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Correspondence and papers. 1937-63.


  1    The Parliamentary Science Committee

  2    Stanley Society

  3    British Sociological Association

  4    Council for British Archaeology

  5    International African Institute

  6    Council for the Promotion of Field Studies

  7    The Historical Association

  8    The Hakluyt Society

  9    Association of Social Anthropologists

 10    The Folk-Lore Society

 11    British Institute of Recorded Sound

 12    Coordination of anthropological societies in Australia

 13    The British Institute for Archaeology at Ankara

 14    The Institute for the Study of Man in Africa

1/    The Parliamentary Science Committee

  1    H.W.J. Stone, Hon. Secretary & Treasurer, The Parliamentary Science Committee, to Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary, RAI, 5 Mar. 1937 – has been in correspondence with Mr E. Lawrence, RAI Fellow, who wishes the Committee to forward certain of his views; cannot place his correspondence before the Committee; on the possibility of RAI affiliating with the Committee; encloses particulars; encloses copy of ‘Science in Parliament’ (tp.)

  2    Brochure on the Parliamentary Science Committee. 7 pages (printed)

  3    ‘Science in Parliament: a Monthly Summary of Scientific and Technical matters dealt with in Parliament, compiled from Hansard and other sources’, 1-25 Mar. 10 pages (printed)

A147/1/4        H.W.J. Stone to Miss K.M. Martindell, 27 Apr. – on the possibility of RAI affiliating with the Committee; encloses particulars; encloses copy of ‘Science in Parliament’ (tp.)

  3/    Stanley Society

  1    F. Possett to the Secretary, RAI, 30 Aug. 1938 – encloses cutting on a Society to be formed (autogr.)

  2    Newspaper cutting on ‘New Study Society’

  3    F. Possett to the Secretary, RAI, 14 Sept. 1938 – encloses cutting on formation of the Stanley Society (autogr.)

  4    Newspaper cutting ‘To Study Past of Rhodesia’ (Bulawayo Chronicle, 12 Sept.) 2 leaves

  3/    British Sociological Association

  1    Alexander Farquharson, Secretary, Institute of Sociology, to the Secretary, RAI, 21 June 1939 – RAI invited to put forward a nomination for membership of Council of Institute of Sociology (tp.)

  2    Miss G.M. Ayers to [RAI], 19 Oct. 1950 – meeting to be held on 28 Oct. to discuss establishment of a British Sociological Association; includes note on the agenda; includes agenda. 3 leaves (tp.)

  3    E.J. [Lindgren] to […?], 21 Oct. – this is a ‘stab in the back’ to the Institute of Sociology; on Cambridge and Oxford professors attending (autogr.)

  4    ‘Statement of the Purposes and Possible Activities of the proposed British Sociological Association’. 3 leaves (tp.)

  5    ‘Draft Constitution of the proposed British Sociological Association’. 4 pages (tp.)

  6    ‘Summary of the Proceeding of the meeting to establish a British Sociological Association …’ 5 pages (tp.)

  7    ‘Record of Proceedings of the meeting to establish the British Sociological Association …’ (uncorrected transcription of shorthand notes). 20 pages (tp.)

  8    Account of ‘Meeting for Foundation of a British Sociological Association’. 3 leaves (tp.)

  9    Ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. draft in the hand of W.B. Fagg)

A147/3/10    E.J. Lindgren to W.B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56, Editor of Man 1947-65, 29 Oct. – on films; is attending Council meeting of Institute of Sociology and would be grateful for any report; Farquharson intended to go to meeting on 28 Oct.; he ‘quite welcomes’ the new venture; on other matters (autogr.)

 11    Ibid. to ibid.[?], 3 Nov. – his notes of great value; Council members will be circulated with report of inaugural meeting; anxious that amalgamation should not take place; on UNESCO statement on race (autogr.)

 12    J.K. Smith to W.B.Fagg, 13 Nov. – on a correction in his Note on the foundation of a British Sociological Association (tp.)

 13    E.J. Lindgren to W.B. Fagg, 19 Nov. – on the ‘London meeting’; returns his document; on the fuller account referred to (autogr.)

 14    Miss G.M. Ayers to ibid., 5 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 4 Dec. [not held]; encloses copies of the summary of the meeting on 28 Oct., plus copy of the fuller account (tp.)

 15    Ibid., 11 Dec. – provisional Executive Committee has been formed to work out draft Constitution for the proposed Sociological Association; asks him what subscription fee is for RAI, what is offered in return for subscription, and what categories of membership there are (tp.)

 16    W.B. Fagg to Miss G.M. Ayres, 20 Dec. – answers her questions about subscription and membership; on Prof. Childe’s remarks (tp.)

 17    Miss G.M. Ayres to W.B. Fagg, 22 Dec. – his replies will be very helpful in drawing up a Constitution; on the points raised by Prof. Childe at the meeting (tp.)

 18    Provisional Committee for the British Sociological Association to ibid., 19 Jan. 1951 – the next general meeting to discuss the Association to be held on 3 Feb.; enclose documents for information – Agenda; memorandum outlining procedure for launching the Association; redraft of the Constitution; application form (tp.)

 19    Agenda for meeting on 3 Feb. (tp.)

 20    Memorandum outlining procedure for launching the Association (tp.)

 21    Redraft of Constitution to be considered at meeting on 3 Feb. 4 pages (tp. with autogr. notes)

A147/3/22    Note regarding expulsion (tp.)

 23    Nomination list for the election of the provisional executive committee (tp.)

 24    Application form (tp.)

 25    Form for members’ register (tp.)

 26    Memorandum outlining what the association hopes to offer members in return for subscription (tp.)

 27    Order form for the British Journal of Sociology (tp.)

 28    Envelope for return of ballot cards (tp.)

 29    Summary of the proceedings of the meeting on 3 Feb.; appendix I, list of those who recorded attendance, and II, provisional constitution. 8 pages (tp.)

 30    E.J. Lindgren to W.B. Fagg, 5 Mar. – on borrowing some documents; on Curle bequest (autogr.)

 31    R. Goodman, Hon. General Secretary, British Sociological Association, to ibid., June – has not received his application for the Association; sends another application form (tp.)

 32    British Sociological Association, nd – ‘Aims, Activities and Constitution’. 8 pages (printed booklet)

 33    Application form (printed)

 34    Form for members’ register (printed)

 35    Order form for the British Journal of Sociology (tp.)

  4/    Council for British Archaeology

  1    W.B. Fagg to G. Caton-Thompson, 18 May 1943 – RAI has received invitation to send a delegate to the Institute of Archaeology’s conference in Aug.; is aware of ‘unwelcome tendencies’ in various quarters of archaeological world; RAI not invited to recent discussions at Burlington House; asks her to keep him in touch with events; on possible delegates to the conference; would like to nominate her; gives a draft of formal statement of policy. 4 pages (autogr. draft)

A147/4/2        [G. Caton-Thompson] to W.B. Fagg, 21 May – on the Congress of Archaeological Societies; on conference of archaeological societies held on 4 May; on appointment of a provisional council to advise on the creation of a Council for British Archaeology; lists those elected; on the Conference of the Future of Archaeology, to be held in Aug.; on the field to be covered at that conference; on possible involvement of British Council; thinks someone else should represent the RAI at the conference, as she is on the management committee. 4 pages (autogr.)

