RAI. Council (A10)

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Minutes. 1871 in progress.

1/    31 Jan. 1871-27 June 1882 including Special Council minutes

Inserts 1-4 (tipped in)

1    Letter, 1 Mar. 1877, from John Evans, President to Mr Vann, Royal Society of Literature on rent due and renewal of tenancy (holograph), f. 268; see Minutes, 13 Mar. 1877

2    ‘Duties of Assistant Secretary’ (printed), f. 338; see Minutes, 30 July 1879

3    List of Officers and Council members for 1881 (printed), f. 383

4    Ibid. for 1882 (printed), f. 417

2/    31 Oct. 1882-24 Apr. 1900 including Special General meeting, 10 Feb. 1898 on the articles of association (ff. 331-2)

Minutes of the following Committees are included:

1    By Laws, 3 Mar. 1899-27 Feb. 1900, ff. 385-6, 409, 412, 427

2    Editorial, 3 Mar. 1898 – 3 Apr. 1900, ff. 336-7, 343-4, 347, 353-4, 357-9, 362-3, 369, 374-5, 382-3, 390-1, 393-4, 399, 403-5, 410, 415, 418-19, 426-7, 433

3    Executive, 17 Apr. 1900, f. 434

4    Folklore, 22 Nov. 1898, f. 363

5    Lecture, 6 May 1898-19 Mar. 1900, ff. 347-8, 376, 384, 416, 422, 430

6    Library, 24 Mar. 1898-30 Jan. 1900, ff. 340, 346, 351, 359-60, 366, 371-2, 375-6, 383-4, 391, 400, 406-7, 409, 413, 421-2

Previously the reports of the British Association, Explorations, Lecture, and Library Committees, the Ethnological Bureau and Royal titles were minuted by Council.

7    Inserts 1-2 (tipped-in)

1    Library Committee report on the sale of the publications of the Ethnological Society and the Anthropological Society (mimeo.), f. 237; see Minutes, 26 Apr. 1892

2    Library Committee minutes, 23 Nov. 1896, on the formation of a loan collection of anthropological photographs, negatives, and lantern slides (holograph), f. 310

8    Printed lists of Officers and Council, and lists of papers to be read are omitted.

3/    15 May 1900-9 May 1922 including Special Council minutes

Minutes of the following Committees are included:

1    Editorial, 1 May 1900, f. 3

2    Executive, 3 May-19 June 1900, ff. 4-5, 8, 11-12, 15; see A11:1 for Executive Committee minutes 17 Apr. 1900-28 May 1912

3    Inserts 1-26 (tipped-in unless stated otherwise)

1    Petition addressed to the Government of South Australia requesting a year’s leave of absence for F.J. Gillen and Prof. Baldwin Spencer to continue their investigations into the Aborigines of Central Australia (2 copies), f. 9; see Council minute 3, 12 June 1900, f. 10

2    The Memorial of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Folklore Society to the Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, MP, Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies on the desirability of appointing a Commission to inquire into the conditions of the indigenous people of the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony and their relations with the European settlers, f. 9; see Council minute 4, 12 June 1900, f. 10

3    Memorandum of Treasurer respecting the proposed valuation of assets and liabilities, f. 24; see Council minutes f. 14, 10 July 1900; f. 23, 11 Dec. 1900

4    Balloting list, 29 Jan. 1901, f. 26

5    Alterations of bylaws, f. 34; see Council minute, f. 34, 14 May 1901

6    Man, Summary of accounts, 1901 (holograph), f. 48; see Council minute f. 47, 21 Jan. 1902

7    Report to the Council of Advisory Committee appointed Feb. 10th 1903 … to enquire into the circumstances which have led to Mr Myres tendering his resignation of the Secretaryship, ff. 77-8 (in box); see Council minute 5, 5 May 1903, f. 78

8    Letter from John L. Myres to Henry Balfour, President, 4 May 1903 on the Advisory Committee’s report (holograph), f. 77; see Council minutes 5, 5 May 1903; 2, 19 May 1903, ff. 78-9

9    Memorial on the ruins of Rhodesia (draft), f. 128; see Council minute f. 127, 9 Jan. 1906 (copy also in box)

10    Visiting card of Hudson & Kearns Ltd’s representative, manufacturing stationers, art & color (sic) printers, ff. 127-8 (in box)

