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The RAI Museum Collection covers material received from 1851 to 1986 and attempts to account for all artifacts, paintings and portraits acquired and their present location. Some material was inherited from the Ethnological and Anthropological Societies in 1871 and it has acquired material throughout its history. However, Council minutes, 10 Feb. 1880, f. 354 records ‘The Library and Museum Committee was instructed to take into consideration the disposal of the accumulation of Ethnological objects in the possession of the Institute’. In Jan. 1881 it was decided to sell the Ethnological collection and to spend the funds on acquiring books for the Library; the Burmese gong was sold to A.W. Franks, Curator of the Christy Collection and the remainder to General Pitt-Rivers ‘with a view of their being ultimately deposited at South Kensington’ (see Report of Council, 1880 presented to the AGM, 25 Jan. 1881, JAI, 1880, Vol. 10, pp. 438-9). Though there are a number of references in Council minutes and in the Report of Council, these have not all been accounted for (see rough list of references in Council minutes, /7 below); many specimens displayed during lectures were presented to the British Museum. An instance of the former, Prof. C. Daryll Forde proposed to present a bronze head of Aleš Hrdlicka (Council minutes, 8 Nov. 1962, Item 9c, f. 163); there is no record of it being received.


1/Excavations, artifacts, crania, casts &c.

2/Paintings and miscellaneous

3/Portraits of Presidents

4/Other portraits of European and US citizens

5/Photographs (except /3-/4)

6/Slide and photographic collections

7/Rough list of other references noted in Council minutes and the Report of Council


JBJonathan Benthall, RAI Director

HJBH.J. Braunholtz, RAI President, 1937-9, 1941-3

RWF(Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth, (1901-2002), Council 1934-5, 40-1, Hon. Secretary 1935-9, President, 1953-5

BJKMiss B.J. Kirkpatrick, RAI Librarian

MWSDr Marian W. Smith (1907-61), Hon. Secretary, 1956-61

PJUProf. Peter J. Ucko, University of Southampton

1/Excavations, artifacts, crania, casts &c.

11851. Heads of Bushmen, female and male, busts

The two busts are plaster casts by D. Brucciani, 16″ high (female) and 151/2″ (male) and are engraved on the base: Published by J.G.R. Bishop. Oct. 27 1851. They were presented to the Ethnological Society by J.G.R. Bishop (see Ethnological Society minutes, 3 Dec. 1851, f. 98). The busts are now in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.

2/1865. Kirkhead cavern

.1R.H. Wood, Lancaster Cave and Mine Research Society (LC & MRS) to RAI, 30 Jan. 1969 – the Society is carrying out work on Kirkhead cavern; states Anthropological Society sponsored the original work (tp.)

.2BJK to LC & MRS, 20 Mar. – gives list of references to original excavation in Anthropological Society publications (tpc.)

.3LC & MRS to BJK, 27 Mar. – reports J.P. Morris stated all finds from the excavation went to the Anthropological Society through Prof. George W. Busk; Salford Museum also named in other reports; asks for any information on present whereabouts (tp.)

.4BJK to LC & MRS, 15 Apr. – reports no reference found to past or present location (tpc.)

.5LC & MRS to BJK, 11 Nov. – asks to confirm there are no references in the annual reports; states some material found from the defunct North Lonsdale Field Club (tp.); BJK’s letter, 17 Nov., stating Annual Reports all checked, not retained

3/1865. Truganini and Woureddy busts

Busts of Truganini and Woureddy may have been presented to the Anthropological Society in May 1865 by Admiral Bethune and with the sanction of the United Service Institute (see Anthrop. Rev., Vol. 3, 1865, p. ccxlvii). There is also a reference in a report by Charles Carter Blake, 5 Mar. 1866 to the presentation of two Tasmanian busts (see A5/103). The busts were undertaken by Benjamin Law of Hobart in 1836. There is no reference in the Anthropological Society’s Council minutes to this donation. The bust of Truganini was loaned first to the Australian National Gallery, Canberra in Jan. 1981 and then to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart in Jan. 1986 and was purchased by the Tasmanian Museum in Dec. 1990. There is no subsequent record of Woureddy’s bust. See Council minutes, 26 June 1980, Item 7, f. 170 and ff. 166-7 (agenda); 24 Sep. 1980, Item 3(i), f. 176 and f. 174 (agenda); 19 Nov. 1980, Item 5, f. 213 and f. 212 (agenda)


.1Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth to JB, 8 Aug. 1984 – Gallery has recently purchased busts of Truganini and Woureddy; not interested in having bust [of Truganini] on loan; makes suggestions (tp.)

.2JB to Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart (TM), 3 Sep. – have bust of Truganini on loan to Australian National Gallery; they have now purchased their own copy; offers it on loan for 4-5 years (tp.)

.3TM to JB, 11 Sep. – have a bust of Woureddy but no Truganini; would be glad to have the latter on loan; undertake to insure it and to cover transport from Canberra and its return to UK if necessary (tp.); see Council minutes, 10 Oct. 1984, Item 15, f. 238 and agenda, f. 232; letters from JB, 17 Sep. 1984, 22 Mar. 1985 on Council’s decision not retained


.4JB to Prof. J. Ucko (PJU), University of Southampton, 22 Mar. 1985 – reports the Australian Studies Centre, London has declined to have Truganini bust on loan; refers to his doubts about the TM (tpc.); see Council minutes, 16 Jan. 1985, Item 3xi, f. 6 and agenda, f. 12

.5PJU to JB, 29 Mar. – expressed surprise at decision of Prof. G.C. Bolton, Australian Studies Centre; urges him to reconsider (tp.)

.6JB to PJU, 9 Apr. – phoned Prof. Bolton; loan depends on insurance and security; notes he is willing for the TM option should the Australian Studies Centre loan fail (tpc.)

.7Prof. G.C. Bolton to JB, 31 May – has now spoken to Sir Zelman Cowen; he thinks matter should be considered further; resulting from his impending departure matter cannot be considered until Sep. (tp.)

.8JB to PJU, 4 June – in favour of stating a deadline; asks for his agreement on TM option (autogr. photocopy)

.9JB to TM, 27 June – confirms Council’s decision to loan bust; refers to insurance (tp.); letters from JB, 13 Sep., 12 Nov. 1985 on lack of response from TM not retained; see Council minutes, 21 Mar. and 26 June 1985, Items 4iv, 3, ff., 17, 27 and ff., 20, 26

.10Prof. G.C. Bolton to JB, 28 June – glad to know bust will go to TM; grateful for RAI’s interest (autogr.)

.11TM to JB, 6 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 29 Nov. (copy not held); looks forward to receiving bust from Canberra (tp.)

.12Australian National Gallery, Canberra to JB, 18 Dec. – on forwarding the bust to TM and insurance (tp.); see Council minutes, 16 Oct. 1985, f. 33 and f. 39a


.13TM to JB, 23 Jan. 1986 – bust received; seeks permission to undertake conservation (tp.); letter from JB, 28 Jan., giving permission not retained; letter from JB, 6 Jan. 1989 on condition of bust and loan period also not retained; see Council minutes, 22 Jan. and 26 Mar. 1986, Items 3, 3 respectively, ff. 46, 71 and 69


.14Ibid., 7 Mar. 1989 – confirms condition of bust unchanged; conservation will be costly; refers to insurance cover (tp.)

.15JB to TM, 15 Mar. – asks for an estimate for restoration; Council may decide to sell bust in Dec. 1990; asks if the TM would be interested in principle (tpc.); letter from JB, 13 June on reply not retained


.16TM to JB, 6 Aug. 1990 – replies to queries; offers to purchase bust (tp., annotated by JB); letter from JB, 3 Sep., asking for likely purchase price not retained; see Council minutes, 27 June 1990, Minute 5c, f. 246 and f. 243.1 (Director’s note, 1)

.17Ibid., 29 Oct. – offers price in current condition (tp., annotated by JB)

.18JB to TM, 23 Nov. – willing to accept offer with some provisions (copy)

.19TM to JB, 18 Dec. – Trustees agree to purchase; enclose bank draft (photocopy)

4/1871. Tasmanian Aborigine skeleton

The skeleton was sold to the Natural History Museum in 1898 for £100 recorded in Council minutes, 14 June 1898 whereas the J. anthrop. Inst., 1899 records it was sold for £115; see J. anthrop. Inst., Vol. 2, 1872, p. 90; Report of the Council, 21 Jan. 1873, p. 427; J. anthrop. Inst., NS, Vol. 1, 1899, p. 308; Council minutes, 8 Apr. 1872, f. 80, 14 June 1898, f. 352

.1Morton Allport, Hobart to J. Fred Collingwood, 30 Dec. 1871 – has forwarded the skeleton of a Tasmanian Aborigine for presentation to the Museum of the Anthropological Society (autogr.)

.2-.3Sir William H. Flower, British Museum (Natural History) to F.W. Rudler, 17 June 1898 – will arrange for collection of the Tasmanian skeleton (autogr.); .3 (verso): F.W. Rudler to J.A. Webster, Assistant Secretary, 21 June – skeleton to be given to Sir William Flower’s nominee; note on collection, 22 June (autogr.)

.4Sir William H. Flower’s visiting card initialed by J.H. Webster (printed, autogr.)

5/1876. Australian Aboriginal artifacts

.1A. West, Curator in Anthropology, National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne to RAI, 4 Mar. 1969 – wishes to trace Aboriginal artifacts including a ‘tomahawk’ presented to the Anthropological Institute by W.E. Stanbridge, Daylesford, Victoria in 1876 (tp.)

.2BJK to A. West, 12 Mar. – twelve stone artifacts were sent including the ‘tomahawk’ which was lent for three years; appears to have been returned (tpc.)

.3A. West to BJK, 14 Apr. – the item no. 12 J. anthrop. Inst., Vol. 6, pp. 40-1 is undoubtedly the one of special interest; gives other details of the artifact and its cast (tp.); BJK’s letter, 30 Apr. stating no further information has been traced, not retained; see J. anthrop. Inst., Vol. 6, 1876, pp. 37, 40-1

6/1928. Nov. W.R. Price Bequest

.1List of ‘Collection of Formosan [Taiwanese] savage articles given … by W.R. Price Nov. 1928. Obtained mostly from Taiyal savages of the north in 1912’; note by MLT [M.L. Tildesley] at head of list (tp.); sold to Cambridge Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum for £5 (see Council minutes, 20 Feb. 1940, Item 5, f. 364)

7/1928. Nov. Flints, earth and grain, skeletal material &c.

