; on its principal object; asks that the Institute be informed of public lectures which may be given under RAI auspices (tp.)

 92    FS to J.D. Griffith-Davies, ibid. – refers to letter of 24 Sept.; RAI is grateful for permission to hold Huxley Memorial Lecture at the Royal Society; nearer the time she will get in touch to see whether a late meeting will be possible (tpc.)

 93    Ibid. to Mr Warren, Messrs. Wodderspoon, ibid. – has final list of dates for fixture card; makes some points about it (tpc.)

 .1    FS, nd – list of dates of meetings (autogr.)

 94    Ibid. to Dr Tracy Philipps, 28 Sept. – would like to confirm that he will lecture to the RAI on 10 Dec.; asks for the title of his paper; asks for a few lines of descriptive matter for the card; on the summary (tpc.)

 95    Ibid. to L. Rawlinson, 1 Oct. – refers to his letter of 26 Sept.; shall be happy to send notices of RAI’s lectures to the Director of the Swedish Institute; this has been done for some time (tpc.)

 96    H.R. Mills, the British Council, to [FS], 8 Oct. – asks for a suitable time for Prof. Lipschutz to call at the RAI to discuss the possibility of giving a lecture; forwards particulars of Prof. Lipschutz and an account of his expedition to Tierra del Fuego; he could lecture on his expedition and show some films (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

 .1    Biographical notes on Prof. Alexandre Lipschutz (tp. copy) [enclosed with /8/96]

 .2    Account of ‘A Chilean Scientific Mission for the Study of the Fireland Tribes’. 2 leaves (tp. copy) [enclosed with /8/96]

 97    nd – note on Sir Cyril Burt (tp. with autogr. addition)

 98    FS, nd – notice of an Ordinary Meeting on 15 Oct.; lecture by Sir Cyril Burt (autogr. draft)

 99    Ibid. to H.R. Mills, 18 Oct. – confirms that Prof. Lipschutz will address the RAI on 12 Nov.; he will show a film; on slides; fears RAI epidiascope is not equipped to show the size of slides he has; asks if they may borrow the British Council projector; encloses draft of announcement (tpc.)

A152/8/100    H.R. Mills to FS, 22 Oct. 1946 – refers to her letter of 18 Oct.; on Prof. Lipschutz’s lecture on 12 Nov.; on the epidiascope; hopes to attend the lecture (tp.)

101    FS to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 31 Oct. – encloses text of a lecture which the author wants to deliver; Dr Salaman has passed it on; asks if it is suitable (tp. with autogr. note)

102    WBF to Saw Tha Din, 6 Nov. – thanks him for his admirable exposition of Karen culture; it was a most successful meeting; thinks he may be interested to read the enclosed copies of Mr Stevenson’s lecture to the RAI and a memorandum which the RAI submitted to the Secretary of State for Burma; if he calls at the British Museum, WBF is sure that H.J. Braunholtz would like to meet him; hopes that he will keep in touch; mentions him becoming a Fellow (tp.)

103    John Murphy to FS, 20 Nov. – returns the paper [of Rozencwajg] on which she sought his opinion; in his opinion it falls much below the standard required for an address to the RAI; makes a few points in criticism; trusts that his criticism may be of service. 2 leaves (tp.)

104    FS to Dr J. Rozencwajg, 3 Dec. – regrets the delay which has occurred in connection with his paper; regrets that it does not fall within the scope of papers suitable for delivery at the RAI; returns his manuscript (tpc.)

105    Ibid. to Prof. John Murphy, 4 Dec. – thanks him for the information on the paper; it has been decided that the paper should not be delivered at the RAI (tpc.)

106    WBF to Prof. Alejandro Lipschutz, ibid. – thanks him for his lecture; refers to the size of the audience; refers to the comprehensive picture he gave of the inhabitants and natural environment of a region which is too little known; hopes he will find time to visit the British Museum and meet H.J. Braunholtz; hopes he will keep in touch; mentions him becoming a Fellow; asks whether RAI publications are accessible to students in his country (tp.)

107    nd – list of ‘America Lectures’, Sept. 1946-Feb. 1947 (tp.)

108    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

A152/9/    1947

  1    Robert R. Hyde, Industrial Welfare Society, to FS, 4 Jan. 1947 – 11 Feb. is booked for another engagement; would like to discuss the contents of his talk with Prof. Fleure; asks for dates when they could meet (tp.)

  2    WBF to Profs. Evans-Pritchard, Firth, Forde and Hutton, 29 Jan. – has been asked by the Director of Studies of the City Literary Institute to suggest the name of someone who could give a course of lectures on social anthropology (tp.)

  3    J.H. Hutton to WBF, nd – refers to his letter of 29 Jan.; suggests Dr Peristiany (autogr. with autogr. note by FS)

  4    Raymond Firth to ibid., 3 Feb. – refers to his letter of 29 Jan.; suggests Dr K.A. Little or Dr S.F. Nadel (tp.)

  5    Daryll Forde to ibid., ibid. – refers to his letter of 29 Jan.; suggests Dr Nadel or Mr Leach (tp.)

  6    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to ibid., 4 Feb. – refers to his letter of 29 Jan.; does not think he can help (tp.)

  7    Sir Theodore Tasker to FS, 6 Feb. – encloses corrections to his review of ‘Caste in India’; asks the library to reserve some books for him (tp.)

  8    WBF to T.G. Williams, Principal, City Literary Institute, 7 Feb. – in response to his enquiry for a lecturer on social anthropology, he can suggest four names; lists them; all are well known to the RAI as excellent lecturers; Dr Little is speaking at the RAI on 11 Feb.; sends notice card in case he would like to attend (tp.)

  9    T.G. Williams to WBF, 17 Feb. – is much obliged for his letter of 7 Feb.; got in touch with Dr Little who has agreed to take over the course (tp.)

 10    Sir Theodore Tasker to FS, 26 Feb. – asks about photographs for his lecture on 25 Mar. (autogr.)

 11    [FS] to Sir Theodore Tasker, 5 Mar. – sorry she was so slow with his library books; on his lecture; has arranged for the epidiascope; on his photographs; on the Prague Congress; asks him to sign a card for the bank (tpc.)

A152/9/12    Dr Arthur Leib to WBF, 2 May 1947 – reminds him that he had been introduced to him; it was not possible to arrange a lecture on Madagascar last year; is now in England for some months and could give a lecture; on Madagascar; on articles he has published and manuscripts he has prepared; offers to talk on the colour problem in Madagascar (tp.)

 13    FS to Dr Arthur Leib, 12 May – is unable to offer him a date as the programme is fully booked for many months ahead (tpc.)

 14    FS to Prince Peter of Greece, 19 May – refers to his talk next week; if he wishes to invite people, she will forward some invitations (tpc.)

 15    FS, nd – agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 20 May (autogr. draft)

 16    [Prof. H.J. Fleure] to Sir Edward Salisbury, Kew Gardens, 22 May – several members of the RAI had hoped to hear him speak; mentions some topics; should be glad to arrange a joint meeting with another society; on practical arrangements (tpc.)

 17    E.J. Salisbury to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 28 May – should like to address the members sometime, but is very heavily committed; perhaps the matter might be left in abeyance (tp.)

 18    FS to Miss Russell, British Council, 5 June – encloses copy of the draft announcing Dr Goubaud’s lecture; asks her to amend it if necessary; asks if he will be showing slides or photographs (tpc.)

 19    Iolo A. Williams to H.J. Braunholtz, 17 June – apologises for not replying sooner; put the point he raised to the News Editor who is in charge of ‘Today’s Arrangements’; there are problems of space; as members have notification of the lectures, the News Editor does not feel justified in increasing the announcements; suggests that RAI secretary or officers write to the News Editor. 4 pages (autogr.)

 20    H.J. Braunholtz to WBF, 21 June – has answered Iolo Williams; suggests that the Officers take up the matter again with the News Editor (autogr. note)

 21    Notice for Special Meeting on 1 July (tp.)

 22    FS, nd – ibid. (autogr. draft)

A152/9/23    Ibid. to G. Heaton Nicholls, 25 July 1947 – official engagements have for long prevented him from addressing the RAI; asks if there is any chance of including his lecture in the new session beginning in Oct.; offers some dates (tpc.)

 24    G. Douthwaite, Private Secretary, to FS, 28 July – the High Commissioner will communicate at a later date (tp.)

 25    FS to Robert Hyde, 8 Aug. – refers to being ‘unfortunate’ last session about his address; hopes to do better this session; suggests 21 Oct. (tpc.)

 26    Helge Larsen to WBF, 22 Sept. – refers to his letter of 19 Sept. [not held] inviting him to speak to RAI; does not know when he will visit England, or if he can come at all; it is a question of expenses; on possibility of an invitation from the Royal Geographical Society (tp.)

 27    Johanna Felhoen Kraal to ibid., 29 Sept. – accepts invitation to give a talk; feels it as an honour (tp.)

 28    FS to the Secretary, Royal Central Asian Society, 16 Oct. – on a talk on 31 Oct. by Prof. cheng Te-X’un; pleased to welcome any of her members who care to attend (tp.)

 29    E.S. Ellis to FS, ibid. – on programme card for 4 Nov. (tp. pc)

 30    FS to E.S. Ellis, 20 Oct. – on programme cards (tp.)

 10/    1948

  1    Meetings programme for Session 1947-48 (printed card)

  2    Audrey I. Richards to FS, 2 Jan. 1948 – cannot come to Council meeting; asks if papers could be announced sooner; wanted to hear Dr Colson but only got the notice today; asks if a fortnight’s notice is asking the impossible (tp. with autogr. addition)

  3    FS to Audrey I. Richards, 12 Jan. – sorry that she had the notice for the lecture very late; the cards left the RAI before Christmas but a few were delayed; this session she thinks they have given about 10 days’ notice; printing is a perennial difficulty (tpc.)

A152/10/4    R.G. Wingate, Secretary, Royal Central Asian Society, to FS, 21 Jan. 1948 – on a possible lecturer Mrs F. Betts, née Miss Ursula Graham Bower; on her work in the Naga Hills, living among semi-headhunters; has since married; quotes from a letter from Mrs Betts about her notes and photographs; Mrs Betts will be in London for a few weeks and would like to give some lectures; on lectures she might give to the two societies; perhaps one could be a joint lecture (tp.)

  5    FS to H.J. Braunholtz, 27 Feb. – Prof. Forde has influenza; asks if he will take the Chair (tpc.)

  6    Percival Kirby to WBF, 12 Mar. – on being invited to address the RAI; is delighted to do so if 13 Apr. is still free; the paper will be on ‘The Trumpets of Tut-Ankh-Amen’; the study began 15 years ago; refers to BBC broadcast which annoyed him; is bringing photographs and facsimile reproductions of trumpets; thinks his paper a contribution to Egyptology from a practical angle. 3 leaves (autogr.)

  7    FS to the Establishment Officer, University College, 24 Mar. – confirms conversation about RAI holding meeting in lecture theatre on 13 Apr.; Prof. Kirby will need a lantern operator (tpc.)

  8    H.J. Fleure, nd [1948?] – on Sir Arthur Keith measuring a skull found by Armstrong; on showing it at a meeting; he could supplement this by talking about its type (autogr. note)

  9    Note relating to H.J. Fleure’s note (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

 10    D.R. Hay-Neave to FS, 10 Apr. – refers to her letter of 5 Apr. [not held]; encloses form of covenant; Mr H.N.C. Stevenson suggested that RAI might be interested in a talk on Lai-Chin Art, Customs and Legends; if so he would be happy to do this; suggests dates; on the Lai-Chins (tp.)

 11    FS to D.R. Hay-Neave, 19 Apr. – shall be happy to include his talk in the programme for next session; asks if early Oct. would be possible (tpc.)

 12    Alan C.R. Watt, ‘Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine’, to WBF, 10 May – on Prof. Kirby’s lecture to the RAI; is anxious to obtain information about him for the school magazine; asks for his address; asks for information about the lecture (autogr.)

A152/10/13    J.M. Dighton, the Progressive League, to ibid., 18 May 1948 – asks for assistance regarding a speaker for their Summer Conference; had hoped to get Mr Adam Curl but he is going to be in Brussels at the time; on the Conference; encloses a leaflet about the activities of the Progressive League (tp. with autogr. notes by WBF and an unknown hand)

 .1    ‘Basis for Progress – the Progressive League’ (printed leaflet)

 14    FS to Miss J.M. Dighton, 27 May – as the Conference clashes with the meeting in Brussels of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences which will be attended by all prominent anthropologists, is unable to suggest a speaker (tpc.)

 15    Ibid. to Dr Ashley Montagu, 28 May – encloses copy of announcement of his address on 15 June (tpc.)

 16    Ibid. to R. May, Wodderspoon & Co., ibid. – encloses copy for Special Meeting on 15 June (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. to Alan C.R. Watt, 31 May – gives Prof. Kirby’s address in South Africa (tpc.)

 18    Ibid. to Prof. Pie Laviosa Zambotti, 2 June – has announced that she will lecture on 8 June (tpc.)

 19    J. Lawrence Angel to FS, 26 June – thanks for permission to include in Yearbook of Physical Anthropology for 1947 the Huxley Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof. Duckworth (tp.)

 20    L.G. Langwill to WBF, 30 June – asks if he may purchase a copy of Prof. Kirby’s lecture on publication (tp.)

 21    FS to L.[G.] Langwill, 9 July – Prof. Kirby’s lecture is not yet published; looks forward to receiving something from him soon (tpc.)

 22    Ibid. to Prof. Kirby, ibid. – lets him know that Dr Meyer Fortes will be in South Africa for some months; gives his address (tpc.)

 23    Ibid. to J.G.C. Lister, 20 July – WBF has discussed with him the possibility of his giving a paper next session; would like to fix this up; suggests 16 Nov.; on a summary (tpc.)

A152/10/24    John Lister to FS, 26 July 1948 – refers to her letter of 20 July; WBF intended to discuss the matter with him but he has not been in touch with him lately; does not feel that the material from his recent expedition is worthy of the occasion of a talk to the RAI; would prefer to give a talk later in the session of his return from Belgian Congo; hopes to bring back specimens of Baluba carving (autogr.)

 25    FS to J.G.C. Lister, 5 Aug. – sorry he cannot give a paper this session but understands his reasons for declining; on payments for subscriptions and Man (tp.)

 26    Edward C. Prichard to [WBF?], 8 Sept. – the hundredth anniversary of the death of James Cowles Prichard, one time President of the Ethnological Society, falls on 22 Dec. 1948; wonders if the Ethnological Society can suggest any way of marking the day (autogr. with autogr. note by WBF)

 27    Leaflet about the ‘VIme Congres des études Basques’, Biarritz, 12-19 Sept. (printed)

 28    Sir John Myres to FS, 10 Sept. – Prichard was a pioneer who had a great vogue in his time; lists ways in which he could be commemorated (autogr.)

 29    Beatrice Wyatt, International African Institute, to FS, 28 Sept. – Mrs Culwick is prepared to give a talk at the RAI on 2 Nov.; has asked Mrs Culwick to let her know which title she prefers; encloses note about her work for the cards (tp.)

 30    G.M. Culwick to FS, 29 Sept. – gives the title of her talk (autogr. pc)

 31    E.C. Prichard to [WBF?], 30 Sept. – James Cowles Prichard’s grave stone needs repair which will cost £15; wonders if the RAI would be identified with this; asks if there is any other way in which the centenary of his death might be marked (autogr.)

 32    FS to Prof. W.C. Osman Hill, 20 Oct. – invites him to address the RAI; suggests dates in Mar. [1949]; on practical arrangements (tpc.)

 33    M. Joseph-Mitchell, Secretary, the League of Coloured Peoples, to WBF, 22 Oct. – asks for copy of the paper read by Miss Katherine Dunham on 5 Oct. (tp. with tp. note by FS)

A152/10/34    FS to Prof. R.A. Cordingley, 26 Oct. 1948 – invites him to address the RAI; RAI has recently set up an Exploratory Committee on the Material Culture of Great Britain; an address from him would be of particular interest at this time; suggests 18 Jan. [1949]; it is hoped that it will be a joint meeting with the Folk-Lore Society; on practical arrangements (tpc.)

 35    FS to the Rev. Edward C. Prichard, 1 Nov. – regrets delay in replying to his letters; hopes to take notice of the centenary of the death of James Cowles Prichard in a fitting manner (tpc.)

 36    Sir John Myres to FS, 3 Nov. – is very busy; has little to say about James Cowles Prichard; if he can put anything together in time, will do so; on obituary of Margaret Hasluck (autogr. pc)

 37    FS to Prof. Cordingley, 5 Nov. – refers to his letter of 29 Oct. [on verso]; delighted that he will talk to RAI and Folk-Lore Society on 18 Jan. (tpc.)

 38    J.S. Weiner to FS, 6 Nov. – on invitation to contribute to Symposium to mark the anniversary of J.C. Prichard; if she can find enough contributors he would be glad to be excused, due to pressure of work (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

 39    FS to the Rev. Edward C. Prichard, 14 Dec. – encloses cards for the Special Meeting to be held in commemoration of the centenary of the death of Dr Prichard (tpc.)

 40    Ibid. to Mr Phillips, Institute of Contemporary Arts, 22 Dec. – encloses copy of the announcement of the joint meeting; asks whether the films are ‘talkies’ or silent; will give the name of the person giving the talk very soon (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to Prof. Cordingley, ibid. – encloses copy of the announcement of the address he is giving on 18 Jan. (tpc.)

 42    Announcement of Special Joint Meeting on 18 Jan.; talk by Prof. Cordingley (tp.)

 43    FS to the Secretary, Anti-Slavery & Aborigines Protection Society, 22 Dec. – apologises for short notice; encloses card; Dr Prichard was closely connected with the Aborigines Protection Society (tpc.)

 44    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 22 Dec. (printed) [enclosed with /10/43]

A152/11/    1949

  1    John Rickman to WBF, 31 Jan. 1949 – refers to his letter [not held]; on invitation to speak at a meeting; this needs some thinking over; chooses a date; asks that he might come and see WBF to talk about the plan of the meeting; he is not a learned person; but he thinks an ordinary person may guide a discussion on discussional lines, as opposed to rhetoric; has nothing to say about African art pieces at the British Musuem (tp.)

  2    H.J. Fleure to WBF, 11 Apr. – in connection with next winter’s programme, a few points have occurred to him; suggests Prof. Affifi and Arthur Lang as speakers; suggests Julian Huxley as Huxley Lecturer; suggests Bagshawe for Council; encloses cheque for Mrs Fagg (autogr.)

  3    Dr H. Hickmann to the Editor of Man [WBF], 19 Apr. – sends two recently published works, in the hope that they might be reviewed in Man; asks if the RAI continues activities in Aug. and Sept.; is coming to England at that time; would like to attend the public meetings of the RAI (tp., in French, with autogr. notes by FS and WBF)

  4    Ibid., 9 May – is talking on the present state of musicological research in Egypt at a conference in Switzerland in the summer; after that, intends to give lectures on similar subjects in England and later in the United States; asks if it is possible to give a talk at the RAI; gives some subjects; will be in England at the beginning of Sept. (tp.)

  5    FS to Dr M. Read, 6 July – reminds her that she agreed to give a paper; would like to fix a date; offers her some dates (tpc.)

  6    Ibid. to Prof. Kirby, 26 July – on Dr Hickmann offering to speak at the RAI; asks if he knows anything about him; should be grateful for reply as soon as possible as WBF has kept his letter rather a long time (tpc.)

  7    Percival Kirby to FS, 5 Aug. – refers to her letter; has been in touch with Dr Hickmann since his return to South Africa; he wrote a very good paper on the Tut-Ankh-Amen trumpets; on another work by Hickmann which shows that he is thoroughly familiar with Arab music; if he chosses a suitable subject he should be very good (tp.)

  8    FS to Dr H. Hickmann, 10 Aug. – regrets that his letter has remained so long unanswered; should be happy to provide for him to address the RAI; suggests 18 Oct. or 8 Nov.; suggests a topic (tpc.)

A152/11/9    Margaret Read to FS, 14 Oct. 1949 – on missing Council meeting; asks to be let off doing a paper this term; gives reasons (tp.)

 10    FS to Dr Margaret Read, nd – sorry she could not come to Council; will certainly postpone her paper until after Christmas; suggests 23 May (tp.)

 11    Ibid., 22 Nov. – asks her if 23 May is any good for her lecture; would like to know how she stands (tp.)

 12    Margaret Read to FS, 25 Nov. – engagements in the summer terms are very uncertain; most likely cannot manage 23 May; suggests early June (tpc.)

 13    FS to Margaret Read, 1 Dec. – asks if she can do 20 June; will not let it go ‘over the horizon’ (tpc.)

 14    Margaret Read to FS, 15 Dec. – 20 June looks most unlikely; will have to do something next session (tp.)

 15    FS to Margaret Read, 16 Dec. – sorry that her paper is getting further and further off; hopes she will consider it as a firm engagement for next session (tp.)

 12/    1950

  1    Alexander Galloway to FS, 9 Jan. 1950 – gives some information about the Border Cave Skull; gives some biographical information; will not require a lantern (autogr.)

  2    FS to Prof. V.G. Childe, 23 Jan. – Prof. Zeuner is lecturing to the RAI on 7 Feb.; asks if he could take the chair (tp.)

  3    W.C. Osman Hill to FS, 27 Jan. – encloses summary of his lecture delivered in Mar.; regrets the delay; he has been ill; can fill in full quotations for references when he returns to London (autogr.)

  4    FS to Prof. Osman Hill, 31 Jan. – thanks him for summary for Man; missed him at the lecture last month (tpc.)

  5    Jean M. Fortt, Royal Geographical Society, to FS, 23 Feb. – refers to her letter of 20 Feb. [not held] to Mr Kirwan; will send the Maya film after their showing of 27 Mar. for RAI showing on 4 Apr. (tp.)

  6    FS to Jean M. Fortt, 24 Feb. – will return the Maya film soon after the showing on 4 Apr. (tpc.)

A152/12/7    Philip Unwin, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., to FS, 13 Mar. 1950 – telegram of acceptance for lecture on 28 Mar. has come from Mr Thor Heyerdahl; she will be safe in booking him for that date (tp.)

  8    FS to Philip Unwin, 14 Mar. – refers to his letter of 13 Mar.; on the lecture on 28 Mar.; hopes he will come (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to Dr Arkell, 21 Mar. – on previous correspondence about his lecture to the RAI; she put his name down for 2 May; asks if that date is still suitable; she should like the title as soon as possible (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to the Secretary, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, ibid. – confirms arrangement that RAI is holding a meeting in their lecture hall on 28 Mar.; the lecture will be by Mr Thor Heyerdahl who will show a film; on terms; should be glad if their operator would be available to show the film (tpc.)

 11    E.M. Campbell, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, to FS, 23 Mar. – refers to her letter of 21 Mar.; on arrangements (tp.)

 12    Ibid., ibid. – refers to telephone conversation; regrets that the School does not possess the necessary equipment for the showing of the film; names a firm from whom a projector could be hired; the misunderstanding is regretted; the cost of hire will be deducted from the quotation of six guineas (tp.)

 13    FS to […?], nd – on the ‘shocking snag’ of lack of projector; on steps she has taken; on the present situation (autogr. notes)

 14    Ibid. to Miss E.M. Campbell, 24 Mar. – on cancellation of the meeting; John King Films were unable to help; the cost of hiring was prohibitive (tpc.)

 15    Ibid. to Mr Hood, British Council Theatre, 24 Mar. – confirms reservation of the cinema by RAI for a meeting on 28 Mar.; the film will be delivered to the theatre beforehand; asks if there could be a second showing after the first (tpc.)

 16    E.M. Campbell to FS, 27 Mar. – her reservation has been cancelled (tp.)

 17    George Allen & Unwin Ltd. to RAI, 29 Mar. – memorandum on Kon-Tiki film (printed and autogr.)

 18    G.H.S. Bushnell, University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, to FS, 31 Mar. – on the Kon Tiki and Maya films (tp.)

A152/12/19    Northern Transport Agency to RAI, 31 Mar. 1950 – invoices relating to the Kon Tiki film. 2 leaves (printed and autogr.)

 20    FS to Dr G.H.S. Bushnell, 4 Apr. – for the Kon Tiki films he should get in touch with Philip Unwin; explains why the film is a ‘major headache’; for the Maya film he should get in touch with Mr Kirwan (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. to Philip Unwin, 5 Apr. – on the bill from the British Council (tpc.)

 22    Ibid., 6 Apr. – on account from Northern Transport Agency; asks if they might split this between them (tp.)

 23    Philip Unwin to FS, 11 Apr. – agrees to split the charge from Northern Transport Agency; encloses cheque; also pays half-share of British Council bill (tp.)

 24    FS to Philip Unwin, 14 Apr. – thanks him for cheque; asks for return of British Council bill (tp.)

 25    FS to Prof. J.M. Mavrogordato, 15 Apr. – refers to Henry Myers Lecture by Prof. James on 2 May; asks if he would deliver the vote of thanks; the lecture is being printed; if he would like to see it beforehand, she could send a spare page-proof (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to J.P. Mills, 15 Apr. – hopes he will come to the Henry Myers Lecture; asks if he will second the vote of thanks (tpc.)

 27    Daryll Forde, International African Institute, to WBF, 17 Apr. – would be appropriate if any paper given by Miss Tew be read at a meeting which included the International African Institute; joint meeting with the RAI would be most suitable; 13 June would be convenient (tp.)

 28    E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 20 Apr. – on Dr Karl Gustav Izikowitz; he is thinking of visiting Great Britain in May; Dr Fortune wishes to support her request that an invitation to speak to the RAI be put to him; on a likely topic; on his published works; she hopes a lecture can be arranged in Cambridge (tp.)

 29    Mrs E.K. Miller to FS, 24 Apr. – on her election as a Fellow; on a change in the title of her lecture for 20 June; gives a few lines of explanation to appear on the card (tp.)

 30    Text of explanation to appear on the card (tp. draft)

 31    FS, part of ibid. (autogr.)

A152/12/32    FS to E.J. Lindgren, 27 Apr. 1950 – refers to her letter to WBF about Izikowitz; May is very full; could have a meeting on a different day but if it is not a Tuesday, people turn up badly; possibly there could be two meetings on one day; asks what she thinks (tpc.)

 33    E.J. Lindgren to FS, 28 Apr. – refers to her letter of 27 Apr.; suggests she write to Izikowitz frankly about ‘overcrowding’; she could say that should someone drop out, he might give a lecture; asks her to send her letter to WBF on to Fürer-Haimendorf who might like Izikowitz to talk to his seminar; she has asked Izikowitz to lecture in Cambridge; he will presumably be in London at least 10 days (autogr.)

 34    Karl Gustav Izikowitz to ibid., 2 May – is coming to London on 8 May; on his hotel reservation; if there are too many difficulties about his lecture, asks her not to try (tp.)

 35    FS to Dr Karl Gustav Izikowitz, 5 May – on the hotel booking; much as she would have appreciated an address from him, the programme is too full; on Dr Haimendorf; if he comes to England another time she should be happy to arrange a lecture, particularly if he could give a little notice of arrival (tpc.)

 36    Ibid. to Philip Unwin, 16 May – has received another bill in connection with the Kon Tiki film; thinks it would be equitable to share the cost (tpc.)

 37    Philip Unwin to FS, 18 May – returns the Northern Transport Agency Ltd. account with cheque; imagines that this is the end of their co-operative effort over the ‘great event’ (tp.)

 38    FS to Philip Unwin, 22 May – thanks him for cheque (tpc.)

 39    Ibid. to Dr A.N. Tucker, 31 May – on delivering his paper on 6 June in the Embryology Theatre of University College; asks him to read the proofs of the language section of ‘Notes & Queries’ (tpc.)

 40    Ibid. to Dr A. van den Bosch, 30 June – invites him to address the RAI; suggests 24 Oct.; on illustrations (tp.)

 41    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (tpc. with autogr. notes by FS)

 42    Ibid. to Dr G.N. Daniel, 10 Aug. – invites him to address the RAI; suggests 7 Nov. or 6 Mar. 1951 (tpc.)

A152/12/43    Glyn E. Daniel to FS, 18 Aug. 1950 – thanks her for invitation; is honoured by it; 6 Mar. 1951 would suit him; gives title; encloses review for Man (tp.)

 44    FS to Dr Daniel, 22 Aug. – is keeping the date of 6 Mar. for his lecture; on the review for Man; on a summary of his lecture (tpc.)

 45    Ibid. to M. A. van den Bossche, 15 Sept. – WBF wrote to him recently inviting him to address the RAI and to show some film records; 17 or 24 Oct. were the dates suggested; as the matter is now urgent, asks that he let her know if he can accept the invitation (tpc.)

