Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents PERCY AMAURY TALBOT PRIZE FOR AFRICAN ANTHROPOLOGY (A86)

This Prize was instituted in honour of her husband in the Will of Mrs Amaury Talbot, and until 1996 was administered by her Trustees, Barclays’ Bank. Thereafter, the RAI took control of the administration. The Prize is offered for the best work published in a given year on African Anthropology, with preference being given to works on Nigeria or West Africa generally; publications entered from this year are judged the next, thus the year the Prize is actually awarded is a year later than the one referred to, for example, the 1963 Prize was awarded in 1964 etc. The archive also covers the publishing of Percy Amaury Talbot’s manuscript.


1    The Amaury Talbot MS

2    Establishment of the Prize

3    Administration of the Prize

1/    The Amaury Talbot MS


1    Miss Miriam L. Tildesley to Bimba [Mrs Miriam Winifred Florence Talbot], 14 Oct. 1947 – has spent several hours studying her husband’s MS on Nigeria; concludes that it contains much valuable information and is well worth publishing; it needs a little editing to correct a few errors in analysis; she may be able to undertake this at a later date; has given her opinion to Mr Emanuel, the publisher; has urged the Colonial Office to accept the work for publication even before the alterations have been made; he will discuss the matter with Mr Robinson who has a special interest in anthropology; has left the MS at the RAI; has told Mrs Kreiser that she must help push the matter at the Colonial Office; her [Bimba’s] connections with Sir Alan Burns should help. 2 leaves (tpc.)

2    Mrs Talbot to J.L. Myres, 17 Oct. 1947 – encloses a copy of Miss Tildesley’s letter (/1 above); reminds him of his offer to speak to C.E.M. Cox; wonders whether he knows Mr Robinson; asks him to have a look at the MS; believes the Colonial Office has the funds if they can be persuaded to make a grant; has written to Mr Lipson MP, and a friend of hers has promised to call on him (autogr., with pencil note by W.B. Fagg (Hon. Secretary), 17 Apr. 1948, that J.L. Myres has not yet seen the letter)


3    Paul A. Wilson, Colonial Office, to Prof. Daryll Forde, 23 Feb. 1948 – has been informed that P.A. Talbot’s MS is valuable and worthy of publication; to do so would require financial assistance; asks his opinion on the worth of the MS, and for suggestions on finding funds other than from the Colonial Office (tp.)

4    Miss Tildesley to W.B. Fagg, 5 Apr. – is glad to hear that the Colonial Office is making a move about the Talbot MS; encloses a copy of her report to Mrs Talbot (/1 above); would be happy to hand over any maps in her possession to anyone willing to undertake the corrections; if she herself is to do it, it cannot be before Aug.; her work has been held up owing to her mother’s recent death; her sister is soon to return to Australia; after that she will be tied to looking after her father; may be able to do the editing at this time (tpc.)

5    Paul A. Wilson to Prof. Daryll Forde, 10 Apr. – reminds him of his request in his previous letter (/3 above); knows he has been consulting experts; asks when he may hope to hear from him (autogr.)

6    Prof. Daryll Forde to Paul A. Wilson, 14 Apr. 1948 – the matter of Mr Talbot’s MS was discussed at the Council Meeting of 2 Mar.; assumed Felicia Stallman had written to him; gives Miss Tildesley’s assessment; the Council agreed that there would be no objection in principle to publishing the MS as an Occasional Paper; no further action was taken since it was understood that Miss Tildesley would be negotiating with the Colonial Office; the RAI would be willing to publish the MS if the Colonial Office can provide some financial assistance (tpc.) see Council Minutes, CM/77/6, 2 Mar. 1948, f. 524, item 10 (c)

7    Miss Tildesley to Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary, 24 July – encloses a formal and detailed reply to her letter of 20 July; earnestly hopes that the work of editing will be given to someone else; they should be paid by the Colonial Office; has not had the copy of her earlier report returned; asks if she or Prof. Fleure could send it (tp.)

8    Ibid., 24 July – in reply to Paul A. Wilson’s queries about the MS, answers as before that she will be unable to work on it before the autumn; her first considerations must be given to her father; would be glad to hand over the task to another physical anthropologist; has no experience of dealing with publishers; has a block for a map of Nigeria, and a large pile of photographs which she would be happy to hand on; gives her assessment of what needs to be done with the tables; presents the options for dealing with the MS; on estimates for printing. 3 leaves (tpc.)