In addition this collection includes: coins from India, bird feathers, carved figure from the Congo, phrenological cast, 7 paintings by Norman Hardy (framed) of racial types (6) and one of Prof. Eugène Dubois; among presenters were Admiral Somerville, H.J.E. Peake, L. Munn, F. Eyles, Prof. C.G. Seligman and Dr H. Basedow. Of the 6 racial types by Norman Hardy only one remains in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street (see /2/4A below) and the listed portrait of Eugène Dubois must be an error for Prof. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (see /4/5 below)

.1’List of objects other than the Price collection at the Institute.’ (tp.)

.2Ibid., (tpc., annotated by various hands)

.3List of ‘Specimens at the Institute.’ (tp.); this list overlaps /.1-.2 above with addition of 3 straw hats presented by W.R. Price

.4Phrenology plaster cast; in Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street

8/1934. Miss M.E. Durham fund

.1G.D. Hornblower, Hon. Treasurer to Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary, 22 Mar. 1934 – encloses cheque from Miss Durham (tp., annotated by GDH)

.2(Prof. Sir) E.E. Evans-Pritchard to RWF, Hon. Secretary, 26 Apr. 1937 – encloses cheque for the fund from A.W. Wildridge; hopes to send his own contribution later (autogr.)

.3Miss M.E. Durham to RWF, 1 July 1937 – thanks him and Council for the kind and sympathetic letter (tp.); there is no reference in Council minutes

.4(Prof. Sir) E.E. Evans-Pritchard to RWF, 25 Nov. 1937 – encloses his contribution to the fund (autogr.)

.5Miss M.E. Durham to Dr W.L. Hildburgh, Hon. Treasurer, 1 July 1942 – encloses contribution to the fund to equal ‘a widow’s mite’ (autogr.); reply of 2 July not retained

.6Shaen, Roscoe & Co., solicitors to RAI, 1 Mar. 1945 – reports by a Codicil to her will, Miss Durham has left a legacy to the RAI (tp.); reply of 7 Mar. not retained; see Council minutes, 13 Mar. 1945, 2e, f. 444; see also Council minutes, 20 Feb. 1940, f. 364 for Miss Durham’s gift of three albums of Albanian photographs

.7Miss F. Stallman, Assistant Secretary to H.J. Braunholtz, 15 Mar. – Miss Durham’s niece ‘proposes to hand over … a large portfolio of Miss Durham’s original drawings …’ (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 10 Apr. 1945, 4d, f. 266

.8Shaen, Roscoe & Co. to RAI, 21 Mar. – asks for the market value of papers and photographs given by Miss Durham (tp.); correspondence on the legacy, 8 June, 3 July not retained

.9Miss F. Stallman to Shaen, Roscoe & Co., 3 July – acknowledges legacy of £50 and Miss Durham’s generosity to the RAI (tpc.)

9/1936. Admiral Boyle T. Somerville bequest

The Somerville bequest is in the Manuscript Collection, MS 267.

.1H. Hudson (HH) to RWF, 14 Feb. 1937 – states the manuscripts on orientation in ancient monuments were bequeathed to the RAI last year; makes proposals for making them available and fulfilling the intentions of the bequest (tp.); see Council minutes, 14 July 1936, f. 288 and 12 Oct. 1936, f. 290

.2Ibid., to Miss K.M. Martindell, 20 Feb. – sees ways of making manuscripts available; has had description typed in duplicate; will deposit originals with the RAI (tp.)

.3RWF to HH, 22 Feb. – will lay his letter of 14 Feb. before Council; expresses thanks for all his trouble; refers to appointment of Hon. Registrar and to Capt. Somerville (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 9 Feb. 1937, f. 139 and Council minutes, 23 Feb. 1937, f. 298

.4Ibid., 24 Feb. – informs him Council has appointed H.J.E. Peake and Christopher F.C. Hawkes to serve on Somerville Manuscript Committee (tp.)

.5Alexander Keiller, Morven Institute of Archaeological Research, Avebury to HH, 24 Feb. – congratulates him on the composition of the Committee; Committee likely to have a difficult task; gives reasons; unable to serve on the Committee but willing to visit London at any time (tp.); his name was added to the Committee; see Council minutes, 16 Mar. 1937, f. 301

.6Christopher F.C. Hawkes (CFCH) to RWF, 25 Feb. – reports on visit from HH; full of zeal for the orientation of prehistoric monuments; notes his virtues; RAI needs to be cautious; any publicity should be done through Council. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.7HH to RWF, 28 Feb. – reports Prof. L. Hogben willing for his name to appear on the Committee; he cannot accept the chairmanship; encloses letter from A. Keiller; refers to controversy over theories (tp.)

.8CFCH to RWF, 3 Mar. – thanks him for his letter (not held); your letter to HH ‘against unlicensed publicity’ does not seem to have had much affect; HH now in correspondence with him, H.J.E. Peake and A. Keiller; expects to have a report for next Council; refers to A.T. Marston’s paper and the difficulties with it (autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 2 Mar. and 6 Apr. 1937, ff. 142, 144

.9Alexander Keiller to R.U. Sayce, Hon. Editor, 27 Mar. – protests at article in Man and the statement ‘to make the MSS available to all those interested in orientation’; understood the manuscripts were to be available to all those interested; infers members of the Committee are adherents of one theory; asks for a correction to be printed (tp.); see Man, Apr. 1937, No. 3 and May 1937, No. 94; see also Council minutes, 16 Mar. 1937, f. 301

.10Ibid., to RWF, 27 Mar. – reports asked to serve on Committee to edit the manuscripts and to make them available to all those interested; since has had long and unsatisfactory correspondence with HH; assumes he is an adherent of the orientation theory and to convert the Committee for ‘the furtherance’ of this theory; heard from CFCH that his views and the RAI’s tallied with his own; read article in Man with astonishment; requested a correction (tp.)

.11HH to RWF, 5 Apr. – encloses schedule of the manuscripts (/.12 below); makes suggestions for making manuscripts available; preparing paper for Council (tp.)

.12’Schedule of the Somerville MSS (April 1937)’. 4 leaves (tp.)

.13RWF to HH, 7 Apr. – cannot lay paper before Council; Committee report required; suggests he should summon meeting of the Committee (tpc.); see Council minutes, 25 May 1937, f. 305

.14RWF to Alexander Keiller, 7 Apr. – thanks him for his letter and also that to the Editor of Man (/.9-.10 above); correction being inserted in next issue of Man; hopes Committee ‘will act as a brake’ on HH’s ‘more ambitious plans’ (tpc.)

.15HH to RWF, 9 Apr. – encloses copy of letter to CFCH on difficulties of convening Committee; makes suggestions (tp.)

.16Alexander Keiller to RWF, 12 Apr. – thanks him for his letter (/.14 above); has received two letters from HH and one of a ‘more practical nature’ from CFCH (tp.)

.17HH to RWF, 13 Apr. – not necessary for him to convene the Committee; only one way to make manuscripts available; states views (tp., annotated by RWF)

.18HH’s resolution (tp. copy)

.19Alexander Keiller to HH, 17 Apr. – could not consider signing circular letter to the Committee and the resolution (tpc.)

.20Ibid., to RWF, 29 Apr. – encloses copy of letter sent to HH (/.19 above); wishes to register his protest at HH’s attitude since the formation of the Committee (tp.)

.21HH to RWF, 1 Nov. – asks him to obtain Council’s approval for a pamphlet (tp.); see Council minutes, 19 Oct. and 24 Nov. 1937, ff. 313, 316

.22Miss K.M. Martindell to RWF, 1 Dec. – HH visited the RAI and arranged all the manuscripts and plans; asks how he should catalogue them; has also asked CFCH without result; refers to the Hollis Manuscript (see MS1) (autogr.)

.23HH to RWF, 20 Dec. – wishes to read a paper on ‘Prehistoric calendrical instruments’ (tp.)

.24RWF to HH. 5 Jan. 1938 – regrets programme of lectures for session is already full; Council interested in pamphlet (/.21 above); gives permission to use for publication material from the Somerville papers but can take no responsibility for opinions expressed (tpc.); see Council minutes, 14 Dec. 1937, f. 318

10/1937 July. Mrs K.M. Routledge Bequest

Under the terms of Mrs K.M. Routledge’s will the RAI were to make a selection of her unpublished works for publication; upon estimates being submitted by the RAI to the Trustees the latter would provide cash up to £3000. The Trustees were to hand her photographs mentioned in the will to her widower. The RAI was unable to publish owing to the withdrawal of consent by her widower, W. Scoresby Routledge. This material was not published.

.1Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., solicitors (KB) to HJB, 23 July 1937 – following their interview, encloses draft letter to Lucas, Hutchinson & Meek, Darlington, solicitors (LHM)(tp.); see Council minutes, 27 July 1937, f. 310

.2KB to LHM, 23 July – encloses draft of a letter to be submitted to RAI Council (/.3 below); hopes their clients will submit any objections speedily (tpc.)

.3Ibid., 23 July – outlines broad lines RAI ‘would be prepared to give effect to the deceased’s testamentary wishes in her will’. 3 leaves and 2 leaves with amendments (tpc., annotations in red)

.4LHM to W. Scoresby Routledge, (WSR), 24 July – covers clause 10, the relevant clause in Mrs Routledge’s will. 3 leaves (tp.)

.5LHM to KB, 26 July – deals with clause 10 and suggested amendments; has approval of revisions from some of the Trustees. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

.6KB to HJB, 27 July – encloses draft letter with LHM’s red ink revisions (/.7 below); states WSR approves proposed draft (tp.)

.7Draft letter to LHM. 4 leaves (tp., annotated by KB)

.8H. Coote Lake, RAI Hon. Treasurer to HJB, 10 Aug. – reports WSR very ill; KB suggests accepting extension of two years instead of one [for photographs] (telegram)

.9Ibid., 10 Aug. – KB reports WSR intends to publish the photographs himself at his expense; thinks WSR has legal right to do so (autogr.)

.10Ibid., 11 Aug. – KB states that WSR says he has not long to live; proposes to prepare the manuscript and photographs quickly; RAI must not undertake anything they cannot perform (autogr.)