  3    Note on Miss Caton Thompson’s unwillingness to be the RAI representative at the conference (tp.)

  4    B. de Cardi, Assistant Secretary, Council for British Archaeology, to W.B. Fagg, 29 July 1950 – Mr Grimes has passed to her his letter of 5 July [not held];on a Miss Tew (tp.)

  5    W.F. Grimes to W.B. Fagg, 29 Aug. – on the establishment of a centrally-organised offprints scheme; two alternative schemes described; one scheme has now been ruled out; there will be a conference to discuss the remaining scheme on 28 Sept. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. PS)

  6    Information sheet about the offprints scheme (printed)

  7    W.F. Grimes to W.B. Fagg, 31 Aug. – on the offprint scheme; on the proposed conference. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

  8    Ibid., 12 Oct. – report on the Offprints Conference. 2 leaves (tp.)

  9    Agenda for meeting of the Council, 12 Jan. 1951 (printed)

 10    Miles Burkitt to [?], 12 Jan. – encloses constitution of the Council for British Archaeology (autogr.)

 11    Constitution of the Council for British Archaeology. 4 leaves (tp.)

 12    B. de Cardi to W.B. Fagg, 6 Nov. – is now preparing Jan. list of offprints; would be glad to receive material for it; it is proposed to add a supplement of past offprints; encloses forms (tp.)

 13    Form for current and forthcoming offprints (printed)

 14    Form for the supplement (tp.)

A147/4/15    B. de Cardi to W.B. Fagg, 6 Nov. – asks to borrow copy of the Journal, to help in the compilation of the Archaeological Bulletin, 1950-51 (tp. with autogr. addition and reply by W.B. Fagg ‘Agreed’)

 16    Ibid., ibid. – on grants for publications; on promotion of research by means of financial subsidies; encloses copy of regulations covering these awards; on procedure for applications (tp.)

 17    Regulations covering grants for publications (tp.)

 18    B. de Cardi to W.B. Fagg, 20 Nov. – on anxiety about existing measures for the protection and preservation of Ancient Monuments; encloses Memorandum prepared with the help of the Chief Inspector on Ancient Monuments; asks him to bring it to the attention of his members; encloses copy of Annual Report (tp.)

 19    Memorandum on the Ancient Monuments Acts. 8 pages (printed pamphlet)

 20    Report for the Year ended 31 July 1951. 22 pages (printed booklet)

 21    Administrative Secretary, RAI, to Acting Hon. Secretary, RAI, 4 Jan. 1961 – on background to Miss de Cardi’s circular letter [not held]; Council for British Archaeology preparing comments on the report of a Government Select Committee on Estimates; Miss de Cardi agreed that there was nothing helpful RAI could do at this point (tp.)

  5/    International African Institute

  1    List of organisations (tp.)

  2    Dr Fernando Ortiz, Director, Instituto Internacional de Estudios Afroamericanos, et al. to RAI, 15 Feb. 1944 – the Institute formed on 20 Oct. [1943] in Mexico; aims of the Institute; on membership fees; asks whether RAI would like to join (tp.)

  3    Constitution of the International Institute of Afro-American Studies. 6 pages (printed leaflet)

  4    W.B. Fagg to H.G. Braunholtz, 3 June – reasonable that there should be such an Institute, but he has doubts; there do not seem to be any Americans involved; the papers do not state who nominated the Executive Committee; other queries (autogr. with H.J. Braunholtz comments in margin)

A147/5/5        Prof. Daryll Forde, Director, International African Institute, to H.J. Braunholtz, 14 June – thanks him for letter of 8 June [not held] and for papers concerning the International Institute of Afro-American Studies; does not think the intentions are ‘sinister’; international support will be sustained when machinery for international control is established; on the Governing Body; on the Governing Body of his own Institute (tp.)

  6    Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 5 Jan. 1945 – Council decided not to join the International Institute of Afro-American Studies; has drafted a note, which she encloses (tp.)

  7    Ibid. to the International Institute of Afro-American Studies, nd – RAI is interested in the functions which the Institute proposes to discharge; would be glad to receive any publications (tp.)

  8    Catherine Gillies, Prof. Forde’s secretary, to Felicia Stallman, 11 Jan. – Prof. Forde thinks the draft note is all right (tp.)

  9    Prof. Daryll Forde to H.J. Fleure, RAI President 1945-47, 18 Sept. 1946 – at meeting on 27 June, Bureau considered international organization of the Institute, and summoning a meeting to appoint new Executive Committee and discuss future policy of the Institute; appointment of next Executive Committee delayed by the war; representatives on the Governing Body of associated organizations are invited to the meeting (tp.)

 10    Ibid., 10 Oct. – Prof. Seligman represented the RAI on the Governing Body of the Institute until his death; hopes that RAI will appoint another representative (tp.)

 11    Felicia Stallman to Prof. Daryll Forde, 30 Nov. – Council has nominated H.J. Braunholtz as representative on the Governing Body of International African Institute (tpc.)

 12    Lt. Col. Arthur A. Crookshank to RAI, 11 June [1947] – asks about a work on the ‘whistling language of Gomera’ in the Canary Islands (autogr.)

 13    Ibid., 13 June – obliged that he was allowed to consult books in the library; asks about a scientific mission to the Canary Islands (autogr.)

A147/5/14    Ibid., 15 June – refers to earlier correspondence [not held] which stated that the librarian of the African Institute had written to a M. Labouret asking for further particulars relating to the Canary Islands (autogr.)

 15    Felicia Stallman to Sir George Tomlinson, 25 June – at request of Mrs Wyatt of the International African Institute, sends account of the activities of the RAI in connection with African studies (tpc.)

 16    Account of RAI activities during 1945/7 (with reference to African Studies). 2 leaves (tp.)

 17    Beatrice Wyatt to Felicia Stallman, 26 June – encloses programme of meetings to be held 3 & 4 July (tp.)

 18    Programme for Conference on African Anthropological & Linguistic Research … 2-4 July. 4 pages (printed pamphlet)

 19    List of Members and Guests. 4 pages (printed pamphlet)

 20    Summaries of talks given at the conference:

 .1    Prof. M. Griaule, ‘Sur les activités des institutions universitaires et sociétés savantes’ (tp.)

 .2    ‘Resume de rapport sur l’organisation de l’institut français d’afrique noire, ses travaux et ses projets touchant les recherches ethnologiques en afrique noire française’ (tp.)

 .3    Prof. E. de Jonghe, ‘Plan d’exploration ethnographique et ethnologique systematique du Congo Belge’. 3 pages (tp.)

 .4    Prof. S. Hofstra on Holland (tp.)

 .5    Comm. Dott. Prof. Vinigi L. Grottanelli on Italy (tp.)

 .6    Prof. G. Lindblom, ‘Current research work on ethnology, sociology and languages of Africa’ (tp.)

 .7    Prof. A.A. Mendes Corrěa, ‘Recent anthropological and linguistic research in Portuguese Africa’ (tp.)

 .8    Sir George Tomlinson, ‘Report on the recent progress of African Studies in the United Kingdom, their present position and future possibilities’. 4 pages (tp.)

 .9    Dr A.I. Richards, ‘Research in progress in South, Central, and East Africa’. 3 pages (tp.)

A147/5/20.10    Mr G. Letele, ‘The African’s contribution to linguistic research’ (tp.)

.11    G. Janson-Smith, ‘Report on linguistic research in the southern Sudan’ (tp.)

