Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents MAN AND CATTLE: A SYMPOSIUM ON DOMESTICATION (A134)

Invitations, papers and publication. 1960, 1961-3.

The Symposium took place from 24-6 May 1960. The members of the Committee were Dr A.E. Mourant, Dr Marian W. Smith and Prof. F.E. Zeuner. It was published as Occasional Paper, No. 18 in June 1963. See Council minutes, 7 Apr. 1960, Item 5e, f. 100 and 2 June 1960, Item 5, f. 106, 4 Apr. and 10 Oct. 1963, Items 4d and 10c, ff. 173, 183. There is no reference in Man.

1/    Invitations and papers


1    Dr A.E. Mourant to W.B. Fagg, 14 Mar. 1960 – outlines organisation of symposium on 24-6 May; invites him to attend (tp.)

2    Dr Marian W. Smith to W.B. Fagg, 12 May – encloses programme (see /4 below); gives details of the dinner and sherry party (tp., autogr. annotations by MWS)

3    Dr A.E. Mourant to W.B. Fagg, [11] June – thanks him for coming to the symposium; Committee ‘wishes to start editing the proceedings’; will include major contributions to the discussion; if he made such asks him to send it in writing (tp.)

4    Programme for the symposium. 2 leaves (mimeo.)

5    List of those attending the symposium (mimeo.)

2/    Publication


1    Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd, Glasgow to A.H. Christie, 17 Aug. 1961 – material has arrived safely; will send a rough estimate; propose same size and style as JRAI (tp.)

2    Ibid., 23 Aug. – gives number of pages, plates and other details; gives rough estimate for 1000 copies (tp., autogr. annotation by AHC)

3    Ibid., 29 Aug. – glad estimate was helpful; will provide rough estimate for printing the Swanscombe skull (tp.)


4    A.H. Christie to Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd, 28 Mar. 1962 – encloses final manuscript for the Man and Cattle Symposium; proofs of other papers will be sent soon (tpc.)

5    Ibid., 31 May – most contributors appear to want off-prints; asks for estimate on a minimum order of 25 (tpc.)

6    Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd to A.H. Christie, 6 June – thanks him for his letter of 31 May; will send prices of off-prints (tp.)

7    Lists costs of 25 off-prints of each article. June

8    A.H. Christie to Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd, 12 Sep. – Ogden revise will mean a complete re-setting; put at end; will write copy for prelims; mentions other arrangements (tpc.)


9    Ibid., 4 June 1963 – returns corrected proofs and copy for prelims; mentions other arrangements; asks for revised estimate and delivery date (tpc.)

10    List of off-prints order. 4 June 1963

11    List of names and addresses for off-print order. 14 June 1963

12    Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd to A.H. Christie, 20 June – sends revised estimate (tp.)

13    List of invoices sent out. 26 June (tp.)

14    RAI to Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd, 7 Oct. – asks when complimentary copies and off-prints will be sent; being ‘harried’ by contributors (tpc.)

15    Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd to RAI, 10 Oct. – complimentary copies and off-prints sent earlier in the week (tp., autogr. annotations)

16    Proofs of title-page and verso, contents, list of plates, list of tables and figures, preface. 8 leaves (printed)

No correspondence over publication with contributors of individual papers has been retained.