9    J.L. Myres to Felicia Stallman, 30 July – encloses a copy of his reply to Mrs Talbot; considers that her offer of help should be accepted since no-one else understands the problem as she does; details of dimensions should be obtained from the Colonial Office; Miss Tildesley can then say how many pages and tables will be needed; original papers should be deposited by Mrs Talbot with the Institute; in postscript discusses book reviews (autogr.)

10    Ibid., to Mrs Talbot, 30 July 1948 – thanks her for the copy of Miss Tildesley’s letter; has not seen the MS or tables himself; thinks it best to accept Miss Tildesley’s offer; tables not retained for publishing should be filed at the RAI with original photographs and notebooks; on publishing details; failing Miss Tildesley, suggests W. Trevor of Cambridge or one of his students who could edit the tables with advice from Miss Tildesley (autogr. copy)

2/    Establishment of the Prize


1    Copy of the last will of Mrs Talbot detailing the setting up of the Prize, 16 Mar. 1936. 2 leaves (tp.)


2    A.P. Baldwin, Barclays Bank to President, RAI [Lord Raglan], 1 Dec. 1955 – as executor of the will of Mrs Talbot refers to the Prize and asks if he is willing to act as adjudicator. 2 leaves (tp.) see Council Minutes, CM/85/4, 5 Jan. 1956, f. 777, item 13

3    Miss Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers to Lord Raglan, 22 Dec. – has shown the letter (/2 above) to W.B. Fagg; he advises that since it is likely that the President will need referees to advise him and they normally receive a fee for the reading of papers it should be stipulated that all expenses should be covered by the estate (tpc.)

4    A.P. Baldwin to Lord Raglan, 29 Dec. – deals with points raised in his letter; has contacted the Treasury Solicitor and the Inland Revenue Authorities to clarify whether the Will makes a valid charitable gift; is waiting for a final decision from the Board of the Faculty of Biological Sciences at Oxford; on the judges; thinks it reasonable to deduct a sum to cover fees. 2 leaves (tp.)


5    Ibid., 11 Jan. 1956 – has now heard from the Secretary of Faculties who raises similar points; asks him to offer provisions to the scheme which his experience has shown would be helpful in making it work (tp.)

6    Ibid., 13 Jan. 1956 – thanks him for sending a copy of the rules for the Wellcome Medal [A88]; once they have heard from the Inland Revenue will draw up a similar set of rules and submit it to all concerned (tp.)

7    W.B. Fagg to Lord Raglan, 17 Jan. – suggests that a list of Heads of Departments concerned with Africa be drawn up who could be circularised each year and invited to submit information about suitable pieces of work (tpc.)

8    Lord Raglan to W.B. Fagg, 18 Jan. – thinks the Bank should be left to get on with the Talbot Prize; the simpler the rules are the better; the referees could decide to act as he suggests (tp.)

9    A.P. Baldwin to Lord Raglan, 12 Apr. – intends approaching the Charity Commissioners to assist with setting up the scheme for the Prize; would be grateful for any suggestions; notes some points which have occurred to the Bank (tp.)

10    Ibid., 2 Nov. – encloses a draft scheme drawn up by the Charity Commission (tp.)

11    Ibid., 5 Nov. – on details of the scheme; notes that his term as President will end on 27 June 1957 (tp.)

12    Ibid., 10 Dec. – notes two points raised by the Secretary of Faculties concerning the powers of the judges and the question of their remuneration. 2 leaves (tp.)

13    Ibid., 17 Dec. – notes his comments concerning the judges (tp.)


14    Ibid., 15 Feb. 1957 – the Secretary of Faculties agrees that the two judges should have power to co-opt a third and agree that William Wyse should act as Arbitrator if there is a disagreement; will ask the Charity Commission to suggest a sum for the remuneration (tp.)

15    Ibid., to J.A. Fraser Roberts, President RAI, 26 June 1957 – encloses a draft scheme and responses to matters raised by Lord Raglan and the Board of the Faculty of Anthropology and Geography at Oxford; the two other gentlemen mentioned in the will (Sir Arthur Keith and Prof. Henry Balfour) are now dead and their appointment cannot pass to their successors (tp.)

16    Dr Marian W. Smith (Hon. Secretary) to A.P. Baldwin, 26 Sep. – the Council of the RAI accepts the Draft Scheme and proposed amendments (tpc.)