 46    E. Ettlinger to FS, 18 Sept. – wrote to Mlle J. Cuisinier; asked her to write directly to FS (autogr. pc)

 47    Adr. Vanden Bossche to WBF, 21 Sept. – thanks him for his letters; is touched by the invitation; however he cannot respond to it; gives the reasons (tp., in French)

 48    Jeanne Cuisinier to FS, ibid. – she will be in England for a few weeks; Mrs Ettlinger said FS might try to fix up a lecture for her; hopes to be in London at the beginning of Oct. (autogr.)

 49    FS to Mlle Dr Jeanne Cuisinier, 22 Sept. – hears from Mrs Ettlinger that she will be in England and will address the Folk-Lore Society in Oxford; should be happy for her to address the RAI if possible; suggests 17 or 24 Oct.; asks her to let her know how long she will be staying (tpc.)

 50    Ibid., 26 Sept. – thinks their letters crossed; glad that she would like to lecture; 24 Oct. is at her disposal; asks for title of paper and a few notes about its scope (tpc.)

 51    Ibid. to Dr Leakey, ibid. – asks if he could address the RAI before his return to Africa; suggests 17 or 31 Oct. (tpc.)

 52    Ibid. to Dr Vanden Bossche, 30 Sept. – WBF regrets that he is unable to come to England to address the RAI; this is a great disappointment; hopes to have the pleasure of welcoming him another time (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to Prof. W.E. Le Gros Clark, 6 Oct. – Dr Leakey will address the RAI on 31 Oct.; the meeting will be at University College; asks if he will take the chair (tpc.)

A152/12/54    J. de Quidt, Ambassade de Belgique, to WBF, 10 Oct. 1950 – refers to his letter of 6 Oct. [not held]; is communicating his request to the Ministry of Colonies in Brussels; will get in touch as soon as he hears of any arrangements being made for an eventual visit by Mr A. Van den Bossche (tp.)

 55    FS to Prof. R. Firth, 20 Oct. – on Dr Cuisinier’s paper; as to the Chairman, the President will not be there; Mrs Seligman may not be well enough; asks if he will take the chair in the event of Mrs Seligman’s absence (tpc.)

 56    J.B. Thompson to FS, 24 Oct. – refers to her letter of 21 Oct. [not held]; he sent some notes to WBF, from which he could estimate if his work is of value to members of RAI; he is meeting WBF on 7 Nov.; on Mr Reg Summers; on Prof. Le Gros Clark; would be pleased to meet anyone interested in similar subjects; on his travel plans (tp.)

 57    W.E. Le Gros Clark to ibid., 26 Oct. – on slides (autogr. pc)

 58    J. de Quidt to WBF, 7 Nov. – a way has been found for Mr Van den Bossche to visit the RAI; it would have to be during the latter half of Nov. up to 10 Dec. (tp.)

 59    Kenneth L. Little to ibid., 13 Nov. – asks if there are two dates free later in the session; mentions S.F. Collins who has some interesting material; he himself would also like to give a paper (tp. with autogr. notes by FS)

 60    E.M. Chilver, Colonial Office, to FS, 14 Nov. – asks for copy of transcript of Mr D.P.L. Dry’s talk (tp.)

 61    FS to Dr Leakey, 21 Nov. – would like to put a summary in Man of his lecture with Prof. Le Gros Clark; asks for resumé of his part (tpc.)

 62    FS to Mrs E.M. Chilver, 22 Nov. – has no copy of Mr Dry’s lecture; is asking him if he has one (tpc.)

 63    Ibid. to D.P.L. Dry, ibid. – on Mrs Chilver asking for a copy of his lecture (tpc.)

 64    FS to Dr K. Little, ibid. – refers to his letter to WBF of 13 Nov.; the timetable is practically full; there is little hope of finding two dates; there may be one; perhaps Mr Collins’ paper could stand over until next session (tp.)

A152/12/65    Dr K. Little to WBF, 23 Nov. 1950 – encloses letter from FS; understands that there is heavy demand; does not know how far ahead it is desirable to ‘book’; feels younger anthropologists should be encouraged; hopes at least one date can be made available (tp.)

 66    FS to Dr Vanden Bossche, 29 Nov. – refers to invitation to address the RAI on 12 Dec.; time is growing very short; asks him to let her know by telegram if he is able to deliver the lecture (tpc.)

 67    P.J. Bohannan to RAI, 10 Dec. – offers a paper (tp.)

 68    FS to Dr K. Little, 13 Dec. – refers to his letter to WBF of 23 Nov.; difficult to say how far ahead it’s desirable to arrange a lecture date; the meeting days tend to get booked up in the summer before the session opens; 19 June is free if he would care to give a paper (tpc.)

 69    Ibid. to P.J. Bohannan, 30 Dec. – would like a paper from him; the programme is very full (tpc.)

 70    Draft of ‘blurb’ for Philip Mayer, ‘Privileged Obstruction of Marriage Rites among the Gusii’ (tpc.)

 71    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 72    Draft of ‘blurb’ for Sona Rosa Burstein, ‘Field-Work in Old-Age Study’ (tp.)

 73    Draft of ‘blurb’ for R. O’R. Piddington, ‘Anthropology and the Study of Modern Society – Some Theoretical Problems’ (tp.)

 74    Draft of ‘blurb’ for ‘The Maya through the Ages’ (tp.)

 75    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 76    Draft of ‘blurb’ for Thor Heyerdahl, ‘The Kon Tiki Expedition’ (tpc.)

 77    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 78    Draft of ‘blurb’ for A.J. Arkell, ‘The Excavation of a Neolithic Site at Esk Shaheinab in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan’ (tpc.)

 79    Part of ibid. (autogr by FS)

 80    A.J. Arkell to FS, 5 Apr. – supplies text for blurb (tp.)

 81    Draft of ‘blurb’ for Monica Wilson, ‘The Nyakusa Age-Villages’ (tpc.)

A152/12/82    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 83    Draft of ‘blurb’ for I.G. Cunnison, ‘Some Types of Hisotry among the Luapula Peoples’ (tpc.)

 84    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 85    Draft of ‘blurb’ for A.N. Tucker, ‘Recording African Music Without a Recorder’ (autogr. by FS)

 86    Draft of ‘blurb’ for Mary Tew, ‘A Form of Polyandry among the Lele of the Kasai (Belgian Congo)’ (tpc.)

 87    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 88    Draft of ‘blurb’ for Jeanne A.L. Cuisinier, ‘The Sacred Dance in Indo-China and Indonesia’ (tpc.)

 89    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

 90    Draft of ‘blurb’ by D.P.L. Dry, ‘The Social Structure of a Hausa Town’ (tpc.)

 91    Ibid. (autogr. by FS)

13/    1951

  1    List of dates for meetings 1950-51 session (tpc.)

  2    Ibid. (tp. with autogr. notes)

  3    Paul J. Bohannan to FS, 4 Jan. 1951 – refers to her note of 30 Dec.; should prefer to read his paper in Mar. or Apr. (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

  4    Kenneth L. Little to ibid., 10 Jan. – refers to her letter of 13 Dec.; he wrote on behalf of members of his staff; should be grateful if 19 June could be put aside for Mr Sydney Collins; should be grateful if she lets him know if any further dates become available (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

  5    Prof. S. Zuckerman to ibid., 13 Jan. – on the title of his talk; on the time (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

  6    FS to Dr K.L. Little, 15 Jan. – refers to his letter of 10 Jan.; will reserve 19 June for Mr Collins (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Prof. S. Zuckerman, 16 Jan. – refers to his letter; the meeting will be at University College (tpc.)

A152/13/8    Dr P.J. Meertens, Director, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, to FS, 16 Jan. 1951 – Mrs Ettlinger sent her letter in which she proposed that he speak to the RAI; shall only be in England for a few days after Easter; shrinks from addressing the RAI as he is not an anthropologist but only a folklorist (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

  9    FS to Dr P.J. Meertens, 23 Jan. – understands the position; hopes to meet him when he is in England (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to Mr P.J. Bohannan, ibid. – suggests 22 May for his paper (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to Dr Glyn E. Daniel, 25 Jan. – on printing cards; checks that his title is still the same; asks for a few words about himself (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to T.G. Strehlow, ibid. – on printing cards; asks for title; asks for a few words about himself and the film (tpc.)

 13    Dr Glyn E. Daniel to FS, ibid. – on the title; provides a ‘blurb’ about himself (autogr. with autogr. note by FS)

 14    FS to Dr Glyn E. Daniel, 1 Feb. – refers to his letter; asks if he wants the lantern (tpc.)

 15    T.G.H. Strehlow to FS, 12 Feb. – on the title of his talk; on the films he will show; gives some biographical details (autogr.)

 16    FS to Dr Lucy Mair, 23 Feb. – asks for title of her talk on 3 Apr.; asks for a summary for Man (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. to Prof. Margaret Read, 1 Mar. – reminds her of her lecture of 17 Apr.; asks for title; asks for summary for Man (tpc.)

 18    [E.J. Lindgren] to Prof. Sigurd Erixon, 9 Mar. – sorry his book could not find a publisher; on an English translator; on the literature about the Folk Life Congress; asks if he would address the RAI; the Cambridge school would also appreciate his words of wisdom (tpc.)

 19    FS to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 31 Mar. – has heard that one Sophie Zenkovsky from Omdurman would like to address the RAI; says a little about her; asks if he knows her and if she should be asked to talk (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. to Prof. Sigurd Erixon, ibid. – invites him to address the RAI; suggests some dates (tpc.)

A152/13/21    Louis Dumont to FS, 2 Apr. 1951 – Prof. von Fürer Haimendorf suggested he write concerning a lecture to the RAI; would be glad of the opportunity; encloses a proposed title and some information; on dates; on slides (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

 .1    Title and biographical information (tp.) [enclosed with /13/21]

 22    Prof. Sigurd Erixon to FS, 4 Apr. – is honoured by the invitation but is unable to accept the dates suggested; will not reach London before 5 June; would need a couple of weeks to practise the language; there is no time for that; hopes to lecture another year (tp. with autogr. note by FS)

 23    FS to Prof. Sigurd Erixon, 12 Apr. – is sorry that he cannot address the RAI; asks him to let her know if he visits next year; hopes to see him at the RAI (tpc.)

 24    Ibid. to M. L. Dumont, ibid. – shall be glad to have a lecture; suggests 5 June; on the slides (tpc.)

 25    L. Dumont to FS, 17 Apr. – 5 June is all right (tp.)

 26    M. Gluckman to ibid. 26 Apr. – cannot think of anyone to help out the people of Bristol (tp.)

 27    FS to Mr S. Collins, 17 May – asks for title and a few lines about himself and his paper, for the cards; on the summary for Man (tpc.)

 28    J.T. Robinson to FS, ibid. – refers to her letter [not held]; shall be delighted to address the RAI on 12 June; on the title; outlines his talk; on a lantern (autogr.)

 29    The Times, 21 Apr. – ‘Fossil Remains of Man-Like Apes’ (newspaper cutting)

 30    Sigurd Erixon to FS, 19 May – refers to her letter of 12 Apr.; shall inform her as soon as possible if he can come back to England next year; on his travel plans; hopes to visit the RAI at the end of June or beginning of July (tp.)

 31    David Hay-Neave to FS, 1 July – returns forms; is going to be at home for about three months; will call in (autogr)

 32    FS to D.R. Hay-Neave, 10 July – thanks him for letter and form; shall be glad to see him at the RAI; asks if he would be available to give a paper in Oct. (tpc.)

A152/13/33    Ibid., 7 Aug. 1951 – asks he can address the RAI on 9 Oct.; should be glad to hear from him (tp.)

 34    S. Anglo to WBF, 14 Aug. – as Secretary of the Stag Society of Pinner County School, is organising a talk on witchcraft; asks if he could suggest a speaker; gives information on the Stag Society (autogr.)

 35    FS to D.R. Hay-Neave, 16 Aug. – thanks him for letter and form; shall be glad to see him at the RAI; asks if he would be available to give a paper in Oct. (tpc.)

 36    H.J. Fleure to FS, 19 Aug. – Section H of the British Association had ‘some good moments’; suggests some names for speakers (autogr.)

 37    [FS] to H.J. Fleure, 22 Aug. – refers to his letter of 19 Aug.; discusses some of the people mentioned in it (tpc.)

 38    H.J. Fleure to FS, 24 Aug. – thanks her for two letters; on various of the people mentioned in his last letter; on the idea of an Institute of Scottish Studies (autogr.)

 39    A.H. Hannay, the Aristotelian Society, to ibid., 2 Sept. – has mislaid the account for the hire of RAI hall; asks for a new one (autogr.)

 40    S. Anglo to WBF, 11 Sept. – refers to his previous letter; asks whether he can help (autogr.)

 41    [Mrs Bowe[?] for FS] to S. Anglo, 22 Sept. – the Assistant Secretary has tried a great many people but is unable to find anyone for his talk; suggests he write to Dr Margaret Murray who is an authority on the subject of witchcraft (tpc.)

 42    M. Renwick, Hon. Secretary, Durham University Anthropological Society, to [FS?], 19 Oct. – asks the name of the person who spoke to the Institute on ‘Race Relations in South Shields’ (autogr.)

 43    FS to Dr E. Colson, 23 Oct. – asks about title of her talk on 27 Nov. (tpc.)

 44    FS to M. Renwick, 12 Nov. – on the name of the speaker on ‘Race Relations in South Shields’; apologises for delay (tpc.)

 45    Ellen Ettlinger to FS, 29 Nov. – Mr Heine of the Danish Open Air Museum is speaking [to the Oxford Folk Lore Society] on 18 Apr.; wonders if he could speak at the RAI (autogr. with autogr. note by FS on verso)

A152/13/46    FS to T.W. Bagshawe, 5 Dec. 1951 – asks him if he knows the Dansk Landbrugs Museum; the Curator, Heine, is coming to England; Mrs Ettlinger has suggested inviting him to speak to RAI; would value his opinion (tpc.)

 47    Thomas W. Bagshawe to FS, 7 Dec. – sends her confidential information about Heine; people have sent him things which he has not acknowledged; does not know what to advise her; on the ‘Scandinavian method’ of lecturing (tp.)

 48    FS to T.W. Bagshawe, 31 Dec. – thanks him for letter about Dansk Landbrugsmuseum; thinks she will tell Mrs Ettlinger there is no room for Heine; the programme is overloaded (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to Mrs E. Ettlinger, ibid. – apologises for delay; cannot help with a lecture; the programme is full (tpc.)

14/    1952

  1    Irene M. James to FS, 23 Jan. 1952 – encloses letter from FS from 1949; she had wanted to know whether Miss Katherine Dunham’s paper would be published; asks if it has been published yet; gives her new address (tp. with autogr. notes by FS)

 .1    FS to Public Relations Officer, the Rationalist Press Association Ltd., 1 Mar. 1949 – Miss Katherine Dunham’s lecture is not yet in print (tp.) [enclosed with /14/1]

  2    E.D. Phillips to WBF, 8 Feb. – asks if Dr Heine-Geldern’s lectures will appear in any published form (autogr. pc)

  3    FS to H.E. Powell, 22 Feb. – asks if he can lecture on 17 June (tpc.)

  4    Fred J. Pimm, Barking Adult School, to WBF, 2 Apr. – has been asked to arrange a speaker on ‘Anthropology the Story of Man’ for 17 June; would be pleased if he could send someone to talk on a voluntary basis; on the School; on the meetings; encloses stamped addressed envelope (tp.)

  5    Ibid., 17 Apr. – refers to previous letter; appreciates that it may not be RAI practice to send out speakers; did send a stamped addressed envelope in case the answer was negative (tp.)

  6    Notice asking if anyone would speak to the Barking Adult School (tpc.)

A152/14/7    H.A. Fosbrooke to WBF, 17 Apr. 1952 – refers to his letter of 7 Apr. [not held] suggesting a lecture to the RAI; will be away before Oct.; on subjects; on slides (autogr.)

  8    [Mrs A.C. Bowe], Secretary to the Officers, to Mr F.J. Pimm, 21 May – has been in touch with Prof. Fleure, the eminent anthropologist; he hopes to supply some names in a day or two (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to Miss Rice, London School of Economics, 28 May – encloses the particulars of the request from Barking Adult School; asks if she will put it on the notice board (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to Miss Attwood, University College, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to F.J. Pimm, ibid. – Prof. Fleure has been in touch; all the people he had in mind are unable to attend the meeting; has given details of his request to London School of Economics and University College who will advertise it on their notice boards (tpc.)

 12    Fred J. Pimm to Angela C. Bowe, 30 May – thanks her for her two letters; thanks her for her efforts; hopes LSE or University College might be able to help (tp.)

 13    Elizabeth King to Dr Ruth Landes, RAI, 10 June – asks for a copy of her paper ‘The Status of the Negro in Great Britain’ (tp.)

 14    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Miss Elizabeth King, 12 June – encloses a copy of Dr Landes’ paper on Race Relationships in Britain (tpc.)

 15    Ruth Landes, ‘Preliminary Statement on Fulbright-Sponsored Inquiry into Race Relationships in Britain 1951/52’. 16 leaves (tp.)

 16    Elizabeth King to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 13 June – thanks her for the copy of Dr Landes’ paper (tp.)

 17    John L. Myres to WBF, 7 July – Van Riet Lowe is coming to England in the autumn; hopes RAI will welcome him as he deserves; suggests getting a ‘big’ paper from him (autogr.)

 18    Mary Starkey, Hon. Secretary, Ladies’ Alpine Club, to Mrs [Bowe], 23 Aug. – on borrowing the hall; on the epidiascope (autogr.)

A152/14/19    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, Alcuin Press, 1 Sept. 1952 – sends copy and specimen card for session card (tpc.)

 .1    Proof of session card (printed with autogr. corrections)

 20    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mrs M. Starkey, 2 Sept. – confirms the booking of the lecture room on 27 Sept.; is seeing about a lantern operator (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. to Prof. Van Riet Lowe, 12 Sept. – asks if he can give a lecture while he is in England; asks for dates of his visit (tpc.)

 22    Mrs A.C. Bowe to E.D. Phillips, ibid. – refers to his note asking about Prof. Heine-Geldern’s lectures; has no information as to the publication of the lectures given at the University of London; does not know whether the lecture given at the RAI will be published or not (tpc.)

 23    J.G. Elbo, Scott Polar Research Institute, to WBF, ibid. – Dr Helge Larsen is hoping to come over at the end of next month; he is lecturing at the Scott Polar Research Institute on 1 Nov.; asks him to let him know if he wishes to get hold of Dr Larsen for a lecture (tp.)

 24    C. van Riet Lowe to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 15 Sept. – refers to her letter of 12 Sept.; his doctor has forced him to change his plans; he is not coming to England; is sorry about this; would willingly have lectured (tp.)

 25    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mrs M. Starkey, 16 Sept. – the lantern operator regrets that he is unable to attend at her lecture (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to Miss I.M. James, 16 Sept. – refers to her letter; there is no record that Miss Dunham’s lecture was published; regrets delay in replying (tpc.)

 27    Ibid. to J.G. Elbo, 30 Sept. – WBF has asked her to reply to his letter; RAI would be delighted if Dr Larsen could lecture during his visit; WBF has written suggesting dates; encloses copies of this letter (tpc.)

 28    WBF to Dr Helge Larsen, ibid. – asks if he would be able to address the RAI during his visit to England; offers some dates; if he can manage it, asks for a title and some facts about himself for the cards (tpc.)

 29    J.G. Elbo to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 1 Oct. – thanks her for letter and enclosures; does not doubt that Dr Larsen will be pleased to lecture (tp.)

A152/14/30    M. Gluckman to WBF, 2 Oct. 1952 – would be grateful if he would invite Mr V.W. Turner to give a lecture; on Mr Turner; on suitable dates (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 31    Helge Larsen to ibid., 3 Oct. – shall be glad to lecture to the RAI, if his trip can be arranged, which is not yet definite; suggests a title; gives some information about himself (tp.)

 32    Martin Southwold, Secretary, Cambridge University Anthropological Club, to Assistant Secretary, RAI, 6 Oct. – asks for a list of visitors from abroad who are expected to address the RAI; his best chance of getting foreign visitors to speak is to ask those who have just addressed the RAI; in particular, he would like to know when Prof. Gjessing is to address the RAI (autogr.)

 33    WBF to Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, ibid. – has heard he is in England; asks if he would like to lecture to the RAI (tpc.)

 34    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Gluckman, 7 Oct. – refers to his letters to WBF; is sure he will reply in a day or so about Mr Turner’s lecture; sorry that he cannot attend Council meeting (tpc.)

 35    Ibid., 8 Oct. – WBF has asked her to write about Mr Turner’s lecture; suggests some dates; asks for a few words about Mr Turner plus a title for the lecture, for the meeting cards (tpc.)

 36    Ibid. to Martin Southwold, ibid. – refers to his letter; Prof. Gjessing has been asked to address the RAI on 27 Nov.; is also hoping to have an address from Dr Helge Larsen; there are no further lectures by visitors from abroad, but there is a lecture in Feb. or Mar. form Mr V.W. Turner who has just come back from two years at the Rhodes Livingstone Institute (tpc.)

 37    Martin Southwold to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 9 Oct. – thanks her very much for the information (autogr.)

 38    Helge Larsen to WBF, 9 Oct. – Mr Elbo says that the financial arrangement of his trip has failed; therefore his trip must be postponed; has suggested postponing it until Spring 1953; shall be glad to give his lecture then (tp.)

 39    Peter, Prince of Greece, to WBF, 10 Oct. – refers to his letter of 6 Oct.; should have liked to have given a lecture but is only in England till Wednesday; the notice is too short (autogr.)

A152/14/40    V.W. Turner to Mrs Bowe, 14 Oct. 1952 – refers to Prof. Gluckman; suggests 19 Feb. for his lecture; asks for blackboard and supply of chalk (autogr.)

 .1    Ibid., short Curriculum Vitae (autogr.)

 41    Mrs A.C. Bowe to V.W. Turner, 16 Oct. – refers to his letter; on arrangements for the lecture of 19 Feb. (tpc.)

 42    Ibid. to Helge Larsen, ibid. – WBF is sorry that he will not be able to lecture this year; suggests some dates in spring 1953 (tpc.)

 43    Dr J. Victor Jansen to WBF, 22 Oct. – asks him to fix his lecture for 12 Mar. [1953]; on his movements during his visit; asks him to let him know if 12 Mar. is convenient (tp.)

 44    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J. Victor Jansen, 24 Oct. – WBF has asked her to answer his letter; can fix his lecture for 12 Mar., or 5 Mar. if that suits him better; asks for title and some notes about himself for the meeting cards; on practical details (tpc.)

 45    M. Jean Rouch to WBF, 25 Oct. – agrees to lecture on 13 Nov.; gives title (telegram)

 46    Mrs A.C. Bowe to M. Jean Rouch, 30 Oct. – WBF has asked her to write to invite him to dinner after his lecture; gives details (tpc.)

 47    John Higgs, Museum of English Rural Life, to WBF, 18 Nov. – refers to his letter of 14 Nov. [not held]; delighted that the Museum has been elected to institutional membership of the RAI; Dr Fleure asked him a long time ago to give a paper; has heard no more about it; presumes he is not giving a paper (tp.)

 48    Ibid. to the Assistant Secretary, 18 Nov. – wishes to receive notice of ordinary meetings (printed and tp. pc)

 49    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.W.Y. Higgs, 19 Nov. – WBF has asked her to write; it has not been forgotten that he was asked to give a paper; hopes he will do so in 1953; gives reason why he was not asked in this part of the session (tpc.)

A152/14/50    Beatrice Blackwood to WBF, 6 Dec. 1952 – gives Mr Alport’s address; says a little about him; thinks WBF would find what he had to say about the Mzab interesting and well worth hearing at the RAI; on his slides (tp.)

 .1    Announcement card for lecture by E. Alport, at the O.U. Anthropological Society (printed)

 51    List of dates for meetings, Session 1952-53 (autogr.)

15/    1953

  1    Kenneth L. Little to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 6 Jan. 1953 – gives title for his lecture on 22 Jan.; includes some ‘blurb’ for the cards; suggests a joint meeting with the International African Institute (tp. with autogr. note)

  2    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr K. Little, 8 Jan. – Prof. Forde has sanctioned the joint meeting (tpc.)

  3    Notice of Curl Bequest Prize Lecture by A.J. Köbben, on 8 Jan. 1953 (tp.)

  4    Horniman Museum, lecture list 10 Jan. – 14 Mar. (printed card)

  5    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 13 Jan. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Dr Little’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Ibid., proof (printed)

  6    Mrs A.C. Bowe to E.A. Alport, 20 Jan. – Miss B.M. Blackwood has given his name as a possible lecturer; asks if he could lecture on 5 Feb.; apologises for short notice; on practical details; asks for title and some information about himself (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Miss B.M. Blackwood, ibid. – WBF is now in Nigeria; she finds that no reply was made to her letter of 6 Dec.; thanks her for the name of Mr Alport; she has just invited him for 5 Feb.; previous lecturer got flu and cried off (tpc.)

  8    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, 21 Jan. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Prof. Skerlj; they are a real rush job; he walked in this morning and leaves London on 31 Jan.; will dispense with a proof due to urgency (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc. and autogr.)

A152/15/9    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Le Gros Clark, 22 Jan. 1953 – Prof. Skerlj came into the RAI yesterday; has arranged for him to lecture on 29 Jan.; he is only in London until 31 Jan.; the President is away and WBF is in Nigeria; asks if he would take the chair (tpc.)

 10    Prof. W.E. Le Gros Clark to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 23 Jan. – sorry that he cannot take the chair on Thursday; a pity the lecture had to be given at such short notice (tp.)

 11    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J.V. Jensen, 26 Jan. – asks if he is lecturing on 5 or 12 Mar. (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, ibid. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Mr E.A. Alport’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 13    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr E.A. Alport, 26 Jan. – thanks him for saying he can lecture on 5 Feb.; on the meeting cards; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to H.E. Powell, ibid. – asks him about lecturing and showing his film; if he telephones she will tell him what dates are free (tpc.)

 15    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, 27 Jan. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Mr V.W. Turner’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 16    J.P. Mills to Prof. B. Skerlj, 28 Jan. – sorry that he is unable to attend his lecture (tp.)

 17    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

 18    Mrs A.C. Bowe to V.W. Turner, 29 Jan. – invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 19    J. Victor Jansen to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 6 Feb. – refers to her letter of 26 Jan.; is sorry for the delay but he has been away; is leaving Rotterdam on 9 or 10 Mar.; will lecture to RAI on 12 Mar.; gives title; asks about size of slides; the ground floor of the Museum has been flooded (tp.)

 20    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J. Victor Jansen, nd – refers to his letter of 6 Feb.; on the lantern and the epidiascope; asks him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 21    E.J. Lindgren to J.P. Mills, RAI President 1951-53, 10 Feb. – Prof. David Mandelbaum will be based in Cambridge till Sept.; is sure he would appreciate an invitation to lecture (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

A152/15/22    J.P. Mills to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 11 Feb. 1953 – encloses letter from E.J. Lindgren; if WBF agrees, Prof. Mandelbaum could be invited to lecture in the summer term; on obituary for Mrs Milward (autogr.)

 23    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr S.O. Biobaku, 18 Feb. – asks if he could lecture on 26 Mar.; asks for title and something about himself for the meeting cards (tpc.)

 24    Ibid. to H.A. Powell, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 5 Mar.; on the film projector; asks for title and something about himself for the meeting cards (tpc.)

 25    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting of 19 Feb., V.W. Turner’s lecture (printed proof)

 26    H.A. Powell to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 19 Feb. – 5 Mar. is fixed; on his films; on the title; gives some information for the cards (tp.)

 27    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 23 Feb. – encloses copy for meeting cards for H.A. Powell’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Special Meeting on 5 Mar. (printed proof)

 28    Mrs A.C. Bowe to H.A. Powell, 23 Feb. – refers to his letter of 19 Feb.; on the projector; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 29    S.O. Biobaku to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 24 Feb. – can manage 26 Mar.; on the title; gives some biographical information (tp.)

 30    William M. Shanklin, American University of Beirut, to FS, 24 Feb. – will be in London in July; offers to give a lecture; suggests dates (tp. with autogr. note)

 31    H.A. Powell to Mrs A.C. [Bowe], 27 Feb. – accepts the invitation to dinner; on the projector; on the cards (tp.)

 32    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr S. Biobaku, 28 Feb. – refers to his letter of 24 Feb.; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 33    M. Fredericks, Secretary to Katherine Dunham, to [RAI], 1 Mar. – Miss Dunham would like a copy of Prof. Skerlj’s lecture, if it was printed (tp.)

