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Working copy and related papers for the preparation of the sixth edition, 1951.

The sixth edition was revised and rewritten by a Committee of the RAI, edited by Brenda Z. Seligman, and published in 1951 by Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., see the 5th edition, 1929, pp. v-ix and the 6th, 1951, pp. v-vii for details of the Committee and its work.

1/    Beatrice M. Blackwood’s copy of the 5th edition used in the preparation of the 6th edition with amendments on pp. 187-362, 371-90 passim by various hands and attached inserts (now in envelope):

1    p. 246

2    p. 246 (illus.)

3    p. 248

4    p. 268

5    p. 290

6    p. 326

2/    Drafts

1    Physical anthropology: general. i, 17 leaves (tpc. with autogr. corrections)

2    Measurements on the living subject. A-C, 1-4, 4a, 5-15 (tpc. with autogr. corrections)

3    Skeletal measurements. i, 8 leaves (tpc. with autogr. corrections)

4    Field antiquities, 13 leaves numbered 302-14 (tpc. with autogr. corrections)

5    Material culture, 5 leaves (3 autogr., 2 tpc. with autogr. corrections)

6    Bibliography (based on Book List 185, Anthropology, compiled by the RAI, sponsored by the British Council, and distributed by the National Book Council) – printed list with autogr. corrections, additions, and deletions, 14 leaves

7    Ibid. – List B, ibid. 10 leaves

8    Ibid. – corrected 23/2/48, 6 leaves (tp., tpc., with autogr. corrections)

9    Ibid. – ibid., further additions and corrections, [17] leaves (autogr. by B.Z. Seligman and autogr. list, 9a by Prof. V.G. Childe)

10    Bibliography – typescript (carbon) draft, 17 leaves (with some autogr. corrections, 1 leaf, tp.)

11    Ibid. – typescript and typescript (carbon), 3 leaves (with autogr. additions and corrections)

12    Sociology. 7 leaves (corrected tp.)

3/    Comments on the bibliography from:

1    Prof. Meyer Fortes, July 1946. 4 leaves (tpc., items ticked)

2    Prof. J.H. Hutton, 23 July 1946. 6 leaves (tpc., printed leaflet with autogr. additions and corrections, incl. covering autogr. letter)

3    Prof. Sir John Myres, July 1946. 6 leaves (tpc., printed leaflet, incl. autogr. notes)

4    S.F. Nadel, 26 July 1946. 5 leaves (tpc. with autogr. additions, printed leaflet with suggested deletions by Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, incl. autogr. letter)

5    Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 29 July 1946. 3 leaves (tpc., printed leaflet with autogr. corrections)

6    Adrian Digby, 16 Dec. 1947. 6 leaves (tp., tpc., incl. covering letter)

7    Prof. J.H. Hutton, 5 Jan. 1948. 1 leaf (tp., no list enclosed)

8    Prof. R. Firth, 13 Jan. 1948. 1 leaf (tp., no list enclosed)

9    Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 22 Jan. 1948. 1 leaf (tp.)

10    Prof. I.L. Foster, 2 and 25 Aug. 1948. 2 leaves (autogr. pc., tp.)

11    R.U. Sayce, 11 Aug. 1948. 1 leaf (autogr.); see also /14 below

12    (Prof.) Max Gluckman, 28 Aug. 1948 (tp., no list enclosed)

13    Miss M.M. Green, covering letter from Mrs B.Z. Seligman enclosing the former’s suggestions, 11 Nov. 1948. 2 leaves (tp., tpc. with autogr. additions)

14    Adrian Digby, 22 Nov. 1948, note attached to letter from Miss F. Stallman (FS) Assistant Secretary enclosing R.U. Sayce’s autogr. list. 9 leaves (autogr. tpc.)

4/    Odd Notes

1    Beatrice Blackwood, 4 Mar. 1948 on Helen Roberts’s article and the bibliography, pc. (autogr.)

2    Notes by FS, 4 leaves (autogr.)

3    Suggested alternative title by W.B. Fagg (autogr.)

5/    Count of words. 5 leaves (autogr. by FS)

6/    Planning, contents

1    FS to C.A. Franklin, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1 leaf (tpc.)

2    Suggestions on printing for discussion. 5 leaves (tp., tpc. with autogr. notes by FS)

7/    Miscellaneous papers 1939, 1940, 1961, 1974

1    C.A. Franklin to Prof. C.G. Seligman, 24 Apr. 1939 – on publishing Notes and Queries; on royalties to RAI, costs and price (tp. with autogr. notes)

2    Prof. C.G. Seligman to Prof. R. Firth, 15 May – quotes a line from a letter from H.J Fleure, on Routledge’s (tp.)

3    H.J Fleure to ibid., 16 May – on arranging a meeting of Notes and Queries Committee for 2 June; on Routledge’s offer; on relations between RAI, British Association, and the Notes and Queries Committee (tp.)