17    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 29 Sep. 1958 – encloses a copy of the sealed Scheme which sets up the Charity; suggests making the first advertisement for the prize soon (tp.)

18    Charity Commission, 12 Aug. 1958 – scheme for the Amaury Talbot Fund (printed)

3/    Administration of the Prize


1    A.P. Baldwin to the Registrar, Oxford University, 3 Oct. 1958 – encloses a copy of a suggested advertisement; welcomes any comments; on the judges’ remuneration; has deliberately not mentioned the amount of the prize as it is likely to vary until the book has been published (tpc.)

2    Ibid., [3 Oct.] – suggested advertisement in The Times (tpc.)

3    Ibid., to Dr Marion W. Smith, 3 Oct. – encloses copies of the suggested advertisement and the letter to the Oxford University Registry (tp.)

4    Ibid., 8 Oct. – gives an extra paragraph to be added to the advertisement, as suggested by the Secretary of Faculties (tp.)

5    Ibid., 21 Oct. – asks for the President’s [J.A. Fraser Roberts] opinion of the extra paragraph; wishes to insert the advertisement as soon as possible (tp.)

6    Dr Marion W. Smith to Manager, Barclays Bank, 31 Oct. 1958 – apologises for the delay caused by certain difficulties that she and the President have foreseen concerning the Scheme of the Fund; suggests that the advertisement be amended to include mention of work done by applicants during the year of the award in accordance with the Scheme; expects that the number of applicants will be small to begin with (tpc.)

7    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 3 Nov. – hopes to be able to deal with any difficulties that crop up in a common-sense fashion; has forwarded her suggestion concerning the advertisement to the Secretary of Faculties; thinks the number of applicants is certain to increase once the prize becomes well-known (tp.)

8    Ibid., [3 Nov.] – suggested advertisement in The Times (tpc.)

9    Ibid., 8 Nov. – the advertisement will be inserted in the TES on 14 Nov.; asks her to alert members of the RAI (tp.)

10    Ibid., 17 Dec. – no applications at all have been received (tp.)

11    Ibid., to J.R. Goody, 22 Dec. – thanks him for his letter; confirms acceptance of his entry although it has not yet arrived; quotes clause 3 of the Scheme; all decisions must be left to the judges (tpc.)

12    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, 23 Dec. – is sorry about the poor response; in future the RAI could suggest some journals likely to be read by possible candidates (tpc.)

13    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 30 Dec. – has received an entry since her letter arrived; thanks her for her suggestion although hopes to keep costs down; is confident that all will run smoothly in due course (tp.)

14    J.R. Goody to A.P. Baldwin, 31 Dec. – on interpretation of the meaning of research carried out in any given year; assumed that it meant the year in which the work was published; suggests that in future it is made clear whether the research itself, the writing-up, or the publication is intended (tpc.)


15    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 2 Jan. 1959 – encloses the sole entry from Dr J.R. Goody; looks forward to hearing whether the judge considers it of a suitable standard (tp.)

16    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, 5 Jan. – has forwarded the entry to the President; is sceptical of its value herself (tpc.)

17    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 6 Jan. – notes her view; thinks it best to keep an open-minded approach, and not apply the rules too strictly at the beginning. 2 leaves (tp.)

18    Ibid., 12 Jan. – encloses some correspondence with Dr Goody; thinks a decision concerning the time during which candidates’ work should have been done needs to be arrived at (tp.)

19    A.P. Baldwin to the Registrar, Oxford University, 16 Jan. – inclines to favour the year of publication as the cut-off mentioned in the Scheme; in this case Dr Goody’s work would be admissible; is willing to abide by whatever decision he and the President of the RAI arrive at; has sent a copy of this letter to the President; he is meeting with Prof. Evans-Pritchard to discuss the matter; looks forward to hearing their decision. 2 leaves (tp.)

20    Ibid., to Dr Marion W. Smith, 4 Feb. – the judges did not think that Dr Goody’s work merited an award; notes that they wish the advertisement to appear in Man and Africa; encloses a cheque for the President; encloses a draft for the advertisement for 1959. 2 leaves (tp.)

21    Ibid., [4 Feb.] – suggested advertisement (tpc.)

22    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, [6 Feb.] – the President agreed to the advertisement with a few minor changes in wording; gives details for placing it in the journals mentioned; encloses a receipt for the cheque (tpc.)

23    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 9 Feb. – will alter the advertisement as requested; has heard from Prof. Evans-Pritchard; will insert the advertisement once the finances are known; thanks her for the help with the journals (tp.)