A152/15/34    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 2 Mar. 1953 – encloses copy for meeting cards for Dr V.J. Jansen’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 12 Mar. (printed proof)

 35    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr H.A. Cooper, Messrs. Wallace Heaton Ltd., 2 Mar. – on hiring a cine-projector (tpc.)

 36    S.O. Biobaku to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 3 Mar. – accepts invitation to dinner after the lecture (tp.)

 37    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.D. Freeman, ibid. – WBF would like him to give a lecture; suggests dates in Apr.; if he can accept, asks for title etc. (tpc.)

 38    J.D. Freeman to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 7 Mar. – shall be happy to give a lecture; would like to discuss the matter with friends before settling on a precise title; on his slides (tp.)

 39    J. Victor Jansen to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 8 Mar. – hopes to see her at RAI sometime on Wed. 11 Mar.; accepts invitation to dinner (tp.)

 40    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Miss Katherine Dunham, 9 Mar. – Prof. Skerlj’s address has not been printed; it may appear in Man later; Prof. Skerlj and his collaborators will be publishing their findings later (tpc.)

 41    J.A. Keele for Dr Margaret Lowenfeld, 10 Mar. – Dr Lowenfeld would be glad to know if Prof. Skerlj’s address has been published (tp. pc)

 42    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.D. Freeman, ibid. – refers to his letter of 7 Mar.; shall fix his lecture for 23 Apr.; on projector; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 43    Ibid. to Dr M. Lowenfeld, 13 Mar. – possible that a summary of Prof. Skerlj’s lecture will appear in Man; Prof. Skerlj and his collaborators will be publishing their findings later (tpc.)

 44    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, 16 Mar. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Dr S. Biobaku’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 26 Mar. (printed proof)

A152/15/45    J.D. Freeman to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 16 Mar. 1953 – refers to her letter of 10 Mar.; gives precise subject of his talk; gives title; gives ‘blurb’; accepts dinner invitation; on the slides (tp.)

 46    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Shanklin, ibid. – refers to his letter to FS, who has now left the RAI’s service; WBF has just returned from Nigeria; she will refer his letter to him (tpc.)

 47    John W.Y. Higgs to WBF, 17 Mar. – has received an erratum to a volume of the JRAI; asks if he should have received a copy of the issue (tp.)

 48    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Long, Messrs. Wallace Heaton, Ltd., 24 Mar. – on hiring a lantern projector (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to J.W.Y. Higgs, ibid. – the erratum slip did not belong to him; asks him to throw it away; WBF asks if he could give a lecture in May; offers some dates; if he can do it, asks that he send title and a few details about himself; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 50    Raymond Firth to WBF, 26 Mar. – refers to his note about David Schneider’s article [not held]; on Miss Ena Noel of Sydney; on her programme of dance and music; while it is not exactly the kind of thing which is part of the RAI’s work, it might be of interest to anthropologists; hence suggests they give publicity to her programme at the Imperial Institute (tp.)

 51    C.W. Long, Wallace Heaton Ltd., to Mrs A.C. Bowe, ibid. – on the hire of a projector (tp.)

 52    Copy for meeting cards for Dr Saburi Biobaku’s lecture (tp.)

 53    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 26 Mar. (tp.)

 .1    Note about Dr Lehmann’s availability to lecture (autogr.)

 54    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 27 Mar. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Dr Lehmann’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 55    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 1 Apr. – on additional copy for the meeting card for Dr Lehmann (tpc.)

 .1    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 16 Apr. (printed proof)

A152/15/56    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 13 Apr. 1953 – encloses copy for meeting cards for J.D. Freeman’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 23 Apr. (printed proof)

 57    Ena Noël to WBF, 15 Apr. – Prof. Firth thought he might be interested in a lecture-dance recital; on her programme of poetry, music and dance based on the Australian Aborigine; asks for appointment to see him; if he could suggest an organisation where she might present the programme she would be grateful. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 58    John W.Y. Higgs to Mrs A.C. Bowe, nd – apologises for not replying sooner; happy to lecture on 21 May; suggests some possible subjects; accepts invitation to dine (autogr.)

 59    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.W.Y. Higgs, 23 Apr. – apologises for delay in replying; WBF is delighted that he will lecture; on the title (tpc.)

 60    Noel [Stevenson] to WBF, 24 Apr. – refers to him asking him to give a paper; offers one in May or June; on the Friends of the RAI (autogr.)

 61    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mons. Paul Radin, 27 Apr. – asks if he will give a lecture during his stay in England; suggests 7 May; asks if lecture will be illustrated (tpc.)

 62    J.D. Freeman to WBF, 28 Apr. – shall send summary of his talk in due course; hopes to be able to prepare a number of short illustrated papers on Iban subjects which might be suitable for Man (tp. with autogr. reply by WBF added)

 63    Wm. Clowes & Sons Ltd. to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 29 Apr. – on binding copies of the Annual Volume (tp.)

 64    Paul Radin to ibid., 1 May – apologises for late reply; could not accept the invitation to lecture on 7 May as he shall be in Manchester; suggests other dates (autogr.)

 65    E.J. Lindgren to […?], 2 May – notes on Dr Paul Radin; he would be glad to lecture on a later date if RAI could pay for hotel; there is ‘plenty of life in him yet’ (autogr. card)

A152/15/66    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Shanklin, 4 May 1953 – on his lecture during visit to London; asks if he can manage 30 June; asks if lecture will be illustrated; asks for some information about himself; invites him to dinner after the lecture; asks for title; on the tea party on 25 June (tpc.)

 67    Ibid. to the Alcuin Press, ibid. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Mr J.W.Y. Higgs’ lecture (tpc.)

 68    Ibid. to Mons. Radin, ibid. – asks if lecture will be illustrated; invites him to dinner after the lecture; asks for title and details about himself for the announcement cards (tpc.)

 69    Ibid. to H.N.C. Stevenson, ibid. – the best date for his lecture would be 28 May; asks for title and information about himself for the cards; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 70    Noel Stevenson to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 8 May – 28 May will suit him; gives title; gives information for ‘blurb’; accepts invitation to dinner (tp. with autogr. PS)

 71    Mrs A.C. Bowe to E.C.H. Jones, 5 May – sends Rev. A.M. Jones’ address (tpc.)

 72    WBF to J.D. Freeman, ibid. – refers to his letter; enjoyed his lecture; looks forward to his writings for Man (tpc.)

 73    J.P. Mills to Prof. D.G. Mandelbaum, ibid. – invites him to address the RAI; suggests dates; asks for title of lecture and whether it will be illustrated (tpc.)

 74    Paul Radin to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 11 May – 4 June is satisfactory; gives title; accepts the dinner invitation; gives some biographical information; asks for invitation to be sent to Sir Herbert Read; points out that he is not French (autogr.)

 75    David G. Mandelbaum to J.P. Mills, ibid. – shall be glad to give a talk; suggests 11 June; gives title (autogr)

 76    William M. Shanklin to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 12 May – shall be delighted to lecture on 30 June; gives title; on slides; gives some information for the cards (tp.)

 77    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Paul Radin, 13 May – refers to his letter; apologises for thinking he was French; pleased that he can lecture; RAI will defray expenses of coming from Oxford (tpc.)

A152/15/78    Ibid. to Alcuin Press, 13 May 1953 – encloses copy for meeting cards for Mr Stevenson’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement for Special Meeting on 28 May (printed proof with autogr. correction)

 79    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Mandelbaum, 13 May – Mr Mills is delighted that he can address the RAI on 11 June; asks for details about himself for the announcement cards; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 80    Ibid. to the Alcuin Press, 14 May – encloses copy for meeting cards for Dr Paul Radin’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Ibid. (autogr. draft with note by Mrs A.C. Bowe)

 81    David M. Mandelbaum to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 14 May – accepts invitation to dinner; gives details about himself (autogr.)

 82    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Messrs. Wallace Heaton Ltd., 15 May – on hiring a film projector (tpc.)

 83    E.M. Chilver to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 18 May – informs her that Dr Klaus Waschsmann will probably be in England in July; he has a unique set of recordings which she thinks might interest the RAI; asks if she can ask him to get in touch (tp.)

 84    F.H. Jordan, Wallace Heaton Ltd., to Mrs A C. Bowe, ibid. – on the hiring of a film projector (tp.)

 85    [Mrs A.C. Bowe] to [Wallace Heaton Ltd], 19 May – note asking that projector be given to bearer (tpc.)

 86    E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 19 May – on M.C. Goswami; on suggesting that he address the RAI; on his work; on a possible title; asks for a date in the early autumn (autogr.)

 87    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 20 May – encloses correct proof for the next meeting card (tpc.)

 88    Announcement for Ordinary Meeting on 21 May (printed proof)

 89    Ibid. (tp.)

 90    William M. Shanklin to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 22 May – on his slides; asks about dress required for the dinner (tp.)

A152/15/91    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Shanklin, 28 May 1953 – on the slides; the dinner is informal (tpc.)

 92    Ibid. to Dr S.C. Dube, 29 May – on his lecturing to the RAI on 18 June; asks if lecture will be illustrated; asks for title and some details about himself for the cards; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 93    Announcement for Ordinary Meeting on 4 June (printed proof)

 94    Ibid. (tp.)

 95    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 4 June – encloses copy for meeting cards [for Prof. Mandelbaum’s lecture] (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 96    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 9 June – encloses copy for meeting cards [for Dr S.C. Dube’s lecture] (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 97    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 16 June – encloses copy for meeting cards for J.P. Mills’ lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Ibid. (autogr.)

 .3    Announcement of Annual General Meeting on 25 June (printed proof)

 98    Roland Oliver to WBF, 17 June – on a Conference; is grateful for invitation to address the RAI; shall be delighted to do so (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 99    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 18 June (printed proof)

100    Partial text of ibid. (tp.)

101    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 20 June – encloses copy for meeting cards for Prof. Shanklin’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement of Special Meeting on 30 June (printed proof with autogr. correction)

102    Sally [Chilver] to Angela [Bowe], 22 June – refers to her letter of 18 May about Klaus Wachsmann; on some of his recordings; she thinks he would be willing to produce and explain the records to the RAI (tp.)

A152/15/103    Hermann Lehmann to WBF, 22 June 1953 – Prof. R.L. Kahn is visiting London in Sept.; he would like to give a lecture of anthropological interest; asks if RAI would be prepared to arrange this; mentions possibility of a joint meeting with other societies; on Prof. Kahn (tp.)

104    A.H. Quiggin to ibid., 23 June – asks him to send a copy of Prof. Fortes’ Inaugural lecture; shall be glad to attempt a review (tp.)

105    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mrs S. Chilver, 1 July – WBF has asked her to confirm the RAI’s invitation to Dr Klaus Wachsmann to lecture during his visit to England in July; mentions some dates; on a recording machine; asks if Dr Wachsmann would let her know the title, and some details about himself for the meeting cards (tpc.)

106    E.J. Lindgren to [WBF?], 6 July – asks if he asked M.C. Goswami to lecture; it would help him if it was before Dec. (autogr. card)

107    Angela C. Bowe to E.J. Lindgren, 6 July – WBF passed on her note concerning Mr Goswami; is sorry she has not written sooner; WBF is agreeable to inviting him to lecture; asks about a suitable time (tpc.)

108    Ibid. to Dr H. Lehmann, 7 July – refers to his letter to WBF in connection with Prof. Kahn; she is answering for him; should be delighted to have Prof. Kahn address the RAI; WBF thinks it better to do it under the auspices of the RAI; invitations could be sent to other societies; suggests 24 Sept. (tpc.)

109    E.J. Lindgren to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 8 July – M.C. Goswami will be delighted to give a talk illustrated by slides; on a date in Oct. or early Nov.; on those who might take the chair (autogr.)

110    H. Lehmann to ibid., 9 July – refers to her letter of 7 July; thinks 24 Sept. will suit Prof. Kahn; mentions title for the lecture; Prof. Kahn will confirm the date directly (tp.)

111    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr Klaus Wachsmann, 10 July – suggests 6 Aug. for his lecture; on a recording machine; asks for title and a few details about himself for the meeting cards (tpc.)

112    Ibid., 11 July – Council has decided to form a Committee to promote Ethnomusicology; WBF thinks it a good idea to have a meeting on the afternoon of his lecture; had he known he would be in the country, he would have proposed him as a member; would like to invite him to the meeting if it is arranged (tpc.)

A152/15/113    Reuben L. Kahn to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 13 July 1953 – Dr Lehmann informs him that the RAI would be glad if he spoke there on 24 Sept.; it would be an honor and a pleasure; mentions a couple of titles; on his travel plans; an earlier date for his talk would be convenient (tp.)

 .1    Note of Prof. Kahn’s address (autogr.)

114    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 21 July – encloses copy for meeting card for Dr K.P. Wachsmann’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement of Special Meeting on 6 Aug. (printed proof)

115    Dr K.P. Wachsmann to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 17 Aug. – thanks him for her patience in fixing the lecture and for coping with the gramophone; supposes Mrs Hope Jones will have collected the recordings (tp.)

116    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. R.L. Kahn, 11 Sept. – refers to his letter; WBF asked her to say how delighted they are that he can lecture; asks if he can stick to 24 Sept.; invites him and his wife to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

117    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, 14 Sept. – apologises for the rush; encloses copy for meeting cards for Prof. Kahn’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement for Special Meeting on 24 Sept. (printed proof)

118    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr Roland Oliver, 15 Sept. – WBF would be delighted if he could addresss the RAI early in the coming session; offers some dates (tpc.)

119    Ibid. to Dr C.D. Darlington, ibid. – WBF is anxious that he give a lecture as soon as possible; the setting up of the programme has been rather delayed; asks if he could lecture in Oct.; offers some dates (tpc.)

120    Ibid. to Hugh Tracey, ibid. – WBF has asked her to confirm the date of 15 Oct. for his address to the RAI; asks if it will be illustrated; asks for title and some details about himself for the cards (tpc.)

121    Ibid. to Mr [M].C. Goswami, ibid. – WBF has asked her to write to say he would be delighted if he could address the RAI as soon as possible in the coming session; offers some dates (tpc.)

A152/15/122    M.C. Goswami to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 16 Sept. 1953 – he will gladly address the RAI in Oct.; shall consult E.J. Lindgren about the topic and will write again (autogr.)

123    Ibid., 17 Sept. – 22 Oct. will suit him best; he will inform her of the topic soon (tp.)

124    Mrs A.C. Bowe to E.J. Lindgren, 18 Sept. – has been in touch with Mr Goswami; he says he is going to talk to her about the topic of his address; on a chairman; on the title (tpc.)

125    Ibid. to Dr K.P. Wachsmann, ibid. – refers to his letter of 17 Aug.; apologises for delay in replying; Mrs Hope Jones collected the recordings; refers to trouble with the gramophone; Dr Trevor, the Editor of the JRAI, is anxious to get hold of his manuscript as soon as possible (tpc.)

126    Ibid. to M.C. Goswami, ibid. – glad he can manage 22 Oct.; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

127    M.C. Goswami to Mrs A.C. Bowe, ibid. – refers to her letter of 15 Sept.; shall be delighted to address the RAI on 22 Oct. (tp.)

128    Reuben L. Kahn to ibid., 19 Sept. – refers to her letter of 11 Sept.; on the meeting; accepts invitation to dinner (autogr.)

129    C.D. Darlington to ibid., ibid. – thanks her for invitation to lecture; as he will be busy with new post he must decline (tp.)

130    Hugh Tracey, African Music Society, to ibid., 20 Sept. – refers to her confirmation of the date of his lecture; it will be illustrated with records only; suggests alternative titles; on his experience of recording; on the RAI committee formed to investigate this subject; gives some biographical details; asks about expenses (tp. with autogr. PS)

131    E.J. Lindgren to ibid., 21 Sept. – on Mr Goswami; on possible chairmen for his lecture; sends a note to pass on to WBF on his return (autogr.)

132    Roland Oliver to ibid., ibid. – shall be pleased to address the RAI; suggests 3 Dec.; gives an idea of the subject (tp.)

133    Madhab Ch. Goswami to ibid., ibid. – accepts invitation to dinner (autogr.)

A152/15/134    Mrs A.C. Bowe to WBF, 22 Sept. 1953 – attaches letter from Mr Tracey [15/130]; on his titles; Blood Group Committee have chosen to meet on 15 Oct.; does not see how an Ethnomusicology meeting can take place at the same time; asks if it could be on 14 Oct.; refers to Mr Tracey’s note about expenses; encloses letter from Dr Thomson (tpc.)

135    Ibid. to Dr D.C. Darlington, ibid. – refers to his note of 19 Sept.; sorry that he will not be able to lecture; suggests she might ‘bother’ him again after the present session (tpc.)

136    Ibid. to G.I. Jones, ibid. – WBF would like him to give a lecture; suggests 8 Oct.; has to ask people to accept rather arbitrary dates (tpc.)

137    G.I. Jones to Mrs A.C. Bowe, pre-30 Sept. – can lecture on 8 Oct.; gives possible titles (autogr.)

138    Mrs A.C. Bowe to G.W.B. Huntingford, 22 Sept. – WBF would like him to give a lecture; suggests 8 Oct. (tpc.)

139    G.W.B. Huntingford to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 23 Sept. – refers to her letter of 22 Sept.; can manage to lecture on 8 Oct.; gives a title; can illustrate the talk with slides (autogr.)

140    Mrs A.C. Bowe to E.J. Lindgren, ibid. – refers to her note of 21 Sept.; on Mr Goswami; will pass the enclosure to WBF; on the reindeer (tpc.)

141    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Richards, 24 Sept. – confirms that she will lecture on 5 Nov.; on the subject; asks for details about herself for the cards (tpc.)

142    Ibid. to G.I. Jones, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 19 Nov. instead of 8 Oct.; is sorry for the ‘chopping and changing’ (tpc.)

143    Ibid. to G.W.B. Huntingford, ibid. – refers to his letter of 23 Sept.; delighted that he can lecture on 8 Oct.; asks for details about himself for the cards; on the slides; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

144    G.W.B. Huntingford to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 26 Sept. – on his slides; gives some details about himself (autogr.)

145    G.I. Jones to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 28 Sept. – should prefer 8 Oct.; however if she cannot find anyone for 19 Nov. he could arrange to lecture then (autogr.)

146    M.C. Goswami to ibid., ibid. – refers to her letter; gives some information about himself (autogr.)

A152/15/147    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 28 Sept. 1953 – encloses copy for meeting cards for G.W.B. Huntingford’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 8 Oct. (printed proof)

148    Mrs A.C. Bowe to G.I. Jones, 30 Sept. – refers to his letter of 28 Sept.; should be grateful if he could lecture on 19 Nov.; WBF will choose a subject from those suggested when he returns from Switzerland; invites him to dinner after the lecture; will want some details about himself (tpc.)

149    Ibid. to Hugh Tracey, 2 Oct. – on the gramophone; WBF would like to know if he is giving his other lecture anywhere; the Hon. Treasurer regrets that RAI cannot defray lecturers’ expenses; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

150    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, ibid. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Hugh Tracey’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Special Meeting on 15 Oct. (printed proof)

151    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 12 Oct. – encloses copy for meeting card for M.C. Goswami’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 22 Oct. (printed proof with autogr. correction)

152    Mrs A.C. Bowe to G.I. Jones, 14 Oct. – gives WBF’s choice of subject for his lecture; asks him for details about himself; asks if lecture will be illustrated (tpc.)

153    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, 19 Oct. – encloses copy for meeting card for Miss A.I. Richards’ lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (autogr.)

154    M.C. Goswami to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 23 Oct. – thanks her for her help in arranging his talk; it was a pleasure to have dined with her, WBF and Miss Tildesley (autogr.)

155    Ibid. to WBF, ibid. – thanks him for offering the privilege of addressing the RAI; on the dinner; will send summary of the talk soon (autogr.)

A152/15/156    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr Roland Oliver, 26 Oct. 1953 – asks him to revert to 3 Dec.; if he would like a later date, WBF suggests a Special Meeting on 10 Dec. (tpc.)

157    Max Gluckman to WBF, 29 Oct. – on two members of the Rhodes Livingstone Institute who are returning to England during the next session; suggests they might be asked to read papers to the RAI (tp.)

158    Roland Oliver to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 31 Oct. – will try for 3 Dec. (autogr.)

159    […?] to G.I. Jones, 3 Nov. – Mrs Bowe is away ill; she has asked [her] to write about his lecture on 19 Nov.; asks for details about himself for the cards; asks if the lecture will be illustrated (tpc.)

160    G.I. Jones to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 4 Nov. – suggests title for his lecture; gives details for the ‘blurb’; accepts the invitation to dine (tp.)

161    Mrs A.C. Bowe to C. Hoggard, 6 Nov. – encloses copy for meeting cards for G.I. Jones’ lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 19 Nov. (printed proof)

162    […?] for Mrs Bowe to Dr Roland Oliver, 20 Nov. – refers to his letter; would like the exact title of his talk and some details about himself for the cards; asks if the lecture is illustrated; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

163    Roland Oliver to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 23 Nov. – gives title; regrets he is unable to accept the invitation to dinner (autogr.)

164    […?] for Mrs Bowe to C. Hoggard, 24 Nov. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Roland Oliver’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 3 Dec. (printed proof)

165    [Sonia Jackson] for Mrs Bowe to Mons. A. Gheerbrant, ibid. – Mr Penrose of the Institute of Contemporary Arts has mentioned his visit to England; if possible would like him to lecture to the RAI during his stay; suggests some dates; if he is able to lecture, asks for title and details about himself for the cards; on illustrations (tpc.)

A152/15/166    Alain Gheerbrant to Sonia Jackson, 26 Nov. 1953 – had promised to speak at the French Institute on 10 Dec.; however as RAI meetings are in the afternoon he is able to speak on that date; gives title; on his film; asks that an invitation be sent to Sir Kenneth Grubb (tp. with autogr. note, in French)

167    WBF to Dr R.A. Oliver, 2 Dec. – asks whether he would be embarrassed by the presence of the Kabaka or ex-Kabaka at his lecture; if he sees no objection, should be glad to give him the opportunity of attending; the Colonial Correspondent of the Times has asked for a piece on the lecture; sorry that he cannot come to dinner; asks him to dinner the following week (tp. with autogr. notes)

168    Evening News[?], 30 Nov. – ‘Britain deposes the Kabaka of Buganda’ (newspaper cutting)

169    Summary of Dr Oliver’s talk (tp.)

170    Ibid. 3 leaves (autogr.)

171    […?] for Mrs Bowe to Mr Hoggard, 3 Dec. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Alain Gheerbrant’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Ibid. (autogr.)

 .3    Announcement of Special Meeting on 10 Dec. (printed proof with autogr. corrections)

172    [Sonia Jackson] for Mrs Bowe to Tom Harrisson, 9 Dec. – WBF has asked [her] to write to ask if he will speak at the RAI on 17 Dec.; it is short notice but the lecturer they hoped for is not available; if he can lecture, asks for title and for details about himself for the cards (tpc.)

173    Tom Harrisson to Miss Sonia Jackson, 10 Dec. – has already told WBF he will talk; gives his title; provides some biographical details; asks her to put a notice in the Times (autogr.)

174    [Sonia Jackson] to C. Hoggard, ibid. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Tom Harrisson’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 17 Dec. (printed proof)

A152/15/175    [Sonia Jackson] to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 11 Dec. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

176    Ibid. to Tom Harrisson, 14 Dec. – encloses meeting cards; apologises that the explanation is not fuller; copy had gone to the press before she got his letter (tpc.)

16/    1954

  1    List of meetings, Session 1953-54 (printed card)

  2    Ibid. (printed proof)

  3    Ibid. (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  4    D. Cherry to WBF, 13 Jan. 1954 – on Mr Francis Huxley lecturing on 21 Jan.; he may require the lantern (autogr.)

  5    Acting Secretary to the Officers [Nancy Gee] to Dr P.M. Worsley, ibid. – refers to his letter of 11 Jan. [not held]; glad he will lecture on 17 Feb.; asks for his title (tpc.)

  6    WBF to Dr P. Stirling, 18 Jan. – sorry he had to spring an invitation on him last week; on the strain in the RAI offices due to Mrs Bowe’s illness; asks if he could lecture on 4 Feb.; if he can, asks for title and a few particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture (tp.)

  7    Raymond Firth to WBF, 21 Jan. – Dr Helge Larsen will be in London from Feb.; he is giving three lectures at LSE; wonders if he would like him to speak at the RAI (tp.)

  8    Philip Mills to ibid., ibid. – thinks it would be a good idea to ask Tunstall to lecture; shall not be able to attend meeting on 18 Feb.; on his health; news of RAI will always interest him (autogr.)

  9    WBF to A.C. Tunstall, 25 Jan. – asks if he would lecture on 4 Feb.; asks him to telephone if he can; on title and biographical details; asks him to dine after the lecture (tpc. with autogr. note)

 10    WBF to J.P. Mills, 26 Jan. – wrote to Tunstall but he is unable to lecture on 4 Feb.; on Horniman meeting; on meeting Sieff; sorry he is unwell (tp.)

 11    Helge Larsen to WBF, 28 Jan. – will be in England from middle of Feb. until end of Mar.; should be glad to read a paper to the RAI (tp.)

A152/16/12    Ibid., 1 Feb. 1954 – date acceptable (telegram)

 13    Ibid., 3 Feb. – confirms that he will lecture on 18 Feb.; suggests some subjects; asks which he prefers (tp.)

 14    WBF to Helge Larsen, 5 Feb. – delighted that he will lecture on 18 Feb.; on the subject; leaves the choice of title to him; asks him to let him know the title as soon as possible; on information for the meeting cards; should like a summary for Man; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tp.)

 15    Helge Larsen to WBF, 8 Feb. – suggests a title; gives some information about the lecture; on slides and films (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 16    WBF to Dr H. Ian Hogbin, 17 Feb. – asks if he will address the RAI on 4 Mar.; if he can, would like the title as soon as possible, with information about himself for the cards (tp.)

 17    Murray Groves to WBF, 18 Feb. – on his subscriptions; on an essay submitted for the Hocart Prize (autogr.)

 18    […?], RAI, to Prof. Gluckman, ibid. – refers to his letter of Oct. last suggesting lecturers; asks if he will ask Mr W. Watson to lecture on 4 Mar.; on practical details; asks him to send a wire if Mr Watson can come; the other suggestion for a lecturer has just written to resign (tp.)

 19    Max Gluckman to […?], nd – note regarding Mr Watson’s lecture on 4 Mar. (tp.)

 20    […?] to W. Watson, 22 Feb. – WBF is grateful that he should lecture at such short notice; on practical details; asks him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 21    Copy for meeting cards for W. Watson’s lecture (tp. with autogr. additions)

 22    WBF to Murray Groves, 8 Mar. – his essay submitted for the Hocart Prize was successful; Council has awarded him the prize of £20; is forwarding the essay to the Editor of the JRAI’ asks him to read the paper on 1 Apr.; invites him to dine after the lecture; on his subscriptions (tp.)

 23    Murray Groves to WBF, 10 Mar. – refers to his letter; shall be glad to read the paper on 1 Apr.; on illustrations; the essay needs to be amended before it is published; would have to seek permission of London Missionary Society before quoting material from their archives (autogr. with autogr. note by WBF)

A152/16/24    […?] to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 12 Mar. 1954 – gives names of lecturers and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 25    […?] [for WBF] to M. Groves, 15 Mar. – WBF is pleased that he will read his paper on 1 Apr.; on the epidiascope; asks for title and details about himself (tpc.)

 26    Murray Groves to WBF, 16 Mar. – refers to his letter of 15 Mar.; on the epidiascope; will call in to see if the epidiascope will project his transparencies; gives the title of the paper; gives some biographical details (autogr.)

 27    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 18 Mar. (tp.)

 28    WBF to […?], nd – on the film meeting on 18 Mar.; asks where one of the films comes from; mentions students coming to see it (autogr. with autogr. note in another hand, referring to Mr Sewell)

 29    Business card for George H. Sewell (printed with autogr. note)

 30    WBF to Murray Groves, 19 Mar. – refers to his letter of 16 Mar.; the RAI epidiascope will not project his transparencies; has arranged for an expert from University College to come with a machine; hopes the letter arrives in time to prevent him making a special visit to the RAI (tpc.)

 31    WBF to C. Hoggard, 22 Mar. – encloses copy for meeting cards [for Murray Groves’ lecture] (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp.)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 1 Apr. (printed proof)

 32    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 29 Mar. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 33    J.A.S. for WBF to C. Hoggard, 29 Mar. – encloses copy for meeting cards for Paul Stirling’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 .2    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 8 Apr. (printed proof with autogr. correction)

 34    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 5 Apr. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

A152/16/35    A.A. Bake to WBF, 10 Apr. 1954 – thanks him for reminder of Picken’s lecture; sorry to forego the pleasure of hearing him; hopes to meet him in Cambridge in Aug. (tp.)