 12    Prof. Daryll Forde, ‘Report on recent anthropological researches in British West African territories’ (tp.)

.13    Prof. M.J. Herskovits, ‘African Anthropology in America’ (tp.)

 21    Lt. Col. Arthur A. Crookshank to RAI, 13 July – repeats his request of 15 June [/14] (autogr.)

 22    Felicia Stallman to Lt. Col. Crookshank, 21 July – has not yet heard from the International African Institute; gives him their address (tpc.)

 23    Beatrice Wyatt to the President, RAI, 28 Apr. 1949 – a new Governing Body to be appointed from June; asks him the give the name of the RAI representative; on terms of membership (tp.)

 24    Prof. Daryll Forde to Felicia Stallman, 13 May – International African Institute is to publish reports on field work; asks that RAI inform them of any field studies for which they are responsible (tp.)

 25    Felicia Stallman to Mrs Wyatt, ibid. – H.J. Braunholtz appointed to serve on Governing Body (tpc.)

 26    Beatrice Wyatt to Felicia Stallman, 20 Sept. – on Mr Braunholtz’s appointment; on subscription due (tp.)

 27    Felicia Stallman to Beatrice Wyatt, 27 Sept. – encloses cheque for subscription (tpc.)

 28    Notice on Field Research Fellowships 1955 (tp.)

  6/    Council for the Promotion of Field Studies

  1    F.H.C. Butler, Hon. Secretary, Council for the Promotion of Field Studies, to W.B. Fagg, 20 Nov. – encloses a leaflet giving information about the Council [not held]; a general committee is being formed; would be glad if RAI were to appoint a representative (tp.)

  2    Felicia Stallman to F.H.C. Butler, 30 Nov. – appointment of a representative is a matter for the RAI Council; asks whether the Council for the Promotion of Field Studies is concerned with specifically anthropological fieldwork (tpc.)

A147/6/3        F.H.C. Butler to Felicia Stallman, 15 Jan. 1945 – will send copy of their Bulletin as soon as it is published; the Field Centres will be available to anthropologists as well as to archaeologists and field workers in natural sciences; outlines the resources which it is hoped will be provided in Field Centres; hopes that RAI will give support by appointing a representative (tp.)

  4    Ibid., 5 Feb. – encloses copies of the Bulletin [not held] (tp.)

  5    Felicia Stallman to F.H.C. Butler, 27 Apr. – RAI appoints Miss Beatrice Blackwood to be their representative (tpc.)

  6    Oct. 1954 – information sheet about Field Centres (printed)

 .1    Compliment slip accompanying /6 (printed with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg)

  7    Programme 1955, Dale Fort Field Centre (printed leaflet)

  8    Programme 1955, Skokholm Bird Observatory (printed leaflet)

  9    Programme 1955, Flatford Mill Field Centre (printed leaflet)

 10    Programme 1955, Juniper Hall Field Centre (printed leaflet)

 11    Programme 1955, Malham Tarn Field Centre (printed leaflet)

  7/    The Historical Association

  1    W.B. Fagg to Felicia Stallman, 2 Aug. 1944 – on Royal Society grant; on Medlicott of the Historical Association coming to see [the accommodation]; on the question of rent. 2 leaves (autogr.)

  2    W.N. Medlicott, Secretary, the Historical Association, to W.B. Fagg, 13 Dec. – will bring the question of renting the rooms before Council on 29 Dec.; asks how long RAI can keep the matter open (tp.) [see also A44 for other documents relating to the tenancy by the Historical Association]

  3    Felicia Stallman to W.N. Medlicott, 20 Dec. – would be glad to receive any definite proposal regarding the rooms early in Jan.; matter cannot be deferred after 16 Jan. (tpc.)

A147/7/4        W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, 9 Jan. 1945 – Historical Association would like to take rooms in Bedford Square (tp.)

  5    Felicia Stallman to W.N. Medlicott, 25 Jan. – placed his letter before Council; will get in touch again soon (tpc.)

  6    Ibid., 15 Feb. – RAI Council willing to rent the Cottage for £200 per annum; asks that he circulate this letter to the members and let her know as soon as possible; Council meets on 6 Mar. (tpc.)

  7    W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, 17 Feb. – previous sum discussed with Mr Fagg was £150 per annum; he will refer the matter to his Council on 17 Mar.; asks for information about rates (tp.)

  8    Felicia Stallman to W.N. Medlicott, 10 Mar. – cottage is separately assessed for rates; on claiming exemption (autogr. draft)

  9    Ibid., 19 Mar. – thanks him for offer for the cottage at annual rental of £200; matter of exemption from rates is urgent; gives him address of rating office (tpc.)

 10    W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, 21 Mar. – has written to Holborn rates office (autogr. pc)

 11    Felicia Stallman to W.N. Medlicott, 27 Apr. – on the housekeeper cleaning the cottage; asks about rates exemption (tpc.)

11a    W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, 28 Apr. – glad the arrangement with the housekeeper is all right; has sent a certificate from the Registrar of Friendly Societies to the Holborn rates office; assumes that exemption from rates is now certain (autogr.)

 12    Felicia Stallman to W.N. Medlicott, 2 May – glad that rates application has got so far; would like everything settled by 15 May (tpc.)

 13    W.N. Medlicott to W.B. Fagg, 11 June – on assessment of cottage for rates; on their sub-tenants at Gordon House; on using other rooms in the RAI for various meetings, including those of Central branch (autogr.)

A147/7/14    Felicia Stallman to R. George Upton, Bedford Estate, ibid. – on renting the cottage to the Historical Association; asks for approval of the Bedford Estate. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 15    R. George Upton to Felicia Stallman, 12 June – has no objection to granting a licence for the sub-letting; is instructing solicitors (tp.)

 16    Felicia Stallman to R. George Upton, 14 June – glad that the Historical Association is approved as a tenant (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. to T. Walter Howland, Messrs Kimber Bull & Co., RAI solicitors, 20 June – RAI is not renewing lease of Kenyon & Livock for the cottage, but have accepted the Historical Association as tenants; encloses draft licence from the Bedford Estate; asks him to prepare a draft lease. 2 leaves (tpc.) [see also A44 for documents relating to the tenancy of Kenyon & Livock]

 18    T. Walter Howland to Felicia Stallman, 22 June – acknowledges her letter; will prepare a draft underlease (tp.)

 19    Felicia Stallman, nd – note about bankers’ references for Historical Association; reply by W.B. Fagg added (autogr.)

 20    Ibid. to W.N. Medlicott, 27 June – solicitor is drawing up a draft lease; wants to know if the Association is an incorporated body or unincorporated (tpc.)

 21    Ibid., 29 June – asks for names of two referees (tpc.)

 22    W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, ibid. – gives the names of two referees (autogr.)

 23    C.T.H. Sharp, Hon. Treasurer, the Historical Association, to Felicia Stallman, 30 June – the Association is not an incorporated society; on those who should sign the lease; assumes that the Bedford Estate is responsible for external repairs; would like the draft lease as soon as possible (autogr.)

 24    Felicia Stallman to T. Walter Howland, 2 July – encloses letter from C.T.H. Sharp (tpc.)

 25    Ibid. to Prof. H. Hale Bellot, 3 July – asks for reference for the Historical Association (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to E.T. Rhymer, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

A147/7/27    M.B. Curran, Hon. Secretary, Central London Branch of the Historical Association, to the Secretary, RAI, nd – asks whether they can use RAI rooms for their meetings, usually four a year (tp. with autogr. notes by Felicia

 28    [Felicia Stallman?] to D.H.F. Wilson, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1944-56, nd – encloses letter from Central Branch; on terms of letting Historical Association use the rooms (tp. and autogr.)

