RAI. Executive Committee (A11)

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Minutes. 17 Apr. 1900 – 31 May 1961.

The last Executive Committee meeting was held on 31 May 1961. It was superseded by the Library Committee, Publications Committee, and the Standing Committee (see Officers’ Meeting, 18 May 1961, A11/5, f. 79).

1/    17 Apr. 1900 – 28 May 1912

Minutes of 17 Apr. 1900 (variant version) are repeated in A10/2, f. 434. Minutes of the following Committees are recorded on the folios noted:

1    Americanist Congress (Sub-Committee of Council), 14 Apr., 20 July 1910, ff. 220, 228; 10 Apr., 28 Apr., 12 May and 21 July 1911, ff. 245, 247, 250, 255

2    Special Executive, 15 Mar. 1910, f. 217

3    Library Business, 17 Apr. 1900 passim following the ‘late Library Committee meeting’ (see f. 2)

4    Finance, Journal Business, and matters referred by Council are also minuted passim

5/    Inserts 1-24 (now in box unless stated otherwise)

1    Draft letter (carbon) to the Worshipful Company of Drapers appealing for funds for the establishment of an Imperial Bureau of Anthropology

2    List of candidates for post of Assistant Secretary, E.W. Martindell, MA was appointed (typescript and carbon)

3    Notes on minutes, nd (holograph)

4    List of expenses, nd (holograph)

5    Notes on sum for gold medal, probably Huxley Medal (see p. 23), and on a Codicil, nd, possibly Featherman’s (holograph)

6    Abstract of Featherman’s will. 2 leaves (holograph)

7    Contents of Featherman’s box (holograph)

8    Notes on Featherman’s will. 2 leaves (holograph)

9    Financial statements, 5 Apr., 24 May, 28 Oct., 8 Nov. 1910. 4 leaves (holographs)

10    Draft agenda for 10 Apr. 1910 (tp., and holograph)

11    Letter from Mary L. Breakell, The Little Salon, 36 Albemarle Street, 16 Mar. 1910 inquiring about renting rooms (holograph)

12    Little Salon syllabus for Oct. 1909 – Jan. 1910. 3 pp.

13    Little Salon catalogue of Spring 1910 exhibition. 8 pp.

14    Letter from The Times Classified Advertisement Dept., London, EC, 5 Nov. 1912 and price list (between ff. 90-1)

15    Draft memorial presented to the Rt Hon. the Marquis of Londonderry, KG, Lord President of the Council on the maintenance of the national physique and on the establishment of an Anthropometric Survey, a Register of Sickness, and an Advisory Committee, 29 Nov. 1904 (see Minutes, 29 Nov. 1904, f. 101) (tipped-in ff. 102-3)

16    Draft memorial presented to the Rt Hon. Sir Edward Grey, MP, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs on the establishment at the Institute of an Imperial Bureau of Anthropology, 28 Apr. 1908 (see Minutes, 28 Apr. 1908, f. 177) (tipped-in ff. 177-9)

17    Letter from Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 4 Feb. 1910 on exchange of publications (between ff. 214-15)

18    Financial statement, 1 Mar. 1910 (holograph) (ibid.)

19    Annexed Minutes of Americanist Congress Committee, 14 Apr. 1910 (f. 220) – draft letter proposing to invite the International Congress of Americanists to hold their 18th session in London in 1912 and appealing for financial assistance (tipped-in f. 221)

20    Letter from J. Gray, Hon. Treasurer to T.A. Joyce, Hon. Secretary, Clapham Park, SW, 6 June 1910 on his inability to attend the meeting on 7 June and requesting him to propose sending £8-£10 for the Anthropometric Bureau at the Japan British Exhibition; proposal agreed (see Minutes, 7 June, f. 225) (between ff. 224-5)

21    Brochure on the Instituts Solvay, Brussels

22    Brochure on the recently established Sociological office of the Instituts Solvay and covering letter (printed) (19—between ff. 226-7)

23    Agenda, 7 Dec. 1909 (annotated)

24    Financial statements, 7 Dec. 1909 and 21 June 1910 (holographs)

2/    22 Oct. 1912 – 10 Mar. 1931

1    Finance, Journal Business, and Library Business are minuted passim

2    Insert (tipped-in)

3    Partially indexed

3/    14 Apr. 1931 – 15 Dec. 1942

ff. 231-7 cover 24 Feb. and 21 Apr. 1942 (EM/71/4-5) and ff. 238-43 24 Nov. and 15 Dec. 1942 (EM/72/1-2). Executive Committee minutes from 17 Apr. 1900 – 16 Dec. 1941 were not numbered.

1    Finance, Journal Business, and Library Business are minuted passim

2/    Inserts 1-3 (tipped-in)

1    List of papers recommended for inclusion in the JRAI, vol. 64, Jan./June 1934 (holograph) (f. 80)

2    Proposed budget for 1941 (f. 222)

/3    Regulations as to the disposal of the capital and interest of the Coote Lake Superannuation Fund (f. 229)

4    Partially indexed

4    23 Feb. 1943 – 15 Nov. 1956

ff. 244-502. Original minutes copied on acid-free paper covering EM/72/3-EM/86/2

Financial and Library Business is minuted passim

Inserted: Finance Sub-Committee report, 24 Feb. 1955, f. 462a

5    20 Dec. 1956 – 31 May 1961

ff. 1-81. Original minutes copied as above covering ff. 1-78: EM/86/3-EM/90/8; and ff. 79-81: Officers’ Meetings, 18 May – 19 Sep. 1961.

Financial and Library Business is minuted passim