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Minutes, correspondence and papers

The committee was one of three set up following the demise of the Executive Committee on 31 May 1961; the other two were the Library Committee and the Standing Committee (see Officers’ Meeting, 18 May 1961, A11:5, f. 79)

Minutes, 1961-70, are held as follows:

Ref.    Date of meeting
none    30 Nov. 1961
    22 Mar. 1962
    5 June 1962
    20 Nov. 1962; nothing held
    4 Apr. 1963
    24 Oct. 1963
    2 July 1964 and variant minutes by W.B. Fagg (autogr.)
    30 Oct. 1964
    6 Jan. 1966; nothing held
    5 June 1969; draft minutes
PC/70/1    3 Mar. 1970
PC/70/    27 Apr. 1970
    18 June 1970; nothing held
PC/72/2    24 Oct. 1972
The meetings between 22 Mar. 1962 and 6 Jan. 1966 are consecutive meetings.

 1/    Correspondence etc. 1955-79

  1    Mrs Cherry to W.B. Fagg (WBF), 23 Dec. 1955 – Christmas card sales (tp. memo)

  2    Dr Marian Smith, RAI, to WBF, G.W.B. Huntingford, 26 Mar. 1956 – suggests meeting to discuss publication plans (tp. with autogr. additions)

  3    7 Dec. – minutes of meeting at Royal Society to discuss problems of publication and sales promotion of scientific publications. 2 leaves (tp.)

  4    D. Cherry to WBF, 6 Apr. 1957 – has been in touch with Inter University Council for Higher Education Overseas concerning Journals (tpc.)

  5    Christmas card 1959 depicting ‘The Snow Man’ (printed)

 .1    Rough draft of card (printed with autogr. text)

 .2    Description of card, prices etc. (autogr. pencil note)

  6    Notice of meeting 30 Nov. 1961 (tpc.)

  7    Notes relating to meeting 30 Nov. (autogr.)

  8    Notice of meeting 22 Mar.1962 (tpc.)

  9    Notes relating to meeting 22 Mar. 4 leaves (autogr.)

 10    Bryan Cranstone, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, to WBF, nd – encloses note from Philip Snow (autogr.)

 11    Philip Snow, Bursar, Rugby School, 23 May – hopes that Publications Committee will reach decision soon (tp.)

 12    Notice of meeting 5 June (tpc.)

 13    Notes on meeting 5 June (autogr.)

 14    Richard Carrington to A.H. Christie (AHC), 30 Oct. – explains his non-attendance at Publications Committee meetings; suggests that he be replaced on the Committee (tp.)

 15    AHC to WBF, 9 Nov. – notice of meeting 20 Nov. (tp. postcard)

 16    Notice of meeting 20 Nov. (tpc.)

 17    Notes on meeting 20 Nov. (autogr.)

 18    AHC to Dr J.H.M. Beattie, Inst. of Social Anthropology, Oxford; Mrs S.M. Cole; Dr M. Freedman, LSE; Dr D. Brothwell, Natural History Museum, 16 Oct. 1963 – Council has elected them members of the Publications Committee (tpc.)

 19    Dr J.H.M. Beattie to AHC, 21 Oct. – delighted to serve; unable to attend next meeting (tp.)

 20    Ibid., 23 Oct. – thanks him for Curl essays; asks not to be considered as Chairman of the Committee (tp.)

 21    AHC to Dr R.E. Bradbury, Faculty of Commerce and Social Sciences, University of Birmingham, 23 Nov. 1965 – Council has elected him member of the Publications Committee (tpc.)

Similar letters (not retained) to Dr Robin Fox, Dept. of Anthropology, LSE; Mr Francis Huxley, St Catherine’s College, Oxford; Dr A.E. Mourant, Serological Population Genetics Laboratory, St Barts Hospital

 22    AHC to Dr E. Ardener, Inst. of Social Anthropology, Oxford, 22 Oct. 1969 – Council resolved to ask him to serve on Publications Committee; asks if he is willing to do so (tpc.)