.11KB to HJB, 11 Aug. – sets out the RAI arrangements for printing and publication of the manuscript &c and the selection of material; British Museum in agreement with proposals; T. Atholl Joyce or some other suitable person selected by the Trustees to do the work. 4 leaves (tp., annotated)

.12LHM to KB, 19 Aug. – Trustees no power to spend part of the £3000 for publication without authorisation; WSR and residuary legatees prepared to extend the three years to four; asks if the manuscripts are worthy of publication; thinks agreement should provide for the work to be dealt with in stages. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

.13HJB to KB, 21 Aug. – comments on LHM’s letter (/.12 above); probable some of the manuscripts are of interest; lists main groups of manuscripts; understands WSR will publish photographs at his own expense. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

.14KB to LHM, 26 Aug. – replies to letter of 19 Aug. (/.12 above)(tp. with corrections); sent as amended

.15Ibid., 15 Sep. – has telephoned WSR to obtain some explanation of his refusal to allow RAI to publish under the terms of the will; said ‘he was sick of the whole thing’; will publish at his own expense; will hand over any documents which do not belong to him; position very unsatisfactory; asks for formal letter reporting the situation (tpc., copy); see Council minutes, 19 Oct. 1937, f. 313

.16LHM to KB, 23 Oct. – will not be writing; John H. Pearce, an executor, will write personally to the RAI President (tp. copy)

.17[HJB to J.H. Pearce], 5 Nov. – thanks him for his letter, 27 Oct. [not held]; proposes to submit it to Council; disappointed in WSR’s refusal to proceed; does not understand his change of attitude; relations friendly and arrangements made at his request; WSR claims the documents as his property; does not know which documents were left to the RAI or the British Museum; RAI has incurred legal expenses which would have been covered ‘had the agreement taken effect’ (tp.)

.18KB to HJB, 16 Nov. – encloses account (/.19 below); reduced by about 60% (tp.)

.19KB’s account, 16 Nov. 5 leaves (tp.)

.20HJB to KB, 18 Nov. – acknowledges letter and account (/.18-.19 above); when discussing costs Council understood these were to be met by the Bequest; has written to J.H. Pearce informing him of legal costs incurred (autogr. copy); see Council minutes, 24 Nov. 1937, f. 316 and Executive Committee minutes, 10 May 1938, f. 170

11/1953. Union Jack and flagstaff

The Union Jack and flagstaff are no longer held by the RAI; they did not survive the move from 21 Bedford Square in 1971.

.1Mrs Margaret Plass to J.P. Mills, President, 23 Dec. 1952 – has heard from WBF that the RAI intended to purchase a new flag and permanent flagstaff for the coronation; would like to present these in memory of her husband, Webster Plass (autogr.); see Council minutes, 8 Jan. 1953, f. 679

.2J.P. Mills to D.H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer, 25 Dec. – has thanked Mrs Plass; wonders about the cost of a brass plate (autogr.)

.3J.P. Mills to Mrs Plass, 5 May 1953 – on behalf of Council writes to thank her for her gift (tpc.)

12/1958. Kwakiutl copper

To mark the centenary of British Columbia, Chief Mungo Martin of the Kwakiutl tribe carved the totem pole which was presented to the Queen on behalf of the British Columbia Government and people. Chief Mungo Martin present to the Queen his personal copper. The copper was on long term loan to the RAI but was returned to the Royal Collection Trust in Sep. 1999.

.1Deputy Agent General, Province of British Columbia, London to MWS, 15 Dec. 1958 – glad to know the RAI is prepared to have Mungo Martin’s copper on permanent loan; asks to be notified when it is received (tp.)

.2MWS to Col. Martin Charteris, Buckingham Palace, 23 Dec. – RAI grateful to HM the Queen for offering the copper on permanent loan; conditions of loan to be reported to Council (tpc.); letters from Col. Charteris, 17 Dec. 1958 and 2 Jan. 1959 not retained

.3Ibid., 19 Jan. – affirms Council’s acceptance of loan and conditions (tpc.); see Council minutes, 15 Jan. 1959, Minute 6d, f. 64

.4Col. Martin Charteris to MWS, 19 Jan. – sends copper with this letter; would like official letter from RAI (tp.); letter, 20 Jan. from Col. Charteris requiring no reply (see /.3 above) not retained

Correspondence requesting permission to photograph the copper for reproduction in a book, June 1990 not retained

.5JB to Royal Collection Trust, 21 Jan. 1999 – Council feel the RAI now cannot display the copper appropriately; considers it the right time to return it (wp.); letters from the Royal Collection Trust and JB, 31 Mar., 26 Aug., 1 and 14 Sep. 1998 and 7 Jan. 1999 not retained

.6Royal Collection Trust to JB, 6 Aug. – disappointed copper is no longer required for loan; understands reasons; will be in contact to discuss return (tp.)

.7Royal Collection Trust’s receipt for return of the copper, 28 Sep. (tp.)

.8Significance of the copper (photocopy)

.9’Presentation of the centennial totem pole’, British Columbia News Letter, Aug. 1958 (printed)

1975. Bury Bequest see A103/8-9

13/1988. James Cowles Prichard Bequest

.1Miss Margaret A.B. Jones to RAI, 13 Oct. 1987 – Revd. E.C. Prichard, a great-grandson died in her home in Oct. 1985; left her his possessions; prepared to give the RAI portrait of J.C. Prichard (JCP) and other possessions of his (autogr.)

.2JB to Miss M.A.B. Jones, 19 Oct. – gift will be greatly appreciated (tpc.)

.3Miss Jones to JB, 22 Oct. – lists books and other material to be presented (autogr.)

.4Interview with Miss Jones recorded by JB, 12 Mar. 1988 (autogr.)

.5Prof. Michael Banton, President to Miss Jones, 14 Mar. – thanks her on behalf of RAI for gifts; lists gifts including books, engraved portrait and miscellaneous material (tp. marked by JB)

Gifts presented:

.6JCP to Bristol Infirmary, ?1820s – supporting application of his son, Augustin, for the appointment of surgeon (autogr.); signed J.C. Prichard, MD, 1 Woburn Place, Russell Square, London

.7Account of the life of JCP, Bristol Mirror, 30 Dec. 1848. 3 pp. (autogr.)

.8Poem, ‘James Cowles Prichard (1786-1848)’, nd (tp.)

.9’Some anthropological characteristics of hybrid populations’ by J.C. Trevor, Eugenics Review, Vol. 30, 1938, pp. 21-31 (printed); presented by the author to Revd Edwin Cowles Prichard, annotated by J.C. Trevor

.10Dr J.C. Trevor to Revd E.C. Prichard, 6 Jan. 1949 – possible life of JCP; gives his views of JCP; mentions Prof. Osman Hill’s views and centenary at RAI. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.11Director, City Art Gallery, Bristol to Revd E.C. Prichard, 6 Apr. 1949 – doubts whether his Committee would consider parting with the round table belonging to JCP (tp.)

.12View of sitting room at the Red Lodge including round table belonging to JCP (postcard)

.13WBF to Revd E.C. Prichard, 21 Oct. 1949 – thanks him for portrait of JCP; will copy it and return (autogr.); see Man, Nov. 1949, Item 163; letter from WBF, 24 Oct. returning the portrait not retained

.14Prof. George W. Stocking, jr., University of Chicago to Revd E.C. Prichard, 7 Aug. 1970 – on editing JCP’s Researches in the physical history of mankind (tp.)

.15Ibid., 24 Aug. 1970 – on editorial matters; mentions John Crump as a possible biographer (tp.)

.16Ibid., 30 Aug. – inquires if JCP is of Welsh extraction and associated with the Quakers (tp., annotated by GWS)

.17Ibid., 20 Oct. 1970 – on editorial matters; mentions Mrs Whiting for help (tp.)

.18Ibid., 23 May 1972 – delay in publication owing to costs; another reprint of JCP’s works, The natural history of man (tp., annotated by GWS)

.19Pair of spectacles with wire rims belonging to JCP

.20Ibid., with tortoiseshell rims and green lenses

.21Three fob seals belonging to JCP; (1) with his coat of arms; (2) with a Cross; (3) of varied stone; the three appear in his portrait (see /.24 below)

.22Medal of the Académie Royale de Médicine with bust of Louis Philippe I on verso

.23Books by James Cowles Prichard: 1) The natural history of man, 1843, with signature of his son, Augustine; 2) An analysis of Egyptian mythology, 1819, given by JCP to his brother-in-law, John Bishop Estlin; 3) Researches into the physical history of mankind, [1837-47], 5 vols.; 4) The Colonial intelligencer or Aborigines’ friend: transactions of the Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3 vols. 1847-52; see 101/5-8

.24Engraved portrait of James Cowles Prichard; hung in Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street (No. 36214)

See also Man, Nov. 1949, Nos. 162-5 for the Centenary Meeting, 22 Dec. 1948 with copy of the engraved portrait (p. 125) with the three fob seals (see /.21, .24)


.1Plaster cast, head engraved on base W. Gessombe John, 1905; height 141/2″ [‘Incidentally your bust should probably read W(illiam). Goscombe John (1860-1952, welsh sculptor) but may be just a typo.’ Information supplied by Nigel Boonham FRBS President, Society of Portrait Sculptors, Apr. 2007]

.2Plaster cast, head; height 12″

Both plaster casts are in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street. In May 1898, two Tasmanian busts were sold to the British Museum (see Council minutes, 10 and 24 May 1898, ff. 345-6, 349)

/15Crania, skulls and casts

Council minutes records on 23 Jan. 1894, f. 273 a proposal ‘to dispose’ of the collection of crania and to set up a committee to consider their value and report to Council. On 12 June 1894, f. 279 the committee suggested: (1) the British crania to be offered to Prof. R.A.S. Macalister for £10; (2) the whole of the remainder of the crania and casts to be offered to the Royal College of Surgeons of England’s Museum for £100 (see also Council minutes, 31 Mar. 1896, f. 302, 30 Mar., 13 Apr., 25 May 1897, ff. 316-17, 320 for the return of some casts from the Royal College of Surgeons); (3) and that the Tasmanian, Indian and gorilla skeletons be retained; see also the Treasurer’s Report, 1894 (for the ‘skulls’ sold for £100), and 1895 (for the ‘skulls’ sold for £10), JAI, Vol. 24, 1895, p. [450] and Vol. 25, 1896, p. [377]. The Senior Curator, Museums of the Royal College of Surgeons writes (21 May 2002; see /.1 below) that their contemporary records show that the College purchased in 1895 205 skulls and crania and 40 casts or models. The Museum’s archives has a manuscript catalogue of the collection either just before and just after the purchase. The College Museum was badly damaged by bombs in 1941. ‘However a large part of the human osteology series survived, and most of this material was transferred to the Natural History Museum after the war.’ It is possible that some of the Institute’s collection survives there. The College Museum has two skulls (from Peru and the former Bechuanaland) known to have come from the Institute’s collection. ‘A third preparation of a human caudal appendage preserved in spirit was given by the Institute in 1926’ (see letter from the Senior Curator, /.1 below). No reference to latter gift is recorded in Council minutes but see A18/7/54a,/8/306a

.1Senior Curator, Museums of the Royal College of Surgeons of England to BJK, 21 May 2002 – outlines the history of the RAI’s crania and cast collection (tp.)

