Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents MANUSCRIPT AND HOUSE ARCHIVES COLLECTIONS (A105)

This archive covers the donors of manuscripts from 1936-76 though the record of those received before 1954 is sketchy; records of permissions granted commence in 1963. It also covers permissions and queries associated with the RAI House Archives. In general, House Archives may not be consulted until 30 years have elapsed; some may be consulted only at the discretion of the RAI. See also A51/2, Books: Collections donated.

1/    Manuscript donors

Relevant correspondence only retained in each case.

1    Allen, M.R. Report on Aoba (MS 287) – .1, Keith Woodward, British Residency, Vila, New Hebrides to BJK, 27 Nov. 1972 (tp.); .2, BJK to K. Woodward, 9 Feb. 1973 on the arrival of the MS (tpc.)

2    Arantes, Antonio A. Compadrio in rural Brazil (MS 285) – A.A. Arantes, Universidad Estudual de Campinas to RAI, 18 Nov. 1971 – on sending his MS (tp.)

3    British Association Committee on Human Geography of Intertropical Africa. Reports on Northern Rhodesian districts (MS 175) – .1, Dr Arthur Geddes, University of Edinburgh to RAI, 21 Oct. 1958 asking if copies are held (tp.)(copy of letter to Colonial Office, 21 Oct. 1958 and Prof. Alan G. Ogilvie’s address, ‘Co-operative research in geography, with an African example, 1934 enclosed)(tpc.); .2, BJK to Dr Geddes, 1 Nov. on the presence of the report (tpc.); .3, Dr Jeffrey C. Stone, University of Aberdeen to RAI, 25 Nov. 1975 asking if copies are held, gives history of the reports (tp.); .4, BJK to Dr Stone, 4 Dec. gives details (tpc.); .5, Dr Stone to BJK, 9 Dec. on reports and possibility of loan (tp.); .6, BJK to Dr Stone, 15 Dec. on inability to lend reports (tpc.)

4    Cooke, Miss C.C. Radcliffe. [Study of vibrations of sound-forms related to myths]. .1, Miss C.C.R. Cooke to Dr John Layard, 5 Apr. 1958 asking if he will accept a copy on behalf of the RAI (tp.); .2, BJK to Miss Cooke, 6 May on Dr Layard forwarding letter, interested to see her studies (tpc.); .3, Miss Cooke to BJK, 8 May, away for a few days, will deal with it on return (tp. postcard); no further communication received

5    Crooke, William. [Material on India and a collection of Greek stories](MS 123-39), .1, J.E. Crooke to RAI, 21 Nov. 1954 offering his grandfather’s papers (autogr.); .2, BJK to J.E. Crooke, 24 Nov. glad to accept manuscripts subject to the opinion of an expert (tpc.); .3, J.E. Crooke to BJK, 28 Nov. accepting conditions (autogr.); .4, BJK to J.E. Crooke, 14 June 1955 accepts entire collection on the advice of Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf except some draft notes (tpc.); .5, J.E. Crooke to BJK, 24 June expresses pleasure at acceptance (autogr.); .6, Royal Asian Society to BJK, 1 Sep. glad to accept notes (tp.); .7, BJK to J.E. Crooke informing him of the Royal Central Asian Society’s acceptance of the notes (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 16 Dec. 1954-27 Oct. 1955, EM/84/3/3-EM/85/1/2

6    Dawson, J.M.A.J. Aborigines of Malaya and the problems of their administration (MS 162). J.M. Dawson to RAI, 27 Nov. 1956 offering a copy of his thesis (autogr.); accepted and received, 13 Dec.

7    Deacon, Arthur Bernard. [Collection on Malekula](MS 90-8). .1, (Prof.) G.B. Milner to BJK, 4 Feb. 1956 enclosing photograph of Deacon taken shortly before his death in Malekula (autogr.); .2, BJK to Dr John Layard, 29 Mar. informing him about the photograph and inquiring about Deacon’s parents (tpc.); .3, Dr Layard to BJK, Easter 1956 will write to Miss Margaret Gardiner (tp.); .4, Dr Layard to BJK, 9 Apr. has heard from Miss Gardiner who is in regular contact with Deacon’s mother, suggests she should give the photograph to Mrs Deacon (tp.); .5, BJK to Dr Layard, 11 Apr. agrees that Miss Gardiner should take the photograph (tpc.); .6, Miss Gardiner (Bernal) to BJK, 13 Apr. on the photograph (autogr.); .7, Miss Gardiner to BJK, 25 Apr. sends copy of photograph, describes Mrs Deacon’s gratitude (autogr.); .8, Dr Layard to BJK, 4 May on RAI receiving a copy and Mrs Deacon’s gratitude (autogr.); the photograph is with MS 91