24    Ibid., 24 Feb. 1959 – encloses the revised advertisement; asks her to arrange for its insertion in Man (tp.)

25    Ibid., 27 Feb. – the advertisement has also been inserted in Africa; asks whether she agrees that they could leave out The Times (tp.)

26    Miss Joan Edwards, Administrative Secretary to A.P. Baldwin, 2 Mar. – Dr Marion W. Smith is in America; Dr Fraser Roberts agrees that it is unnecessary to advertise in The Times (tpc.)

27    Copy from Council Minutes of 5 Mar. – ‘The President reported that no award of the Amaury Talbot Prize had been made’; Council wishes to be informed each year of the decision of the judges (tp.)


28    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 7 Jan. 1960 – no entries have been received for the 1959 prize; publication of Mrs Talbot’s book is proving more expensive than anticipated; assumes she agrees that the advertisement for 1960 should be inserted as before; welcomes any suggestions for bringing the prize to the attention of a wider audience; suggests a reduced retaining fee for the judges, since no applications were received (tp.)

29    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, 11 Jan. – is sorry no applications were received; thinks it wise to spend the money on the book; doubts the judges are expecting any remuneration; suggests that the RAI could send a brief notice to Universities and certain individuals concerning the prize in early Oct.; the cost would be minimal; is also willing to send a special note to professional journals which do not take advertisements; wishes to get the prize known (tpc.)

30    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 13 Jan. – thinks it right to send the reduced fee to the judges; Prof. Evans-Pritchard agrees; he says he has good reason to believe there will be suitable entries for 1960; is hoping to get in touch with the editor of The American Anthropologist; thanks her for her offer of help. 2 leaves (tp.)

31    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, 14 Jan. 1960 – agrees to the judges’ remuneration; the new President is Dr Audrey I. Richards (tpc.)

32    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, [5 Feb.] – draft advertisement (tpc.)

33    Prof. Evans-Pritchard to A.P. Baldwin, 23 May – does not think that archaeology should be included for the prize (tpc.)

34    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 24 May – C. Thurston Shaw wonders whether ‘anthropological’ includes archaeological research work; Prof. Evans-Pritchard does not think so; asks for her opinion (tp.)

35    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, 31 May – agrees with Prof. Evans-Pritchard; thinks Mrs Talbot had social anthropology in mind (tpc.)

36    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 25 Aug. – has sent her applications from Dr M.G. Smith, I.G. Cunnison and Anthony Kirk-Greene; copies have been sent to Prof. Evans-Pritchard who is confidant that there will be worth-while entries for this year’s prize (tp.)

37    Dr Marion W. Smith to A.P. Baldwin, 8 Sep. – is pleased to receive the entries; thinks their teething troubles are now over (tpc.)

38    Prof. Evans-Pritchard to Dr Audrey I. Richards (President), 19 Nov. – makes points concerning the Talbot Prize; thinks the intention is for preference to be given to a Nigerian study; has not yet read the applicants’ books so cannot give an opinion; there may still be other entries; will not be able to deal with it until the end of Jan.; can offer no opinion on Miss Fields’ book; suggests allowing books to remain in the competition for a second year; thinks it would be unfair if an excellent candidate was not granted a prize one year and a less good one received it the following year; if this suggestion is adopted it would add to the judges’ work-load of reading; suggests the fee should be a certain sum per book; on [?Shinum’s] University applications; points out that the Talbot Prize is not an RAI prize; they have merely to report their decisions, not give reasons for them. 5 pp. (autogr.)

39    ? Dr Audrey I. Richards to W.B. Fagg, 24 Nov. 1960 – would like his opinion on how to decide between two excellent books; they ought to give the prize to the one on Nigeria; tells him of Prof. Evans-Pritchard’s suggestion about allowing books to be submitted for a second year; wonders if they should stipulate that only applicants writing about West Africa will be considered; asks if he thinks it worth having a discussion with the Trustees (tpc.)

40    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Marion W. Smith, 9 Dec. – encloses an entry by Harold D. Gunn (tp.)