16/Inventories of items at the Administrative Offices

.1On the President’s Collection and inventory, 2 Oct. 1983 (tpc.)

.2Items taken from the Library to Queen Anne Street, 5 July 1977 (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 24 June 1977, Item 37, f. 138

.3Updated inventory of ‘President’s Collection’ at the Administrative Offices, 50 Fitzroy Street, 11 Jan. 1985 (tp.); estimated value and insurance cover given; signed Jonathan Benthall. The list includes two books: My first hundred years by Margaret Murray, signed on the title-page and dated, July 13 1863-1963, with comment by Dr Kenneth Oakley and dated by him 1963; bequeathed by Dr K.P. Oakley; On ancient Central Asian tracks, by Sir Aurel Stein, London, 1933; the former book is now in the Anthropology Library, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum at H4 and the latter was sold in 1984 for £100

.4JB to Christie’s, 22 Aug. 1992 – on the valuation already carried out; asks for picture experts to value portraits in the Collection (copy)

.5Ibid., 17 June 1997 – valuation of paintings carried out in 1992 has been mislaid; wonders whether it can be retrieved; valuation of photographic collection still retained (copy)

.6Items at the Administrative Offices, 50 Fitzroy Street, 21 Jan. 2000 (tp.)

2/Paintings and miscellaneous

1-21855, 1880. Portraits of Tasmanian Aborigines by Thomas Bock and Robert Dowling’s painting

Seven water-colour portraits of Tasmanian Aborigines by Thomas Bock were purchased by Richard Cull for the Ethnological Society in 1855. Some were sold, possibly five (including .3-.4) and then two of them (.3-.4) were probably repurchased in 1880 making a holding of five portraits. These portraits were on loan to the Australian National Gallery, Canberra, 1981-8. They were then sold to the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide in 1988. The Robert Dowling painting was sold to the latter gallery at the same time (see /2/3 below). See /2/2.52-.53 below for Financial report for the year ending 31 Dec. 1880 and N.J.B. Plomley’s paper on the portraits. See also ‘Tasmanian Aboriginal material in collections in Europe’ by N.J.B. Plomley, JRAI, Vol. 91, 1961, pp. 221-7 and /.6-.7 below


.1Wortabowigee: Native of Port Dalrymple, Van Diemen’s Land; framed; purchased by Richard Cull for the Ethnological Society in 1855

.2Woureddy: Native of Bruné Island, Van Diemen’s Land; ibid.

.3Manalargenna: a chief of the eastern coast of Van Diemen’s Land; ibid.; inscription: Mr Hobson, of Hobart Town gave me this drawing of Manalargenna on May 18th 1837. He told me he had hunted with him often, and that this was a very good likeness. It was taken from life. The artist is a German.

.4Manalargenna: a chief of the east coast of Van Diemen’s Land; framed; purchased by the Anthropological Institute on 13 Jan. 1880

.5Tunnaminnerwate (Tunnerminnerwate): Native of Cape Grim, Van Diemen’s Land; ibid.

.6Jenny, Native of Port Sorell, Van Diemen’s Land; photographic copy from the Capt. A.W.F. Fuller Collection now in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street

.7Jemmy, Native of the Hampshire Hills, Van Diemen’s Land; ibid.

2/Correspondence and printed material


.1N.J.B. Plomley to BJK, 7 Sep. 1959 – on the portraits, the visit of B.A.L. Cranstone to A.G. Reynolds, Victoria & Albert Museum and the latter’s views which accord with those of Edward Croft-Murray, British Museum (tp., annotated by NJBP); other correspondence not retained


.2Australian National Gallery (ANG) to JB, 18 Apr. 1985 – notes loan agreements for Bock portraits and the Robert Dowling painting expire next year; mentions the Truganini bust (see also /1/3 above) (tp.); see Council minutes, 26 June, 24 Sep., 19 Nov. 1980, ff. 170 (and f. 166), 176 (and f. 174), 213 (and f. 212); 28 Jan., 29 Apr., 24 June 1981, ff. 1, 16; 6 Oct. 1982, f. 107

.3JB to ANG, 30 Apr. – will ask Council’s plans for the Bock portraits and the Dowling picture (tpc.)

.4JB’s notes for Council (see Council minutes, 16 Oct. 1985, f. 39a)(photocopy); see also Council minutes, 16 Oct. 1985, f. 33 on extending the loan to the ANG

.5JB’s to ANG, 12 Nov. – suggests extending agreement over the Bock portraits and the Dowling picture; decision over Truganini’s bust still not made (tpc.)

.6ANG to JB, 22 Nov. – would be convenient to extend loan for a further five years (tp.)

.7JB to ANG, 29 Nov. – on Truganini’s bust to be sent to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (photocopy)

.8Ibid., 2 Dec. – prepared for agreement of five years for the Bock portraits and the Dowling painting; willing for the Bock portraits to be included in the Bicentenary celebrations in 1988; also willing for postcards to be made (photocopy)


.9ANG to JB, 23 Jan. 1986 – glad to know the extension of the loan is agreed; the portraits included in the Bicentenary celebrations, and reproduction as a postcard allowed (tp.)

.10David Ell Press Pty Ltd, Chippendale, NSW to RAI, 4 Feb. – seeks permission to reproduce Dowling painting in a reference book for the New South Wales Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs (tp.); JB’s letter, 19 Feb. giving permission not retained

.11ANG to JB, 28 Feb. – on renewal of loan agreements and amendation of one clause (tp.); see Council minutes, 26 Mar. 1986, f. 71 and f. 69

.12ANG to JB, 18 Apr. – reports ‘slow deterioration in the frame’ round the Dowling painting; willing to repair the frame at the Gallery’s expense (tp.); JB’s letter, 28 Apr. giving consent not retained

.13Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney to Philip Goldman, 1 Aug. – on valuation of the Dowling painting (tp.); further correspondence with ANG on valuation, 3 Sep. – 6 Oct. 1986 not retained


.14ANG to JB, 3 Apr. 1987 – since your letter of 26 Feb. (not retained) asking for consideration to be given to purchase the Bock portraits and the Dowling painting; interested but prices mentioned too high (tp.); JB’s letter of acknowledgement, 8 May not retained

.15Philip Goldman to JB, 13 May – encloses notes on Tasmanian works of art (/.16 below); comments on them (tp., annotated by PG)

.16’Tasmanian works of art [by Robert Dowling and Thomas Bock]’ by Philip Goldman, Chairman, Finance Committee, 15 May (mimeo, with autogr. addendum by JB); presented to Council, 1 July (see Minutes, 1 July 1987, ff. 179-80); see also Minutes, 1 July 1987, ff. 167-8

.17Prof. M.H. Day to JB, 3 June – unable to attend Council; gives his views on sale of paintings (tp.)

.18Brian Durrans, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum to JB, 4 June – gives his views on sale of paintings (tp.); see Council minutes, 1 July 1987, ff. 161-2

.19Dr Schuyler Jones, Curator, Pitt Rives Museum, Oxford to JB, 10 June – ibid. (tp.); also refers to Bryan Cranstone’s recommendations

.20Ibid., 16 June – expands his views further (tp.); see Council minutes, 1 July 1987, f. 181

.21Prof. I. Schapera to JB, 19 June – gives his views on the sale (tp.); ibid., f. 182

.22National Library of Australia, Canberra to JB, 17 Sep. – interested to hear that the RAI may sell the portraits; more properly within the collecting policy of ANG (tp.); JB’s letter, 9 Sep. offering the portraits not retained

.23JB to Philip Goldman and Brian Durrans, 6 Oct. – memo on possible auction at Sotheby’s; encloses draft letter to Sotheby’s (see /.25 below)(tp.)

.24Philip Goldman to JB, 7 Oct. – on auction by Sotheby’s Australia (tp.); it was considered at a Finance Committee meeting on 21 Oct. 1987

.25JB to Sotheby’s, 9 Oct. – on possible auction (photocopy); letter of reply, 14 Oct. recommending auction in Australia not retained; see Council minutes, 21 Oct. 1987, f. 205

.26Christie’s, South Kensington to JB, 14 Oct. – on possible auction in Sydney (tp.)

.27Hermione Waterfield, Christie’s to JB, 14 Oct. – colleague at Christie’s (/.26 above) has replied to JB’s letter to her (not in file); makes suggestions (tp.); JB’s replies, all dated 19 Oct. not retained

.28ANG to JB, 21 Oct. – interested as indicated (see /.14 above); asks about acquiring Robert Dowling’s painting only (tp.)

.29Sotheby’s Australia to JB, 21 Oct. – on auction in Aug. (tp.); JB’s reply, 29 Oct. not retained

.30Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide (AGSA) to Brian Durrans, 28 Oct. – understands RAI may sell the Bock and Dowling portraits; AGSA has the most important collection of Tasmanian Colonial art after the Tasmanian Museum; asks price (photocopy); reply, 4 Nov. not retained

.31JB to ANG, 2 Nov. – refers to letter of 21 Oct. (/.28 above); makes proposal as to costs (tpc.)

.32JB to AGSA, 9 Nov. – replies to letter to Brian Durrans (/.30 above); gives price; option given to interested party expires on 15 Jan. (tpc.)

.33AGSA to JB, 16 Nov. – glad RAI willing to sell if their present option fails; interested to receive photographs (tp.); JB’s reply, 2 Dec. not retained and JB’s letter, 4 Jan. 1988 reaffirming offer not retained

.34ANG to JB, 21 Dec. – their Council has met and decided not to proceed with the purchase; expresses appreciation for loan of the works (tp.); JB’s letter, 4 Jan. 1988 on offer not retained


.35Philip Goldman to JB, 1 Jan. 1988 – failing response from 1ng offer should be withdrawn and works offered to AGSA; refers to the Tozzer Library negotiations [i.e. Anthropological Index] and staff salaries (tp.)