Similar letters (not retained) to Dr Peter Ucko; Dr J. Waechter; Prof. J. Weiner

 23    J.S. Weiner, Chairman, Publications Committee, to WBF, 18 Nov. 1970 – Committee wishes to reissue collections of papers taken from JRAI and MSN; encloses outline on ‘Perspective in the Study of Man’; asks if he would prepare such a volume (tp.)

 .1    Outline on ‘Perspective in the Study of Man’ (photocopy) [enclosed with A77/1/23]

 24    AHC[?] to Dr Peter Ucko, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL, 6 Dec. – asks if he agrees to be co-opted to Committee; common practice relating to Articles and Bye-Laws of RAI has been confused, inconsistent and at times incorrect (tpc.)

 25    Barbara Bentley to Dr R.G. Abrahams, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Cambridge, 4 Oct. 1971 – Council re-elected Publications Committee en bloc; asks if he is willing to serve; asks for preferred date for meeting (tpc.)

Similar letters (not retained) to J.B. Donne; Dr P. Riviere

 26    Barbara Bentley to Dr R.G. Abrahams, nd, informs him of date of meeting (tpc.)

 27    Ibid. to Prof. Weiner, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 8 Oct. – informs him of date of meeting (tpc.)

 28    Peter Riviere to Barbara Bentley, 10 Oct. – happy to serve on Committee; discusses dates of meetings of Publications and Standing Committees (tp.)

 29    Michael H. Day, President, RAI, 1979-83, to Sir Raymond Firth, 15 Oct. 1979 – asks if can put his name forward for Publications Committee which is being formed; Isaac Schapera has already agreed to join; the reason for such a committee to increase revenue for RAI. 2 leaves (tp.)

 30    Sir Raymond Firth to Michael Day, 24 Oct. – feels he cannot accept membership of the committee; has interest of RAI at heart but has tried to avoid committee work recently; speaks highly of Isaac Schapera; hopes they find a younger colleague in his stead (tpc.)

 31    List of ‘Publications of the Royal Anthropological Institute’, nd. 4 leaves (tpc.)

 2/    Publications

  1    1969–76: Reviews etc. relating to Mary Douglas (MD)

  1    Michael Thompson, ‘An anatomy of rubbish’, New Society, 10 Apr. 1969. 2 leaves (photocopy) [ref. to MD on p. 2. Second article by Michael Thompson, ‘The death of rubbish’, New Society, 28 May 1970, not retained]

  2    Review of MD, ‘Natural Symbols’, TLS, [?] May 1970 (newspaper cutting)

  3    MD on Lévi-Strauss; Alan Ryan, review of MD, ‘Natural Symbols’, The Listener, 3 Sept. 3 pages (newspaper cutting)

  4    MD, ‘Schon’s Utopia’, The Listener, 3 June 1971. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)

  5    MD to The Times, 3 Aug. 1974, ‘The structure of Essex University’ (newspaper cutting)

  6    Dan Sperber, review of MD, ‘Implicit Meanings’, TLS, 30 Apr. 1976. 2 leaves (newspaper cutting)

1974-86: Correspondence with and relating to MD

  7    Jonathan Benthall, Director, RAI, 1974-2000 (JB) to MD, 25 Feb. 1974 – refers to: weekend event; coverage in RAIN, THES and New Society; conference on Consumption Economics; Anthropology correspondent for The Times; dinner for Sir John Pope-Hennessy (tpc.)

  8    Ethel Shapiro, Praeger Publishers, Inc., New York, (American publisher of MD, ‘Purity and Danger’) to Nathan Sivin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 13 May – on the making of Xerox copies of ‘Purity and Danger’; this a violation of copyright law; they and MD ‘shocked’ (tpc. with autogr. additions)

  9    Nathan Sivin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to JB, 23 May – copies of ‘Purity and Danger’ made because the book was out of print; library unable to obtain copies; without photocopies of the book his students would have been unable to read the book; resents that MD should hear his name in this context (tp.)

