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Papers. 1933-42.

Both the Ethnological Society and the Anthropological Society had categories they termed Corresponding Members (i.e. Fellows); additionally the Anthropological Society had a category of Local Secretaries both to the UK and abroad. In 1871 the Anthropological Institute, successor to the two societies, took over both these categories by electing Corresponding Members (Fellows) and appointing Local Secretaries; these were reported at the Anniversary meeting of Jan. 1872 and in the Report of the Council for 1872. These categories are noted in the Regulations, 1871, Articles 19-20. There seems to have been some confusion about Corresponding Members in 1898-9 as a result of the controversy over R.H. Matthews (or Mathews)(see /5/8 below) who had been appointed on 24 Nov. 1896 (rescinded 29 Mar. 1898). His appointment took place despite Council’s decision on 21 June 1892 to cease appointing any further Corresponding Members. In 1892 there were 75 in the category which had dropped to 25 in 1894-6, increasing slightly in Jan. 1897 to 26 (i.e. by the appointment of R.H. Matthews) and to 27 in 1899. Council considered the controversy on 14 and 28 Mar. 1899, referred it to the Library Committee on 25 Apr. which it does not appear to have considered and then referred it to the By-Laws Committee on 13 June and 17 Oct.; that Committee recommended on 16 Nov. that Council should adhere to its decision of 21 June 1892 to abolish the category and that Local Correspondents should be appointed which Council confirmed on 21 Nov. Despite the controversy R.H. Matthews was appointed a Local Correspondent in 1909. At the Annual General Meeting of 15 May 1900 the new category of Local Correspondents was formally instituted; they need not be Fellows and were appointed every 4 years; those not already a Fellow received a copy of the Journal and were expected to ‘communicate from time to time to the Council any matter of anthropological interest’. In 1907 no additional Corresponding Fellows (Members) were elected; by 1913 only one Corresponding Fellow remained and by 1917 the category Local Correspondents alone remained. Some Reports to the Council listed names and addresses while others the total number in the category only. Local Correspondents contributed to the JRAI and Man and were generally identified as such: F. Fawcett, Local Correspondent, Calicut, India contributed to Man, 1901, no. 29 and again in 1902, nos. 30 and 43; in 1903 Dr R. Bertholon, Tunis contributed to Man, no. 47 and C.W. Hobley, Uganda, no. 17. Sometimes Local Correspondents were not identified as for instance, C.S. Myers, Cairo contributed to Man, 1902, no. 51 and the Revd J. Roscoe, Uganda contributed to the JRAI, vol. 2, pp. 25-80 of the same year.
In view of the wartime conditions in 1940 Council appointed a Sub-Committee to consider matters on 20 Feb. and it recommended to Council on 19 Mar. that no further correspondents should be appointed and that a new category of  Corresponding Fellows should be appointed, similar in status but inferior to Hon. Fellows (see Council minutes, 19 Mar. 1940, f. 366). During 1942 Local Correspondents were informed of the decision to discontinue their appointment; it was hoped to introduce an improved and extended scheme after the war. However, a note on the By-Laws as amended, 13 Nov. 1952 (tp.) records ‘terminated 11.6.40’ (see 100/2/12.3); they were formally terminated in the mimeographed version of the same By-Laws of 13 Nov. 1952.

 1/    1933-6. Reports of E.J. Wayland, Local Correspondent at the Geological Survey of Uganda, Entebbe

 1/    First report.  1 July 1933

 .1    Covering letter from E.J. Wayland (EJW), 1 July 1933 (tp.)

 .2    First report.  4 leaves (tpc. with corrections)

 .3    Copy of notice on the appointment of the Local Correspondent that appeared in the Uganda Herald, June 1933 (tpc.)

 .4    Copies of reports and correspondence on some supposedly ancient earthworks in Uganda – covering list signed and dated, E.J. Wayland, 30 July 1933

 .1    General description and situation.  The ancient remains in the Biggo and Ntusi District by A.D. Combe, 26 Jan. 1922 [sic.].  [i], 10 leaves (tpc. with corrections), diagrs. (incl. 3 printed and dated 1921)

 .2    Notes on ancient irrigation works at Ntusi by EJW, May 1921.  2 leaves (tp. with corrections), diagr.