.36Director, AGSA to JB, 20 Jan. – will recommend to next Board meeting in Feb. that the Dowling and Bock paintings be acquired; suggests ways of payment (by fax; photocopy); JB’s reply, 21 Jan. accepting terms not retained

.37JB to Sotheby’s Australia, 21 Jan. – reports concluding sale of the paintings (photocopy)

.38JB to ANG, 9 Feb. – asks for increase in insurance cover; refers to provisional offer from AGSA (photocopy)

.39JB to AGSA, 9 Feb. – gives information on the Bock and Dowling paintings; willing to make arrangements for Board members to see paintings provided insurance costs are covered (by fax; photocopy)

.40AGSA to JB, 10 Feb. – thanks him for information; agrees to pay insurance costs (by fax; photocopy)

.41Ibid., 23 Feb. – reports Board members agreed the purchase of Robert Dowling’s painting and 5 separate portraits by Thomas Bock; they also agreed the method and timing of payments; asks about provenance of Dowling’s painting (by fax; photocopy)

.42JB to AGSA, 24 Feb. – delighted to hear of Board’s decision; makes suggestions for the passing of ownership and the transmission of payment; has no information on the provenance of Dowling’s painting before its possession by the RAI (tpc.)

.43Ibid., 16 Mar. – remittance received; asks for confirmation of agreement in his letter of 24 Feb. (/.42 above) (photocopy)

.44AGSA to JB, 24 Mar. – gives details of payment; paintings now in possession (tp.)

.45ANG to JB, 11 Apr. – sends account for $A922.87 (photocopy)

.46AGSA to JB, 27 Apr. – agrees to statements in letter of 24 Feb. (/.42 above); to formalise legal title asks for signature on enclosed (tp., annotated by JB)

.47JB to ANG, 28 Apr. – expresses puzzlement at account (/.45 above) (tpc.)

.48JB to Director, AGSA, 4 May – thanks him for letter of 27 Apr. (/.46 above); encloses statement (/.49 below) (tpc.)

.49Statement on passing legal title from RAI to AGSA, 4 May (photocopy)

.50ANG to JB, 8 June – confirms account relates to increased insurance cover as instructed (tp.); JB’s reply, 15 June stating their letter, 22 Mar., sending bank draft did not arrive, not retained

.51JB to AGSA, 8 Nov. – acknowledges final payment (tpc.); JB’s letters, 7 July and 4 Aug. on earlier payments not retained

.52Financial report for the year ending 31 Dec. 1880, J. Anthrop. Inst. 1881, Vol. 10, p. 435

.53’Thomas Bock’s portraits of the Tasmanian Aborigines’ by N.J.B. Plomley, Rec. Q. Victoria Mus. NS, No. 18, 1965

.54Notes from Joseph Barnard Davis’s notebooks (tpc.)

3/1880? Robert Dowling’s Group of Natives of Tasmania

Oil (framed) dated 1860; probably painted in London; based on portraits by Thomas Bock; possibly purchased by the Anthropological Institute in Jan. 1880 with the Bock portraits, /2/1.4-.5 above. On loan to the Australian National Gallery, Canberra, 1981-8. Sold to the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide in 1988. See /2/2.2-.51 passim. Printed material

.1’Pictures of Tasmanian Aborigines by Robert Dowling’ by N.J.B. Plomley, Annu. Bull. Nat. Gall. Victoria, 1961, Vol. 3

3.41880. Nepalese drawings

These drawings were presented by Brian H. Hodgson; for a record of the gift see Council minutes, 23 Nov. 1880, f. 379, JAI, Vol. 10, 23 Nov. 1880, p. 424 and Report of Council, JAI, Vol. 10, 1880, p. 437 presented 25 Jan. 1881. The drawings were not in the collection at 21 Bedford Square and are not at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street. There appears to be no trace of them apart from the initial record of the gift

4/Dec. 1923. Adela C. Breton bequest

The paintings by Adela C. Breton were a bequest from the estate of the artist and were received in Dec. 1923. She was Assistant Secretary of the Americanist Congress held in 1912.

.1Portrait (head and shoulders) of a Malay (male); label on backing board with title: Karamon-Nikko. Price £10; address of artist: Singapore; framed (pastel); 20 x 16 in.; subject 123/4 x 81/4 in.; handled by Charles D. Soar, London, No. 2822

.2Ibid.; label on backing board, headed Royal Academy with title: Yomeimon Nikko. Price £10.10.0; address of artist: 11 St Albans Road, Kensington; framed (pastel), 20 x 16 in., subject 131/4 x 91/4 in.; handled as above /.1

.3Painting entitled: Yomeimon Nikko; mounted (watercolour), 18 x 14 in., subject 133/4 x 93/4 in.

.4Portrait (head and shoulders) of a male; framed (pastel), 291/4 x 251/4 in., subject 201/2 x 17 in.

.5Portrait (head and shoulders) of a Mexican (male) entitled: Dimas Castrehon Pie de So Cuesta, Mexico; address: Mexico; framed (pastel), 303/4 x 241/4 in., subject 201/2 x 14 in.

.6Painting of a building; framed (watercolour), 18 x 14 in., subject 133/4 x 93/4 in.

.7Painting of a building set against a forest; framed (broken)(water colour), subject 211/2 x 141/2 in.

4A1928. Painting (group) of a dance (men and women); artist Norman H. Hardy; framed (monochrome) see also /1/7 above; may be part of a bequest from T.A. Joyce (see Council minutes, 15 Apr. 1947, Item 5e, f. 499); see also Council minutes, 14 June 1949, Item 11, f. 573

5/1943. G.W. Stow’s Bushman paintings (photographs)

See MS 418 for the photographs of Stow’s Bushman paintings which were not included in his Rock-paintings in South Africa, 1930


.1Miss D.F. Bleek to RAI, 14 July 1943 – has sets of photographs of G.W. Stow’s Bushman paintings not included in Rock paintings of South Africa; pleased to send a set; difficulties of censorship (autogr.)

.2Miss Felicia Stallman to HJB, 17 Sep. – note on possible damage; asks for suggestions (tp., annotated by HJB)

.3Ibid., to G.M. Morant, 24 Sep. – inquires as to certification to avoid possible damage (tp.)

.4Ibid., to Miss D.F. Bleek, 27 Sep. – accepts offer; makes suggestions for avoiding the censor; perhaps better to defer sending until after the war (tp.)

6/Apr. 1946. Paintings of Mexican ceramics

.1Irwin Bullock to WBF, 2 Apr. 1946 – has paintings of Mexican ceramics which Prof. Pablo Martinez del Rio wishes to present to the RAI (autogr., annotated by WBF and Felicia Stallman). The paintings were accepted but are not held at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street (see Council minutes, 18 June 1946, Item 4a, f. 476)

7/1952. Amy J. Drucker’s paintings

Presented by the artist in 1952. All the paintings are water-colour and charcoal unless stated otherwise. All are in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street

.1Portrait (half length) of a young girl; mounted, 161/2 x 14 in., subject 143/4 x 103/4 in.

.2Ibid., (head and shoulders) of a woman; charcoal, subject 201/2 x 15 in.

.3Ibid., ibid., mounted, 211/2 x 18 in., subject 15 x 11 in.

.4Portrait (head and shoulders) of Hassan Osman Assuan; mounted (pastel) 20 x 243/4 in., subject 12 x 141/2 in.

.5Portrait (half length) of a Zapotecan peasant woman, Mexico, Mitla, Oaxaca; mounted 193/4 x 16 in., subject 151/4 x 101/4 in.

.6Portrait (head and shoulders) of a Malayan woman; mounted 161/4 x 213/4 in., subject 123/4 x 19 in.

.7Portrait (half length) of a Malayan man; mounted 18 x 201/2 in., subject 123/4 x 171/2 in.; dated 1938

.8Portrait (head and shoulders) of a girl; mounted 23 x 18 in., subject 20 x 143/4 in.

.9Ibid., of a young Malayan man; charcoal, subject 201/2 x 151/4 in.

.10Portrait (half length) of a mother and baby, Tarascan, Lake Patycanaro, Mexico; mounted 203/4 x 183/4 in., subject 21 x 231/2 in.

.11Portrait (head and shoulders) of General Luis Otero Mujica, Antafagasti, Chile; subject 183/4 x 121/2 in.

.12Ibid., of a female, Asha, Harrar; dated Harrar, 1935; charcoal; subject 19 x 121/2 in.

.13Ibid., of a young male Abyssinian; subject 17 x 16 in.

.14Ibid., of a male, Ismail Jama (Hade Tojaala Ahamed Jara?); subject 181/2 x 121/4 in.

.15Ibid., of a male; dated La Paz, 1930; mounted 211/4 x 23 in., subject 121/2 x 19 in.

.16Ibid., of a male Abyssinian?; subject 201/2 x 15 in.

.17Ibid., of an Abyssinian female; dated Harrar, 1935; subject 181/2 x 141/4 in.

.18Ibid., of a male, Nigerian lawyer from Lagos; subject 191/2 x 16 in.

.19Ibid., of a Malayan male; mounted 261/2 x 181/2, subject 23 x 181/2 in.

.20Ibid., of a female Abyssinian on Martin Farm; dated Abyssinia, 1934; pencil and water-colour; mounted 151/2 x 121/2 in., subject 101/4 x 81/4 in.

.21Portrait (half length) of a male: study from an Abyssinian wedding; subject 243/4 x 19 in.

.22Portrait (head and shoulders) of a female (alla?): Mulu Abyssinian; mounted 19 x 143/4 in., subject 121/2 x 91/4 in.

.23Ibid., of a male, Abyssinian army officer; subject 23 x 171/2 in.

.24Portrait (head) of a male; charcoal and chalk; subject 201/2 x 151/4 in.

.25Portrait (head and shoulders) of a slave Akaki, Abyssinia; sub-title: slave type; pencil and water-colour; mounted 16 x 131/2 in., subject 111/2 x 91/2 in.

.26Ibid., of a male Tarascan Indian, Lake Patlquaro, Mexico; subject 221/4 x 173/4 in.

.27Ibid., ibid., Mexico; mounted 263/4 x 191/2 in., subject 211/4 x 141/2 in.

.28Ibid., of a male American Indian, Santa Clara; mounted 17 x 13 in., subject 151/2 x 11 in.

.29Portrait (head) of a female; mounted 163/4 x 13 in., subject 143/4 x 103/4 in.

.30Portrait (full length) of a female, Saki Srik, Malaya; mounted 181/4 x 141/2 in., subject 121/2 x 91/4 in.

.31Portrait (half length) of a male, Pie de la Questa, ‘a Mexican’; dated near Acapulco, 1937; mounted 183/4 x 151/4 in., subject 131/2 x 93/4 in.

.32Portrait (head and shoulders) of an Abyssinian male, Hailu; dated Addis Ababa; mounted 161/2 x 121/4 in., subject 121/2 x 10 in.