 36    WBF to Noel Stevenson, 13 Apr. – asks if it would be appropriate to invite Andrew Sykes to lecture; refers to his talk (tpc.)

 37    J.A.S. for WBF to Miss Audrey Butt, 23 Apr. – WBF has asked her to write to ask her to lecture on 20 May; if so, asks what the title will be; should like some biographical details for the cards; invites her to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 38    Audrey Butt to WBF, 28 Apr. – thanks him for the invitation to lecture on 10 May; regrets that she must decline; gives reasons why; should be delighted to give a lecture later in the summer (tp. with autogr.)

 39    WBF to Audrey Butt, 30 Apr. – sorry that she cannot manage 20 May; asks if she could come on 17 June instead; if so, should be glad of the title and details in good time; repeats invitation to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 40    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 4 May – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to John Beattie, ibid. – asks if he will speak to the RAI on 20 May; apologises for short notice; on practical details; if he can lecture, asks for title and biographical details; invites him to dine afterwards (tpc.)

 42    John Beattie to WBF, 5 May – he is busy this term; if WBF does not mind that it is sketchily prepared he will give a talk; gives title; accepts invitation to dinner; gives details about himself (tp.)

 43    Audrey Butt to ibid., 8 May – refers to his letter; the date he suggests is not possible; gives reason why; suggests he fix a date at the beginning of the next session; apologises for having to refuse both dates offered (tp.)

 44    […?] for WBF to Prof. C. von Fürer Haimendorf, 10 May – WBF asked [her] to ask him if he could lecture to the RAI; suggests some dates; on practical arrangements; if he can lecture, asks for title and details about himself; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

A152/16/45    WBF to C. Hoggard, 10 May 1954 – encloses copy for meeting cards for John Beattie’s lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

 46    WBF to J.H.M. Beattie, 11 May – glad that he can lecture on 20 May; on the meetings card; on the dinner invitation (tpc.)

 47    […?] for WBF to R.G.C. Atkinson, 13 May – WBF has asked [her] to ask if he will lecture to the RAI on 3 June; if he is able to accept the date, would like to know the title as soon as possible; would also like to have biographical details for the meeting card; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 48    […?] for WBF to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, ibid. – asks about the title of his lecture on 25 May (tpc.)

 49    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 14 May – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 50    C. von Fürer Haimendorf to WBF, ibid. – refers to his letter of 10 May; 17 June suits him very well; gives title; gives biographical information (tp.)

 51    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, ibid. – gives title of his Myers Lecture (tp. pc)

 52    R.J.C. Atkinson to ibid., 16 May – thanks him for invitation to lecture on 3 June; cannot get away from Edinburgh before term ends on 18 June; has been abroad; has a lot of work to make up (autogr.)

 53    P.H. Puckle to WBF, 20 May – on suitability of Phyllis Taylor’s Eskimo film for an RAI audience; Prof. Evans-Pritchard and Dr Lienhardt both consider that it is not suitable (tp.)

 54    MWS to WBF, 24 May – gives a title; gives some biographical details; mentions Mrs Plass (tp. with autogr. note)

 .1    Note of two works by MWS (autogr.)

 55    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 26 May – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 56    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, 2 June – encloses copy for meeting cards (tpc.)

A152/16/57    E.S. Drower to [WBF], 10 June 1954 – on a visit to Iraq where she made tape recordings of Mandaic chants and recitations; also took some film of religious ceremonies; hopes to show the film to the International Congress of Orientalists and to the Royal Asiatic Society; should be glad to show the film at the RAI (autogr.)

 58    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, ibid. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 59    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 17 June (printed proof)

 60    Ibid. (tp.)

 61    L. de Sousberghe to [WBF?], 18 June – mentions Mary Douglas; on the possibility of his giving an address on the political role of the Pende chiefs; this is an intricate subject; has ready a lecture on the chiefly huts with colour slides; Mr Lavachery can vouch for his lecture (tp.)

 62    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 23 June – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced; asks if the Garden Party could also be announced (tpc.)

 63    Mary Douglas to WBF, 9 July – on a friend of hers, a Belgian Jesuit, who has done fieldwork among the Bapende; he wishes to give a paper to a learned society; he has good slides of the huts of ritual chiefs; he could describe rites which go with the construction of the huts; if WBF is not interested, perhaps he could pass the letter on to the Secretary of the London University Anthropology Club; his name is Father de Sousberghe (tp.)

 64    E.S. Drower to [WBF?], 1 Aug. – refers to her previous letter asking if RAI would be interested in her film of Mandaean sacraments; as she has not heard, she assumes not; is showing the film elsewhere (autogr.)

 65    WBF to Lady Drower, 4 Aug. – apologises for not answering letter of 10 June; is sure her film and recordings have considerable anthropological interest; there are few specialists in that field; suggests coming to some arrangement with the Royal Asiatic Society, so that RAI members could attend the showing there, rather than putting on a separate meeting (tpc.)

 66    Kenneth Oakley to WBF, 7 Aug. – L.S.B. Leakey would be pleased to speak in Sept., say 16 Sept., if that is not too early; he returns to Kenya at the end of the month (autogr. pc)

A152/16/67    J.D. Moos to WBF, 7 Aug. 1954 – on Dastur Framroze A. Bode of Bombay giving a paper about two years ago; Dastur Bode is visiting England again from 20 to 28 Aug. to read a paper to the Congress of Orientalists; if the RAI would like him to read a paper he shall be glad to arrange it; he will be available in the first two weeks of Sept.; his lecture on ‘The Tree of Life’ might interest members (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

 68    J.A.S. for WBF to J.D. Moos, 10 Aug. – WBF has asked her to say that he is grateful for the suggestion but the session does not begin until Oct.; hopes to hear him again on a later visit (tpc.)

 69    WBF to L.S.B. Leakey, 1 Sept. – asks whether he could lecture on 23 Sept.; would like the lecture to be on some anthropological aspect of Mau-Mau; if he can lecture, would like the title as soon as possible; asks for details to go on the notice card; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tp.)

 70    […?] for WBF to the Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, 2 Sept. – on Lady Drower’s lecture; asks that she may inform her nearer the time how many tickets are required; should be grateful for particulars of the lecture as early as possible (tpc.)

 71    D. Cherry to Miss Skinner, 7 Sept. – has had no telephone message from Dr Leakey; on Mr Francis and a cheque (tp.)

 72    […?] and WBF, nd – note referring to Dr Leakey and his return to Kenya; would prefer 23 Sept. but if he is leaving before then, can try to arrange a meeting sooner (tp. and autogr.)

 73    Note referring to Dr Leakey, who does not know how much longer he will be in England (tp.)

 74    […?] to WBF, nd – Mr Carrayett came to pay his dues; he offered to address the RAI; he has no degrees; asked him to write to WBF; no success over Dr Leakey’s address (tp.)

 75    Note about Dr Leakey (tp. and autogr.)

 76    L.S.B. Leakey to WBF, 9 Sept. – has to leave for Kenya on 16 or 18 Sept.; hence impossible to lecture on 23 Sept. (autogr.)

 77    S.R. Burstein to ibid., 13 Sept. – gathers that he is drawing up the programme for the new session; offers some of her Swiss material; gives a possible title; would like to lecture in Apr. or June 1955 (tp.)

A152/16/78    WBF to Dr K.M. Kenyon, 14 Sept. 1954 – invites her to read a paper to the RAI on her work at Jericho; suggests 7 Oct.; the RAI is concerned not only with ethnology and physical anthropology but also with prehistoric archaeology; should be specially interested in finds of such outstanding anthropological interest as her; hopes she can accept the invitation, even at short notice; invites her to dine after the lecture; would like a summary for Man (tp.)

 79    Ibid. to Prof. A. Macbeath, 15 Sept. – refers to his letter of 11 Sept. [not held]; invites him to lecture in the session 1955-56 (tp. with autogr. note)

 80    Kathleen M. Kenyon to WBF, 19 Sept. – only got his letter last night; shall be pleased to lecture on 7 Oct.; accepts invitation to dine (autogr.)

 81    […?] for WBF to Dr K.M. Kenyon, 20 Sept. – WBF is pleased that she will lecture on 7 Oct.; would like the title as soon as possible, and some information about herself for the cards (tpc.)

 82    M. Davis, Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society, to WBF, 22 Sept. – gives the title of Lady Drower’s lecture on 14 Oct.; cards will be sent in about a week’s time (autogr. pc)

 83    […?] to [WBF?], nd – on Lady Drower’s talk at the Royal Asiatic Society; on trouble over the rates from hiring the room; the Palestine Exploration Fund wish to join; on the cards (tp. with autogr. response by WBF – on tickets; on full particulars of the lecture)

 84    WBF to Miss S.R. Burstein, 29 Sept. – refers to her letter of 13 Sept.; is grateful to her for offering a lecture (tpc.)

 85    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 4 Oct. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 86    J. Desmond Clark to WBF, 5 Oct. – refers to his card of 30 Sept. [not held]; on seeing him before he leaves; on giving a lecture; cannot manage 4 Nov.; would like to leave it until later in the year (autogr.)

 87    Nancy Gee to R.E. Bradbury, 11 Oct. – WBF asks if he would give a lecture; suggests 4 Nov.; suggests other dates (tpc.)

 .1    Note concerning Mr Bradbury (autogr.)

A152/16/88    Nancy Gee to Prof. Radcliffe Brown, 14 Oct. 1954 – WBF asks if he would consider giving a lecture on 4 Nov.; if this date is not convenient, suggests other dates; should need to know the title about ten days before the lecture

 89    Ibid. to Miss A. Butt, 18 Oct. – WBF asks if she would give a lecture of 4 Nov.; suggests other dates; asks her to let her know as soon as possible (tpc.)

 90    Ibid. to Prof. Lloyd Warner, ibid. – WBF asks if he would give a lecture; suggests some dates; if he accepts, asks that he let her know the title (tpc.)

 91    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 18 Oct. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 92    Patrick Hampshire, Evening Standard, to WBF, 19 Oct. – will attend address by Dr Gilbert Archey on 21 Oct. (tp.)

 93    Phyllis Puckle to ibid., 24 Oct. – Prof. Evans-Pritchard asks her to say that Miss Jean Buxton will lecture on 4 Nov.; gives her title; on Miss Buxton; asks him to write to her (autogr.)

 94    Nancy Gee to Miss Jean Buxton, ibid. – confirms that she will lecture on 4 Nov.; asks whether or not the lecture will be illustrated; invites her to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 95    W. Lloyd Warner to WBF, 26 Oct. – thanks him for invitation to speak at the RAI; happy to accept; suggests 20 Jan.; accepts invitation to dinner (tp. with shorthand notes)

 96    Jean Buxton to Nancy Gee, ibid. – refers to her letter; her lecture will not be illustrated; on the dinner (autogr. pc)

 97    Audrey Butt to ibid., 28 Oct. – sorry for delay in her reply; is probably unable to lecture to the RAI; is in Spain until June, apart from a two week holiday at Christmas; could give an impromptu lecture with slides at a day’s notice; if 6 Jan. is impractical then she fears she shall not be able to lecture for two years (autogr.)

A152/16/98    WBF to Prof. W. Lloyd Warner, 29 Oct. 1954 – glad that he is prepared to lecture on 20 Jan.; will leave choice of subject to him; RAI is presently trying to arouse interest in the uses of anthropology in industrial problems; Mr Israel Sieff has been very active in trying to arouse interest among industrialists; [hopes] he will give the benefit of his experience in this field (tpc.)

 .1    Note concerning Prof. Lloyd Warner (autogr.)

 99    WBF to Prof. J.D. Krige, 1 Nov. – has discovered that he is in England; asks whether he or his wife will lecture; suggests some dates; invites them to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

100    Nancy Gee to R.J.C. Atkinson, 2 Nov. – WBF has asked her to write about giving a lecture; suggests some dates; invites him to dine afterwards; asks about slides (tpc.)

101    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 2 Nov. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

102    […?] for WBF to Dr J. Desmond Clark, 3 Nov. – suggests some dates for his lecture; asks about slides; asks if he will dine after the lecture; WBF would be grateful if he would write obituary for Dr Neville Jones (tpc.)

 .1    Note concerning Dr Desmond Clark (tp.)

103    WBF to Dr A.B. Cummins, 4 Nov. – Mr R.G. Stansfield tells him that he is visiting the country with Dr C. Argyris; would like him to give a lecture; is trying to promote anthropological studies in the industrial field; would value a lecture from him; asks about the dates when he will be in this country; should not object to a joint lecture by him and Dr Argyris (tpc.)

 .1    Note concerning Dr Cummins and Dr Argyris (autogr.)

104    W.M. Williams to WBF, 4 Nov. – refers to his letter of 3 Nov. [not held]; withdraws his resignation; on his subscriptions; should be pleased to read a paper (tp.)

105    J.W. Krige to ibid., ibid. – thanks him for invitation to his wife and himself to lecture; shall not be able to manage it; gives reasons why (autogr.)

106    R.J.C. Atkinson to Nancy Gee, 5 Nov. – refers to her letter of 2 Nov.; wishes he could accept the invitation to lecture but his free time for outside lectures is booked up; would be glad to read a paper during the session a year ahead, provided he is given adequate notice (tp.)

A152/16/107    M. Gluckman to WBF, 5 Nov. 1954 – suggests names of people who might lecture to the RAI (tp.)

108    W. Lloyd Warner to WBF, 8 Nov. – refers to his note; asks about the topic of his lecture; suggests a title (tp. with autogr. notes)

109    Nancy Gee to R.E. Bradbury, ibid. – asks if 6 Jan. is a convenient date for his lecture; asks about slides; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

110    Ibid. to W.M. Williams, ibid. – refers to his letter of 4 Nov.; WBF is delighted that he is withdrawing his resignation; on subscriptions; suggests some dates for his lecture; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

111    Ibid. to K.C. Rosser, 10 Nov. – on changing the date of his lecture so that Prof. Fürer Haimendorf can be present (tpc.)

112    Ibid. to R.E. Bradbury, ibid. – asks if he can change the date of his lecture to give place to someone who is leaving the country shortly afterwards (tpc.)

113    WBF to Father de Sousberghe, ibid. – sorry not to have answered his letter sooner; wonders if he could lecture on 16 Dec.; asks about title and size of slides; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

114    Nancy Gee to Dr P.M. Worsley, ibid. – asks if he will lecture on 2 Dec.; invites him to dine after the lecture; asks about slides; asks for title and some information about himself (tpc.)

115    Ibid., 12 Nov. – asks if she can change the date of his lecture; this is so as not to miss Dr Desmond Clark who is leaving the country early in the New Year; hopes to give him a choice of dates soon (tpc.)

116    Ibid. to Prof. Gluckman, ibid. – thanks him for list of lecturers; WBF has written to Dr Worsley; on changing the date (tpc.)

117    Ibid. to Prof. W.L. Lloyd Warner, ibid. – his proposed lecture will be most welcome (tpc.)

118    L. de Sousberghe to [WBF?], 13 Nov. – refers to his letter of 10 Nov.; on the subject of his lecture; on his slides; wonders how much can be said on his subject matter without shocking the British public; 16 Dec. suits him perfectly; accepts invitation to dinner (tp.)

A152/16/119    Peter M. Worsley to Nancy Gee, ‘Monday’ [15 Nov.?] – thanks her for two letters; would be delighted to give a talk; awaits her alternative dates; would prefer the New Year (autogr.)

120    W.M. Williams to WBF, 16 Nov. – on his subscriptions; 3 Mar. would suit him best for a lecture; accepts invitation to dinner (tp. with autogr. note)

121    Nancy Gee to Colin M. Turnbull, ibid. – WBF asked her to write to him about lecturing; suggested 6 Jan.; understands he has recordings of pigmy music; this would be interesting to the ethnomusicology committee; asks if any special apparatus will be needed; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

122    Ibid. to Father de Sousberghe, ibid. – WBF has gone to America for a month so she is replying to his letter; the lecture he proposes will be quite all right (tpc.)

123    WBF to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 16 Nov. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

124    Nancy Gee to Miss Audrey Butt, 18 Nov. – sorry she has not answered her letter sooner; WBF thanks her for her kind suggestion but feels he should not put her out to that extent; 6 Jan. is not very convenient anyway; perhaps when she is in England for longer something could be arranged (tpc.)

125    Colin M. Turnbull to Nancy Gee, 19 Nov. – 6 Jan. would be all right; accepts invitation to dine; on the subject matter; he is at a loss as to what WBF wants; suggests a title; on equipment required (tp.)

126    […?] to Mr Cranstone, ibid. – encloses copy for meeting card (tp.)

127    Nancy Gee to W.M. Williams, 30 Nov. – on his subscription; mentions his lecture on 3 Mar. (tpc.)

128    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 30 Nov. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

129    Colin M. Turnbull to Nancy Gee, 1 Dec. – asks for name of person who will supply the projector and sound equipment; asks if his parents might attend the lecture; if they can, then he cannot accept invitation to dine; refers to ‘kinship ties’ (tp.)

A152/16/130    Nancy Gee to Colin M. Turnbull, 3 Dec. 1954 – gives name of the person; is sure that Miss Tildesley, the Secretary of the Dining Club, will wish him to bring his parents to the dinner (tpc.)

131    Ibid. to Mrs M. Douglas, ibid. – WBF is away in America so it seemed that she could help with information about Father de Sousberghe; encloses draft for the card to be circulated; asks her to check it (tp. with autogr. note by M. Douglas)

 .1    Draft of announcement card for Father de Sousberghe’s lecture (tp. card)

132    A.B. Cummins to WBF, 4 Dec. – regrets delay in answering his letter; Mr Stansfield’s information was a prediction and a hope on his own part; but there was no official assurance of his making a visit to England; hopes to visit in Feb.; it is an official visit; suggests WBF liaise with the planners of the conferences to try to find a date for a lecture (tp.)

133    Nancy Gee to R.G. Stansfield, 7 Dec. – refers to letter from Dr Cummins; on his visit; he seems rather vague as to what authority is planning his schedule; asks for help with this (tpc.)

134    Ibid. to Father de Sousberghe, 10 Dec. – encloses some announcement cards for his lecture; asks for his English address (tpc. with autogr. note of address)

135    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 13 Dec. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

136    Ibid. to R.E. Bradbury, 24 Dec. – asks if he can lecture on 17 Mar. (tpc.)

137    Ibid. to Dr A.E. Mourant, ibid. – gave WBF his message about Dr Polunin; on getting Dr Polunin to lecture on 31 Mar.; asks him to let her know if he wants her to write to him; on slides; on invitation to dinner (tp. with autogr. notes)

138    […?] to WBF, nd – asks what should be said about Prof. Lloyd Warner (autogr. with WBF’s autogr. reply, dated 29 Dec.)

139    Nancy Gee to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 30 Dec. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

140    Ibid. to K.C. Rosser, 31 Dec. – refers to her letter of 10 Nov.; asks if he can lecture on 3 Feb.; asks about slides; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

A152/17/        1955

  1    List of meetings, Session 1954-55 (printed card)

  2    Nancy Gee to Dr P.M. Worsley, 4 Jan. 1955 – wonders if 17 Feb. would suit him for his lecture; asks about title and slides; asks if he accepts invitation to dine; on other dates (tpc.)

  3    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, 6 Jan. – if he has any vacancies David Pocock would be pleased to give a lecture; on David Pocock (tp. with autogr. notes)

  4    Colin Rosser to Nancy Gee, 11 Jan. – refers to delay in replying to her letter of 30 Dec.; 3 Feb. is a suitable date for his lecture; gives title; on the slides; accepts invitation to dinner (autogr.)

  5    Ronald Frankenberg to [WBF?], ibid. – would like to bring two colleagues to Prof. Lloyd Warner’s lecture (autogr.)

  6    Peter M. Worsley to Nancy Gee, ibid. – refers to her letter of 4 Jan.; 17 Feb quite suits him; suggests a couple of subjects; asks which she thinks more suitable; on slides; would like an epidiascope; gives some personal details for the cards (tp.)

  7    Nancy Gee to Dr I. Polunin, 13 Jan. – has confirmed with Dr Mourant that 31 Mar. would be the most suitable date for his lecture; invites him to dine afterwards; asks about slides (tpc.)

  8    Ibid. to the Science Correspondent, the Manchester Guardian, ibid. – sends a card of meeting on 20 Jan., in case they care to send a representative (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to the Science Correspondent, the Financial Times, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, ibid. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to R. Frankenberg, ibid. – refers to his letter of 11 Jan.; his colleagues will be most welcome at the lecture (tpc.)

 12    Ivan Polunin to Nancy Gee, nd – refers to her letter of 13 Jan.; shall be pleased to lecture on 31 Mar.; accepts dinner invitation; gives information about his films which will help the projectionist (autogr.)

 13    Note concerning Dr Polunin (tp. and autogr.)

A152/17/14    Nancy Gee to Prof. Lloyd Warner, 14 Jan. 1955 – sent a card of his lecture to the Financial Times; Mr Wragge Martin would like to have a summary of the lecture; he agreed that he would not use it until after the lecture had been delivered (tpc.)

 15    Peter M. Worsley to Nancy Gee, 17 Jan. – thanks her for her letter; will not be able to speak on aboriginal art as his slides and photographs were not returned to him; can still speak on totemism; on the epidiascope; gives the title. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 16    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 20 Jan. (tp. with autogr. additions by WBF)

 17    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 20 Jan. (tp.)

 18    Nancy Gee to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 31 Jan. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 19    Robert E. Bradbury to Nancy Gee, 1 Feb. – apologises for delay in answering her invitation to give a lecture; as he is occupied with other things does not have time to prepare a lecture; if she still requires it, could perhaps deliver a paper in the autumn (autogr.)

 20    Nancy Gee to [WBF?], nd – on a combined lecture with the British Sociological Association and the British Psychological Association, by Dr Cummins and Dr Argyris (tp. with autogr. additions)

 21    Ibid. to Miss S.R. Burstein, 2 Feb. – on dates for her lecture; asks about her slides; would like the title, and some particulars about herself (tpc.)

 22    Ibid. to Dr P.M. Worsley, ibid. – on the epidiascope; the photographs come out somewhat dimly; hopes this will not worry him (tpc.)

 23    M.L. Tildesley to WBF, 3 Feb. – saw Dr Osman Hill who passed on news about Prof. von Eickstedt; he is coming to London to give four lectures; gives the titles of these; he wonders if the RAI would like anything from him while he is in England (autogr. memo)

 24    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to ibid., ibid. – wonders if he got his letter about David Pocock; David Pocock has not heard anything (tp.)

 25    Copy for meeting cards for K.C. Rosser’s lecture (tp.)

 26    Announcement of an Ordinary Meeting of 3 Feb. (printed proof)

A152/17/27    Nancy Gee to D.F. Pocock, 7 Feb. 1955 – WBF has asked her to ask him if he could give a lecture; will send him some dates later; asks which month suits him best and what subject he proposes (tpc.)

 28    G. Blunt, Secretary, the British Psychological Society, to Nancy Gee, 11 Feb. – encloses copy of notice being sent to members (tp.)

 29    Nancy Gee to W.M. Williams, ibid. – asks for his title, about slides and for particulars about himself; asks if he can accept invitation to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 30    Ibid. to Dr Nadel, ibid. – WBF would be pleased if he could lecture to the RAI; suggests 17 Mar.; asks him to dine after the lecture; asks for title, about slides and for particulars about himself for the cards (tpc.)

 .1    Note about Dr Nadel and Dr Audrey Richards (autogr.)

 31    S.R. Burstein to Nancy Gee, 13 Feb. – refers to her letter of 2 Feb.; is in ‘cold storage’ [in a sanatorium]; will send title etc. on her return in early Mar.; chooses 16 June; on slides (autogr. pc)

 32    Nancy Gee to Mrs Blunt, 14 Feb. – thanks her for letting her have particulars of the Argyris lecture; on the cards (tpc.)

 33    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, ibid. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 34    W.M. Williams to Nancy Gee, ibid. – gives title of his paper; gives some details about himself; shall be glad to dine afterwards; asks for details of time and place of the meeting (autogr.)

 35    Nancy Gee[?] to [WBF?], nd – Miss Tildesley has heard that Prof. Jon Steffensen is in London until 1 Mar.; she asks if he could lecture; or she will ask him to the Dining Club on 17 Feb. (autogr. card)

 36    Nancy Gee to Miss Tildesley, 14 Feb. – WBF thanks her for letting him know about Prof. Steffensen; a lecture cannot be fitted in but he hopes she can persuade him to dine on 17 Feb. (tpc.)

 37    Ibid. to W.M. Williams, 15 Feb. – refers to his letter of 14 Feb.; gives him details of time and place of meeting; on cards (tpc.)

 38    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 17 Feb. (tp.)

A152/17/39    Copy for meeting cards for Dr Worsley’s lecture (tp.)

 40    Nancy Gee to Prof. Nadel, 23 Feb. 1955 – asks if he received letter of 11 Feb.; recapitulates the contents (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 28 Feb. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 42    Copy for meeting cards for Joint Meeting of the RAI, the British Psychological Society and the British Sociological Association (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

 43    Ibid. (tp.)

 44    Announcement of Ordinary Meeting on 3 Mar. and Joint Meeting on 1 Mar. (printed proof)

 45    British Psychological Society, nd – notice of the Joint Meeting (tp.)

 46    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 3 Mar. (tp.)

 47    Copy for meeting cards for W.M. Williams’ lecture (tp.)

 48    Nancy Gee to D.F. Pocock, 8 Mar. – suggests some dates for his lecture; asks for the title; asks about slides; asks if he will dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 49    David Pocock to Nancy Gee, ibid. – apologises for not answering her letter of 7 Feb. sooner; would like to lecture in May; proposes a title (tp. with autogr. note by Nancy Gee)

 50    WBF to Prof. Dr E. Freiherr von Eickstedt, ibid. – has heard that he is thinking of visiting England; asks if he will have time to give a lecture at the RAI; gives him some dates (tpc.)

 51    W.M. Williams to WBF, ibid. – apologises for failing to appear; he was taken ill; shall be pleased to read his paper on 31 Mar. (autogr.)

 52    Nancy Gee to Dr A.I. Richards, 9 Mar. – WBF would be pleased if she could give a lecture; gives her some free dates (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to Prof. Firth, ibid. – attached an announcement about Mr E.M. Mendelson; WBF would like to know if he thinks it a good idea to get him to lecture; asks if he has any suggestions for lectures (tp. with autogr. responses by R. Firth added)

A152/17/53.1    Notice of a lecture by E. Michael Mendelson (tp.)

 .2    Ibid., with note from Betty Ross to WBF added – she asked Mr Mendelson about giving the talk to the RAI; he said if asked to do so, he would (tp. and autogr.)

 54    Ibid. to Dr J. Pitt-Rivers, ibid. – WBF has asked her to write about lecturing to the RAI; gives two dates in May; other dates in Apr. and June may be available (tpc.)

 55    J.A. Pitt-Rivers to Nancy Gee, nd – honoured that WBF should have suggested that he might lecture; however he is just about to go abroad and will not be back until the autumn; looks forward to accepting later (autogr. with autogr. note by Nancy Gee dated 15 Nov.)

 56    David Pocock to Nancy Gee, 11 Mar. – refers to her letter of 8 Mar. which crossed with his; 28 Apr. would suit him very well; gives title of lecture; there are no slides; accepts invitation to dine (tp.)

 57    Nancy Gee to E.M. Mendelson, 14 Mar. – WBF has asked her to write to ask him to give a lecture with film; suggests 14 Apr.; asks about title, slides and details about himself; asks if he will dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 58    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, ibid. – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 59    E.M. Mendelson to WBF, 15 Mar. – refers to his letter of 14 Mar.; unfortunately he will be away from London by 10 Apr.; on his film and slides; suggests some time late in the summer term or the beginning of the next academic year (tp.)

 60    Edmund Leach to Nancy Gee, 16 Mar. – on the Welcome Medal; could give a lecture; suggests some dates (tp.)

 61    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 17 Mar. (tp.)

 62    Audrey I. Richards to Nancy Gee, 19 Mar. – is sorry to have been so long; gives dates when she could lecture; suggests a topic (autogr.)

 63    Ibid., [?] Mar. – on addressing ‘this’ wrong; in spite of all she thinks she had better not read a paper at all but will wait until next year (autogr.)

A152/17/64    Daryll Forde, International African Institute, to WBF, 23 Mar. 1955 – on Rouch who took a good deal of new film on his last trip; it might be worth dropping him a note (tp.)