 .3    Copies of letters between EJW and Henry Streicher, Roman Catholic Bishop of Uganda on legends associated with the Biggo bya Mugenyi.  Entebbe, 7 June and 19 June 1933.  2 leaves

 .4    Geological map of Biggo District, Jan. 1924 (with annotations)

 .5    Earthworks in Bunyoro, etc. – copies of correspondence between EJW and D.N. Stafford.  Entebbe, 7 June 1933 and Hoima, 13 June 1933.  3 leaves (tp.)

 2/    Second report.  [July 1933]

 .1    Second report. 3 leaves (tpc. with corrections and holograph illus., signed E.J. Wayland)

 .2    Covering note by EJW (holograph):  Ancient pits

 .1    Report on Ntanda with maps and sections by A.S. Taylor, Dec. 1921.  15 leaves (tpc. with autogr. annotation by EJW), diagr. (printed and dated 1922)

 .2    Copy of letter to EJW from J.A. Lemon on pits at Kiwala, Masaka, 8 July 1933.  3 leaves incl. diagr. (tpc. and holograph diagr.)

 .3    Covering note by EJW (holograph):  Notes on Lukwata the ‘Lake-monster’ and on some superstitions of the Sese Islanders

 .1    Copy of letter to EJW from Paddy Spurr.  Entebbe, 27 July 1933.  3 leaves (tp.)

 .2    Copy of report from J. Strickland.  2 leaves (tp.)

 .3    Copy of report:  Lukwata by A.D. Forsyth Thompson.  Entebbe, 30 June 1933.  3 leaves (tp.)

 .4    Covering note by EJW (holograph).  Notes on the Batwa

 .1    Notes on the Batwa customs by T. Hirst.  13 leaves (tpc. and autogr. diagr.)

 .2    Native superstition:  Bunyoro by J.H. Hall, Hoima.  1 leaf (tp.)

 .3    Reports (summary) from the Local Correspondent, Uganda.  3 leaves (tp.)

 .4    Small cup-markings on a rock at Nsongezi, Kagera River, Uganda (printed)

 .5    Map of Uganda Protectorate, May 1928

 3/    Third report.  22 Jan. 1934

 .1    Covering letter from EJW, 22 Jan. 1934

 .2    Third report of the Local Correspondent.  2 leaves (tp.)

 .3    Copies of letters between EJW and the District Commissioner, West Nile District, Arua.  Entebbe and Arua, 27 June and 19 Aug. 1933 on ‘dolls’ carried by young Buganda women and the Wadalai from the east bank of the Nile.  2 leaves (tp.), 3 photographs (on 2 sheets)

 .4    Bugishu District, Eastern Province by J.R. McElliot.  Bubulu, 1 Dec. 1933.  29 leaves (incl. 2 leaves of addenda)(tp.)

 .5    Postcard from Miles C. Burkitt, Lecturer, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University to Prof. J.L. Myres, Editor of Man and reply on possible contribution by EJW, 22 and 24 Feb. 1934 (holograph and holograph carbon)

 4/    [Fourth report:]  progress report.  Jan. 1935 – June 1936

[iv], 75 leaves, 57 illus. (incl. photographs), map.
The report is entitled:  Part 1, and headed:  Not for publication

 .1    Contents page and introduction by EJW.  [iv] leaves

 .2    Notes on an investigation of Dr L.S.B. Leakey’s claims regarding the antiquity of Kanam man and Kanjera man by EJW.  Leaves 1-4

 .3    Archaeological investigations in Kyagwe by EJW.  Leaves 5-16 incl. 20 photogr.

 .4    The Kyeitabya cave by EJW.  Leaves 17-18 incl. 2 photogr.

 .5    Preliminary report concerning the provenance of, and the geology relating to, some fossil remains discovered in the vicinity of Karungu Bay, Southern Kavirondo (Kenya Colony) by the Venerable Archdeacon Owen by EJW and C. Stansfield Hitchen, with an appendix by W.C. Simmons.  Leaves 19-43 incl. 17 photogr. (1 loose)

 .6    Hill-top hollows in Masaka District by C.B. Bisset (CBB).  Leaves 44-50

 .7    Note on a human burial at Kyasenyi Hill, Buddu by CBB.  Leaves 51-6 incl. 2 photogr.

 .8    Caves and rock shelters in the country between Mount Elgon and Moroto, Bugishu and Karamoja Districts, Apr.-June 1936 by CBB.  Leaves 57-9

 .9    The banana-tree as a water collector by CBB.  Leaves 60-1 incl. 1 photogr.