 29    Ibid., 4 July – wonders whether the first letter [/27] went astray (tp.)

 30    T. Walter Howland to Felicia Stallman, 5 July – sends draft underlease, to be forwarded to Historical Association; returns Mr Sharp’s letter; has received licence from the Bedford Estate solicitors (tp.)

 31    W.B. Fagg, 9 July – notes on the lease to the Historical Association (autogr.)

 32    Felicia Stallman to M.B. Curran, 9 July – apologises for delay in answering letter; is prepared to allow the Branch to use the lecture room; on charges (tpc.)

 33    M.B. Curran to [Felicia Stallman], 14 July – thanks her for letter; very happy to pay the charges; will write again with dates for the lectures (tp.)

 34    T. Walter Howland to Felicia Stallman, 19 July – has received her letter returning draft underlease; will revise it (tp.)

 35    Ibid., 24 July – sends two copies of revised underlease; encloses another draft with his alterations (tp.)

 36    Felicia Stallman to W.N. Medlicott, 26 July – sneds draft lease; asks him to return it approved or with amendments (tpc.)

 37    Note about Mr Medlicott (autogr.)

 38    W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, 27 Aug. – returns draft lease with various amendments; makes some comments on it; encloses notes to explain the amendments (autogr.)

 39    Notes on the suggested amendments. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 40    Kimber Bull & Co. to Felicia Stallman, 6 Sept. – enquires whether draft underlease has been approved by Historical Association; will be glad to receive it back for engrossment (tp.)

A147/7/41    Felicia Stallman to T. Walter Howland, 15 Oct. – returns draft lease, with Mr Medlicott’s notes; refers to a meeting between RAI and Historical Association; encloses her record of the meeting; refers to tenancy of Mr Dutton [see A44 for other documents relating to Mr Dutton’s tenancy]. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 42    Memorandum of a meeting on 6 Oct. regarding the tenancy of the Historical Association (tp.)

 43    T. Walter Howland to W.B. Fagg, 18 Oct. – has revised the draft lease, which he returns; once it is approved, he will engross the lease (tp.)

 44    Ibid. to Felicia Stallman, 2 Nov. – encloses engrossment of underlease; encloses note of costs to be paid by the Historical Association; asks her to return both lease and counterpart to have them stamped (tp.)

 45    Felicia Stallman to T. Walther Howland, 27 Nov. – returns both parts of the lease; apologises for mistake in signatures (tpc.)

 46    T. Walter Howland to Felicia Stallman, 30 Nov. – has received the lease and counterpart; the lease will have to be re-engrossed due to some mistakes; he will send the re-engrossed deed as soon as possible; it must be stamped before 20 Dec. to avoid penalty (tp.)

 47    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, Historical Association, 5 Dec. – there is urgency about the payment of legal costs; encloses note of rent due and charge for cleaning (tpc.)

 48    Ibid., ibid. – note of rent due and charge for cleaning (tpc.)

 49    W.N. Medlicott to Felicia Stallman, 11 Dec. – encloses cheque for solicitors; thinks it ‘rather steep’ (tp.)

 50    Felicia Stallman to T. Walter Howland, 12 Dec. – encloses cheque from the Historical Association (tpc.)

 51    T. Walter Howland to ibid., 13 Dec. – thanks her for the cheque from the Historical Association (tp.)

 52    Ibid., 17 Dec. – sends stamped and registered underlease and counterpart; returns counterpart of lease with Kenyon & Livock (tp.)

 53    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, 19 Dec. – encloses the lease, and receipt for costs (tpc.)

A147/7/54    Ibid. to T. Walter Howland, ibid. – acknowledges lease and counterpart; acknowledges receipt of cheque from Historical Association (tpc.)

 55    Miss H.M. Friend to Felicia Stallman, 21 Dec. – thanks her for lease (tp.)

 56    nd – licence to sublet to the Historical Association. 3 leaves (tp.)

 57    Felicia Stallman to T. Walter Howland, 21 Feb. 1948 – ‘the enclosed has been overlooked’; encloses RAI’s lease (tpc.)

 58    Ibid. to T.T. Mellows, Messrs Mellows & Sons, ibid. – thanks him for letter of 2 Feb. [not held] and copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Historical Association; these have been passed to the RAI’s solicitors (tpc.)

 59    T. Walter Howland to Felicia Stallman, 23 Feb. – thanks her for letter of 21 Feb. with enclosures; encloses copy of letter he has written to Messrs Mellows & Sons (tp.)

 60    [Ibid.] to Messrs Mellows & Sons, ibid. – has received copy of their letter to RAI; the procedure would be to apply for a licence to assign; the assignment would have to be registered with the steward for the superior landlord (tp. copy)

 61    Ibid. to Felicia Stallman, 22 June – forwarded licence to her for sealing; would be glad to have it back (tp.)

 62    Ibid., 24 June – thanks her for licence duly sealed (tp.)

 63    P.D. Whitting, Historical Association, to W.B. Fagg, 13 Feb. 1950 – would like to discuss with him the future of 21 Bedford Square; the Association faces problems of accommodation and finance; is dependent on terms of lease renewal or possibility of having a subsidiary building (autogr.)

 64    Felicia Stallman to P.[D]. Whitting, 14 Feb. – Mr Fagg is at present in Africa; understands his anxiety about the lease; RAI is at present negotiating with the Bedford Estate on the lease of the whole building; will discuss matters with him as soon as possible (tpc.)

A147/7/65    P.D. Whitting to W.B. Fagg, 26 Apr. – his Council will be discussing the matter of premises at its meeting in May; asks whether present premises will be available after July 1951; would be obliged for any indication of the position (autogr.)

 66    [D.H.F. Wilson] to P.D. Whitting, 2 May – wishes he could give definite information; RAI has been offered a new major lease which is under consideration; if RAI takes on this lease, the rent for the Historical Association would not be less than about £300 per annum (tpc.)

 67    P.D. Whitting to [D.H.F. Wilson], 3 May – thanks him for reply to letter to Mr Fagg; will treat the figures as unofficial but they give a basis on which to work (autogr.)

 68    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 23 May – the result of their discussions is that they need bigger premises but cannot afford to pay more rent; they are already looking for other premises; if successful, they will be terminating the lease in June 1951 (autogr.)

 69    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, 23 June – on ensuring that the front door is securely shut (tpc.)

 70    P.D. Whitting to W.B. Fagg, 18 Oct. – his Council will meet on 28 Oct.; asks about their position in the premises; asks whether the RAI will stay in the premises, and if so, will they let the present quarters; asks about rent (autogr. with autogr. note by Felicia Stallman)

 71    Felicia Stallman to P.D. Whitting, 30 Oct. – was not possible to reply in time for their meeting on 28 Oct.; not possible yet to give any more information about the position than has already been given; a decision should be reached by Jan. [1951] (tpc.)

 72    P.D. Whitting to W.B. Fagg, ibid. – Council of the Association decided to make a direct approach to the Bedford Estate, asking to continue the lease if the RAI does not renew its own lease; realises that RAI may not wish to sublet, even if they do renew the lease (autogr.)

