Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents RAI. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE JRAI (A123)

Correspondence. 1937-51.

Though there is no record of the setting up of the Editorial Committee in Council minutes or the Report of Council, the first meeting appears to have been on 23 Feb. 1892 (see Editorial Committee attendance book, 23 Feb. 1892-1 May 1900, A13:3/3). Editorial Committee minutes, 3 Mar. 1898-1 May 1900 are recorded in Council minutes (see A10:2/2, ff. 336-7, 343-4, 347, 353-4, 357-9, 362-3, 369, 374-5, 382-3, 390-1, 393-4, 399, 403-5, 410, 415, 418-19, 426-7, 433, A10:3/1, f. 3). References to the JRAI are recorded in Council and Executive Committee minutes. See also Publications Committee minutes, 1961-72 (A77).


WBF    W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum (1969-74); RAI Hon. Secretary, 1939-56, Hon. Editor of Man, 1947-65

RWF    (Sir) Raymond W. Firth, FBA (1901-2002), Prof. of Anthropology, Univ. of London; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1936-9, President, 1953-5

HJF    Prof. H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969), Prof. of Geography, Univ. of Manchester; RAI President, 1945-7

EJL        Dr Ethel John Lindgren (d. 1988), Hon. Editor, 1938-47, RAI Vice President, 1947-50

JCT    Dr J.C. Trevor (1907-67), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge Univ.; RAI Hon. Editor, 1953-6, Council 1938-53 passim.

1/    1937

1    R.U. Sayce to H.J. Braunholtz, 11 Dec. 1937 – regrets unable to attend Council next Tues.; asks Council to accept his resignation as Editor, JRAI; gives reasons (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 7 Dec. 1937, f. 157; R.U. Sayce was Editor, 1936-8

2/    1938

1    EJL to RWF, Hon. Secretary, 5 Oct. 1938 – thanks him for his lunch invitation; wants to defer it unless he wishes to talk about events other than the JRAI; with the President’s agreement and she hopes with his permission hopes to present a memo on editing the JRAI which would be considered by the Officers; hopes to give as little trouble to the Officers as possible; only likely controversial subject her desire to the JRAI appearing promptly; gives schedules when papers are due (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 7 Dec. 1937, f. 157; EJL was Editor, 1938-47

2    Motion under the By-Laws and for consideration of Council that the control of JRAI be delegated to the Editorial Committee; signed Raglan, J.H. Driberg, T.T. Paterson; dated 17 Nov. (autogr.)

3    T.T. Paterson to RWF, 18 Nov. – encloses motion (/2 above); unable to attend meeting on Tues.; Lord Raglan and himself will attend the Dec. meeting (autogr.)

4    EJL to RWF, 18 Nov. – unaware that the motion would be sent direct to him (/2 above); warned sponsors that it was unlikely to be adopted as Officers against any change; she supports the scheme; gives reasons why the scheme would not be a great departure from the present arrangement (tp., with annotations by EJL)

5    Lord Raglan to RWF, 8 Dec. – aware that the motion would affect other By-Laws; suggests that if Council pressed the motion then other amendments ‘would follow as a matter of course’; duty of Officers and the solicitors to see that articles and By-Laws are watertight (tp., annotations)

6    EJL to RWF, 8 Dec. – thanks him for letting her know the gist of the Executive Committee’s comments after she had left (see Executive Committee minutes, 6 Dec. 1938); glad he has written to Lord Raglan; may take months before Council decide on any change in the By-Laws; discusses current situation of the By-Laws and the functions of the Executive Committee; will give her views to Council; not personally anxious for increased powers (tp.)

3/    1946

1    T.K. Penniman to WBF, 30 July 1946 – honoured by the suggestion from H.J. Braunholtz that he should be Editor; describes his difficulties; asks a number of questions about current JRAI (autogr.)

2    EJL to WBF, 2 Aug. – answers T.K. Penniman’s points; suggests he urge T.K. Penniman to let his name go forward among others; answers his questions about several people (autogr.)

3    JCT to HJF, 7 Aug. – thanks him for the suggestion that he should be Editor; a complete surprise; needs a few days to consider the invitation; outlines present workload; if he assumes further tasks would need secretarial assistance; would need to be replaced as Associate Editor for Physical Anthropology; names possible replacements; suggests that Cambridge University Press should undertake the printing of JRAI (tp.)

4    H.J. Braunholtz to WBF, 9 Aug. – refers to T.K. Penniman’s letter; makes a number of comments on it; makes suggestion for WBF’s reply to his letter; expresses doubts about T.K. Penniman’s current knowledge of RAI matters (autogr.)

5    WBF to HJF, 11 Aug. – despite his arrangement to have JCT’s reply typed to send him, it was not done; will send a copy tomorrow; thought JCT’s reply ‘most impressive and showed a profound grasp of the situation’; not shown by other possibles; agrees with his conditions; suggests JCT should be given a full explanation of T.K. Penniman’s position; encloses a draft reply to T.K. Penniman’s letter (autogr.)