8    Earthy, E. Dora. [Collection on Liberia including Children of the Liberian hinterland](MS 60-3). .1, Miss E.D. Earthy to Miss K.M. Martindell, 9 June 1939 offers her Save the Children’s report Children of the Liberian hinterland (autogr.); .2, WBF to Miss Earthy, 18 July accepts offer (autogr. draft); .3, BJK to George Earthy (brother), 13 June 1967 asking permission to microfilm manuscripts on behalf of a named scholar, also inquires whether the executors would give general permission on behalf of authorised readers (tpc.); .4, George Earthy to BJK, 16 June books and papers left to his daughter, Jane A. Earthy who gives permission provided acknowledgement is made (autogr.)

9    Ellis, Havelock. [Letters]. .1, Donald E. Mullins to RAI, 28 Mar. 1962 offering the letters (autogr.); .2, BJK to D.E. Mullins, 3 Apr. on interest in letters, would advise if better placed elsewhere; no further communication received

10    Foulkes-Roberts, P.R. Letters home from an Administrative Officer in Nigeria, 1924-1944 (MS 293). .1, D.S. Foulkes-Roberts (brother) to RAI, 24 May 1976 offering extracts from his brother’s letters (tp., autogr. reply by JB); .2, ibid. to JB, 23 June sends letters (tp., autogr. note by JB)

11    Fullard, Harold [Anthropometric survey in Lancashire, mid-1930s, anthropometric cards](MS 363). .1, H. Fullard to RAI, 14 Feb. 1958 sends anthropometric cards (tp.); .2, BJK to H. Fullard, 18 Feb. acknowledges cards, asks for details of research; .3, BJK to Prof. H.J. Fleure asking for information on H. Fullard and the value of the cards (tp., autogr. reply by HJF); .4, H. Fullard to BJK, 19 Feb. giving details of the survey conducted under Prof. Fleure (autogr.); see Fullard ‘An anthropometric survey of the Rochdale district of Lancashire’ with MS 363

12    Hollis, Sir A. Claud. Notes on the history of the Vumba (MS 1). .1, Sir Claud Hollis to RAI, 4 Dec. 1937 on the deposit of the genealogies (autogr.); .2, BJK to Mrs Prunella de Boissière, 24 May 1967 requesting permission to microfilm the notes; .3, Mrs de Boissière to BJK, 28 May 1967 giving permission for authorised readers and inquiring about other manuscripts by her late father; other correspondence not retained including reply of 1 June acknowledging the permission and stating no other manuscripts are held

13    Howard, Barrington J. Social organisation in Eskimo communities (MS 292). Michael J. Sallnow to BJK, 2 May 1976 on being given the manuscript for deposit (autogr.)

14    Im Thurn, Sir Everard F. [Collection](MS 219-40). .1, Alexander Fenton, Hon. Secretary, Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society to RAI, 17 Jan. 1960 on the demise of the Society offers the Im Thurn collection (autogr.); .2, BJK to A. Fenton, 21 Jan. before accepting inquires if there were any special conditions attached to original gift and his offer (tpc.); .3, A. Fenton to BJK, 29 Jan. states no condition attached to gift or his offer (tpc.); .4, J.C. Im Thurn & Sons Ltd to BJK, 16 June 1967 in reply to letter, 14 June, firm has no connection with the Im Thurn family (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 6 Apr. 1960, EM/89/6/3c

15    Kalmal, James Bol. Marriage rights and duties among the Shilluk (MS 289). J.B. Kalmal to Brian H. MacDermot, 3 July 1973 on sending the manuscript (photocopy, autogr. annotation by ?BB)