 73    D.H.F. Wilson to P.D. Whitting, 9 Nov. – it is likely that RAI Council will renew the lease; will let him know immediately the matter is concluded (tpc.)

A147/7/74    John Forrest, Secretary, the Society of Postal Historians, to the Historical Association, 28 Jan. 1951 – asks whether the Association could offer accommodation for monthly meetings; gives details of numbers of members; gives details of times and requirements (tp. with autogr. notes of reply by Felicia Stallman; see /77)

 75    P.D. Whitting to [W.B. Fagg?], 31 Jan. – has acknowledged the attached letter [/74]; asks him to take action as he thinks best (autogr.)

 76    Ibid., ibid. – Association has a committee meeting on 10 Feb.; asks if RAI could let him know their plans by then (autogr.)

 77    Felicia Stallman to John Forrest, 13 Feb. – Historical Association has no meeting room of its own; RAI lecture room is available for other societies; encloses a note of charges (tpc.)

 78    Miss H.M. Friend to Felicia Stallman, 14 Feb. – is surprised that her coal supply is finished; wonders if the coalman has mixed the two cellars (tp. with autogr. reply by Felicia Stallman added; see /79)

 79    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, 15 Feb. – the winter has been cold; the coal is inferior (tpc.)

 80    Ibid. to P.D. Whitting, 26 Feb. – RAI Council has authorised a renewal of the lease; asks whether the Association would be ready to renew the sublease at rent of £350 per annum (tpc.)

 81    P.D. Whitting to Felicia Stallman, 28 Feb. – is writing to his Treasurer; will communicate as soon as possible (autogr.)

 82    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 11 Mar. – asks if they might meet to discuss the sublease (autogr.)

 83    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, 10 May – on some ‘trouble’ with the RAI’s keys after a meeting of the Historical Association; keys should be handed back to J. Richardson, who would be on duty (tpc.)

 84    Miss H.M. Friend to Felicia Stallman, ibid. – explains what happened about the keys (tp.)

 85    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, 11 May – on time when J. Richardson is on duty (tpc.)

 86    Ibid. to P.D. Whitting, ibid. – offers renewal of lease at rent of £350 per annum (tpc.)

A147/7/87    P.D. Whitting to Felicia Stallman, 18 May – feels the rent is too high; is prepared to offer £300 per annum; hopes RAI can effect a compromise (tp.)

 88    Felicia Stallman to P.D. Whitting, 31 May – RAI unable to accept offer of £300 per annum; besides RAI may soon require the cottage for a proposed Blood Group Centre; hence offer to renew the lease is made in the first instance until 31 Dec. only (tpc.)

 89    P.D. Whitting to Felicia Stallman, 3 June – had at no time understood that any agreement under five years was being considered; as RAI cannot meet them over rent, perhaps present suggestion is the best; Council meets on 7 July; has no doubt that they will accept continued sublease until 31 Dec. at £350 per annum; on difficulties of finding new premises within six months (autogr.)

 90    Felicia Stallman to P.D. Whitting, 8 June – the Hon. Treasurer will see his letter on his return to town (tpc.)

 91    Ibid., 29 June – Hon. Treasurer glad to have his agreement to renewal of sublease (tpc.)

 92    Ibid., 31 July – RAI’s plans for a Blood Group Centre have been successful; the cottage will be required for its accommodation; therefore they are unable to extend the lease after 31 Dec.; Council regrets losing the Association as a tenant (tpc.)

 93    P.D. Whitting to W.B. Fagg, 21 Dec. – Historical Association will be moving from the cottage on 27 Dec. (tp.)

 94    Miss H.M. Friend to Felicia Stallman, 19 July 1957 – thanks her for forwarding a letter (tp.)

 95    Felicia Stallman to Miss H.M. Friend, 24 July – has no objection to forwarding mail (tpc.)

  8/    The Hakluyt Society

  1    Notice about the hundredth birthday of the Hakluyt Society (tp.)

  2    Notice about a Reception to be held on 29 Nov. 1946 to celebrate the Centenary (printed)

  3    Note about tickets for the Reception (tp.)

A147/8/4        Felicia Stallman to the Hon. Secretary, Hakluyt Society, 21 Nov. – on behalf of Council, conveys congratulations (tpc.)

  9/    Association of Social Anthropologists

  1    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to the President, RAI [H.J. Fleure], 25 July 1946 – informs him of decision to form an Association of Social Anthropologists [ASA]; describes objectives; hopes that the association may enjoy the support of the RAI; would welcome opportunity to discuss common interests and activities (tp. copy)

  2    H.J. Fleure to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 29 July – asks whether and how far the ASA could be a ‘section’ of the RAI; would like to help as far as possible (tp. copy)

  3    Daryll Forde to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 18 Nov. – on the ASA becoming an affiliated society of the RAI; asks whether their announcements might appear in Man (tp. with autogr. reply by W.B. Fagg added)

  4    W.B. Fagg to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 21 Nov. – Council would be ready to consider application for affiliation; asks for more information about constitution, aims, membership; would be glad to put announcements in Man. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  5    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to W.B. Fagg, 22 Apr. 1947 – encloses brochure; asks whether it might be published in Man (tp.)

  6    Brochure enclosed with /5 (printed)

  7    Max Gluckman, Hon. Secretary, ASA, to W.B. Fagg, 3 Oct. 1955 – on possibility of the ASA starting a Journal; as this would have repercussions for RAI publications, asks whether representatives of the two organisations might meet to discuss the matter (tp.)

  8    W.B. Fagg to Prof. Gluckman, 5 Oct. – is sure Council will be grateful that they have proposed consultation; will put the matter before Council at next meeting but it may not be discussed until meeting in Nov. (tpc.)

  9    Max Gluckman to W.B. Fagg, 7 Oct. – the ASA does not intend to compete with RAI in any of its activities (tp.)

A147/9/10    W.B. Fagg to Max Gluckman, ibid. – Council agreed to immediate discussion of letter of 3 Oct. [/7]; have appointed a committee to receive committee of ASA; proposes a meeting on 3 Nov.; asks if he might have a list of topics which are likely to be raised (tpc.)

 11    Max Gluckman to W.B. Fagg, 10 Oct. – is writing to his committee about the proposed meeting; will ask Dr Leach, the convenor, about points likely to be raised (tp.)

 12    Dr Edmund Leach to ibid., 18 Oct. – outlines a ‘skeletal agenda’ for meeting on 3 Nov.; describes characteristics of the proposed publication; three suggestions have been put forward regarding RAI/ASA publications (tp. copy). On verso: W.B. Fagg to Dr Edmund Leach, nd – it will be valuable to have an outline of some of the points to be raised (tp. copy)

 13    Carmel Margolis, Prof. Gluckman’s secretary, to W.B. Fagg, 20 Oct. – on number of members of ASA (tp.)

 14    [W.B. Fagg?] to Dr J.C. Trevor, 25 Oct. – asks for information about costs and revenue of the Journal, to be circulated to committee (tpc.)

 15    Dr J.S. Weiner to Miss J. Anderson, RAI, ibid. – glad to serve on the exploratory committee to meet the ASA committee (tp.)

 16    Meyer Fortes to W.B. Fagg, 28 Oct. – unfortunately cannot attend meeting on 3 Nov.; suggests that someone else is co-opted in his place (tp.)

 17    W.B. Fagg to the Committee to meet the ASA, 31 Oct. – gives details about the meeting; it is hoped to circulate information the next day (tp.)