4    Ibid., 23 May – encloses notice on meeting of Notes and Queries Committee; asks for authorization to hold meeting at RAI (tp.)

.1    Notice of meeting to be held at RAI on 2 June (tp.)

5    2 June – notes on Notes and Queries (autogr.; partly in W.B. Fagg’s hand, partly another hand)

6    13 June – Agenda for Council Meeting [including item 7 on Notes and Queries] (tp. with autogr. notes)

7    Meyer Fortes to Prof. R. Firth, 17 June – reports that the Committee on Applied Anthropology approves of plan to co-operate with the Colonial Office in preparation of a handbook for administrative officers; asks him for Council’s opinion on some questions relating to the Committee (autogr.)

8    Prof. J.L. Myres to W.B. Fagg [?], 18 June – suggests a Minute on transfer of publication of Notes and Queries from RAI to another publisher (autogr. pc)

9    W.B. Fagg, nd – notes on possible means of advertisement of Notes and Queries (autogr.)

10    Ibid. to Prof. J.L. Myres, 7 July – offers full support on the Notes and Queries issue; would be a calamity for RAI to relinquish publication; on scheme for increased advertising; hopes to discuss the matter with him (autogr. draft)

11    Prof. J.L. Myres to W.B. Fagg, 10 July – agrees with him; has had a long talk with Fleure about Notes and Queries; on the ‘Colonial Office suggestion’; suggests they meet to discuss matters (autogr.)

12    W.B. Fagg, nd – notes on ‘Proposed change to another publisher will be disadvantageous both to Inst & B.A’. 4 leaves (autogr.)

13    Ibid., ibid. – notes on the proposed transfer of publication of Notes and Queries from RAI to another publisher; Council ‘evenly and deeply divided’ on the question; British Association to be informed; provisions to be observed if transfer were to take place; on co-operation with the Colonial Office. 2 leaves (autogr.) [draft of text in Council Minutes for 11 July, A10/4, f. 353]

14    Ibid. to the Recorder, Section H, British Association, 13 July – on transfer of publication of Notes and Queries; makes points contained in 7/13; reports on disagreement over the suggestion that the new scheme would lead to greater circulation; on advertising. 2 leaves (tpc.)

15    Ibid. to Prof. J.L. Myres, 16 July – on differences of opinion at Council meeting on the Notes and Queries issue; refers to a ‘great verbal tussle’; votes were equal; resolution passed in the sense given in his letter to Section H [7/15]; encloses copy; on joint publication with British Association; looks forward to long discussion about RAI (autogr. draft)

16    Prof. J.L. Myres to W.B. Fagg, 19 July – thanks him for writing so fully; sorry that things ‘went wrong’; suggests date for meeting (autogr.)

17    R.U. Sayce, Recorder, Section H, British Association, to W.B. Fagg, 25 July – refers to his letter [7/14] which he will bring before Section H at Dundee meeting if the question should arise (tp.)

18    Prof. J.L. Myres to W.B. Fagg, 15 Sept. – thanks him for writing [letter not held]; on preparing issues of Man; Section H Committee took a strong line against the Routledge proposal; on changes of personnel (autogr.)

19    J.H. Hutton to Prof. R. Firth, 21 Mar. 1940 – on letter of enquiry from the Colonial Office, referred to at recent Council meeting; intends to ask Colonial Office if they might make their probationers buy copies of Notes and Queries, if it included an appropriate section (autogr.) [see Council Minutes for 19 Mar. 1940, A10/4, ff. 366-7]

20    W.B. Fagg, nd – rough notes on categorizing objects (autogr.)

21    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. on Anthropometry (autogr.)

22    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. on Anthropology for Everyman (autogr.)

23    A.H. Christie, Hon. Secretary, 7 June 1961 – report on meeting with Norman Franklin on 5 June; it was decided that RAI should consider new edition of Notes and Queries; editors to be appointed; timetable to be drawn up (tpc.)

24    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, ibid. – asks for his comments [on 7/23]

25    N.A. Barnicot to Dr J.S. La Fontaine, 13 Feb. 1974 – thanks her for letter of 8 Feb. concerning Notes and Queries [not held]; on editors for sections (tp.)