.10    Notes on the board game known as mweso in Uganda by EJW.  Leaves 62-70 incl. autogr. note on Desmond MacBride’s visiting card, Nigerian Administrative Service inserted in leaf 69

.11    Miscellaneous:  Busia; Nabisoga stream; Bysia, 2 other alluvial gold workings in Ankole and in Kigezi; A bone and pottery horizon near Lyantonde, Masaka District; Short note on KaKungurus; Fossil remains of man in Kenya Colony by EJW and CBB.  Leaves 71-5

 12    Map of Uganda Protectorate.  Uganda Survey Department, no. A 530, May 1928, annotated

.13    EJW to Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary (KMM), 4 Aug. 1936 – describes his progress report of Jan. 1935 – June 1936; hopes to have Part I [4/2 – 11 as above] ready in a week or so; states that report is not for publication; it will be accompanied by a map of Uganda; asks whether the Institute received copies of the Field Reports of the African Prehistoric Research Expedition. 2 leaves (tp.)

.14    Ibid., 26 Aug. 1936 – states that Part I of his progress report has been sent under separate cover; Part II will be compiled and despatched as soon as possible (tp.)

.15    KMM to EJW, 24 Sept. 1936 – acknowledges receipt of Part I of the progress report, which will be brought before the Executive Committee on 6 Oct. (tpc.)

 2/    1935-36.  General correspondence

  1    A. Aiyappan, Government Museum, Madras, to The President, RAI [H.S. Harrison], 7 Dec. 1935 – was appointed Local Secretary for Madras last year; is experiencing financial difficulties; asks to be allowed to be a non-subscribing Local Correspondent for two years, by which time hopes to become a subscribing Fellow (autogr.)

  2    Ibid., to KMM, 6 Feb. 1936 – returns the proof corrected; forwards a communications on The Protection of Primitive Tribes in India; informs Institute of hostility of Indian politicians to measures proposed to be taken by Government; refers to his letter to Dr Harrison (autogr.)

  3    KMM to A. Aiyappan, 27 Feb. – Council has agreed to suspend his subscription for two years as requested; has passed his communication on The Protection of Primitive Tribes in India to the Editor of Man (tpc.)

  4    H. C. Beasley, Cranmore Ethnographical Museum, Chislehurst to RAI, 26 Feb. – proposes Rev. A.H. Voyce of the Methodist Mission, Kieta, South Bougainville, as Local Correspondent; describes Voyce’s suitability, should Council wish to extend scope of local correspondence in this area; enquires after paper on Santa Cruz Feather Money submitted for the Journal; has an offer of publication elsewhere (tp.)

  5    G.P.L. Miles, Curator, Cranmore Ethnographical Museum, to KMM, 21 Mar. – conveys H.C. Beasley’s regret that he is unable to attend Council Meeting the following week; presents Beasley’s nomination of Kenneth P. Emory, assistant to Dr Buck of Bishop Museum, Honolulu, for Local Correspondent (tp.)

  6    Peter Henry Buck, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, to KMM, 21 Mar. – outlines the areas of Polynesia in which he has worked: New Zealand, Cook Islands, Northern Atolls, Samoa, Gambier Islands (tp.)

  7    C.G. Seligman to KMM, 26 Mar. – makes suggestions for Local Correspondents as follows: for Japan, Professor A. Matusmara, Imperial University, Tokyo; for China, Liang; in addition he believes Miss Lindgren will propose somebody; for Dutch Indies, Le Roux, Director of the ethnographical section at the Batavian Museum; suggesting to Miss Lindgren that she and Prof. Minns consult as to Central Asia (tp.).

  8    Dr Ethel.J. Lindgren to KMM, 10 April – makes suggestions for Local Correspondents as follows: for Japan, in addition to Matsumara, Dr Masao Oka for social anthropology; for China, in addition to Liang, as a representative for western China either Dr W.R. Morse or Dr Graham, both of West China Christian University; for Russia and Siberia, having consulted with Prof. Minns, suggests Prof. Alexey Alexeevich Zakharov, who submitted articles to JRAI LV. 1925 and Antiq. I. VI., 1926, or Bernhard Eduard Petri; her view is that Petri is preferable, as his interests are wider and he is not an exile; in Prof. Minns’s view, the best prehistorian in Russia is Prof. P.P. Efimenko; for Central Asia, no contact exists in Europe with Mongol or Russian scientists in Outer Mongolia; could enquire for a correspondent in Kansu; is obtaining the name of a possible representative in Kashmir 2 leaves (tp. with corrections.)