16    Layard, John W. [Collection]. .1, Dr J.W. Layard to BJK, 23 Apr. 1973 on Ian Langham and photocopies of his letters, epilepsy, Malekula, and his field notes on Atchin, requires help, describes accidents he has had, 5 pp. (autogr.); .2, BJK to Dr Layard, 16 May on preservation of field notes and RAI’s readiness to accept them; .3, Dr Layard to BJK, 12 June on discussion with Peter Gathercole, Curator, University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge; leaves decision on his collection to Peter Gathercole and BJK (autogr.); .4, BJK to Dr Layard, 15 June on the disposition of his field notes and papers; Dr Layard left his collection to the University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge

17    Longmore, Laura. The dispossessed (MS 215). .1, Dr L. Longmore to BJK, 31 Oct. 1961 asking about offprints and a manuscript sent to the RAI (tp.); .2, BJK to Dr Longmore, 1 Nov. explaining the different treatment of published and unpublished material (tpc.)

18    Luce, Capt J.P., RN. Private journal and correspondence (MS 280). .1, J.A. Reid (grandson) to RAI, 18 May 1969 outlining grandfather’s career in West Africa (Dahomey) and the suppression of the slave trade and elsewhere, refers to the surviving diary, offers to present it (autogr.); .2, BJK to J.A. Reid, 23 June expressing great interest in the diary (tpc.); .3, John Reid to BJK, 26 June reporting the death of his father, will bring the 6 surviving volumes (autogr.); .4, BJK to John Reid, 14 July accepting the 6 volumes and requesting further biographical information (tpc.); .5, John Reid to BJK, 21 July providing biographical information and wishing to make a copy of the diaries (tp.); .6, Capt J.P. Luce to his wife, Clara, 24 Feb. 1863, 4 leaves (tp. copy); .7, John Reid to BJK, 28 July asking for the diaries to be posted, encloses an account of Luce’s visit to Jerusalem and the siege of Acre (autogr.); .8, John Reid to BJK, 9 Nov. 1974 enclosing the final volume after copying it (autogr.)

19    Malcolm, Dugald. The Kuna Indians (MS 291). Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Latin American Dept to RAI, 5 Dec. 1974 enclosing manuscript by the recent HM Ambassador to Panama (tp. annotated by Jonathan Benthall)

20    Malcolm, L.W.G. Bamum royal script. .1, Mrs E.M. Chilver to RAI, 27 Mar. 1961 on the Bead Committee and inquiring about L.W.G. Malcolm’s Bamum manuscript recorded as sent to the RAI in 1919 or 1920 (autogr.); .2, BJK to Mrs Chilver, 6 Apr. reporting no record of its receipt, will consult WBF (tpc.); .3, ibid. on negative result of further search, WBF has no information, regrets it unlikely that the manuscript was received (tpc.); .4, Mrs Chilver to BJK, 7 May on possibility it may have been sent to Prof. Henri Labouret (autogr.)

21    Munro, Neil Gordon. [Ainu material](MS 249). .1, BJK to Mrs B.Z. Seligman, 10 May 1963 on receiving the collection (tpc.); .2, List of collection by Mrs Seligman (tp.)

22    Ogilvie, John. Notes and myths of aboriginal Indians of British Guiana (MS 158). .1, Mrs L. Ogilvie to RAI, 21 May 1955 offering her late husband’s manuscripts (autogr., annotated by WBF); .2, Adrian Digby, Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum to BJK, 25 Oct. on the value of the collection (tp.); .3, Mrs Ogilvie to BJK, 15 Nov. on her pleasure at RAI’s acceptance (autogr.)

23    Seligman, C.G. [Notes and papers on the art and anthropology of the Massim](MS 364). .1, T. Elder Dickson to RAI, 28 May 1969 offering Prof. Seligman’s papers, explains his association with the latter (tp.); .2, T.E. Dickson to A.H. Christie, Hon. Secretary, 19 July has despatched 2 boxes of material (autogr.); .3, T.E. Dickson to A.H. Christie, 28 Aug. asks if boxes have been received (autogr.); .4, A.H. Christie to T.E. Dickson, 2 Sep. acknowledges receipt of boxes (tp.)

