RAI. Human Biology Research Committee (A23)

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Minutes, 8 Jan. 1932 – 24 Apr. 1934.

The Committee, convener Miss M.L. Tildesley, is one of several research committees set up by Council on 24 Nov. 1931; see Council Minutes, A10:4, f. 187 and Man, vol. 32, Jan. 1932, Item 18 (2/2 below). The Committee continued to organize meetings until 1935, when it lapsed. See also proposal by this Committee and the Sociology Committee to establish a small Committee to consider the importance of the race factor, Council Minutes, 24 Apr. 1934, A10:4, f. 240. The British Committee for the Standardization of the Techniques of Physical Anthropology was established in June 1937 and continued to meet until 1940; see ‘Report of Council July 1934 – June 1940’, JRAI, vol. 70, p. 95. It was reappointed during the July 1947 – June 1948 session; the last reference to it was in the ‘Report of Council July 1960 – June 1961’, p. 3, JRAI, vol. 91, 1961 (bound-in); see 2/12-13 below for further details.

  1    The meeting on 24 Apr. 1934 was a joint meeting with the Sociology meeting, f. 19

 2/    Inserts (pasted in)

  1    Report of Sub-Committee to consider research sections, f. i

  2    ‘Research Committees’, Man, vol. 32, Jan. 1932, Item 18, reprint, f. ii

  3    Resolutions passed by Council with reference to the Research Committees on 15 Mar. 1932, f. 6 (tpc.)

  4    Resolution passed by Council at its meeting on Tuesday, 26 Apr. 1932, f. 6 (tpc.)

  5    ‘Standardization of anthropological techniques’, Man, vol. 32, July 1932, Item 201, discussion of report on 27 May 1932, reprint, f. 9

  6    ‘Standardization of the technique of physical anthropology’ by G.M. Morant, M.L. Tildesley, and L.H. Dudley Buxton, Man, vol. 32, July 1932, Item 193, reprint, f. 10

  7    ‘Evidence of mans kinship with primates’, Man, vol. 33, Jan. 1933, Item 9 discussion opened by Dr Solly Zuckerman, f. 12

  8    ‘Early human remains in East Africa’, Man, vol. 33, Apr. 1933, Item 66 report of a Conference convened at Cambridge by the RAI, 18-19 Mar., f. 14

  9    ‘The status of the Kanam mandible and the Kanjera skulls’ by L.S.B. Leakey, Man, vol. 33, Dec. 1933, Item 210, report of meeting on 20 Oct. 1933 with Prof. G. Elliot Smith in the Chair, convened by Miss M.L. Tildesley, f. 16

 10    ‘The form of brain and skull, with special reference to endocranial indices and asymmetry’, Man, vol. 34, Mar. 1934, Item 55, report of discussion on 12 Jan. 1934, f. 18

 11    ‘A discussion on methods of description and analysis in the anthropometric study of European populations’ between Prof. H.J. Fleure and Dr G.M. Morant, Man, vol. 35, Feb. 1935, Item 27, f. 22

 12    British Committee for the Standardization of the Techniques of Physical Anthropology, 1937-8, constitution adopted by Council, Oct. 1937, ff. 23-4 (tp.); see Council Minutes on the appointment of the new Committee and its report, 15 June and 13 July 1937, A10:4, ff. 307-8; see also ‘The International Committee for Standardization of the Technique of Physical Anthropology’, Man, vol. 34, June 1934, Item 109

 13    Ibid., Secretary’s report for 1937-8 and views of the Committee on radiometer measurement of auricular height, ff. 25-6 (tp.)

 3/    Correspondence 1935 [in box with A24]

  1    Sir Grafton Elliot Smith to R.W. Firth, Honorary Secretary 1935-39, 19 Dec. – offers his resignation as Chairman of the Human Biology group for health reasons; suggests Le Gros Clark as an appropriate Chairman; states intention to suggest subjects and men for meetings; is arranging for Alvan T. Marston to give an account of the Swanscombe skull found in Kent; will send MS on the Lloyd’s skull by himself, Warren R. Dawson, Miss D.A.E. Garrod and Matthew Young; hopes to bring Mr Pei, discoverer of the Peking skull to the Institute 5 pages (autogr.)

  2    [R.W. Firth] to Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, 18 Dec. – expresses regret of President and Council at his resignation and gratitude for his services as Chairman (tpc.)