 10    JB to Nathan Sivin, 29 May – has an interest in the matter; had told MD that Nathan Sivin was using the book; had told her that it had had to be photocopied; MD shocked by Praeger’s ineffectiveness as publishers rather than by photocopying; hopes misunderstanding cleared up (tpc.)

 11    JB to MD, 28 Aug. – seeks advice re. RAIN; RAIN will become a magazine next year; would like to air important and specifically anthropological issues; refers to John Rex’s book ‘Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World’; asks if she would record an interview with him on various related subjects (tpc.)

 12    Ibid., 5 Sept. 1977 – on MD’s ‘Cosmology: an Enquiry into Cultural Bias’, RAI Occasional Paper no. 35; encloses editorial queries; financial details etc.; hopes she is settling in New York (tpc.)

 .1    Editorial queries; one page missing; suggests change of title to ‘Cultural Bias: a further enquiry in cosmology’ (tpc.) [enclosed with A77/2/1/12]

 13    MD, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, to JB, 19 Sept. – thanks him for letter of 5 Sept; answers the editorial queries; discusses design for the cover; agrees to his change of title to ‘Cultural Bias’, with or without subtitle. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 14    MD’s secretary to JB, 21 Sept. – sends missing page of ‘Cosmology’ (tp.)

 15    JB to MD, 27 Sept. – thanks her for letter; thanks her for missing page; financial details; American distribution (tpc.)

 16    MD to JB, 4 Oct – correction to MS of ‘Cultural Bias’; ‘Broadcast on Goods’ reproduced in The Listener; fees should be due to RAI; more on fees (autogr.)

 17    Ibid., 26 Oct. – ideas for the cover [of ‘Cultural Bias’] (autogr.)

 18    Ibid., – correction to typescript of ‘Cultural Bias’ (autogr.)

 19    Monsignor Ralph Brown, The Canon Law Society, to MD, 14 Dec. – her location in New York makes it impossible for her to take part in work of Canon Law Society on the document ‘De Matrimonio’; does not know of any similar venture in New York; there is one in the Diocese of Chicago (tp.; autogr. note ‘Send to J. Bethall[sic])

 20    MD to JB, 21 Dec. – corrected proofs have been sent back; enclosed may be helpful [possibly A77/2/1/19]; formally supports RAI invitation to Dr Margaret Mead to become Honorary Fellow (tp. with autogr. PS referring to Prof. J. Tanner, National Hospital)

 21    Ibid., 29 Jan. 1978 – asks about proofs; wonders if paper will be published in time for grid and group conference on 11 Apr.; will want 50 copies; asks about US distributor; has ordered more copies of Cookbook [see A77/2/2]; asks for copies of two Occasional Papers (autogr.)

 .1    Note on copies of two Occasional Papers (autogr.)

 22    MD to JB, 24 Feb. – thanks him for letter of 15 Feb. telling her that ‘Cultural Bias’ will be ready by middle of Mar. [not held]; asks him to send copies direct to people attending conference (listed). 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by JB)

 23    Ibid., 2 Mar. – sorry she is unable to attend ‘new conference’; met historian Prof. Dudley Ba[h]lman of Williams College; he has written 100 page essay on 19th century furore over marriage with the deceased wife’s sister; enquires about possibilities of getting it published in England (tp. with autogr. reply by JB added)

 24    JB to MD, 6 Mar. – thanks her for letter of 24 Feb.; copies should be ready very soon; will mail copies as requested; encloses copy of cover (tpc.)

 .1    Copy of cover of ‘Cultural Bias’ (printed) [enclosed with A77/2/1/24]

 .2    Image used on cover (film negative)

 .3    Press notice for ‘Cultural Bias’ (newspaper cutting)

 25    JB to MD, 7 Mar. – thanks her for letter of 2 Mar. – would be interested to see Prof. Ba[h]lman’s manuscript (tpc.)