11    Memorial drawn up by the Executive Committee on the subject of the proposed Anthropological Bureau for submission to the Right Hon. Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister; annexed to Council minutes of 5 May 1908 (f. 178) with amendments in red. 6 leaves (mimeo.) ff. 177-8 (in box)

12    Letter from the Colonial Office, Apr. 1910 to the RAI mentioning Northcote W. Thomas’s completion of the survey in the Central Provinces of Southern Nigeria and requesting their assistance in assessing its value, f. 222 (copy also in box); see Council minute, 26 Apr. 1910, f. 222

13    Agenda for Council meeting, 10 May (3 copies; 2 annotated), ff. 223-4 (in box)

14    Agenda for Special meeting, 26 July 1910 ‘to consider the possibility of inviting the Congress of Americanists to meet in London in 1912.’ (2 copies; both annotated), ff. 231-2 (in box); see Council minutes, 26 July 1910, f. 231

15    XVIII International Congress of Americanists, London, May 1912 – letter, 27 Apr. 1914, from Miss A.C. Breton, Hon. Assistant Secretary & Treasurer to R.W. Williamson, Hon. Treasurer, RAI, on expenses and enclosing a short statement of accounts (holograph) f. 306; see Council minutes, 28 Apr. 1914, p. 305

16    Resolution passed by the Council of the RAI, 19 Nov. 1918, on control of antiquities and objects of art ‘in those Eastern countries which, as a result of the War have come under the influence of the Associated Powers … the opportunity offered by the Peace Conference should be seized to put an end to the systematic neglect … in countries under Turkish rule.’ f. 374 (copy also in box)

17    Letter from Naval Intelligence Dept., Admiralty, 26 Sep. 1919, to the RAI expressing thanks for services rendered to the Geographical Section (printed) f. 392

18    Letter from David Randall-MacIver, Curator, Egyptian Department, University Museum, Philadelphia, 1 Sep. 1908 – on ‘the pillaging of monuments and the rifling of ancient cemeteries in Egypt’ and appealing for representatives of museums to sign a memorial to the Egyptian government. 6 leaves (draft typescript carbon) inside lower cover (in box)

19    Ibid. – Wolverton House, Clifton, to T.A. Joyce, 12 Nov. 1908 – memorial not yet drawn up; wishes to be sure ‘of the sympathy and conditional assent of the principal museums’; requests RAI to pass ‘a resolution of sympathy with the project’ (holograph); see Council minutes 10 Nov. 1908, f. 182, ibid.

20    J.D. Crace, 15 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, 13 Feb. 1909 to Secretary, RAI – on the ‘proposed breaking up of the Indian Collection’, i.e. India Museum; requests the signature of the President and any important members on the supplementary memorial (holograph) ibid.; see Council minutes 9 and 23 Feb. 1909, ff. 190-1

21    John Beddoe, The Chantry, Bradford-on-Avon to RAI, 20 Mar. 1909 – encloses communication on Frizzi’s paper on the Tyrolese; hopes space will be found to publish it (holograph) ibid.; see Man, vol. 9 1909, no. 59 for Beddoe’s review of Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie des ‘Homo Alpinus Tirolensis’ by Ernst Frizzi

22    Resolutions on the affiliation of university anthropological societies (T.A. Joyce’s holograph), ibid.

23    Memorial to the First Lord of the Treasury with reference to the organisation of Oriental studies in London. 4 pp., ibid.

24    Report on Man costs for 1908 by T.A. Joyce, Hon. Secretary with J.L. Myres’ tables (holographs), ibid.

25    Imperial International Exhibition, London 1909, The ‘Great White City’, Shepherd’s Bush, W. – application for space. 6 pp. (2 copies) ibid.

26    Questions: 1, Physical distribution of the country and political organisation; 2, Civil law; 3, Criminal law; 4, Judicial organisation; 5, Miscellaneous. 5 pp. (2 copies) ibid.

27    R.W. Williamson, Hon. Treasurer to the Secretary, Treasury Chambers, 3 June 1915 – RAI seeking better accommodation and the purchase of leasehold property; for financial reasons necessary for other societies to join the scheme; proposes a limited liability company with a capital of £2000-£4000; asks if Treasury consent is required (tpc.); see Council minutes, 18 May 1915, f. 324

28    Treasury to R.W. Williamson, 8 June – the proposed issue is not in the public interest (printed, tp.)

29    R.W. Williamson to the Treasury, 9 June – astonished to receive letter; Council would not wish to go against the public interest; does not think the proposed scheme would affect the public interest; asks for reconsideration (tpc.)

