RAI. Finance (A38)

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Pass books for current and deposit accounts with Coutts & Co. 1920-41. 6 vols.

1    Deposit account, 2 June 1920 – 21 July 1938
Special deposit, 13 May 1927 – 31 Oct. 1929

  2    Capital fund account, 13 Apr. 1938 – 22 Sept. 1941

  3    General account, 13 July 1939 – 22 Sept. 1941

  4    Coote Lake Superannuation Fund, 7 May – 22 Sept. 1941

  5    Journal account, 8 Aug. – 22 Sept. 1941

  6    Rivers Memorial Fund, 7 May – 22 Sept. 1941

Correspondence with Coutts relating to deposit account 1919

  7    Coutts & Co. to R.W. Williamson, Honorary Treasurer, 22 Feb. – states that it is contrary to practice to allow interest on current accounts but that money can be transferred from current to deposit accounts, on which interest is allowed (tp.)

  8    [R.W. Williamson] to Coutts & Co., 24 Feb – gives reason for previous enquiry; asks several questions about transferring money to deposit accounts and about interest (autogr. pencil draft)

  9    Coutts & Co. to RAI, 25 Feb. – answers queries (tp.)

 10    Coutts & Co. to R.W. Williamson, 8 Mar. – gives information about interest on deposit account (tp.)

 11    Ibid., 11 Mar. – refers to transfer of £350 from current to deposit account (tp.)