 26    Flyer to accompany Review Copy of ‘Cultural Bias’, 15 Mar. (photocopy)

 27    Baker’s Trade Finishers, Streatham, to RAI, 21 Mar. – delivery note for 850 copies; (printed, with autogr. entries; note by JB: ‘defective copy returned’)

 28    JB to Mr Baker, Baker’s Trade Finishers, 22 Mar. – not happy with quality of cutting; refers to defective copies (tpc.)

 29    MD to JB, 29 Mar. – thanks him for sending ‘Cultural Bias’ in time for her conference; would have liked mention of American distributors (tp.)

 30    Baker’s Trade Finishers to RAI, 30 Mar. – delivery note for 250 copies (printed, with autogr. entries)

 31    JB to Mr Baker, Baker’s Trade Finishers, 30 Mar. – thanks him for copies; returns some as defective (tpc.)

 32    Baker’s Trade Finishers to RAI, 3 Apr. – delivery note for 450 copies (printed, with autogr. entries)

 33    MD to The Director, Universe Books, New York, 6 Apr. – on difficulty of obtaining ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ in New York (tp.)

 34    Jean [La Fontaine], LSE, to JB, nd, – enclosed came to IS from MD; IS thinks it a possible occasional paper; will need to be refereed first; suggests people who might do this (autogr.)

 35    JB to MD, 2 May – has received Prof. Ba[h]lman’s paper which is well written and of interest; is concerned about the financial aspects of publishing it; perhaps a shortened version could appear in RAIN; asks her if she could ask Prof. Ba[h]lman if he would like JB to send it on to commercial publisher (tpc.)

 36    MD to JB, 10 May – thanks him for suggestions re. Dr. Bahlman’s book; wonders if JB should write to him direct re. RAIN; discusses various possible publishers (tp. with autogr. addition)

 37    Ibid., 26 May – thanks him for letter [not present]; mentions Bahlman’s manuscript; discusses sales of ‘Cultural Bias’ in USA; wonders if price could be reduced; happy to release her seat on Council of RAI (tp.)

 38    JB to MD, 30 May – thanks her for letter of 26 May; discusses costs for postage; asks to reconsider reducing price in a few months; gives reasons for this (tpc.)

 39    MD to JB, 26 Aug. – asks him to send further copies; also ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ (autogr.)

 40    JB to MD, 5 Sept. – on fees from BBC from her programme ‘Why do people want goods’ which has been repeated [see 16 above] (tpc.)

 41 Ibid., 6 Sept. – will send the copies as requested; will have to charge for ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’; wrote to Milton Freeman about finding employment for anthropologists; had a positive answer; plans to start an agency run by RAI to find work for anthropologists; plan has support of Council but there is a risk that Council will have cold feet (tpc.)

 42    MD to JB, 30 Nov. – mentions article on graphology which might do for RAIN; encloses note on anthropology of food; would be happy if he published any of it in RAIN (tp. with autogr. reply by JB added)

 .1    MD and Ravindra Khare, nd, ‘Anthropology of Food’. 11 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with A77/2/1/42]

 43    JB to MD, 6 Dec. – would love to publish article on graphology; will try to fit a note on food project into RAIN; Cookbook and ‘Cultural Bias’ both doing well; has sent Dr Bahlman’s paper to Blackwells (tpc.)

 44    MD to JB, 1 Mar. 1979 – would like to meet to talk about Anthropology of Food Commission and RAIN; suggests date (autogr.)

 .1    Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Food Problems, document describing the Commission and its work. 10 leaves (photocopy)

 45    JB, nd, rough notes headed ‘Food Research’. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 46    Ibid., headed ‘IUAES group on Food’ (autogr.)