 65    Nancy Gee to E.M. Mendelson, 29 Mar. – regrets that his letter of 15 Mar. has not been answered before now; gives him two dates in June; asks if he could keep them both free for a while as someone else has been offered a choice of dates (tpc.)

 66    Prof. von Eickstedt to WBF, ibid. – thanks him for invitation to lecture at the RAI; gives titles of three lectures; Dr Baron v. Fürer-Haimendorf will arrange the details; suggests he write to him (tp.)

 67    Nancy Gee to Dr D. Stenning, ibid. – WBF has asked her to write about films; would be glad of any suggestions; gives him some free dates; asks what films may be available (tpc.)

 68    List of meetings, Apr. – June 1955 (printed card)

 69    Nancy Gee to Dr B. Subba Rao, 1 Apr. – WBF has asked her to write to ask if he will lecture at RAI; suggests 14 Apr.; if he can, asks that he telephone tomorrow; asks about slides and film; asks him to dine after the lecture; would like to have the title and personal details for the card as soon as possible (tpc.)

 70    Dr B. Subbarao to WBF, 3 Apr. – is grateful for the invitation to talk at the RAI; will speak on 14 Apr.; gives title; on slides; on the epidiascope; does not think any details about himself are needed on the cards (tp. with autogr. note)

 71    Nancy Gee to Prof. von Eickstedt, 5 Apr. – his lecture has been fixed for 9 June; gives the title; hopes he will dine after the lecture; asks what size his slides are (tpc.)

 72    WBF to Prof. Gordon Childe, Institute of Archaeology, ibid. – on von Eickstedt and Fürer Haimendorf; the latter proposed that the lecture be given at the RAI on 9 June; he had discussed the possibility of having it at the Institute of Archaeology but was sure he would not mind if it were at the RAI instead; should be glad to have as many of his people as care to come (tpc.)

 73    E.M. Mendelson to Nancy Gee, 7 Apr. – would have preferred a date early next academic year but agrees for June, preferably 16 June (autogr.)

A152/17/74    Ibid., 8 Apr. 1955 – is afraid he must go back on his word; it would be impossible to produce anything satisfactory before Nov. or Dec.; is sorry for the inconvenience (autogr.)

 75    V. Gordon Childe to WBF, nd – if Fürer Haimendorf and von Eickstedt agree, his Institute will not mind; if the RAI room is too small, suggests a joint meeting (autogr.)

 76    Nancy Gee to Prof. Gordon Childe, 12 Apr. – WBF thanks him for his letter; is glad to have a joint meeting but as it is a Council day it will have to be at the RAI or close by; if the audience exceeds 60 he will try to arrange to go to University College; nearer the time perhaps he could give some idea of the interest of his members (tpc.)

 77    Ibid. to Dr H. Lehmann, ibid. – hopes he is still free to lecture on 5 May; on the title, the slides, and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture; hopes the delay in writing has not lost them the opportunity (tpc.)

 78    Derrick J. Stenning to Nancy Gee, 13 Apr. –refers to her letter of 29 Mar.; on his address; lists some films which may be of some use (tp.)

 79    Ronald M. Berndt to Nancy Gee, 18 Apr. – refers to her note of 14 Apr. [not held]; gives title for his lecture on 18 June; gives some particulars about himself (tp.)

 80    Nancy Gee to D.J. Stenning, ibid. – refers to his letter; WBF is interested in the two films on the Cameroons; would like to know more about them; on his address (tpc.)

 81    Derrick J. Stenning to WBF, 25 Apr. – gives more details about the films; if they were not enough, he suggests as short newsreel as well; would be willing to give an introductory commentary (tp.)

 82    Nancy Gee to D.J. Stenning, 26 Apr. – WBF would like to have the programme he suggested on 2 June; asks if he will arrange this and give the introductory commentary (tpc.)

 83    W.M. Williams to Nancy Gee, ibid. – on giving a lecture at the end of last month; assumes his expenses would be paid; has not heard about this; asks what the form is (autogr. with autogr. notes by WBF and Douglas H.G. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer)

A152/17/84    Derrick J. Stenning to ibid., 28 Apr. 1955 – he will arrange the film meeting and give a commentary (tp.)

 85    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 28 Apr. (tp.)

 86    Derrick J. Stenning to Service du Cinema, the French Institute, 2 May – on booking the two films for hire on 2 June (tp. copy)

 87    Ibid. to Messrs Victor M. Gover and Co. Ltd., ibid. – on hiring ‘An Emir Installed’ on 2 June (tp. copy)

 88    Prof. von Eickstedt to Nancy Gee, 4 May – refers to her letter of 5 Apr.; agrees with 9 June as date of his lecture; accepts invitation to dinner afterwards; on the size of his slides (tp.)

 89    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 5 May (tp. with autogr. notes)

 90    E.R. Leach to Nancy Gee, 6 May – names people to whom he would like notices of his lecture to be sent (autogr. with autogr. notes by Nancy Gee and E.J. Williamson)

 91    Nancy Gee to D.M. Williams, 9 May – refers to his letter of 26 Apr.; explains reason for delay; expenses had never been paid before and the Hon. Treasurer did not wish to create an awkward precedent; sorry not to send more welcome news (tpc.)

 92    Ibid. to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 17 May – gives name of lecturer and title of lecture, to be announced (tpc.)

 93    Frank Willett to WBF, 18 May – in response to his request for suggestions for lectures, offers to show slides of the Manchester Museum collection of Maori specimens; should prefer to do it in the second half of the session (autogr.)

 94    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 19 May (tp.)

 95    J. Peristiany to WBF, 23 May – suggests that M. Abou-zeid be asked to read a paper; gives some details about him (autogr.)

 96    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 2 June (tp.)

 97    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 9 June (tp.)

 98    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 16 June (tp.)

A152/17/99    [H.J. Fleure] to WBF, 20 June 1955 – on Dr Grenfell Price; he is in London with his wife until the autumn; wonders if he would invite them to the Garden Party; on possibility of getting a lecture from him (autogr.)

100    A. Grenfell Price to WBF, 28 June – thanks him for invitation; he and his wife would be delighted to come to the Garden Party; shall be in England until mid-Oct.; they can discuss the question of a talk although he is not an anthropologist (autogr.)

101    Agenda for Special Meeting on 25 Aug. (tp.)

102    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 25 Aug. (tp.)

103    Nancy Gee to M.J. Ruel, 2 Sept. – WBF has asked her to write about his lecture; suggests 27 Oct.; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

104    Ibid. to Dr Grenfell Price, ibid. – WBF has asked her to confirm arrangement about his reading a paper to the RAI; suggests 13 Oct.; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

105    A. Grenfell Price, nd – gives his title; gives biographical information (autogr.)

106    Ibid. to Nancy Gee, 5 Sept. – will discuss the kind invitation of the RAI with her; if his subject is suitable, he and his wife accept the dinner invitation (autogr.)

107    M.J. Ruel to Nancy Gee, 10 Sept. – refers to her letter of 2 Sept.; 27 Oct. is convenient; gives some biographical information; accepts invitation to dinner (tp.)

108    Nancy Gee to Dr K.A. Busia, 13 Sept. – WBF has asked her to ask him to give a paper; on free dates; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture; if the dates are not convenient she will send another selection (tpc.)

109    Ibid. to R.J.C. Atkinson, 14 Sept. – suggests some dates for him to lecture; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture; hopes he considers this adequate notice (tpc.)

A152/17/110    Ibid. to Eric Thompson, 19 Sept. 1955 – WBF has asked her to ask him if he will lecture to RAI before his return to America; gives some possible dates; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture; suggests the talk be different from those delivered at the University of London (tpc.)

 .1    Note of Eric Thompson’s address (autogr.)

111    Nancy Gee to Dr Grenfell Price, 20 Sept. – asks if he can change the date of his lecture to 6 Oct.; on other dates; asks him to wire in reply (tpc.)

112    R.J.C. Atkinson to Nancy Gee, 22 Sept. – shall be delighted to lecture on 15 Dec.; gives title; gives biographical details; accepts invitation to dine after the lecture (tp.)

113    Dr Grenfell Price to ibid., ibid. – 6 Oct. is satisfactory (telegram)

114    Nancy Gee to R.J.C. Atkinson, 23 Sept. – refers to her letter of 14 Sept.; the dates have changed; offers him revised dates; asks him to make first and second choice (tpc.)

115    Ibid. to T. Lupton, ibid. – WBF has asked her to ask him to read a paper; offers some dates; asks him to make first and second choice; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

116    Ibid. to Dr K.A. Busia, ibid. – refers to her recent letter which may have gone astray; offers him dates to lecture; would like the title, plus information about slides and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

117    K.A. Busia to [WBF], ibid. – 24 Nov. would suit him best; asks for details of the time of the lecture; gives title; gives personal details (tp.)

118    Tom Lupton to [WBF?], 27 Sept. – accepts invitations to lecture and to dine; gives title of paper; gives brief personal details (autogr.)

119    R.J.C. Atkinson to Nancy Gee, 29 Sept. – refers to her letter of 23 Sept. which crossed with his; if 15 Dec. is not available, asks for a date in the spring (tp.)

120    E.J. Williamson, Secretarial Assistant, to T. Lupton, ibid. – 1 Dec. will be very convenient; asks whether his talk is illustrated (tpc.)

A152/17/121    K.A. Busia to WBF, 29 Sept. 1955 – refers to his letter of 23 Sept.; had written accepting 24 Nov.; other dates are not convenient; hopes to be in England again next summer (tp.)

122    E.J. Williamson to Dr K.A. Busia, ibid. – refers to his letter of 28[sic] Sept.; will arrange a special meeting for 24 Nov. if he can still manage that date (tpc.)

123    Meetings card for Ordinary Meetings Oct.-Dec. 1955 (printed)

124    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 6 Oct. (tp.)

125    Announcement card for ibid. (tp.)

126    WBF to M.A. Foster, 6 Oct. – sorry not to have written sooner about Mr Cranstone’s inspection of his films; asks if he might show them on 20 Oct.; asks for a few words about them; invites him to dine after the showing (tpc.)

127    K.A. Busia to Miss Williamson, ack. 7 Oct. – refers to her letter of 29 Sept.; when the dates changed he accepted an invitation to talk in Birmingham; these arrangements cannot be changed; apologises (autogr.)

128    [Janet Anderson], Secretary to the Officers, to Dr K.A. Busia, 7 Oct. – WBF will be sorry that he cannot lecture; notes that he will be in England again in the summer (tpc.)

129    Ibid. to R.J.C. Atkinson, ibid. – confirms that she has reserved 15 Dec. for his lecture; asks for details asked for in Miss Gee’s letter of 14 Sept.; repeats invitation to dine afterwards (tpc. with autogr. note)

130    M.J. Forster to WBF, 8 Oct. – shall be pleased to accept invitation to show his films; describes his two films; gives their titles; accepts invitation to dine. 4 pages (autogr.)

131    Janet Anderson to Dr Michael Chance, 10 Oct. – WBF has asked her to ask him to show his film to RAI; suggests some dates; would like the title, plus information about the film and particulars about himself; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

132    WBF to M.J. Forster, ibid. – shall be glad to see both his films (tpc.)

A152/17/133    R.J.C. Atkinson to Janet Anderson, 11 Oct. 1955 – refers to her letter of 7 Oct.; the details Miss Gee requested were given in his letter of 22 Sept.; he also accepted the dinner invitation (tp.)

134    M.R.A. Chance to ibid., 12 Oct. – accepts invitations to talk and to dinner; gives title of talk; 3 Nov. would be most convenient; gives some details about himself (tp.)

135    Janet Anderson to Prof. Raymond Firth, ibid. – encloses notice about Ordinary Meeting on 20 Oct.; WBF asks if he would be free to take the Chair (tpc. with autogr. note)

136    Ibid. to M.J. Forster, ibid. – has arranged for Mr Marner to operate the projector; asks for details about the films (tpc.)

137    Ibid. to Dr Edmund Leach, 13 Oct. – refers to notice of Ordinary Meeting on 20 Oct.; WBF asks if he would take the Chair (tpc.)

138    Ibid. to R.J.C. Atkinson, 14 Oct. – refers to his letter of 11 Oct.; the dinner is informal (tpc.)

139    Ibid. to Dr M.R.A. Chance, ibid. – refers to his letter of 12 Oct.; has booked 3 Nov. for his lecture; WBF will be pleased (tpc.)

140    Michael Forster to Janet Anderson, ibid. – refers to her letter of 12 Oct.; gives answers to her questions about his films (autogr.)

141    E.R. Leach to ibid., ibid. – regrets he is unable to be in London on 20 Oct. (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson[?])

142    Announcement card for Ordinary Meeting on 20 Oct. (tp.)

143    Ibid. for ibid. on 27 Oct. (tp. card)

144    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

145    [WBF?] to Dr D.J. Stenning, 31 Oct. – on proposing him for Executive Committee; on Rouch’s films last Monday; shall be delighted if he can fix with Rouch to show his other film in Jan.; suggests 19 Jan. (tpc.)

146    D.J. Stenning to WBF, 2 Nov. – has asked Rouch to show his film on 19 Jan.; will let him know the reply; offers a lecture (tp.)

A152/17/147    WBF to D.J. Stenning, 5 Nov. 1955 – on his appointment to Executive Committee; suggests dates for his lecture (tpc.)

148    D.J. Stenning to WBF, 7 Nov. – 1 Mar. the better date for him (autogr. pc)

149    Janet Anderson to WBF, 14 Nov. – on a Chairman for meeting of 17 Nov. (tp. with autogr. note)

150    Ibid. to Richmond Lawrence, ibid. – confirms information about his lecture; on the dinner afterwards; encloses copies of meeting card; on Mrs Shiela Hodges (tpc. with autogr. note)

 .1    Note of Richmond Lawrence’s address, dated 2 Nov. (tp.)

151    [Janet Anderson?], 16 Nov. – notes on Dr J.C. Beaglehole and Prof. Davidson (autogr.)

152    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 17 Nov. (tp.)

153    ‘The Highway of the Sun’ (printed booklet)

154    17 Nov. – notes on ‘Highway of the Sun’, colour film; Richmond Lawrence the cinematographer (autogr.)

155    WBF to Rev. Dr Gervase Mathew, 18 Nov. – asks if he will lecture to the RAI; if he lets him know when he will be away, he will send some dates; should welcome articles for Man (tpc.)

156    Janet Anderson to Dr K.A. Busia, 18 Nov. – asks if he can say when he will be back in England next summer; WBF is working on the programme; wonders if he could read a paper in June (tpc.)

157    Peter, Prince of Greece, to WBF, 19 Nov. – thanks him for proof; on corrections; can lecture on 12 Dec. (autogr.)

158    Gervase Mathew to ibid., 21 Nov. – shall be honoured to lecture; gives title; says a little about the subject; will be England until next summer; asks him to suggest some dates (autogr.)

159    Janet Anderson to Rev. Dr Gervase Mathew, 23 Nov. – refers to his letter of 21 Nov.; offers dates (tpc.)

160    Ibid. to Lord Raglan, ibid. – WBF has arranged a lecture by Prince Peter; asks if he could take the Chair (tpc.)

A152/17/161    Ibid. to Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, 23 Nov. 1955 – confirms the date of his lecture; asks about a map; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

162    Lord Raglan to [Janet Anderson?], 24 Nov. – cannot be in London on 8 Dec. (autogr. pc with autogr. note by Janet Anderson[?])

163    Gervase Mathew to Janet Anderson, 27 Nov. – will give his paper on 2 Feb.; gives title; on his slides (autogr. pc)

164    Peter, Prince of Greece, to ibid., ibid. – refers to her letter of 23 Nov.; shall not need a map; accepts invitation to dine (tp.)

165    Kofi A. Busia to ibid., 28 Nov. – refers to her letter of 18 Nov.; is afraid he cannot give any reliable dates at present; unlikely that he shall be back in England before the beginning of July; is sorry (autogr.)

166    Janet Anderson to Miss Rosefield, Secretary to Mr Israel Sieff, ibid. – on the lecture by Tom Lupton; Lord Raglan has suggested that Mr Sieff might take the Chair; invites Mr Sieff to dinner after the lecture (tpc. with autogr. note)

167    Ibid. to Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 29 Nov. – asks if he would take the Chair for Prince Peter’s lecture on 8 Dec. (tpc.)

168    Israel M. Sieff to Janet Anderson, ibid. – has to fly to the continent on business so is unable to attend the meeting or the dinner; apologises (tp.)

169    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to Janet Anderson, 30 Nov. – cannot be in London on 8 Dec. (tp. pc)

170    Mrs Cherry to Janet Anderson, 5 Dec. – Sir Robert Hyde has accepted invitation to be Chairman at Prince Peter’s lecture; he would like particulars about Prince Peter; he would like to know what time to come to RAI; WBF will tell her what to tell Sir Robert (tp. memo)

171    Ibid. to Sir Robert Hyde, ibid. – confirms WBF’s invitation to him to take the Chair at Prince Peter’s lecture; is pleased that he can accept the dinner invitation; on having a word with Prince Peter before the meeting; attaches extract from the 1950 International Directory of Anthropologists about Prince Peter (tpc.)

A152/17/171.1    Extract from the International Directory of Anthropologists (1950) (tpc.) [enclosed with /17/171]

172    Janet Anderson to Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, ibid. – Lord Raglan regrets that he cannot be in London on 8 Dec.; has arranged for Sir Robert Hyde to take the Chair; on having a word with Sir Robert before the meeting (tpc.)

173    [Janet Anderson?] to the Editor, the Times, 7 Dec. – gives notice for insertion in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc. with autogr. note from Janet Anderson to WBF)

174    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 8 Dec. (tp.)

175    Åke Hultkrantz to WBF, 11 Dec. – on his invitation to give a talk at the RAI; on uncertainties relating to transport; if he can come to England it will not be until after Christmas; shall be pleased to give a lecture; on writing for Man; cannot yet give definite answer about coming to London (autogr.)

176    Janet Anderson to WBF, 13 Dec. – Prof. Childe has consented to act as Chairman on Thursday evening; he cannot come to dinner (tp. memo)

177    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 13 Dec. – gives notice for insertion in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

178    WBF to Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, 14 Dec. – thanks him for his lecture; would like to publish it in Man in a fairly extended form; would like to publish it in Dec. issue (tpc. with autogr. note)

179    Janet Anderson to M. Abou-Zeid, 15 Dec. – WBF asked her to ask him if he would read a paper to RAI; suggests 5 Jan.; asks for title; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

180    A.M. Abou-Zeid to Janet Anderson, 19 Dec. – refers to her letter of 15 Dec.; 5 Jan. is a convenient date; gives title; accepts dinner invitation (tp.)

181    Philip Dark to [Janet Anderson?], 22 Dec. – confirms that he will read a paper on 16 Feb.; gives title; on slides; on maps; says something about his subject (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson[?])

 .1    Note relating to Dr Dark’s lecture (autogr.)

A152/17/182    WBF to Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, 22 Dec. 1955 – refers to his letter of 17 Dec. [not held]; on an article by Leach suggested by his lecture; would like to publish them in the same or consecutive numbers; shall send a proof of Leach’s article as soon as it arrives from the printer (tpc.)

183    Audrey Butt to WBF, 27 Dec. – on vague message from RAI; on giving a talk on 19 Jan.; gives title; talks a little about the subject; sorry to have been so slow in getting in touch; gives reasons why (autogr.)

18/    1956

  1    Meetings card for Jan. – Mar. 1956 (printed)

  2    List of ‘Lecture Suggestions for the first quarter’ (tp.)

  3    Notes on ‘Lectures – Jan.-June 1956’. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

  4    Draft Letter of Invitation to Lecture (tp. with shorthand notes)

  5    Janet Anderson to Dr E.R. Leach, 3 Jan. 1956 – WBF was hoping for a summary of the talk he gave on 19 May last; if he has it by 9 Jan. it could appear in Dec. issue of Man (tpc.)

  6    WBF to Audrey Butt, ibid. – refers to her letter of 27 Dec.; should be glad if she could speak on 19 Jan.; title and subject sound interesting; on publishing the talk in JRAI; asks for details about her degrees; asks if she will dine afterwards (tpc.)

  7    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 4 Jan. – gives notice for insertion in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

  8    Audrey Butt to Janet Anderson, 5 Jan. – gives her degrees (autogr. pc)

  9    Ibid. to WBF, ibid. – refers to his letter; she cannot very well illustrate her lecture; could give a five-minute introduction with slides; should be pleased if the Editor of the JRAI wanted to publish it; shall let him have the summary in Feb.; accepts invitation to dine (autogr.)

 10    Janet Anderson to Audrey Butt, 11 Jan. – refers to her letter and card of 5 Jan.; WBF agrees with her suggestion of a five-minute introduction with slides; on the summary; he is pleased she can accept the invitation to dinner (tpc. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

A152/18/11    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, 11 Jan. 1956 – gives notice for insertion in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 12    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 12 Jan. (tp.)

 13    Audrey Butt to WBF, 12 Jan. – thanks him for letter confirming arrangements; on slides (autogr.)

 14    H.J. Fleure to WBF, 14 Jan. – returns proof; on the new Hon. Secretary; is glad that he is retaining Man; gives two names as possible lecturers (autogr.)

 15    Mary C. Pinsent, Secretary, to Janet Anderson, 20 Jan. – encloses copy of letter sent to Prof. Tolstov by Prof. Childe; Madam Trofimova can be reached at her husband’s address (tp.)

 16    V.G. Childe to Prof. Tolstov, ibid. – thanks him for letter [not held]; glad that Madam Trofimova is coming with him; RAI has arranged a meeting for her report; hopes they will both dine with him after the first lecture (tp.) [enclosed with /18/15]

 17    Gervase Mathew to WBF, 26 Jan. – is lecturing on 2 Feb.; asks what time he should arrive; asks about lantern and ‘lanternist’ (autogr. pc)

 18    Janet Anderson to Rev. Dr Gervase Mathew, 27 Jan. – refers to his pc; all arrangements are in hand for his lecture on 2 Feb.; on the lantern operator; asks him to dine after the lecture; on a summary of his lecture for Man (tpc.)

 19    MWS, Joint Hon. Secretary, to Madam Trofimova, 31 Jan. – Prof. Childe tells her that she and her husband will be in this country very shortly; invites her to read a paper on 8 Mar.; if she can accept, asks whether lecture is illustrated and if she requires a map; asks for title and short details of the subject; asks also for personal details; on a summary for Man; asks her to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 20    Ibid. (tp. draft)

 21    Gervase Mathew to Janet Anderson, 31 Jan. – refers to her letter; will arrive about 5.15; cannot accept invitation to dinner (autogr. pc)

 22    Mary C. Pinsent to MWS, 1 Feb. – with reference to her invitation to Madam Trofimova, Prof. Childe suggested inviting the Soviet Ambassador (tp.)

A152/18/23    Philip Dark to Janet Anderson[?], 7 Feb. 1956 – has a map for his lecture; has slides; all he will need is a projector (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

 24    Janet Anderson to Miss M.C. Pinsent, ibid. – MWS asks her to say that the Soviet Ambassador will be invited as soon as Madam Trofimova confirms that she can come (tpc. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 25    Ibid. to Dr P.J.C. Dark, ibid. – confirms that arrangements are all in hand for his lecture on 16 Feb.; has arranged for a lantern operator; on a map; on a summary for Man; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Feb. – as Lord Raglan will not be in London on 16 Feb., asks if he will take the Chair on this occasion; on the speaker and the subject; does not know yet whether Dr Dark can come to dinner (tpc.)

 27    Daryll Forde to Janet Anderson, 13 Feb. – shall be happy to take the Chair on the occasion of Dr Dark’s lecture (tp.)

 28    R. Mansell Prothero to [MWS], ibid. – on paper given by M. Rouch; should have liked to have heard it; should like to know if it will published in the JRAI and when it might appear (tp. with autogr. notes in reply by Janet Anderson)

 29    Janet Anderson to Dr D.J. Stenning, 21 Feb. – confirms that he will read a paper on 1 Mar.; on the title; on a summary for Man; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 30    Ibid. to Dr J.A. Barnes, ibid. – confirms that he will read a paper on 15 Mar.; on the title; on a summary for Man; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 31    MWS to Dr J. Pitt-Rivers, 24 Feb. – refers to his letter of 16 Feb. [not held]; on his checking the translation into Spanish of Notes and Queries; on possibility of his giving a lecture; asks whether 7 June would be suitable (tpc.)

 32    28 Feb. – note about Dr Stenning’s slides (tp.)

 33    J.A. Barnes to Janet Anderson, 4 Mar. – refers to her letter of 21 Feb.; notes that he will read his paper on 15 Mar.; encloses summary for Man; on the invitation to dinner (tp.)

A152/18/34    Julian Pitt-Rivers to MWS, 4 Mar. 1956 – is sorry for the delay in replying; shall get in touch when he is in England; cannot manage a lecture this summer term (autogr.)

 35    List of Special Meetings, end of session 1956-57 (tp. with autogr. note)

 36    Janet Anderson to Prof. A. Macbeath, 9 Mar. – reminds him of previous correspondence concerning a lecture; asks if he could read a paper this year; suggests 3 May; if he can accept, asks if the lecture will be illustrated; asks for title and short details of the subject; also asks for some personal details; on a summary for Man; asks him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 37    Ibid. to Bernard Fagg, ibid. – invites him to lecture this year; suggests 7 June; ; if he can accept, asks if the lecture will be illustrated; asks for title and short details of the subject; also asks for some personal details; on a summary for Man; asks him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 38    Ibid. to R.E. Bradbury, ibid. – reminds him of previous correspondence concerning a lecture; asks if he could read a paper this year; suggests 12 Apr.; if he can accept, asks if the lecture will be illustrated; asks for title and short details of the subject; also asks for some personal details; on a summary for Man; asks him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 39    Audrey Butt to MWS, 13 Mar. – encloses letter from Dr Maguire; she helped him make the film which he is bringing to England with him; she suggested that the RAI might be interested in having him show the film; on contacting Dr Maguire; on the films and on Dr Maguire; hopes to arrange for him to come to the Oxford Anthropological Society (autogr.)

 40    Bassett Maguire to Audrey Butt, 5 Mar. – on his travel plans; on coming to England in Aug.; on visiting Oxford; on his film; should be glad to offer the RAI an informal showing; will also bring transparencies; on various people (tp. copy) [enclosed with /18/39]

 41    A. Macbeath to Janet Anderson, 13 Mar. – refers to her letter; it will not be possible for him to lecture during the remainder of the present session; explains his commitments; is sorry but there is nothing he can do (tp.)

 .1    Janet Anderson to MWS, nd – note about Prof. Macbeath; asks who she would like to ask instead (autogr.)

A152/18/42    Ibid. to Prof. Macbeath, 14 Mar. 1956 – refers to his letter of 13 Mar.; is sorry that he cannot lecture; will get in touch again when the programme for the next session is being drawn up (tpc.)

 43    R.E. Bradbury to Janet Anderson, 19 Mar. – shall be happy to read a paper; 12 Apr. is a suitable date; gives title; says a little about the subject matter; on his slides; gives some personal details; is glad to accept the invitation to dinner (tp. with autogr. note from Janet Anderson to MWS added)

 44    Dorothy Emmet to Janet Anderson, 27 Mar. – gives the title of her Henry Myers lecture; shall send it within a day or two; Prof. Evans Pritchard is reading it (tp. with autogr. addition)

 45    Meetings card for Ordinary Meetings Apr.-June 1956 (printed)

 46    Note on Lectures suggested Apr.-June (autogr. card)

 47    Janet Anderson to R.E. Bradbury, 6 Apr. – on changing the date of his lecture; it will now be on 3 May instead of 12 Apr. (tpc.)

 48    Jean M. Wheeler, Secretary to Prof. J.R. Firth, to WBF, 12 Apr. – refers to letter of 23 Mar. [not held] seeking permission to reprint a paper he read to the Congrès International des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques which appeared in the Proceedings of 1934 (tp.)

 49    WBF to Prof. J.R. Firth, 16 Apr. – refers to his letter of 23 Mar. [not held]; gives permission for the reprint of his paper to be in the Proceedings of the Anthropological Congress of 1934; asks if he would read a paper to the RAI (tpc.)

 50    Audrey Butt to MWS, 17 Apr. – has received a letter from Dr Maguire saying that 27 Sept. would be a good date for him to show his film to the RAI; suggests sending him an invitation; Dr Maguire suggests that she do the commentary for the Akawaio film while he deals with the other part; on Herr Boeldeke’s Venezuelan address (autogr.)

 51    J.R. Firth to WBF, 18 Apr. – thanks him for the permission to reprint his paper; recently contributed an article which introduces a good deal of his recent work; there would be no point in repeating it in a paper; should be pleased to read a paper at some subsequent date (tp.)