6    HJF to WBF, 12 Aug. – thinks his letter to T.K. Penniman ‘well worded’; comments on JCT and other matters (autogr.)

7    WBF to T.K. Penniman, [13 Aug.] – glad to know he will let his name go forward for consideration among others; answers his questions; outlines duties of Editor (autogr.)

8    Ibid., 13 Aug. – copy of above. 3 leaves (tp.)

9    T.K. Penniman to WBF, 14 Aug. – refuses to let his name go forward; gives reasons (autogr.; with autogr. note by WBF)

10    HJF to WBF, 15 Aug. – encloses reply to JCT (not present) subject to his alteration; mentions possibility of funding secretarial assistance for JCT (autogr.)

11    WBF to JCT, 18 Aug. – forwards HJF’s letter; is delighted he may be the new Editor; mentions in confidence that the RAI had an obligation to T.K. Penniman but he refused; EJL has provided for secretarial assistance for one year; long hoped for Cambridge University Press as printers of the JRAI which he proposes; mentions advertisements (autogr. draft)

12    HJF to WBF, 20 Aug. – mentions his letter to T.K. Penniman; refers to Prof. J.L. Myres’ lecture, ‘Devastation’ and other matters (autogr.)

13    JCT to WBF, 25 Aug. – thanks him for his letter (/11 above); ‘perturbed’ by HJF’s mention of a short list; would not like ‘to do other worthy people in the eye’; would like to see him soon (autogr.)

14    Prof. J.H. Hutton to WBF, 5 Sep. – refers to Miss F. Stallman and the Burma scheme; JCT told him he would be Editor to the JRAI; mentions Mrs Danielli’s availability for the JRAI or Man; approves JCT’s editorship and the change of printer (autogr.)

15    Report of the Editorship Committee, [1946](autogr.); on the JRAI, its position since the war, its recommendations of JCT as Editor, and Man on the retirement of Sir John Myres

4/    1947

1    JCT to WBF, 20 Jan. 1947 – ‘ … great reluctance’ asks him to convey to Council that he cannot take on the JRAI; owing to his ill-health his doctor has ordered a complete rest; aware of the compliment paid to him but regrets he cannot abide by his decision to take it on (tp.); (see Council minutes, 28 Jan. 1947, Item 6, f. 493)

2    Ibid., 21 Jan. – personal letter on his decision not to proceed with the JRAI; encloses formal letter (/1 above) (autogr.)

3    Ibid., 25 Jan. – just had a reply from Miss Tildesley whom he had approached to take on as Associate Editor for Physical Anthropology; she agrees to the suggestion; RWF and Dr Glyn Daniel had agreed to continue as Associate Editors for social anthropology, archaeology and material culture; unable to attend Council meeting on Tues. (autogr.); see Council minutes, 28 Jan. 1947, Item 6, f. 493

4    Prof. J.H. Hutton to HJF, 7 Feb. – makes a suggestion for Editor (autogr.)

5    Prof. C. Daryll Forde to HJF, 12 May – note on availability of Dr M. Fortes; thinks he would ‘hold a fair balance’ (autogr.)

6    Ibid., ibid. (tp.)

7    Prof. J.H. Hutton to WBF, 14 May – on the Henry Myers Lecture, the Editor of the JRAI and the Im Thurn Lecture (tp., annotated by WBF)

8    Extracts from letter … to EJL on the system of paying bills for the British J. Psychology (tpc., annotated by EJL)

9    Prof. J.H. Hutton to WBF, 23 May – on Dr Fortes as an Editor; anxious to gain the support of Mrs Seligman; should have offered her the Presidency (tp.)

10    WBF to Dr Fortes, 25 May – he already knows that his name is under active consideration for Editor; Committee thinks he should know the amount of work involved; suggests a talk before Council meets; asks for his views on future policy for Man (autogr. draft); see Council minutes, 3 June 1947, Item 8, f. 506

11    Dr Fortes to WBF, 28 May – thanks him for his letter (/10 above); makes suggestion for meeting (tp.); Prof. M. Fortes was Editor, JRAI, 1947-53

5/    1951

1    JCT to WBF, 16 Apr. 1951 – comments on L.H. Wells’ article in Man, Mar. 1952, Item 52 and Mario Cappieri’s request; would like the Editorship of JRAI, notes his decision in 1947 not to go ahead; mentions again necessity of secretarial help and Cambridge University Press as printers; lengthy discussion on Notes for Contributors and a possible pamphlet on the subject. 3 leaves (tp.); see Council minutes, 8 Jan. 1953, Item 6a, f. 679 for JCT’s appointment; JCT was Editor, JRAI, 1953-6