 47    Hazel Weymes, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL, to JB, 20 Mar. – thanks him for letter re. formation of a working party on anthropological aspects of nutrition [not present]; teaches Human Nutrition; has laid foundations of a branch of the International Commission of Food to be based at UCL; cannot at present involve herself with another group; will maintain links with RAI (tp.)

 48    JB to MD, 27 Mar. – encloses copy of letter from Dr Hazel Weymes about Food Commission [47?]; glad MD is active on behalf of the IUAES [International Union of Anthropological and Ethnographical Sciences]; (tpc.)

 49    M. Spitaleri, Admin. Assistant, Russell Sage Foundation, to JB, 9 Apr. – MD wondering about sales of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’; asks for statement of distribution (tp. with autogr. reply by JB added)

 50    MD to JB, 10 Apr. – on Hazel Weymes and her involvement in International Commission of Food; mentions Wenner-Gren conference in Aug. (tp.)

 51    JB to MD, 26 Apr. – thanks her for letter of 10 Apr.; would like RAI to keep in touch with IUAES; will continue to publish news of the Commission in RAIN; on distribution of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ both outside of and in USA (tpc.)

 52    MD to JB, 25 Jan. 1980 – on application forms for RAI membership for Mr and Mrs Gopalakrishnan of Hyderabad; mentions paper on Rivers for RAIN (tp. with autogr. comments by JB added)

 53    JB to MD, 17 Mar. 1981 – with reference to her phone call concerning RAIN; refers to altering editorial comment; refers to letters by Charles Leslie and Michael Thompson; RAIN does not have a particular political bias; has editorial comment on ‘The World of Goods’ (tpc.)

 54    MD to JB, 23 July – is moving to Evanston; seeks urgent bibliographic help for book ‘In the Active Voice’; asks that answers to queries be sent to Jackie Hayes, RKP; feels that the request is an imposition (tp. with autogr. answers to the queries)

 55    After 1 Aug. – notice of change of address for MD (tp.)

 56    Patricia J. Peach, [RAI], to Jackie Hayes, RKP, 7 Aug. – sends the answers to MD’s bibliographic queries (tpc.)

 57    JB to MD, 24 Aug. – refers to letter of 23 July, dealt with by Patricia Peach; always happy to help; congratulates her on new Chair (tpc.)

 58    MD, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, to JB, 12 Nov. – forgot to thank him for dealing with bibliographic queries; asks him to send bill to her or to Routledge; suggests that RAI should make a charge for such services (tp.)

 59    Ibid. to Marilyn Strathern, Editor, Man, 17 Nov. – expresses appreciation of issue of Sept.; offers her services as a reviewer; specifies general books of theoretical kind that need an anthropological review, for example Hofstede’s book on culture (tpc.)

 60    JB to MD, 3 Dec. – thanks her for letter of 12 Nov.; will not charge her for the reference checking (tpc.)

 61    Branko Bokun to JB, 10 May 1982 – thanks him for copy of MD’s article which he returns [‘The Social Control of Cognition: Some factors in Joke Perception’, Man, vol. 3, no. 3, Sept. 1968, not retained]; he is studying the origin of laughter (autogr.)

 62    [JB] to MD, 6 Aug. 1985 – delighted that MD and her husband returning to England permanently (tpc.)

 63    After 10 Aug. – notice of change of address for MD (tp.)

 64    Kazuhiko Okuda, International University of Japan, to Mr T. Mito, St John’s College, Cambridge, 15 Nov. – thanks him for letter; mentions his work; asks him to obtain a copy of ‘Cultural Bias’; seeks information on Japanese copyright; is considering including it in an anthology (photocopy; autogr. note: ‘Mr. Benthall, for your information’)

 65    T. Mito, St John’s College, Cambridge, to JB, 30 Jan. 1986 – sends money for copy of ‘Cultural Bias’; asks him to send it to Prof. Okuda; asks him to write to Prof. Okuda about copyright information (autogr.)