30    Treasury to R.W. Williamson, 15 June – approval given for raising capital up to £2000 (printed, tp.)

31    R.W. Williamson to the Treasury, 17 June – approval valueless in view of restriction of £2000; asks for approval, as requested, of up to £4000 (tpc.)

32    Treasury to R.W. Williamson, 19 June – approval for up to £4000 given (tp.)

4    Indexed

4/    13 June 1922-25 May 1943 see A10:4, ff. 1-420, 868, and Index

Ff. 420-1 (CM 73/1) comprising the Minutes 1-5 of 5 Oct. 1943, have been copied on acid-free paper and are repeated in A10:5 q.v. Council minutes were not numbered until CM/71/2. f. 388.

1    Minutes of Special meetings are included: 15 July and 25 July 1924, ff. 34-5; 26 Aug. 1926, f. 73; 8 Mar. 1938, f. 323; 3 Oct. 1939, f. 355

2    Inserts 1-15 (tipped-in unless stated otherwise)

1    Proposed medals for field work in anthropology – regulations suggested by the Sub-Committee (typed), f. 24; see Minutes 11 Dec. 1923, f. 23

2    Resolution of the Council passed at the meeting on 28 June 1927 giving Miss Caton-Thompson authorisation to apply on behalf of the RAI to the Egyptian Department of Antiquities for permission to excavate in the Fayum. 2 leaves (typescript); in pocket; see Minutes 28 June 1927, ff. 90-1

3    Report on terms of agreement on the constitution of the International Congress of the Institut international d’Anthropologie (in French) (typescript carbon) f. 92; see Minutes 25 Oct. 1927, f. 92

4    Report of the (British) Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research on the plans for International Congress (typescript) f. 136; see Minutes 21 Jan. 1930, f. 136

5    Amendments of the Articles of Association (printed) f. 150; see Minutes 28 Oct. 1930, f. 149

6    Report of the (British) Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research, 26 May 1931 on the International Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology (typescript) f. 176; see Minutes 9 June 1931, f. 176

7    Report of the President (J.L. Myres) on the International Congress at Berne on 28 May 1931 ‘to discuss projects for [a new] international congress’ (mimeo.) ff. 176-7; see Minutes, 9 June 1931, ff. 176-7

8    Report and recommendations for an International Congress of Anthropology and Ethnology (mimeo.) ff. 180-1; see Minutes 7 July 1931, ff. 180-1

9    Resolution passed at the meeting of the Human Biology and Sociology Groups on 24 Apr. 1934 (mimeo.) f. 240; see Minutes 24 Apr. 1934, f. 240

10    Report by Prof. H.J. Fleure and Dr G.M. Morant with reference to the proposed Anthropometric Survey of Great Britain and copy of letter to The Times, 2 leaves (mimeo.) f. 252; see Minutes, 29 May and 20 Nov. 1934, ff. 244, 252

11    Loyal address to George V on the completion of 25 years of his reign and reply by the Home Office, 9 May 1935 (typescripts) f. 262; see Minutes 30 Apr. 1935, f. 262

12    Draft telegram to Queen Mary on the death of George V (holograph by H.S. Harrison) in pocket; see Minutes 4 Feb. 1936, f. 276

13    Telegram of thanks from the Private Secretary to Queen Mary, 25 Jan. 1936; in pocket

14    Loyal address to Edward VIII on the death of George V, Feb. 1936 and reply by the Home Office, 17 Mar. 1936 (typescript and printed), f. 280; see Minutes 25 Feb. 1936, f. 279

15    Loyal address to Edward VIII on his accession (printed) ff. 299-300; see Minutes 23 Feb. 1937, f. 299

16    Specimen of the RAI Common Seal (embossed) in pocket; see Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, f. 372

17    Temporary amendment of By-laws (mimeo.) f. 380; see Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, f. 379

18    A proposed revival of Committee activity: note by the Hon. Secretary, Appendix to CM/72/3; see Minutes 23 Mar. 1943, Minute 9, f. 414

3    Partially indexed

5/    5 Oct. 1943-6 Dec. 1949

Original minutes copied on acid-free paper covering CM/73/1-CM/79/3, ff. 420-588. Council minutes from 31 Jan. 1871-25 May 1943 were not numbered.