.33Ibid., of a male, Thuroune? subject 20 x 15 in.

.34Ibid., of a male: a Hindu in Malaya; charcoal; subject 161/4 x 131/4 in.

.35Ibid., of a male, Malayan? charcoal and pastel; subject 211/2 x 161/4 in.

8-9/1960. Portrait of a Marsh Arab

This portrait of Abdul Wahab, a Marsh Arab from the lower Euphrates was presented by Lieut. Colonel Lional Dimmock on 9 Nov. 1960; Abdul Wahab was boatman to Col. Dimmock while he was attached to the Iraqui Army; the artist was Mary Smith of the British Embassy staff and is dated Bagdad, 1945. The portrait is in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.

.1Portrait (head) of Abdul Wahab, a Marsh Arab; pastel, framed 221/4 x 173/4 in., subject 191/2 x 151/4 in.

9/Portrait correspondence

.1BJK to Lieut. Col. L. Dimmock, 7 Oct. 1960 – glad to accept portrait; would welcome all information about it (tp.)

.2Lieut. Col. L. Dimmock to BJK, 8 Oct. – gives details about portrait (autogr.)

.3Ibid., 1 Nov. – states when he will deliver the portrait (autogr., annotated by BJK)

10-11/1970. General Augustus Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers collection

These engravings were presented by Thomas Fox Pitt, General Pitt-Rivers’s grandson in Mar. 1970 and were added to those he presented ‘some years ago’; they were all from General Pitt-Rivers’s collection. General Pitt-Rivers was President, 1875-7, 1881-2. All the engravings are in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.


All the engravings are unframed unless stated otherwise; .1-.14 measure unframed 141/2 x 113/4 in., subject 9 x 7 in.; .15-.22 measure unframed 141/2 x 193/4 in., subject 83/4 x 143/4 in.; at the foot of each engraving: J. Webber del. All the engravings are in the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.

.1A woman of Nootka Sound

.2A man ibid.

.3A woman of Oonalashka

.4A man of Kamtschatka

.5A woman ibid.

.6A man of Prince William’s Sound

.7A woman ibid.

.8Poulaho, King of the Friendly Islands

.9A man of Mangea

.10A man of Van Diemen’s Land

.11A man of the Sandwich Islands, dancing (framed)

.12A woman of Van Diemen’s Land (framed)

.13A man of Oonalashka (framed)

.14A man (in a mask) of the Sandwich Islands (framed)

.15Inhabitants of Norton Sound and their habitations

.16View of the habitations of Nootka Sound

.17The body of Tee, a chief, as preserved after death in Otaheite

.18The Tschuktschi and their habitations

.19A fiatooka, or morai, in Tongataboo

.20A canoe of the Sandwich Islands with the rowers masked

.21Summer and winter habitations in Kamtschatka

.22View at Bolcheretkzoi in Kamtschatka (framed)

11/Correspondence and catalogues

.1Thomas Fox Pitt to RAI, 5 Mar. 1970 – has found three more prints belonging to his grandfather; willing to add them to those already given; gives details of his grandfather’s tomb (autogr.)

.2Administrative Secretary, RAI to T. Fox Pitt, 10 Mar. – thanks him for his gift (tp.)

.3Christie’s catalogue – Tribal art, 2 Oct. 1990; includes lots from the Pitt-Rivers collection (printed)

.4Ibid., 4 Dec. 1990; ibid.

.5Ibid., 18 June 1991; ibid.

.6’The catalogues of the Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham, Dorset’ by Michael Thompson and Colin Renfrew, Antiquity, Vol. 73, June 1999, pp. 379-92 (photocopy)

12/nd. Portrait (full length) of The witch doctor; Baganda type (framed); pen and ink drawing

This portrait is no longer held by the RAI; it was not held after the move from 21 Bedford Square in 1971.

13/1986. Stuart Mann Albanian collection

Dr Stuart Mann (d. 1986) bequeathed this collection consisting of a silver Albanian necklace [clasp with stone and glass decoration], two Albanian taper sticks, shawls and scarves which were added to the President’s Collection and ‘some books for the Library’ (see Council minutes, 16 Jan. 1985, Item 16i, f. 10, and the Director’s memorandum, 15 Jan., f. 11). Report of the Council, 1986, p. 18 acknowledges books from the Estate of Dr Stuart Mann (see /.2-.5). The scarves and shawls are on permanent loan to the Horniman Museum (see Council minutes, 21 Mar., 27 June 1990, Minutes 30 and 3m, ff. 214, 229 respectively). The silver clasp and the taper sticks are at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street; the former is in the safe.

.1Dr Stuart E. Mann (SEM) to JB, 13 Oct. 1984 – states he is proof reading his ‘life’s work (an Indo-European comparative dictionary …)’; has informed his trustees about the gifts, books and papers he proposes to make to the RAI (autogr.)

.2JB to SEM, 31 Oct. – thanks him for his warm welcome to his house; lists his gifts which will be added to the President’s Collection apart from the books (tpc.)

.3JB to Mrs Sheila Mackay, Museum of Mankind Library, 31 Oct. – lists books to be given by SEM; asks if the Library would accept them (tpc.)

.4JB to SEM, 14 Nov. – reports the Library ready to accept all his books except the Vatican book and his dictionaries already presented by him (tpc.); the books are now in the Anthropology Library

.5Mrs Helen Mann to JB, 3 Apr. 1987 – would like him to call and talk about SEM’s books (autogr.)

.6JB to David M. Boston, Horniman Museum, 29 Apr. – asks if the Museum would be interested to have certain of SEM’s gifts on permanent loan (photocopy)

.7D.M. Boston to JB, 8 May – lists SEM’s gifts to the RAI on permanent loan to the Museum (tp.)

/14nd. Villages of England

Diagrammatically drawn plan of the differing layout of villages in various parts of England; drawn by Webster Murray, Aug. 1949; pen and ink, water-colour washes; framed; lent to the British Ethnography Committee by Thomas W. Bagshawe; at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.

3/Portraits of Presidents

1The framed portraits of Presidents are hung at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street and are listed in the Portrait Collection.


Sir John Evans

.1Dr Joan Evans to Miss Felicia Stallman, [July 1945] – offers a framed engraving of her father, Sir John Evans (autogr.)

.2Miss Felicia Stallman to Dr Joan Evans, 1 Aug. 1945 – her offer was reported to Council (see Council minutes, 31 July 1945, Item 7, f. 453); offer gratefully accepted (tpc.)

Lord Avebury

.3RAI to Hon. Mrs Ursula Grant Duff, 1 Nov. 1956 – thanks her for presenting a portrait of her father, Lord Avebury (tpc.)

Sir Everard Im Thurn

.4BJK to Alexander Fenton, Hon. Secretary, Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society, 15 Feb. 1960 – inquires if a portrait of Sir Everard Im Thurn will be among the papers to be sent (tpc.); a framed portrait (photograph) was received and is listed in the Portrait Collection

James Hunt, President, Anthropological Society, 1863-6, 1868.

James Hunt was also Joint Hon. Secretary, Ethnological Society, 1860-2 and Hon. Foreign Secretary, 1862-3 and Director, Anthropological Society, 1867

.5Ashmolean Museum, Oxford to I. Lansbury, 27 Jan. 1994 – gives information on the artist, William Menzies Tweedie of a portrait of James Hunt (tp., photocopy)

.6I. Lansbury to RAI, 15 Sep. – on James Hunt whose portrait they have inherited; encloses details of the artist (/1.5 above); suggests leaving it to the RAI (ibid.)

.7JB to I. Lansbury, 20 Sep. – delighted to accept the portrait ultimately (ibid.)

.8I. Lansbury to JB, 10 Oct. – asks for a form of words to pass to his solicitors to ensure the portrait goes to the RAI (ibid.)

.9JB to I. Lansbury, 12 Oct. – suggests form of words for solicitor (ibid.)

.10Ibid., 9 Feb. 2000 – asks if it is still his intention to bequeath the portrait to the RAI; willing to purchase the portrait at market value (ibid.)

.11I. Lansbury to JB, 25 Mar. – has instructed solicitor to contact the RAI in due course; had not thought of the RAI purchasing the portrait; but a small donation to the Park Hospital for Children, Oxford would be greatly appreciated (ibid.)

Prof. George Busk and Sir William Flower

.12Miss Joan Edwards, Administrative Secretary, RAI to National Portrait Gallery, 7 July 1960 – inquires after portraits of Prof. George Busk and Sir William Flower (tpc.)

.13(Sir) R.C. Strong to RAI, 8 July – cites Royal College of Surgeons as having portraits; both have been photographed by the Courtauld Institute of Art (tp.); reply, 11 July, not retained

.14RAI to Courtauld Institute of Art, 11 July – requests the two prints; asks if the Royal College of Surgeon’s permission to hold them is required (tpc.)

.15Courtauld Institute of Art to RAI, 14 July – encloses the two prints; provided they are not reproduced, no need to write to the Royal College of Surgeons (tp.)

.16RAI to Courtauld Institute of Art, 16 July – acknowledges the two prints; instructions as to reproduction will be affixed to the back of the pictures when framed (tpc.)

T.A. Joyce

.17Miss Joan Edwards, RAI to HJB, 17 Apr. 1959 – RAI lacks a portrait of T.A. Joyce; asks if he knows anything about him; Prof. Fleure suggested asking Mrs Joyce (tpc.)

.18HJB to RAI, 20 Apr. – knew T.A. Joyce well, was a senior colleague; several good photographs in the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum; gives information about his widow, Mrs L.E. Joyce (autogr.)

.19RAI to HJB, 22 Apr. – thanks him for his letter; stresses importance of personal recollections; will write to Mrs Joyce (tpc.)

.20RAI to Mrs Joyce, 22 Apr. – RAI lacks a portrait of her husband; hopes she will be able to supply one; given her address by HJB (tpc.)

.21Mrs Joyce to RAI, 23 Apr. – very pleased to provide a portrait; sends 2 so that Council may choose; sends regards to HJB (autogr.)

.22RAI to Mrs Joyce, 24 Apr. – thanks her for the 2 photographs; Council will make a decision; asks if she has any papers relevant to the RAI (tpc.)

.23Dr M.W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary to Mrs Joyce, 25 May – conveys Council’s thanks; one photograph seemed more appropriate; returning the other one with personal regret (tpc.)

4/Other portraits of European and US citizens

These portraits are at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street. All are framed unless stated otherwise.