 66    MD, Princeton, New Jersey, to JB, 22 Feb. – thanks him for letter of 3 Feb. [not held]; will be in Princeton until end of semester; enquires after JB’s stepson who is also in Princeton; would be delighted for ‘Cultural Bias’ to appear in Japanese anthology; would like to add introductory paragraph; mentions Peter Hopkins; would like RAI to negotiate for Occasional Paper based on Frazer lecture (autogr.)

 67    JB to MD, 6 Mar. – sends stepson’s address; re. ‘Cultural Bias’ will check with Peter Hopkins that RKP have no similar plans; will inform Prof. Okuda about introductory paragraph (photocopy)

 68    Ibid. to Prof. K. Okuda, 7 Mar. – MD would be happy for RAI to negotiate Japanese translation rights; asks for details about reproduction fees; mentions the introductory paragraph (photocopy)

 69    Ibid. to Norman Franklin, RKP, 7 Mar. – informs him of request from Japanese scholar; wishes to check that this does not infringe any contractual arrangements with RKP as they included the essay in a collected volume of MD’s works, ‘Essays in the Sociology of Knowledge’ (photocopy)

 70    ‘With apologies to Mary Douglas’, nd – spoof piece on the hot cross bun; refers to ‘grid and group’ (tp.)

  2    ‘The Anthropologists’ Cookbook’, ed. Jessica Kuper (JK), published 1977 by Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP)

1977–8: Reviews

  1    Gail Duff, Vole, nd 1977 (photocopy)

  2    Anon., Publishers Weekly, 21 Aug.; anon., Hampstead and Highgate Express, 4 Dec. (photocopy)

  3    Anon., Yorkshire Post, 17 Nov. (photocopy)

  4    Adrienne Keith, The Guardian, 1 Dec.; anon., The Telegraph, nd (photocopy)

  5    Elizabeth Ray, The Observer, 11 Dec. (photocopy)

  6    Angus Wilson, ibid. (photocopy)

  7    Anon., The Lady, 15 Dec. (photocopy)

  8    Hilary Spurling, New Statesman, 16 Dec. (photocopy)

  9    Angela Carter, New Society, 22/29 Dec. (photocopy)

 10    John Fuller, Encounter, Jan. 1978 (newspaper cutting)

 11    Leslie Sellers, Sunday Times Magazine, 5 Mar. 1978 (photocopy)

 12    Denis Hatfield, South African Broadcasting Corporation, ‘Talking of Books’, broadcast 6 Apr. 2 leaves (photocopy of transcript)

 13    The Times Diary, 14 Apr. (photocopy)

 14    The Bookseller, 22 Apr. – announcement of 1977 Glenfiddich Special Award, with photograph (photocopy)

 15    Nicholas A. Basbanes, The Evening Gazette, Worcester, [Mass.], 3 May (photocopy)

 16    ‘A.M.’, West Africa, 12 June (photocopy)

 17    Anon., The Journal of the International Food and Wine Society, Aug. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 18    Ray Abrahams/Judith Ennew, Cambridge Anthropology, Aug. (photocopy)

 19    Stella M. Bates, Housecraft, Aug./Sept. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 20    Mario Materassi, Librioggi[?], nd (photocopy)

1976–92: Finance, royalties, proposed reprint

 21    Memorandum of Agreement between RAI and RKP, 14 Apr. 1976. 4 pages (printed)

 22    Pearl Robbins, RKP, to JB, 2 Dec. – encloses cheque; thanks him for help with event; encloses photograph sheets (tp.)

 23    Clare Alexander, RKP, to JB, 14 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 6 Dec. [not held]; apologises that he had not been told that ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ had been sold to Universe Books in America; discusses numbers of copies; discusses finance (tp.)

 24    JB to Mr Louis Barron, Universe Books, New York, 20 Dec. – RAI has an interest in marketing ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ effectively in America since they receive all royalties; refers to RKP launch party; as MD presently at Russell Sage Foundation in New York she might help market the book discreetly; William Shack at Berkeley might also help (tpc.)