6/    10 Jan. 1950-3 Jan. 1957

Original minutes copied as above covering CM/79/4-CM/86/4, ff. 589-811

7/    7 Feb. 1957-4 June 1964

Original minutes copied as above covering CM/86/5-CM/93/6, [ff. 1-209]

8/    8 Oct. 1964-14 Dec. 1972

Original minutes as above covering CM/94/1-CM/101/8, [ff. 1-255]

Minutes and reports of the following Committees are included:

1    Extraordinary meeting of Council, 7 Nov. 1968, CM/93/2, ff. 107-16 attended by representatives from the Committee on the Future of the Institute other than those on Council; ff. 111-14: Report and recommendations of the Committee, July 1968; and f. 115: Report on 76-8 Charlotte Street

2    Preliminary report from the Sub-Committee for Ethnographic Films, 12 June 1969, ff. 140-2; see CM/98/7, Item 68(b), f. 136

3    Recommendations of the Committee on the Future of the Institute, 12 June 1969, ff. 143-4; see CM/98/7, Item 68(c), f. 136

4    Inserts (tipped-in)

1    Appendix B: The future of the Journal and Man by W.B. Fagg, Hon. Editor of Man. 5 pp. (holograph), 11 Mar. 1965, ff. 18-22; see [CM/94/4], Item 4, ff. 16-17

see Minutes, 1 Apr. 1965, f. 25 for Appendix A

2    Appendix B: Finances of the RAI, 14 May 1970, ff. 168-9; see CM/99/5, Item 34, f. 164

3    Appendix C: Draft proposal on the new subscription rates, ibid., ff. 170-1

4    Appendix D: Rivers Memorial Medal – amended rules, June 1970, ibid., f. 172; see CM/99/5, Item 40, f. 165

Inserts (attached to folios; now in box)

.1    Circular letter from Jeremy Pool, Sub-Committee on the Future of the Institute, on possible seminars, f. 114; see CM/98/2, f. 113

5    List of freehold properties, f. 181; see CM/100/1, Item 2

6    Proposed titles in RAI series, f. 181; see CM/100/1, Item 5b

7    Circular letter to members on the expiry of the Bedford Square lease, the acceptance of the Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum to house the Library, and long term plans, Jan. 1971, f. 190; see CM/100/3, Item 18b

8    Library Committee, 22 Oct. 1971 – report on the move by the Librarian, f. 209; see CM/100/8, Item 74

9    Ibid. – report on staffing and arrears of current work by the Librarian, f. 209; see CM/100/8, Item 74

10    Report of the Development Committee, June 1972, f. 238; see CM/101/5, Item 35

11    Ibid. – Appendix 1: summary of forecast ongoing annual revenue & expenditure; Appendix 2: forecast of financial consequences of possible future, f. 239; see CM/101/5, Item 35

12    Thomas Frankland’s resignation on behalf of his firm, Charity Consultants to Auditor, Appendix, 18 Sep. 1972 (mimeo.), f. 243; see CM/101/6, Item 38b

13    Ibid. to Hon. Treasurer, Appendix 2 (mimeo.), f. 243; see CM/101/6, Item 38b

14    Invitation to a meeting at the House of Commons on 28 Nov. 1972 to raise Government support, f. 248; see CM/101/7, Item 49b

15    List of people invited to the House of Commons meeting (autogr. photocopy), f. 248; see CM/101/7, Item 49b

9/    8 Feb. 1973-25 Nov. 1976

The last minutes for 1972, 14 Dec., were numbered CM/101/8. With the first meeting of 1973, 8 Feb., the numbering was changed to CM/73/1. The numbering of the minutes from 1973-2002 (29 years) will, therefore, repeat the numbering 5 Oct. 1943-14 Dec. 1972, CM/73/1-CM/101/8.

Original minutes as above covering CM/73/1-CM/76/6, ff. 1-206. The following minutes are unsigned: CM/74/1-5, 31 Jan.-3 Oct. 1974, CM/75/1-4, 22 Jan.-22 Oct. 1975, CM/76/1-3, 15 Jan.-27 Mar. 1976.