  9    C.G. Seligman to H.S. Harrison, 14 April – notifies his absence from upcoming Council and Executive meetings; stresses the importance of retaining Liang Ssu Yung as one of the Chinese Local Correspondents; reiterates his support for Matusmara as Local Correspondent for Japan; otherwise he agrees with Dr Lindgren (tp.)

 10    Hermann Justus Braunholtz, Dept. of Oriental Antiquities and of Ethnography, British Museum, to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth (RWF), Hon. Secretary, 1935-9, 20 April – proposes Local Correspondents as follows: for Tanganyika […?], A.T. Culwick; for Nigeria, D.F.H. MacBride; for Australia, D.F. Thomson; for Central America, J. Eric Thompson; notes that they are all subscribing members of the RAI; does not suggest that their subscriptions be remitted (autogr.)

 11    Prof. Bernhard Eduard Petri, Irkutsk, Siberia, RWF, 9[?} July – expresses warm thanks to RAI and especially the President for the honour done by inviting him to be a Correspondent; expresses thanks for the personal letter; the honour especially felt as he is so far from Europe’s cities and their learned societies; hopes to be worthy of the honour; will send useful information, including photographs, of prehistoric graves and compounds; describes the work of his students; states that their joint research has contributed to knowledge of Palaeolithic peoples in eastern Siberia; describes a trip planned to various rivers in eastern Siberia, on the border with Mongolia; apologises for writing in German but unfamiliar with English; asks whether communication is preferred in German or Russian; states that he has a typewriter for Russian 4 pages (autogr., in German)

 12    RWF to H.S. Harrison, n.d. – proposes Prof. Elkin, Director of Anthropological Research for the Australian National Research Council, as Local Correspondent for Australia (autogr.)

 3/    1937.  General correspondence

  1    Prof. A.P. Elkin, University of Sydney to RWF, 13 Mar. 1937 – encloses document (not present) ‘as the honoured but “sleeping” Correspondent’; refers to Dr P.M. Kaberry and Dr W.E.H. Stanner (tp.); there is no report by Prof. Elkin in either Man or the JRAI in 1937-9

  2    Dr E.J. Lindgren to RWF, 2 Apr. – reports conversation with Prof. Li Chi on Local Correspondents in China; mentions Liang Ssu-Yung and Dr T.L. Woo; refers to views of Miss M.L. Tildesley and Prof. C.G. Seligman (tp.)

  3    F.W.T. Posselt, Plumtree, Southern Rhodesia to RAI, 14 Apr. – coveys his appreciation of appointment as Local Correspondent (tp.)

  4    Dr George Devereux, Dep. of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley to RAI, 1 July – regrets his inactivity as a Local Correspondent; explains his difficulties; has now prepared his Moi material, wishes RAI to select a topic for its publications; refers to his papers on the Mohave Indians (tp.); Devereux was Local Correspondent for Indochina; see his report in Man, Aug. 1938, no. 143

 4/    1938.  General correspondence

  1    H.N.C. Stevenson, Sinlumkaba, Upper Burma to RAI, 4 May – conveys his appreciation of appointment as Local Correspondent; reports, largely through the efforts of Major J.H. Green, the Government of Burma has officially recognised the importance of anthropological training; encloses cheque for Capital Fund (tp.)

  2    Dr Godfrey Wilson, Director, Rhode-Livingstone Institute, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia to KMM, 27 May – conveys his appreciation of appointment as Local Correspondent (tp.)

  3    (Prof.) S.F. Nadel, Kordofan, Sudan to RAI, 4 June – conveys his appreciation of appointment as Local Correspondent (tp.)

  4    A.T. Culwick, Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika, to RAI, 14 Aug. – reports recent publications; Mr Hans Koritschoner has resumed anthropological studies; plans for Dar es Salaam museum are progressing; Miss R.E. Bush in Tanganyika working on art; plans on foot for study of native nutrition 3 leaves (tp.)

  5    Revd C.E. Fox, Utupuea, Solomon Islands to RAI, 16 Aug. – resigns as Local Correspondent (autogr.)

  6    RWF to A.T. Culwick, 7 Sep. – thanks him for his report as Local Correspondent; hopes he will indicate if future reports may be published (tpc.)

 5/    1939.  General correspondence

  1    A.J. Arkell, Commissioner for Archaeology and Anthropology, Sudan Antiquities Service to RAI, 19 Mar. – conveys his appreciation of appointment as Local Correspondent in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (tp.)

  2    (Prof.) I. Schapera, University of Cape Town to KMM, 18 Apr. – conveys his appreciation of appointment as Local Correspondent (tp.)