A152/18/52    Janet Anderson to Dr de Laszlo, 23 Apr. 1956 – asks if he has Herr Boeldeke’s Venezuelan address, for Audrey Butt (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to Audrey Butt, 1 May – MWS thanks her for letter of 17 Apr.; she will send Dr Maguire a formal invitation; she agrees with the suggestion that Dr Butt do the commentary; on Herr Boeldeke’s address (tpc.)

 54    Ibid. to Dr Bassett Maguire, ibid. – MWS asks her to invite him to speak to the RAI on 27 Sept.; asks about his film; on the epidiascope; asks for title and brief details of subject matter; asks for a few personal details for the cards; on a summary for Man; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 55    B.J. Kirkpatrick to Janet Anderson, 3 May – on a possible lecturer (tp. with autogr. notes added)

 56    MWS to Dr B.S. Guha, 7 May – understands that he is to attend the congress at Philadelphia in Sept.; if he is travelling via London, wonders if he might address the RAI; if he is to be in London, asks him to let her know the dates (tpc. with autogr. note)

 57    M. Gluckman to WBF, 15 May – nominates a member of his department to give a paper next session (tp. with autogr. note)

 58    Bassett Maguire to Janet Anderson, 18 May – shall be glad to show his film at the RAI on 27 Sept.; on the length of the film; the presentation is somewhat longer than the normal lecture period; the showing could be concluded after the first reel; on the title; gives some particulars about the film; will post it to the RAI when he reaches Southampton; accepts invitation to dine (tp. with autogr. note from Janet Anderson to MWS)

 59    B.S. Guha to MWS, 20 May – refers to her letter of 7 May; would be happy to address the RAI on his way back from Philadelphia; hopes to attend the Congress but it is not definite yet; if he goes, he will spend some days in London on the way back; will let her know when he has definite news; on film and slides which would be of interest to members of the RAI (tp.)

 60    MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 22 May – delighted at the suggestion that Mr Newell might lecture; suggests 4 Oct.; asks him to ask Mr Newell for his title etc. (tpc.)

A152/18/61    Janet Anderson to Dr Bassett Maguire, 23 May 1956 – refers to his letter of 18 May; there is no need to curtail the showing of the film because of the time factor; is pleased that he can dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 62    Bassett Maguire to Janet Anderson, 25 May – on posting his film to the RAI; thanks her for putting it in safe keeping until he arrives (tp.)

 63    MWS to Dr B.S. Guha, 31 May – refers to his letter of 20 May; will wait to hear exactly when he is coming to London (tpc.)

 64    William H. Newell to MWS, 16 June – Prof. Gluckman has asked him to write directly about addressing the RAI on 4 Oct.; shall be happy to do so subject to being in the country; suggests a title; should like to use the epidiascope (tp.)

 65    MWS to Prof. Fortes, 3 July – is planning the lecture series for next session; asks for names to be included, with subject matter etc. (tp. with autogr. names added)

 66    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (tpc. with note added ‘Similar memo sent also to Prof. Evans-Pritchard Dr Kenneth Little’)

 67    Janet Anderson to H.J. Braunholtz, ibid. – on Dr C.R. Jones; MWS does not know where to get in touch with him; on the possibility that he might show his slides at a special meeting (tpc. with autogr. notes)

 68    Ibid. to Dr P.V. Tobias, 4 July – confirms that he will show his slides to the RAI on 10 July; has made arrangements with the projectionist; invites him to dinner afterwards; on a summary for Man (tpc.)

 69    Lord Raglan to MWS, 5 July – shall be in the House of Lords on 10 July; will come along if he is through by 5.30 (tp. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 70    Janet Anderson to W.H. Newell, 6 July – refers to his letter of 16 June; lecture dates are fixed definitely before the session commences; MWS is sorry to see that he accepts the invitation to lecture subject to being in the country; asks him to let MWS know his definite plans; if he cannot make a definite arrangement it is possible that another date be arranged later on (tpc.)

 71    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, 7 July – gives notice for insertion in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 72    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 10 July (tp.)

A152/18/73    Agenda for ibid. (tpc.)

 74    William H. Newell to MWS, 11 July – will definitely be in England for the next year; confirms 2 Oct. for his lecture; on his address (tp.)

 75    MWS to WBF, 12 July – asks for the ‘dope’ on Kirkman; a special lecture costs about £7 (autogr. memo)

 76    Janet Anderson to William H. Newell, 15 July – MWS is pleased that he can read a paper to the RAI; points out that the date is 4 Oct. not 2 Oct. (tpc.)

 77    B.S. Guha to MWS, ibid. – refers to her letter of 31 May; will write when his visit is finalised so that a convenient date can be arranged; has a film which he is sure will be interesting to other fellows (tp.)

 78    Janet Anderson to R. Mansell Prothero, 16 July – regrets delay in replying to his letter of 13 Feb.; M. Rouch did not read a paper but showed a film on which he commented; a summary will appear in Man; gives him his address (tpc.)

 79    Kenneth Oakley to MWS, 17 July – asks her to return Philip Tobias’ letter to him (autogr. pc)

 80    Laurens van der Post to Janet Anderson, 18 July – the invitation to the Special Meeting reached him too late (tp.)

 81    MWS to Dr K. Oakley, 20 July – returns letter from Dr Tobias; thanks him for drawing her attention to Dr Tobias’ recent work (tpc.)

 82    B.J. Kirkpatrick to MWS, 24 July – on Dr Caton Thompson’s offer of her slides; she is leaving Cambridge and expects to be abroad for a year (tp. memo)

 83    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to MWS, 25 July – sorry for delay in replying to note of 3 July; gives a list of people who might lecture (tp. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

 84    MWS to Prof. F.E. Zeuner, 28 July – is planning the 1956-57 lecture series; asks if he could lecture on 6 June; he could send a title at his convenience (tpc.)

 85    Ibid. to Prof. W.F. Grimes, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 1 Nov. (tpc.)

 86    Ibid. to M. Freedman, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 7 Feb.; would be pleased to have the title at his convenience (tpc.)

A152/18/87    Ibid. to J.K. Campbell, 28 July 1956 – asks if he could lecture on 6 Dec.; would be pleased to have the title at his convenience (tpc.)

 88    Ibid. to Dr A. Mayer, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 2 May; would be pleased to have the title at his convenience (tpc.)

 89    Ibid. to Miss J.S. La Fontaine, ibid. – asks if she could lecture on 4 Apr.; would be pleased to have the title at her convenience (tpc.)

 90    Ibid. to Dr N.A. Barnicot, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 3 Jan. (tpc.)

 91    Ibid. to Frank Willett, ibid. – asks if he could lecture on 7 Mar.; would be pleased to have the title at his convenience (tpc.)

 92    W.F. Grimes to MWS, 1 Aug. – refers to her letter of 28 July; is honoured by the invitations; would like to accept; however he has nothing advanced that would be suitable; will also be too busy; asks to be excused this time but would like to be asked again later (autogr.)

 93    Frank Willett to MWS, 7 Aug. – refers to her letter of 28 July; would like to lecture but is unlikely to be in England in Mar.; asks about other dates (autogr.)

 94    Kenneth Little to MWS, 8 Aug. – suggests that his colleague Dr Frank Girling might give a lecture (tp.)

 95    N.A. Barnicot to MWS, 13 Aug. – thanks her for invitation; a date later in Jan. would suit him better; suggests a title (tp.)

 96    MWS to Prof. W.F. Grimes, 14 Aug. – refers to his letter of 1 Aug.; understands that his plate must be full; will approach him again next year (tpc.)

 97    Ibid. to Dr Girling, ibid. – understands from Dr Little that he would be glad to take part in the lecture series of the RAI; suggests 7 Mar.; mentions the title (tpc.)

 98    Ibid. to Frank Willett, ibid. – refers to his letter of 7 Aug.; as he will be out of the country for most of the session suggests planning to include his lecture in the following session (tpc.)

 99    Ibid. to Sir Mortimer Wheeler, ibid. – RAI would be honoured if he would participate in lecture series; suggests 1 Nov.; can discuss alternative dates if this is not convenient (tpc.)

A152/18/100    Janet Anderson to Dr N.A. Barnicot, 15 Aug. 1956 – MWS asks her to thank him for his letter; it is not possible to arrange another meeting later in Jan.; hopes he can manage 3 Jan. (tpc.)

101    Sir Mortimer Wheeler to MWS, 16 Aug. – should be honoured to lecture but dares not commit himself; is committed to numerous lectures already (tp.)

102    Janet Anderson to J.K. Campbell, 17 Aug. – on his ilustrations; asks about his degrees; on a summary of the lecture for Man (tpc.)

 .1    Note on J.K. Campbell’s lecture (autogr.)

103    N.A. Barnicot to MWS, 20 Aug. – cannot accept 3 Jan. (tp. with autogr. note)

104    Maurice Freedman to ibid., ibid. – thinks 7 Feb. will be all right; on the title (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

105    Janet Anderson to Dr Audrey Richards, ibid. – asks if she could participate in the next lecture series; suggests 1 Nov.; if she can accept, MWS would be glad of the title at her convenience (tpc.)

106    Joan M. Sheldon to MWS, 21 Aug. – Prof. Zeuner will lecture on 6 June; will let her know about the title (tp.)

107    F. Girling to ibid., ibid. – refers to her letter of 14 Aug.; will be glad to address the RAI on 7 Mar.; gives his title (autogr.)

108    Audrey I. Richards to Janet Anderson, 27 Aug. – refers to her letter of 20 Aug.; would be glad to read a paper on 1 Nov.; will let her know about the title (tp. with autogr. PS)

109    Janet Anderson to Sir Ralph Turner, 28 Aug. – writes on behalf of MWS who asks if he would participate in the RAI lecture series; suggests 3 Jan.; if he can accept, MWS would be glad of the title at his convenience (tpc.)

110    Dr Audrey Butt to Daphne Cherry, 3 Sept. – Dr Maguire is hoping to show her his films before they present them to the RAI on 27 Sept.; asks if the RAI has a projector they could use; on the size of the film (autogr.)

A152/18/111    Janet Anderson to Miss J.S. La Fontaine, 3 Sept. 1956 – writes on behalf of MWS; as she has not had a reply to her letter of 28 July asks to cancel her invitation for the time being; the lecture programme has to be completed (tpc.)

112    Ibid. to Mrs J.M. Jones, 4 Sept. – WBF asked her to write to invite her to participate in lecture series; suggests 2 May; hopes her lecture would deal with Wayang Plays; if she can accept, asks for exact title (tpc. with autogr. notes)

113    Ibid. to Dr A. Mayer, ibid. – refers to MWS’s letter of 28 July; has heard that he is away until the middle of Sept.; as the programme must go to press this week, WBF asks that he cancel the invitation to speak on 2 May; on the possibility of a Special Meeting to be arranged later in the session (tpc. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

 .1    Note of Dr Mayer’s address[?] (autogr.)

114    John Campbell to Janet Anderson, 4 Sept. – refers to her letter; thanks her for projector information; asks if a special size of print is preferable for the epidiascope (autogr.)

115    Jean La Fontaine to ibid., ibid. – she was away when MWS’s letter arrived; hopes MWS will repeat the offer at a later date (autogr.)

116    B.S. Guha to MWS, 6 Sept. – refers to her letter of 31 May; offers to lecture on 14 Sept.; has some films he would like to show; on title (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

117    Prof. Sir Ralph Turner to Janet Anderson, ibid. – is honoured by invitation to lecture but must decline; is not fully recovered from illness; does not think he is competent to speak about Nepal Coronation; wonders whether Dr A.A. Bake might speak (tp.)

118    Janet Anderson to John Campbell, ibid. – on prints for the epidiascope; asks him to confirm if he will use slides or not (tpc.)

119    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Butt, ibid. – refers to her letter to Daphne Cherry; the run through of the film has been arranged with Commander Salmon; on borrowing a projector from University College; Commander Salmon can arrange for a projector and projectionist to come to the RAI (tpc.)

A152/18/120    Ibid. to Prof. Zeuner, 7 Sept. 1956 – as the lecture card is going to press at the end of the week, asks for his title (tpc. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

121    Audrey Butt to Janet Anderson, ibid. – thanks her for help with the projector; the arrangement will be ideal (autogr. pc)

122    B.S. Guha to MWS, 9 Sept. – his plans have changed; asks that his lecture be fixed for 16 or 17 Sept. (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson)

123    Copy of letter from RAI [to printers?], 10 Sept. – encloses details of lectures for next session (tp.)

124    Janet Anderson to the Alcuin Press, 10 Sept. – attaches details of the title of the Huxley Memorial Lecture (tp.)

125    Copy relating to Huxley Memorial Lecture (tp. with autogr. note)

126    Jeune Francis Jones to WBF, 11 Sept. – rang Miss Anderson and gave her the title of her lecture; on her visit to Liverpool (tp.)

127    John Campbell to Janet Anderson, ibid. – refers to her letter of 6 Sept.; shall bring some slides and a few enlargements for the epidiascope (autogr.)

128    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 12 Sept. – encloses notice about a special meeting to be held on 17 Sept., to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

129    Ibid. to Lord Raglan, ibid. – encloses notice about the special meeting on 17 Sept.; heard from Dr Guha only this morning; has made tentative arrangement for Prof. Fleure to take the Chair if he is unable to come; asks if he can take the Chair at meeting on 27 Sept. (tpc.)

130    Ibid. to the Secretariat, High Commissioner for India, ibid. – encloses notice of special meeting on 17 Sept. (tpc.)

131    Peter Lienhardt to [MWS?], ibid. – shall be pleased to talk on 3 Jan.; gives his title (autogr.)

132    Janet Anderson to Sir Ralph Turner, ibid. – MWS will be sorry that he cannot accept her invitation to lecture; Dr Bake is away until Oct.; hopes to get in touch with him later on (tpc.)

133    Lord Raglan to Janet Anderson, 13 Sept. – shall not be in London until 4 Oct. (autogr.)

A152/18/134    R. Ranganathan, India House, to ibid., 14 Sept. 1956 – refers to her letter of 12 Sept.; is circulating her notice among the members of staff (tp.)

135    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 17 Sept. (tp. card)

136    Janet Anderson to H.J. Braunholtz, 20 Sept. – Lord Raglan cannot take the Chair on 27 Sept.; asks if he could do it (tpc.)

137    H.J. Braunholtz to Janet Anderson, 23 Sept. – was hoping to come to the lecture on 27 Sept.; if he does so, is glad to take the Chair; suggests she might have a reserve Chairman in case he cannot come (autogr.)

138    Janet Anderson to N.A. Barnicot, 24 Sept. – writes on behalf of MWS to invite him to read a paper to the RAI on 4 Apr.; on the title; on timing; on a summary for Man; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

139    Ibid. to Miss N. McLeod, ibid. – confirms arrangement that she will read a paper to a joint meeting of the RAI and the British Institute of Recorded Sound; on the title; on a summary for Man (tpc.)

 .1    Notes on Miss McLeod’s lecture (autogr.)

140    Janet Anderson to Dr Roland Singer, 24 Sept. – MWS asked her to arrange a Special Meeting at which he will read a paper on 18 Oct.; gives title; on a summary for Man; asks him to dinner after the lecture (tpc. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 .1    Note on Dr Singer and his address (autogr.)

141    Janet Anderson to Peter Lienhardt, 24 Sept. – confirms invitation to read a paper on 3 Jan.; refers to his letter of 12 Sept.; on summary for Man; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

142    Audrey Butt to Janet Anderson, ibid. – regarding the forthcoming meeting, asks for a map of South America; asks if there could be a gramophone there as she has some records loaned by Mr David Attenborough; on a projector (autogr.)

143    Janet Anderson to William H. Newell, 25 Sept. – writes on behalf of MWS about arrangements for his lecture on 4 Oct.; on a summary for Man; invites him to dine after the lecture; on the epidiascope (tpc.)

144    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, ibid. – sends notice to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

A152/18/145    Meetings card for session 1956-57 (printed with autogr. additions)

146    Text of ibid. (tp.)

147    Notes on dates and lecturers (autogr.)

148    William H. Newell to Janet Anderson, 28 Sept. – refers to her letter of 25 Sept.; will send the summary of his lecture to WBF; cannot dine after the lecture (tp. pc)

149    Janet Anderson to Dr Alfonso Caso, 3 Oct. – the Hon. Secretary has been told he may be in the country later in the year; if so, would be honoured if he would read a paper; he is invited to dine after the meeting (tpc.)

150    N.A. Barnicot to Janet Anderson, 4 Oct. – refers to her letter of 24 Sept.; shall be pleased to lecture on 4 Apr.; gives title; accepts invitation to dinner (tp.)

151    Peter Morton-Williams to Prof. Raymond Firth, nd – on Dadi Wirz; has his father’s ethnographic films; he is going back to Brazil in a couple of months; would be glad to show his films in London if invited to do so; asks is RAI might call an extraordinary meeting; Wirz would like help cutting the film to a presentable length; gives his address. 3 pages (autogr.)

152    Raymond Firth to P. Morton Williams, 12 Oct. – refers to his note; does not think he can be of much help; is sending his note to the RAI in case they think they can have a meeting; is sure they could not help with cutting the film; RAI is hard up, as is the Anthropology Club (tpc.)

153    Announcement card for meetings on 18 Oct. and 15 Nov. (tp. card)

154    Janet Anderson to MWS, 18 Oct. – note about Dadi Wirz (autogr. with autogr. note by WBF added – possibly Mr Attenborough could advise)

155    Peter Morton Williams to Raymond Firth, 26 Oct. – has heard again from Wirz; thinks he would show his films if invited by RAI; gives his new address (autogr. pc)

156    Peter Lienhardt to Janet Anderson, 27 Oct. – refers to her letter of 24 Sept.; accepts invitation to dinner (autogr.)

157    Alfonso Caso to ibid., 29 Oct. – refers to her letter of 3 Oct.; thanks the Hon. Secretary for the invitation; he would have liked to have given a lecture but is not staying in London long enough (autogr., in Spanish)

A152/18/158    Janet Anderson to Dr Audrey Richards, 29 Oct. 1956 – confirms that all arrangements are made for 1 Nov.; asks her to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

159    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, ibid. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangments’ (tpc.)

160    Audrey Richards to Janet Anderson, 30 Oct. – refers to her note; has been ill and has not had time to make slides; asks for a blackboard; has made other plans for dinner (autogr.)

161    Janet Anderson to Audrey Richards, 31 Oct. – sorry that she has influenza; on the blackboard; on the dinner (tpc.)

162    Audrey Richards to Janet Anderson, ibid. – must definitely say no to the dinner; is still unwell; means to get through the paper but will crawl back to bed afterwards (autogr.)

163    Janet Anderson to Patrick Saul, British Institute of Recorded Sound, 2 Nov. – Prof. Firth is willing to act as Chairman at Miss McLeod’s lecture on 15 Nov. (tpc.)

164    Ibid. to Prof. Firth, ibid. – thanks him for message that he is willing to act as Chairman at Miss McLeod’s lecture (tpc.)

165    Ibid. to Audrey Richards, ibid. – on her lecture; on a pair of gloves left in the cloakroom (tpc.)

166    Patrick Saul to Janet Anderson, 3 Nov. – is glad that Prof. Firth agreed to preside at Miss McLeod’s lecture (tp.)

167    Ibid., 5 Nov. – includes draft notice about a joint meeting with the RAI on 5 Dec. at which Mr Guy Belmore will speak; on amending the notice if necessary; asks if she can arrange for a Chairman (tp.)

168    Audrey Richards to ibid., ibid. – on the gloves; on recovering from flu (autogr.)

169    Janet Anderson to […?], 5/6 Nov. – Patrick Saul phoned about another joint meeting; asks about Chairman; on Patrick Saul’s notice (autogr.)

170    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Richards, 9 Nov. – has sent off the gloves (tpc.)

A152/18/171    Ibid. to David Attenborough, BBC Television Centre, 9 Nov. 1956 – encloses correspondence [about Dadi Wirz] which is self-explanatory; it will not be possible to hold a meeting for him or to assist in the cutting of the film; wonders if he could advise (tpc.)

172    Ibid. to WBF, 12 Nov. – confirms the arrangement that he will take the Chair at the joint meeting to be held on 5 Dec. at which Mr Guy Belmore will speak (tpc.)

173    Betty Rogers, Assistant to David Attenborough, to Janet Anderson, 14 Nov. – thanks her for correspondence from Mr Morton Williams about Mr Wirz; has more film of this type than can be used in programmes; editing facilities are clogged; cannot offer to help (tp.)

174    Janet Anderson to P. Morton Williams, 23 Nov. – writes in the absence of MWS; RAI is not able to arrange a special meeting at which Mr Wirz could show his film; nor can it help with the cutting; has approached other bodies but without success (tpc.)

175    Ibid. to David Attenborough, ibid. – thanks him for his letter and for returning the correspondence about Mr Wirz; understands the position (tpc.)

176    Edmund H. Burke to RAI, 29 Nov. – writes on the suggestion of Dr G.H.S. Bushnell; is going to British Honduras and Mexico; hopes to document backwaters both photographically and cinematically; hopes to record folk music and collect specimens of native handicraft; is anxious to know who would be interested in the end products; would be happy to discuss what if any material RAI would be interested in acquiring (tp.)

177    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 3 Dec. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

178    Ibid. to J.K. Campbell, 3 Dec. – confirms that arrangements are completed for his lecture on [6] Dec.; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

179    Ibid. to [MWS], 12 Dec. – phone message from WBF; Mr Mountford will be in the country from Australia; he has some very good films; WBF suggests a film festival of two or three meetings; suggests writing to Mr Mountford (autogr.)

180    Ibid. to C.P. Mountford, 14 Dec. – on the possibility that he will be in the country for several months; MWS wonders if he could show his films; mentions a film festival of two or three meetings; asks if this would be convenient; the meetings would be open to the public as well as to Fellows; on the normal timing of meetings (tpc.)

A152/18/181    MWS to Mr Burke, 19 Dec. – refers to his letter of 29 Nov.; the RAI is interested in films and photographic materials; is not in a position to help finance the venture, nor to pay for materials later; would be glad to see the results of his trip at a meeting; on the Ethnographic Department of the British Museum (tpc.)

182    Edmund H. Burke to MWS, 23 Dec. – refers to her letter of 19 Dec.; shall be happy to show any material on his return which might be of interest; on the Ethnographic Department of the British Museum (tp.)

183    Charles P. Mountford to Janet Anderson, 28 Dec. – will be pleased to accept invitation to show his films; will be in London on 1 Feb.; lists the films he has with him (autogr.)

 .1    Note on Charles Mountford’s address etc. (autogr.

184    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 31 Dec. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

185    Ibid. to Peter Lienhardt, ibid. – confirms that arrangements are in hand for his lecture; asks if he would prefer to dine with the ASA or with the RAI Dining Club as planned (tpc.)

19/    1957

  1    Patrick Saul to Janet Anderson, 9 Jan. 1957 – refers to joint meeting of RAI and British Institute of Recorded Sound; mentions Mr David Rycroft; asks if RAI would consider organising jointly two lectures by Mr Rycroft; suggests the end of May (tp.)

  2    MWS to Dr G.B. Milner, 10 Jan. – understands that he has some interesting films which he took in Samoa; RAI is thinking of having a series of films this spring; wonders if his would go with them; asks for details (tpc.)

  3    Ibid. to Patrick Saul, ibid. – should be pleased to join him in organising lectures by Mr Rycroft; towards the end of May would suit; asks for firm dates by middle of Feb. (tpc.)

  4    Patrick Saul to MWS, 12 Jan. – delighted about the joint lectures; suggests dates; suggests times; if she agrees with proposals, he will insert a mention of the lectures in the third Bulletin (tp.)

A152/19/5    G.B. Milner to MWS, 13 Jan. 1957 – refers to her letter of 10 Jan.; does not think his films meaningful without a commentary; there are three films; with introduction and questions they make a lecture of an hour’s duration (autogr.)

  6    MWS to G.B. Milner, 15 Jan. – refers to his letter of 13 Jan.; asks if she can contact him again about a lecture (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Patrick Saul, ibid., refers to his letter of 12 Jan.; Thursdays are better than Wednesdays for RAI; will let him choose the time; on notices of the lectures (tpc.)

  8    Patrick Saul to MWS, 28 Jan. – refers to her letter of 15 Jan.; has fixed lectures for 23 and 30 May; encloses copy of Bulletin which contains announcement; on asking Dr Bake to preside (tp.)

 .1    British Institute of Recorded Sound, Bulletin No. 3, Winter 1956; notice of joint meetings with RAI on p. 27

  9    Janet Anderson to M. Freedman, 5 Feb. – confirms that all arrangements are made for his lecture on 7 Feb.; on a summary for Man; encloses copies of the lecture card (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, ibid. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 11    MWS to Prof. Heine-Geldern, 22 Feb. – mentions Dr Stryford; has arranged a lecture for the time when he will be in London; suggests 9 May; asks him for dinner afterwards; asks him to confirm title (tpc.)

 12    J.S. Weiner to MWS, 26 Feb. – Dr Lawrence Angel will be in this country in May; on trying to arrange for him to speak at the RAI (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

 13    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 4 Mar. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to Dr Frank Girling, ibid. – confirms that all arrangements are made for his lecture on 7 Mar.; invites him for dinner after the lecture; on summary for Man; encloses copies of lecture card (tpc.)

 15    Frank Girling to Janet Anderson, 5 Mar. – accepts invitation to dinner; asks for map of Scotland (autogr. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 16    MWS to H.J. Braunholtz, 15 Mar. – asks if he will chair meeting on 9 May (tpc.)

A152/19/17    H.J. Braunholtz to MWS, 19 Mar. 1957 – is not sure whether he will be able to attend Prof. Heine-Geldern’s lecture; would prefer not to take the chair; does not know the subject of the lecture; is out of sympathy with the lecturer’s views and arguments (autogr.)

 18    Notice card of a lecture at the Eugenics Society on 20 Mar. by G. Ainsworth Harrison (printed card with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson and H.J. Fleure)

 19    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 20 Mar. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 20    MWS to H.J. Braunholtz, ibid. – on chairing the meeting of 9 May; she also finds herself out of sympathy with Dr Heine-Geldern’s approach (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – asks if he will chair meeting on 9 May (tpc.)

 22    Daryll Forde to MWS, 21 Mar. – is happy to take the chair at the Heine-Geldern lecture (tp. with autogr. note)

 23    Robert Heine-Geldern to ibid., 23 Mar. – refers to her letter of 22 Feb.; explains delay of reply; on changing the title of his lecture; on requirements for two projectors (tp.)

 24    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 29 Mar. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 25    Ibid. to Dr N.A. Barnicot, ibid. – confirms that all arrangements are made for his lecture on 4 Apr.; on the projectionist; encloses lecture cards (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to Prof. Heine-Geldern, 1 Apr. – writes on MWS’s behalf; the change in title is still possible; on the projectors (tpc.)

 27    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to WBF, 4 Apr. – reminds him of previous invitation to read a paper at the RAI; would now be prepared to do so, not before 15 July; having a paper translated would be a lot of work; gives the subject (tp.)

 28    J.H. Hutton to MWS, 8 Apr. – asks the date and time of Prof. Heine-Geldern’s lecture (autogr. pc with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 29    Douglas Witty to ibid., 24 Apr. – trusts that it will be in order if his wife accompanies him to lecture on 9 May (tp.)

 30    Janet Anderson to Douglas Witty, 26 Apr. – on the meeting on 9 May; on the change of title of the lecture (tpc.)

A152/19/31    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, 7 May 1957 – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 32    MWS to Prof. I. Schapera, 8 May – invites him to deliver the Henry Myers Lecture in the spring of 1958; on the Lecture; on previous speakers; suggests 20 May; the lecture is printed in advance; asks for his text three months before the lecture (tpc.)

 33    T. Wittermans, Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde, Rotterdam, to [MWS], ibid. – asks permission for Mr R.S. Wassing of his museum to attend the Special Meeting on 23 May (tp.)

 34    MWS to T. Wittermans, 13 May – delighted that Mr Wassing would like to attend the lecture; gives details (tpc.)

 35    Janet Anderson to Patrick Saul, ibid. – sends enclosed letter [from T. Wittermans]; asks him to look out for Mr Wassing (tpc.)

 36    Patrick Saul to Janet Anderson, 14 May – on her letter enclosing one from Dr Wittermans; will look out for Mr Wassing (tp.)

 37    MWS to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, 21 May – WBF has passed over his letter; would be delighted if he could lecture; suggests 3 Oct.; if he cannot come in Oct. she could arrange a special meeting while he is here (tpc.)