 18    Max Gluckman to W.B. Fagg, 1 Nov. – gives names of those on the ASA committee (tp. with autogr. PS)

 19    Cover note for note of points for discussion at meeting on 3 Nov. (tp.)

 20    ‘Information compiled for the use of the RAI Committee which is to meet a committee of the Association of Social Anthropologists, 3 November, 1955’ – includes analysis of subject-matter of the Journal and Man, notes on finance, arrears in publication of Man, etc. 3 pages (tp.)

 21    ‘Report on the meeting between the ASA and the RAI, 3 November, 1955’. 12 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

A147/9/22    W.B. Fagg to Max Gluckman, 8 Nov. – a basis of broad agreement was reached between the two committees; a quarterly supplement on socio-anthropological matter should be published with every third issue of Man; on sharing the cost of this; Council approved of this. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 23    Dr Edmund Leach to W.B. Fagg, ibid. – summarises conclusions of meeting on 3 Nov.; describes features of the proposed supplement; on costs of the proposal; on an editor; emphasises that ASA undertook no financial commitment; the ASA committee is not empowered to act; until the financial position is clearer the ASA is free to reject the proposal (tp.)

 24    Lord Raglan to ibid., 12 Nov. – encloses copy of letter he has sent to Dr Leach; on voting papers; on W.B. Fagg’s resignation (tp.)

 25    Ibid. to Dr Leach, ibid. – W.B. Fagg has sent him a copy of letter of 8 Nov. [/23]; comments on two points made in that letter (tp.)

 26    Max Gluckman to W.B. Fagg, 14 Nov. – glad that Council endorses in principle the suggestion of a quarterly supplement; will let him know whether the ASA can give an answer before next meeting at Easter (tp.)

 27    W.B. Fagg to Dr Edmund Leach, 14 Nov. – answers some of the points made in letter of 8 Nov. [/23] (tp.)

 28    Ibid. to Max Gluckman, 15 Nov. – on the arrears in publication of Man; reasons for these; on choice of reviewer for Dr Leach’s book (tp.)

 29    Copies of correspondence between Lord Raglan and Dr Leach – Lord Raglan to Dr Leach, 12 Nov. [/25]; Dr Leach to Lord Raglan, 14 Nov. – on the question of Man making a profit; anxious that RAI come up with some proposals for consideration; Lord Raglan to Dr Leach, 15 Nov. – the profit on Man is a ‘paper one’; on financing the supplement; Dr Leach to Lord Raglan, 29 Nov. – figures relating to Man have been arbitrary in the past; the ASA will need precise figures; Lord Raglan to Dr Leach, 3 Dec. – at Council meeting the Hon. Treasurer gave ‘gloomy picture’ of RAI’s finances; supplement will cost about £280 per year; [Dr Leach] to Lord Raglan, 5 Dec. – describes the sort of proposal he had hoped for. 4 leaves (tp. copy)

 30    Copy of letter from Fagg to Gluckman re Estimate, 23 Dec. – encloses copy of estimate from printers; should be possible to produce the supplements for about £75 each (tp. copy)

A147/9/31    Max Gluckman to Marian Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61, 4 Oct. 1957 – thanks her for letter suggesting a joint meeting of RAI and ASA [not held]; declines the suggestion; ASA organises meeting to fit in with RAI events; on visiting professors who might lecture at RAI (tp.)

 32    [Marian Smith] to Max Gluckman, 15 Oct. – expresses appreciation that ASA considered making a contribution to RAI appeal for endowment; on the question of joint meetings; on the RAI programme of lectures (tpc.)

 33    News Letter of the Australian Branch of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the British Commonwealth, No. 1, Nov. 6 leaves (tp.)

 34    Ibid., No. 2, Feb. 1959. 6 leaves (tp.)

 35    Minutes, general meeting of ASA, 16 & 17 Apr. (tp.)

 36    Notes on ‘Non-professional teaching of Social Anthropology’, Apr. – gives information about university courses in anthropology. 9 pages (tp.)

 37    Meyer Fortes & Raymond Firth to Marian Smith, nd – enclose memorandum for her consideration; it is being sent to senior social anthropologists in the US and Britain; it does not represent a firm proposal (tp.)

 38    ‘Tentative proposal to explore the possibilities for a journal in Social Anthropology’, June. 3 leaves (tp. draft)

 39    ‘Proposal to explore the possibilities for a journal in Social Anthropology’, Aug. 3 leaves (tp. working draft)

 40    Marian Smith to Meyer Fortes, 8 June – on his memorandum; on proposal to Society for the Study of Human Biology that they edit one number a year of the Journal; on similar proposal to ASA; wishes him to have the proposition immediately, as he is thinking along similar lines (tpc.)

 41    Minutes, general meeting of ASA, 22 Sept. 3 pages (tp.)

 42    Minutes, general meeting of ASA, 8-10 Apr. 1960. 5 pages (tp.)

 43    Max Gluckman, 6 Apr. – note on American ‘readers’; thinks it is an issue on which the ASA might form a policy (tp. copy)

A147/9/44    Raymond Firth et al. to the Editor, The Times, 12 Apr. – make a statement on apartheid on behalf of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the Commonwealth (tp.)

 45    Raymond Firth to Marian Smith, 28 July – encloses a document on the Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Fund which is going out to all ASA members; suggestion has been made that RAI be asked to administer the fund (tp.)

 46    July – ‘Proposal to establish a Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Publications Fund’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 47    Marian Smith to Prof. Firth, 3 Aug. – perhaps the simplest way would be to have a committee; spells out how the fund might be administered (tpc.)

 48    Ibid. to the Accountant, 8 Nov. – asks for a cheque to be made out to ASA as a contribution to the Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Fund (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to H.S. Morris, Hon. Treasurer, ASA, 11 Nov. – encloses cheque for 20 guineas as a contribution to the Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Fund (tpc.)

 50    H.S. Morris to Marian Smith, 23 Nov. – thanks her for the cheque (tp.)

 51    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 15 Mar. 1961 – on the Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Fund; on Marian Smith’s suggestion of a committee; asks that he bring the matter before the RAI Council. 2 leaves (tp.)

 52    Acting Hon. Secretary, RAI, to H.S. Morris, 10 Apr. – RAI happy to undertake the work of administering the Fund; suggests a joint committee of management (tpc.)

 53    A.K. Parker, University Press Cambridge, to W.B. Fagg, 21 Feb. 1962 – the Syndics have been asked by ASA whether they would consider starting a journal of Social Anthropology; asks his advice about whether there is a need for a more specialised journal (tp.)

 54    W.B. Fagg to A.K. Parker, 23 Sept. – regrets that he has not replied to letter of Feb.; reasons for delay; if his advice is still required, he would rather give it in person; suggests meeting (autogr.)

 55    A.K. Parker to W.B. Fagg, 25 Sept. – also consulted other editors of anthropological journals; Syndics decided that the time was not yet ripe to publish a separate journal; if the proposal comes back to them he would like to discuss it (tp.)

A147/10    The Folk-Lore Society

  1    nd – booklet on the Folk-Lore Society. 12 pages (printed)

  2    W.B. Fagg to Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett, Hon. Secretary, Folk-Lore Society, 10 Apr. 1952 – informs her that Miss Stallman has left the RAI; difficult to say what effect this will have on the work which the RAI undertakes for the Folk-Lore Society; is willing to discuss new arrangements (tpc.)