1Paul Broca (head and shoulders); photograph. Portrait Collection, No. 36006

2Sir Richard Francis Burton (head and shoulders, profile); oil on canvas; copy of Frederick, Lord Leighton’s portrait, 1873; copied by H. Oakes Jones at the National Portrait Gallery; presented by the Royal Borough of Kensington with the Burton Library, May 1955. Portrait Collection, No. 2732

3Ibid., (full length) as Hadji Abdullah at Mecca, 1893; oil on canvas; copied by Herbert Jones; unframed; presented as above

4Charles Darwin (head and shoulders); oil on canvas; framed by A. Beville Wright, 133a High Street Uxbridge, Portrait Collection

5Prof. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (head and shoulders); artist N.H. Hardy; pastel. Portrait Collection

6Prof. Grafton Elliot Smith, 1871-1937 (head and shoulders); photograph; Prof. of Anatomy, University of London; Huxley Lecturer, 1935, Portrait Collection

7Sir James George Frazer (head and shoulders); photograph by Ramsey and Muspratt, Cambridge, 1941 from the original by Lucien H. Monod, 1907; unframed; presented by Dr G.M. Trevelyan, 1941. Portrait Collection, No. 35999

8Enrico Hillyer Giglioli (head and shoulders); photograph dated 28 Sep. 1892, Florence. Portrait Collection

9Arthur Maurice Hocart (head and shoulders); artist N. Labouchere, Cairo, 1939; oil on canvas. Portrait Collection. Presented by the Estate of Mrs E.G. Hocard (deceased) and bequeathed by her, Nov. 1949; see Council minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, Item 7, f. 584

A70/ 4/10Andrew Lang (full length, seated); photograph framed by Goodstein, 7 Great St Andrew Street, Bloomsbury. Portrait Collection

11Otis Tufton Mason (head and shoulders); sepia photograph

12Alfred Percival Maudsley (seated at work on the site of the southern chamber, Casa de Monjas, Yucatan); sepia photograph. Portrait Collection

13Gustav Oscar Augustin Montelius, 1843-1921 (head and shoulders); photograph. Portrait Collection

14Mrs Brenda Zara Seligman (head and shoulders); photograph; presented by Mrs B.Z. Seligman. Portrait Collection

15Dr Marian W. Smith (head and shoulders); photograph; signed. Portrait Collection

16Fritz Soresin (in his 80th year, 1939); photograph. Portrait Collection

17Miss Beatrice M. Blackwood; photograph. Portrait Collection, No. 36040

18Dr Gertrude Caton Thompson; photograph. Portrait Collection, No. 36032

19Israel M. Sieff later Lord Sieff; photograph. Portrait Collection, No. 35978


The framed photographs are at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.

1Portrait (full length) of a Nuer girl, Bahr el Teraf, Anglo Egyptian Sudan; photographed by H. Lincoln Tangye; photograph touched up; presented by H.L. Tangye, 1910

2Andamenese greeting (group of men and boys); photographed by H.W. Seton-Karr

3South Andamans (group of men and boys); dated 1911; ibid.

4Portrait (full length) of man and wife, South Andamans; dated 1911; ibid.

5Sandy Point, L. Andaman Islands (group of women and children); dated 1911; ibid.

6Portrait (half length) of an American Indian, i.e. Native American (male); label on back: 1317, Poor-Um Ute Brave; sepia photograph; nd

7Ibid.; label on back: 1319, Pelone, Ute Brave; ibid.

8Ibid.; label on back, 1341, Standing Wolf, Cheyenne; ibid.

9Portrait (half length) of a Tamil boy, Ceylon; dated 1910; photographed by H.W. Seton-Karr

10Photograph of the Seton-Karr collection of stone implements at the Museum of Natural History, Springfield, Mass., USA, 1914; sepia photograph by H.W. Seton-Karr; note on mounting: paleolithic impl[ement]s from the Pennaar Vall[ey], India where they were made; washed out of the pleistocene laterite alluvium containing quartoite boulders

11Portrait (half length) of Buckskin Charlie, Chief; numbered 1314; photograph; condition poor

12Portrait (half length) of Pedro, Ute; numbered 1304; photograph; framed by G.H. Enderson, 503 Harrow Road, London W

6/Slide and photographic collections

The slide collection and the Photographic Collection are at the Administrative Offices, Fitzroy Street.

.1The Portman collection of photographs of the Andaman Islanders comprising 700 photographs with brief printed and manuscript descriptions with medical details and arranged in 26 volumes varying in size from small octavo to royal quarto, 1890-9 appears to be unrecorded in RAI papers except for 8 slides ‘from photos’ purchased from V. Portman ‘to illustrate the making of an adze by a native of the Andaman Islands’ and is recorded as in the ‘British Museum Ethnographical Department’ on 30 Mar. 1897 (see A84, f. 3). However, there are 25 (Nos. 809-34) photographs of the Andaman Islanders from the Portman collection in the photographic collection on ‘Adze and bow making’. A small part of the collection is in the British Library Manuscript Department, a complete set in the India Office Library and a set of anthropological interest in 8 volumes in the British Museum Department of Ethnography

.2In 1935 Council decided not to purchase the Portman collection of photographs as the collection was available elsewhere (see /.1 above and Council minutes, 18 June 1935, f. 266)

.3Note and proposals on the ‘Institute collection of slides, photographs &c.’, [Oct. 1945]; see Executive Committee minutes, 23 Oct. 1945, f. 270; Council minutes, 20 Nov. 1945, Minute 4a; see also A51/11 Library Sub-Committee and Library Policy Committee minutes and papers, 1945-9

7/Rough list of other references noted in Council minutes and the Report of Council

1’Seven beautiful drawings of Australians, actual portraits, for £1 15 shillings’ (not stated where purchased); Ethnological Society Council minutes, 8 Oct. 1851, f. 95

2’A letter was read from Mr Hodges Curteis offering to present to the Society’s Museum the skeleton of the Russian Giant …’; Anthropological Society Council minutes, 18 Jan. 1870, f. 5

3’Three skulls of the Osyéba tribe, from Banoko, West Africa, presented by R.B.N. Walker’; JAI Vol. I, Minutes of the meeting of 6 Nov. 1871, f. 268

4’From Eugene Morris: 3 Caffre necklaces, 1 shell necklace and a bone fish hook, 1 divining necklace of sticks, 2 finished and 1 unfinished pipes, 1 apron, a Caffre spear, Scandinavian beer jug; from T.J. Hutchinson: 12 Peruvian skulls; from Dr J. Barnard Davis: 4 Peruvian skulls; from Morton Allport: a skeleton of a Tasmanian aborigen [sic]’ (see 70/1/4.1) 30 Dec. 1871; JAI. Vol. II, Minutes of meeting of 8 Apr. 1872, p. 90

5’Special thanks were voted and ordered to be sent to Consul Hutchinson, Dr Barnard Davis, Mr Morton Allport, and Mr Carter Blake for the liberal presents of skulls and skeleton they have severally presented to the Museum’; AI Council minutes, 8 Apr. 1872, f. 80

6’Thanks were also voted to Mr Eugen Morris for his ethnographical presents to the Museum, and to Mr Tom Craston for his gift of a gorilla skeleton’; AI Council minutes, 8 Apr. 1872, f. 80-1

7’A letter was read from Dr Barnard Davis containing a report on the Puelche skeleton and recommendations as to the best way of dealing with it with a view to its preservation; and a recommendation as to the articulation of the New Tasmanian skeleton’; AI Council minutes, 20 May 1872, f. 89

8’Thanks were ordered to be sent … to Consul Hutchinson for his further present of American skulls, and also to Mr Scott Adie for his present of photographs’; AI Council minutes, 3 June 1872, f. 91

9’A proposal to effect an exchange of the imperfect skeleton of gorilla … for certain Chinese and other skulls belonging to Prof. Struthers of Aberdeen, was referred to Prof. Busk and Dr Carter Blake’; AI Council minutes, 3 June 1872, ff. 97-8

10’Thanks…were voted to Mr Robert Peel for gift of Australian Aborigine; to Mr S.M. Bradley for 3 Australian skulls; and to Consul T.J. Hutchinson for his large presents of many cases of Peruvian skulls’; AI Council minutes, 22 Oct. 1872, f. 98

11’A further letter from Prof. Struthers relative to an exchange of Museum specimens having been read, Mr Tom Craston the donor of the incomplete gorilla skeleton was ordered to be communicated with’; AI Council minutes, 5 Nov. 1872, f. 100

12’From Walter Besant: 6 photographs of the Hamath stones’; JAI Vol. II, Minutes of the meeting of 5 Nov. 1872, p. 315

13’The museum has been enriched by a large number of very valuable gifts … It has also been improved by the articulation and suspension in wooden cases of the aboriginal [sic] Tasmanian skeleton, presented by Mr Morton Allport, and the gorilla skeleton, presented by Mr Tom Craston’; JAI Vol. II, Minutes of the meeting of 21 Jan. 1873, p. 427

14’Two skulls, one being that of a Chinese individual, the gift of Prof. Struthers, were exhibited; a skull from a kist in Banffshire was also exhibited, by the Revd. Walter Gregor; the Chairman exhibited, on behalf of Capt. Edge, an idol from Nicobar’; JAI Vol. III, Minutes of the meeting of 4 Feb. 1873, p. 2

15’From Consul T.J. Hutchinson: 140 Peruvian skulls, with pottery; from Dr Robert Peel: skeleton of an Australian’; JAI Vol. III, Minutes of the meeting of 4 Mar. 1873, p. 57

16’From the Royal Society of Tasmania: 2 casts from skulls of Tasmanians, 2 masks of Tasmanians, 6 stone implements and 6 sheets of photographs of Tasmanians’; JAI Vol. III, Minutes of the meeting of 20 May 1873, p. 174

17’From Lieut. Holland: 2 photographs of Ainos’; JAI Vol. III, Minutes of the meeting of 17 June 1873, p. 230

18’From E.C. Reed: 2 casts of wooden tablets with hieroglyphics found in Easter Island’; JAI Vol. III, Minutes of the meeting of 11 Nov. 1873, p. 308

19’From J. Gould Avery: 2 Maori skulls, found in a cave near Auckland, New Zealand’; JAI Vol. III, Minutes of the meeting of 9 Dec. 1873, p. 370

20’…collection of Peruvian skulls, pottery, and other objects, contributed by Consul Hutchinson, a collection so numerous that from it the President … was enabled, after selecting a sufficient number of typical specimens for permanent preservation … to present to the University Museums of Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh, a similar set, and to hand over about 100 specimens to the Royal College of Surgeons for preservation in their Hunterian Museum …’ (see 70/1/15); JAI Vol. III, Report of the Council for 1873, p. 503

