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 1/    Jean La Fontaine, President 1985-87

  1    Adrian Mayer, President 1983-85, to Jonathan Benthall, Director 1974-2000, 25 Jan. [1987] – asks him to write to Members of the Selection Committee; Jean [La Fontaine] has agreed; he will put her name forward (autogr. with autogr. notes by Jonathan Benthall); on verso: Jonathan Benthall, nd – draft of 1/2 (autogr.)

  2    Jonathan Benthall to Dr Donnan, Prof. Haimendorf, Prof. Harrison, Dr Sunderland and Prof. Willett, 31 Jan. 1985 – the President has approached Jean La Fontaine; she has agreed that her name be put forward (tp. memo)

 2/    Michael Banton, President 1987-89

  1    Jean La Fontaine & Jonathan Benthall to David Barton, Michael Day, Mike Hitchcock & Edmund Leach, 31 Oct. 1986 – normal for Presidential Committee to aghree a recommendation by correspondence; no archaeologist leaps to mind; would like to propose Michael Banton; give reasons for his choice (tp. memo)

  2    Michael Day to Jonathan Benthall, 4 Nov. – accepts nomination of Michael Banton (tp.)

  3    Eileen Walters for Jean La Fontaine to Prof. Michael Banton, 24 Nov. – the Presidential Committee would like to nominate him for election as President; outlines the main commitments of the President; until meeting of Council on 10 Dec. asks him to treat the matter as confidential (tp.)

  4    Jean La Fontaine to Michael Banton, nd – ibid. (tp. draft)

  5    Jonathan Benthall to ibid., 20 Apr. 1988 – refers to his letters of 15 and 20 Mar. [not held]; does not think Council need be asked to authorize publication of the Presidential Address; on a press release (tpc.)

 3/    Eric Sunderland, President 1989-91

  1    Michael Banton to Members of the Presidential Committee, nd – lists three names for consideration for election as President; suggests approaching Eric Sunderland first (tp.)

  2    Jonathan Benthall to Prof. Eric Sunderland, 9 July 1991 – thanks him for being a helpful and supportive President; refers to plans for the 1998 ICAES (tpc.)

 4/    Ernest Gellner, President 1991-94

  1    Jonathan Benthall to Prof. Ernest Gellner, 7 July 1994 – thanks him for being an excellent President; thanks him for offering to contribute to cost of dinner after the AGM (tp.)

 5/    Roland Littlewood, President 1994-97

  1    Jonathan Benthall to Ernest Gellner, Micaheal BAnton, Jean La Fontaine, Roslyn Poignant, Marcus Banks, Chris Pinney, 29 Nov. 1993 – on the appointment of the Committee; on the principal criteria for a President; Ros Poignant considers Roland Littlewood to be an outstanding candidate; on his work; suggests that members of the committee state their views in writing to the President, Prof. Ernest Gellner. 2 leaves (tp. memo)

  2    Eileen Walters to Jean La Fontaine, 7 Jan. [1994] – Ernest [Gellner] asks her to write to confirm that Ronald Littlewood is the choice of the Committee for recommendation for the Presidency; Pat Caplan to be offered the Vice-Presidency (tpc.) [wrongly dated 1993]

  3    Ibid. to Prof. Michael Banton, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.) [wrongly dated 1993]

 6/    John Davis, President 1997-2001

  1    Jonathan Benthall to the Editor, Court and Social Page, the Times, 2 July 1997 – on appointment of Dr John Davis as President; on appointment of Mrs Roslyn Poignant and Prof. Elizabeth Tonkin as Vice Presidents (tp.)