 38    Notice of joint meetings of the RAI and the British Institute of Recorded Sound, on 23 and 30 May (tp.)

 39    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to MWS, 27 May – refers to her letter of 21 May; he cannot lecture on 3 Oct. as he will be on a study trip; on other dates in Oct.; would rather come to England in the summer; if that is not possible, would propose Jan.; asks how long the lecture should be (tp., in German)

 40    I. Schapera to MWS, ibid. – gratefully accepts invitation to deliver the Henry Myers Lecture; shall be out of the country Apr. to June; asks if it could be in Mar.; on the title of his lecture (tp.)

 41    MWS to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, 31 May – refers to his letter of 27 May; sorry that he cannot come in Oct.; there are no lectures in the summer; wonders if spring would be possible; suggests some dates; on the timing of the lectures (tpc.)

 42    Janet Anderson to the Editor, the Times, 4 June – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

A152/19/43    MWS to Lord Ogmore, 15 June 1957 – refers to his question in the House of Lords on the Bushmen of the Kalahari; thought he might be interested in a film on Bushmen to be shown on 18 June; it is film from the Kalahari Bushman Expedition from the Peabody Museum, Harvard University; mentions Mr Laurence Marshall; apologises for short notice (tpc.)

 44    Ibid. to the Earl of Home, ibid. – refers to his reply in the House of Lords on the Bushmen of the Kalahari; thought he might be interested in a film on Bushmen to be shown on 18 June; it is film from the Kalahari Bushman Expedition from the Peabody Museum, Harvard University; mentions Mr Laurence Marshall; apologises for short notice (tpc.)

 45    Ibid. to D.W.S. Hunt, ibid. – on forthcoming Special Meeting; encloses notices of the lecture; asks that he forward one to Miss Emory; Mr Marshall is only here a short while (tpc.)

45a    MWS to Mr Marshall, ibid. – thanks him for lovely evening; on notices sent out for Tuesday evening (tpc.)

 46    Lord Ogmore to MWS, 17 June – shall be pleased to attend the film on Bushmen; will bring his wife (autogr.)

 47    Announcement card for Special Meeting on 18 June (tp. card)

 48    E. Bolton King, the British Council, to MWS, 20 June – Sir Gavin de Beer of the British Museum suggested that he write; in Poznan, Poland he visited the Department of Anthropology under Prof. Jan Czekanowski, who wants to come to Britain; the process would be facilitated if they could attach a formal invitation to their application; asks whether this could be issued (tp.)

 49    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to MWS, 24 June – refers to her letter of 31 May; Apr. is suitable for his lecture; thanks her for information about the length of the lecture; on the invitation to dinner (tp., in German)

 50    Margret Bennet-Clark to ibid., nd – on a film she mentioned which might do for showing at the RAI next session; it is a record of the Oxford University Expedition to Socotra in 1956; thinks it well worth showing; the man to contact is Douglas Botting. 3 pages (autogr.)

 51    MWS to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, 18 July – is sorry for delay in replying to letter of 24 June; offers him a choice of dates for his lecture; glad that his wife is accompanying him (tpc.)

A152/19/52    Ibid. to Douglas Botting, 18 July 1957 – mentions Miss Bennet-Clark; understands that he is going to show his film eventually for commercial distribution; wonders if he would give a preview at one of the RAI’s meetings; suggests 3 Oct.; invites him to dinner afterwards (tpc.)

 53    Ibid. to Dr Joseph Louden, ibid. – suggests that he lecture on 1 May; invites him to dine after the meeting (tpc.)

 54    Ibid. to Prof. W.F. Grimes, ibid. – suggests that he lecture on 5 Dec.; invites him to dine after the meeting (tpc.)

 55    Ibid. to Max Gluckman, ibid. – asks if he is having a visiting professor next session who might lecture to the RAI; asks if the ASA meeting could be arranged at the RAI; would like to have joint programme for ASA and RAI (tpc.)

 56    Douglas Botting to MWS, 20 July – refers to her letter of 18 July; shall be pleased to show his film on 3 Oct.; is grateful for invitation to dine; is not married so cannot bring his wife; asks if he could bring Dr Neil Orr, another member of the expedition (autogr.)

 57    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to MWS, 22 July – refers to her letter of 18 July; prefers 17 Apr. for his lecture; will let her know the title soon, after consulting a translator (tp., in German)

 58    MWS to Douglas Botting, ibid. – is pleased that he will show his film on 3 Oct.; the Dining Club will be delighted to have Mr Neil Orr as guest; on the title of the film; asks if it is silent or sound (tpc.)

 59    C.R. Stonor to [MWS?], 23 July – offers a lecture on ‘The Blacksmith and his Forge in Assam’; asks about dates; asks if he should pay for his own slides; asks if the lecture will be published (tp.)

 60    MWS to Dr Vinigi L. Grottanelli, 25 July – has passed his letter of 22 July [not held] to Lord Raglan; if he will be in this country in the winter asks if he will lecture; offers some dates; asks about title; invites him to dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 .1    Note about Dr Vinigi L. Grottanelli (autogr.)

 61    W.F. Grimes to MWS, 26 July – 5 Dec. would suit him quite well for his lecture; is still somewhat at a loss for a subject; suggests a possible subject; asks what she thinks (tp.)

A152/19/62    Janet Anderson to Prof. I. Schapera, 27 July 1957 – MWS would be grateful for the title of his Henry Myers Lecture on 18 Mar. 1958; reminds him that the Hon. Editor should have the text of the lecture at least three months in advance (tp. with autogr. notes by I. Schapera)

 63    MWS to Prof. W.F. Grimes, 29 July – the subject he suggests sounds very interesting; could offer some dates in Mar. if he prefers (tpc.)

 64    Max Gluckman to MWS, ibid. – refers to her letter of 18 July; there is no visiting professor next term but Prof. Kuper and his wife are coming in Jan.; on having the meeting of the ASA at the RAI (tp.)

 65    Janet Anderson to J. Boreham, the Royal Society, 30 July – confirms that the Henry Myers Lecture will be on 18 Mar. 1958 and that he has reserved the Lecture Hall for it (tpc.)

 66    Edmund Leach to MWS, ibid. – on C.R. Stonor; on his qualifications; on some writings in Man; names some people who know him personally (autogr.)

 67    MWS to C.R. Stonor, 31 July – refers to his letter of 25 July; would be pleased to accept his offer to speak before the RAI; suggests some dates; if these are suitable, will let him know definitely as soon as possible (tpc.)

 68    Ernesta Cerulli to MWS, 1 Aug. – writes on behalf of Count Grottanelli; is grateful for the offprint; is grateful for the invitation to speak at the RAI; he will be in Britain in early Dec.; is lecturing in Cambridge on 5 Dec.; would it be feasible to give the same lecture twice (tp.)

 69    Janet Anderson to E. Bolton King, 1 Aug. – refers to his letter of 20 June; RAI will be pleased to invite Prof. Czekanowski to lecture; encloses formal invitation to be forwarded to him (tpc.)

 70    MWS to Prof. Jan Czekanowski, 31 July – RAI would be honoured if he could read a paper; if it is possible for him to accept, she would be grateful to know when he is to be in England; would like to know title of proposed paper; on timing of meetings (tpc.) [enclosed with 19/69]

 .1    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (tp. draft with autogr. additions)

 71    E. Bolton King to Janet Anderson, 2 Aug. – refers to her letter of 1 Aug.; it is good of the RAI to have taken this action (tp.)

A152/19/72    C.R. Stonor to MWS, 5 Aug. 1957 – refers to her letter of 31 July; 6 Mar. probably best for him; asks if the material of lectures is published in Man or JRAI; his paper will need photographs as well as drawings (tp. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson)

 73    MWS to Dr Ernesta Cerulli, 7 Aug. – refers to her letter of 1 Aug.; thinks it best to leave arrangements elastic until the Count returns from Spain; does not believe it possible for him to deliver the same lecture twice; many people would be attending both lectures so duplication would be unfortunate (tpc.)

73a    Janet Anderson to C.R. Stonor, 9 Aug. – on his lecture; on invitation to dinner; on summary for Man; on slides (tpc.)

 74    C.R. Stonor to Janet Anderson, 10 Aug. – refers to her letter of 9 Aug.; notes that his lecture is fixed for 6 Mar.; accepts invitation to dine; has no wife to bring; will cut down the paper for Man; on slides (tp.)

 75    Joe Louden to MWS, 14 Aug. – thanks her for her letter; has taken a long time to reply; suggests a title; if she thinks it can be improved upon asks her to say so; accepts the invitation to dinner (tp.)

 76    Janet Anderson to Trefor M. Owen, 22 Aug. – Dr Peate suggested that he might give a lecture to the RAI; suggests 2 Oct.; on timings of meetings; Dr Peate mentioned that he may like to join the RAI; encloses information and an application form (tpc.)

 77    Trefor M. Owen to Janet Anderson, 27 Aug. – refers to her letter of 22 Aug.; is pleased to accept the invitation to speak to the RAI; will consider membership carefully (tp.)

 78    Janet Anderson to Dr K.C. Rosser, 29 Aug. – encloses copy of letter sent to him on 18 July; time is running short for getting the printed list of lecturers drawn up; asks that he reply by return (tp. with autogr. notes)

 .1    MWS to ibid., 18 July – RAI would be honoured if he could participate in lecture series; suggests 7 Nov.; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.) [enclosed with /19/78]

 79    Prof. J. Czekanowski to [MWS?], 8 Sept. – is honoured by the invitation to speak at the RAI; hopes to come to London next spring or autumn; on the subject of his paper (tp.)

A152/19/80    Janet Anderson to C.P. Mountford, 11 Sept. 1957 – MWS has arranged for his film to be shown on 12 Dec.; asks for the general title of the film (tpc.)

 81    Ibid. to the Establishments Section, University College, ibid. – confirms reservation of Anatomy Theatre for a Special Meeting of the RAI; on a projectionist (tpc.)

 82    Ibid. to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, ibid. – asks for title of his lecture arranged for 17 Apr.; the lecture programme card is due to be sent to the printers at the beginning of next week; asks if the paper will be illustrated by slides or film (tpc.)

 83    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to Janet Anderson, nd – refers to letter of 11 Sept.; is sorry that he did not send the requested information in time; is still not sure of an exact topic; suggests a title; gives her permission to modify the title in English; on photographs (tp., in German)

 84    Janet Anderson to [MWS?], 11 Sept. – message from the Alcuin Press about printing the programme on paper (tp. with autogr. note)

 85    John Middleton to MWS, 12 Sept. – has received a message about lecturing on 20 Feb.; the date is difficult for him; asks if he could lecture in the third term (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

 86    Kenneth Little to ibid., 13 Sept. – asks if there is a spare date between the middle of Oct. and Christmas; if so, he would be glad to give a paper; he may be going overseas in the new year (tp.)

 87    Janet Anderson to Dr J.F.M. Middleton, 17 Sept. – refers to his letter of 12 Sept.; suggests 15 May for his lecture; invites him to dinner after the lecture; on summary for Man (tpc.)

 88    Ibid. to Dr G.B. Milner, ibid. – confirms invitation to read a paper and show his film on 21 Nov.; on timing of meetings; invites him to dinner after the lecture; on summary of lecture for Man; asks for details about the film (tpc.)

 .1    Note on the film (autogr.)

 89    Janet Anderson to the Alcuin Press, 19 Sept. – on paper samples for the Lecture leaflet (tpc.)

A152/19/90    Ibid. to Dr K. Little, 19 Sept. 1957 – MWS has arranged for him to read his paper on 24 Oct.; asks if it will be illustrated with slides or film; invites him to dine after the lecture; on a summary for Man (tpc.)

 91    Ibid. to the Alcuin Press, ibid. – on inserting an entry in the Meetings leaflet (tpc.)

 92    Kenneth Little to Janet Anderson, 24 Sept. 1957 – refers to her letter of 19 Sept.; it is doubtful whether he can accept invitation to dine; will let her know; has arranged to let the Editor of Man have a summary of the talk (tp.)

 93    Mary C. […?], Secretary, to MWS, ibid. – Prof. Grimes has booked 5 Dec. for his lecture to the RAI (tp. pc)

 94    Janet Anderson to Douglas Botting, ibid. – all arrangements for his lecture on 3 Oct. are in hand; asks for some details about the film (tpc.)

 95    Douglas Botting to Janet Anderson, 25 Sept. – refers to her letter of 24 Sept.; gives details about the film; asks if she has a tape recorder; a slide showing a map of Socotra would be useful at the beginning; hopes Dr Neil Orr will be able to take part in the lecture with him. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 96    Kenneth Little to MWS, 26 Sept. – has decided to withdraw his paper; was going to base his lecture on a report for the Colonial Offices which is confidential; it will not be handed to the Colonial Office for some weeks; would be inappropriate to quote from it in advance; apologises for any inconvenience he has caused her (autogr.)

 97    Janet Anderson to Douglas Botting, 30 Sept. – refers to his letter of 25 Sept.; on projector; on tape recorder; asks about the slide of a map; encloses copies of lecture programme (tpc.)

 98    MWS to Kenneth Little, ibid. – refers to his letter of 26 Sept.; it would cost in the region of £10 to notify everyone of the cancellation of his lecture; understands how he feels about the confidential nature of the material but does not feel she can cancel without reimbursement; asks what he suggests (tpc.)

 99    G.B. Milner to Janet Anderson, 2 Oct. – confirms acceptance of invitation to read a paper and show a film on 21 Nov.; on the film; accepts the invitation to dinner; shall let her have a summary in due course (autogr.)

A152/19/100    Kenneth Little to MWS, 3 Oct. 1957 – will ask the Colonial Office if there is any objection to his using the historical section of his material (tp.)

101    Lecture list for session 1957-1958 (printed)

102    Ibid. 2 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

103    Ibid. (autogr. draft by MWS)

104    MWS to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, 7 Oct. – suggests an English version of his title; his letter did not reach her until after the programme was printed; there will probably be a supplement issued about the first of the year; encloses three copies of lecture schedule (tpc.)

105    Kenneth Little to MWS, 16 Oct. – confirms that his lecture will take place on 24 Oct.; on the time of the lecture; would like a large map of Africa; gives some information in case she needs it for cards (tp.)

106    MWS to Prof. Raymond Firth, 1 Nov. – asks if he can take the Chair at a meeting on 21 Nov. (tpc.)

107    Ibid.[?] to Kenneth Little, 2 Nov. – thanks him for the paper he gave (tpc.)

108    Joan Edwards, Secretary to the Officers, to G.B. Milner, 4 Nov. – refers to his letter to Miss Anderson; the operator wishes to know the size of the reels of film (tpc.)

109    G.B. Milner to Joan Edwards, 7 Nov. – gives the size (autogr.)

110    MWS to G.B. Milner, 22 Nov. – thanks him for his lecture; she was told that the films were most interesting (tpc.)

111    Ibid. to Mr Marner, ibid. – on a rise in the attendance fee paid to him at Evening Lectures; asks him to attend on 5 Dec. for Prof. Grimes’ lecture (tpc.)

112    Joan Edwards to the Editor, the Times, 3 Dec. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

113    Agenda for Ordinary Meeting on 21 Nov. (tpc.)

114    MWS to C.P. Mountford, 5 Dec. – sorry that she cannot be at his lecture as she is going to the States for Christmas; hopes there is not a bad fog to prevent people from coming (tpc.)

115    Ibid. to Prof. W.F. Grimes, 6 Dec. – thanks him for his lecture; on the fog (tpc.)

A152/19/116    Joan Edwards to the Public Relations Officer, Australia House, 9 Dec. 1957 – informs him about Mr Mountford’s films entitled ‘The Ethnography of Australia’ in case members of staff or visitors wish to attend (tpc.)

117    MWS to Alex A.Y. Kyerematen, 10 Dec. – thought that one of the speakers for Jan. might have to cancel, and that she could have asked him to step in; this is not the case; asks him to let her know in good time next time he is coming to England (tpc.)

118    Acting Hon. Secretary to C.P. Mountford, 15 Dec. – thanks him for showing his films; knows how disappointed MWS will be to have missed them (tpc.)

20/    1958

  1    Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf to MWS, 1 Jan. 1958 – sends good wishes for 1958; on giving a talk on 5 June; suggests a title; would prefer to postpone the talk until Oct. if possible (autogr. with autogr. note in unknown hand)

  2    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to ibid., 15 Jan. – refers to her letter of 7 Oct. 1957; on giving a lecture on 17 Apr.; asks for clarification about the Curl Bequest; gives title; asks her to find a hotel for him and his wife (tp., in German)

  3    Hermann Lehmann to ibid., 20 Jan. – asks if Dr Raymond Cabannes could be invited to lecture to the RAI; is sending a copy of the letter to Dr Mourant (tp. with autogr. note by Dr Lehmann and autogr. note in unknown hand)

  4    MWS to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, 21 Jan. – refers to his letter of 15 Jan.; refers to his lecture; explains the terms of the Curl Bequest; on a hotel (tpc.)

  5    Ibid. to Dr Raymond Cabannes, ibid. – invites him to lecture; suggests 5 June; asks him to suggest a title for his paper; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

  6    Joan Edwards to the Editor, the Times, 24 Jan. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

  7    L.S. Cressman to MWS, ibid. – encloses cheque for subscription; on a visit to England (tp.)

A152/20/8    MWS to Dr L.S. Cressman, 31 Jan. 1958 – thanks him for the cheque; wonders if he would give a lecture while he is in England; suggests 5 June; would appreciate hearing from him promptly (tpc.)

  9    Joan Edwards to Dr K.P. Oakley, ibid. – asks if he will use slides for his lecture on 6 Feb.; reminds him about dinner after the lecture (tpc.)

 10    Edmund Leach to MWS, 1 Feb. – thanks her for circulating his manifesto; on Bascom; on JRAI and Man (autogr.)

 11    Kenneth Oakley to Joan Edwards, 2 Feb. – refers to her letter; on his slides (autogr.)

 12    MWS to Dr W. Bascom, 3 Feb. – on his arrival in Cambridge; asks if he will give a lecture while he is in England; suggests dates; asks for title as soon as possible (tpc.)

 13    Joan Edwards to C.R. Stonor, 4 Feb. – asks about the slides for his lecture on 6 Mar.; on invitation to dinner; on the Sherry Club (tpc.)

 14    L.S. Cressman to MWS, 5 Feb. – refers to her letter of 31 Jan.; shall be happy to lecture on 5 June; on the subject of the lecture (tp.)

 15    [MWS] to Christoph von Fürer Haimendorf, 14 Feb. – apologises for delay in replying to his letter of 1 Jan.; has now got Luther Cressman to speak on 5 June so can postpone his lecture until the fall (tpc.)

 16    Dr Raymond Cabannes to MWS, 16 Feb. – accepts the invitation to lecture; cannot manage the date suggested; suggests alternative dates; gives a title; thanks her for the invitation (tp., in French)

 17    Joan Edwards to Prof. I. Schapera, 20 Feb. – asks if he will be using slides for his lecture on 18 Mar.; on dining after the lecture (tpc.)

 18    Ibid., 24 Feb. – the dinner will be held at the Lansdowne Club (tpc.)

 19    Bill [Bascom] to MWS, 26 Feb. – refers to her letter of 3 Feb.; shall be happy to address the RAI; suggests a title, on which he has already published; on dates; on visiting London (tp.)

 20    MWS to Prof. Howard Hansford, 27 Feb. – on her disappointment that she could not attend his lecture; on the work generated by the sale of Mrs Seligman’s mask; thanks him for his paper (tpc.)

A152/20/20.1    Note on Prof. Howard Hansford (autogr.)

 21    C.R. Stonor to [MWS], 27 Feb. 1958 – regrets that due to ill health must cancel his lecture (tp.)

 22    Frank [Willett] to MWS, 28 Feb. – is visiting London; will bring the Haida gambling pegs to show her; on arrangements; will leave the specimens with her until the Sotheby sale (autogr.)

 23    MWS to C.R. Stonor, ibid. – refers to his letter; it is important that there is a lecture on 6 Mar.; wishes him a speedy recovery (tpc.)

 24    Diana V. Owen, Membership Secretary, to Frank Willett, 1 Mar. – MWS has asked her to write; she will meet him on 4 Mar. (tpc.)

 .1    Biographical notes on Frank Willett (tp.)

 25    Joan Edwards to Dr Burton Benedict, 3 Mar. – MWS has altered the date of his lecture to 24 Apr.; on the Sherry Club and the dinner after the lecture; on slides (tpc.)

 26    Burton Benedict to Joan Edwards, 5 Mar. – on the date of his lecture; on the Sherry Club and Dining Club; on slides (tp.)

 27    MWS, 4 Mar. – notice on lecture schedule (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 28    MWS to Dr Desmond Clark, 6 Mar. – Dr Oakley has said that he will read a paper at the RAI on 19 June; asks about slides; invites him to dine after the lecture (tpc.)

 29    Burton Benedict to MWS, 8 Mar. – on errors in the announcement of his talk (tp.)

 30    Joan Edwards to Frank Willett, 11 Mar. – invites him to dine after his lecture on 13 Mar.; on the Sherry Club (tpc.)

 31    MWS to Dr Burton Benedict, ibid. – apologises for errors in the notice of his talk (tpc.)

 32    L.S.B. Leakey to [MWS], 12 Mar. – shall be in London in Apr.; would like to give a talk if possible; realises that the programme may be already complete (tp.)

 33    Dr Raymond Cabannes to MWS, ibid. – thanks her for notice of lecture schedule; is now engaged in Paris on 22 May; suggests solutions to the ‘mishap’ (tp.)

A152/20/34    Joan Edwards to the Editor, the Times, 14 Mar. 1958 – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 35    MWS to Dr L.S.B. Leakey, 14 Mar. 1958 – refers to his letter of 12 Mar.; unfortunately lecture schedule is full for Apr. and early May; after he arrives she could arrange a small group (tpc.)

 36    Joan Edwards to Dr Raymond Cabannes, ibid. – on exchanging dates for his lecture (tpc.)

 37    Ibid. to Dr Middleton, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 38    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to MWS, 17 Mar. – refers to her letter of 21 Jan.; on the hotel; on travel arrangements; asks about successor to H.J. Braunholtz in the British Museum; on his slides (tp., in German)

 39    Dr Raymond Cabannes to RAI, 20 Mar. – is grateful for prompt response; thanks Dr Middleton for changing the date of his lecture (tp., in French)

 40    Joan Edwards to Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen, 22 Mar. – refers to his letter of 17 Mar.; on hotel reservation; the hotel has no private bathrooms; Mr Adrian Digby is Mr Braunholtz’s successor at the British Museum; on the slides and projectionist (tpc.)

 41    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to Joan Edwards, 24 Mar. – refers to her letter of 22 Mar.; has cancelled the hotel reservation as a private bathroom is most important; thanks her for information about Mr Braunholtz’s successor (tp., in German)

 42    John Middleton to Joan Edwards, 29 Mar. – refers to her letter of 14 Mar.; cannot accept invitation to dinner; accepts invitation to sherry club (tp.)

 43    MWS to H.J. Braunholtz, 11 Apr. – the President will be out of town when Prof. Jensen gives his lecture; it would be a nice gesture if the Chairman were familiar with German; asks if he would chair the lecture (tpc.)

 44    H.J. Braunholtz to MWS, 12 Apr. – shall be pleased to take the chair at Dr Jensen’s lecture; on Dr Jensen; on an error in the title of the lecture (autogr.)

 45    Joan Edwards to the Editor, ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 14 Apr. – it has been some weeks since mention of RAI lectures has appeared in the column; would particularly like a notice of Dr Jensen’s lecture to appear; gives text of notice (tpc.)

A152/20/46    Ibid. to the Editor, Nature, ibid. – notifies him of lecture by Dr Raymond Cabannes; Dr Lehmann thought notice of the lecture should be distributed widely; he feels that readers of Nature may be glad to know of it (tpc. with autogr. note of other publications)

 47    nd – note of telephone message from Dr Oakley, regarding Dr J. Desmond Clark (tp.)

 48    Joan Edwards to Dr Desmond Clark, 15 Apr. – has heard from Dr Oakley that he did not receive MWS’s letter of 6 Mar. regarding his lecture on 19 June; encloses copy of the letter; copy of letter (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to Dr J. Loudon, 18 Apr. – asks about slides for his lecture on 1 May; on the Sherry Club (tpc.)

 50    J. Desmond Clark to Joan Edwards, ibid. – refers to her letter of 15 Apr.; 19 June suits him very well; on slides; could show a short film (autogr.)

 51    J.B. Loudon to ibid., 20 Apr. – refers to her letter of 18 Apr.; shall not be using slides; his wife cannot be present but he accepts invitation from the Sherry Club (autogr.)

 52    Joan Edwards to Dr Desmond Clark, 22 Apr. – asks if his film is silent or with a sound track (tpc.)

 53    Elisabeth Jensen to Frau Akehurst [MWS], 24 Apr. – wishes to send greetings with the letter from her husband; thanks her for kindness in London; hopes to see her in Frankfurt[?] (autogr., in German)

 54    Prof. Dr Ad. E. Jensen to MWS, 25 Apr. – on his visit to London; on the helpfulness of RAI staff; on her cocktail party; on sending a copy of his paper for publication in JRAI; on illustrations; on revising the manuscript (tp., in German)

 55    [MWS?] to Dr Burton Benedict, ibid. – thanks him for the paper; on the audience; on his photographs (tpc.)

 56    Joe Loudon to MWS, 6 May – thanks her for making him welcome etc.; wishes he could have stayed longer at Bertorelli’s; asks what he should do with his lecture; asks if he should send a shortened version for Man (autogr.)

 .1    Ibid., nd – note on his qualifications; on personal matters (autogr.)

A152/20/57    The Editor, the Eugenics Review, to Joan Edwards, 7 May 1958 – regrets that it will be impossible to give publicity to Dr Cabannes’ lecture on 15 May as the next issue of the Eugenics Review appears in July (tp. pc)

 58    Dr Raymond Cabannes to Joan Edwards, 14 May – impossible to be in London the next day; sends manuscript (telegram)

 59    MWS to Dr J.B. Loudon, 16 May – refers to his letter which arrived before she had a chance to thank him; refers to his ‘worthwhile’ lecture; suggests a summary for Man (tpc.)

 60    Ibid. to Dr Middleton, 30 May – thanks him for the paper he read; on the audience; on programme of lectures (tpc.)

 61    Joan Edwards to Dr W. Bascom, 2 June – asks if he will use slides with his lecture on 12 June; invites him to dine after the meeting of the Sherry Club (tpc.)

 62    MWS to Dr Desmond Clark, 20 June – thanks him for bringing so many specimens to illustrate his lecture; was sorry not to be able to come to the dinner; hopes he will let her know next time he is in this country (tpc.)

 63    [Ibid.?] to Prof. W. Bascom, ibid. – thanks him for his paper which was a beautiful bit of work; asks him to let her know next time he is going to be in London (tpc.)

 64    J. Desmond Clark to Joan Edwards, 23 June – thanks her for her trouble in getting slides made; on the dinner after his lecture; wishes her to thank whoever should be thanked (autogr.)

21/    1961-64

  1    R.E. Bradbury to MWS, 19 May 1961 – is taking up an appointment at University College London in Oct.; has become interested in ethnographic film; should a vacancy arise, would like to join the Ethnographic Film Committee of the RAI; would like to show his own film at the RAI (tp. with autogr. note by AHC to Joan Edwards)

A152/21/2    AHC to Dr R.E. Bradbury, 2 June 1961 – on the death of MWS; he is now Hon. Secretary; because of MWS’s illness, the Committees have not met much; it is helpful to know that his support can be relied on; is planning the next session’s lecture programme; would like to include an illustrated lecture or announcement of a date on which RAI could hold a showing of his films; asks him to suggest possible dates (tp.)

  3    Ibid. to Dr J. Pitt-Rivers, 11 Aug. – Joan Edwards tells him that she discussed the possibility of his reading a paper on 3 May; hopes this is convenient; suggests a title; asks about illustration by slides, film or maps (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to Prof. Helmut Petri, 11 Aug. 1961 – on WBF inviting him to read a paper on 7 Dec.; asks if this date is convenient; WBF has suggested a title; asks about illustration by slides, film or maps (tpc.)

  5    Ibid. to Prof. R.W. Firth, ibid. – he and [Prof.] Schapera are anxious that the first lecture of the session be given by an anthropologist of standing; asks if he will do it; (tp. with autogr. note [of title] by Joan Edwards)

  6    Ibid. to Prof. C. Levi-Strauss, ibid. – refers to his accepting of the invitation to deliver the Myers Memorial Lecture; suggests 5 Apr. 1962; refers to his letter to WBF [not held]; could offer 17 May if he would prefer it (tpc.)