 25    JB to Clare Alexander, RKP, 13 Jan. 1978 – has seen a conversion error in her letter of 14 Dec. 1977; asks for clarification (tpc.)

 26    Clare Alexander, RKP, to JB, 20 Jan. 1978 – apologises for error (tp.)

 27    RKP statements of sales and royalties, 31 Mar. for Notes & Queries on Anthropology and ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’. 2 leaves (photocopies)

 28    JB to RKP, 25 July – error in royalty statement; encloses cheque to rectify (tpc.)

 29    J.M.G. Allen, Royalty Manager, RKP, to RAI, 31 Mar. 1979 – encloses statement of sales and royalties (tpc. with autogr. notes added)

 30    RKP statements of sales and royalties, 31 Mar. for Notes & Queries on Anthropology and ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’. 3 leaves (printed)

 31    J.M.G. Allen to JB, 2 Nov. – discusses royalties due; refers to invoice to RAI, attached; future invoices will not be charged to royalty account (tp. with autogr. notes by JB)

 .1    Invoice referred to in A77/2/2/31 (printed with autogr. notes)

 32    Norman Franklin, RKP, to JB, 6 Aug. 1980 – ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ put into National Book Sale; not remaindered (tp.)

 33    JB to Norman Franklin, 18 Aug. – thanks him for looking into the matter; the word ‘remainder’ on royalty statement ‘distressing’; expresses his view that RKP royalty statements confusing (tpc.)

 34    Ibid. to J.M.G. Allen, 26 Aug. – thanks him for cheque; queries how figure was arrived at; reminds him that invoices would not be charged to royalty account (tpc.)

 35    RKP to RAI, 31 Mar. 1981 – enclosing statement of sales and royalties (tp. with autogr. notes)

 .1    Statement referred to in A77/2/2/35. 3 leaves (printed)

 36    RAI to RKP, 21 July – VAT invoice (photocopy with autogr. notes)

 37    J.M.G. Allen to RAI, 28 July – adjustment to royalty payment (tp.)

 38    JB to Sales Dept., RKP, 10 June 1982 – asks for five copies of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ (tpc.)

 39    Ibid. to General Manager, Berger Levrault, Paris, 9 July – understands they have French translation rights for ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’; RAI would be happy to help publicise the book in due course (tpc.)

 40    Norman Franklin, RKP, to Marta Ribalta, Tusquets Edotores, Barcelona, 11 Mar. 1983 – refers her to International Editors Co., Barcelona, as they have translation rights for ‘La Cuisine des Etnologues’ (tpc.)

 41    JB to John Naylor, RKP, 26 June 1987 – asks that copyright of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ now reverts to RAI as it has been out of print for some years (tpc. with autogr. notes)

 42    Ibid. to Peter Hopkins, KPI Ltd., 9 Dec. – refers to reverting of rights of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ to RAI; both he and JK think a simple reprint inappropriate; much scope for revised edition; JK should not be expected to prepare this without a fee; suggests he communicate with JK directly as she has some ideas (photocopy)

 43    JK, CUP, to JB, 23 Mar. 1990 – encloses cutting from ‘Anthropology Newsletter’ seeking recipes for possible American Anthropological Association publication the ‘Anthropology Cookbook’; asks him to write to point out that title almost identical to ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ (tp.)

 .1    Newspaper cutting referred to in A77/2/2/43

 44    JB to Dave Givens, American Anthropological Association, 27 Mar. – has seen announcement in ‘Anthropology Newsletter’; informs him of publication in 1977 of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’; points out that titles very similar; suggests he might consider changing his title (tpc.) [wrongly dated 1989]

 45    JK to JB, 6 July – encloses report on Jocelyne Dakhlia, ‘L’Oubli de la cité’ by Lawrence Rosen; sorry that it’s negative and she shall not want to translate it; asks if he has further thoughts on ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’; production team at CUP think it would be easy to photocopy it; copyright in name of RAI (tp.)