41    Ibid., 19 Dec. – a further entry has been received, from Dr .M.J. Field (tp.)


42    Dr Audrey I. Richards and Prof. Evans-Pritchard to A.P. Baldwin, 20 Feb. – they, as the two judges, decide that the award should be made to Dr M.G. Smith for his book ‘Government in Zazzau’; three or four of the other entries were of an equally high standard; will soon be meeting to discuss the terms in which the Prize is advertised (tpc.); see Council Minutes, CM/90/6, 2 Mar. 1961, f. 126, item 5 (d)

43    A.P. Baldwin to Dr Audrey I. Richards and Prof. Evans-Pritchard, 23 Feb. – has written to inform Dr Smith of his award; is pleased that a high standard of entries was received and that the Prize is gaining recognition; the advertisements for 1961 have already been inserted; welcomes any recommendations; on the judges’ remuneration (tp.)

44    Ibid., to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 6 Mar. – thinks it is usual for judges to keep books sent in for competitions; notes that she is returning Dr Field’s book personally; Prof. Evans-Pritchard gave his copy to the Library of Social Anthropology were it has been stamped; suggests that the wording of the advertisement should in future make it clear whether or not books are to be returned (tp.)


45    Ibid., 4 Jan. 1962 – once again no entries for the Prize have been received; suggests that again a retainer fee is paid to the judges; unused prize money will be used towards publication of the book; on the 1962 advertisement (tp.)

46    Dr Audrey I. Richards to Prof. I. Schapera (President), 19 Jan. – forwards the letter from A.P. Baldwin (/48 above); he does not realise that the President has changed; mentions that three worthy entries were received last year; thought that Prof. Evans-Pritchard’s suggestion about submitting books for a second year would be difficult in practice and he finally agreed; suggests that the advertisement might make it clear to competitors that there might be funds for the publication of a book (tp.)

47    A.P. Baldwin to Anthony H. Christie (Hon. Secretary), 13 Feb. – Prof. I. Schapera does not feel he has done anything to deserve the judges’ retainer fee, and has suggested it should be paid to the RAI (tp.)

The 1962 Prize was awarded to P.C. Lloyd for ‘Yoruba land tenure’ see Council Minutes, CM/92/6, 7 Mar. 1963, f. 171, item 7 (iii)


48    A.P. Baldwin to Dr J.S. Weiner (President), 24 Oct. – as the new President he is now one of the judges for the Talbot Prize; the other is Dr R. Godfrey Lienhardt; regrets that no entries have been received so far; hopes for some before the closing date; notes that he may keep copies of any books received and one is donated to the RAI Library (tp.)

49    W.B. Fagg to A.P. Baldwin, 20 Dec. – has despatched two copies of his book ‘Nigerian Images’ as an entry for the Talbot Prize; describes the nature of the book (tpc.)

50    Ibid., to Anthony H. Christie, 22 Dec. – informs him of his entry for the Prize (autogr.)

51    A.P. Baldwin to Dr J.S. Weiner, 23 Dec. – the only entry so far is W.B. Fagg’s book; encloses a copy of his letter (tp.)


52    Ibid., 1 Jan. 1964 – the closing date for entries has now passed; W.B. Fagg’s entry remains the only one; Herbert List is responsible for the many photographs in the book; however the prize cannot be split; looks forward to judges’ opinion (tp.)

53    Ibid., 15 Jan. – encloses a draft advertisement welcomes any suggestions (tp.)

54    J.S. Weiner to A.P. Baldwin, 16 Jan. – he and his Colonial Office-judge have decided that W.B. Fagg’s book is worthy of a prize; does not think that the advertisement needs any alteration; suggests some further journals which could carry it; Prof. J.D. Fage, Secretary of the African Studies Association should be asked to bring it to the attention of members. 2 leaves (tpc.)

55    J.A. Taylor, Percy Lund Humphries & Co., to Anthony H. Christie, 27 Jan. – as publisher of W.B. Fagg’s ‘Nigerian Images’ is delighted that it has won a prize; asks if he is issuing a press notice (tp.)

56    C.A. Moore, Trust Officer Barclays Bank, to Dr J.S. Weiner, 26 Aug. – has received a copy of ‘Le roi-dieu au Benin’ by Montserrat Palau Marti as an entry for the Prize (tp.)

57    J.L. Cadogan, Barclays Bank, to Dr J.S. Weiner, 19 Oct. – an application has been received from M. Claude Meillassoux for his forthcoming book ‘Anthropologie économique des Gouro de Cote d’Ivoire’; reports the sudden death of A.P. Baldwin (tp.)

58    C.A. Moore to Dr J.S. Weiner, 23 Oct. – encloses an entry from William Bascom, ‘Folk research in Africa’ (tp.)


59    Dr J.S. Weiner to Dr R. Godfrey Lienhardt, 7 Jan. – asks for his verdict on the three entries received; he regards William Bascom’s as ‘little more than a work of compilation’ (tpc.)