Inserts (Items 1, 1-11; 2,23 in box; 3-22, 24 (bound-in):

1    Note from the Administrative Secretary enclosing the following documents for the meeting of 15 Mar. 1973:

1    Appointment of an Editor of Man, f. 6; see CM/73/2, Item 14

2    ‘£500,000 appeal to protect library’ by Philip Howard, The Times, 9 Feb. 1973 (copy) f. 7; see ibid., Item 15

3    Rivers Memorial Medal, amended rules, June 1970, f. 7; see ibid., Item 16

4    Conditions governing the Henry Myers Lecture, f. 8; see ibid., Item 17

5    Constitutional and establishment structure – Council paper submitted by the Director, No. 1/1973, 11 Mar. 1973, f. 14; see CM/73/4. Item 33

6    By-laws incorporating all amendments up to 5 Oct. 1961, f. 14; see ibid., Item 33

7    By-laws corrected version … 27 June 1963, f. 14; see ibid., Item 33

8    Memorandum and articles of association, f. 14; see ibid., Item 33

9    Memorandum of association, f. 14; see ibid., Item 33

10    Special resolution under the Companies Act, 1948, passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting, 7 June 1963, f. 14; see ibid., Item 33

11    Articles of association adopted by Special Resolution passed on 27 June 1963, f. 14; see ibid., Item 33

2    Confidential report to all members of Council on the resignation of the Director, Geoffrey Darling and other matters by the President, 4 July 1973 (previously circulated)

3    Report of the Ethnographic Film Committee to Council, 28 Feb. 1974, ff. 52-3; see CM/74/2

4    Rivers Memorial Medal amended rules, July 1970 and list of medalists, ff. 54-5; see ibid.

5    Draft paper on pensions from the Hon. Treasurer, 23 Apr. 1975, ff. 92-3; see CM/75/2, Item 16, f. 88

6    Memorandum on Anthropology in Industry by the Director, 23 Apr. 1975, ff. 96-7; see ibid., Item 21b, f. 91

7    Anthropology in Education by Richard L. Thorn, 23 Apr. 1975, ff. 98-9; see ibid., Item 18a

8    On the retirement of Edmund R. Leach as President by the Hon. Treasurer, 9 June 1975; see f. 103

9    Teaching Resources Project – report to Council by Richard L. Thorn, 6 June, f. 104; see CM/75/3, Item 25

10    By-laws … adopted … on 15th day of Jan. 1976, f. 122; see CM/76/1, Item 5

11    Library negotiations by the Director, 8 Dec. 1975, f. 123; see ibid., Item 2

12    Proposed amendments to by-laws drafted by Jansons, the RAI’s solicitors, ff. 124-5; see ibid., Item 5

13    Committees appointed by Council under Article 47, 17 Mar. 1976, f. 133; see CM/76/2, Item 22

14    Report to Council by the Director on the ‘Rights and obligations of Fellows as at 18 Mar. 1976’, f. 134; see ibid., Item 22

15    Memorandum from the Director on the Royal Asiatic Society premises, 11 Feb. 1976, ff. 135-8; see ibid., Item 19

16    Notes of meeting at BM, 2 Mar. 1976 (autogr. amendments), ff. 139-41; see ibid. Item 20

17    Honorary Fellowships, proposed: N.J. van Warmelo, Ian Hall, ff. 144-5; see ibid., Item 23e

18    Letter to all Fellows from the President, Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, 2 June 1976 on the transfer of the Library by deed of gift to the British Museum, ff. 158-60; see CM/76/3, Item 32

19    Deed of gift – draft with corrections for Council on 27 May, ff. 161-9 (with autogr. amendments by the Director); see ibid., Item 32

20    Revised deed of gift, ff. 177-82; see CM/76/4, Item 43

21    Letter from Prof. E.L. Peters and colleagues, Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, 14 June 1976 expressing concern at the transfer of the Library and proposals for deposit from the University Librarian, Manchester (copies), ff. 183-7; see ibid., Item 43

22    Subscriptions – notes for discussion from the Treasurer and Director, ff. 189-189a; see ibid., Item 46

23    Deed of gift and Supplemental agreement, signed 26 Sep. 1976 with covering letter from the Secretary, British Museum, 27 Sep. 1976 (copies); see CM/76/5, Item 53

24    Honorary Fellowship proposed: Dr Y. Bromley, f. 205; see CM/76/6, Item 81

10/    17 Feb. 1977-19 Nov. 1980

Original minutes as above covering CM/77/1-CM/80/5, ff. 1-220. The following minutes are unsigned: CM/79/5, 19 Sep. 1979

Inserts (bound-in)

1    Rivers Memorial Medal amended rules, July 1970, ff. 8-9; see CM/77/1, Item 13

2    Wellcome Medal, draft rules, ff. 14-15; see ibid., Item 9b(ii)

3    Physical anthropology: a note to Council from the Director, 10 May 1977, f. 18; see CM/77/2, Item 6f

4    Memorandum on the Jubilee Garden Party, 17 June 1977 from the Director, ff. 23-4; see ibid., Item 3

5    Report to Council on proposal for formation of a North American Committee, 1 Jan. 1978, ff. 43-4; see CM/78/1, Item 5