  3    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

  4    Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett to W.B. Fagg, 12 Apr. – his letter will be considered by her Council on 23 Apr. (tp.)

  5    W.B. Fagg to Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett, 19 May – confirms main points of discussion; on the terms by which Miss Stallman was employed by the Society; on the obligation of the RAI to carry out certain services for the Society; on Miss Stallman’s special leave and termination of service; on Miss Stallman handing work over to successors; Miss Stallman took away records of the Society to bring them up to date for handing over; feels that the Officers should have been consulted about this; Miss Stallman carried out work which could only be done by reference to the records; cannot agree that any abatement of the Society’s normal contribution is due; on the title of Assistant Secretary; on financial arrangements; on the question of an increase in the contribution made by the Society; the charge has taken little or no account of ‘general overheads’; an increase of £25 is proposed; would be sorry to see the connection with the Society severed. 3 pages (tpc.)

  6    Ibid., nd. 5 leaves (autogr. draft)

  7    Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett to W.B. Fagg, 1 June 1952 – refers to his letter of 19 May; on terminating agreement with the RAI for secretarial services as the increased charge is too great; payment will be made to the RAI for the current quarter; on the removal for completion of the records of the Society; on Miss Stallman leaving the RAI; the Society has now been offered secretarial services at University College; will move headquarters there in July (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg)

  8    Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett to Mrs A.C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, RAI, 1 Feb. 1953 – asks if there is any unsorted material left among the ‘detritus’ taken from Miss Stallman’s room; she is looking for a banker’s order (autogr.)

A147/10/9    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett, 3 Feb. – tells her that there is a great deal of material left; there are many letters to and from Mrs Lake Barnett’s late brother; will contact her soon (tpc.)

 10    Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett to Miss Kirkpatrick, 16 Mar. 1954 – refers to letter of 3 Feb. 1953; now that Mrs Bowe has left the RAI, asks what the present position is regarding the Folk-Lore Society papers; she would like to come and collect them; anxious that nothing of value to the Society should be destroyed (tp. with autogr. reply by W.B. Fagg on verso)

 11    W.B. Fagg to Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett, 23 Mar. – Miss Kirkpatrick has passed her letter on to him; he had not realised there was a ‘great deal of material’ left; is engaged in putting things in order in the office; has asked Miss Butler and Miss Skinner to look out the papers for her (tpc.)

 12    J.A.S. [Miss Skinner?] to ibid., ibid. – Mr Fagg has come across a folder containing Folk-Lore Society correspondence (tpc.)

 13    List of Folk-Lore Papers (autogr. pc)

 14    Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett to W.B. Fagg, 30 Mar. – would like the folder sent by post; thinks there may be a lot more material somewhere; has come across an entry in the Minutes which suggests that there may be material in the RAI cellar; gives particulars of two specific collections of papers; is waiting to hear from Mrs Bowe about what happened to the papers. 2 leaves (tp.)

 15    Ibid., 27 May – returns some papers which belong to the RAI; will be glad to have any remaining papers when they are found (tp.)

 16    Ibid. to Miss Gee, RAI, 31 Dec. – thanks her for the papers; shall be glad if the search continues as the material had been entrusted to the Society for safe-keeping (tp.)

A147/10/17    Ibid., 14 Jan. 1955 – wrote to Miss Stallman to ask her if she remembered anything about the missing papers; quotes from her reply, which suggests they may have gone to Prof. Hutton at Cambridge; has written to Prof. Hutton; hopes that one day they will turn up (tp.)

 18    Arthur Waugh to Marian Smith, 24 Oct. 1959 – thanks her for two letters [not held]; arranges to visit (autogr.)

 11/    British Institute of Recorded Sound

  1    Viscount Esher to W.B. Fagg, 18 Nov. 1949 – as a result of a conference in Mar. 1948, a committee was appointed to prepare for the creation of an Institute of Recorded Sound; on the aims of the Institute; on the importance of recorded sound; invites RAI to nominate a representative to the governing body. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    ‘Notes for the information of the council’ – on the aims of the Institute; a summary of the constitution; a survey of the position regarding recordings of permanent value. 7 pages (tp.)

  3    ‘List of bodies to be invited to appoint representatives to the governing body of the Institute of Recorded Sound’ (tp.)

  4    Felicia Stallman to Viscount Esher, 8 Dec. – RAI has appointed W.B. Fagg as their representative on the governing body (tpc.)

  5    Patrick Saul, Hon. Secretary, Institute of Recorded Sound, to W.B. Fagg, 20 Jan. 1951 – explains reasons for long delay in calling inaugural meeting of governing body; this is due to necessity of making changes to the constitution; encloses list of those bodies which have appointed representatives (tp.)

  6    List of bodies which have appointed representatives (tp.)

  7    Agenda for inaugural meeting, 13 June (tp. with autogr. notes)

  8    Compliments slip from Institute of Recorded Sound (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg to E.J. Lindgren)

  9    Minutes of inaugural meeting, 13 June. 3 pages (tp.)

 10    Patrick Saul to W.B. Fagg, 17 Oct. – executive committee of the Institute considered letters sent by the Association of Professional Recording Studios; encloses copy of the reply to this letter (tp.)

A147/11/11    Ibid. to General Secretary, Association of Professional Recording Studios, 15 Oct. – the Institute cannot engage in trade or political activities; executive committee has every sympathy with the members of the Association; details the purpose of the power taken to publish records (tp. copy)

 12    Notice of the first Annual General Meeting of the British Institute of Recorded Sound, on 13 Nov. 1952 (tp.)

 13    Agenda for ibid. (tp.)

 14    Minutes for ibid. 4 leaves (tp.)

 15    Income and expenditure account for period 2 June 1951 to 30 Sept. 1952 (tp.)

 16    A. Hyatt King, Chairman of Executive Committee, British Institute of Recorded Sound, to W.B. Fagg, 28 Mar. 1953 – London County Council have offered the Institute a lease of studios near Festival Hall; vital that a source of revenue be found; it is suggested that each member of Council try to introduce twelve of more ‘Friends of the Institute’; on organisations which have given or loaned records; encloses leaflets about becoming a ‘Friend’ (tp.)

 17    Leaflet about becoming a ‘Friend of the Institute’ (printed)

 18    Balance sheet and accounts as at 30 Sept. 1953 (tp.)

 19    22 Nov. – Agenda for Annual General Meeting on 16 Dec. (tp.)

 20    List of applications for membership received up to 22 Nov. (tp.)

 21    Minutes for Annual General Meeting on 16 Dec. (tp.)

 22    Report of Chairman of Executive Committee to meeting on 16 Dec. (tp.)

 23    Patrick Saul to W.B. Fagg, 29 Jan. 1954 – has forwarded his letter of 13 Jan. [not held] to the Chairman of the Executive Committee; Mr Frank Howes and himself have been nominated as representatives on the RAI Ethnomusicology Committee; on a forthcoming lecture on recording English dialects (tp.)

 24    Ibid., 24 Sept. – on tickets for lectures detailed in the ‘enclosed leaflet’ [not held] (autogr.)

A147/11/25    A.A. Bake to Miss Laney C. Gee, RAI, nd – happy to attend the meeting of the British Institute of Recorded Sound for Mr Fagg, provided that he need not deliver a speech or ‘express any opinion at all’ (tp.)