60    Ibid., to C.A. Moore, 17 Feb. – does not consider any of the 1964 entries worthy of a prize; expects Dr Lienhardt will say the same (tpc.)


1959 no award 1960 Dr Michael Garfield Smith Government in Zazzau: 1880-1950 (OUP, 1960) 1961 no award 1962 Peter Cutt Lloyd Yoruba land law (OUP, 1962) 1963 William Buller Fagg Nigerian images (Lund Humphries, 1963) 1964 no award 1965 Rosemary Harris The political organisation of the Mbembe (HMSO, 1965) 1966 S.A. Babalola The content and form of Yoruba Ijala (Clarendon, 1966) 1967 Dr Peter Cutt Lloyd Africa in social change (Penguin, 1967) 1968 Dr Simon Ottenberg Double descent in an African society (University of Washington Press, 1968) 1969 Dr Abner Cohen Custom and politics in urban Africa (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969) 1970 Prof. Charles Thurstan Shaw Igbo Ukwa (Faber, 1970) 1971 Dr Jack Rankine Goody Technology, tradition and the state in Africa (OUP, 1971) 1972 Dr Richard N. Henderson The king in every man (Yale University Press, 1972) 1973 no award 1974 Dr Peter Cutt Lloyd Power and independence: urban Africans’ perspective of social inequality (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974) 1975 Prof. Simon Ottenberg Masked rituals of Afikpo (University of Washington Press, 1975) 1976 no award 1977 Dr Polly Hill Population, prosperity and poverty: rural Kano 1900-70 (CUP, 1977) 1978 Prof. Charles Thurston Shaw Nigeria: its archaeology and early history (Thames & Hudson, 1978) 1979 no award 1980 no award 1981 Prof. Graham E. Connah Three thousand years in Africa (CUP, 1981) 1982 Dr Esther Goody Parenthood and social reproduction (CUP, 1982) 1983 John D.Y. Peel Iljeshas and Nigerians (CUP, 1983) 1984 no award 1985 Dr Anthony D. Buckley Yoruba medicine (Clarendon, 1985) 1986 Prof. Sandra T. Barnes Patrons and power: creating a political community in metropolitan Lagos (Manchester University Press, 1986) 1987 Dr Helen Callaway Gender, culture and empire: European women in Colonial Nigeria (St Anthony’s/ Macmillan, 1987) 1988 Dr Marc R. Schloss The hatchet’s blood (University of Arizona Press, 1988) Dr Wendy Rosalind James The listening ebony (Clarendon, 1988) 1989 Michael Jackson Paths towards a clearing: radical impiricism and ethnographic enquiry (Indiana UP, 1989) 1990 no award 1991 Dr Karin Barber I could speak until tomorrow: Oriki women and the past in a Yoruba town (Edinburgh UP, 1991) Prof. Richard Werbner Tears of the dead: the social biography of an African family (Edinburgh UP/Smithsonian Institute Press, 1991) 1992 Robert Launay Beyond the stream (University of California Press, 1992) 1993 Dr Christopher B. Steiner African art in transit (CUP, 1993) 1994 Jeffrey A. Fadiman When we began there were witchmen (U of California Press, 1993) Douglas Hamilton Johnson Nuer prophets: a history of prophecy from the Upper Nile in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Clarendon Press, 1994) 1995 Dr Liisa Malkki Purity and exile: violence, memory and national cosmology among the Hutu refugees in Tanzania (University of Chicago Press, 1995) 1996 Dr James Fairhead and Dr Melissa Leach Misreading the African landscape: society and ecology in a forest-savannah mosaic (CUP, 1996) Sharon E. Hutchinson Nuer dilemas: coping with money, war and the state (University of California Press, 1996) 1997 Susan Reynolds Whyte Questioning misfortune: the pragmatics of uncertainty in Eastern Uganda (CUP, 1997) 1998 Eric Silla People are not the same: leprosy and identity in twentieth century Mali (James Currey, 1998) 1999 Donald Donham Marxist modern: an ethnographic history of the Ethiopian revolution (University of California Press, 1999) Charles Piot Remotely global: village modernity in West Africa (University of Chicago Press, 1999) 2000 John D.Y. Peel Religious encounter and the making of the Yoruba (Copernicus Books, 2000)