21’A letter from Dr Frederick Dally offering to present 3 skulls of Vancouver Islanders to the Museum, was read and the offer was accepted with thanks’; AI Council minutes, 10 Feb. 1874, f. 156

22’From Dr F. Dally: three flat headed skulls from Vancouver’s [sic] Island’; JAI vol. IV, 10 Feb. 1874, p. 2

23’A letter from Mr John Brent accompanying a donation to the Museum of flint implements from Reculver and elsewhere, was read …’; AI Council minutes, 24 Mar. 1874, f. 161

24’From Logan D.H. Russell: one grass hat, as worn by Mandingo chiefs’; JAI vol. IV, 4 Apr. 1874, p. 88

25’From Logan D.H. Russell: sword as used by Mandingo chiefs; grass bag from Abomey, the Capital of Dahomey; grass cloth from Angola’; JAI vol. IV, 8 Apr. 1874, p. 101

26’A human skull with description, forwarded by Mr Conway was referred to the President’; AI Council minutes, 27 Oct. 1874, f. 175

27’Presents of photographs were received with thanks from Mr Bollaert, of Peruvian antiquities and from Dr Dobson of Andaman Islanders’; AI Council minutes, 10 Nov. 1874, f. 177

28’From J. Milligan: Tasmanian necklace; from Dr John Shortt: skeleton of male Hindu (Soudra)’; JAI vol. V, 25 May 1875, p. 222

29’It was resolved that the Hindu skeleton presented to the Museum by Dr Shortt be re-articulated and placed in a case similar to that holding the Tasmanian skeleton’; AI Council minutes, 25 May 1875, f. 203

30’Letters were read from Mr Franks accompanying a present of Churb fan from M. de Manioff; from Mr Besant conveying an offer photographic services in Australia [sic]; and from Capt. Waterhouse presenting photographs of Nicobarese, and the same were accepted with thanks’; AI Council minutes, 26 Oct. 1875, f. 210

31’The offer of a human skeleton from the Sewers Commissioners, was accepted with thanks; the offer of human remains, found in Cambridgeshire, from Mr Hooper May was received with thanks and the Secretary was requested to ask Mr May if he can accompany it with a history of the find’; AI Council Minutes, 9 Nov. 1875, f. 212

32’The skull presented by Mr Hooper May to the Institute and his offer to exhibit an ancient vase were accepted with thanks…’; AI Council minutes, 23 Nov. 1875, f. 214

33’From W.E. Stanbridge: flat stone for grinding Nardo seed on, from Australia; two hand stones for ditto; one spear-head from the Gulf of Carpenteria; seven hand stones for cutting’; JAI vol. VI, 14 Mar. 1876, p. 37

34’Photographs of Veddahs from Mr Simpson and of natives of [Ruak?] from Dr – were received’; AI Council minutes, 11 Apr. 1876, f. 235

35’From Edwin Canton: skull of a Bushman from the Cape’; JAI vol. VI, 14 Nov. 1876, p. 280

36’A special vote of thanks was passed to Prof. Hayden for his present of an album … containing photographs of the Indians of North America, representing 70 of the principal tribes’; JAI vol. VII, 13 Feb. 1877, p. 2

37’A special letter of thanks was ordered to be sent to Prof. Hayden for his present of photographs of N. American tribes’; AI Council minutes, 13 Feb. 1877, f. 264

38’Miss Buckland presented a digging stone from Cape of Good Hope ….’; JAI vol. VII, 27 Feb. 1877, p. 21

39’A letter from Mr Le Mesurier was read and his offer of a donation of various objects from the Andaman Islands was accepted with thanks’; AI Council minutes, 27 Feb. 1877, ff. 266-7

40’Mr Dyer: photographs accepted with thanks’; AI Council minutes, 30 Oct. 1877, f. 282

41’Special thanks were voted to Prof. Bogdanow for his collection of 40 papier-mâché casts of skulls’; JAI vol. VII, 13 Nov. 1877, p. 322

42′ … collection of books from Executors of Estate of Sir Walter Trevelyan, Bart. (dictionaries and grammars)’ see also Report of the Council p. 442; JAI vol. IX, 11 Nov. 1879, p. 253

43’A letter was read from Mr Gerrard in reference to his purchase of the preserved specimen of the gorilla and the following resolution agreed to “that considering the amount of restoration to which it appears that the gorilla sold to Mr Gerrard had been subjected, but which at the time of the sale was not apparent, his offer of £30 in lieu of the £40, be accepted”‘; AI Council minutes, 13 May 1879, f. 331

44’A letter from Sir C.E. Trevelyan was read announcing the bequest … of the late Sir Walter C. Trevelyan of his dictionaries and ethnological works (not being Oriental) and the Directors were desired to write …accepting … with thanks’; AI Council minutes, 15 June 1879, f. 335

45’The Council have resolved … to devote all spare funds to the enlargement of the Library, and to maintain the collection of skulls and skeletons, but to give up the attempt…to establish …[an] ethnographical museum …The Council resolved … to accept two offers …one of £14 …for the Burmese gong, and one of £40 from Major General Pitt Rivers for the other objects, with a view of their being ultimately deposited at South Kensington’; JAI vol. X, 1880, Report of the Council, p. 439

46’The Library and Museum Committee was instructed to take into consideration the disposal of the accumulation of ethnological objects in the possession of the Institute’; AI Council minutes, 10 Feb. 1880, f. 354

47’A letter was read from Mr Carl Block presenting … a series of 30 plates illustrating the Dyaks of Kortei – their houses, dress, weapons and utensils and copied from his original drawings in 1879-80′; AI Council minutes, 26 Apr. 1881, f. 395

48’The Library of the Institute has received numerous valuable donations, among which may be specially noted a large series of photographs of Lapps from Prince Roland Bonaparte …’; JAI vol. XV, 1886, Report of the Council, p. 488

49’The question of the disposal of the collection of crania by loan or otherwise was discussed and a Committee … appointed to estimate their value … ‘; AI Council minutes, 23 Jan. 1894, f. 273

59’Report of the Committee on the collection of crania: 1.That the British crania be offered to Prof. Macalister for the sum of £10; 2. That the whole of the rest of the crania and casts be offered to the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons for the sum of £100; 3. That the Tasmanian, Indian and gorilla skeletons be retained’ (see 70/1/15); AI Council minutes, 12 June 1894, f. 279

60’The Secretary reported that the offer of the collection of skulls for the sum of £100 had been accepted by the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons’ (see 70/1/15); AI Council minutes, 17 Oct. 1894, f. 281

61’A collection of photographs was received through Mr Coutts Trotter from Mr G. Allen …’; AI Council minutes, 11 Dec. 1894, f. 283

62’A letter was read from Mr Coutts Trotter offering a MS vocabulary composed by his grandfather … ; a letter was read from Dr John Poland offering a skull, supposed to be that of an Augustinian monk …’; AI Council minutes, 7 Dec. 1897, f. 326

63’The British Museum being desirous of buying 2 Tasmanian busts belonging to the Institute … £15 should be the price’; AI Council minutes, 10 May 1898, ff. 345-6

64’The President read a letter from Prof. Sir Wm. Flower offering a sum of £15 for the two Tasmanian busts … this offer was accepted…also offered …a proposal to give £100 for the skeleton of an Aboriginal Tasmanian now in our Library, presented to the Institute in 1871 by Mr Morton Allport’ (see 70/1/4.1); AI Council minutes, 24 May 1898, f. 349

65’It was proposed … that Sir Wm. Flower’s proposal to purchase the Institute’s Tasmanian skeleton for £100 be accepted’; AI Council minutes, 14 June 1898, f. 352

66’India Office. Six sketches of Sir E. Durand on the Russian and Afghan frontier have been presented to the Institute …’; AI Council minutes, 30 May 1899, f. 395

67’Mr Balfour presented to this Institute a portrait of the late Lieut. Gen. Pitt-Rivers…’; AI Council minutes, 27 Nov. 1900, f. 22

68’The thanks of the Institute were tendered to General Robley for his present of a drawing of a Maori war dance’; AI Council minutes, 12 Mar. 1901, f. 30

69’It was resolved to deposit on loan in the British Museum, in the Pitt-Rivers Museum at Oxford, and in the Ethnographical Museum at Cambridge, the collection of stone implements which has accumulated in the basement of the Institute’s rooms’; AI Council minutes, 14 May 1901, f. 35

70’A book of photographs of Andaman & Nicobar Islands presented to the Institute by Mr E.H. Man, was laid on the table’; AI Council minutes, 11 Mar. 1902, f. 53

71’Letters were read from Prof. Frederick Starr of Chicago, presenting …through Mr E. Sidney Hartland, a collection of photographs of Mexico and copies of his works’; AI Council minutes, 7 Nov. 1905, f. 121

72’It was resolved that Prof. Sergi’s offer to present eight skulls … be accepted; the Secretary read Mr Hodgson’s letter offering … eight oil paintings & Sir Richard Martin offered to see the pictures at the first opportunity & report’ (see 70/2/3.4); AI Council minutes, 22 May 1906, f. 135

73’A letter was read from Dr Lewis Robertson offering to present three Fuegian skulls’; RAI Council minutes, 25 Feb. 1908, f. 174

74’A gift of 103 photographs of the Brahuis from Mr Ernest Mackay was reported’; RAI Council minutes, 21 Nov. 1933, f. 230

75’Mr Hawkes was asked to examine the material left to the Institute by the late Admiral Boyle Somerville’ (see 70/1/9); RAI Council minutes, 14 July 1936, f. 288

76’Mr Hawkes stated that the material was valuable and that another opinion should be sought. It was resolved to ask Prof. Hogben to look at them’; RAI Council minutes, 12 Oct. 1936, f. 290

77’Mr Hawkes reported progress with regard to the committee appointed to study the Somerville MSS. Mr Keiller’s name was added to the Committee’; RAI Council minutes, 16 Mar. 1937, f. 301

78’…it was agreed that owing to the difficulty of arranging a meeting of the members of the Somerville Committee, to accept the report of an informal discussion among members of the Committee’;RAI Council minutes, 20 Apr. 1937, f. 302

79’The report of the Somerville Committee was deferred for a further report’; RAI Council minutes, 25 May 1937, f. 305

JAI 1878, 1882-5, 1887-96 no gifts for the Museum recorded

Executive Committee 1900-12. No gifts independent of Council Minutes noted

JAI Report of Council no gifts mentioned 1913-32