Smith, Marian W. [Northwest coast Salish and Sikh material] see A51/12

24    Somerville, Boyle Townsend, Vice-Admiral. Orientation in megalithic monuments (MS 267). .1, Council minutes, 12 Oct. 1936 – 22 Nov. 1938, Executive Committee minutes, 12 Jan. – 7 Dec. 1937 relating to the material (tpc.); .2, copy of report in Man, No. 78, 1937(tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 22 Nov., 13 Dec. 1949, EM/79/2,3,EM/79/[2.1], ff. 340, 342

25    Unwin, J.D. Sex and custom (MS 157). .1, R.H. Unwin to RAI, 6 July 1943 offering his brother’s manuscript (tp., annotated); .2, RAI to R.H. Unwin, 22 July accepting manuscripts (tpc.); .3, R.H. Unwin to RAI, 11 Aug. on despatch of manuscripts donated by Mrs F.D. Unwin (tp.)

26    Walker, G.D. Garo customs and folk-lore (MS 266). .1, G.D. Walker to BJK, 19 Feb. 1967 offering his manuscript (autogr.); .2, BJK to G.D. Walker acknowledging receipt of his manuscript (tpc.)

27    Prof. Leslie A. White. Copies of letters from William R. Jolly and Sir Edward Burnett Tylor to Henry Christy (A53/1-2a, qv for details). .1, Prof. White to RAI, 30 Oct. 1938 on acquiring the letters (tp.); .2, ibid., 4 Dec., on sending the letters (tp.)

2/    Manuscript collection permissions

Several manuscripts and archives requested by:

1    Langham, Ian. .1, I. Langham to BJK, 29 Mar. 1973 application for photocopying various manuscripts and archives (autogr.); .2, BJK to Dr J.W. Layard, 17 Apr. requesting permission to photocopy his letters to C.G. Seligman (tpc.) see/1/16.1 above for reply; .3, BJK to I. Langham, 17 Apr. setting out conditions for photocopying (tpc.); .4, List of material photocopied (tp.); .5, I. Langham to BJK, 6 Sep. requesting further photocopying (autogr.); see also /1/16.1 above

2    LeDuc, André. .1, A. LeDuc to Chairman, Library Committee, 19 July 1974 application for photocopying, permission to quote at length for his thesis, and to publish if in the event of publication, 3 leaves (autogr.); .2, BJK to A. LeDuc, 29 July setting out conditions (tpc.)

Individual manuscripts

3    Brewster, A.B. Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu, [Fuji](MS 25). .1, K.E. Larson to BJK, 12 July 1966 inquires about photograph in collection (autogr.); .2, Royal Geographical Society to BJK, 19 July stating neither the photograph nor the negative are held (tp.); .3, K.E. Larson to BJK, 7 Nov. asks for a print of the photograph (autogr.)

4    Deacon, Arthur Bernard. [Collection on Malekula](MS 90-8). .1, Prof. J. Guiart to RAI, 21 Jan. 1963 requesting a microfilm copy (tp.); .2, BJK to Prof. Guiart, 28 Jan. agreeing, sets out conditions (tpc.); .3, Prof. Guiart to RAI, 1 Feb. agreeing to conditions (tp.)

5    Hollis, Sir A. Claud. Notes on the history of the Vumba (MS 1). .1, Chater Bosayley A. Galil to RAI, 27 Mar. 1967 requesting a microfilm (tp.); .2, BJK to Mr Galil, 11 May explaining difficulty in tracing executives (tpc.); see /1/12 above for permission to microfilm

6    Im Thurn, Sir Everard F. [Collection; letters from Sir Robert G.W. Herbert, Colonial Secretary, Queensland](MS 229). .1, Bruce A. Knox, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria to RAI, 24 May 1968 requesting copies for publication (tp.); .2, ibid., 7 June 1973 now at final stages of editing, requests permission to quote from Im Thurn’s notes (tp.); .3, BJK to B.A. Knox, 29 June giving permission for brief quotations (tpc.); .4, B.A. Knox to BJK, 5 July acknowledging permission (autogr.)

7    Im Thurn, Sir Everard F. [ibid.](MS 229). .1, Dr Jean Farnfield, University College of Townsville, Queensland to RAI, 1 Jan. 1969 inquiring about Herbert’s letters (autogr.); .2, BJK to Dr Farnfield, 15 Jan. listing letters, willing to provide copies (tpc.); .3, Dr Farnfield to BJK, 22 Jan. requesting copies (autogr.)