 6/    1940.  Quadrennial revision

  1    Notes by WBF on Corresponding Fellows, correspondents covering archaeology, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America.  7 leaves (autogr.)

  2    List of Local Correspondents (tp., autogr.)

  3    Draft report by WBF on Local Correspondents and areas to be covered (autogr.)

  4    Circular from WBF on the appointment of the Huxley Lecturer for 1941 and Local Correspondents outlining suggested duties and their distribution, 23 Feb. 1940.  2 leaves (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 20 Feb. 1940, f. 364 for the appointment of a sub-committee of the Officers, Prof. C.G. Seligman, H.J. Braunholtz, and Miss M.L. Tildesley ‘to draw up a scheme defining the duties of Local Correspondents and the areas to be represented’

  5    Ibid., leaf 2 annotated by Sir John L. Myres (JLM)(mimeo.)

  6    Dr E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 27 Feb. – makes several suggestions she would like submitted to the Sub-Committee (tp.)

  7    Prof. H.J. Fleure to WBF, 29 Feb. – makes a suggestion for the Huxley Lecturer, 1941; comments on the report and makes suggestions (tp.)

  8    JLM to WBF, 3 Mar. – makes a suggestion for the Huxley Lecturer, 1941; comments on the report and problems associated with Local Correspondents due to the controversy over R.H. Matthews of Parramatta, NSW; the Royal Society of Victoria had complained that he had contributed papers to the Institute as original and unpublished which had already appeared elsewhere; suggests establishing another category in their place (autogr.); see Council minutes, 22 Feb., 8 Mar., 27 Mar., 8 Nov. 1898, ff. 333, 335-6, 338-9, 361, 17 Oct. 1899 – 30 Jan. 1900, ff. 397, 402, 408, 420; Editorial Committee, 29 Nov. 1898, f. 369; By-Laws Committee, 24 Oct. 1899, f. 409

  9    WBF to Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, President (draft), 8 Mar. – on date of Sub-Committee; notes some of the proposals made (autogr.)

 10    Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown to WBF, 10 Mar. – confirms he can attend the meeting (autogr.)

 11    WBF to JLM, 10 Mar. – regrets failure to nominate him as a member of sub-committee; proposes to co-opt him; great help to have his views; WBF gives his views; raises the problem of Man reviews (autogr. draft)

 12    Prof. C.G. Seligman (CGS) to WBF, 11 Mar. – regrets cannot attend meeting; suggests another date; gives his views on Local Correspondents (tp.)

 13    WBF to CGS, 12 Mar. – regrets date of meeting cannot be altered; it has to report to next Council; suggests sub-committee’s report should be sent for his comments; they would be incorporated in final report (autogr. draft)

 14    Ibid., 17 Mar. – gives a summary of the sub-committee’s views; thinks they will probably be accepted (autogr. draft)

 15    Report of the sub-committee by WBF.  3 leaves (autogr.); the committee recommended (1) present Local Correspondents not to be reappointed and no further correspondents to be appointed; (2) a new category of Corresponding Fellows should be appointed, of a similar status, but inferior to Hon. Fellows; (3) the necessary addition to the By-Laws to be made next session; see Council minutes, 19 Mar. 1940, f. 366

 16    Note on decision of sub-committee by WBF (autogr.)

 17    Letter to Local Correspondents by WBF on the decision to discontinue the appointment of Local Correspondents; hopes at a more favourable time to devise an improved and extended scheme; expresses Council’s gratitude for their services; Council passed a special resolution waiving the entrance fee for any non-Fellows who wish to become Fellows (autogr. draft)

 7/    Sep. 1940, Dec. 1942.  General correspondence

  1    V.F. Fisher, Auckland Institute and Museum to WBF, 26 Sep. 1940 – due to absence in USA, reports he did not receive notification of his appointment as Local Correspondent for the North Island of New Zealand; expresses his appreciation of the appointment (tp.)

  2    Prof. A.P. Elkin, University of Sydney to WBF, 23 Dec. 1942 – reports arrival of circular on Local Correspondents; glad terms of reference will be reconsidered after the war; no guidance was given on ways in which to help; felt the position was one of honour which he appreciated; makes suggestions for the future (tp.)

  3    WBF to Prof. A.P. Elkin, [30 Dec.] – thanks him for his letter; comments on failure of the RAI to clarify what was required; outlines reasons for decision and hopes for future reorganisation; glad to have his suggestions (autogr. draft)