 26    G.H.S. Bushnell to Marian Smith, 30 Mar. 1960 – on the Bead Committee [see A75]; on phonograph records of music from New Guinea, from Prof. Zangwill; wonders whether ethnomusicologists could dispose of them, perhaps to the Institute of Recorded Sound; on RAI Council (tp. with autogr. additions)

 27    Ibid., 26 Apr. – the matter of disposal of phonograph records is becoming urgent (tp.)

 28    Patrick Saul to Marian Smith, 2 June – has collected the cylinder records; it is a more extensive collection than he realised; Percy Grainger has presented copies on acetates of his entire folk music collection; a handlist of folk music records almost complete; expresses thanks to RAI for making it possible to acquire the collection of records (tp.)

 29    Balance sheet and accounts, 31 Mar. 1961. 3 leaves (tp.)

 30    Programme for Silver Jubilee Convention of the British Sound Recording Association, 14 Oct. (tp.)

 31    6 Dec. – note about Annual General Meeting on 12 Dec. (tp.)

 32    Dec. – list of members of Council (tp.)

 33    Dec. – ‘Report circulated in advance of the Annual General Meeting, 1961’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 34    nd – ‘report circulated in advance of Annual General Meeting, 1962’ (tp.)

 35    Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 12 Dec. 1962

 36    Balance sheet and accounts, 31 Mar. 1963. 3 leaves (tp.)

 37    Agenda for Annual General Meeting, 31 Dec. (tp.)

 38    Dec. – notes for the information of Council, relating to Annual General Meeting (tp.)

 39    The Park Lane Group – programme for 1961-62 season (printed flyer)

 40    The Park Lane Group – application form for membership (printed flyer)

A147/11/41    Programme for lectures, 1963 (printed)

 42    Programme of lectures on ‘The technique of sound recording’ (tp.)

 43    Programme for lectures, 1961-62 (printed)

 44    List of records sought by private collector (tp.)

 45    Notice of ASLIB winter meeting, 12 Mar. 1954 (tp.)

 46    Index to Bulletin of the British Institute of Recorded Sound Numbers 1-18 1956-60. 6 pages (tp.)

 47    British Institute of Recorded Sound, Bulletin, No. 1, Summer 1956

 48    Ibid., No. 2, Autumn 1956

 49    Ibid., No. 3, Winter 1956

 50    Ibid., No. 4, Spring 1957

 51    Ibid., No. 5, Summer 1957

 52    Ibid., No. 6, Autumn 1957

 53    Ibid., No. 7, Winter 1957

 54    Ibid., No. 8, Spring 1958

 55    Ibid., No. 9, Summer 1958

 56    Ibid., No. 10, Autumn 1958

 57    Ibid., Nos. 11 & 12, Spring 1959

 58    Ibid., No. 13, Summer 1959

 59    Ibid., No. 14, Autumn 1959

 60    Ibid., Nos. 15 & 16, Spring 1960

 61    Ibid., Nos. 17 & 18, Summer & Autumn 1960

 62    Recorded Sound (Journal of the British Institute of Recorded Sound) 4, Autumn 1961

 63    Ibid. 9, Jan. 1963

A147/12    Coordination of anthropological societies in Australia

  1    Marian Smith to Prof. John Barnes, University of Sydney, 10 Jan. 1957 – on rejection of a proposal to form an Australian branch of the Association of Social Anthropologists; thinks it high time that there were some branches in Commonwealth countries; asks if he might prepare a scheme (tpc.)

  2    Prof. John Barnes to Marian Smith, 29 Jan. – thinks there is much to be said for an Australian branch of the RAI; outlines the existing anthropological organisations in Australia, which produce a journal, Mankind; seems desirable that there should be contact between RAI and these societies, but does not feel that he could take the initiative; suggests Mr F.L.S. Bell, the editor of Mankind, as a suitable person. 3 leaves (tp.)

  3    Marian Smith to F.L.S. Bell, 11 Mar. – suggests that a formal arrangement between the Australian Anthropological Association and the RAI might strengthen informal ties; the arrangement might revolve around special privileges relating to fellowship; he might feel that branch organisations of the RAI might be preferable (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to Prof. John Barnes, ibid. – is writing to Mr Bell; encloses copy of her letter to him (tpc.)

  5    F.L.S. Bell to Marian Smith, 18 Mar. – has no authority to speak for the Australian Anthropological Association; explains more about that body; does not think a scheme of reciprocal membership practicable; a system of branch organisation might be better; suggests she deal with the State societies separately; asks about reaction of RAI to approach by a state society to become a branch of RAI (tp.)

  6    Prof. John Barnes to ibid., 20 Mar. – hopes Mr Bell reacts favourably to her letter (tp.)

  7    Marian Smith to F.L.S. Bell, 11 Apr. – thought that the four state societies might wish to act together; will follow his suggestion and approach them separately; RAI unlikely to view favourably a branch which was only statewide in scope; shall be glad to have comments from his Council (tpc.)

  8    F.L.S. Bell to Marian Smith, 3 July – her proposals considered by Council of the NSW Society; opinion was that the time for action not yet at hand (tp.)

A147/12/9    Marian Smith, nd – Dr Leonard Adam visited RAI on 20 Sept.; is going to try to establish an academic anthropological society in Melbourne; would like tie to RAI (autogr. note)

13/    The British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara

  1    Gertrude Caton Thompson to Marian Smith, 4 Sept. 1959 – has written to the secretary of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara to say that she is asking RAI to replace her on Council of Management; believes the Council would be glad to reduce its representative members; asks her to bear this in mind (autogr.)

  2    Ibid., 10 Sept. – sends letter from the secretary of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara [not held]; discusses various people as possible successor as RAI representative. 4 pages (autogr.)

  3    Marian Smith to Mrs H.F. Rudoi, Secretary, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 5 Nov. – apologises that RAI will not be represented at meeting on 6 Nov.; Prof. Grimes has accepted invitation to be representative, but had a prior engagement (tpc.)

  4    Ibid. to Prof. W.F. Grimes, 6 Nov. – Council has appointed him as representative to British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara; thanks him for acceptance (tpc.)

  5    Mrs H.F. Rudoi to Marian Sith, 12 Nov. – Council glad that RAI has appointed Prof. Grimes (tp.)

14/    The Institute for the Study of Man in Africa

  1    12 Oct. 1962 – ‘Report on the progress of the Institute for the Study of Man in Africa during 1962’. 8 pages (tp.)

  2    The Institute for the Study of Man in Africa, News Letter, Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec.

  3    Phillip V. Tobias, President, Institute for the Study of Man in Africa, to the President, RAI, 27 Feb. 1963 – the Institute set up to further the work of Prof. R.A. Dart; the Institute is holding an exhibition on Man in Africa; on the objective of the exhibition; asks whether RAI might send a message to be read at the formal opening ceremony (tp.)

  4    Anthony Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70, to ‘Schap’ [Prof. Isaac Schapera, RAI President 1961-63], 26 Mar. – asks ‘should we do this?’ (autogr note)

  5    Ibid. to ‘Joe’, 19 Apr. – ibid. (autogr. note)

A147/14/6    Ibid. to the President, Institute for the Study of Man in Africa, 8 May – sends cordial greetings; is sure that the Institute will bring home to the public the great contribution which African peoples have made to the rise and progress of humanity (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. (autogr. draft)

  8    Ibid. (another autogr. draft in a different hand)

  9    Memorandum on the Man in Africa Exhibition, May. 4 pages (tp.)