 .1    Report on Jocelyne Dakhlia, ‘L’Oubli de la Cité’ referred to in A77/2/2/45. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 46    JB to JK, 9 July – refers to Rosen report; sums up communications with: RKP over rights; American Anthropological Association; Peter Hopkins at KPI concerning revised edition; asks JK to confirm if she wishes a simple reprint (tp. sent by fax)

 47    Linda Fordham, Secretary, CUP to JB, 9 July – thanks him for letter of same date; JK away (tp.)

 48    JB to Richard Unwin, Unwin Bros. Ltd., 26 July – asks for quotation for reprint of ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’ (tp. with autogr. notes)

 49    Richard Unwin, Unwin Brothers, Woking, to JB, 3 Aug. – quotation for reprint. 2 leaves (tp.)

 50    Chameleon Press to RAI, 6 Aug. – quotation for reprint (printed)

 51    Ian Hilder, Page Bros, to JB, 31 Aug. – encloses estimate (tp.)

 .1    Estimate referred to in A77/2/2/51. 2 leaves (tp.)

 52    JB to JK, 11 Sept. – informs her of the best quote for reprinting; will have to get Treasurer’s approval; would pay her a fee for a Preface; discusses: numbers of copies; option of a designed cover; price of new edition; dates for publication; distributing leaflets at the American Anthropological Association; quotes from reviews. 2 leaves (tp.)

 53    Ibid. to Niel Sebag-Montefiore, [Hon. Treasurer, RAI], 11 Sept. – refers to reprinting ‘Anthropologists’ Cookbook’; mentions American Anthropological Association’s proposed publication; encloses copy of his letter to JK [52]; mentions costings; if he agrees all that is needed is to ask Finance Committee (tp. memo)

 54    JK to JB, nd – is copying another letter to him; delighted to receive his fax [presumably 52]; is working on new preface which should be ready soon; asks for some changes; it would be nice to have it at the American Anthropological Association if possible; discusses cover; asks if she could have 100 copies in lieu of fee; almost thinks 1000 copies is cautious (autogr.)

 55    JB to Contracts Director, RKP, 20 Sept. – refers to his letter of 26 June 1987 to John Naylor concerning copyright; the letter in reply is missing; asks for another copy or another letter; apologises for the trouble (tp.)

 56    Ibid. to JK, 2 Oct. – thanks her for handwritten letter; not sure whether other letter she referred to is missing; discusses the change she wanted in text; agrees that she could have copies in lieu of fee; thinks anything over 1000 copies could be too optimistic (tp

 57    JK to JB, 6 Jan. 1991 – encloses draft preface for second printing (autogr. postcard)

 .1    Draft preface referred to in 57. 2 leaves (tp.)

 58    JB to JK, 18 Jan. – thanks her for draft preface; will present the proposal for reprint to Council on 1 Feb. (tpc.)

 59    Ibid., 9 Apr. – apologises for delay; letter was written but not printed; some Council members wished him to look into financing of a reprint further; intends to investigate; still thinks there is reasonable chance that the book will be reprinted; asks that she let him know if she knows of any other firm that might be interested (tpc.)

 60    JK to JB, 12 Apr. – thanks him for his note; asks that the rights could be returned to her should the RAI decide against a reprint (autogr. postcard)

 61    JB to JK, 14 May – Council has decided against the reprint on financial grounds; happy for rights to return to her; however RAI proposes conditions concerning royalties and reverting of rights to RAI within five years should she not reprint (tpc.)

 62    JK to JB, 11 May 1992 – thanks him for letter about Hilda [Kuper]; asks whether he will return rights (autogr. postcard)

 63    JB to JK, 18 May – thanks her for note; encloses copy of letter of 14 May 1991 [A77/2/2/61] as it seems to have miscarried (tpc.)