6    Copy of letter from the President to the Prince of Wales’s Private Secretary on the extension of his patronage, 9 Mar. 1978, f. 52; see CM/78/2, Item 11

7    Appointment of North American Committee, 10 May 1978, ff. 59-61; see CM/78/3, Item 11

8    Proposal for the establishing of a RAI Consultancy Bureau – plan of organization, 10 May 1978, f. 62; see ibid., Item 13

9    Proposed new rules for the Arthur Maurice Hocart Memorial Prize, ff. 63-4; see ibid., Item [15]

10    Memorandum on the proposal for establishing an RAI Consultancy Bureau by Tim Ingold, ff. 71-2; see CM/78/4, Item 12

11    Memorandum to all members of Council and members of Development Anthropology Committee on the memorandum from Tim Ingold by Jonathan Benthall, Director, ff. 73-5; see ibid.

12    Memorandum on professional ethics by Jonathan Benthall and ‘Statement on Ethics’ adopted by the Council of the American Anthropological Association, ff. 76-80; see ibid.

13    British Consultants Bureau – code of practice, ff. 81-3; see ibid.

14    Progress report on proposal for RAI Anthropological Bureau Ltd, ff. 91-2; see CM/78/5, Item 18

15    Development Anthropology Committee – notes of an informal meeting, 11 Oct. 1978, DAC/78/2, on a consultancy bureau, f. 93; see ibid.

16    RAIN and Current Anthropology Newsletter – on a possible merger, 11 Oct. 1978, f. 94; see ibid., Item 19

17    A note on Junior Fellows and retired Fellows by Jonathan Benthall, Director, 18 Dec. 1978, ff. 102-3; see CM/78/6, Item 14

18    Memorandum on the Bureau proposal – on Prof. Scarlett Epstein’s inability to attend Council meetings, or to be active as Chairman of the Development Anthropology Committee during the next 4 months, f. 110; see CM/79/1, Item 8

19    Popularization and income-generating projects by Jonathan Benthall, Director, f. 111; see ibid., Item 9

20    Swanscombe Committee – on the RAI’s long association with the site, the application from Prof. R. Singer, University of Chicago to excavate the site, and the reconstitution of the Committee, ff. 112-13; see ibid., Item 13

21    Anthropological Index – on difficulties arising from the publication of Anthropological Literature by the Tozzer Library, Harvard University, 16 May 1979, ff. 123-30; see CM/79/3

22    Honorary Fellowship proposed: Prof. W.R. Bascom, f. 145; see CM/79/5, Item 7

23    Project for Atlas of Tribal Man (working title), Rainbird Publishing Group Ltd, f. 172; see CM/80/3, Item 17

24    Man’s finances in 1980 by Marilyn Strathern, Hon. Editor, ff. 180-1; see CM/80/4, Item 3iii

25    Memorandum on the Library signed by the Chairman of the Library Committee, Robin M. Price, Deputy Chairman and previous Chairmans, ff. 182-8; see CM/80/4, Item 4

26    Comment by Edmund Leach on the Library memorandum, 16 Sep. 1980, ff. 189-92; see ibid.

27    The Library – note from C.R. Moss, Hon. Treasurer, 17 Sep., f. 193; see ibid.

28    Letter from Roy G. Willis, 22 Sep., ff. 194-5; see ibid.

29    Comment by Jonathan Benthall, Director on the Library Committee memorandum, 18 Sep., f. 196; see ibid.

30    Correspondence with the Director, British Museum, July-Sep., ff. 197-8; see ibid.

31    Letters received from: Prof. Lucy Mair; Prof. Philip J.C. Dark; J.B. Donne; Joanna Overing Kaplan; J.O. Pines; Stephanie-Juliet Walker, ff. 200-10; see ibid.

32    Notes of a meeting at the British Museum, 6 Oct. 1980, f. 218; see CM/80/5, Item 7i

11/    28 Jan. 1981-

1    Agenda for 28 Jan. 1981; see CM/81/1, f. 1, marked ‘No agenda’ (tp.) [in Miscellanea box]

2    Jonathan Benthall to Mr D. Boston & Mr W. Fagg, 9 Jan. – cover note enclosing Agenda [10/11/1]; (tp. with autogr. notes) [in Miscellanea box]