Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents METALLURGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY CONFERENCE (A90)

Correspondence and papers. Feb.-Oct. 1963.

The Conference was held under the auspices of the Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee (see A89) as an outcome of the failure of the VI International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Rome, 1962 to reach conclusions on ‘analysis and their correlation in respect of the non-ferrous ores and metals’ due to lack of time (see A89/50-1). Archaeological and geological problems, metallurgical and analytical (non-ferrous) techniques were considered. See also Council minutes, CM/92/4, Item 8, f. 167; CM/92/6, Item 4(c), f. 171; CM/93/1, Item 5(c), f. 182, 10 Jan., 7 Mar. and 10 Oct. 1963.


AHC    A.H. Christie (d. 1994), RAI Hon. Secretary, 1961-70

HHC    H.H. Coghlan (d. 1983), Chairman, Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee, 1946-63; Hon. Curator, Newbury Borough Museum

CFCH    Christopher F.C. Hawkes, Prof. of European Archaeology, University of Oxford

KPO    Kenneth P. Oakley (d. 1981), British Museum (Natural History)

IRS    I.R. Selimkhanov, Prof., Institute for History, Academy of Sciences, Baku

 1/    Correspondence. Feb.-Oct.

  1    IRS to HHC, 12 Feb. – wishes to attend Conference; asks RAI to send an official letter to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow stating his presence is necessary (tp.)

  2    H.J. Case, Dept of Antiquities, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford to AHC, 15 Feb. – asks for conference date after 30 Sep.; as Deputy Chairman wishes to be present (autogr.)

  3    AHC to H.J. Case, 19 Feb. – notes his dates; essential to cover subjects not included in conventional archaeological meetings; will send draft of coverage (tpc.)

  4    HHC to AHC, 9 Mar. – encloses first list of possible contributors (see /3/1-2 below) (autogr.)

  5    RAI to Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow, 4 Apr. – formal request for IRS to attend the conference (tpc.)
  5a   H.J. Case, Ashmolean Museum to AHC, 9 Apr. – names three continental scientists HHC would like invited (tp.)

  6    IRS to AHC, 6 May – thanks him for copy of letter to Moscow (tp.)

  7a-b    Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow to AHC, 11 May – regrets IRS not free to attend conference (in Russian; tp, with English translation)

  8    Henry Cleere, Iron and Steel Institute to AHC, 28 May – thanks him for advance information on conference (see /2/3); wishes to attend (tp.)

  9    G.F. Claringbull, Keeper, Dept of Mineralogy, British Museum (Natural History) to RAI, 28 May – would be glad of further details of conference (tp.)

 10    H.J. Case to AHC, 29 May – wishes to attend conference (tp.)

 11    CFCH to AHC, 30 May – much interested in proposed conference; names others in Oxford of similar interests (autogr.)

 12    Dr R.F. Tylecote, Dept of Metallurgy, University of Durham to AHC, 30 May – gives names of likely participants (tp.)

 13    E.T. Hall, Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford to AHC, 31 May – interested to cooperate and attend conference (tp.)

 14    M.J. Aitken, Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford to AHC, 3 June – wishes to attend the first day on the geological background (tp.)

 15    Prof. Frederick R. Matson, Pennsylvania State University to AHC, 3 June – regrets cannot attend (tp.)

 16    HHC to AHC, 4 June – thanks him for preparing the invitation form; mentions arrangements (autogr., annotated by AHC)

 17    Harold Barker, Dept of Research Laboratory, British Museum to AHC, 4 June – wishes to attend (tp.); similar letter from Dr J.R. Butler, Imperial College, 4 June (tp.) not retained

 18    Prof. Cyril Stanley Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. to AHC, 5 June – regrets cannot attend; interested to receive details (tp.)

 19    Adrian Digby, Keeper, Dept of Ethnography, British Museum to AHC, 10 June – wishes to attend especially first, and second day programmes (tp.)
 20    CFCH to AHC, 10 June – trying to encourage German colleagues to attend (autogr.)

 21    A.A. Smales, Analytical Chemistry Branch, UK Atomic Energy Authority, Harwell to AHC, 12 June – wishes to attend; especially interested in trace elements and analysis

 22    Dr Siegfried Junghaus, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Metallurgie des Altertums bei dem Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum, Stuttgart to AHC, 14 June – regrets cannot attend; meeting would have been very useful; later perhaps representatives of the RAI and his institution could discuss the results (in German; tp.); with English translation

 23    IRS to AHC, 17 June – visit to Czechoslovakia brought forward; returns to Baku soon; requests RAI to send another invitation to the USSR Academy of Sciences (tp.)

 24    Dr Beno Rothenberg, Tel-Aviv to RAI, 20 June – hopes to attend; requests further information (autogr.); similar letter from Prof. IR. R.J. Forbes, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, Haarlem, 25 June (tp.) not retained

 25    Dr Siegfried Junghaus, Stuttgart to AHC, 27 June – regrets cannot attend; comments on IRS’s invitation difficulties (in German; tp.)

 26    RAI to Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 3 July – due to the rearrangement of IRS’s programme it may be possible for him to attend the conference; hopes this can be arranged (tpc.)

 27    J.S. Jackson, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin to AHC, 11 July – interested to have details (tpc.); see also /40 below

 28    Dr R. Pleiner, Archeologický Ustav, Českosluvenská Akademie Vĕd, Prague to AHC, 15 July – regrets cannot attend but wishes to collaborate (tp.)