8    Im Thurn, Sir Everard F. [Collection; Diary; letters from and to A.B. Brewster; letters from and to B. Glanvill Corney](MS 219-21). .1, Mrs S. Hodson, Dep. of Pacific History, Australia National University (ANU), Canberra, 26 Aug. 1970 requesting microfilm (tp.); .2, BJK to ANU, 8 Mar. 1972 sets out conditions for use and costs (tpc.); .3, ANU to BJK, 23 Mar. agreeing to conditions, names researcher (tp.); .4, Publications Committee minute, 7 Jan. 1972 (PC/72/1) on Im Thurn Collection referred by the Library Committee (tp.)

9    Im Thurn, Sir Everard F. [ibid.](MS 219-21). .1, Acquisitions Librarian, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 5 Aug. 1970 requesting microfilms (tp.); .2, ibid., 17 Aug. 1971 names user (tp.); .3, BJK to University of the South Pacific, 8 Mar. 1972 sets out conditions (tp.); .4, University of the South Pacific to BJK, 4 Apr. accepting conditions (tp.); .5, ibid., 19 July acknowledges receipt of microfilm

10    Rattray, Robert Southerland. [Collection:]Notes on Kwahu by Eugene Addow (MS 102). .1, Jarle Simensen, Universitetet i Oslo, 29 May 1972 requesting a copy (tp.); .2, BJK to J. Simensen, 14 June sets out conditions (tpc.); .3, J. Simensen to BJK, 21 June accepting conditions (tp.); .4, Ibid. to RAI, 2 Jan. 1974 sending paper, requests permission to quote if published (tp.); .5, BJK to J. Simensen, 17 Apr. giving permission to quote as indicated (tpc.)

11    Rattray, Robert Southerland. [Collection](MS 101, 106-7). .1, Prof. Emmanuel Terray, Université de Paris, 2 June 1975 requests permission to refer to and quote from the manuscripts (autogr.); .2, BJK to Prof. Terray, 18 June giving permission (tpc.)

12    Rattray, Robert Southerland. [Field notes on Ashanti gold weights](MS 106). .1, Timothy F. Garrard to RAI, 10 June 1975 requests permission to quote (tp.); .2, BJK to T.F. Garrard, 17 June giving permission (tpc.)

13    Smith, Marian Wesley. [Collection](MS 268). .1, Jimmy G. Harris, Ford Foundation, Bangkok to BJK, 12 Mar. 1973 requesting permission to copy material on the Salish (tp.); ibid., 8 Jan. 1974 on visiting London (autogr.); photocopies permitted but not publication

14    Ibid. (MS 268). Prof. Eleanor Barke Leacock, City University, New York to RAI, 3 Mar. 1975 requests permission to consult Northwest Coast field notes, was a student of MWS (tp.); permission given; see also A51/12.2-.14

3/    Archive Collection


1    Gruber, Jacob W. .1, J.W. Gruber, Temple University, Philadelphia to BJK, 13 Aug. 1962 requests microfilm of items listed (tpc.); .2, BJK to J.W. Gruber, 22 Aug. microfilms to be sent (tpc.)

2    Rainger, Ronald. .1, R. Rainger to BJK, 2 Sep. 1973 asks permission to quote. 11 leaves (autogr.); .2, BJK to R. Rainger, 17 Sep. permission given (tpc.); .3, R. Rainger to BJK, 18 Sep. accepts conditions (autogr.)

3    Reynolds, Philip Graham, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. .1, P.G. Reynolds to BJK, 30 June 1972 requests permission to consult archives (autogr.); .2, BJK to P.G. Reynolds, 4 July permission given ((tpc.).)

Individual archives

4    Athenaeum Society (A19:2-3). .1, BJK to Mrs Barbara Aitken, 5 July 1958 asking if she recalls anything about the Society (tp.); .2, Mrs B. Aitken to BJK, c. 7 July (on verso of .1) regrets she does not recall, names article she may have written (autogr.)

5    Bride-price (A43/8,/18/6). .1, Dr E.J. Lindgren to RAI, 26 May 1963 offering memorandum (autogr.); .2, BJK to Dr Lindgren, 30 May glad to accept as not held (tpc.)