  7    [Ibid.] to Prof. Dr G.H.R. von Koenigswald, 14 Aug. – understands from Kenneth Oakley that he is working on early hominid material; asks if he would speak to the RAI on this work; suggests 16 Nov. (tpc.)

  8    Joan Edwards to Prof. J.A. Barnes, 16 Aug. – AHC hopes that he will read a paper to the RAI during his visit; suggests 11 Jan.; suggests title (tpc.)

  9    Claude Levi-Strauss to AHC, 19 Aug. – apologises for delay in answering his letter; 5 Apr. would be impossible for him; 17 May would be satisfactory (autogr.)

 10    Raymond Firth to AHC, 21 Aug. – sorry not to have replied earlier; agrees to speak on 5 Oct.; suggests a possible title (autogr.)

 11    Joan Edwards to Dr R. Bradbury, 23 Aug. – there is now some urgency about the date on which he will show his films; asks if he can come of 5 Apr.; asks for title (tpc.)

A152/21/12    AHC to Prof. C. Levi-Strauss, 25 Aug. 1961 – refers to his letter of 19 Aug.; asks for title for the lecture; asks which degrees he should use on the list of lectures; assumes he will not use slides or film (tpc.)

 13    Claude Levi-Strauss to AHC, 28 Aug. – gives title for his lecture; gives his degree; needs no slides for the lecture (autogr.)

 14    Robert Bradbury to Joan Edwards, 28 Aug. – refers to her letter of 23 Aug.; date is convenient; gives title; gives a message for Mrs Cherry about offprints (tp.)

 15    The Times, 5 Sept. 1961 – ‘Dating Emergence of Man’ (newspaper cutting)

 16    Lecture card for 1961-1962 (printed)

 17    John Middleton to AHC, 15 Apr. 1962 – on a cheque which AHC sent to him for Film Catalogue; on Mr E.O. Shebbeare who has some films on Andaman Islands and Sikkim; on possibility of his showing the films at RAI; on his Zanzibar book; on legal proceedings (tp.)

 18    Joan Rodker to AHC, 24 Apr. – on Mr Samuel Marti, who is planning a trip to London; on the possibility of his lecturing at the RAI; she would also like AHC’s advice on a project she is considering (tp. with autogr. note by WBF – Mr Digby suggests consulting Dr Eric Thompson)

 .1    Leaflet about Samuel Marti (printed)

 19    Eric Thompson to WBF, 7 May – refers to his letter [not held] about Señor Marti; on Marti; confesses a ‘mild prejudice’ against him; on library matters (tp.)

 20    D.F. Roberts to AHC, 14 May – suggests that he asks Prof. J. Spuhler for a lecture; he is spending the academic year at Oxford (tp.)

 21    M. Gluckman to AHC, 15 June – thanks him for circular about the Institution of Social Seminars; on the cost of travel between Manchester and London; asks if he is willing to accept papers from people who can only attend one or two meetings a year (tp.)

 22    […?], 18 June – notes on possible lecturers (autogr.)

 23    AHC to Seton Lloyd, 18 Aug. – the only date he has before his departure is 11 Oct.; thinks he will be too preoccupied to lecture; asks him to suggest a date after his return (tpc.)

A152/21/24    [Ibid.] to Prof. R.J.C. Atkinson, 18 Aug. 1962 – asks if he will lecture on 8 Nov. or 6 Dec.; wonders if he is ready to discuss long barrows afresh (tpc.)

 25    Rachel M. Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, to Mr Lewis, Richard Madley Ltd., 3 Sept. – asks him to typeset the enclosed; asks if there would be room for some text at the bottom (tpc.)

 26    Lecture list 1962-1963 (tp. with autogr. corrections) 2 copies [enclosed with /21/25]

 27    AHC to Seton Lloyd, 14 Sept. – asks for date and title of his lecture (tpc.)

 28    Seton Lloyd to AHC, 16 Sept. – refers to his letter of 14 Sept.; suggests a couple of possible titles; would prefer 2 May (tp. with autogr. note by AHC)

 29    [AHC?] to Dr R.P. Dore, 27 Sept. – asks if he will lecture to RAI on 6 Dec. (tpc.)

 30    AHC, nd – announcement of a series of professional seminars (tp.)

 31    Ibid., nd – ibid. (tp. draft with autogr. additions)

 32    Programme for Michaelmas term 1962 (printed)

 33    Programme for Michaelmas term (autogr. draft)

 34    AHC to Dr K.E. Foster, 4 Oct. – understands from Burton Benedict that he will be in London in Nov. and would be willing to lecture to the RAI; on possible dates; asks him to let him know what he prefers (tpc.)

 35    Ibid. to the Editor, the Times, 8 Oct. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 36    K.E. Foster, Museum of Navajo Ceremonial Art, to AHC, 9 Oct. – refers to his letter of 4 Oct.; 29 Nov. would suit him best; it would be advantageous to his museum to have as large an audience as possible; shall forward some photographs in case they can be used for publicity; suggests some people who might like to be invited (tp.)

 37    Gillian Webster to AHC, 13 Oct. – on the inconvenience of a 7.30 meeting time; objects to having the Sherry Club before the meeting (autogr. pc)

A152/21/38    Meyer Fortes to AHC, 14 Oct. 1962 – on two graduates who have just returned from an expedition to Malaya and Thailand; they have a lot of recordings and film; he thinks the material might make a good evening show for the RAI; gives the address of the leader (autogr.)

 39    AHC to Prof. C.R. Boxer, 15 Oct. – understands that he has agreed to lecture to the RAI; asks if he could manage a Thursday in Mar. (tpc.)

 40    Ibid. to Kenneth E. Foster, ibid. – refers to his letter; will arrange a lecture for 29 Nov.; will send invitations to his friends; will try to achieve maximum publicity for the museum (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to Dr M.I. Finley, 15 Oct. – refers to his book ‘The World of Odysseus’; asks if he will lecture to the RAI; there are now two types of meetings, public lectures and professional seminars; does not know which he might prefer (tpc.)

 42    C.R. Boxer to AHC, 16 Oct. – refers to his letter of 15 Oct.; 7 Mar. will suit him; on the subject of his talk (autogr.)

 43    L.S.B. Leakey to AHC, 17 Oct. – shall be in London for a week in Feb.; offers to show a film at the RAI; on the film; a number of people saw it when he showed it at the Natural History Museum (tp.)

 44    M.I. Finley to AHC, 19 Oct. – is happy to lecture; gives an idea of the subject; will think up a title; gives preferred dates (tp.)

 45    Seton Lloyd to Rachel Lloyd, 20 Oct. – he has to give another lecture on 1 May; if possible would like to change the date of his RAI lecture from 2 May to a later date (tp.)

 46    [AHC] to Prof. C.R. Boxer, 22 Oct. – 7 Mar. would be fine; suggests Brazil as the subject; asks for exact title (tpc.)

 47    Ibid. to M.I. Finley, ibid. – has put him down for 30 May; asks for title within a week or so (tpc.)

 48    AHC to L.S.B. Leakey, ibid. – 21 Feb. would be splendid for his film; asks about size of film and so on; asks him to confirm the date (tpc.)

 49    [AHC?] to Dr D.F.B. Roberts, ibid. – asks if he thinks Spuhler would lecture on 4 Apr. (tpc.)

A152/21/50    AHC to Charles Morris, 23 Oct. 1962 – Prof. Fortes says that he might give a talk based on his expedition to south-east Asia; suggests 7 Feb.; mentions other possible dates (tpc.)

 51    D.F. Roberts to AHC, ibid. – suggests he write directly to Spuhler; wants to put Spuhler up for Fellowship; on coming to the RAI (tpc.)

 52    C.R. Boxer to ibid., 24 Oct. – refers to his letter of 22 Oct.; gives title of his lecture (autogr.)

 53    L.S.B. Leakey to ibid., 26 Oct. – refers to his letter of 22 Oct.; is booking 21 Feb. for his film; on size of film; it includes short section of sound (tp. with autogr. notes by AHC and another)

 54    E.J. Lindgren to ibid., 27 Oct. – suggests the topic of witch doctors for a joint meeting with the School of Tropical Hygiene (autogr.)

 .1    The Times, 25 Oct. – ‘Witch Doctors are helping Science’ (newspaper cutting) [enclosed with /21/54]

 55    Seton Lloyd to Rachel Lloyd, 28 Oct. – 6 June should do very well; gives title (autogr.)

 56    Kenneth Eagleton Foster to AHC, 7 Nov. – refers to his letter of 15 Oct.; lists more people whom he would like invited to his lecture; gives his addresses; on his travel arrangements (autogr.)

 57    Rachel M. Lloyd to Charles A. Morris, 12 Nov. – confirms that she has put him down for 31 Jan.; gives text of the announcement card; asks if he has any thoughts about wording (tpc.)

 58    AHC to Prof. J.N. Spuhler, 13 Nov. – has put him down for a lecture on 2 May; would like the title as soon as possible; on times (tpc.)

 .1    Note relating to Prof. Spuhler’s lecture (autogr.)

 59    L.S.B. Leakey to Rachel Lloyd, 13 Nov. – gives title of his film (autogr.)

 60    Charles A. Morris to Rachel Lloyd, 15 Nov. – refers to her letter of 12 Nov.; confirms that he will speak on 31 Jan.; fears it may be difficult to have the film edited in time; hopes it will be suitable if he illustrates the lecture with slides; hopes to bring a tape of music which he recorded; on a tape recorder; asks how formal the lecture will be (tp.)

A152/21/61    AHC to the Editor, the Times, 26 Nov. 1962 – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 62    Ibid., 4 Dec. – ibid. (tpc.)

 63    E.M. MacKenna for L.S.B. Leakey to AHC, 27 Dec. – asks if he can send addresses of people he would like to invite to his lecture (tp.)

 64    L.S.B. Leakey to Rachel Lloyd, 9 Jan. 1963 – refers to her letter of 31 Dec. [not held]; encloses list of people he would like invited (tp.)

 .1    Ibid., ibid. – list of names and addresses (tp.)

 65    Programme of meetings 1963 (printed proof)

 66    Ibid. (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 67    Rachel M. Lloyd to the Editor, the Times, 15 Jan. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 68    Priscilla Davies to [Rachel Lloyd?], 17 Jan. – her father Dr Leakey sent list on names of those he wished to invite to his lecture; sends address for Capt. and Mrs Lewis (autogr.)

 69    AHC to the Editor, the Times, ibid. – on RAI lecture notices failing to appear in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 70    Deborah de Laszlo to AHC, 18 Jan. – she and her husband would be grateful if they could attend Dr Leakey’s lecture in Feb. (tp.)

 71    David J. Robinson to AHC, ibid. – reminds him that he was going to send a programme of meetings; would like to hear Prof. Boxer and Gordon Willey (tp.)

 72    Priscilla Davies to Rachel Lloyd, 4 Feb. – on whether or not she will come to her father’s lecture on 21 Feb. (autogr.)

 73    Walter W. Taylor to AHC, 15 Feb. – is making a trip to England in the fall; would be interested in obtaining lecture appointments; considerations of expenses are of no importance; would appreciate being considered as a candidate (tp.)

 74    AHC to Dr W.W. Taylor, 19 Feb. – is trying to arrange next session’s programme at the moment; almost any Thursday between Oct. and June is presently free; asks for title and dates as soon as possible (tpc.)

A152/21/75    B.A.L. Cranstone to AHC, 23 Feb. 1963 – suggests Tom Harrisson and Gp. Capt. Smallwood as lecturers (autogr.)

 76    Rachel M. Lloyd to the Editor, the Times, 4 Mar. – sends text to be inserted in ‘Today’s Arrangements’ (tpc.)

 77    Walter W. Taylor to AHC, 6 Mar. – refers to his letter of 19 Feb.; suggests 28 Nov.; gives a list of possible topics; all to be illustrated by slides. 2 leaves (tp.)

 78    Mrs E.L Parks to AHC, 11 Mar. – on a friend of hers, Mrs I. Lewis, who has spent many years in Mexico; she is coming to Europe and then on to Britain; encloses brief outlines of her lectures; wonders if there could be an opportunity for her to lecture in London (tp.)

 .1    Summaries of the lectures of Mrs I. Lewis; information about a film of Devil worship. 2 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with /21/78]

 79    Rachel M. Lloyd to ‘Today’s Arrangements’, the Times, 1 Apr. – sends text to be inserted (tpc.)

 80    Adrian Digby to AHC, 10 Apr. – encloses letter from Mrs E.L. Parks and description of Mrs I. Lewis’ lectures; asks if he would be interested for the RAI (tp.)

 .1    Mrs E.L. Parks to the Curator, Natural History Museum, 2 Apr. – on her friend Mrs Lewis; on her lectures; wonders if he would like to arrange a lecture (tp.) [very similar to /21/78]

 .2    Summaries of the lectures of Mrs I. Lewis (tp.)

 81    B.A.L. Cranstone to AHC, 5 June – mentions Gp. Capt. Smallwood’s films; asks what he thinks of the enclosed; on David Attenborough (autogr.)

 .1    Notice of a showing of a film by David Attenborough on ‘Artists of Arnhem Land’ at Craftsmen Potters Association (tp.) [enclosed with /21/81]

 82    Tom Harrisson to AHC, 27 June – refers to his letter of 17 June [not held]; a lecture might be arranged during his leave in Oct. and Nov.; on a possible topic (tp.)

 83    E.D. Emley to AHC, 27 July – on an article of his published in the JRAI of 1927; he believes the article was quoted by others; he would like to obtain copies of the argument and references to his article (autogr.)

A152/21/84    S.B. Saunders, Secretary to Dr Roberts, to AHC, 31 July 1963 – suggests 12 or 19 Dec. for his lecture; gives title (tp.)

 85    AHC to Mrs S.B. Saunders, 1 Aug. – will arrange for Dr Roberts’ lecture on 12 Dec.; asks for his address (tpc.)

 86    [AHC] to Tom Harrisson, 28 Aug. – has put him down to lecture on 31 Oct. (tpc.)

 87    Tom Harrisson to AHC, 2 Sept. – 31 Oct. will do very well (tp.)

 88    Mervyn Meggitt to ibid., 1 Oct. – refers to his card of 30 Aug. [not held] asking him to lecture on 5 Dec.; shall be happy to do so; gives a topic; on his travel arrangements; should he be prevented from giving the lecture he will try to give warning. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 89    Tom Harrisson to ibid., 4 Oct. – refers to his lecture on 31 Oct.; on using the RAI library; asks if he can invite people to the lecture (tp. with autogr. note)

 90    [AHC?] to Tom Harrison, 7 Oct. – confirms lecture on 31 Oct.; on slides; he can use the library whenever he likes (tpc.)

 91    Tom Harrisson to AHC, 9 Oct. – asks about his title, which he has lost (autogr. card)

 92    Gillian Webster to AHC, 14 Oct. – there is a class at the Institute of Archaeology on 31 Oct.; thinks it best to call off the ‘party suggestion’ after Tom Harrisson’s lecture (autogr. pc)

 93    John Paget to AHC, 26 Oct. – encloses letter from Dr Henri Lhote; many interested parties want to look at Dr Lhote’s documentation and interrogate him on the nature of his evidence; if he is interested, perhaps he would let him know. 4 pages (autogr.)

 94    AHC to John Paget, 1 Nov. – returns letter about M. Lhote; the RAI has no funds to finance a visit by Dr Lhote; it is not the practice to offer fees to speakers; suggests M. Lhote contact the Academic Registrar of the University as a supplementary grant may be available (tpc.)

 95    Bill Willmott to AHC, 14 Nov. [1963?] – declines invitation to speak to RAI in Jan.; the preparation required would delay the presentation of his thesis; apologises (autogr.)

A152/21/96    Notice of lecture by Dr M.J. Meggitt (tp.)

 .1    Notice of title of Dr Meggitt’s lecture (tp.)

 .2    Max [Gluckman] to AHC, nd – on Dr Meggitt; he is visiting for a year; should be invited to speak (tp.)

 97    Walter W. Taylor to AHC, 8 Jan. 1964 – sorry not to see him again; on a car accident; thanks him for his help concerning the lecture; asks if he could send formal letter stating that he had spoken at the RAI; this is for the tax authorities (tp.)

 98    Notice asking for suggestions for the lecture programme (tp.)

 99    AHC to Prof. Walter W. Taylor, 13 Jan. – is sorry about the car accident; encloses letter to satisfy the tax authorities (tpc.)

100    Ibid., ibid. – thanks him formally for the lecture he gave (tpc.)

101    J.S. Weiner to Dr Harold Lewis, 15 Jan. – refers to his ‘extremely helpful’ letter [not held] on the International Biological Programme and Tristan da Cunha; on a symposium on Tristan which would be held jointly by RAI and SSHB and primarily organised by AHC with the help of Brothwell and himself; on details about the symposium; date suggested is 13 and 14 Nov. (tp. copy)

 .1    Compliments slip from J.S. Weiner (printed and tp. with autogr. note by AHC)

102    Spring Programme 1964. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

103    Alison Redmayne to AHC, 4 Apr. – on the subject of her paper; would like a blackboard; will bring a tape recorder; Dr Lienhardt asked whether the Tanganyika High Commission had been notified (autogr.)

104    AHC to Alison Redmayne, ibid. – papers normally last just under an hour, with up to half an hour of discussion (tpc.)

105    Alison Redmayne to AHC, 3 May[Apr.?] – has written a paper on witch hunts in Uhehe; asks how long the papers usually last and whether there is discussion afterwards (tp.)

A152/21/106    G.B. Stigant to ibid., 20 May 1964 – regrets that he cannot attend the colloquium tomorrow; mentions a linguist, Miss C.H. Oppenheim, who will attend if she can (autogr.)

107    AHC to Dr G.B. Stigant, 26 May – thanks him for Glossary, which he returns; sorry he could not take part in the colloquium; on organising a more ambitious meeting next year (tpc.)

108    Dr Jacques Gomila to [AHC?], 30 June – Dr Garlick told him about the meeting on the Isolate of Tristan da Cunha to be held in Nov.; would be interested to attend (tp.)

109    AHC to Dr Jacques Gomila, 3 July 1964 – refers to his letter of 30 June; the arrangements for the conference are not complete but he will keep him informed (tpc.)

110    Robin Crichton to AHC, 23 Aug. – refers to his letter of 19 Aug. [not held] and information on Mr Ahmed; on his schedule of film making; would like to give paper in Jan. or Feb. when his films will be complete (tpc.)

111    Caroline Wright, Clerk to the Officers, to Robin Crichton, 9 Nov. – is writing in the absence of AHC; he asks if he could give his paper on 21 or 28 Jan. (tpc.)

112    Robin Crichton to Caroline Wright, 11 Nov. – should prefer 28 Jan. (tp.)

113    Caroline Wright to Robin Crichton, 19 Nov. – confirms that his paper will be given on 28 Jan. 1965; asks for title (tpc.)

114    Robin Crichton to Caroline Wright, 21 Nov. – gives the title of his paper (tp.)

22/    1965-69

  1    B.A.L. Cranstone to AHC, 26 Jan. 1965 – gives the title of his lecture on 3 June; on slides (autogr.)

  2    Richard M. Dorson to ibid., 6 Feb. – on meeting him with Carmen Blacker; on a folklore conference; he could speak informally at the RAI in May; gives a topic (tp.)

  3    nd – note on John Fisher, interested in lecturing in Archaeology and Anthropology (tp.)

  4    Announcement card for meeting on 13 May (tp. card)

A152/22/4.1    Note on the title of lecture on 13 May (autogr.)

  5    Joe Loudon to AHC, 5 July 1965 – is sorry for not replying earlier to his letter [not held]; mentions Munch; mentions Whiteside; thinks a meeting of some kind [on Tristan da Cunha] is a good idea; discusses personnel and dates; mentions Harold Lewis (tp.)

  6    AHC to Dr J.B. Loudon, 13 Oct. – the Medical Research Council is concerned at the lack of any discussion of the sociological material on Tristan, contrasted with the situation among the biological and physical scientists; on organising the meeting; refers to his letter of 5 July suggesting a later date; MRS points out that the exercise was conceived as a combined operation (tp. with tp. note ‘Copy sent to Dr Harold Lewis …’)

  7    Joe Loudon to AHC, 15 Oct. – had assumed that his suggestion of postponing the discussion until Jan. or Feb. 1965 was acceptable; is sorry about various things in AHC’s letter; he viewed his own role in the Tristan investigations as carrying out research and writing about his work; cites the ways in which he has done this; suggests arranging an early meeting at the RAI at which he can present some of his material. 2 leaves (tp.)

  8    Announcement card for lecture to be given on 21 Oct. (tp. card)

  9    Joe Loudon to AHC, 23 Oct. – refers to his letter of 15 Oct.; asks when he may expect a reply; thinks they should act fairly quickly (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., 1 Nov. – gives title of his paper; asks AHC to confirm that he will give the paper on 9 Dec. (autogr.)

 11    Caroline Wright to Dr J.B. Loudon, 3 Nov. – confirms date of his lecture (tpc.)

 12    Raymond Clausen for John Layard to [AHC?], 4 Dec. – regrets that he is unable to attend the Colloquium of ‘Spirit Mediumship and Possession’ on 9 Dec. (tp.)

 13    List of those attending the Colloquium on 9 Dec. (tp.)

 14    [AHC?] to Dr Robin Fox, 10 Feb. 1966 – thanks him for list of people invited to the symposium next week; asks him not to use LSE notepaper; is interested to see his proposals for future lectures; his Mediterranean proposals seem to suffer from a social anthropological monopoly (tpc.)

A152/22/15    List of those attending symposium on Human Ethology, 17-18 Feb. 1966 (tp. with autogr. notes)

 16    Robin Fox[?] to AHC, 2 Mar. – on the colloquium on taxonomy; on people who are attending; on possible attendees; on other details; the symposium seems to have been a hit (autogr.)

 17    List of those attending colloquium on Problems of Taxonomy, 17 Mar. 1966 (tp. with autogr. note)

 18    Maitland Bradfield to AHC, 29 Nov. – offers to lecture sometime next term; the lecture would not be for publication; suggests late Jan. or Feb.; will look in at the RAI to discuss it with him; on slides (autogr.)

 19    AHC to Dr Maitland Bradfield, 30 Nov. – refers to his note; a lecture would be admirable; suggests 12 Jan. (tpc.)

 20    23 Dec. 1967 – notice about a colloquium on ‘Some Aspects of Pacific Navigation’, to be held on 11 Jan. 1968 (tp.)

 21    Thérèse Hadley for M.R.A. Chance to AHC, 18 Dec. 1968 – on the visit to this country by Adriaan Kortlandt; the Centre for Research into Collective Psychopathology at Sussex University would like to see the film he is bringing but do not have time at their meeting; asks if RAI would invite him to speak and show his film; the Centre would pay travelling expenses; asks if RAI could offer dinner and hospitality for the night (tp.)

 22    M.R.A. Chance to Mrs Bentley, Clerk to the Officers, 30 Dec. – on difficulties of arranging a meeting for Dr Kortlandt on 20 Mar.; he himself can be in London on 20 Feb.; if this is a suitable date, perhaps she could deal with Dr Kortlandt direct (tp.)

 23    AHC to Dr Kortlandt, 13 Jan. 1969 – asks if he could lecture on 20 Feb.; asks if 6 o’clock is convenient; asks about title; asks if there are any people he would like to invite; asks for technical details of his film (tpc.)

 24    Dr A. Kortlandt to AHC, 16 Jan. – thanks him for invitation to lecture on 20 Feb.; wishes to ensure that this is the correct date; encloses photocopy of projection requirements; encloses list of people to whom invitations should be sent (tp.)

 .1    List of projection requirements for Dr Kortlandt’s lecture (photocopy)

A152/22/24.2    List of people to be invited to Dr Kortlandt’s lecture (tp.)

 25    Barbara Bentley to Dr A. Kortlandt, 20 Jan. 1969 – refers to his letter of 16 Jan. to AHC; asks for title of the lecture; will send invitations to those on his list (tpc.)

 26    Dr A. Kortlandt to Mrs Bentley, 22 Jan. – sends title of lecture (tp.)

 27    Michael Chance to AHC, 9 Feb. – is worried that RAI members in the London area do not seem to have heard of Dr Kortlandt’s lecture; knows that the date was fixed late; thinks members should be circulated as Dr Kortlandt should be heard; asks if seats could be reserved for members of the Centre for Collective Psychopathology; asks about dinner after the lecture; asks what reply he has had from Kortlandt. 3 pages (autogr.)

 28    AHC to Michael Chance, 10 Feb. – his secretary has read his letter, as he cannot see; circulars have been issued to all UK members but they have only just left; received a reply from Kortlandt specifying his complex requirements; points out the RAI has no operators for machinery; does not understand references to dinner; the dining club was discontinued because of lack of enthusiasm; the practice is to adjourn for drinks at a pub (tpc.)

 29    Notice of lecture by Dr A. Kortlandt (tp.)

 30    Dr Harrison Matthews to AHC, 12 Feb. – regrets that he is unable to attend the lecture (autogr.)

 31    Sir Julian and Lady Huxley to ibid., ibid. – regret that they are unable to attend the lecture (autogr. pc)

 32    Arnold Pomerans to AHC, ibid. – will attend the lecture (autogr.)

 33    Lt. Col. and Mrs C.L. Boyle, ibid. – will attend the lecture (autogr.)

 34    Clive Willis, 13 Feb. – regrets that he is unable to attend the lecture (tp.)

 35    D.R. Rosevear, nd – accepts the invitation to the lecture (autogr. card)

 36    Kenneth P. Oakley to AHC, 14 Feb. – is unable to accept the invitation (tp. pc)

A152/22/37    Dr and Mrs W.W. Bishop, 15 Feb. – are pleased to accept the invitation (autogr.)

 38    Dr Frazer to AHC, 18 Feb. – is pleased to accept the invitation (tp. pc)

23/    Miscellaneous

  1    Ibid. to the Malayan Information Bureau, ibid. – brings to their notice the lecture announced on the enclosed card [not held] (autogr. draft)

  2    nd – note on a title by Herbert Maryon (tp.)

  3    WBF, nd – list of dates with list of possible lecturers[?] (autogr.)

  4    Ibid., nd – list of names with possible subjects for lectures (autogr.)

  5    E.J. Lindgren[?] to Robert Crottet, nd – on meeting him; hopes his studies are being recorded; on film he has taken; cannot arrange to show it until her return in Dec.; presumes that RAI would be delighted to show his films; is sending a copy of this letter to WBF so he can organise a preview (tpc.)

  6    M.N. Kennedy to WBF, nd – on a joint lecture; sorry that he cannot come; has asked Dr Braunholtz and should like to ask Mr Firth (autogr. card)

  7    List of names with some addressed (autogr.)

  8    List of possible lecturers: Alfred Boeldeke, Bradbury and Bernard Fagg (autogr.)

  9    nd – note to Dr de Laszlo (in shorthand); note added at foot of page: Dr de Laszlo will get Herr Boeldeke to call at the RAI when he arrives in the country (autogr.)

 .1    nd – note of Dr Henry de Laszlo’s address (autogr.)

 10    nd – note of a possible lecturer, Commander Ross Salmon (autogr.)

 11    WBF, nd – note on P.H.A. Sneath and his work on blood groups (autogr.)

 12    H.J. Braunholtz to WBF, nd – on Dr Greta Mostny who is coming to London; she would like to get in touch with other RAI members; on Dr Avolenia from Mexico, who would be willing to speak on Mexican prehistory at the RAI (autogr.)

A152/23/13    H.J. Fleure to ibid., nd – suggests as lecturers Dr C.D. Darlington, Sir Richard O. Winstedt and Prof. Olbrechts (autogr. pc)

 14    FS to Fellows, nd – circular about preference for day of the week for lecture meetings (autogr. draft)

 15    Noel Stevenson to H.J. Fleure, nd – on Alan Lomax, an American collector of folk-songs; on his collection of recordings; on the cost of making copies; he has offered Edinburgh University copies of his Scottish material; thinks it a pity if a central organisation such as RAI does not take an all-Britain copy for permanent record; asks if he will contact Edinburgh to see what they are doing; apologises for ‘bursting in’ on him last Saturday (autogr.)

 16    WBF, nd – lists of names with subjects for lectures[?] 2 leaves (autogr.)

 17    Ibid., ibid. – note on European series; discussion not to be political (autogr.)

 18    Ibid., ibid. – note on circularising MPs (autogr.)

 19    Ibid., ibid. – note on card index of lecturers (autogr.)

 20    Ibid., ibid. – note on possible lecturers, P. Mehta, Sir John Russell and L. Bohdanowicz. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 21    Ibid., ibid. – note on possible lecturer [Louis] Dumont, who lectured at the School of Oriental and African Studies (autogr.)

 22    Note of a title by Milada Kalab (autogr. pc)