 29    Dr J. Piaskowski, Kraków to RAI, 16 July – much interested in conference and standardization of techniques; unlikely to be able to attend owing to financial restrictions (tp.)

 30    HHC to AHC, 6 Aug. – asks for details to be sent to R. Eborall, British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association (tp.)

 31    Ibid to RAI, 7 Aug. – sends further names for invitations (autogr.)
 32    J.J. Butler, Biologisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen to RAI, 8 Aug. – finds he is free to attend; asks for details; suggests a further name for invitation (tp.)

 33    Stanley Thomas, Dept of History, University of Leicester to RAI, 14 Aug. – interested in conference; asks for details (autogr.)

 34    IRS to AHC, 16 Aug. – thanks him for his letter to Academy of Sciences (/26 above); hopes to attend (tp.)

 35    Miss Sylvia Benton to AHC, 20 Aug. – wishes to attend; asks for details (autogr.)

 36    K.C. Barraclough, Firth & Brown, Sheffield to AHC, 23 Aug. – interested to receive details (tp.)

 37    AHC to KPO, 26 Aug. – asks if some participants could visit his department (tpc.)

 38    AHC to Dr A.E.A. Werner, British Museum Research Laboratory, 26 Aug. – confirms visit of up to 20 to his Research laboratory (tpc.)

 39    AHC to Prof. F.E. Zeuner, Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 26 Aug. – has heard he may be in the Canary Islands on the first day of the conference; will have to find an alternative speaker; presumes a visit to the Institute would not be advisable on first day of term (tpc.)

 40    J.S. Jackson, Dublin to AHC, 29 Aug. – has had no reply to his letter of 11 July (see /27 above); requests details (tp.)

 41    Dr R.T. Tylecote to AHC, 3 Sep. – requests names of those accepting (pc., autogr.)

 42    K.C. Barraclough, Sheffield to AHC, 3 Sep. – as a non-Fellow asks if he could attend (see /36 above) (tp.)

 43    KPO to AHC, 4 Sep. – could manage a visit as suggested (see /37 above); some new Swanscombe analyses received (tp.)

 44    RAI to K.C. Barraclough, 5 Sep. – he would be welcomed (see /42 above); would like his confirmation soon (tpc.)

 45    AHC to KPO, 9 Sep. – glad he can manage the visit (see /43 above); refers to the printing of the Swanscombe report [see A61/31] (tpc.)

 46    Henry Cleere, Iron and Steel Institute to AHC, 10 Sep. – looking forward to conference (tp.)
 47    HHC to AHC, 12 Sep. – I.C. Cornwall too modest to take the chair; has asked Dr J.R. Butler, Imperial College to take Prof. Zeuner’s place (autogr.)

 48    Stanley Thomas, University of Leicester to AHC, 12 Sep. – wishes to attend; asks if a fee is due (autogr.)

 49    AHC to Dr R.F. Tylecote, 12 Sep. – names those attending (tpc.)

 50    J.S. Jackson, Dublin to AHC, 13 Sep. – will be present (tp.; see also /27 and /40 above)

 51    Richard J. Atkinson to AHC, 16 Sep. – regrets cannot attend; comments on his field-work (pc., autogr.)

 52    Robert Maclehose & Co. Ltd, Glasgow to AHC, 16 Sep. – copies of the Metallurgy report, i.e. Ores and metals by H.H. Coghlan, J.R. Butler and George Parker (tp.)

 53    Norman S. Angus to AHC, 19 Sep. – expects to attend (tp.)

 54    E.H.S. van Someren, Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, Harwell to AHC, 19 Sep. – regrets cannot attend; much interested in spectroscopy (tp.); letters of regret (not retained) also received from J.S. Forbes, Assay Office, Goldsmiths’ Hall, 20 Sep.; Michael Eagor, Manchester Museum, 23 Sep.; Prof. Hugh O’Neill, University College, Swansea, 24 Sep.; Prof. F.C. Thompson, Manchester Museum, 25 Sep.; H.J. Case, Ashmolean Museum, 25 Sep.

 55    Landesmuseum, Stuttgart [Dr S. Junghaus] to RAI, c 5 Oct. – asks for information on IRS’s attendance (in German; telegram)

 56    Dr Siegfried Junghaus, Stuttgart to AHC, 7 Oct. – thanks him for the telegram; unfortunate that IRS cannot attend (in German; tp.)

 57    AHC to HHC, 17 Oct. – conveys Council thanks for the very successful Conference and for his long Chairmanship of the Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee; is sending his complimentary copies of Ores and metals (tpc.)

 2/    Announcements

  1    Draft announcement of Conference by HHC (autogr.)

  2    Outline of topics to be covered and analytical techniques. 2 leaves (tp.)

  3    Announcement, 25 May (mimeo.)

  4    Letter on distribution of information, 16 Sep. (mimeo.)
 3/    Invitations

  1    List of those sent invitations. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. addition by HHC)

  2    Additional names from HHC (autogr.)

  3    List of additional people sent all circulars, 17 Sep. 2 leaves (tp.)

  4    List of names sent second circular letter and programme, [16 Sep.]. 2 leaves (autogr.)

  4/    Programme

  5/    Attendance – signatures and institutions of those attending

  6/    Reception

  1    Acceptances: Francis Huxley, 26 Sep. (autogr.); Miss E. Henderson, School of Oriental and African Studies, 30 Sep. (tp., not retained); Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf and Prof. D.C. Twitchett also accepted

  2    Regrets: Prof. R.F. Firth, 25 Sep. (tp.); M. Gatehouse, School of Oriental and African Studies, 27 Sep. (tp., not retained)